DAI The Home Paper 3 mm W'f.:"..-f ,ToJ.y.Ncw Today t. Fir Tonight VOU XVIIJ.No. 80 i FIRST fiDJTIpjSf ; KINGTON, MDAYSEIEMIfER 8, 4?1$ FOUR PAGES TODAY FRICE TWO CENTS GERMAN PEOPLE LMRNIlTAVITIIJJIl'jy'i FIRS. HOWE CARI& GLENN ; Tfl BE HELD AT COlUjlDlA; wmsmM mmWiMB NEARING TRIESTf IBIIiifi! A DAYS' TIME I r - -T- ft P Evacuation of Important . gic Reasons' Predicted by J?rlii Papcrs-rreat Gains By Anglo-French in Spmme Ofensive-New Armored MaWn? P-.PS'lsrnas Army Qnjy.i 13 r Miles Fypni Important port City CampaignSerbs Take Trenches From Bulgars -v ur flight Marked Attempts Germans to , Recapture . jUist Ground ':. (By the United Rome, Sept 18. The Italians havebtoken the Austri an third in the region of Monfalcohe after threeMays oJ , fierce fighting. - Along the . new Italian drive on Trieste cu uiies are nuw.umy imrxeen mues jrpxn xnesie.- a se- m nes of Austrian positions tfard through Pietra Rossa, have been carried, and the J, Austrians driven back t opositibns in the valleys. Des- t pup neavy ramstorms, uaaprnas troops nave captured 3 hilTa 1AA arA 905? ortf oiworal nthan '1vrniYiari VoifvVfo tah7 WV -MW IIU WVIV , wmen naa peen m advance along vaiione. ' ' Serbs Continue Successful. Salonika, Sept 18. The Serbians have captured Bui irarian first and second line northwest of Lake Ostrovo, near the Serbo-Greek fron: tier, says an official statement. . Ten' machine guns have Deep captured. t , ' - J 1 :, .Great Activity in West; Germans Losing Steadily. . 'London, Sept 18. The British betran closing in nnnn Thiepval last night, after capturing Mouquet farm, The .-Wjkuv5oo ucowdw;, an cuuiiiexa xmung, ' nowever. At Thiepval the Germans' position, which lias obstructed the, British advance since the bednriinsr of the Sommp of- .fensive.is made precarious by the loss 'of' the fortified ,;, mouquet iarm, north of Martinpuich. General Haig's , men impravea tneir positions , east of .(Jourcellette last j iugh,CA?drti'i attack there was successful. The - j Germans bombarded sections of the British line with yiol ence during the -night, in apparent preparation for 'a (counter." - Forty thousand Germans have been lost in the ' Somme offensive. . Furious fighting continued last night . both north and south of the river. The Germans are clinging desperately to Denicourt, no wunder a Heavy French attack, " andare "making counters , against Berny and Vermandovillers, lost yesterday. ; , . . North of the river the British .artillery has checked one .attache fter;anjother :wi jpf shrapnel The Germans are bombarding Grandcourt and Lesara, oh Wghways' leading-to. Bapaume.;'V,';.;" ,! Thg Allies successes-are having a prof ound effect on Berlin: The press is preparing the public.fpr. the, early .evacuation of Peronne and Combles, declaring te retire iment may be made necessary for strategic' reasons. . '' The' French'shifted their attack' sojih 1 of th'e'Somme 'yesterday. . The Germans could not withdraw' troops iirb'm that sector to reinforce the battered, lines north of y A'-the riYer,,6n that account, and the jiulf; was sonipletej , lysuccesstul. Itixleeperied theedge .fin' the "'"Feronne vuiauies iuie. me uispawnes are iuu pi me pxpipits oi the new armored British carsK which resemble huge. land battleships "and shed machine gun fire like a chick sheds water. 1 - w ' : PRIZE CATTLE QF THE LlIIDDLEWESTDISPUYED , Xn?as.City. Jtff,,.Sg?t 18. With the dismpion' Holstein and er ey cattle in ,te middle weit and some froi the east on exhititioh, the . annual Southwest Dairy SJhw open ed at CoaveonHafi'today.-'T" . More ian 500 of thebet milk producing cows in the coun'ry : are hooeed if the hall." Curing; he. show various airy appliances trill be dem onatratei Government expert al80 will eajlain the latest dairy experi ment results.' ,. . ' CLAIM BRAZIL'S CENSUS ROIL PADDED BY MILLIONS . ' . R'o de Janeiro, Jrazil, Sept. .18. The Braziliao government has. Just Issued aa official estimate placing- the eountry'a population : at 2 inlllion. 