V Pno Four TnE KINSTON FREE PRESS : Thnrsd;ry Evening; September 2t, 191fr tor 4 -I .3 a, 1 1 , I lit' c l THE BATH n,i, naTm-i-m ' " ' K you havent tried a rubber sponge or the bath, you ought to. They are clean healthful and more economical (too, because they last longer and give better satiifaciton. We have then) ia various sizes 25 COltS tO $1.00 LENOIR DP.UG CCr.IPANT V. D. Hoed, Prop, i) . On The Square. Phone 114 . DR. C. C HARPER, DENTIST Office Over the Old Pontoffice We have added to our line the well-known ; Carl Fisher si . ,ancs TO4 GRAND AND PLAYER PIANOS Our line is complete in every respect , Before ' purchasing a PIANO call Phone 329-J. or a postal card will dp. We now use a storage house instead of a store. ForfGSt Siiiiiii VmUZ 350 FOR CANDY MADZ IN KINSTOU Under strict sanitary rules, and from the best and purest materials. ; Flavors to your order, T: ICECREAM Our own make, perfect ly pure, and. delicious in flavor, 35c qt, delivered 0Lvr.:?iA CA!!DY KITCIIEII 127 N. Queen Street y. "THE .A Wonderfcifl EDispOay of FA Lfc-FASHIOWS Including MILLINERY, is here ready for your;vinspoction Friday and Saturday the greatest variety and prettiest styles," colors and materials it has been your pleasure to select from for a long time. The Now are attracting widespread attentiontheir new cuts and trimming effects and tho beautiful and serviceable materials and colors win tho admir ation of th9 most exacting critic at first sight. Come and seo them. We are also showing GREAT VARIETIES of beautiful new Silks, Dress Goods, Linens, Gloves, Neck wear, Hosiery, Underwear etc. . : KINSTON, ATTRACTIVE DRESSES Crepe Metro Combination Serge and Silk. Lovo to show you EllAS. A. WATERS Tts Tele hnnA Stor, : TelephoM IS YO U men who travel about, .you know the hats that men are wearing. For your new Fall Hat, come in and look over the superb line of new Stetsons. They are in , our window, but the ;only , way to the true value of a really fine hat is the way it looks on the man who wears it We kept in mind a half hundred or so men when wo, picked our line and found a range of Stetsons to give each man ample opportunity for, style- for men are not content with ono hat only in these well-' dressed times. 1 J. CDillLSCO. DR. JAS. W. POWELL : DENTIST ( , Specialist Pyorrhea ; Crown and Bridge Work First Natl Bank Bldg. Phone 595 Miss Sallie Foy Hazelton, r R.N. ; x (Registered Nurse) 119 E. GORDON STREET - PHONE 218 DEPENDABLE STORE" SUITS ant! DRESSES LOCAL Seed Selection Dtfy. ' ' Scptcmberu has been selected or State Seed -Corn (Selection Day, Ag ricultural Demonstration Agent 0. F. McCrary announced here Thurs day. Fair Sign Up, Suspended ' over Queen and Gordon corner,' and there to 'stay until after the 'big event it advertises has fce- fciwee history, is cloth banner an nouncing the Kinston -FairOctober 24-27. ' 1 " V Sheriff's Funeral ' , The funeral of the late Sheriff W. II. Williams, who died wt Snow Hill Wednesday as the result of a stroke of apop'exy, was to be "held in the Greene county town Thursday after noon. A number of friends from this city prepared to go to the Jfuneral. Jersey Baby Died Snow HilL Lwvella Cooke, five months old, the daughter of Mr. and Mts. Ray mond H. Cooke of the Ollie Hamil ton show,' now .playing here, died at Snow Hill a few days ago of gastri-1 tia. Tee parents live in irenton, jn. J. The little one was buried in St Barnabas' cemetery at Snow HilL Want Township Floats for ;V Fair, Parade. Every township in the county will be invited to send a float for the fair opening parade on October 24, if a plan that was suggested Thursday is carried out.