PR 3) 13) lr55 1 ".' . '"j" "Jsp.- JheJkr.eP&sr 7 Ac fKec.'.cr 1 - i ToJay't New Today Fair Tonight yOL. XVIII. No. 82 SECOND EDITION.' KINSTO, N. Ct AVEpjESDAy, SEPTEMBER 20, .1916 i sFQUR PAGES TODAY TRICE TWO CENTS f SERBS ADVANCLTO WITHIN SEVEN DUES PRESIDENT NOT ; TOI WltA SHERjFFJF GREENE TO HAVE A HOST OF OVERDO THING VIJEN BIG 'ACROSS DIES OF 'APOPLEXY SHARP Fl!iii?iip:iE! POINT, REPORTED; HE GOES AGAIN TO BE;: SACRIFICED FOILOV'G; TROUBLE GREAT FAIR PARADE i. j i j. 'id AW3 RICH BORDER PERSONS HAVE UDVMffllALS iSTUIilPING SAV REPORTS French Gunners Drive Bulbars From Field Near Gorejv f aiko Allies Take Important Ileig : Great Battle Between Russians ,(tnd Roumanians Germans, and pulsars AbouJ to DeyelopTSlay Lin? Pierced By . Kaiser's' Troopg at Several Places Teut ,.--"'' I-'---' ' ;' -'' t.'.z .j.:v.., ' i t x-i':;.:..;." - tofts In .West Elake Desperate Attempts to Recover JUst Ground, -With Little Success Continue to Ham jnerst French" pQitipns Pjpiected by Screen of Fire Frcm itemhVyt J I w ' v t V;' ! ,:(By the. London, Sept. ?0.--Greece has sent an urgent note to Germany demanding the release of , .Greek troops jemoved to (Germany f rom Kavala, ' Greece, according to a Iteuter dispatch from . Athens. j ' . Paris. Scut. 20. The Germans today continued hurl ' ing violent attacks against Somme from CJery to the river, tne war omce announcea The Teutons everywhere have been checked by a screen of fire except at trenches on the northern slopes. , , The Serbians have captured a strongly fortified hil. near the highest peak of the mountains along the Greece- Serbian frontier, after violent hand-to-hand : fighting. The Bulgarians resisted desperately, being almost totally . wiped out. Only fifty prisoners were taKen. j x rench bev enty-llVts uiapcraeu jjuigaixaiia iicax ji cuaiiw. BigBattle Developing in Near East. London. Sent. 20.--The within seven miles of Monastir, and are engaged in sharp n t I T ii it ..n..i.:...- .. 'Jul .iL. .1 ' i.T ngnpng witn me- xjuigars, sam jLuuiiy s aiuviis msynwnvs. For;tJie first time since the Balkan fighting began large forces of cavalry are. operating.. Serbian pavalry flayed an important part in the fight resulting in the capture of villages about j onna. , ' Borlin'Mispatches. indicate pected t6"developlon;the front jsouth oi tne jonstanza jxanroaa ana is now m uie earlv - stages. The 'German war officer announces ,;j that tne pussian line nas oee;n piefeeu at bevpai (puuiws., . , NAVn:CLTii'G BOlilD: flrifilTO ED :aiTisciiAM 'I!'" Washington, Sept 19.--The navy civilian' consulting; to.oard,.. composed of 24 the nation's most emlnsrit scienfists and ngineera,: Vo)t4:jt3 place" today as a legalized bureau -of ' the Navy Department, and the namas of -itp 'memly&rs,, headed -by, Thomas At Edison as .chairman, were placed on tjieolli under, a recent act f Congress as "offers tjfthe United States govnment.'' .' The board's inauguration was it tended -iby impresve ceremonioa held in the office of Secretary Daniels. Immediately upon taking the oath of office, the , board members effected permanent official organization. Mr Edison was elected chairman; Wil- lianr L. Saunders of the ' American Institute of Mining -Engineers, and Dr. Peter C. Hewitt of the Invent ors' Guild, both of New York City, were selected as vice-chairmen; and Thomas Robbins, of the Inventor's Guild, was, appointed secretary. LET m TO SHOT ; . to ao stayt;:lie Jesse "Wood, who "shot and inflicted m. flesh wound up 1 Jamf" Baldree at a religious rueetii j'.npar LaGrange-L some days ago and,' escaping, enlist ed in the National Guard, will al lowed to remain in the service. Th authorities, havir, g. 'located. Wood ere to'J by General Young,' com manding at f-p Glcr.n, where Wood is tenri - ,r, :hst the '-man would" b turned ever to them upon the proper procedure, ' the army nowadays frownira. Upon the former' habit of men g-a::;y cf mis-demeanors cf en t evaJa punishment by the c:Vil court.. IT..-.vever, intere,'.fd r'rs " '-:: 1 'J h?ri Taylor that anfl Uoiited Tress) the French lines north of the Serbians have advanced to . . ;that a great battle is ex- new ; Russian-Roumanian Competition was keen in the -bid ding on the local cotton, exchange, to day. !als v. wet abow ,yi doen bales, and , the staple "brought from 15;to 151-2 cents. ' -J , iNew York futares quota ti oris were: ' : - - Open. 2;40 January lfJ,16 ;Marc;h-r ...... 