LY PP The Home Paper 7Ae IrV Hi li iiiiLiLf ToAi News Todv Probably 'iower VOL. XVIII.-No. 78 FIRT EDITION KINSTON, N.Cf., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1916 FOUR PAGES TODAY PRICE TWO CENTS BIG AUIED VICTORY IN THE NEAR EAST; ANOTHER GOOD OA SUGGEST PUTS MEXICO BACf DR. POLLOCK QUITS 1 1 "7 MEXICANS DOVER GETS READY TO HOLD; ITS FIRST CHAUTAUQUA SODU Will Be Quite an Event for Hustling Craven County TownAll the Country side Interested and Dov erites Boosting PBS DRIVE BULGARS BACK DISTANCE FOR TOBACCO; WEE! CONSTABULARY H)R INTO HER RIGHTFUL MEDICAL DEPARBI'T TtN MILES; BRITISH AND FRENCH ,: GAIN HAS A HIGH iTOTAl PATROL OF BORDER PLACE AS REPUBLIC OF NATIONAL GUARD -1 ii ', - ' .-. '5 ".- Offensive, Grows In VioIence--Von Mackensen Arrives to 'Direct CmaA-BuIgar tions Lost Several Towns Taken By Allies-Greece i .. Trying to Decide Upon ter to Guide Nation Through Strife and Unite Oppos- ing Factions Before Declaring Against Central pow- era-French Warplane Crosses Bulgaria and Lands Roumania,' baring Feat ' " Bulgarians - - ". - R V- Paris. SphL liWFhe Allies have scored their greatest in in thV Ralkan nffftnRive,bv driving back the ene- mv fnr a Rwppninrr trains-it chased the Bulgars ten miles, capturing uarnitcnevo py ft hrilHant bavonet charge. Serbian cavalry pursued the Rnlaars. fflntiirintr the villasre of Okesu. while the tfntr ish captured Matchoukevo, thA nnrthwarfl. Un me rieni oaiiK. ox uie aiuci, iuc French CaDtUred Bulgar trenches to a depth Of Six hun-1 ' irar1 nn a front of a Battleplane's Accomplishment. . ;V '"-A French battleplane, one fia. flew clear across Bulgaria from Greece, landing at BUCnaresl,v H ia,UUKiauy icpuiucu. I Greece Making Plans. , . London, Sept. 15. Field Marshal Von Mackensen, in supreme command of the Teutonic operations in the Bal- " kans. has arrived on the German-Bulgar front to direct 'the offensive there. Big' bodies of troops are concentrate ed in the Vardar Valley, say Salonika dispatches. Forces in Macedonia have been hastily -re-grouped to meet the expected Allied offensive. The fighting is growing more violent daily along the whole Allied left Te erbs have driven the Bulgars from a number of dominating heights and caDturea a salient.: une have been defeated in the most important BritisKvctoL:r.n todate.r ; ; . : NEGRO OFFICERS ON Ureece's intervention is ; preinierj to. guide Greece through he war and at tle same , time junit tne opposing factions, m theountry. r Soiashinc British Gain. ' ' London, Sept. 15. The British resumed the great of ' .fensive this morning with a Somme,' advancing two thousano yaras pn a wiae iront martial organized at Fort Sam Hous from Boulaux Wood, Northwest of Combles, to a point i do V because ' four negro officers are North of the Albert-Bapaume highway. General Haig aebers of the court, it was an- -ennrts that the fiffhtinff i continuous. , ManV DrisbnerS s&unced here today. Two captains have been taken Southwest of ntcht: antlirerf trenCheS On a including a strong "underwork' position. Serbs Hotfooting After Bulgars. - Salonika. Sept. 15. The on Fiorina, hotlv mirsued by. . the principal heights around French Report Success. Paris. Sent 15. The" French. last night captured a series of trenches South of advancing to the edge of the village, two miles Southeast of Com'ble, it is officially said. v All German counters North and South of the Somme. were repulsed. FTYE SHOTS IN TARGET GUNNERS DIDNT SIGHT . Washington, : Sept. 14. A ' new world's long distance record- in nav al gunnery has been made by the new auper-dreadnaught Pennsylvania, the Navy Department announced tonight. The big battleship's 12 fourteen-inch rifles, mounted in four turrets,' on' a .simultaneous broadside discharge, in recent trial registered five hits on a snrall target at a' range of about 20,000 yards, or 11 statute miles. At that distance the target was below the horiaon-aitd was not visible to the Pennsylvania's gunners. "V FROrJSJT HEXICAir : KILLED CIA ROW (By the United Press) Werico City,. Sept 15. Alfonso Kantibanos, who Assassinated Jesus Carranza, a nephew of General Car nz tnd kined Oeneral Rafael Equ. Ia, has been killed in a quarrel at 2 Wan, by Aurelio Hernandez. DefeiIm(K,rtant 'Posi- .f. . . . -i ' Proper. Man for Prime - Reporied - DedistribdtioA -of . " "'t . UntiirnJ PhomI . . ' . I is said officially, ,.The berbs as well as the two heights to mile. ' - : ' . of four that bombarded So: uuigars soutnwesuoi uorion oemg - aeiayea Dy aipiomatic powerful blow; North of the Thiepval." The British lastf TrOnt of One thousand