The Home Paptr TUiNkrTodf i H H , Lm$ IL& Fair Tonight - - - SECOND EDITION KINSTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1916 FOUR PAGES TODAY FRICE 'yWO CfiNTi '.. : TlflMiWUSAi N. JfORR UNION CElBM&nKff liliNl A FIAtO GREEK TROOPS. ARE EVEN HONORS WHEN FRENCHMEN AND BRITONS POURING ft MARCHING TO JOIN AMERICAN 80LOIFRS COMOLES IN SAVAGE FiGHTlNfi 1 r- PHILADELPHIA ALLIES AT SALONIKA AND MEXICANS ifflCHAlED GREETIMHE 11 JLl" I v 'JX XX ' DOUBLE MURDER SUICIDE SENSAT It FOR ARTOFTOWN Strike IJapivt Begruii ta.Teff On Metropolis Only ,j One Union Quits In? Response to CaU for Cenerat Walkout Makers Satisfied Aftef Stfccessful Culmination tf Re cent Bitter Contest With Employers Contract iabor Not Much In Favor df StrikkigtNoww-City Breathes Easier With Dfihinishmg tries-rPrint Shop Men on (EV the United Press 'ff&W YbrE' Sent. 27" TJlhrtr unions todav are stand- fc"? - Pntra$is witft employers. iThee had fceeri little response to the call for a general woijvyuii, in anipaixiy wren me siriKing carman. r': Only, tirie' local union, connected with . tne printers' undis'out', ' ; f Probably two nundred thousand union workers r6 niafn'ed'at home, but the majority of these are Hebrews m uie sun anu cioaK inauscnes ceieorating me dewisn NeV Year.K They' only recently signed contracts ' with their employers after a bitter struggle for better wages and thfijeaMract system. . ZJtiifof. that contract union labor is show inf little senmeiit in favor of the strike. The industrial life dt tte dty" apparently is in no immediate danger of paralyzation. BE SENTENCE Judge r -Bond Practically Forced Jory to Convict Burly Cuard, Is Declared fii fifearing of Appeal At Raleigh 'rhe Judge -(Bond) practically re quired the jury to render a verdict of guilty" and "the Republicans, fifcnting hard against the present Jibird of County Commissioners, are making capital out of tne conviction Which was secured" in the case of E. W. Mincher, Lenoir county ex-con-Tcf guard under sentence for cruelty to prionersf wi charged bjthe de fenie in the appeal before the Su preme Court at Raleigh Tuesday. County Attorney 0.''V. Cowper rep resented the defense, and Assistant Attorney-General Calvert the State, ifiricher U out ort bond. His sen teTije i for 12 months for whipping man. J16 a'e'Kh News and Observer, fomenting on the appeal case Wed iway morning, s.aidYuTihere have t&n scattered broadcast over the iounty circulars detailing the most JeWtional part of the testimony in f$&i, m Benton, who lesMed that the '"prisoner Juniu Potter,, was whipped bjkMincher and was given 15 or 20 blows with heavy etrap while 4wo men held hinv The defense claims and introduced evidence to the eflfecthat Benton is man of lad character' ' It was ad mitted that Mracher whipped Potter, hut it was done under the authority given ty the Board of County Com missioners for the -regulation of con victs who refused to wort -when able " J- - ,: : ' "Bu with the evidence of Dr, Al bert vr Parrott,,, Conuty Physician, "who iaw the prisoner shortly after he waij whipped, and found him with ut bruises or eigns of having been whipped ; unmercifully, the defense claims the evidence should not have Justifie I the verdict of gunty." : 1 HICHWEXPECTED IN.C WM OF FIFTEENTH Cwigressman Claude ICibchin is expected to come to Kinston for ' a cnpaign address during the week of October 15. , Th,t muchVas gather- from aa authoritative source- on Wednesday. On what day he - wHj Feaf Of Crippling of Tttdus Bricks TO EL PASO BY SUNDAY SCHOOL ITED, THEY SAY Soldiers Doing Well May See Mardi Gras In New Orleans Another Bright Idea Ready to Figlit When Texas Is Reached (Special to The Free-Press) it On Board the First Train