16.J4' May .i i... . ,".16.51 October .........15.90 December ... 1 ....... .16J.1 08 --1P.24 --41 . 15.8? 16.00 TWO CTCAfiS ON ' COARD DRITISH SHIp ; TORFED&ED'BYUB. ' ', ''- : i-v"-:':v';Ii. l X" t3y the United Jpssy -Washington, Sept. 20. Two Amer ican seamen were aboard the British steamer Strathay, torpedoed in the English channel by a 'German sub marine on September 6, Consul Skin ner at London today reported to the State Department. .The steamer was previously reported sunk, but the cause was unannounced. . BULLETINS (Ey a United Press) CE2MAN SATISFACTION. Brlin, Sept. 20. The Anglo-: French losses in the Somme of fensive -are , estimated at half ; million men. The British are aid to have lost 350,iqo men., BUCHAREST CLAIMS VICTOUV. Bucharest, -Sept.2; 20. The Rop mania.ri3 have been victorious ' over the main Bulgarian, Gerjnan and Turkish forces in a battte near Ersea, it U said officially. Fighting is continuing. It js . the preference -of those con cerned that Wood be allowed to re main in ,the guard, where he could be of soms good, and that official ac C!rd'n?ly informed " General Young, ho, Eherif Tajlor says, agreed to let the remain in service COTTON Only Half SpritesPlans-' Prf ect- edBut'J)ates and Places NoM Yet Announced By ROBERT J. BENDER, (United Press Staff Correspondent) Asbury Park, JN.'"J.,ept. 20 Pres ident Wilson 4s preparing for an in vasion of the West The times and places 'whre he wilTdeliver the stra tegic blows designed -' to overthrow Candidate Hughes are etill undecid - ed, but the line of Attack was thor - oughlymapped out at a conference with Chairman Vance McCormick last night ' ' - , The President will probably accept no western engagement before Octo - ber L Tho invasion wjll ' consist merely of a few set speeches at half a dozen' points. i Rumors that the President will "tour the West 'to offset Hughes'! campaigning are emphatically denied. rmiNf ii mil. . not nunnrc inn rtd'k iiuuuLU hill uiu iu Property-Owners Get Reas-i ' L" ' - ' I . .surance., ueveiopmem i TlAnnn ; An ' A onti oHinr I sJr4V -'.-.- r r Uty liOrrOWS &Um IOr ' -T". ..,!(.. i , , - i ,City Council at a" special meeting Tuesday night decided '- to !bor?owj $50,000 at 4 1-2 per- cent on four I months'' time to cover ..-expenditures on the improvements " under ? way pending .the bond issueto be made to covef all the expenses. ' The West Construction -Company-will be due a settlement- early"' In-October on two paving contracts, and its retainer, of $5,0QD ..withheld by the city as well l Owners .ot property ,m Biiodes Hill were jeassured by Cquocil in the mat ter -of tpaving. ; Quite i. a number were before -tiie -body and stated their in tention of Improving the new suburb to the "extent of making it one of the best , residential Ipairt fit t the city. Ihere had been some little antagonism to jthe Rropogijiibn Jq,,jave thjere, but the 'members -of Coufltil told V the propeVfy-6whMs"at. jhj WoJt would not be called off. Development of the hill depends , largely upon f, the paving, some property-owners de clare. Many leading citizens have holdings Jmere, and property valua tion .have .increased , several j times over during - the past two or thro years. splicc;g u? of mutt AND JEFF ST GRAND ON MONDAY EYEMG At- the Grand $Vat6r. Monday night the 25th, for art ongagement of one Slight -Cus -Hill will present for the flrst'time tJir sixtBTedltion of iDod Fishe'TS great Cartoon sucf ess. Mutt and JeTa Wedding.' After breaking all established the atrical records - for volume of busi ness and. pleasing audiences, this re markable attraction will offer an en tire new entertainment for the com ing season, retaining nothing but the title and those two character con ceits, A. Mutt and his little friend Othello Montgomery Jeffries. The fact has been conceded by the best newspaper authorities -in the world that Mutt and Jefl cartoons and like wise the play of the same title, are the most remarkable Accesses in the history of the press and theatricals. In a numbes'of cities where this attraction has played four and fire times in the last two years, their en- "Invasion of West", Expected to Attack Chihua,T Rcfugeeslay 'Already Be Assaulting the City- Communication Severed " (,By the United Press) E! Pso. Sept. 20.