,..r.. iTT TT Theliomc Paper The 'Wcata 11 11.1G ii Tod- Newr Today Fair Tonight I VQIf XVIII. No. 83 FIRST EDITION KENSTON, N. THURSDAY; SEI TE;MBER 21, 1916 FOUR PAGES TODAY . t TW0:CJE??T : t . t r , -.a I lit. ;our.urTANs tak&offensive on whole . ft.,; . , ....... a. . , . , j . FaUCII DTENDS UPON IP MLS WMl LIKE 110,'IE IS TIIEBOYSIKQIiieflBW: MtlMORE; cSPEECI kucLl new J i iOlUDJA FRONT? BUCHAREST REPORT Til IDEAfOR PROPOSED niOVED 'A BIT; 'CT. &Y$; TEUTONS ADMIT 'DEADLOCK' THERE ORilE; FLESH FRO REST R00r.lWNClTY 1 i K1 li ii PRESIDEFff '"A Bulbars Claim to Be Getting Best of Fiorina . v British Advance in West mans Back in Heavy CounterFrench Take Credit for Big Gain On Balkan Front Bulgars. Capture Village and Lose It Again Serbs Still Covering Selves With Glory Activity Throughout Near Eastern Theater Austrians and Germans Reported to , Have Cleared Transylvania of Roumanians and Started Ne,w Inva sion , . ' s 4 ' . (By tfi r ' Bucharest. Sent 21. ; the offensive along the whole . officially.' ; :, : - ; ;, New. Invasion of Roumahia. c Berlin; Sent. 21. The Austro-Germans are advanc ;or a new invasion of Roumanian on the northwestern frontier, says an official statement The Teutonic forces . i . r i i. . i .... i. .si.j. J Tr.,U nave occupiea ironuer neignis on uown siues ux, v uicm Pass, south of Petroseny. .The Roumanians, who advanc-; ed ten miles into Transylvania have been thrown back to the frontier. In Dobruqja the battle is deadlocked. ; Admission Allied Staying Qualities- v Sofi, Sept. 21. The Roumanians are maintaining the "strongly fortified positions in Dobrudja in the face o ; heavy Bulgarian attacks, it oatue is increasing in violence, uoin tsmes iiguung wun great stubbornness. The battle around" Fiorina, Macedo nia, is developing favorably for the Bulgars. Allied coun tries have been repulsed with vgreat loss. t 1 British Gain In West. ' , ' London, 3ept.',21. The British advanced south of An-j : ere last night despite fierce resistance, says General Haigi e The Germans countered strongly against the New Zeal anders,. but were 'driven off with heavy losses. - ' French Gain In West; Big-Advantage tj ; Earned In Near East. ' ' Paris, Sept. 21. Thfe French made -two successful vA tacks northeast of Verdun last night, capturing trenches ? south of Thiaumont and advancing 100 yards in the Vaux 1 Chapitre Woods ft is officially reported- The Germans' . made no .counters in the Somme sector because of s bad 'weather. j,., .,i.-BI . . ' j;j ; . The French in the Balkans have advanced three miles upward hill 1550. and taken :fifty prisoners, it is reported, officially. : r ' r . , t , The French made a considerable gain near the frori- tier, southwest ofMbnastir, the Bulgars the while deliv-i ering most vicious.ctAinters against advancing Strbs. But4 gars entered Boresnica village, but were. driven out' 'by ' I Serbs.: In violent fighting east of the Cerna river the JBul-' gars countered strongly against the Allies, in the:nM!- tains captured by the Serbs early in the .weekUt. were v driven off. - JlW AND JEFF IN THEIR BEST GET-UP ; y YET IN COMING SHOW - )n ain, the 1 mertyJmftking Mutt rtd Jeflf b with 8. Th - -a9n f ghter is nbout to begin. .MuttXidJ'ff in a (brand new dresa Is s.t(y theGrand Theater next AlWdayth -jigger and 'setter tn'ow tha)a,w.ppeared before flitt and. 