THE KINSTON FRtiE PRESS Friday Evening, September 15, 191 : PACE TWO THE DAILY FREE PRESS (United IreM Telegraphic Reports) EL Gait Braxton, Editor and Manager r .) if iim i hwwwwnmiii m i i mvmmmmmm, i w s mmm t uUIshed Every Day Except Sunday by the Kinston Fre Press Co.. Jn&. Kinston, N. C ' Subscription Bats Parable la Advance; . . m Waak ...I AO Three Months ....... Month ........... M Six Months ... ' - , " , On Year ,..,..,.$4.00 . 1.00 100 Far better lose a representative or so and become awake man fully capable, no doubt, of filling to the necessity of keeping the light at high pitch than to I the position he "undoubtedly owes his win the representaives and thereby lessen the apprecla-1 inunrpn xo me x rann cane tion of the strength of the opposition. The fight should be as vigorously waged as it is possible for it to be. The victory will be all the sweeter if the lead is long ?, ' . ' , ' Entered at the postofflce at Kiaston. North Carolina, as second-class matter under act of Congress, March 8, 1879. ; Communications, received and not published will sot be returned unless stamps to cover pontage accompany tame NEW YORK OFFICE 38 Park Row. Mr. Ralph R. Ifulligan. in sole charge of Eastern Department. Files of Free Press can be seen. WESTERN OFFICE In charge of Mr. C. J. Anderson Marquette Building, Chicago, where files of The Frev Press can be seen. , V Subscribers are requested to notify, by Telephone " 76, The Free Press ef any regularity of delivery or . Inattention wfaattoever on the pert of the carriers.' . After Six P. M, subscribers are requested to call West era Union and report failure' to Ret the paper. A cop; will be sent promptly, if complaint is made before Nin P. M .without cost to subscriber. FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 15, 1916 . We congratulate our esteemed contemporary, the Co lumbia State, on the "Blease-freeze." , ' , 1 e ; , ' ' : , Brltton continues to make fun of those "spineless" trolley poles making their appearaneo on the principal thoroughfares of the Capital City. Raleigh News and Observer! . "Scounts Will Meet. Troop No. i, Soy Scoutts of Raleigh, will meet, at fcighf o'clock tonight iProbably an indignation" meet in. ' " , . ' Those "huge airships" imported from WiTson a few nights ago turn out to foe nothing more than a few pape balloons 'eft Over from some email boy's last celebra tion stock. , , - . . 1 r s ' , t i - - ,. , V A negro convicted of highway robbery in a residen tial, suburb of Raleigh was sentenced to five years or the roads. A mighty light sentence for a desyerado who puts a gun in another's face and says: "Money or your life!" . ' ' " , "Good government" seems to be in the saddle in most places 'nowadays. The tendency in that direction is en- - It is to be regretted that she Zaimis cabinet, which ha:; successfully held Greece out of the maw of the tarreble continent-wide war for so long, has at last had to yield to the war advocates and resign. If Greece is to enter tho conflict the sooner : the better, we' believe. Some months ago we took the position that the sooner all the countries, -which would eventually be involved, got into the mixup, the sooner would the terrible carnage cease, The gradual introduction of new blood, just as the forcer already engaged become spent or wasted, is but to pro long the agony Indefinitely. t I THE ARMOR PLATE PLANT. The location of the $11,000,000 Government armor plant i is now being considered, and 125 or more cities, large and small, ere clamoring for the plum. , Among these arc several of our sister cities of North Carolina and our good neighbor across tfne border,1 Richmond, is putting in a strong bid. Irt fact Richmond has made a most sys tematic and well planned fight,, and its brief presents some very strong and forceful reasons for Its selection. s If any of the North Carolina bids stand a chance to be. considered seriously,. wwill undoubtedly give our sup- oort. because wo are sectSonally loyal. But we don' 'be-1 lieve there is a ghost of chance for any of them. Richmond secured one of the Federal Reserve Banks; so i did Atlanta. Rwhrmmd is fighting for additional honors