LY OIR) The Horn Pcper The 17c 'f ,11 Jl JlIU UJf.. TocWy'i New. TUy Fair Tor I. t .4. a. VOL. XVIIIz-No. 80 SECOND EDITION kinston, n.c Monday, September is, 1916 FOUR PAGES TODAY PRICE TWO CENTS fiERMN PEOPLE LEARN TIITVITIIDRm FUNERAL m HOWE CAMP GLENN TO DE CARRANZA TROOPS PATROL STREETS OF JUAREZ PREVENT OUTBREAK BY FRIENDS OF VILLA FOLLOVINO CIIIIIUAUUA FEiT FROII fmm AND lliBLtS mi YET BE HELD AT C0LU1IA ON LOCAL TOBACCO DESERTED PLACE IN A FEW Wf.Ti NECESSARY; ITALIANS NEARIKG TRIESTE UANY GREET PARTY MKRKET; WEED HIGI v ... ... : ' " . Evacuation of Important gic Reasons" Predicted by Berlin PapersT-Great Gains By Anglo-French In Somme OffensiveNew Armored Car Making Good Cadorna's f Army ' Only 13 Miles From Important Port City Campaign-Serbs Take Trenches From Bulgars ing Night Marked Attempts Germans . to Recapture ' Lpst Ground . ; , (By the United Rome, Sept. 18. The Italians have broken the Austri- an third line in the region fierce fighting. Along the a whole iront in Gontzia, r the , new Italian drive dri Trieste is progressing. The advanc ed lines are now only thirteen miles from Trieste. A se ries of Austrian positions near Oppachoiasell and south arard through Pietra Rossa, have, been carried, and the Austrians driven back to positions in the valleys. Des- pite heavy rainstorms, Cadorna'a troops have capturecN chills 144 and zua and several which had been in advance along vallone. Serbs Continue SuceessfuL J Salonika, Sept. 18. The Serbians have captured Bul garian first and second line positions at Kamakchalan, northwest of Lake Ostrovo, near the Serbo-Greek fron tier, says an official statement. Ten machine guns have been captured. ,y, . ..' Great Activity in West; Germans Losing Steadily, London, Sept. 18. The British began closing in upon Thiepval last night, after capturing Mouquet farm. The resistance was desperate, all counters failing, however. At Thiepval the Germans' position, which has obstructed ' 4.1 T A."' 1 1 it l . t . m . i n m uj xjusp, ziavance -smce toe Beginning oi tne somme oi fensive is made precarious bv the loss of the fortified , Mouquet farm, north of Martinpuich. General Haigs men improved their positions east, of, .Courcellette. last night: A minor xrench attack there was successful The j Germans bombarded sections of the British line with viol- ence during the night, in apparent preparation for a counter. Forty thousand Germans have been lost in the .Somme offensive. Furious, fighting continued last night :both north and south of tjie river. The Germans are clinging desperately to Denicourt, now under a heavy French attack, and are making counters against Berny and Vermandovillers, lost yesterday. North of the river the one attack, after another with storms of shrapnel. The . Germans , are bombarding Grandcourt and Lesara.' on highways leading to Bapaume. . The Allies' successes are having a profound effect on Berlin. The press is preparing the public for the early evacuation of Peronne and Comblesrf declaring the retire ment may be made necessary for strategic reasons. : The1 French, shifted their attack out of the Somme yesterday- The Germans could f hbt 'vthdraw troops ifroiri that sector ito reinforce the battered lines north of the river on that account, and the, assault was complete ly successful It deepened the wedge in the Peronne Combles line. The dispatches are full of thie exploits of the new armored British cars, which resemble huge land battleships and shed .machine water. : . PRIZE CATTLE CF THE IITODLE WEST DISPLAYED Kansas; Cityfc Ma. Sept 18. With 'all the champion ilolstein and Jer sey cattle ia the .middle west and some frov the aat on exhibition, the annual Southwest Dairy Show open ed at Convention Halt today.'-' "- . , (More than 500 of the beat milk producing cows in the country are housed in the hall. During the shew various dairy appliances will be dem onstrated. Government experts also will explain the latest dauy experi ment resultsv ; f CLAIM BRAZIL'S CENSUS ROLL PADDED BY MILLIONS Rio de Janeiro, Crasil, Sept. 18.