Carry ing Second North Carolina Infantry to- the Front, Somewhere in North Carolina.. Sept. 26. We're eating up! space. Time doesn't go so fast. Al ready we would like to be getting the exercise that comes from walk ing up and down, but walking up and down in one of these card is at the risk of treading on toos fre quently, and that kind of monkey Dusincss isn't stood for. It is said the Government only al lows these troop trains to Tun o far in an hour. That's because there arc no accident policies covering us. Thi.i one isn't capable of breaking the Speed limit but by constant nagging and seldom stopping it will eventual ly get there. - We're -oing through Birmingham nd New Orleans'. Mayt in the latter place they will pull off a spe cial performance of the Mardi Gras. That isn't likely, though. Not sinte we left Goldsboro thr-e-fourths of Goldsboro is on these three trains have the people seemed inclined to la vish any affection upon us. Five days on a "soldier train" isn't good for. one. When we get to El Paso all hands will be, grouchy. They Bad betTef send tie regiment direct fo the bordei: in that frame of mind. The band doesn't cheer us up much. Tod busy playing something besides music. Colonel Rodman is aboard this train. .'Seems to us we'd get along better with him on another sec tion, howsomevef. j He'a likaWe, and all fhat, but with his preseice this train becomes what the toys are be ginning to tf rm " a "Sunday School limited." . . ';' f We will sleep well, in all probabil ity. We have berthsone" W' two men and their feet--and ' by 'Thurs day, or Friday ahould learn now to , sleep in them. W w being fed very well. We are full of expectancy, cinders, fl-fl:ppanc and irhnflam. speak has not been decided. Mr. Jutchin. irtay tnake addresses both in this city, and LaCrange on th same date.-. , S .,'.,:. -' '.;- - '. ' '. ': --;"-;.J'--' New York Persons Jeal ous Woman Kills J. C. Gravier and "Wife" SISTER WILL -TELL STORY Member of Man's Family Views Bodies and Says Gravier Was Not Mar riedMrs. Harry Belser the Slayer (By the United Prsw) Philadelphia, Sept. 2. Mrs. Frances Arman, sister of 3. C. Gravier, this 'afternoon identified her brother's slayer as Mrs. Har ry Belser of New" York. The "other woman," believed to be dying, is not Grp.vier's wife, ac cording to Mrs. -Vrman. Grav ier's wife died two years ago. she said. PHiladelphiar Sept. 27. Walking into a room on the ninth floor of the Hotel Walton this morning, a woman believed to be Mrs. J. C. Ledur of New York, shot and killed J. C. Gra vier, president of the Alhambra Ga rage Company of New York, critic ally wounded his wife, and turned her pistol upon herself and committed sufcide. The tragedy is shrouded in mys tery. A sister of the dead man left New York for Philadelphia, declar ing she would "tell the whole story, shielding nobody, after she had seen the body." ' She declined to say whether Gravier was married. Gra vier and the woman supposed to be his wife were registered at the hotel as Mr. and Mrs. oravier. jealousy, born of spurned love, is believed to have been the motive. MAKE READY TO PUT IN LOT OF MACHINERY Work is in progress at the Caswell Cotton Mills preparatory to the in. stallation of $45,000 worth of new machinery. Five thousand and four hundred spindles will be added, mak ing the plant of 1' .) spindles. Brick work will be completed this week. HEAVY INSURANCE ON BURNED MILL, STATED Fiftv thousand dollars insurance was carried on the plant of the Cab- J inet Veneer Company, at Greenville, destroyed by fire Monday night, it is said. This covers at least two- thirds of the damage. The mil! burn ed like tinder. A hundred nien were employed, drawing wages aggregat ing $1,000 a wek. QUITE A MEAL, EVEN FOR A STEWARDS' CLUB Pittsburgh, Sept. 27. The 'Stew ards Club celebrated today with a Rhode. Island clambake at Keys ton j Park, following the election of Mr. Frank A. Knapp of this city as pres ident of the International Stewards' Association and selection of this city for the 1917 convention. Oh the bill cf fare today were 4,500 lobsters, 4,500 chickens, 4,500 sea bass, 40,000 clams, 8,000 crabs. 