-r-c. if . y' I t j A, :.!, i ft. " f . n r tt 1 f r The Home Paper 7Ae JKea.J'er ii ii'ii-ii Today New Today Probably Showers VOL. XVin.No. 78 ' SECONDEDITION " KINSTON, N.O, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1916 FOUR PAGES TODAY PRICE TWO CENTS BIG ALLIED VICTORY- IN THE NEAR, FAST? ANOTHER GOOD DAY BUMS WEST PUTS MEXICO BACK INTO HER RIGHTFUL DR. POLLOCK QUITS DOVER GETS READY TO HOLD ITS FIRST in SERBS DRIVE BULGARS BACK MEDICAL DEPARTM'T TEN MILES; BRITISH AND . FRENCH HAS A HIGH TOTAL PATROL OF BORDER PLACE AS REPUBLIC OFlTIONAL GUARD " .' ' .' IS V DISTANCE m CHAUTAUQUA SOD 1 i Offensive Grows In Violence ' f-J-T)..!:.- tions Lost -Several Towns Taken By AlUes-7-Grc'ece irying 10 peciae uponiirropervjan ior rri5jv ter to Guide Nation Through Strife and UniOppos . ing Factions ,Bef ore Declaring Against Central Pow- " crs rrencnvarpue lurossesuigana anafums ah Koumania, uanng jrcat Bulgarians fRv'i.lin .J- ..L..i Viewy m Uie uamail oneilfe veuj ui m S - .Hiyt a s'weepihg-gaifl;-tt ia-aid olhaajly. The Serbs chased the "Bulgars ten miles, capturing Garmtchevo -by a brilliant bayonet charge. Serbian cavalry pursueaV the Bulgars; capturing the village ot Ukesu, ,wniie tne crit- ish captured MatchoukevOj as well as the two heights', to the northward. On the right ;bank of the Varder, the French Captured Bulgar trehchS tO a depth Of 8iX hun- vsifAa nn a' frnnt. rif a mile. . 1 - Battleplane's Accomplishment. "a Vnrsc-h hiiftftlanft hne .Vi!.- -1 : fia, flew clear across Bulgaria irom Greece, landing at , Bucharest ; it is omcially reported. -Greece Making Plans. , . ,; ' "".london, Sept. 15.-Fieid Marshal Von Mackensen,! in supreme command 'Of the Teutonic operations in the Bal- 7 Kans. nas arrived on the German-buiffar iront to direct the offensive there. Big bodies of troops are concentrate ed in trie vardar valley sav in Maefedohia have been hastily re-grouped to meet the ago, a wan street myestor has coi expected Allied offensive. The fighting is -growing more what i8 w to he th8 gmt violent 4dkilv alonsr the whole Allied left.' The Serbs have eyCT made in nh transac" driven the Bulgars from a number -of aommating' heights n New York ?" and captured a salient.vThe Bulgars 'southwest d!I)orioa 'i , , .TVgotiatidhs. at Athens; The government is seeking' : a . f f emlertb 'g'uide Greece through the Var and at the same ' tlm4 unite thfe'dpposihg factions in the country. ' ' ' Smashinff British Gain. '" ,1 . Lond6n. Sept..l5. The fensive this morning with a ouiuiiic, auvancmg two uiuusaiiu arua ou a wiuc xui, martial organized 8t oft Sam Hous from Boulaux;Wood,v-No'rthrwest.of,Comblesf to a point toi because , four negro officers, are North' of th Albert-BapaHime' highway. . General Haig ren-bera of the com-t, it was Un reports that thie fighting is: continuous.: Many ''prisoners nolfnced here, today.. Two captains -have bee'h taken Southwest of Thiepval. The British last a two first lieutenant of he Eighth night captured trenches on a front of one thousand yards; National uard, ,wsgro regiment, including a strong "underwork" position.' rt wii in the rofinel of the .4 oerbs Hotfooting After Bulgars. " : , , ' . Salonika, Sept. 15. The . Bulgarians are falling back on Floriria;-hotly pursued byl the Serbians who captured the principal heights around Malkanidje. L ;. ' , French Report Success. . T , " Paris, Sept. 15. The French last nightt captured series of trenches South of Rancourt in a snirited attack, advancing to the edge of the" village, two miles Southeast of Comble, it is officially said: ! All German counters North and South of the Somme were repulsed. 