liilii T Th Home Paper 1 bpVcether TocUjr' Nmx Today ; Fair Tonight VOL. XVIII. No. 79 SECOND EDITION KINSTON, N.C; SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 1916 SIX PAGES TODAY .PRICE TWO CENTS OKI DRIVE FORWARD FOR BIG GAINS ANOTHER CHECK TO AilERICAN Cfljl'ERCE WITH NORTH EUROPE MRS. HOWE, SISTER THOMAS OUILTY OF SIMPLE I ASSAULtf IN SLEEPMG CAR CASE ilN THE S0I T1HRD OF GERIIM FROM OFiTIIElPRpp HAS FALLEN TO ALLIES DURING PAST MEK DIED THIS w ,.-,;.",. ft ,t..wi' S . iCf ... II i- i V ! e I I II UlililJ Mm Violent Fighting Friday Night Uaig Takes Three Vil f Uses and, Clears Woods of Teutons-Germans Cling Only, to Fine Fortifications -ed, May I-oss Them at Next Advance of Enemy Piles ft Dead Ilhiminated' Field Scene of Terrible Conflic ? Germans Hurl Fresh Troops Before Storming Par. ties in Vain Bulbars' Retreat Before Victorious Serbs Has Become a Rout, Says (By the . London, Sept. 16. M. Calogeropoulos has been" entrusted with the formation of the riew Greek Cabinet, says an Athens disnatch. . : 1 London, Sept 16. Fighting desperately to save them- Kuv-es.xrom-a retreat on n mile or the front, the Uer- rttans are throwing battalion after battalion against the iii.. J a : 1 . M . i-M stunning cnusn .columns riortn oi tne Komme, in an er- fort f.O check Genera UalcR advance The Kaff W horn in yesterday, grew fiercer toward night. By the glare' of iiiuminaung oomDs tne men , bayonets and grenades over, the shell-torn country lead' ' inr tn Rananms At thh roimf inf tK lc4 miaeo Ai s patch from British headquarters.' Haier's men were roll ng; steadily down the slopes before Bapaume, but the German" resistance ' was'growing stubborner. At ' that h6ut the. villages' of CoufceletteMartinpuich and.Flers were4 firmly in British hands, the: British - had swept through the Foureaux woods and were fighting on the kw5luih winges ui.cuuieaux J)Ics appeared imminent ' s A The German losses were .h.wuuicua wuuu, wiiere aepperate.,- Haig's men found V' The .'British tains, linked earlier in the week, completed the capture' of an entire iniu vi uie uny ox. u-encnes in tne fcomme. uniy to the marvelously' constructed1 defenses ?at Thiepval, do the Germans clfn'g:; : Thiepvalij butilanked by the' British, wuu caturwi.MJurceieLiCj aavance ot the Jintish left Bulgarians In Flight.' . " baloniki, Sept' 16. Victorious Serbians are ' driving i uic ueieateu ouigars in aisorueriy retreat towarus tne Serb-Greek frontier in the direction of M6nastir; says a Serbian official statement " The Bulgarian losses' have been enormous, including a' whole regiment of fifteen hun dred iripn. - . , Zaimis Wont Take Job Back. . - . . ; - London. Sept 16, Premier Zaimis has finally declin- cd id remain at the head of the Greek Cabinet It is sug gested that ex-Premier Ve'nizelos; leader of, the pro-war party, be invited to reform the Cabinet, says an -Athens-dispatch. . - Kaiser Heports Victory. , " I ' , ' ' Berlin,- Sept-16. Emperor Wilhelm telegraphed the Empress last night that the troops had inflicted a severe defeat on the Russ-Roumanians in the Balkans. Buchar- 1 est dispatches last night admitted the retreat of the Russian-Roumanians in the Dobruja -region before an enemy advance. ' . Italians Resume, Offensive. , . ".' n. jye. ort the-whole Isonzo front In Goritzia the Austrian line has been broken at several points. Austrian losses w two days are said to have exceeded 10,000 .. , German Attacks Repulsed. '- , ' ' Paris,NSept 16. German attacks north and south of me were l-epulsed last night, it is said officially.. British Advancing in Balkans. . . Salonika, Sept 16. The British have crossed the riv-er-Struma and are attacking the Bulgarians at Ozamim ah and Komaja and at villages along theCu'delCIt is said officially. Artillery duels are occurring cn the Dorian front : - ; . London Cheered by Good News. ' - l ' , . iL, todon, Sept 16. News of the British successes' in the West coupled with the Allies' great gains in the Bal kans and the resumption of