VardS. Bulgarians are falling back the Serbians who captured Malkanidje. Rancourt in a spirited attack, KINSTON JUDGE SEVERE ON NEGRO HIGHWAYMEN Rocky Moant, SepE 14. Judge Ol iver Alleniolding court -in- Edge- c mbe county thfs week, has let it be known in most impressive - terms that the practice of a band of negroes in holding up and robbing planters who they have Mason to think hare Just sold their produce must stop. In Edgecombe court ytsterday' Will Al len, alias Bad Eye, and Sam Jones, two negroes, who were sent p fron) this city for holding np a planter's brother in the stables of a local ware house and who robbed him of $5 tin ier a threat of braining him with a 'jottle, were sent to the roads for Aree ysars at hard labor. ' r ' GRAND OPERA IN THE . OPEN AIR AT NEW FORK t New York, Sept. 15. Six - dollar jrand opera will be reduced to.25c at two performances to be given in uty college tad;um here today. For two bite the Metropolitan solo ists and orchestra may be heard. The performances are to be benefits of the Civic Orchestral Society. I Today's tobacco breaks were quite I heavy in view f the fact that the "Vf- five warehouse floors; Two ware- I hMiOAa miimaJ flA AAA ." . .. ' . I "M Prices showed a tendency to N.r-i th day's averse was Th week's sales- win total eiose SSTSSSS. ' : L Dininivr nc iim uuiliiuiu ruxj Ann ' fllaNY NARROW ESCAPES M?0' Sept -- tha rr. BB.PT"1 rrffw y m'M? ..... rf, !t 4. main thoroughfare, collapsed with hut little warn inc. nn1 4.iimihlvl anfn the street crowded with shanner nA I theater-goers. ., . i roiico inree nours later, after workmen had searched the debris, de- clared that no one was kHled and none I . y HUNDRED THOUSAND IS MADE ON SMALL DEAL NEW YORK EXCHANGE (By the United Ymss) New York. Sept. ls-From an ri inaj investment of ioo in Gn- Nra'i Motors a vittie more than a year ?go, a wn street investor has coi- lecUiA What K id to be the largest mad in sinte transac: Z the . York Exchange- -vv . - f'rnimT jn TRV WHITF SOLDIERS; PROTEST San Antonio, Sept. 13. A protest from enlisted men is to be filed with the War Dennrtment. Hiruinat ti trial of white soldiers by the general, court 03-' Eighth allnai uard, a negro regiment, t'e included in the personnel of the I officers of the court. : I :3. iE 1 . -THEODORE ROBERT k la Laaky-Paresiou t Picture. , EXECUTORS. KOTICE. The lundersjgned having qualified as executors of the last iwill and tes tament of W. W. Lawrence, deceased, this ia 14 notify all persona having claims agaiast the estate of said de ceased to exhibit tbem to C P. An thony, Weldon. (N. C- w Mrs. Sarah V. RiddkkParmalee, Nt C, on or before the 15th day of August, 1917, or ink notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery- All persona in debted to said estate will please makf immediate., payment. : ' This the 11th day of August. 1918. ' MRS. SARAH V. RJDDICK, a P. ANTHONY, , Executors of the .ast will and teo tament of W. W. Lawrence, 8-16-law-6wks. Neutral Force and Recipro- cal Crossing Privileged Is Proposed ' AMERICANS MAY AGREE Inclmed ' to Regard t Idea With Favor Bliss - Gives His Ideas to the Interna tional Commission at Nt'WI Haven ;. By CARL GROAT, (United 1'rfnu Staff Correspondent) New London, Conn., Sept: 15. Protection of the border was thresh- M out y Goneral Bliss, assistant chief of staff, end ;. the Peace Com' mission today. General Bliss des- ftages and disadvantages of the bor) ciwev ine practical miivtary advan.- wges ami disadvantages of tiia bor- lcr gr a' and the several suggested Plan ' assuming : that protection shotTa i accomplished by the few est pos? Me mem ', i no Mexicans favored : a neutral confta' uitry, a sort of a mourtted po 'iie wi'i broad powers... The Aimer- leans concurred somewhat dn this - . ". mea . The Mexicans, in th ip!!o Wiat Villa is still alive, agreed that I 'heJr iyda of the; patrol work should be framed so as to keep Villa Ibo'ttled up. ; It is (believed the plan includes neutral zone scheme, with alter nate patrolling and reciprocal cross ing privileges,. DALLAS OPENS FIVE ' ' . MILLION DOLLAR STATION Dailas, Texas, SepX 15. Dallas' -o.vuu.uuu union , lfoenger station . as opened to the general public to- ay.- It is patterned after the big' Kansas City terminal. 