- The Brazilian Government has just issued an omcial estimate placing the eoontry'a population v at 26 million, thousand souls. Experts here re that this is all Tight op to kout 12 million. Eeyond that point 07 say the estimate includes the inhabitant nf vt inf. ior Tee''n which no white man bar eeen Conseitjenly they declare that 14,542,000 of the estimate is a teer w:dcat gua. .... .. Positions In West for "Strate Which Is Chief Objective 6 First and Second Line Hard Fighting In West Dur Press) y of Malfalcone after 3 days of other dominant r heights, British artillery has checked gun fire like, a duck sheds . '.. rocky r:ou;jr to have ' A FINE HUE STATION Eocky Mount, pt 17 Fir hiefs from the principal cities of the State some score or more will be the guests of the Rocky Mount central department early in October, accord ing to plans that are .being made at J this .Jios. The. occasion which , will prompt this gathering will be that of the opening the handsome 12,000 fire station, '.club rooms and dormitory, and at the same time the delivery of a $9,000 Triple unit auto fire truck. 1 K GERMANY'S JABBERWOK , MARKET HITS KIDS t .London, Sept. 1. (By Hail) Ger many's jabberwok market has hit the skids. , "The birds and the beasts were there" when General Smuts grabbed most of German East. Africa and $he Kaiser's colonials fled. A blood-swearing behemoth, doesn't give a dam what flag fiies on his hunting ground. Neither does a dik dak or a whiffenpoof or a man-eating piffik. So Germany is out of her zoological supply. Thousand Persons Await Arrival of Presi dent With Remains, But No Public Ceremony In Deference to Wishes n.. rtrvavntt r ncvnrD (United Press Staff Correspondent) Columbia, S. C," Spt- 18v Presi dent Wilson today trough); to Colum bia the body .pf his sister, -Mrs', An nie Howe, to be buried in the church yard, where the bodies of his father and mother have Tested many years. The funeral party "jreached Columbia shortly before noon.. The city frained from public marks of symps' thy, the absence of ceremony being in obedience to the wishes of the fam The service is to be simple. The Rey. Thornton Whaling, president, of Columbia Seminary,' will officiate, . . KJovernor Manning sent the follow ing message to his private secretary, Oscar LaRoque: ' - Please convey in person to the President upon Arrival in Columbia tomorrow, my sympathy and thai of the people of the State of South Car olina, in the death of, his sister, and express my (regret that I cannot be there to pay in person our tribute of respect and loyalty to him." (rive thousand (persons formed an aisle for the party at the station. long Branch, N. J., Sept 17. President and Mrs . Wilson left here at, 2 o'clock this afternoon for Col umbia, S. C, to attend the funeral of the President's sister, Mrs. Annie Howe, who died yesterday at New London. The train bearing the Pres ident will , make the trip via Wash ington,' Richmond and Haleigh. over the Pennsylvania', Washington South era and Seaboard Air Line (railways, and is due at Columbia at 11:35 a. tomorrow. The services will. be held at the First Presbyterian church at Columbia. , Mr. Wilson will leave the South Carolina capital for Long Branch at 6;15 p.' m. Monday, arriv ing here Tuesday. NEGRO fATAUY CUT L vINOTAYfflrUT (Elijah Smith, a Pitt county negro, brought here for medical attention Sunday morning, died shortly after ward from a knife wound in the ab domen; Smith engaged in an alterca tion with another negro near Win- terVille Saturday night. It is re ported that Smith knocked the other down -once or twice, whereupon his antagonist drew a knife and severe ly cut him The slayer gave himself up. Both are r said to have been drinking. N The name ( of the negro who did the cutting could not be ohr tained this afternoon. Smith had a family. , - ' , No .cotton was old here today. New York futures quotations weft: - .' - Open 20 January .. ........... 