DAULY llEII IRK The tfome Paper 7Ae fKt-j.'.cr j MO 21 .11 Tody'iNew Today VOL. XVIII. No. 79 FIRST EDITION KINSTON, N. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1916 SIX lGES TODAY PRICE TWO CENTS J BRITISH DRIVE FORWARD FO HDIG GAINS IN THE SOMFvlE; THIRD OF GERMAN FRONT HAS FALLEN TO ALLIES DURING PAST WEEK CHECK TO SIRS. HOI, SISTER k . I I A., J t v-V-'V liiiilllfliili THOMAS HUILTY OF sfiiPLE Assault in SLfEPli-CAR CASE Sentenced 'to Year at Hard Labor by Judge Bond - Today I'ERCE OFjTIlE PRESIDENT, DIED THIS MORNING Violent Eightins Friday, Night Haig Takes Three Vil lages and Clears Woods - Only ta Fine Fortificatiphs at Thiepval, and Outflank . d, May Lose Them at Next Advance of Enemy Piles of Dead Illuminated Field Scene of Terrible Conflict --Germans Hurl Fresh ties in Vain Bulgaxs' Retreat Before Victorious Serbs Has Become a Rout, Says . P. , . (By the United Preiss) . London, Sept. 16. M, Calogeropoulos has been entrusted with the formation of the new Greek, Cabinet, says an Athens dispatch. . - ; London, Sept 16. Fighting desperately to save them selves 'from 'a 'retreat on a mile of the front. 'the Ger- mfcns are-throwing battalion storming British columns north of the aomme, m wef f fort, to check General Hate's advance. The battle begun yesterday, grew fiercer toward night. By the glare of I'llnmnt.!- U,v iL. ' Ui 1:1 i.u bayonets and grenades over the shell-torn country lead ' ing to( Bapaume, At the receipt of the last press dis i ,patch from -British headquarters, Hate's men were roll- ing, steaauyaown me slopes Deiore capaume, put tne German resistance was growing stubborner. At that hour the villages of Courcelette, Martinpuich ;and Flers were,' firmly in British hands, the British had sweDt through the Foureaux woods and were fighting on the eastern innges-oi couieaux bles .appeared imminent " , .The German losses were - i.y jh cuuieaujs. woou, wnere tne resistance was tne most desperate. 'Haig's men found heaps of German bodies, ' ' The British gains, linked with. the French advances earlier in . the week, completed 'the capture of an entire -tnra ot tne line ortrencnes in the Somme., Only to the marvelously constructed defenses at, Thiepval, do the Germans cling. Thiepval is Outflanked, by: the British, who captured Courcelette, and , its'capture at thenext advance or the iJntish, left T$ Bulgarians In Flight. ' - SalonikLSept 16. Victorious Serbians are driving uexeaieu iuigars ; in aisoraeny retreat towards tne . Serb-Greek frontier in the direction of Monastir, says a Serbian official statement The Bulgarian losses have been enormous, including a whole regiment of fifteen hun- dred men. - , . Himis Won't Talce Joh Rark. v . liOndon. Sept 16. Premier Zaimis has finally deelin- cd to remain at the,head of the. Greek Cabinet, It is sug gested that ex-Premier, Venizelos. leader of the pro-war ; party, be invited to reform the Cabinet, says an Athens : dispatch. '. " ' Kaiser Reports Victory, - Berlin, Sept.' 16. EmperjOrWilhelm telegraphed the Empress last night that the troops had inflicted a severe defeat on the Russ-Roumanians in the Balkans. Buchar est dispatches last night admitted the retreat "of the Russian-Roumanians in the Dobruja region before an enemy advance. '. - Italians Resume-Offensive. , . i m- Rome,- SeDt 16. The Italians are now on the offens ive on the whole Isonzo front In Goritzia the Austrian line has been broken at several points. Austrian losses m two days are said to. have exceeded 10,000. v i k , German Attacks Repulsed. ' Paris,- Sept.' 16. German attacks north and south of - the Somme were repulsed last night, it is said mciall. British Advancing in Balkans! ' " : '' Salonika, Sept i6. The British have crossed the riv er. Struma and are attacking the Bulgarians at- Ozattim ah and Komaja and at villages along the Gudeli, it ia said officially. : Artillery duels are occurring on the Dorian front ' J ' ; v---- .'' . rY .London Cheered by Good News. , ' ' London, Sept 16. News of the British Successes in .the Jvest,- coupled with the 'Allies' great gains in the Bal kans and the resumption of the. Italian offensive, on the Isonzo, has aroused the public to a high pitch of enthu siasm. How large a part of the new British armored cars