-rTeiegraphic and railroad communication with 'Chihuahua City have been resum ed. The city is quiet. . El Paso, Texas, Sept. 20. vWhila a message was coming over wire to 1 Juarez last night v from , Chihuahua 1 City that ahots were being lired out- aide the city and that it was feared another Villa attack' was Impending, ' communication failed and has not been resumed -today, I Carranaa, offlciala refusa to credit anbther attaik, "saying the ;. saga J referred to firing Tuesday by evcit- led outposts. I : Refugees streaming ' nto Juarez from Chihuahua City are .unanimous In the bel ief tbat Villa will again at- ! tack the city.; , The first .raid ' was I completely successful, the? confirm. IIL; llll I lilt lllllll 1111 ur Mimuii ruuuo ' - :;..; IIUliALIU fylAKKhlLU ITiree hondred and five thouaand 1 pounl8 pf tobacc' s Bold here to. dav. accord in in warnliniiaa Ute.. ' Th ivnnnriNi ma v. been . ehade ttct tthan I.. .... ... ' certainly there was no change for the worsei Qne 'or ,two warehouses re- ..... ... . poriea averages oi arounti zo "cents. The oualitv of the weed dffared was generally good? heavier .breaks', are looked for Thursday. ; . ' r- lIKTOTAlf PtnPI" UTItni" ' ' Aiiwiuii ruwj mm TRAINS ARE ANNOUNCED 3u8t "ceived -... cupping from your paper, dated August Z6th, neaaea, , iMoripiK, Wftat. u ye ean By Treating Us In This -Manner ?" saya Col. H.,S. Lcard, tieneral Pas senger Agent of the Norfolk South ern, rn a letter to lne ireo rress. Colonel Leard referred ;to a "com plaint" registered by Mr. T. ' W. Mewborn, an enterprising1 niomber of the Chamber of Commerce, who 'had beon in the terminal station at Nor folk and discovered that tho train announcer ' called out number of leas important stops,' but ' not Kins- "We Tvant to assure you that there is no more Important town on the rfolk Southern Railroad, nor one that it would please me more to do something for, than your progressive city," the Colonel declares in that de lightful way of his. So, therefore, 'Just as soon as thi3 clipping reach ed me, I immediately made arrange ments with our station master to in struct his announcer to call our train as follows: 'Train for Kineton, Eden- ton, New Bern,; .GoWsborQ. ,Ife(fl sure that . from now ' on, 4 when . yeur patriotic Kinstonians' reach' our Mer mmal .-tation :in -Norfolk-on their way home.the first thina-that wilFat-1 tract their attention will'be the voice of our'oaller notifying everyone that 'Kiniton Is on the map. am sorry that you' did not bring this matter to my attention by personal letter soon er, as U would have been my pleas ure to have --had this arrangement made before. . Again assuring you that anything .1 can do for yourself or your Kinston people will be a per sonal pleasure to me, I am, etc.' gagement was better than the first and the firstwas to the capacity of the theater.- This ' seasons offering will show an entirely new scenic an& electrical production, consisting of several sensational mechanical ef fects never before attempted in a musical comedy. . .. Government WilUng Go do r mailing Cases fIGHJ TO A FINISH To Send Members of "Syn- .dicate" to PrisonPilfer ; ed Many & Wealthy One's , pockets Under Threat of -Making Scandal ' ' . y- 7 " ' ' " . ' ..... (" . . ' '-: - '. .. " ; ' ' . . .-. . ',' :.' . '' . 3 (By the United Press) Washington, Sept 2Q. DraBtic plans tending to forco the victims of the now noted nationwide blackmail- ing syndicate to tell all they know. regardless of How such testimony and publicity' might soil the reputations of "wealthy men' and women, are one of the chief objecu of "a conference here of officials of Ute Chicago New York and Philadelphia offices of the Bureau ' of itivebigiition. Officials today -admitted that the very nature of the gyatean" by which wealthy per sons were forced 'to submit to black mail, made lit obvious' that obtaining the consent of -witnesses "to testify regarding the- incidents which they paid heavily to Jteep secret, will be a most difficult feature of the ,figh$ to send the blackmailers to jail. Re suits 'will be obtained with .the least publicity' possible." ' However, , . the cases will be pushed without consld ewtion ot reputations; 'Attorney General Gregory with A. I .