15,000 ears of corn, 30,000 potatoes and many extras. About 5.000 men par ticipated in tie celebration and no women. William F. Hammel, chief executive of the Pittsburg club, was in charge. SNOW HlfaL CHAUTAUQUA Snow Hill will have a chautauqua on the three days beginning Friday, October 6. FARMERS TO HAVE BIG TIME The Greene County Fanners' Union will hold a rally 'at Bynnm's school house on October 7. " - .. -: .. . - i;- ; Practically Every Garrison In Old Greece Has De serted King: DECLARATION EXPECTED Rumored Cabinet Is About to Resign Naval Officers Quit Venizelos Seems to Have Everything His Own Way (I.'y the Un ted Pvpm) London, SepU.27. A wireless message from Rome today re ported that the Greek cabinet had decided to resign. That the King issued a proclamation im mediately following their action, is reported though unconfirmed. The situation is accepted as fur ther indication cf an early de claration of war. London, Sept. 27. Wholesale de fections from the Greek army are reported in Athens dispatches hint ing that a declaration of war may b expected at any time. Practically every garrison in old Greece has join ed the revolutionary movement, r.aiil one dispatch. The soldiers are leaving for S;ilon ikn. M.i'iy naval offieeis have left, iu mors say the cabinet will resign fol lowing a long conference on the sit uation created by Venizclcs' abrupt departure for Crete. cmmSIay be turned over 1 a lot armt mm (Special to The Free Press) Camp Glenn, Sept. 27. Th; Ti;:' ! North Carolina infantry left on threi trains today for El Paso. goin"T via New Bern, Washington ar.ii l!:ikie:h for the first lap of the tjr.g trip. Only two ci-mpaiiies of engineers and a hospital !"Uil are left here. It is reported t:t a reiiTar army training camp may be established here. MORRISON PUIS 1 AIR OF RPAUST MB WINS APPLAUSE Talented Campaigner Com ing: Here Saturday an Earnest, Honest-to-Cood-ness Spellbinder Who Loves His Party Cameron Morrison, Democratic candidate for elector-at-large, of Charlotte, will address a mass meet ing iin the Courthouse here Saturday mornire;. Mr. Morrison is scheduled to make a speech at Greenville on Friday, and corre to Kinston on the evening of that day. Cam. Morrison has been most act ive in the campaign in this part of the State. Us is regarded as one of the biggest men the party has in the field in North Carolina, and- is one of the most interesting speakers engag ed jn the campaign. A press report says "of Mr. Morrison's address in Washington Monday night: "Toward the conclusion of the address lie un consciously took on the personality of revivalist, and hi plea for the support of Woodrow Wilson nd the Democratic party caused btrrst of cheering and hand-clapping that last ed for several minutes." T Troopers of Both Nations j Stage Fiht In a Grcas- j er Barroom j Wont Across Po-der to q. . q ... n Mai t .somt tiime Ono Killed and One Wounded! On Each SiuV Funston ' 'Reports (Hy the United Pre!s) V:i '!;:!i:rlon, Sfi'.. 