642 Aousand souls . " - Experts - here Tree .t this -1g all ght up , to - Wt 12 ir!on. B?yond that jpirit 7 estimate includes the Indian , of a nter. no white man has nt!y they declare estimate i3 a eea Positions Jn Vest for "Strate Which Is Chief Objective p First and Second, 'Line Hard Fighting In West Dur : 5. l. tVess) ,. ' k . . ' whole front in Go'ritzia, the is progressing. - The advanc- near Oonachoiasell and south M VVI1V4 VtVaAAXlACVAJ 14ViCiibO positions at Kamakchalan. ROCKY KOOIIT TO HAVE : A FINE FIRE STATION . Mucky Mount, Sept. 17 .Fire chiefs from the principal cities of the State aom; score or more will be the guests of the Rocky Mount central department early in October, accord- ing .to plans that are being made at this time. - Jhe, occasion which - will prompt this Kstherin wiH be that of the opening the handsome-12,000 fire tation,cIub rooms nd dormitory, and at the same time the delivery of 9,00Q triple nni auto re truck. GfRMANy JABBERWCjK V MARKET HITS SKIDS London, Sept 1. 'By Mail) Ger many's jabberwok market has ; hit the skids. , ' V. j ' . ' "The birds und the beasts scare there" vhen General Smuts grabbed most of German East Africa and the Raiser's colonials .fled. A blood-sweating behemoth, doesn't give a dam what flag" flies on his hunting" ground. Neither does a d;k dak or a whiff en poof or a man-eating1, piffk. So Germary 13 out of her zoological supp'y. Five; Thousand Persons, Await Arrival of Presi dent With eraains,s Put No Public Ceremony " In Deference to Wishes By ROBERT J. BENDER. -(United 'Press Staff Correspondent) Columbia, C., Sept. 8 Presi dent Wilson today brought to Colum bia the body of hta sister, Mrs An- nje Howe, to be buried in the church yard, where the bodies of his father and, toother, have rested many years fhe funeral party reached Columbia shortly before noon. "The city re framed from public marks of sympa thy, the absence of ceremony being in obedience to the wishes of the fam ily. , , - 1 - The service is to be simple. The Rev. Thornton Whaling, president of Columbia (Seminary, will officiate. Governor Manning sent the follow ing message to his private secretary, Oscar LaRoque: , .. u . Please convey in person to ' the President upon arrival in (Columbia tomorrow, my sympathy and that of the people of the -State of South Car olina, in the death of my sister, and express my iregret that I cannot be there to .pay in person our tribute of respect and loyalty to him." Five thousand persons formed an aisle for the party at the station. "Long Branch, , iN.-' J., Sept 17. President and Mrs. Wilson left ere at 2 o'clock this afternoon for Col umbia, S. C, to attend the funeral of the President's sister , Mrs. Annie E. Howe, who died yesterday at New London. :Xbe train bearing the Prea ident will make the trip via Wash' ington, Richmond and Raleigh over the Pennsylvania,. Washington South ern and Seaboard Air Line railways, nd Is due at Columbia at 11:35 a. tomorrow. The services will be hld at the First Presbyterian church at Columbia. Mr. Wilson will leave the South Carolina capital 'for Long Branch at 6;15 p, ml Monday, arriv ing here Tuesday. VEGRO FATALLY CUT TIN AFFRAY IN PITT (Elijah Smith, a Pitt county negro, brought lere for medical ' attention Sunday morning, died shortly after ward front, ft' knife wound in tKe ab domen. Smith engaged in an alterca tion with' another negro near Win tenrille Saturday night."; It is re ported thjf Smith "knocked the other down once r twice, whereupon t his antagonist drew A knife and severe ly cut him . The slayer gave himself Both are said to have been drinking. , The name . of the negro who did the cutting could not be ob tained this afternoon. Smith had a family. . -' ' - No cotton was "sold here, today. New York futures quotations were Open"" 2:20 January stwrs-i . . ; .15.65 Marcn . YiJ.tiX'. ,'li U -15,84 ' 16.95 16.11 16.29 15.72 May , ;r . . :;.V.v. jvjfw ; October ' .. . -.15.44 ; December .. 