'jkk w .and sunerior ffs -can" lire to aWn-lur or'die a$ ad'as V door "nailjfa 'JffiMijfc. f )iHoed to ;dV;'.but .it'jiV decidedly the Intereslof both Bud FiaW nd Gus HUlto aee them, Ijve ' for jicars innumerable, which they will d j hn$ as Fisher la able" to fur nish new dope and up-to-the-minute comdy situations . and as long as pus Hill, famishes a tiew and accept- tole ;Thicle for their stage work. ofh of ihese gentlemen "seem ta be successfuljy-keeping'upHheir pace"ai we present writuyf, Jlluttaod Jeff's Riding will repcesent the Iasbword n wusftal comedy production, erery th ng being-new ,but the name. - The American public- never wanted to a'Jeh more than they do at this . rr.e. They seek comedy even in jr'picbjres. Gus Hill's mission ;s entry into the theatrical broduction .eachlsaccMiwyear is an hit of dipkma(Wn tifevpart of Gus ', ilill; . Bnd PishM'VCVirlc.charac- Battle New Zealanders Drive Ger- United Press) The Roumanians have , taken Dobrudja front, it is stated is officially' admitted. The "'. ; & ?k Twenty-six balea of cotton ha been sold here Thursday by 3:15 Ii- t : , r .! clock. Th etaple brought good prices, ranging from 143-4 to 16 1-2 cents. ! -; New Yrk futures quotations were January .. . . .,. .' . .11.60 . .164 March 16.17 May ,. .... 16.37 October.. ,.,.'..t.. ...15.94 December . . .15.99 16 158 16.15 FAIR BREAKS AND GOOD PRICES TQ3ACC0 r.IARKEt ? TOWNS -AND COUNTIES Abou 275,000-pounds of tobacco ik estimated to have been sold here t day. The breaks, were rather ilgh compard with the prices, which" mained high. - The average was ve: satisfactory. The gsneral quality tif the weed was good. There was notic ing spectacular about the sales. HesJ. ier breaks are expected Friday, I 1 producing game, has been .to make people faugh. Jle is thev-ackBowledg-ed dean of cartoon comedy produc tion, never having offered a ?Iay cif this sort that did not prove a fud-. cess. ' Subscribe to The Free rress. T t , Will Talk to Grain Dealers t Mfho Have Much at Stake ' Gets to Work-on Address Several Days Ahead , of Time. ' By ROBERT J. BENDER, ( United Press Staff Correspondent) Asbtfry Park. ' N. J.,' Sept 2L Great importance is 1 attached ' by Democrats to President Wilson's ad. dresses on Monday before the Na tional Grain Dealers' Association at Baltimore. - What the President' has to say oh that occasion , and the re ecption accorded the speech, they be- TOve.-wllI have a strong influence in Rome of he most important voting strongholds of the country. : 'The' grain det'ers are la intimate touch with the-farmers, and also ara aniongihe foremost shippers of the country, who the railroads say - will have to "pay the freight as a re suit of the President's eight-iour leg islation through Congress. - , c Appreciains the importance of th address,' the President adready has begun work on it. It is expected to open up a counter attack for Abe first time on Hughes on the eight-hour is sue. Mr. Wilson will leave Balti more immediately after the speech - AUSTRALIA ADOPTS - ARMY CONSTRUCTION (By the United Press) ""- ' Melbourne, Sept.. 2L The Austra lian House of ' Representatives ' today adopted conscription by a vote of 47 to 12. ' The wives and mothers of Austra lia will go to the polls in few weeks to. decide whether or not they shall sertd their husbands and sons to the war. It will be p.-obably the first time in the history of the world that women of any large country have been permitted to make such a choice. The conscription measure which pass ed the House is certf n to pass, Qm. enateand wiH be submitted -to the referendum., The general belief is that the women will. vote for con scription, t , ,! f ArjA.Ke!dj f IjrbtParauon&jL?!''l 'lu.i'i. val civ an : ft;. 1 Of BijIars Pilqd in, JJalkan1 wavmvrJinrce : , Hundred Reduced to Skeletons-4 Gstiy Sight.That Greet ed Advancing Serbs - v (By the United Plress) , 'London, Sept. 21. Jackals and hyenas creeping down the mountains along the Serbian frontier aire feast in? on bedf of Bulgars and Serbs! slain in. the5 fierce fighting northeast oi.Lake Ostrovo. Three hundred co.rpse pQ in a neap in one ra vine haven found stripped of neh by jackals, hyenas and thous attds of vultures that hovered ovei the-battlefield tn daytams. . Th Bulgars had been mowed down by machine guns. The advancing) Serbs, found only skeletons, and. bits' of torn ftnlfdnms.