15.5 15.95 March,... 15.84 16.11 May .. ......15.99 , 16.29 October 1544 15.72 December .. .......... 15.57 , 15 H0D7IIE DEVIL' FOR ALLEGED CIXCK THEFT Sandy Jackson, colored, alias "The Devil," already held on one or two in dictments, was bound over to Supe rior Court by the Recorder Monday morning on the charge of larceny of a check for about f 208 from the Cen tra! warehouse'. Jackson was held for probable cause, iltW-i there was no great amount of evidence. Isabelle Armstrong, serving thir teen months for recent micondact, who managed to get away from the county jail long enough to get c!nr :'; and "kick op" a -j.'.n, had thr?e r-r months added to her sentence. Five Best Average Yet, Possibly 435,CG0 Pounds Sold Good Weather Encoufag ' es Planters to Bring Pro- duct to Town TobaccQ opened up strong' for tht week. Monday's sales are estimat ed at 435(000 pounds, with prices for low grades as good, maybe even bet ter, than before during the season The day's average is believed to have been higher than Friday's. Fine weather induced tho marketing of the big breaks, and with the prospect for continued clear skies tremendous sal oa are expected during the middle of the week. : , . . (Practically' all of the territory tri butary to the Klnston market was re presented in the sales. ' Quito a lot of the weed sold was of finest quali ty.'' , '. , :. INTERNED SHIPS TO KOYE NEXT MONTH Norfolk, Va Sept. 17 Navy yard officials tonight declared that no def inite time could be Axed for the de parture of the interned German cruis ers Prins Eitel Frederich and Kron prkis Wilhehn, from the local yard for Philadelphia, where they will be interned for the remainder of the European war. It will probably be October' 1, before the two vessels, convoyed by American warships, will make the sea trip. Thousands 1 today flocked to i the German village at the navy yard (re servation built, by the interned Ger man sailors. It will foe dismantled at once. . ' - , - ' v BUUETINS : (By the United Press) PREMIER'S SON KILLED. London, Sept leV-Raymond Asquith, son of the prime minis ter, Jibs been killed. , ' STATEWIDE DEBATE TO BE HELD WAKE FOREST Wake Forest, iSept. 17. Tho Euze- lian and Philomathesian literary soci eties in co-operation with the college are preparing for .a State-wide high school declaimer's contest to be held at Wake Forest College .hex April to which each accredited-high scnooj in the State is to send a representa tive.. ALLEGED TROUBLE-MAKER IS DEPORTED FROM JAPAN . (By the United Press) Tokio, , Sept 16,-riHerman ; Wohl- era, a German resident of Yokohama for the last three years, has ? just been deported from this country for trying to make trouble between ' the United States, Japan and Great Brit ain, lie was given eight days to get out and he went ,uick. ' - . ...A Among other charges against Woh lers are these: That he wrote, char ges, against Japan to the American Government ' That he induced en in toxicated American marine to pull the British Union Jack from the wall of a ballroom where Americans were celebrating the Fourthvof July with Britishers as guests, for which the marine was court-martialed. That he entered Yokohama Park and loud ly denounced the Russ.-Jap. pact SEND DOCTOR TO SUM TO OUST THE HOOKWORM Tc'io, Japan, Sept 18. Dr. R. W. ' ' -n of New York City ?'s on 's v y from here to S'am t .-!.. 