-... .. .. wuce- tHeiaaki, cnier or .tfte Bureau of investigation,, is in " personal nhartrA A 4lia vo a. 4n.4!tAf i . flint I ,v. the DPWtnt Jptepds to 'aee the th'n througih, REPUBLICAN -CANDIDATE - fad attapmev rEMSDAi SPEAKING HERE TODAY Anyway, it's all in the way ia fel. !t(W ,(ok8 at a flliq3tion! Not ;niB ieir!-jv- chieve- ment of note .in sixteen years in pqw er is the -"fine" record Mr. John J. Parker of Monroe, candidate for At torney ' "General on the Republican ticket, who addressed ' the coalition Progressives and Republicans in' Kin. 8 ton Wednesday afternoon-ascribes' to the Democrats. Jlxtravaance -f ad-' minifltratiort, excessive taxation and not iftingle betterment of the great mass of the. common . people, wre charged, against (the Democrats. , The system .fit .taxation was pronounced .as antiquated- The various departments of the State, go verpment were criticii-' e4. Mr. Parker pointed out that the salaries and expense allowances of the Lari(u, Stato offlciala h,d in o-eased, "and cited figure to support his statement The recorder's court system was denounced. Mr. Parker, was introduced by Chairman J. M. - Mewborn of the county .Progressive . committee. He was. jstill speaking when press time arrived. The imeeting was enlivened somewhat wheti '3ir. Ffank Wooten "wanted to aak a .ouestion," ind on cisions 'ioot.the spe;ker , . ti..-. sary tp take up fog the Democratic party land deny aome-.of the state ments of the speaker. Mr. Wooten was promised an inning when Mr. Parker had concluded liis speech. MAY HOVE BIG A. I ; . PLANT TO THIS STATE ' J , -; r . . . (By ihe United Press) Newf York, .Sept 20. The Ameri can Tobacco Company is considering the removal of the factory fron New York , to a point in the Carolinas or Virginia. Officers of the company to day said Richmond and Durham are being considered. Unsatisfactory la bor conditions are given as the cause. Excitement v - After Arrest t;Jl4njltea;7n Stroke On - -Tuesday Night ' FOUR PERSONS WOUNDED By Negro Who Claims He .Was Shooting at Rabbit. i Official Had Been In Poor Health Popular Officer " arid Candidate . . William H. Williams, 48, Sheriff of Greene county, died at hie home in Snow Hill about 5 a. m. Wednesday, following a etroke of apoplexy suf fered Tuesday nighty about 0 o'clock after the arrest of Will Sasser, an 18-year-old , negro, for an alleged as sault witn a shotgun upon four per- 1 i -To. ', '. :V -? ; - S Sasser Tuesday af terpoon -fired -ip- to an 'autoinobile containing , Troy Dail, J ZebuIorK Jones, 'vjtfrs. ! Cleon fonts . and.; MissfilanneAJones, slightly .wounding all four. 'Hf is re ported to have, had a grudgeagainst Dail, Jut in Jail makes ttjestatement that. he was ahootingat a rabbit. The shooting, occurrojr near Snow Hill, . Dail ,w5S worse wirt than any of the victims, but is in nd. danger, it thought. -.There is littlA real evi dence, so far jto prove that the shoot- ing was malicious, and'mo intense sentiment against the neg Sasser was arrested, hat the depu ty having him in charge waaso long in arriving with him that theSfceriff fc$red the prisoner bad been taken away .from him, , according to a Gjeene county official. Williams bn- came ..very npeasy and was:, quite wrought ni by ' the time the deputy sheriff came with, the: boy. (After Sasser had been locked t up .Sheriff Williams euffefed the -stroke., pn, tb open street, as a result of the excite ment, it is believed. . He had been up practically -all the night before and had been in .declining health for soni'e, time .Twelve months ago or saTiesuffered a first stroke of apo- ' Sheriff E111 Williams was a very popular official. - lie was reared in G pee no county. He belonged to the, Masonic order. He was a man ' of iplendid I.character, inclined to tend er hartedness,, and somewhat . sensi tive.fHe shad ..worried considerably pyer .an act of nob violence in 3iii fWnty some mopths ago and censure,' nicV he had frequently (protested. was nqt deserved, during the inves- gation that was held here soma months later. Some questions put to him by counsel during the taking of testimony were construed by Sheriff Williams .as -an imputation that he had not fulfilled his duty in every re spect. Once friends restrained him from demanding an apology out of court. ' .'