Thursday Evening, September 21, 1916 THE KINSTON FREE PRESS V PAGE TORES WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD EACH . INSERTION MINIMUM 15 CENTS Om cent word sack tnser tlon, unless srder Is aeeoaipaa icd wit mh and Insertions srs to bs ffiTM ia couccutlT banes sf ths aspcr. RATES Consecutive Insertions Only Whca Aeoompaatol $$5?:Pr :'-" ' 1 lasertioa.... ...le a word ' I Insertions..,.. ....2 word S Insertions........ 3 a word 7 Insertions. ....s word 19 Insertions... ... word 28 Insertions..... .12 word Posltirtly No Books Kopt ; Whero The Bates Apply FOR SALE Twelve Pure Bred Buff Orpington Chickens, $15. Apply Mrs. J. F. Ballard, 308 W. Blount 9-21-3t RURAL MAILLER CARRIER t EXAMINATIONS TO BE HELD The U. S. Civil Ssrvic Commit sion hat announced an examination for Kinston, on October 14, to fill the position of rural carrier at Pink Hill. and vacancies that may later occur on routes from .Ither postoflkes in the above-mentioned county. The examination win be open only to male citizens who are actually domiciled in the territory of a postoffics in the county, and who meet the other ,re quirements set forth in Form No, 1977. This form and i application blanks may tie obtained from the of fices mentioned above or from the United States Sivil Service Commis sion at Washington, D C. Appli cations should be f orwafrded , to the Commission at Washington at the earliest practicable date.- L WANTED Four - or five rirls at , Free Press "office. Those who have had experience folding pamphlets preferred. dlytf WE HAVE OPENED a well-equipped cotton, gin on -Washington street, neat A; C. L. and solicit patronage. Already in operation. - C. A. Daw son & Biro. - SW-9-20; Dly-4t WHEN in need of an experienced Sanitary Nurso, call on or address Mrs. Nancy Morris, 610 E, Shine St 9-16-5t . x", f i" , .' ' DANCING CLASSFirst lesson clock. German Club ; opens at- 9 o' clock. I.'F. Calkins, Instructor, 9-20-3t CAROLINA RAILROAD TIME TABLE No. 1 ; FIRST-CLASS FREIGHT AND . PASSENGER SERVICE. - Every Day Except Sunday Southbound v - . Northbound 832 - . 833 A. M. , J ' Pi M- f :40..... Susnrs Siding t 5:50 s 7:29...; Hines Junction ....S 6:05 7:06... Pools ...... .,.f 5:20 s 7:00 Dawson . 5:27 s 6:47....... Glenfield ........ 5:41 6:30 Lv....Snow Hill.Y.Ar. 6:00 All trains governed by the Norfolk Southern rules while using the track from Kinston to Hine Junction and subject to the orders of its superin tendent. -. , WM. HAYES, Genl Supt,.KbjBton, N.-C G. A JONES . . Freight & Passenger Agent, - i Snow Hill. N. C. BULBS Chinese ' Lilies, Narcissus and White Roman Hyacinths. Just received. J. E. Hood & Co., Phone 116. 9-21-6t MISS SALLIE MAE ANDREWS' Music Class will meet in studio over Farmers and Merchants Bank, Saturday, September 23d, at ' 10 o'clock. 9-20 to 23-Dly SOCIAL ' And ' PERSONAL -' Mr. J. J. Tolson of New Bern was here Wednesday. mm ,, Mr. H. Stadiem is on a few days' sUy ia the North, , ' '. V . ' 1 - : "v- - " : '( - . - .... , -.. .. , . ; Mrs. Willie Nelson of, Bayboro 7 is on a visit to friends here. " - ' .. . . :..' .. Miss Thelraa Johnson of Dunn is the guest of relatives in the city. '::.y t : ? r :y' ''tM' 'i Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cuthroll of Plymouth" are here for a short stay with friends. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Hodges have returned from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. H. 'H. Hodges' at New Bern. . Mrs. W. T, Morris and Mrs. Oc tave Westbrook have returned from Wilson, where they spent a week with relatives.- mm Elder H. Cunningham, who is quite ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Owen Smith, in this city,: was this morning reported to be unimproved. Biltmore Wheat Hearts. All grocers. (adV.) ' GOING OfTiN OTHER . TOWNS AND COUNTIES OF EASTERN CAROLINA Cameron Morrison will speak at Now iBern Thursday night ,. The Charlotte man will be introduced by Senator F." M. Simmons. Unusual progress has been made fcy the i workmen on the Beaufort harbor of refuge breakwater during the past several months, aided by general good weather and other pro pitious circumstances. 1 : Work is about to be commenced on the construction of : nine miles ot brick roads in Craven county HIUTT AND JEFF IN : THEIR BEST GET YET IN CODING SH07 Once ' again the - merry-making Mutt and Jeff will be with us. The season ftf laughter 1 about to begin, Mutt and Jeff in a brand new dress comes to the Grand Theater next Monday with a bigger ; and 'jetter show than has ever appeared before under this well known title. , Giving Mutt and Jeff a new and superior production each successive year is an act of diplomacy ,on the part of Gus Hill. - Bud Fisher's 'eccentric charac ters can live for a century or die as dead as a door nail in sixty days, if allowed to do eo, but it is decidedly to the interest of both Bud Fisher andv Gus Hill to "see themllvS ., for years innumerable, which they will do as long as Fisher Is able to fur nish new dope and up-to-the-minute comedy , situations and as long as Gus Hill furnishes a new and accept able vehicle for their stage V work. Both of these gentlemen seem to he successfully keeping up their pace at the present writing. Mutt and Jeff's Wedding will represent the last word in musical comedy production, every thing being .new but the name. . The American public " never wanted to laugh more than they do at this time. They seek, comedy even in moving pictures. Gus Hill's mission since his entry into the theatrical prod"l!,g game, has been to make people laugh. He is the acknowledg ed dean of cartoon comedy produc tion, never having offered a play of this sort that did not prove a suc cess. ;V.,,;'v:-3r:VtSr.;Svv'Xi Pine Tar Relieves a Cold. . Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey contains all the soothing eleents of the pine forest. ,It heals - the irritated mem brane, and by its antiseptic proper ties loosens the phlegm, you breathe easier, and what promised to be . a severe cold has been broken up. For that stuff ed-up feeling, tight chest or sore throat take a dose of Dr.. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey and prevent a wear ing, hacking cough drawing through the winter. At your druggist, 25c. adv. SALE OF LAND BT ,vv. ; .' gee MORTGA. ' Under and by virtuo of the powers contained L that certain mortgage, made by R. A, Wooten and wife, Em ma Wooten, to Hines Brothers Lum ber Company on April 18th, 1912, as appears of record in the office of the Register of Deeds for. Lenoir Coun ty in Cook 44 at page 261, : said mortgage and the indebtedness there bysecured having duly , come by transfers to the undersigned B. F. D. Albritton, and default having been made in the payment of the indebt edness by the said mortgage secured, the undersigned will on the 25th day of (September, 1916; t about 12 o'clock M offer for sale to the high est .bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in Kinston, N. C, the follow ing described tract, of land, which is that described In tho said mortgage, and Is more particularly described as follows: ;-.V ; . ; Situated in the - aforesaid ; State and county, and in Vanes township, adjoining the lands of Mrs. L. L. Parrot and others and bounded as follows? : ;-;:' .:' "?:":;r--' ' Begging at a stake on the West edge of the Kinston and Snow Hill Public Road near a tenant house on J. Hymen Mewborne's land end runs N. 43 E. with Mrs. L. L. Parrott's and W. O, Moseley's lines 1716 feet to a stake; thence N, 21 degrees and 88 minutes West 1893 1-2 feet to a stake; thence N.' 69 degrees and 62 minutes West 1515 feet to a stake! thence N. 401-4 Wert 1633 1-2 feet to a stake; thence S. 79 West; 723 feet to a stake in the East edge of said road; theacs with said road S, 2 1-4' E. 368 feet; thence S. 88 1-2 East 769 feet; thence S. 32 1-4 E. 1293 feet; thence S. 30 1-2 E. 1557 feet; thence S. 27 E. 800 feet; thence S. 23 1-2 E. 913 feet to the be ginning. 176 and 72-1000 acres, more or leas, excentine. however, from the foregoing' description about SO acrepj heretofore conveyed by R. A. Woot, en to his wife, Emma Wooten, which is situated on the South side of the above described tract of land, and lying on the South side of the lead ditch through the Bright new ground. This 23rd day of August, 1916. B. F. D. Albritton, v -Assignee of Mortgagee. Grand Theatr mm SEPTEMBER ; Seats now on sale, 25-5 0-75 c and $1.00 an . ij rni sric and ni ITTrnnjO and aoaieus ABSOLUTELY IILlf SPAN ULII IClUltU PRODUCTION OF MUTT and JEFFS ' WEDDING So scream MUTT and JEFFS . Wives . Then -y ' I Try and V Stop a '.', . , ; -..v". ' Laughing i Z-zzz- Dont a-, M ss I r i Wedding - 1 LH r ! Laughing TSESS OF & MUTT JEFF Ploys A COMPANY OF 50 PEOPLE DO YOU WISH TO KAKE OR BENEW A KORTGiBE The Equitable Life Assurance Society,assets over$500.G00,000, WILL MAKE LOANS on approved home property in eertaia wctiont oi Kiniton at 6 per eenl .ample mtm. la be repaid bj (bed monthly uuulmeota over a period oi lOyeara, with aoMidoeJ ptorWos that ia erent of death of the borrower, balance due on the baa it repaid from the proceedi of the life Buurance policy Uwed therewith. For pamphlet and information ee C. J. DUPHEEy SPECIAL AGENT., Subscribed THE FREE PRESG V-'-'--'V- --;.,-V 'J'- " ; - I - V ' .V , -- - --y- - ....... , , , , MM FM W(0) JNJ You are Cordially Dnvited io Attend 100 NEW MODELS will be Shown. These hats have been care fully selected and beautifully trfmmed to meet your wants; we are confident that you can make a satisfactory selection her e. BLACK LYONS VELVET, with colored Felt combinations. PLUSH, With velvet facings. , , BEAVER PLUSH, with velvet facings. In fact, we have everything in Millinery that is new and "stylish. To Protect yourself you should buy early, as owing to advancing prices for dye-stuffs and labor and millinery supplies generally, we " cannot guarantee the same low prices for later buying. : Ladies' New Fall COAT SUITS. Ladies' Long, and SPORT COATS. CHILDREN'S COATS. New SKIRTS, of Serge, Poplins, and other fancy materials; New WALK-OVER SHOES for Ladies. BUSTER BROWN SHOES for Children. ' - - New WALK-OVER SHOES for Men. New CLOTHING for MEN and BOYS. AH our goods were bought before Prices advanced and you buy here at a saying of at least 25 per cent. can mm IT 1 " i I I a ma m n p

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