are playing in the present advance is" not known, but mili tary critics believe this new war terror lias wrought hav oc to the Germans. TJiey are dubbed "Willies" by the British Tommies, and carry, a terrifying appearance as they advance in action. The Russians and French co-operating with the Serbs are reported to have recaptured Fiorina, Greece, from the Bulgars, says Central News dispatch from Salonika. Fiorina was the first Greek city occupied by the Bulgars 'hen they crossed the Greek frontier. Berlin Admits Losses. Berlin, Sept 16. In hot of Teutons Germans Cling Troops Before 1 Storming Par Report From the Near East after "battalion against the wooa, wnne tne rail oi uom ""Y" . ii said to be f righftul, especial- appears certain, r - ,. f ' v irc Britain , Refusing License , tp Exporters, Extends Re strictions to Apply 6 Those of United States as Well . . r ; (By th United Pe?s) ' IWashington, Sept. IG.t The Brit ish (blockade has gain bocomo the matter of first importance ! at the State Department. , The nefw- orders of the British government ngainsl trade with North Europe threaten to fan into a live issue. The smoulder ing dissatisfaction felt hcre( over the whole .blockade question. r ' One effect, it ' ia agreed, will le in sistent demands, for the application of the retaliatory kglslaXon passed by the recent Congress. The action of Britain in placing; an importation embargo on more than a hundred ar. tides until October 1 to Scandinavi an countries and the t Netherlands fro mall countries, including tha U; S., has aroused : much-resentment. British exporters were first refused license . for such business, t London's art is destined to shut off German supplies! through neutral ports. . : "v MORE LATlfSbFl FOR ENTRANTS IN BM CONTEST IN OCTOB'R The dates for examining entrants in tha Better' Babies contest at the coming; fair have been, changed from October 25 and .26 to the 24th and 25th, io permit of grading by ' the judges on the 26th. The awarding of prizes will be made.onhe 27th, and H is estimated 'that a whole day in between will foe required for care ful examination of the score cards. Another important . change an nounced is that children from the ages of si xmonths to four yeara will taken, instead of those between the ages of one and' three years, as sttaed in the initial announcement on Friday. The divisions by age , will foe a follows: ' First, Prom' six months up to and. including one year; second, 13 months up to and including two years'; third.J 25 months up to and including thre; years; 37 months up to and includ ing four years. - " GIRLS HAVE A GOOD LEAD OVER BOYS IN CITY HIGH SCHOOL - j ' 79 Number 110 Against The Enrollment Pij' . . Reached 1,432 Athletic Organization to Be Form Cd 111 the Coming Week , - " . -' ' ', ; v i will igo out after 'debating ; honors , 1 ' during the term ,and contest with ?The enrolUnent in the city Schools 8chSols in other places : in that line. Friday reached a total of 1,432, ac- There is already congestion in the cording to Superintendent Curtis. The "lower grades The fourth, , for in attendance was very satisfactory du- stance, has 168 pupils in its several ring the first three days of the term, ' sections. In some classrooms ': the which was opened Wednesday. . children are being doubled up; that There are .79 boys "and 110 girls in is, one class is occupying a room for the High School. That the fair sex the forepart of the day and another has a majority in the upper school is for the afternoon, etc.'-; : V yesterday the British forced the Germans from' Cburee lotte, Martinpuich and Flers, it is officially admitted. ' Russians Take Towns. : ;. ; J Paris, Sept. 16. Russians co-bf)eratihg with the Serbs and French on the Balkan left wing "have driven the Bulgars out of the villac-cs cf Kastora, Zaeoritsanti. Zontsanti, Vicm ana lii;.::...: treating northward to fcrtif. Ventrook. The Roumnni":- r Transylvania, sweeping C.z ; tadt. (By the Uaked Press) Waslilhgton, Sept. 16.