27. M-Jxicar Arr.has-:'. !or A rr",!or.da is spoedinr t Mexico C;iy taking first hand in- formaon t.c f'nza r,garding the o:eSresS of the rce commission and .eniji.ont in tis country regarding withdrawal 0f the troops. Drunken now, ei Vaiie Fight. Washington, Sept. 27. General Fnnston-.? version of a fight between Carrsnzis'a soldi ?rs and American troopers at FA Vu,lle, Friday, blames i-hs trenpers. Several cavalrymen of Pcrjhing'.s force "ran the guard" ef their camp, entered Mexico and en-jv-ged in a saloon row. One Carran 3 oflieer and cne American were killed, oii3 'Carrair.ista soldier and ;!!; Arr.prican wouiidc.J. The inci dent, is icganled :u a "driiiiken row.'' I e-Jiing rsnortcJ. lyceum (mm mm WB II A. PROMISE FOR WINTER Thr a iy v. c. ' ' ' i1! )( hef.-s' Clnh is engineering ;im course for the city this r, ;nid anrounceme'its.vva.s made :! that the first, attraction s- stnil on Oct !.?: 20. 1 -'.i tii-ket.-i wiH he '-ok! for S : ;d:;t-. and SI for nehonl rhil I he proee ' 1 . will be used fo.' : : j:id pir 'r -.. i Lo'ivry-i..r.v,er,::e Kiitei.air !C Mi;:. C :.: '. I,wrv, rather f -.- ,. .. ,c;;i.. -re, h.v ;!. .en ar'-at:.? Cbic::... 'om to be u-r'er ' -, r.".d Mi, :. Their , .? ' y Lou's The erie h-id durin" O. V r n: l:v.' sea- V- Ct'oM out Lyeemn t'.e. Assccbition of SMALL SAI.ES' tobacco m s i1 if i S 11. Ji. It is estimated tha : abjut U.'MW , pounds of uJbaeej was sold here on ! Wednesday, sabs l.f-ing smaller than J (41 Tuesday. Rrcaks during th-i half j week have totalled le.s tha;i half a ! million pound;, mostly duo to the : necessity for planters remaining homb . . . . to (.arc fcr the cdlton crop an:l a ton crop "nd to other matters. Fricei Wednesday were very good. The belter grades were "looking up Tcmlinsan who c.mniitled suicide in seme" and the day's average was bo-' CliicajTo today was a younger unmar ttr?en 1H and 20 c,ents. probably. ricd brother cf Charles F. and S. H. j Tomlinscn, secretary and treasurer COTTON About 75 bales cf cotton had been "old litre Wednesday by 3 o'clock, fvices were 14 3-4 to 15 1-4. New York futures quotations were: Open 2:40 January 10.12 10.14 arch 16.28 16.30 May ...16.45 15.43 October ..15.75 15.78 December .. 16.02 16.07 , CIRCUS COMING John Robinson's Circus comes here on November 3, it wtS announced on Wednesday afternoon. (? the Un.ted Press) . London, Sopt. 27. The most successful olow? struck tho Anolo-French since the battle of the Maine has r-.roupht the capture of Peronne and Bapaurw aprecia Itly nwrr. It i1? po?5b!o. English military critics' de- : 1 I' ''tt, ' c. will fall within a fortnight. Tl, l ' .qo.:.!f.'i; with wnich tne uerman resistance 1 :il Tl it ; val vc-U'tdav, following the capture of ' C' tn;!''-. -iirpr'ofl military observers here. It Jed them ! rro.ii.-t ouirk Allio.l victories in the drives on' Peronne , Rapnrir)1 Thp finn (1ph asrainst Combles developed "ome of the most savacre fighting of the whole war. The ""- autrht in the southwestern anele of the village, vck to tnen- mnenir.e (juns oraveiy anti aiea ai vneir I The P.Htih and French, charging from opposite di-!"nr-t?nn3. met rear the hert of the town' shortly -after, 'l-i wii and exchansred greetings amid the din 'of battle. :?he British fought their way through a wood Tri the , north western outskirts, beating down the stubborn" :re- i .ictanprt h'.ir nnro thnnali pnterpd Oombles without ; )r,ositi(?tl- Th(J French, approaching frO'm the f 0,,tjieaf!tf had to fight their way through several rbwd 0f trenches, fortified redoubts and ungerground caverns. Combles is filled with Germans wounded' in the last tV ii driv. fio-'ntinff. Thev were unable to escape, 6winff to the Allied "noose The , fnree and four thousand men I T'n-v m,,.;. , Kat-.!;on of Sc:e::d Infantry Stops Off ill Cap:;;. I City to Show the I'o'H-.hcc )-v !l Can Drill Coni pnny H and Hand in Line 1 The it .!ei:i'h i W. '!pc. lay mo-r rw.i and Observer. ig said: "Th 'Second N i Ca-olina 1: fantv; cy i; le::'h , imder command of C'jI. Wi'.