1 j FIVE SHOTS IN TARGET S : GUNNERS DIDNT SIGHT , ' Washington, Sept 14. A ' new world's long distance record io nav al gunnery has been made by the new super-dreadnaught Pennsylvania, the Navy Department announced tonight The big battleship's "12 fodVUen-inch rifles, mounted m four turrets, on a simultaneous broadside discharge, in recent ;rial registered .five "hits on a small target at a range of about 20,000 yards, or 11 statute mUes. At that .'distance the target was below the horizon and was not visible to fte Pennsylvania's gunners. PROfiaOlIEXKiAJJ v KILLED IN A ROT? (By the United Press) Mexico City, N Sept 15. Alfonso ntibanos, who assassinated Jesus Carrania, a nephew of General Car M and killed General Rafael Equ. y'. fcas en killed in a- quarrel at ZhMtIan, iy Aurelio Hernandez. - Von Mackcnsen Arrives to Vk " t'J . of ivcporicu ueuisuiuuuvu United Prftsxl j-Jrf.iUv V,t-ana. of four that bombarded S 7 " 1, " , , ' , Salonika dispatcnes. r orces - - . " , ' Z 1' : v :y .,''-v . ' I British resumed the great of- powerful blo,W North of the j -' . ; i 1 KINSION JLDGE SEYEREi , ON NEGRO HIGHWAYMEN " Rocky, Mount, Sept 14. Judge Ol iver Allen, holding court tin ' Edge C tnbe county this week, has let' Jt be known in most impressive terms that the practice of a band of negroes in holding up' and robbing planters who they have reason to think lave just sold their produce must stop. In Edgecombe court ytsterday Will Al len, sJias' ad "ye, and Sam Jones,' two negroes, who were sent vp from this city for holding up a planter's brotner in the stables of a local ware house and who robbed him of $3 un der a threat of braining him with bottle, were sent to the roads for uhree years at hard labor. ' f " GRAND OPERA IN THE ; OPEN AIR AT NEW FORK New York, Sept 15. Six dollar tjrand opera will be reduced to 2Se at two performances to be given in Oity College Stadium here today. For two bits the Metropolitan solo ists and orchestra may be heard. The performances are to' be benefits of ;he Civic Orchestral Society. TMnv'. trM heavy in Tiew f the fact that the I wealthier was not good. It is estim tho five warehouse floors. Two war or more. Prices showed a tendency to improve, and the clay's average was very good. ' 1 The week's sales will total close around two million pounds, although official figures are not yet available, $H I. r I'" 'mil ' !m BUILDING FALLS AND MANY NARROW ESCAPES Toledo, 0., 6ept. 13. More, than ") hundred persons narrowly missed death tonight when four-story brick buiIding on Summit theycity,8 main thoroughfare, collapsed with but little warning, and tumbled into the street crowded with, shoppers and theater-goera. , police three hours later, .after workmen had searched the debris, de- dared that no one was killed and none seriously tiurt. I i- t S i IfflNHRPn TtfniKANI. R v J I ItVllilIUU -. lllVUIUIilV V .t,- MfinK0N5litAIIDl-AL NEW YORK EXCHANGE . "- ', i (By the Undted Press) ew York, sent. 15.-From an ori- ginai investment of $1,500 in Gen. erai Motors a jittie more man a year NEGRO OFFICERS ON COURT TO tRY WHITE : SOLDIERS; PROTEST , San Antonio, Sept. 13. A protest from enlisted m'en Is to be filed with fv w., nfinWn,nt. .u ut trini 0f white soldiers jy the general court j:2 tmcers 01 tne court. BLACKLIST AND LIKE , MEASURES : SKOULDNTi WRRfMRICA, SAYS " "By1 JOHN H. HEArLEY, tUnitcd Pre Staff Correspondent) fRme; Sept l4.lTJritish . black lists and other economic and indus trial measures needn't - worry the American business man, 'said Clar ence W.: Moomaw, European investi gator if markets for the U.' S. De partment of Agriculture, here today. Moomaw'a investigation in Eng tend,' Prance, SwHzerland and Italy aits the" basis for his' statement' Lat er he -will vjsil'Russia, Scandinalvian countries ' and Spain, -v j .,' - V Moomaw one at many agents in Europe." ' Special ' Investigation ; is b6ihg' made into the exportation . of American grains, livestock and cot-ton.