the Italian offensive on the" Isonzo, has aroused the public td a high pitch 6f enthu siasm. Howjarge a part the new Britis harmored . cars are plajing in the present advance is not known; but mili tary critics believe this new war terror has wrought hav oc to the Germans.. They are dubbed "Willies" by the British Tommies, and carry a terrifying appearance as they advance in action. ' y The Russians and French co-operating with the Serbs are reported to have recaptured Fiorina, Greece, from the Bulgars, says a Central News dispatch from Salonika. Fiorina was the first Greek city occupied by the Bulgars when they crossed the Greek frontier. . ' Berlin Admits Losses. - . Berlin, Sept. 16. In hot fighting north of the Somme at Thiepval, and Outflank Report From the Near East United Pres.) lougnt liKe demons with wooa, wnne tne.iaii or uom :t ' v " : said to be frighftiil, especial- uie resistance was une most heaps of . German bodies. with the Fwwh nrlvana sna jis capture, at tne next appears certain. Britain Refuses "License to Exporters, Extends Re strictions, to Apply to Those of United States as WelL'" ' ".j By th United Press) Washington, 'Sept. 16. The Brit ish blockade has eain become the matter of first importance at the State Department. The new orders of the British government against trade with North Europe threaten to fan into a live issue the smoulder ing dissatisfaction felt here over the 'whole blockade question.' One effect, it is agreed, will 'be in sistenf doRWids for the application of the retaliatory legislation passed by the recent Copgness. The action of Britain in placing an importation embargo on more than a hundred ai tklcs until October 1 to Scandinavi an countries and the Netherlands from all countries, including ithe U has aroused much, resentment British exporters were first refused license for such business. London's act is destined to shut off German supplies, through neutral ports. MORE, LATITUDE FOR ;BABY CONTEST IN OCTOB'R t The datea for examining entrants in ihv Better Babies contest at the coming fair have been changed from October 25 and 26 to the 24th and 2tth, to permit of grading by ' the judges on the ' 26th. The awarding of prices will be made on the 27th, and H is estimated that a whole day in between will ibe required for care ful examination of the score cards. Another important change ' an nounced is that children from the ages of six months to four years will be taken, instead of those between the ages of one and thfee years, as stated in the initial announcement on Friday. The divisions by age will be as follows! ' v First, From 'six months tip1 to and including one year; second, 13 months up to"and including two years:' third, 25 months up to and including tnreg years; 37 months up to- and includ ing four years. NAVAL BATTLE OFF SWEDISH COAST; : Sfl DEA OF WHO' WINS '(By the United Press) London, Sept. 16. Russian and German naval forces are engaged In the Gulf of Bothnia, ; north of the Aiana lianas, . UuV.u. --pawn. says. Heavy nrrng is mara nong tho STiA coast, nt feeavy' fog i obscures the . .fighting. , 4 LLLNOIS TROOPS IN CAM? CANT KEEP WARM Springfield, Ul-i Sept 15. A fur- lough of ten , days for the ntire single blankets and not enough clo First and Second regiments of the I. thing to keep them warm. . They are N. G. in camp here is asked by Gov-, eraor Dunne in a telegram sent to the yesterday the Britrsh Ported the Germans from Gource lotte, Martinpulch and Fler;s, it is officially admitted. Russians Take Towns.. : i " 41 ! Paris,' Sept 16.--Rus3ians co-operating with the Serbs and French on the Balkan left wing have driven the Bulgars out of the villages of Kastora, Zagoritsanti, Zoritsanti, Vichi and Biklishte. The Bulgars are re treating northward to fcrtif.:J positions south of Lake Ventrook. The Rouir.nrJ-s progressing rapidly in Transylvania; sweeping the :t;-n north of Hermanns tadt. - (By the tl.itted Preee) Washington, Sept. .16.