- Colder weather :k; aiding Serbian operations on -the Balkan front. fl (44s.. bemfw. . -v DEMOCRATIC ORATORS i (Special ito The Free Press) RaMgh, Sept. 21. Democrat campaign orators put in a good, ful) day in the State Wednesday, purii-.g the' day am! at night spellbinder held forth 1 -... follows: , I.; i At Lincolnton, ExGovernor Ri' Bj Glenn. At Lenoir, Congressman' R. Doughton, ist joint debate with H. iS. Williams, Republican. HAt E'argaw. Cameron Morrison. fjAi Morganton, Hon. T, W. Bickett, nominee for Governor. ' Many lesse: lights spoke in places in all sectioh of the State.- CMDER SEEMS TO IRVE : NOMINATION SEWED U? NewYorki Sept. 20. Wdth i rel turns missing from only about 35p districts- 4n 1 the Stated inost of them in .remote rural .sec lions, t'.Wm.jM, Calder had a lead fqiitgit of approx imately ?,0(() TOtesJover, Roberts Ba con, his rhral fo the nomination for his rhral for.the nomination United States Senator in the tRepu lican primary 'yesterday. Indicaj tions were that the relative stand ing of the two candidate would not be materially changed by the com plete returns. , v' ;;':. v. ENDORSE BIG ENDOWMENT FOR METHODIST COLLEGE GreensborOi fieot. 20. At a Decial meeting of. the Educatuonai Boards ' tihe two North Carolina Mcthcidist Cpnferencss here, yesterday the pri- i position of raising,: $150,000. to oe used '4 an endowment" fund and f 6r inrr pavements ito , Jhe buildings 'j- of GifecisboTo Cjlkge fo Women was endorsed., if. 'This inst itutton 1 is'sub ported by-the ' two . conferericea, ' the f-erfher institution" of tiie two bodierf ingTrviAi College, at' Ducham.t ! GpifipRtSliS IKE' ROUBLE; THE OF ENGLAND i. A (By the U.-jited Press) ; ; London, Sept. 21. 43erman propa gandists re attempting to stir ip bad "feeling ; between the United States" and Great iBrif iin' by circula tion.. of, 'false charges' regarding the British censorship,' the E'ritish For eign office today "told the ' United J. Press. . . , , "A certain German wireless news agency, , and indeed, the whole sys tem 'of the propaganda, loses ,no op T r.rtui'y to endeavor to create ill feeling l-etween Great Britain and her f;: said the Foreign C.T.ce, Government .Demonstration Agents 'Would Set Up a Place for "Fair Visitors From Country With Even Kitchen In It , Miss Grace I. Shaeffer of the Ex tension service start at Kaieigh, a specialist, in home domonstration work, was here Wednesday confer ring with Miss Adna Edwards, the enterprising 'local ajrenVon the su" Jecfof a rest room for country wo men in the cfty and other phases of the service. Interest of the Cham ber of Commerce in the test room proposition was assured the ladies; they, were informed that already the Chamber had discussed the matter. One Queen street, concern, has for some time .maintained such a., rest room for women visitros from out of the city, and has had the entertain ment to some decree of these women as a factor of its business policy. Misses Shaeffer and "Edwards pro pose to install in! the rest 'room a' kit- then ' The kitchen would enable the latter - young woman, whose business it 13 to be anxious to assist members of .fter sex in .Lenoir, county "in, , all. possible ways in, which business, by the way, she "seems greatly inter-ested-frequently to ; demonstrate some new stunt in the culinary art, especially in the way "of canning and pickling etc., to her sisters who have not been 'schooled 1n the ' fashion which" the "Government requlref its agents- te- be wheeled in when they go -forth to teach and preach conser- vation,g'sneral 'economy and domes tic science in general. , On days when there were: nuite a bunch of ladies 'making.' headquarters" atvthe. re3t room, which would be just like home if horns happens to be what it ought to be after the Government stand ard 'Miss' EdVards 'would "pitch in and use1 the kttchea : tb-ldemorfstrate some vt the things Jft her lin.r That ktcheijtwpvJd; be;jiothins-flensLtioiial, but,--,well just? Jike , hrae.f GINNING PROGRESSES