---' "'T V l X V :; '' ' The department probably will e la!b!ish 'permanent1 agencies 1 in the principal European cities after the war to see that American interests are protected and furthered. Plans are feeing made to overcome land's discriminatory freitrht ; rates In favor of herself and her Allies and to the disadvantage of enemy and neutral nation. ' It is. said thai new, because the grain must .be shipped in British bottoms, wheat bought at one "price, in (the United States ia sold to Britain and her Allies by British carriers at five times less ihan its sold to Switzerland and other neu tral countries. . , ! An attempt is being made to es tablish direct trade relations between the United States and Italy. As it Neutral Force and Recipro cal Crossing Privileges , , Is Proposed AMERICANS MAY AGREE IncJined to Regard Idea With FavorBliss Give's His Ideas to the Interna tional Commission at Ntw Haven . ' By CARL GROAT, (United Press Staff Correspondent) New London, Conn., Sept. 15. Protection of the (border wa thi. d ut by General Bliss, assistant chief of staff, and ' the Peace Com mission today. General Blise des eribed the practical military advan tages an disadvantages of the bor icr gi niv m.X the several suggested plans, assuming that : protection shou'd -accomplished by the few est pis; Jo men, i The Mexicans favored a neutral eon-ta ulary, sort of a mounted do- liie, wj'i broa powom. The Aimer- ans concurred somewhat in this idea . The Mexicans, in the belief that Villa is still alive, agreed that their side of the patrol Work ehould be framed "so as to keep Villa Ibottled . it is ibei'ievcd tits plan includes neutral jona scheme, -with alter nate patrolling tnd reciprocal, cross ing privileges. ' 7 ' DALLAS OPENS FIVE .' , . JllLI ION DOLLAR STATION Dallas, Texas, .""Sept , 15. Dallas' S5.OO0.OOO union passenger ; station was opened to the general public to day.. It is patterned after the big Kansas City terminal. : : : ;' : ; Twenty-three bales of cotton had been sold here today by 2 o'clock.' iligh prices marked tne day's buy ing. 1 wo bales were sold for S14.90. New York. futures quotations were: , Open . 2 p.. im. January , 15.68 15.71 March ....15.85 15.87 16.04 May .. .V ; I0.C1 October 15.44,- 15.47 December V. i . r . 15.C2 153 kt vi K?;-V OSTPONE OPENING EXERCISES SCHOOL Formal opening ' exercises which were to have been held- in the High School this morning were postponed. It was desired to have the trustees present, and it was impossible to get the whole board together. ' The pro gram will he held one day next week. the xaet time to be announced later. FOR SALE 138 acres of land, with 7-room -house and other (buildings, about one mile from Dawson station. T: Ward, Kinston ,R. F, D. 2. 9-15-3t " ' the establishment of American bank ing facilities. -The National OI ty Eftnk of New York already has taken tops in this direction in Milan and Genoa. - - t:" The Americans are the only people the Italians do not fear politically, to ' control the ItalianAmerican trade. ' - -' The secret of how America is to overcome ; these difficulties, at least in part is the investment of Ameri can capital in European countries and now is, Italy must buy for instance, all her cotton through Liverpool gents, thus permitting ' the British factor in Italy's commercial life. The Italians say it never will be so aga-.n. ' ' , - i Italy now really is a commercial rphan, inasmuch as many Italians fail to see any advantage in further indfbtc.:.';ess to the British. COTTON Carranza Decree Calling for Election of a Congress Will Be Issued Saturday. Body Will Meet on 15th of October -iv;1." (By the United Press) Mcxdtro City, Sept 15. The most important decree by Carranza dur ing his incumbency, providing for the election of members of the National Congress, paves the way for Mexico to -resume her place as a repuMic of the Western Hemisphere. The decree, calling for the elec- tion -of a constitutional congress to meet October 15, will be issued to morrow. - , 1 BLACK KILLED FOUR- ' YE1WLD BOY SAID Rich Square,1 Sept, -14. A horrible crime waa brought to light here to day when it was learned that George Moore, colored, had killed 4-year- old negro boy and also beat his wife. It seems that Moore was beating his wife ami her jittie 4-year-old brother Set op a yell; whereupon Moore struck the child over the head, crushing its ekull. The child did not die immedi ately, living several hours. , Moor has escaped capture so, far. It is sup posed Hhat he left on a freight train. HANG ELEPHANT THAT . MLLrJi HhK I KM I JErwin, Texas, Sept. 14 ''Mary," th'3 big elephant which Tuesday killed her, trainer 'at Kingsport Tenn., af ter a circus performance, was hanged here today in the presence of overr 1500 people. A derrick car of the Carolina, Clinchneld and Ohio Rail road was -used In Jhe execution. The animal was forced to the,; tracks by the aid of other elephants, and there -iivy chains tied around her neck mi she was " suspended in the air. Accsrding to her owners, she was val ued a't $20,000. ' The hanging, it is said, is the cul mination of many crimes, and as no quick poisons were at hand, the show men dedded on the hanging.".