-The National Guard brigade at Camp Glenn, N.G, was f ! this afternoon ordered to theborderV , iThe brigade consists, of three infan try regiments, a battalion of Engineers, a squadron of cavalry; and necessary hos plfal troops. The North Carolina troops have been through a course of hard training at the 'State encampment grounds, locat ed on the seacoast. Theirs is a full command for a bri gadier-general, v The physique and efficiency of the or ganization is highly spoken of . here. Brigadier General Lawrence Ycung is in command. , , North Carolina furnishes Virginia, South Carolina or ihan a battalion of coast artillery at home. There are three colonels and ten majors in the bri 'I..-' s t mm : MIS PLATFORM, 4 HSJ? dipot" propJerty A deed from J. II. Young, trustee, president ot the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, whereby the Norfolk South ern transfers to the A C.'- L. iU half interest in the union station property in southeast Kinston, 'wa for registration Saturday af fernooBi The consideration i ; $9,. 4o0 The property acquired s(Wns WCCka 0 fcy Mr. Young for the companies. V..' War Department today. The Gover nor declares th nen are suffering from cold. The troops are said to have only equipped for duty on the Mexican border. ' ; " " , more troops than .either Tennessee, and leaves more ''OenVer Poet GERMAN PRINCE WAS : KILLED IN ACTION JJedin, Sept. 15, (Via London) Prince Frederick William of 'Hesoe has teen killed at Cara Ortnan, it was officially announced by the War Office today in its report on operat ing affairs on die Balkan front. GRANDSON OF CHAS PICKENS IS KILLED ' ; . . 5. : (. .. .... London, Sept. 16. Major Cedric Charles Dlcchs, grandson of Charles Dickens, was killed in action France Monday. , in EXl'ECT BIG DAY - NEXT WEDNESDAY ' ' When J. J. Parker, Republican candidate for 'Attorney-General, comes here 'Wednesday the Republi cans Will fire their opening gun in the Lenoir" county campaign. Mem bars of the -party claim that Parker is of big calibre, and weX shotted, that there is more than fuse' and fuss to hm, and that he will make a hit CumliJate Parker will speak fn the Courthouse at 2 p.m. The public is i v :!.! to hear him. mmm- it .,i , . ip "(By the United Press) New London .Conn, Sept 16. Mm. Attnie Dowe, only sister of President Wilson, died at t A5 o' clock this morning'. Th body will be sent ta South Carolina for bur ial The-Presideat will areomp'sny the remains from Lang Branch. MERCHANT FELL DLAD ON HERITAGE STREET Mr. irenrry C. Johnson, 54, suc cumbed to apoplexy on the street in front of a grocery conducted by him on Heritage street this morning just before 8 o'clock. He had been in the y:3t of spirits and a few moments previously had boon whistling v anl tinging. , Ho was smoking a cigar when he fell dead. Leslie Johnson,' a mute fon employed as a pressman in The Free Press office, took charge of the rody and had it carried to 1hi home, a short distanconp Ileritags strfcU - Mr. John3on was a native of Chat ham county. He had lived here about nineteen years ,w93 ' fairly well knowr, IIo wa a . quiet . man, ofi ip parcntly fine physijuo and. -.healthy, and was liked by hh acquaintances. lis is sarvived ly his wife uni those children: Mrs. Clcveian l Moo-fi of Oxford, N. C;. Misses Annie anl Sadie Johnson, Ltslio and Kd. John son of Kinston, and Mis Bossio Johnson of Michigan. A brother ro sides at Cary. ' - " The funeral will bf held Sunday of ternoon at 3:30 o'clock from- th home, conducted ty, oy .A-v-lluiK. Me ipas.tor of Queen Street ;J!ctha;I ist church. ' Interment rill bo ' in Maplewood cemetery. NORFOLK SOUTHERN HELPS SELL FARMS . ALONG ITS LINES Aarricultural Agent W. T. 