7 as r ' 'ive of the Unitol S'.iies " r ' -'nt, to talte tlie 1.i-to--j " " '-e r-y 1 '"" . ' . Troops Expected to Come Through . Kinston Dur ' in?. the Week' V LONG TRIP 16 THE LINE El Paso Has a ; Delightful Time Coming to It, Con ceited Tarheel ' Soldiers Say No Excitement'' at the Reservation (Special to The Free Press) Camp Glenn, N. C, Sept 18. By this t:me next week this place of be tween 8,000 and 3,250 population will be without a Quorum. .The chances are that there will only be about enough tnen of the garrison left to have an excuse for keeping the Jag up, and they will be in hospital. The brigade-is making no fever ish preparations for getting away to El . Paso. . What - preparations are , Lnecessary have already been made ex cept getting wagons aboard, etc., and that can be done in such quick order that a circus crew would be given something to talk about to witness It The troops will move by three iroutes. It is expected. About one- third willjgo by New Bern and Wil mington, another third by New Bern and Chocowinity and the other third up through Kinston ana ,joiaooro. Today or tomorrow more equipment will be dealt out The guardsmen herfl are etill lacking in some few es tentials in the way of .wearing appar el. Not all the men have belts, for instance: cloves are lacking, and it may even be the intention to issue overcoats. Travel rations will be giv en out. Travel rations ordinarily are good. For such a Jong trip, where lightbread is not usually available, hardtack 4jiscuit company hardtack better than mother could -make, all boxed in fancy-labeled packages--! issued, together with canned willie (corned beef), hot, coffee, with tinned cream (they .carry no cows along, of course) and granulated ; sugar, and some .other varieties of canned food to break the monotony frcm the can ned cow. , . . Kinston may get a 'glimpse of the troops going South, and it may not They may get out of here long before day, and pass through the town be fore the civilians are up. If it is light neough, the Second's band, be longing there, may play tune going through, although euch a tiling is hardly conceivable. It is almost Im possible to get bandsmen up ahead of time; nearly impossible to get them up on time. ; - . . It is already getting cool here. No one, since the change in the weather, has dreaded to see moving time corner There1 would very ' probably be as many cold feet here as at El Paso, nd from a different cause. El Paso as 'been missing something all these months. The town will get a delight ful shock, these soldiers say, when they get there. SETH LOW DIES ON ; , tmm NEW YORK New York, Sept 17-Selh Low, former mayor of Jtfew York, and one time president' of Columbia" Univer sity, died late today at his! country home, Broadbrook, Farm, Bedford Hills, -N. Y., at the age of 6 years. He had been ill sereral months of a complication of diseases. PRETTY MODELS AT CHICAGO. Chicago, Sep t8 -Kew styles in milady's corsets, gowns and dresses Were on exhiWtion here today at the annual autumn convention of . the Fashion Art League of America. "Perfect 3G" models paraded in t'nr cots.-?. a and prettiness iefore tMppites cf the convention to show i.-'r "C-j-ness" and how the new s';' 3 t'.ou'J be worn. Bandit Chief's Followers Badly Defeated, Reports Indi cate, But Enthusiasm for Cause Aroused in Northern Mexico Neverihelcss--Stronjj Force of De Facto Gov ernment Troops Headed for Scene of Pattle-YJlla De ing Pursued Back to Mountain Fastnesses Border Cpuntry Excited- Anti-Carranza Element Has Much r Strength In Country Around Juarez Daring Attack on Stronghold Occurred Saturday ' , ,s (By the United Press) El Paso. Sept. 18. Northern Mexico is excited over reports of a .Villa attack on f our inousana Aarranzisias while two columns are pursuing the flying pandita to ward Santa Clara Canyon, Gonzales to the commander Despite reports that rilla fect of the attack was .to Anti-Carranza element, strong in Northern Mexjco. Troops are patrolling tfie streets of Juarez tov prevent an outbreak.: HEAT FOUR DOLLARS BREAK OUT VIENNA (By the United Press) London, Sept. ; 18. Food disor ders have broken out In Vienna, says a Geneva dispatch. Beef is four dollars a pound amT rice ia two dollars a pound, j There )s much distress amongst the lower classes . OUT LOOKING FOR (By the United Press) New