-The idea met with im mediate favor on the part of the of ficials. By the plan no set design would have to be abided by, but it would be left up to the people of each township to arrange thoir own floats as suited them (best.; with what ever theme they desired and whatev er decorations. Meeting Board Of Agriculture. , , At a session of the County Board of Agriculture to be held in the Courthouse here on October 2, D. II. Winslow, Federal road supervisor now in'chargo of the maintenance of the Central Highway through this section, will , make an address to the officials and planters comprising the membership . Mr. Winslow will ad vise the board about how the pro gressives comprising it can aid the great tieashore-to-nountains . road more useful to the county and out line some of the benefits that can be expected from it in future. . A spec ialist from the State Department of Agriculture also will be present ' to cbLL?r?S 18 ets.Mh. (orSOe CtOfTt PEAPOOV 6-CO. INC.MAKfK mi 1 I II:1 ,1 NORTH CAROLINA. INTERiEST speak along some line of agricultural Improvement.' " - s'l . ? Attempt at Check Theft, A negro impersonating John Wil liams, a Greene county farm enani, rlrw a check for $240 at a Farm- ille tobacco warehouse recently and escaped with It, although he did not succeed In getting the order cashed. The warehouse f cashier discovered that a ' check for WiMiama bad el ready been drawn, and called tip the bank at which it was payable with the request hat the second check not be honored. ; The cashier at the bank, through some cause or other, did not succeed in having the unidentified ne gro with the check apprehended, but informed him that ihe had been in structed not to cash: it The black made a clean get away " when the truth that the fraud had been discov ered dawned upon him. ' Preparing for Community Fairs. The county education and exten sion work 'officials are" making ex tensive preparations for the commun ity fairs to bVheld at Sharon' -on October 12 and Moss Hill on the 13th The echooi authorities juid demon stration agenfs"are in daily toiich with the live wire committees at both points, and every day new feat ures are being thought of and added to the programs. Both sections will put forth their best specimens for exhibition and their best effort to make ' ' the -V exhibits attractive. "Through the medium of thescom munity fairs there will be a lot of them next year as the result of the start now being madai-onuch will be neco'mplished for the betterment of agricultural Leaoir A county .said one of the interested agents today. , " ' NOTICE. The Kinston customers of the Low-t-nberg Boyt & Shoe Co. of Norfolk will have an "opportunity to inspect their line of Fall Samples of High Grade Foot Wear, on September, 29 and 30; at the Tull Hotel. Their sam ples this season are very beautiful, and the public is cordially invited to call. Dly-9-21,23,25,29-4t RHEUMATISM Physician Believes a Genuine Reme- . dy for the ; Disease Haa Been Found ' . . k" . Rheuma, the wonderful rheumatism remedy sold by J E . Hood & Co., and all druggists, gives quicker and more lasting relief than other reme dies costing many times aa much. Rheuma passes the deadly poison ous. aecrotione into the bowels and kidneys, from which they are quickly thrown off in a natural, healthy way. Read what a reputatble physician says about Rheuma: "I have made a most careful investigation of the for inula employed in the manufacture of Rheuma, and I heartily recommend it aa a remedy for for all forms of rheumatism, I find Rheuma far in advance of the methods generally em ployed in 13io treatment' of rheuma tism, ,and altogether different in com p08ition--feom tharemediea - .usually prescribed.'' Dr. Lyons. This should give any sufferer from rheumatism confidence to try Rheu ma, adv. CLEAR BAD SKIN FROM WITHIN Pimply, muddy complexions are clue to impurities-in the blood. Qoar up the skin by. taking Dr. King's New Life Pills the night before. At your druggist, 25c. adv. ' '' i i ii, Grand Theatre TODAY . VAUDEVILLE "JEWEL'S JUBILEE GIRLS' A V. L S E. Feature OOilffiSU'DTBEWOSLT' From Albert Paysoa Ter story. 