. ;- . " - - tie was held in highest esteem by his associates in official circles in this part of the State,, and was wide ly known... -He was a man f,ppaf ently good physique, pleasant, qule. manner, and very Courteous. He had bran .office- four years and was 'a endidate for re-election.. . .,( , ? f liTVidow and lone stepchild sur vive'hriff WillisJns. .---'--.,, The fuheril wilt be held some time Thursday, it is Expected. The ar rangtments have ot been "completed. FREIGHTS COUDE IN 7EST CAT.OUNA; 2 HURT A ilickory, S?ptll9. This morniiig two Carolina , nd North Western freights collided while rounding a curve' three miles north of Hickory on the Catawba river. Fireman Hen ry Winkler, who lives near Hickory, was badly scalded. Engineer Bass was injured about the head and shoul dors. , . EVery Town in Ten ; Coun ties to Be Asked to Send Sponsor for Pageant : Brilliant Galaxy of Pul chritude and Color , , Chief Marshal Harvey C; Hinea today hit upon the idea of having a troop of lady marshals for the big parade of the fair. Last year there was a platoon or a section or a squad .. ... .v . , . . '...-'," ', .- - or maybe it was only two or three, ladies among the marshals, all charm ingly gowned In glorious riding hab- ' its. This time it is intended to have not less than half .a .hundred,; if pos sible, two or three hundred will : be gotten together for the purpose; Wo men naturally take more interest in such, things than( anen, and ,they -wjll no, doubt the ,more .readily comply with the request to serve. .4 . . . It is proposed to write the mayor of every town In the ten counties' . comprising the, fair .belt, -requfating him to name a marshal ,or marshalts? ' -or, possibly ,mqra .prPBPdy.vSRop - sor, for his (municipality. , With .the list of names before him, Mr. Hnes ' will appoint an assistant chief mar shal -"marshaleae" to have charge of the- suffragctte-lady - -mrs.hal- section, 4ret in touch with the lady marshals, and prescribe the general style, but not thecolors nor the frills, trimmings or curlice,wg, or whatever , they may be called, of the costumes- that they are to be rigged up in. That will .leave room for -some .individual ity, ,o that , Genevieve JLenson. won't vive: to .endure jha, )mriilia,tipn of being dolled uptjust like Lucille.LucT ous, the snobby, snulj-nosed thing. There will be, very probably, keen competition between the towns. Every place will send forth ' its choicest beauty: with its best specimen of -. family-broke (hprseffesht .a rrdr inar oon, scarlet, yellow, canary, blue,,oli gold, heliotrope or lavender costume for the young 'woman, and fa fot of ribbons on theVag,' Twill "Wa' gau dy - spectacle and' with two 'op Hhre'e scors 'of East Carolina's best-looking girls thus; spectacularly arrayed -and mounted, 'hr one grajid. 'assemblage the ordinary circus grand entry gong will fade into nothingness. There could not be a better feature. With the belle of every" burg' bundling' her self over to town for the occasion and all their beaux and admirers and re lations ) tumbling after; -the dpening -- . day-crowd woqJA'be swelled greatly.) .'.There are aevetal- cities, yillpges and hamlstJn the ,ten ,coua lve.V and npneiw.iU..pefo.y.erlooedfj ,t Nfl TROOPS GLENOET; LIKELY f,!0VE LATE LY DAY There had been no movement , of troops from Camp Glenn toward the border at noon Wednesday. It was expected, at .that .hour. Jhat the First Infantry j(ndrsnjllerj;nits,including brigade headquarters, two cavalry troops and the field hospital and Am bulance -.Company A, would get out late in the dy, however. There is slill some doubf, though, as to wheth er or not the jirst train will leave be foreThuisday. ' ' - j-Jjnston will get no glimpse of the first trains to leave:- They will go through New Bern and Wilmington. The Second Jnfantry, unaccompanied by .other organizations, will pass through this city, however, probally Friday. The Second has awrat 103 hj en .from this city. ; The Third In fantry,, leaving Saturday or Ear. !ay, will go through New Bern and V,"a -bgton, probably. The er ;;.- two companies strong, jray accc- ny. the Third. It will take more thr.n a trains, at the least e''-r . '.-, ' 5, Ljr;;j s:.l o'.'.:r r

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