London, Conn., Sept. 18 New London is agog with expectancy of the arrival of the .German commerce submarine Bremen at any time. A tug carrying ,' Eastern Forwarding Company agents put out last night on reports that the Bremen was off Block Island.' It(' is now believed, however, that the ship was an Am erican submarine, maneuvering. Em- pioyeo ux vwnymij ojr wivgr ... M I. maw nv . pect the V-boat lo appear ! at any time, v 1N0 Allaed , warships are re ported off the coast Earlier Report. , 1 New London Conn., Sept 17. The ocean-going tug l , A. &coti, jr.. with persons on oard supposed to be representatives of the Eastern For warding Company, put to sea, presu mably in search of the German sub marine merchantman (Bremen, which was reported off the coast heading for this port. The T. A. Scott, Jr., was followed by tugs bear jig newspaper correspondents. One of the newspa per tugs returned just before mid night and reported that no sunnar ine had been sighted. The tug T. A. Scott, -Jr., was reported to be on its way back also; There is a heavy fog on the sound. ' . BANK ROBBER'S KILL M TW MEOBERS POSSE iMiami, Fla.,' Sept 17. Two po3 aemen were killed and two Injured in an' encounter today in the Everglades with four bandits sought for robbery of $6,000 from the" State Bank of Homestead (Florida) last Friday. Re ports (reaching here said the bandits fired from ambush and then fled. i 'Members of the posse trailing the bauk robbers near that section of the Everglades, 45" miles south of here, much of which is nndrained, appar ently were caught in a trap. Five shots were heard. Two members of the posse fell dead. While a third re ceived five buckshot wounds in his left side and arm and another was shot through the thigh. Reorganizing his force, Sheriff Hardie immediately started after the bandits. DISORDERS Chihuahua ; City Saturday. are oeing rusneu u ims vuy say reports from General at Juarez. , - f , was badly defeated, the ef arouse enthusiasm among the ! LEAD INFANTpY 111 CHARGE OF! 11 Officers Directed Attacking Troops and at y Swooped Down and Mow ed Down Cerciass lyith Machine Gun Fire (By the United Press) 7 Paris, Sept' 18. For $he first Ama in history, aeroplanes today led an infantry attack. ' Twenty fast rmor td planes, each, carrying tljree -machine guna, charged the German be fore a French charge at Bouchvesnes. Flying high jbove the charging bat talions, officers in, the planes directed the attack hundreds of feet below. The flyers at tho crucial moment swocped low over the German dines, raking the trenches with snurderoua fire. , So successful was the innova tion that it is .expected to play aa important part in such fighting ia the future. German co::fcser c? jap. anthei is dead , Tokio, Sept 18. Franz Jjkdjoett, composer 0 the jansic of tb Japan ese National anthim, js dead. , Tb authorship of the "Kiinigayo." Ja pan's Star ,Spangled fanner, i dis puted, but Japanese authorities ad mit this Teuton has a claim upon tho long's composition. , , Ecklcert, it is known here today, died recently ia Seoul, Korea. Ha was 6. . When foreign" music first was introduced into Japan in "PL877, he was one of the leaders in estab lishing its popularity in Tokyo and other leading cities of the Empire. PROHIBITIONIST BECOMES ; SHERIFF MONTANA COUNTY ' (By the Uailed Press) - j , Missoula, Mont, Sept 18- W. Jones, a prohibitionist, and ths one best rifle shot in the State, became county sheriff today. He was elect ed without opposition last month. In" view of a lack of opponents, county officials tried Ito get him to put his name on somt other ticket for, ft be ing Montana, there were no other pro hibition aspirants. That would hsva saved the county ?S0. (But Jonei wouldn't do it. . - THE SWEETEST STOHY EVES TCLD, 13 r:::i Greenville, Ta, Sept IS. tons of honey wsjto here by E.'-ar X."."' v ed a check for 2,D '. 1 castle, Ta buyers cf '.' j mriTni irnn ! IF TO