IN COHON BELT;. TOO COOL, IN CAROLINAS (Washington, Sept. 20. Ool wea ther in North Carolina and parts of South Carolina jhas caused, some dam age ta, cot ton, but jickingand gin ning is' proceeding under favorable circumstances fh mosi of the South era States, according to the weekly crop1, bulletin" issued by tte weather bureau 'todayr The- bTulletiri"""edds -fhalf mJttf th tobacco rpp- in Vfr glrel Kontucky Arid'TennesrVe"! hasi hitfa housed ,and is baing cared. ''ThejWeatherwss'too op? for cot ton in North, and South Carolina," says tha-report, "and progress In the first named St&ia was .unsatisfacto ry, there being complaints of boll ro and '-. other deterioration, although some pecking was in progress. ': The weather.favored picking and ginning almost everywhere and the work;is central : South' ' Carolina,1 Southern Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Mis sissippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Okla homa, Texas and Arizona-' . .1 , "Rains delayed picking in Western Florida, and some lint was stained by rain. Cotton is beginning to need rain in Northern Alabama, and boll weevil continue numerous in infested areas. The top crop in Oklahoma is progressing slowly and in Louisiana and Texas little or no top crop is ex pec ted, owing ton boll weevil. Cot ton is reported as being made in the greater portion of Arkansas." ' . MIERICA LIBERAL IN ' GIFTS TO EUROPEANS . Washington, Sept. 20, American gifts to the sixty principal war .re lief societies' are estimated at $28, 896,277.35 by the new year book of the Carnegie endowment for interna- tional peace Leinjr distributed today. Nor, a,Peg Toward ItMore " Rumors New - Bern , to ' 'Have a Treat, Sometime. Second Awaits Very Big Things From Kinston (Spjcial to Tho Free Press) Camp Glenn, Sept. 21. This morn ing Camp Glenn looked just like it has all the time, except for a lot of surplus rolling stock along the rail road. There was, His true, a little happier look on mo&t faces than, there was this tims last -week, for .; the whole brigade has ben paid off by new,. . Na 'man knew when he got up ptvreveille just when he would get away for the bqrder, however. It se;ms that the War Department is insisting that winter-weight uniforms be issued before the troops get out. Part of ; the necessary cold . weather fclothin.g ita already at hand, and' af ter all, the department may let the brigade run along and be issued tlio remainder -it Fort Bliss. Jew Bern - will ; get the full treat .of , the ..movement. Every train and every, one of thei 3,200" soldiers will gq through that place, and there will sart the business: of separating, part heading for Wilmington, pan iok Goldsboro Bnd part for Chocowinity. ;"' " Canteen news has it that the First (infantry will pull !out today, but can teen news 'is supposed to originate in the minds of the1 enlisted men whj spring it and no one ever heeds it. -, Only, there is the difficutly of sep arating, it jfrcim the real article, such as . officers carry, around in their blouse pockets. (..,.,. . Personals: Lep Kornegay, Head quarters company. Second, came back from Kinston thia morning, i Says :he fias a whole hamj and extras coming from home. The whole regiment Is on' edge 'with expectancy. Jim Me- heg:an, band leader, says someone else has-told him the Second's band'is the best,,in,.tfce .countryi Where is "there a, regiment ,that hasn't been told un officially that it ' is ,the best in the service,? A stable detail man has been caught sleeping with the "horse s.Dre- sumabfy to keep ivarm. His confede rates in crime aver that he rightful Jy. belongs with tne jassassesV " LA GRANGE 13 TO SELL ;3:ifiRSTBtes shortly (Special to. The Free Press) LaGrapge, Sep. 21. 