-The iNational Guard brigade at Camp Glenn, - N. C , was this afternoon ordered to the border. The brigade consists of three infan-; try regiments, a battalion of engineers, a squadron of cavalry and necessary lios pital troops. ; ' NAVAL BATTLE OFE SWEDISH COAST; NO IDEA OF WHO WINS (By the United Press) London, ; Sept, 16. Russian and German naval forces are engaged in ha iGulf of Bothnia, north of the Aland Islands, a 'Stockholm dispatch says. Heavy firing is hsard along the Swedish ccast, but a heavy fog obscures the fighting. HOLD-UP MEN IN BNX; MD MAKE BIG HAUL 1 Hunfestead, -Fla Sopt. 15. Whilo two confederates waited outside in an automobile,' two heavily, "armed men. held up officials of the Stats Bank of Homestead late today, robbed the counters of $6,000 and escaped "in the direction of the Everglades. The two robbets who entered the bank forced S f R Pridgen, vice-president, hd E. Z. Crowley,' cashier, to 'face the wall with their hand 3 abefve their heads. As the men left the bank Pridgsn fir ed six' shots after them. ; 'Posses assisted by the Miami po lice gave chased . - , Eleven ,baIes of. cotton had been isofd here today by 2:30 o'clock! prices ranging from 14 to 14.52 1-2. New York futures quotations were: Open Close January ' "..15.73 March' ; ....15.86 May .. ...v!.V. 16.05; October A : .9: . .. .15.48 Doeembr . ... .... . 15.65- ; 15.62 "15.76 15.A5 15.3 15.51 - nothing to wonder at, tut the .differ- ence in numbers is so pronounced as tp causa surprise' An athletic orgam'zation is to be started during the coming week. PrinpinnJ P. JiWM fit t.tiA Vfivh School will "have charge of the de partment. rror.'W. B. Umstead, a .'new m-ember of the faculty, will su- parvise the literary; clubs,:-' The clubs Ihe ijuigars are re :::tions south of Lake : regressing rapidly. in r.rth of Hermanns- COTTON ILLINOIS TROOPS IN CAMP CANT KEEW WARM Springfield, Jll., Sept. 15. A fur lough of ten; days' for the ntire First and Second regiments of the N. J. camp Itere is asked by Gov ernor iDunne in a telegram 3nt to the War Department today. . The Gover nor' declares the men, are suffering from eold. , , , ', The troops are said to have only eihgle blankets "and not enough clo thing to keep 4hem arm... They are equrpiped for duty on the Mexican border.' ' ' " . - ' ( NORFOLK SOUTHERN HELPS SEL FARMS ALONG ITS LINES Agricultural .Asftni .W.-T. Kyer, a : hustler tf tho .Norfolk Southern Railroad ,has just had published an 18-page pamphlet containing a list of farms and other properties for sale along 'the Norfolk Southern's lines Mr. K.yzer na3 endeavored to got a representative list 'of available farms for settlers from every section which the road travesres. "This department intends to sell evtiry farm possible," declares' Mr. Kyzer in an accompany inr; letter; .Resident (Demonstration Agent iMeiCrsiry was at school with Uio Norfolk Southern, man, and gives him.icredit for feeing a very energetic and capable man. , . , '- , . ,,The booklet, contains number of interesting, 'half tones, articles on col onization, farm lands, the excellent weather of the region, manufactur ing,; stock raising ,etc, in addition to the list ' of "'farm's. ' 1 " ' -i. WOWEN CUTE OUT. Housework , Is hard enough "wheii healthy. !" Every Kinston woman who is paving-, backache, blue . and nerv ous spells ditsy headaches end. Jud ney orbladder troubles, should- be glad ; to heed ' this Jtinston woman's experieneeV: '':';5 ; ". Vl "::'y. WashingtoW abreet, Kinston says: "I had pains in my back and loins' and in the morning I was sore and stiff 'and tired so easily that I could hard ly do my housework. . I bad head aches and dizzy spells and the kid ney secretions caused me annoyance. I got Doan's KWney PUls at J.. E. Hooi?& Co. ' Drug - Store. They Mrs,. II. H. Bfadshaw, 401 East relievec) me ofhe pains In m'y -back and iill ttther Bymptoms of Ttidney trouble.". ,-j'-.; -.. -Price 450c, at all dealers. . 