8 1 CENTS" If nuncs Great ."DOUARS AND TOMORROW . Dnstln Farncra In . "Ma Easier 1 1 j j V SATURDAY Charlie Ciiaplln THE FIREMAN Second Chapter -"CRIP OF EVIL". j I . COATS i ,..',, -' i i JTor'Ladics, Misses. ,: and Children ' New up-to-dato Styles j Good Values Prices-Right o. N. T. . Mercerized Crochet Thread Ail Sizes ' Tfcs Oss Price Czsb Store A.I.McoSScns Telephone 34 ' We have said that THE BEST OF EVERY THING AT THE PRICE We want you to come .down and see how true is this statement." J . For instance you can look at a Lux-you-ry Mattress lor $15 00, and yotT'do'nt have to be an experienced buyer to se6 that it is jlar ahead of any 15.00 Mattress you can find elsewhere. Or a $1.25 Rocker will give you the same , idea; or for that matter anything: we sell. ' . ufust try; it -once;.you dont have to buy a cents worth, just use your eyes. 1 OETTIfJGER'S BETTER : FOR SALE , The t Parrott Farm of 265 acres three -miles - South of KinstonOther farms for sale 'also."-' . tUnston Insurance & Realty Co. . , C. OETTINGER, SECRETARY. . - EVERYDODY TAKE NOTICE On and after Oct. 16th. 1916. We will put our business on a strictly cash basis,' and will leave no package of laundiy until paid for. , . ,We are forced to do this on account of taking so sauch of our collec or s time lo collect, and owing to the cost of doing the work. .' , 1 We do not want to bffend any one; so we take this method of felting friends and patrons know just what to expect on that date. ' ous - V .Thanking you for your past favors and soliciting your future patronage, we are very respecfuily yours - Ki N STON . STEAM . LAUNDRY ARE THE BEST - .... tJ'i4irTm ONE satisfied customer "The six-foot Johnston Mowerl got of you last season Kas given entire satisfaction. I consider it a better and , stronger machine than others." ; Every Johnston Mower ; leaving the factory. The frame is set up with pitman, push-bar and cutter bar attached and run at a speed greatly in excess of That it would be run in actual field operation. If the wrist rin is c-oine to hpat it trill heat during this test Also ,if gearings do not mesh properly me lace is once aecectea ana tne trouble corrected. II. E. JIOSELEY HARDWARE COMPANY Call and examine these Mowers before buying else where. J s Millinery Opeiimg We Announce bur Fall and B Winter Opening. Tomorrow Sept. 22nd You are Invited to attend. Barrett & 1 you can buy here VALUES recently wrote us as follows: is carefully tested before 1 1 1 1 sioooabo and SURPLUS of $95000.00 ' . this bank is in position ' to extend aid to deposi- r ; tors for any legitimate - purpose. New accounts, large ; or small are desired, and a perfect service, is as sured. HAVE YOU A BANKING ' HOME ' Nahcsal Bask cf Kfcif N. 3. Rouse :. , L.iward M. 'Land Kinston, N. C Goldsboro, N."1 C. ROUSE "&iAND,: ATTORNEYS ' AT LAW - y Office:' , ' ? Kinaton, N. C Goldsboro, N. 'C 39394 Borden Building Z. V. MOSELEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Back 'of Lenoir Drug Company Fhortes Office 478; Residence 112 i Dr. Albert D. Parrot ? PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Kinston, N. C ,1 Office Back of Hood's Drug Store DR. F." FITTS, OSTEOPATH ire Upstairs, Next Door Old Postofficc EXAMINATION FREE Phones: Office 80. .Resw 523 - C. B. WOODLEY, M. D. Office treatment of Rectal and Skia Diseases a Specialty. t i vt Temporary Office in Hood Building Dr. George E. Kornegay . SPECIALIST Mi In Diseases of 'Women & Childrea Office Hours: 10. to 12 t T I 'Office 107 Weat CaaweU Street' PHONE 118 ; a DR. DAN V. PARROTT DENTIST i ; Crown and Bridge TVork X ' Specialty i ". ; . Office Over Cotton Mill Office - DR. O. L. WILSON J)ENTIST OSce Cher J. E. Cood & Ox's rrr j ftore i f