i while wel believe Atlanta is giving its support to Bir mingham's claim. The Free Press believes that the question of the ac- eessibilitv of raw materials is one of the most, if in deed, it is not the most important phase to be considered. As a gen eral proposition this is an unfortun te condition, It would be deplorable specifically but for the fact that un questionably Dorsey is well qualified to foe Governs. He is an able, fear less man. -Whether or not foe would have been in the race for Governor but for the prominence given him by the Frank caae is questionable, but in fustice to Mr; Doraey ft should be borne in mind that while he prosecut ed Frank he did so only as a sworn officer "of the State of Georgia.' As Solicitor he, was called upon to con duct the prosecution. It was a duty he owed society and had promised to fulfill in his oath. Therefore, no blame attaches to him in this respect While he may have accepted, if "not used, the Frank case as a means, of helping him to be Governor, ns his connection with . it was known throughout Georgia, it would have in deed, beon hard if, 4y reason of having performed a duty, he was to bo de prived of running for office." , SURFACE FINALLY OUT AS PENNSYLVANIA ZOOLOGIST Harrisfeurg. Sept. 15. Having weathered four investigations of the affairs of his office, since he took it in 1903 and stuck tight, Dr. H. A. Surface, ' Pennsylvania's "State Economic Zoologist, ' gave up "the fight today and stepped out. Dr, Surface was succeeded by J. G. San ders, formerly head of the same bu Birmingham, with its coal fields, iron ore mines, blast I reau for the State of Wisconsin. Dr, furnaces, rolling mills, steel mills and every requisite of Surface was asked to resign by the the steel making Industry, ds entitled to the earnest con-1 Agricultural Commission. Governor . " ' I .... sideration of the committee, vested with the authority Brumbaugh declined to interfere and to locate the Dlant.J No other place on earth can boast the the beard made no explanatory state- possession of ail! the raw materials as van' Birmingham. Some years ago when a committee of prominent British iron-makers toured the world and inspected the industry from every angle, they reported that in the Birmingham district they found the only place on earth where one could stand in one spot and see the operation begun and completed, starinig. with the mining of the raw ore and the fluxing materials and proceeding step by step to the finished steel product. Birmingham, too, has deep wate 'connection in easy reach through the Warrior river route opened to ocean-going craft a year or two ago, iBirminirham is the lorfcal place for the plant. It is re. THE BETTER BABIES CONTEST TO BE BIG FEATURE FOR FAIR Medals and Certificates for " Prize-Winners Mothers ' jto Be Taught How to Care ; for YoungstersExpert Advice Corns Loosen Lift Right Off Bothing But "GETS-IT Will Do uui io voibs ana vauuses. ii tou v ever naa corns, you've tried lots of things to get rid of them salves that eat your to and leave the corn remaining', cotton rings that mao your corns ouige out lino pop- couraglng. . South Cairolina has put the stamp of its p-1 mote enough from the coast to make invasion dimcuir, ix proval upon that element, is somewhat uncertain. Whethor Georgia has or noti Ayden, we ' understand has organised a "Dachelbrs' Club." Better, by far, get busy and marry soma of tihs bachelors off and make good citizens 'out of them, than , to continue to make thoir present state passably endur able 'by affording club privileges. '-.'.