'Dont simply; ask 'for a kidney remedy get( Doan's Kidney Pills the5 same that Mrs. Bradshaw had. Foster Milbura Co., Props.,' Buffalo, N., Y, . adv. xnI - : ;" '? ;. : Constipation Dulls Your Brain. , That dull, listless, oppressed feeling is due to impurities in your system, sluggish liver, clogged intestines. Dr. King's New Life Pills' give prompt relief. , A mild, easy, non-griping bowel movement will tone p your system and help to clear your muddy, pimply complexion. : Get -a bottle of Dr. King's New Life Pills today at your druggist, 25c. A dose tonight will make you cheerful at breakfast. Adv. ; vNew Ldndon ,Coniu, Sept. 16. - Mrs Annie Howe, only sister of President Wilson, died at S:45 o' clock this morning. Th. body will be ent to South Carolina for bur ial , The President will accompany the remains from Long Branch. MERCHANT FEL DL4D , . ON HERITAGE STREET "Mt . Henry C. Johnson, 54, suc cumbed to apoplexy on the street in front of a grocery conducted by him on Heritage street this morning1 just before 8 o'clock. He had been in tho besi "of spirit, and a few moments previously had been whistling and ringing. - He was smoking a cigar when hs fell dead. Leslie Johnson, n mute sen employed as a pressman in The Free Press office, took charge o the rody and had it carried to th 3 home, a short distance up IIeritag3 street.' j" ' - ... 1 ' Mr. Johnson was a r.ative'of Chat ham county. He had lived hei-e about nineteen years ,was fairly well known. 'He Was a ouiet man. of . .... - . (- j- patently fine physique , and healthy, and -aa. liked by his acquaintances. Hs is survived by his wifo an thase children; Mrs. Cleveland 'Moo-b of Oxford, 'NC; Misses Annie and Sadie Johnson, Leslie and Ed. John son of Kinston, and ' Miss ' Bessie Johnson of Michigan. TA brother ro' sides at Cary. The funeral will h hold Sunday af ternoon at 3:30 o'clOpfe from fh, home, conducted by Rerv. H. A. Humv bla, ipastor of Juoen Street ' Method ist church, ' Interment will bo in Maplewood cemetery. ' " " """, llffilK 11 HIS PLATFORM BRACE UP! . .Do you feel old before your time? Is your back bent and stiff? Do you suffer urinary disorders? . Don't des-pair--profit by Kinston experiences. Kinston people recommend Doan's Kidney Pills. Here' a Kinston res ident's statement: . - James Weslt, mechanic, 408 Queen street, Kinston, says: "My kidney's grave me a great deal of trouble. I had severe pains in my back and across my loins and was so sore and stiff that I could scarcely bend. I also had headaches and dizzy spells. The kidney secretions wore scanty atd painful in passage and contain ed sediment I used three boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills and was cured of all symptoms of kidney and blad der trouble. Price, 60c, at all dealers. Doalt eimply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that cured Mr' West Foster-MUburn Co., Props., Buffalo, .N, Y, adv WAS ACCUSED BY GIRL Alleged Attempted Assault On Pullman ar Near Ra leigh Young Woman of Good Family : Complain ant in the Case (Special to Tho Free Press) Jlaloigh,. Sept. 16. -Judjce Bond today sentenced E. S. Thomas to - a year at hard labor for attempt-. ' ed assault upon Miss Eula Nunn y, of Nashville on a Southern Rail A way pull man. ,..,,".4-.. ... ..t ' 7 '.t,';' i A jury in Wake county Superior Court at Raleigh Friday night found E. S. Thomas, a young -whitf man, net guilty of attempted criminal as sault, 5"t guilty of assault upon a fenfalo in the casa of statowide inter :st in whicH Muss 'Eula Nann, 20, was the other principal. Thomas' de fense was that he was under the in fluence -of whisky jwhen . he entered M'Is-j iNuxin'a berth on a aleepsr a jfew we?ks Bgobein? dragged from 1 the berth by men and turned ove? to the police at Ralaig h, Judgment was re served by Judje Bond. '' Miss Nunn, wel 'Ikncwn in this part of th State, and rclate'3 in Lenoir county, wasre . turning Ala" her home in Najhvilie, Tenn., from a visitat,Naw Bern tthen the 'affair occurred. . v . - 'U' - '; - BULLETINS (By the United Press) AGAIN LOOKING. FOR BREMEN, Lew London, Conn., Sept 16. Activities at the pier of the Eastern forwardfiig company to day renewed belief that the Ger man submarine Bremen is niar - ing this port. Officials deny that the ship has been heard from. Head-Off That All-Winter Cough. . At the first sign of sore throat, tight chest or etuffed-up head take a dose of Dr. Bell's. Pine-Tar-Uoney. The healing pine-tar- soothing hrmey and glycerine quickly relieve the con gestion, loosen-the phlegm anl lr?:. up your cold. Dr. Evil's I'ine-T, ; -Honey has all the benef.eis f ' 1 heading aroma from a pine fur is pleasant to take and art ? ; ' ' . formula on the bottle t-"s V lieves colds and ceun'ns. . '- : drug';' st, -"c --Denver Post ;htir. north cf the Son::

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