'Kyzcr, a hustler of tho Norfolk Southern Railroad ,has'just had puiblished 'an 18-page pamphlet containing: n list pf farms and other properties for sal'o along ".the Norfolk Southern's lines. Mr.' Kyier has endeavored to get a representative lkt cf available fartns for eettlers from very section which the fod traverses. This department intends to sell every farm possible," declares Mr.: Kyzer in an accompany ing letter, Resident Demonstration Agent MeCraiJ-y was at school with theNorfolk Southern man, and pives him credit for being a very energetic and capable man. , . The booklet contains a number 'of interesting halftones, articles on col' onizatibn, farm- lands, the excellent weather of the region, manufactur ing, stock .raising ,otc, in addition to the list of farms. ' - HOLD UP MEN IN BANK AND MAKE BIG HAUL Homestead, Fla Sept. 15. While two confederates waited outside in an automobile, two heavily armed men held up officials of the State Bank of Homestead late today, robbed the Counters of $0,000 and escaped in the direction of the Everglades. The two robbers who entered the bank forced S. JR. Pridgen, vice-president, and E. Z. Crowley, cashier, to face the wall with their fcamh above their heads. As the men left the bank Pridffen fir. ed six shots after them. Posses assisted by the Miami po lice gave chase. . BULLETINS (By the United Press) ' AGAIN LOOKING FOR BREMEN. New London, Conn, Sept. 16. -Activities at the pier of the Eastern Forwarding Company to day renewed belief that the Ger man submarine Bremen is near- ing this port. -Officials deny that the ship has ben heard from. Sentenced "to Year at Hard ' Labor by Judffc Bond t Today ' ' ? 'A ' WAS ACCUSED BY GIRL' Alleged Attempted Assault On Pullman Car Near Ra leigh Young Woman, "of , Good Family Complain ant in the Case " (Special to Th Free Press) .'Raleigh, Sept. 16. Judge. Bond today sentenced E. S. Thomas to a year at hard labor for attempt- , ed assault upon Eula Nunn cf Nashville on Southern Kail way pullman. V '- :' ).' -v-?-y ' ' i Vr'.-'f 'tv i, ? '. '.l. '.' ) A" Jury in Wake county Superior , Cpuri at Ralegh I'Vlday night found E. 'H. Thomaj, a yoXmit whito'man, net guilty of attempted criminal us-m-jt, but RUilty of assault' upon;a female in tho eace of statewide inter est in Vhich fMiaa Eula Nunn, 20, v.'ns tho other principal. . Thcma' Ic fense ,was that he was undocthe hi flupnc 0 of whisky . when he entered Miss Nunn's borth sia slto.'p?i a few weeks ago, lieinjt diagjfed from tii berth. hy men and turned over to th . police1 at Ruleig h. JudKinent was rc? sjrv:d liy Judj;c: Bondf .Miss Nunn,' well known in this "jwrt of the Stale. and Iftioj in Lenoir courtly, Was it turning- hcr-hnm'"'' in ""Nnjhville, Term., from a vkit4fc New .Bern when tho uffalr occurred. .' - mm iiivr 1 rnnn InlLO ilAVt -A fiUilU LEAD OVER BOYS M CITY HIGH SCHOOL Number, 110 Against; 79 The Enrollment Friday Itcachc4 1,132 Athletic Organization to Be Form ed in the Coming Week : The cij'ollment in the city school) Friday reached a total of 1,432, ac cording to Superintendent Curtis. Tho attendance was very satisfactory du- ring the first three days of 'the term, which' was opened Wednesday. There ar 79 boys and llO girls in the High School. 'That the fair sex hns a majecity in the lipper school i. nothing to wonder at, but tho. 'differ ence in numbers is so pronounced a .4 to causa surprise.'. I , .'. , :' 1 . .... : , - At athletic organization is. to la atarUl during f the coming wock. Principal E'. . B. . Jones of the' High School . will ' hav charge of the de partment. Prof. W. B. Uhistcad, a new .member of the faeulty, will su pervise the literary clubs. The club will iro out after debabinjr honor dur'ng the term ind contest ' with, schools in othor places in that line. There w already congestion in tha lower grades. " The fourth, . for in stance, has 1G8 pupils in its sewral sections." In" some classrooms th children are beinjr doubled lip; that) is, o"e class is occupying a room for thi forepart of the day asid another fo? the afternoon, etc. L COTTON Eleven bales of cotton hnd Ihp.i sold here today by 2:30 o'clock, p ; -s ranging from 11 to 14.52 1-2. New York futures quotation: v. t - : ; .' Open January JTarch . May .. . October Pecer.i!.. r 13.7 ...r. - r f v v

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