(, s ' Tar Heels continue to occupy the front ranks. Nation al Committeeman McLean of Worth Carolina is the de signer of the official emblem button of the National Dem ocratic Committee. The badge is a picture of Woodrow Wilson encircled fcy the words "America First The Maine election results haye aroused the rank and file of Democracy throughout the country to bestir them selves that there be no, danger of being caught asleep at the switch. Campaign contributions are coming in more rapidly and more,"spolIbindrs" are feeing pressed into , service. There is always a danger of overconfidenco Jbringing disaster, and-if the Maine experience serves to avert all danger of 'Democracy "resting on its oars," well , it is that Maine wfent Republican in this week's election. not impossible. Its natural resources and their develop ment already ccomplihed put the South's Magic City" in an enviable position as a contender for this prize. . '1 'i .ii' M" WHAT OTHERS SAY HIGH PRICES. , Greensboro Record; ."Tobacco is selling at higher prices than common and cotton comes along with noth ing to be ashamed of in the matter of its worth. The South this year will have Abundant crops of both these staples to sell, and viewed from any standpoint we will j be prosperous .people for another year. When tobacco and cotton command good prices the South is in the sad dle. We didn't get any of the munition makers very fat South but we got' something better. Big crops in, staples used all over the world." m S- . , THE TRIUMPH OF DORSEY. Wilmington Dispatch: "At this hour it looks as if Hugh M. Dorsey, known outside of Georgia merely as the prosecutor of Leo M. 'Frank, will be the Democratic nominee of the Cracker State for Governor. While a You Cut Hide Corn Mkery. StopFeollnt ArmiM I u lit. 1 5-11" Tnibt and . ( See the Cora Vaniah. eyes, scissors and knives that make corns bleed and sore, harnesses and ' bamlairea that fill up your shoe, press on the, corn and make your foot feel ks a paving block. What's the use? hy not do what millions are doing-. ind aDDly "UET8- put your stocking: IT." It dries, you on rlfrht away, an lar noea. , Your the toe. it lifts rltrht oft. It's nln. leas. It's the common-sense way, the simplest, easiest, most effective way in me world, it a ma national corn cure. Never falls. ; "QET8-IT" is sold and rernmmnnA. d by drusKlsts everywhere. 25c a pome, or sent on receipt or priu a.Iwrenc & Co., Chicago, 111. The Better Babies Contest which is to be held for three days during the approaching county fair in October will undoubtedly prove , one of the most interesting features of that oc casion. or two days, on the Z&th and 26th, babies from one to three years old will be received and exam ined by experts at the Better Babies' booth at tin' fair grounds, and on Friday, the 27th, there will be , a program consisting of music, a ster- opticon lectuim rnd the awarding' of medals and cs.-iScates to the babies. These medals and certificates are to be given by the Better Babies Bu reau of ths Woman's Home-Compan ion and the contest is to be conduct ed along the lines laid down by the Bureau, ? All mothers with foabies "of the competing, age are urged to enter them in this contest, Of course, all mothers know their babies are pier- feet, but if their babies happen not to take a prize this year, the moth ers will be given valuable informs- tion as to how to proceed to make them prize babies by next year, That is primarily what the contest is for- not to excite rivalry, but to train the mothers and give them personal, ex pert advice about their children which will, indeed, lead to a "crop" of better babies in the future. (For information as to when ' and how to enter 'babies in th contest, mothers may writo to Mrs. E. G. Barrett, superintendent, of the con teat, or to Mrs. H. G. Braxton, pres ident of the Mothers' Clubof Kins ton, uncbr whose auspices this con test is to be held. x Entries in this contest will close at noon on Saturday, October 21. Get this new -kind of cigarette enjoyment i CIOARETTEO i i i t SJ E '.a i 91 i 1 !0 for 5c Alsopacted20orl0c Ji mmnmnimiminiiiw ;i 'i l ', , , ...iiLin,,!,,,,,,,,, u ii.ii, ray, and wear your regu Your corn loosens from II 17 I sT , Ji mm mm GL0THIN6 FOR MENANDYOUNGMEfl Fresh from the Shops, are these new Suits for Men and Young Men Fresh as the date on to-days calen dar are the new Griffon Styles we present for your critical inspection. CRISP BRIGHT e ATTRACTIVE Correct in every Style essential, they furnish Style-proof and Value proof, for Careful buyers and criti cal dressers IDLER BROS. am I Operatea Passenger Trains from North Carolina into Terminal Sta tion, Norfolk, without Transfer. N. B. The following schedule fig- urea published as information 'only and are not guaranteed.' TRAINS LEAVE KINSTON East Bount 11:21 p. m. "Night Express." Pull man Sleeping Can New Bern to Norfolk. Connects for all points North and West . Parlor Car Ser vice between New Bern and Ner, folk. Bern and Norfolk. 