15.57. HOLD THE hm' FOR : ALLEGED CHECK THEFT Sandy Jackson, colored, alias The Devil," already held on one or two in dictment!, was bound over to Supe rior .Court by . theRecorder Monday morning on the charge of larceny of check for about 1208 from the Cen tral warehouse. Jackson was held for probable cause, although there was ao great amount of elidenee. Isabelle 'Armstrong, serving thir teen months for recent miconduct, who managed to get away from the county jail Ion? enough to get drunk nd "kick up" a jraln, had three more months aJJeJ to her sentence. Best Average. Yet, Possibly 435,000r Pounds" Sold Goo Weather Encourag es Planters to Bring Pro duct to Town Tobacco 'opened up strong for the wce. ; Monday's soles are estimate ed at 435,000 pounds, with prices for low trades as good, maybe even 'bet ter, than before during the season, The day's average is believed to have been higher than Friday's. Fine weather induced the marketing of the big breaks, and with the prospect -for continued .clear skies tremendous salos are expected during the middle of the week. ' ' Practically all of ths territory tri butary to the Einston market was re presented in the sales. ' Quito a lot of the weed sold was of finest quail- PENNED SHIPS TO ; v MOVE NEXT MONTH Norfolk, Va., Sept 17. Navy yard officials tonight declared that no def inite time could be fixed for the de parture of ths interned German cruis era Prinz Eitel Frederich and Kron- prinz Wilhelm, from the local yard for Philadelphia, where they will be interned for the remainder of the European war. , It will probably be October f, before the two vessels, convoyed by American warships! will make the sea trip. - Thousands , today .flocked to the German-fHlagSxat thai navy-yard re serration ( built by the interned Ger man sailors. It will be dismantled at once. ' .t BULLETINS (By the United Praa) PREMIER'S SON KILLED.' . London, Sept." 18. Raymond , Asquith, son of the prime minis ter, has been killed. '-'''.?-' ' -tirs' ni.tr i'"'- "i '- 1 i ' ' "-'''" STATEWIDE DEBATE TO BE HWWAXE FOREST .Wake Forest," Swt 17-jThe Euze- lian and Philomathesian literary soci eties in co-operation with the college are preparing for a State-wido yhigh school declalmer's contest to be hold at Wake Forest. College hexC 'Ayfik to whieh each acoredited high school in the State is to send a representa tive. ' ' " - ALLEGED TROUBLE-MAKER IS DEPORTED FROM JAPAN - (By the United Press) ; . Tokio, Sept. 16. Herman Wohl- ers, a German resident oj .Yokohama for the last thrw.yeara.,iwsAjust been deported from this country for frying to make trouble between a the ynited States, Japan and Great Brit ain. Hi was given eight days to get out and he went quick. . , ' ' . Among other charges against Woh lers are these: That, he wrote, char ges 'against Japan to the American Government. That he induced an in toxicated American marine to. ,. pull the British Union Jack from the wall of a ballroom where Americans were celebrating the Fourth! of July witS Britishers as guests, for which the marine was court-martialed' That he entered Yokohama Park and loud ly denounced the Russ.-Jap. pact. ' ' SEXD DOCTOR TO SUM - TO OUST THE HOOKWORM Tc-kio, Japan, Sept 18. Dr. R. W. Men 'son of New York City is on h;s v ;.- from here to Eiam toiay as a T'-; : -,;ve of the United f tales V - ; t, to taVe t' e ' Troops Exppctcd r to Come Through Kinston pur- ing the Week : LPNG TRIP TO THE LINE El Paso Has a Deliffhtfu Time Coming to It, Con- ceited Tarheel Soldiers Say-rNo Excitement ' at the Reservation (Special to The Free Press) Camp Glenn, C., Sept. 18-dJy this time next week this place of be tween 3,000 and 3,250 population will be without a quorum. The. chances are that there will only be about enough men of the garrison, left ii have' an 'excuse for keeping the flag up, and they wall be In hospital. -, i The ' brigade is making no fever ish preparations far jsetting'away to ra w . . : Arm 1. 