- ' IRS, HOWE .IS SINKING . RAPIDLY, IT IS STATED : : ;5-"wv -:;i :;;. c: - (By the United, Press) : New Londori,- Sept ? 15-Mrs.; An nie Howe, the President's sister, who is critically ill here,' is sinking rapid ly, says a bulletin from her physi cians. , ii trwuj GOVERNOR CRAIG HAS 4 HIS TONSILS REMOVED. . Asheville, Sept - 14. Governor Locke Craig,, who is spending , the summer at his new home here, . un derwent a slight operation today, having his tonsils removed. THIS SOUNDS LIKE t A WITH BELL EFFECTS ' V (By the United Press) ' 'London, Sept 15. Tipperary has given way to a new song on the -bat-tie front The theme, "The Bullets Always Get the Other Fellow.'' is sweeping the army. It goes: "The bells of hell go ting-a-ling-a-ling For you but not for me. . For me the angels sing-a-ling-a-ling; They've got the goods for me. O, Death, where is thy sting-a-ling- , a-ling , O, Grave, thy victory? The bel!s of hell go ting-a-lir.-a-iing For you but r.t fr me." CHINESE Resignation of Former Kin stonian Accepted by Prcs ident Capt. Manning Is Judge Advocate of Gen cral Court at Glenn (Special to The Free Press) Camp Glenn, N. 3.-, Sept 15. Part of the garrison is happy from the realisation of a sweet dream, the remainder is happy in anticipation of similar luck. ' The iFirst infantry was paid off yesterday. The chances are that the Second will be "mustered" during the next day or two and the Third -about Monday or Tuesday. RumoTS are still rife .regarding that liUJe 'business of leaving this place for worse-El Paso! Many of the soldiers are so well satisfied here that they dont ca-re a rap whether -they are ever moved or not -There are colored troops ati El Paso, and off in the surrounding wilderness, it is ireported, there are rattlers, centi pedes, tarantulas, scorpions and other vile ilyngs.' .Cut there are a lot of guys here who don't expect the bri gade to move until after Thanksgiv ing, and then to home -stations. How ever, the sending of the Tennesee skeleton brigade to the border coun try has aroused new hope in the ar dent of the go-som'ewhere faction . The resignation of Lieut. Ray Pol lock, Medical Corps, - has ; been ac cepted by the Pcesident. Dr. Pollock. who now resides in New Bern, is a Kiinstonian by rearing, a popular offi cer and an efficient surgeon. He will be missed here. Capt John H. Man ning, a Kinston officer commanding a company -of the Second, was judga advocate of the general courtmartial which sat here yesterday. Three men were' tried ,for various offenses. The court's findings have not been made public, . . MARSHALL FORMAL -Y I! PUCW Indianapolis, Ind., -Sept. 14. Vice- President Thomas R, Marshall was notified tonight -of his renomlnation for. Vice-President on the Democratic ticket and formally accepted the hon or.' The ceremonies were the third of the kind to be held iiV Indianapolis within the last few weeks. The oth er two notifications were for J, iF. Hanly, the Prohibition presidential candidate, and Charles W. Fair banks, Republican vice-presidential nominee. A large number of prominent Dem ocrats, including National Chairman Vance MoCormick, from all over the United States," were present at the notification. Informal political . con ferences were held by the leaders, and plans for the campaign werv dis cussed thoroughly. DIG PACIFIC STEAM' BURNS OFF OREGON COAST; NO ONE LOST Ntfarshfield, Ore., Sept ' 14. Th coastwise steamer Congress, afire in her hold and enveloped in hoge cloud. of smoke, anchored