-j Pcilnan, pas-scd through R.:- J yc'.otd::y by way of the i c;, -thnr; It". 1 .1 imvriH Fl Pasn. Uundrcih f R!c!gh people saw the! i.': ' ,- Mai"-.- .1. M. Fairclol'-i, i n F;v. 'o :1H -.t'-cot heidrd the bind r:vd then watched its ro w by ..V! nl V,. S. Roy i. c'l. If-on-" L. reto-rin nr.l u'. Al-N-.-md''!' Cra'rr at Nash i- r-ill.'.l v a.-i'ine i iie! s in-'o were '1 .!); 'lr.l:l)S si! w ;. ..- i .V t: : ...I of a t i -he wi&-:h i! Martin treel : ;: ! U bad . been rb- .:- 1 Wf.:l I v-gh. in i'-i.-!. '' had bean i that, the rr-g:mcnt would b v,-iUi hrd!y a s.op. The ri maiii here abaut an hour i'. was hfn:v. b ainnai. oniy u the fir.;t tion Hllll.l HIGH POINT M'N A SUICIDE IN CHICAGO t Taml- ii, 1!!., Sejit. L'b Allen U. n cf tlieli Point was found d' ath n h hotel t dav riiim in a down A revolver was I touiii: near ;he body. Iiiph Point, S-pt. Jt!. Allen U. fi'.d general manr.irer, respectively, cf the Tumlin3on 'Chair Manufactnr j ing Co. of High Point. No cause i whnttcevr can be assigned for the deed. ASHEYULF. JEWISH TEMPLE BURNED. Ashe-.-ille, Sept. 26. On the eve of Rosh Hoshannah, the Jewish New Year, fire cf mysterious origin des troyed the Jewish temple on South Liberty street. , DOESNT SAY IF THE v PEOPLE PUT 'EM THERE. .' The Washington Ually News tells this: "Drf E. P. Vayer, who Is in British' captured between dunncr the two days heBf " C, . " e WHOLE ilLLIM Mighty Task Ahead of Na. tion, Declares CdWptrol !er ttPut.. ol'jPepple In Dollars," Ilk Advice- , Kansas (iity, Sept 2.--Nflonaf bunkers gathered hffe'ii' hts ahftuat (-.invention of tne American Jjansers Asfllfiation. were tolJ tottlght v by ... - -"A .. .V . Jcha Skelton Williams,- Comptroller of the Currency, that tKeyr'culd ful fil rh.vrr duty to thVwdflT'm tKd i,reat financial' reeonsfoctiorr 'fol lev. intr the F.ot'opean war 'only " l tVy "put the soul of the people f in lite tist- and application of the .col" !. J "W.i have outgrown responaibilHjr t lt our country 'and, generation," said Mr. Williams. "We have beconiee- rpnib!e to tha whole world' because w have become the supreme world !Kv.vr, espwmlly in that '-'vital de p.'irinieiit reaching 1 to 'the &6t . ftndf. eor3 cf all things wMch we "here" di rectly represent as' the' fihaifcidt JI6 is for you, gentlemen; controlling (h pcv.-eiful banking interests of. ( this supreme country, to determine , whe ther these dollars of ours shall prey n;un cur country and the world Wtt 'ret-h and clawj, or shall have'sould put into them to upbuild, to help, to h;al the horrible scars of war, .tojiftj tha stricken to strength and hope." , "It is certain that just before us a fcv.- months or two or three years,, he said in conclusion, "a mighty task 's to be done to reorganise and re establish the nations of the earth. We have tha right to do it to our own pre fit. Bat it is our duty and our op portunity to let the word 'fair go hand in hand with the 'word 'profit' Let us have the great American soul ro in company with tha great Amer ican dollar. We have tfte people with the souls in them. We have . the dollars beyond ouj- most exaggerated hopes. If we put the soul of, the peo ple in the use and application of the dollars, the loftiest and noblest con ceptions of the centuries will be ful filled by us. And,, gentlemen, ttoi govern the use ofihe. dollars." charge of the . tick .eradication work in the section, put two cattle tkks in a bottle on August 19. The bottl was placed in the Bank of Washing ton and left there for people to see. Today (September 26) there are mora than a thousand ticks in the bottle, and many others in the process of hatchiiij:.' SPiSlBLE OPINION

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