4:41 p. nv-Daily for Beaufort , and Oriental . " West Bound 750 a. nuDaily, for Beaufort, New 5:40 a. m. Daily for Goldsboro, 1IK13 au m. Daily for Goldsboro. 8:14 p. bu Daily for Goldsboro. For further information or reserva tion of Pullman deeping' car space, oapply to W. J. Nicholson, Agent, Ein ston, N. C . X D. KYLE,' .;, Traffic Manager, Norfolk, Va. H. S. LEARD, . Generel Passenger Agt, Norfolk, Va. N, J. Rouse - Edward M. Land kinston, N. C Goldsboro, N. C ROUSE & LAND, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Offices: .' Kinston, ' ff. C ; GolAsboro, jgC, 333-394 Borden Cuilding MAXWELL CARS AID TO BILLY SUNDAY, SAYS Billy Sunday, the baseball evange list, realizes the value of the auto mobile in conducting 'his . great re- ligious (revivals throughout the coun try. i During his Tccent campaign in Kansas City, Mr. Sunday and his aides use da fleet of Maxwell cars in getting about tlie city. Billy Sun day used a Maxwell Sedan constant ly during his stay in the Missouri city. The evangelist was immensely plcastd with the service rendered by his car. In fact, he was so pleased, that he wrote an appreciation to the company. His letter follows: -, " . "I wish H were; possible to have everyone generally understand how much-you have ' contributed to -' the success of the campaign here in Kan sas City. It would not have been possible for me to speak' as many times and at many places but for the excellent automobile service you furnished. ' ' "The cars have been dependable, reliable and comfortable.; They have always been in order, clean, attract ive, and we have had no trouble or delay at any time. I thank you most heartily. " . "I had no idea that a light, inex pensive car could arouse sq much ad miration as the Maxwell has done. With (best wishes for your continued success and with kind regards. - "Sincerely yours, . "W. A. SUNDAY." FOR SALE! LIGHTWOOD POSTS; 12c EACH by carload Iota f. o. b. Riley's Siding. Hines Bros. Lumber Company. DR. JAS. W. POWELL DENTIST Specialist Pyorrhea ' v Crown and Bridge Work First Nat'I Bank Bldg. Phone 595 DR. DAN W. PARROTT DENTIST Crown and Bridge Work A Specialty Office Over Cotton Mill Office DR. 0. L. WILSON . DENTIST T . Office ' Over J. E. Hood ' & Co.'s Drujf Store , Excursion To Florida TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26,1916 Fares From Kinston: ' ' " To Jacksonville' ; 9.00 To Tampa 11.50. , - To St. Petersburg ' . -. , , 11.50 " To Fort Myers . . . .". . . ..; . . . . ..... .' 12.f0 Proportionately low fares from all points n Vir-' ginia and the Carolinas. . . r jmtflf Tickets sold to Jacksonville will bejimited,;;rer., turning, until October- 3d, and those sold to Tampa, St. Petersburg and Fort Myers to October 6th, 1916. Return', trip must be completed by- midnight of re turn limit specified. For schedules, reservations and further particu lars, inquire of D. J. WARD, TICKET AGENT, Kinston, N. C. THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE The Standard Railroad of the South. : Job Printing BRIEFS IN THE NEWS OF NEIGHBORING TOWNS Leo Koonce, about 16, has confess ed to complicity dn the robbery of a Greenville hardware store. About $50 in goods and money was taken. Koonce told the police two -others were with him, that they all left town and that he deserted, his com panions at Wendell and returned to his home. , Miss Nettie Fulcher of Ocracoke is on a visit here. Civilians of New Bern Thursday went to Camp Glenn as witnesses in courtmsirtial against two men of Company A, Third Infantry, who re- ccnLy were arrested for connection with some disorder in New BcrnL 1 "' LETTER HEADS NOTE HEADS ' , : BILLHEADS ENVELOPES ; , CIRCULARS RECEIPTS BOOKLETS ,. . ORDER BLANKS SHIPPIING TAGS BOOKS LABELS w 1 CARDS STATEMENTS In Fact Any Kind of Printing Toil Desire ,, The Kinston Free Press Company Subccrfco to U Ly fca It kaw i

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