near the entrance to Coos Bay just before 6 o'clock to night ;! -' r '; 5'; - ' Ail the passengers of the Congress have been saved but the ship which was ablaze from stem to stern, will be a total loss, according to a mes sage received here tonight at the of ce of the Pacific Coa3t Steamship Co. : The Confess, which was built in 1913 at Camden, N. J., at a cost of f loO.OOO, is a steel steamer of 7.Ss5 tons, 421 feet longr and. 55 feet troaJ. NATION THURSDAY EVENING Will Be Quite an Event fof Hustling Craven County TownAll the Country side Interested and Dov erites Boosting , -(Special to The Free Press) .Dover," Sept 15. An attraction of magnitude, the Dover fhauUuqua, the first educational affair of the kind ever to be given in this thriving Craven county town, will begin Sat urday of next week and continue, un til the ' following Tuesday. Liberal subscriptions and a genera! demand for tickets already indicate large aU tendances at every entertainment. . ; Dover is In ecstacies over the pros poets for the success of its first Chau tauqua, the chief , topic of conversa tion is the great educatiotutl affair. while the cynwure of all eyes of the - town will , be the large tent tinder which tha entertainments are to. toe given. Village swell ; and 'college bells, who are just getting ready to collect their books preparatory o-re- : turning to school, are eager to driv benefits from the chautauqua. Rur- alites from far and near are hurry ing their work in order to be in, Do ver every day during the Series of enteirtainments. -The best and most influentiojl citizens of the communi ty are deeply interested and exceed ingly enthusiastic in their efforts to boost the affair. In fact' DoVerites have Just now become an aggrega- , tion ef , bobstof s, ',They .r$ not only boosdng better noads m and schools, ' better (municipal rule, hut are deter- . mined to get in better touch with the advantages other- towns are enjoying. The ; chautauqua , entertainmenta will be given by the 'Radcliffe Boos er Club. t The names, of three 'noted torturers, Dr. A. M.r"Hydet kAl dine Pound and Dr.. F. S. Tlnche, oppear on the program. The Alpine Yodlcrs, the type of entertaSneirs that helped to give William ' J.VBiyan nn boundsd notoriety 'vas a chautauqua orator1, will be preseht. v Dr William Radefjr noted educaitofi Orator and Jhuf morist, wdll give a series of lectures. ' Misses Stanford, LaDelL and- Thom of -the Columbia., Concert Company, ' will furnish musical -tfeaturswj well calculated to please the most critical audience. '; Miss Stanford is a talent ed violinist, . whose playing " has , charmed thousands In many sections of the country. 'Madame Gerl ttnd , Miss Louise Lobsnz will furnish feat- , u res of merit. - r- ' ' . IDurno, the mysterious man, will -be present Only Herrmann . tho Great and .' a few other magicians have attracted as much attention as ' -Durno has In the towns he has vis ited. .'Vrv -' The ingors possess vibrant ' and well trained voices. , The wonderful resiliency and sweetness with which some selections re sung reflect tho highest credit uporit the artists. ji : f With the "roads' in Craven" county being put in the best of condition 'and a large sale of tickets it is expected the tent will he crowded tip to its capacity. . - . vhV norwest is Y SETTLEp BY YAIiES 1 " -' V - ' ' ! r -Grand Forks. N. D.V Sept 35. The world discovered today why ,11 in- . ncsota and the Dakotas are 03tUod by Scandinavians. ft seems i that Paul Hjelm Hansen camo over ; ia 1869 and press-agerrtei the section so well through his horn's papers ' that his fellow countrymen started t t flock to it, and-have kept right on doing so ever since. 's ' 0. - P. :. B. Jaccbsen .Minne-ola railroad and warehouse ecror.! ;an- er and president of the LV '. V' t Publishing Company of Fergus I . " Minnn' announced at iha cpor.' tho twenty-first anmnl sess'o" Norweian-Dani h r-r?g A? here today 11 ; -1 a I .vr. t " t . be placed io '' memory cf I" in the y IV V. 1 f rooms i.i ft. I '.

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