6upt S. M. Brinson of the Cra- yen county schools, back from a visit JNew York State, declares he found sentiment in that part of the country greatly in favor of Wilson. Greenville expects the week's to bacco sales there to total efjout 2,- 000,000 pounds, . . GERALDINE'PARRAIC -ft la 11 Seoead L-Ay-Patawoiint . v , Jieturej:TBiUUea; - SOUTHERN RAILWAY. . Effective, Monday, September 11th, 1916. Southern Railway announces the present Winston-Salem-Beauort-Morehead City Pullman sleeping car will be shortened to Winston-Salem at 8:50 p. m. same as at present, and arrive Golds boro following morning, returning car will leave UoKtsboro 10:35 p. m arriving Winston-Salem following morning. ' Present Greensboro-Raleigh Pull man sleeping car line will continue to I operate."- For full details, reservations, etc., address, , -. J. O. JONES, Traveling Passenger Agent, .. ' Raleigh, N. C. The r " m SerTCs the f jl ." f Bli: 11 ; ys Iff' v , I'll srf; 4 Jf ' Carranza Decree Calling for Election of a Congress Will Be Issued Saturday Body Will Meet on 15th of October (By the UniUd Press) Mexico City, (Sept. 15. Th'9 most important decree by Carranza dur ing hia incumbency, providing for the election of members Vf the National Congress, paves the way for Mexico to resume her place as a (republic of the Western Hemisphere. V The decree, calling for the elec tion of a constitutional congress to meet October 1 5,with meet October 15, will be issued to morrow, i - BLACK KILLED FOUR- YEAR-OLD BOY SAID Eieh Squere, Sept. 14. A horrible crime was brought to light here to day when it 'Was learned that George Moore, colored, had . killed a 4-year- old negro boy and also beat his wife. It seems that Moore was beating his wife and her little 4-year-old brother set up a yell, whereupon Moore struck the child over the head, crushing its kull, ' The child did not die immedi- 'living several hours.' Moore has escaped capture so far. It is sup posed that be left on V freight train. HANG ELEPHANT THAT KILLED HER TRAINER Erwin, Texas, Sept" 14"Mary,w tba big elephant which Tuesday killed her trainer at Kingsport, Tenn., af ter a circus performance, was hanged here today in the presence of over 15Q0 people. 'A derrick;., car of .the Carolina, CHnchifield and Ohjo Rail road was used In the execution. The animal was forced to the tracks by the aid of other elephants and there heavy chains tied around hei neck and she' was -suspended in the air, According to her owners, she was val ued. atSO.000. . . ; ' ,The hanging, it Is said, is the cul mination of many , crimes, and as no quick poisons were at hand, the show men dedded on the hanging. MRS. HOWE IS SINKING RAPIDLY, IT IS STATED (By the United Press) ' New London, Sept.'. 15. Mrs. An nie Howe, the President's sister, who" l is critically ill here, is sinking rapid- fly, says a bulletin from her physi cians, ft ,rVTF GOVERNOR CRAIG HAS " " HIS TONSILS REMOVED. Asheville, ; s, Sept.,,,: 14. Governor Locke Craig, -who is spending the summer at his new . home here, un- i derwent a slight operatioa rtoday, i having his tonsils removed. Resignation of Former Kin stonian Accepted by Pres- ident Capt. Manning Is Judge Advocate of Gen- eral Court at Glenn . (Special to'The Free Press) . . f ' u ...-'' ' 'r '' Camp Glenn, N. Cv Sept, 15. Part of the garrison is happy from the realisation of a sweet dream, the remainder is happy in anticipation of similar luck. The iFirst infantry was paid off yesterday. The chances are that -ie Secona will be "mustered" during the next day or two and the Third about Monday or Tuesday. (Rumors are still rife regarding that little business of leaving y this place for worse El Paso! Many of the soldiers are so well satisfied here that they don't care rap whether they are ever moved or not There are colored troops at El Paso, and off in the surrounding wilderness, It is (reported, there are rattlers, centi pedes, tarantulas, scorpions and other vile things, v at there are a lot of guys here who don't expect the bri gade to move until after iThanksgiv- tng, and then to home stations How ever, the sending of the Tenneses skeleton brigade to the border coun try has aroused new hope in the ar dent of the go-som'swhere faction. The resignation of Lieut. Ray Pol lock, Medical, Corps, has been . ; ac cepted by the President. Dr. Pollock. who now resides in New' Bern, is a Ifiinstonian by rearing, a popular offi cer , and an efficient surgeon. . He will be missed here. Capt. John H. Man ning, a Kinston officer, commanding a company of the Second, was judge advocate of tne general courtmartial which sat here yesterday. Three men ware tried for various offenses. - The court's findings have not been made public' i . i s t iarsiiall mm Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 14 Vice- President Thomas Hi Marshall was notified tonight of his renomination for Vice-President on the Democratic