21 j.3 necessary have already been made ex cept getting wagon aboard, etc., and that can be done in such quick order that a circus crew would be given something to talk mbout to witness it, The troops will move by three (routes, 5 ia expected. About one- third will go by NewBtern and Wil mlngton another third by NewBern and Chocowinity and the other third up ' through Kinston and Goldsboro. Today or tomorrow more equipmient will be dealt out The guardsmen here are1 still lackinir in some few es Witials iri the way 'of wearing appar- Not all the men lhavw belts, for nstancej gloves tare lacking, and it may even bo the 'intention to issue overcoats. Travel rations will be giv en out .Travel rations ordinarily are good. i For such . a 'Jong tripi whiare Ugh thread . is not Usually available, hardtack biscuit company hardtack better than mother could make, all boxed in fancy-labeled packages is issued, together with canned willie (corned beef), hot coffee, with tinned cream "(they "carry no "cows (along, of course)" and , granulated . sugar, "and some otflfer varieties of canned food to break the monotony (rem the can ned cow. M " ' v ' iKinston may get a glimpse of the trojps going Southl and it may not tThey may get out of here long before day, an4 pass through the town be fore the civilians are. up. If it is ght neough the Second band, :, be longing there, may play a tun going through 'although Wch. - a thing is hairdly conceivable; It is almost im possible to get (bandsmen up ahead of time; pearly impossible to get them up on time. :, It is already getting cool here, t No one, aince the change in the weather, has dreaded to see moving time come. There would very j probably be as many cold, feet here as at El Paso, and from a different cause. a Bl. Paso has been missing something all these months. The town will get a delight ful shock, i.thes soldiers aay, when they get there. ' .-K.r: SETH LQW DIES ON ;" impwyoRK New ' York, Sept . IT. Seifli law, former mayor of New York, and one time president, of ' Coluih'bia Univer sity, died law today at his country home, .bfoadbrook Farm, Bedford Hills, N. Y., at the age of 66 yean. He had been ill several months of a complication of diseases., PRETTY MODELS AT CHICAGO. Chicsgoi Sep t.18. ew styles in milady's corsets, gowns and dresses were on exhibition here today at the annual autumn convention of the Fashion At League of America. Perfect SS" node1s paraJei in their cors?ts and prcl'tine?s before C ' i'. i cf tl.e co-vc:.:'n t) show - "::rps" sr.J how t'.a rew c" ' 5 lie . . . GilHIMNZA TROOPS ?ATH0L STREETS OF JUARfX PREVENT OUT BREAK BY FRIENDS OFiLAFOUJliiOf illlUAIIlJA FIGHT Bandit Chiefs Followers Badly Defeated,-Reports. Indi cate, JJijt Enthusiasm for (Cause Aroused in Northern Mexico Nevertheless Strong Force of De Facto Gov ernment Troops Headed for Scene of Battle Villa Be ing Pursued Back to Mountain Fastnesses -Border Country Excited Anti-Carranza Element Has JIuch Strength In Country -Around Juarez Daring Attack ' on Stronghold Occurred Saturday ' (By the United Press) x El Paso. Sent. 1 8. Northern Mexico is c excited over reports of a Villa attack on Four thousand Carranzistas wnue two columns are pursuing ine ny ing uaiiuu up ward Santa Clara Canyon, say reports from ' General Gonzales to the commander at Juarez. . Despite reports that yilla was badly defeated, the ef fect -of the attack was to arouse enthusiasm among the Anti-Carranza element, strong in Northern Mexico, Trodps are patrolling the streets of Juarez to prevent an v outbreak. " EAT FOUR DOLLARS A POUND, DISORDERS (By the United Press) , , ' London, Sept 18. Food disor ders have broken out in Vienna, says a Geneva dispatch. Beef is four 'dollars a pound and rice is two' dollars a pound. 