'Bids are sex? pected 'tobeopeiied on September 21 for'the sale of bond issues totalling factory sale is anticipated. The work fuO.OOO 'for street, water and Iijhi and' sewerage ' improvements here. The market is good now, and a satas-win-be commenced during the Fall, i: is expected. - For the first time in its history LaG."ange will have a bonded indebtedness. MIORD'S GOING CRACK A i STONE FOR A WHILE Richmond, Va., Sept . 20. Convict ed on a charge of , bigamyi ; P. C. Blake, a self-styled English Lord, of E'randy Station, Va was sentenced to, three years in t'je penitentiary in Hanover county, yesterday, i ' Blake admits ' that he has three . wives in Virginia, all living, and from none of whom has he been divorced or le gally separated. He claims to have been born in Ballinacola House," Ireland, which he says he still owns. BULLETINS (By the United Press) ELECTROCUTE 'EM. London, Sept. 21. "I am a bloodthirsty man, but I that shooting is . too good them," declared the Bishop not say for of London, denouncing white slavers in a speech on public morals to da?. OUEEraiEETJ i FEW VEEKS,-: COASTS Chamber -Com mcrccrLcc retary , Points'.tcr Another Indication That Jiinston's Growing -AU First-Class Stores ; w ;''"J '. Nineteen fourteen and 1915' were years of big building in Winston. This is a year of big business," Sect retary Fred. Sutton of the Chamber of Commerce this morning' pointed , out the fact, that no Jess than eight or ten mercantile establishments, all of the first class for a town, of th size, have been opened within the past sixty days or are about -to-be ' opened, on, Queen ttreet. . ;, , - .It. is assumed that. nearly 100,000 will be represented in the stocks of these stores. Included are dry goods, ladies furnishing, grocery, jewelry, furniture and 1 other1 iinds Jofrbusin esses". tJThe hew -enterprises- wiH "em ploy .'thirty- orfwtyt;'-p?s'on,id most of these -are coming from other places; laar haver'.thprpHetbrs?Ior the most part.' ..The. Chamberof J3ooV merce has been. asked for Jjformation by several other "prospector'', and the chance is .,that still, nore4 shops will be started up. The increase in population does not amount to much, it may be said, but the Chamber is inclined to take the view that "every little "helps. It was by accumulat ing little by little of wealth and pop ulation'! that '.the; .namifluftiy ""1ia8 reached its 'presehttstatcmf prosper ity, and -that. the. impetus was attain edr which-ew ia,,earryimj -Xmston forward by leaps, and. bounds. Dur ing the 1900-1910 decade the city out grew "'aH' of 'its' neighbors'-' 1 except Rocky- Mount'and Ne Bern. Dur ing this decade- it rapidjy ontstrip. ping everythjng inthe. Easteiji part of the State, and will' after 'the census of 1920 rank second only to Wilming ton.' 1 "' ':J,: "r:'a - GREAfliiS TO BE INAlinultATED NEW YORK .TONIGHT Neither Owners "lor Car men Show, Sign of AVeak- ,3 eninglQrg.YioJeAce, . Half Million Sympathize ers May Walk Out (By the United Press) ' New -York,HSepi- 21-The protract ed traction strike situation today ap proached a crisis. The ultimatum of the labor" leaders - expires " ionfght. There are no signs of waverinir - on either side, violence is increasing, A sympathetic strike of half a mil lion workers s threatened to support the carmen.' . it ARUIY WILLING BUT K3T : ANXIOUS FOR TR0C2LE St. Louis. Mo, Sept 20. Secreta ry of. 'War Efeker, in an address be fore the Business Men's League here today, said i that as Secretary ; of Wtfr he discovered that the army does nrt desire war. - ' "As a civilian," he said, I thiev ed that a standing army was si men ace to free Institutions, and tl.t the professional soldier desired war. Djt I want to make a confession to y-u. I have found as Secretary ct V.'ar that the entire army of the I' .!'.ej States from the commanding p 'il to the last enlisted private d n:l desire wr. I know of no b cf. men who hav a more s'rr.'s- -tron to duty than t!.e tr-y, body of men who wou'J te r irqr to lay --- f t !' : ' ccur-try, h

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