ticket and formally accepted the hon- The ceremonies were the third of the kind to be held in Indianapolis within the las few weeks.', The oth er two notifications were for J. iF. Hanly,' the Pr6hlbition presidential candidate, and Charles . " W. Fair banks, Republican vice-presidential nominee. A large number of prominent Dem ocrats, including National Chairman Vance iMoCormick, from all over the United. States, were present at the notification. Informal . political con ferences were held by the leaders, and plans for the campaign weiv dis cussed thoroughly. , BIG PACIFIC STEAM'S BURNS50FF OREGfli COAST; KO ONE 10 Sf Marshfield, Ore., Sept." 14.4-The coastwise steamer Congress, afire in her hold and enveloped in huge cloud of smoke, anchored near the- entrance to Coos Bay just before t o'elock to night ' ' . :... All the passengets of the Congress have been saved but the ship, which was ablaze from stem to stern, will be a total loss, according to a mes sage received here tonight at the of ee of the Pacific Coast Steamship Co. The Con;rress, which was built in 1311 at Camden, N. J., at a eot tf ,1")S"1, is a steel cteanner cf 7.f;3 Ur-.i, 4-1 foet lor-j and C3 feet LroaX TOLD OF NOMINATION THURSDAY (Special to The Free Press) -Dover, Sept. 15. An attraction of magnitude, the Dover Chautauqua, the first : educational affair of the kind ever to be given in this thriving Craven county town, will begin Sat urday of next week and continue un til the following .Tuesday. liberal subscriptions and a general demand for tickets already indicate large at tendances at every entertainment. . Dover is in ecstacies over the pros- pects for the success of its first Chau tauqua, the chief topic of conversa tion is the great educatioAl -affair, while the cyawmre of all eyes of Che town will be. the large tent nndor which the entertainments are to be given. Village swells and college bells, who are just getting ready to collect their books preparatory to re turning to school, are eager tq ttei-jve benefits from he chautauqua. Rir alites from far and near are hurry ing their work in order to be in Do-, ver every day during the series of entertainments!. The best and most influential citizens t the community-are deeply-interested and exceed ingly enthusiastic in their efforts to , boost the affair. In , fact, Doverites : Have just now become, an 'aggrega tion of boosters. ,' They . ar not only boosting better' roads, and schools, better municipal rale, but are,, deter mined to get in better touch with the advantages other towns are enjoying. The .chautauqua , entertainments will be given by the Radcliffa Boost er Club. The names of three noted lecturers, Dr, A. M. Hyde, E- Al- dine Pound and Dr. IF, S.'Tincher, sppear on the program. The Alpine Yodlers, the type of entertainers that helped to give William J. Bryan n- boundid notoriety 1 as a -chautauqua orator," wiJl be present.' 'Dr. William Rsder, noted educator, orator 'and hu morist, will give a iserie of lectures. Misses Stanford, LaDell and Thorn of the Columbia Conoert Cosoipany, will furnish musical . features well aalculated to pleasQ the most critical sudifince. Miss Stanford is a talent ed i. violinist, s whose - playing has charmed thousands,' in many sections of the country. Madame Gerl ' and Miss Louise Lobanz will furnish feat ures of merit. iDurno', 1 the mysterious' man; will be present. Only . Herrmann the Great and a few .other magicians have attracted as much attention, as Durno das in the towns he has vis ited. r The singers possess vibrant snd well trained voices. " The wonderful resiliency and sweetness with which some selections are sung reflect tbo highest credit upoo. the artists. , With the roads in Craveif county being put in the best of condition and a large sale 'of tickets it is expected the tent will be crowded up to iN capacity. , .... , - .- ' WHY NORTHWEST 13 s i ETTtED BY YAIuZS Grand Forkj. N. tD., Sept. . la. rbs world discovered today why Min nesota and the Dakatas are eat led by Scandinavians It seems tliat Paul Hjelm Hansea come , over in 1869 and press-agente the section so well through hi' home papers that his fellow countrymen, started - to flock to it, and have kept right on doing so ever since. .. O. P. B. . Jacobsea ,JIinne railroad and warehouse evmis ' n er and president of the -LV ' ' ' t Publishing Company of Fergu3 T. ' i, Minn- announced at the oper,'" cf tho twenty-iirst annual session c' j Norwegian-Danish T. ss Aj-x.' here today that a l '-ora f ' ' t " t be placed to t';e r, : in the Jllnr.c IV. '.j:', I . rooms in St. Paul.