'There is much distress amongst the lower classes" ' ' OUT LOOKING FOR ' SUBMARINE BRBIEN ' (By the United Press) ' New London, Conn. -Sept 18-Jew London- ii agog With expectancy at the arrival of thei German eommerca submarine JSremen a any time;. .A tug carrying Eastern Forwarding Oompny, agents put out last night on' reports that' the Bremen was off Block island. Its is now believed, however, 'that the' ship was an Am erican submarine, ; maneuvering. Em ploye of the company say they ex pect the U-boat to appear', at any time. 1N0 AJlied : warships ; are re ported off. the coast Earlier Report . 1 . New London, Conn., Sept 17. The ocean-gbing tug ;T. A Scott, Jr.. with persons on card supposed to be representatives' of; the Eastern For warding Company put to sea, re3U mably in search of !the German "sub marine merchantman Bremen, which was reported off the coast heading for this port The T.j A. Scott Jr.; was followed, by tugs ,bea7 jig newspaper carrespohdenta. . One of tho newspa per tugs: returned just before mid night and reported .that ( no , su1 mar ine had been sighted. The tug T. A. Scott, Jr was reported to" be on its way back also. . There is a heavy fog on the sound. BANK ROBBERS KILL iv6fljBras. posse " : " ' ! 5 1 ; Miamt Fla,? Sept. 17. Two pos- seroen.were killed and two injured in an encounter today n the Everglades with four bandits sought for robbery of $6,000 from the" State Bank of Homestead (Florida) last Friday. Re ports eaching here said the bandits fired from ambush and then fled. iMembers of the posse trailing the bank robbers near that section of the Everghides, 43 miles south of here, much of which is undrained, appar ently were caught in a trap. Five shots were heard. Two members of the posse fell dead, while a third re ceived five buckshot wounds in his left side and arm and another was shot through the thigh. Reorganizing his fore, She:LT ITarJie i.nmediatc!y started after the -iar.ts. ORIAPUT Chihuahua City Saturday. are being rushed to the city " ; - : . . FRENCH AEEOPLMS LEAD INFANTRY f CHARGE ON TREfiXI! Officers Directed Attacking Troops and at Clash Swopped pown aiid Slow ed Down Germans With J- Machine .Gun Fire ."' -, (By the Ui&ted Press) " Pa'.-is, Sept 18. -For the first time t in history,; aeroplanes today , led an infantry attack. ' Twenty fast armor ed planes, each carrying thres mach ine" guns, chargea' the Germans be fore a French charge at Bouohvesnes. Flying high bove the chairging bat talions, officers in the planes directed the attack hundreds of feet below. The -flyers at :'W.l$fWcjifl'!-9Went swocped low over the German iines, raking the trenches with a murderous fire. ; So 'snchessul waa the innova tion that it is expected to play an important part in auch fightingf in the future. - ; ' ' : GERMAN COMPOSER 0? JAPMII&IiSDEAD . Tokio, Sept 18. Frant Eckkett, composeir of the- music of the Japan ese National anthem, is dead. The authorship of the "Kimigayo." Ja pan's vStar-gpangJedv Bftner, jp dis puted, but Japanese authorities ad mit this Teuton has claim, upon the song's composition. . . : , . - Eckkert, it is known here today, died recently in Seoul, r Korea. He was 64. When foreign music first was introduced into Japan in 1877,. he was one of the leaders in Estab lishing its popularity in Tokyo nd other leading cities of the Empire. PROHIBITIONIST BECOMES , SHERIFF MONTANA CQUNTY - (By the United re) j Missoula, (Mont, Sept 18 J W. Jone. a prohibitionist And the one best rifle shot in the State, became county sheriff today. He was elect ed without opposition last month. In view of a" lack of opponents, county officials tried to get him to put his name on somt other ticket for, it be ing Montana, there were no other pro hibition aspirants. That wou!d have saved the county JS0. -But Jones wouldn't do H. THE SWEETEST STOR Y EVER TOLD, Greenville, Pa., Sept tons of honey v -o sY; here by E.!ar T.Y.".' -i ed a check for f:.r 1 f. cssfle, Ta., buyers of t' i

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