"' " J vUi"B ii-MWv J.."1l'Vt-,v' V ' . ., lt--.il 41 ILrf FREE Fair. Tonight i 1 v. P. I 'FIRST EMTIO KINSTON, N. O, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1916 FOUR PACES T0i)A V PUiCE TWO CENTS ... If, V : '.i. TOIIU1M0USANDN. GREEK TROOPS ARE! EVEN HONORS WHEN FRENil WMM POORiNO INTO GMipmKERlllEAINpHOMEp CUIiHIIOSHMNAlUFtt MARCHING TO JOL AMERICAN SOLDIERS: COMBIIS i AND MEXICANS HIXiEXOhiWn minis m m Allies at SALONiK, III PHILADELPHIA IN HEART OFTfflWI i 8 t ( 7fc om Paper l fiL.uf hs - .. ... , pop mm & Strike Harjft Ifypmjo Jfill On Metropolis-Only t One Union .Qujl? IfF Response to, for General Walkout fyyttirr With amenjHebrew Suif, and Clflik Makers Satisfied After Successful Culmination of Be? cent Bitter Contest With Employers Contract abF Not Much Th( Favor of Striking Now City Breathes Easier With Diminishing tries Print Shop Men on " (Ety the United Press) r0rk.' Sept 27. Labor unions today are stand ing othejr contracts with employers. , "Then has Keen little response to the call for a general wajKQui. in.sympatny witn tne stming carmen. (lr oiie local union, connected with the printers' imiort!1 rebut. ' lv ' Ifrobatyy two hundred -J! Sl'l' J'i ..Lj.'. 1 '1 '1 ' liil. . . jnaineu i nome, dui me majpfipy pi 1 nese are nepes If yearVi-They only recently srgHea'. contract wiil? their employers after a bitter struggle for better wages and th contact system. , -Alt inmcations are that contract union Iafyor is show ing: Weiitimfent 14 favbr of the strike. The industrial life of the city apparently is in no immediate danger of paraly?atlon. 'T BE KTft SENTENCE IS MM DEFENSE Judge Bond Practically Forced Jury to Conyict Burly Guard, Is Declared Jh.:lfearing of Appeal At Raleigh Thc Judge (Bond) practically re qttired the jury to render a vtrdict t Vuilty" and "the Republicans, filing hard against the present Bbird of County Commissioners, are inSting capital out of the convictkm wtich was secured" in the case of E. W." Mincher, Lenoir county ex-con-Vict guard under sentence fpr cruelty to' Drisoners, was charged by the -de-fejife in the appeal before the Su preme Court at Raleigh Tuesday. County Attorney G. V. Cowper rep resented the defense, and Assistant ItorneyjGeneral Calvert the State, jncher is out on bond. His sen ice is for 12 months for whipping e Raleigh News end Observer, fwrflnenting on the appeal case, Wed nesday morning, sai4: "There have scattered broadcast over the county circulars detailing the most Sensational part of the testimony in fee aa, given by Jim Etenton, who festifted that the ' prisoner, Junius Poiter, was whipped by Mincher and waa given 15 or 20 blows with heavy strap while two men held him. The defense claims and introduced evidence to the effect that Benton is man of bad character. It was ad mitted that Mincher whipped Potter, but it was done under the "kuiWiHr SHOULDN Sfiven ts the Board of County Com missioners for the regulation ! of !con: vicU who refused to work when able to. I " ' I . ; - - "But with the evidence of Dr. Al bert Parrott," Conuty Physician, "who saw the prisoner shortly after be warf whipped, and found him with out brsises or aigns of hawing ; been dipped unmercifully, the defense elahns he evidence should not have Utifij tiwwt of guilty." HKplHCTED IN s? Congressman. CSaude Kitchin is xpected to come to Kinston for a -.campaign ddresa during the week of October 15. That mucli waa gather- '" " 1,thorittiv source .' on WeJnesday. On -what day he will . . -; ' -- - - - ; "' . ' ' A ' ' . Fear of Crippling of Indus Bricks x thousand union workers re- , . f 1 1 TT.V. TO EL PASO BY SUNDAY, SCHOOL LIMITED, THEY SAY Soldiers Doing Well May See Mardi (Gras In New Orleans Another Bright Idea Ready to Fight When Texas Is Reached (Special to The Free Press) On Board the First Train Carry ing Second North Carolina Infantry to the Front Somewhere in North Carolina: Sept. 26. We're eating up space. Time doesnjt go so fast. Al ready we would like to be getting the exercise that comes from walk ing up and down, but walking up and, down in one of these cars is at tho risk of treading on toes fre quently, and that kind of monkey- business isn't stood for. It is said the Government only al lows these troop trains to run r.o far in an hour. That's because there are ho accident policies covering us. This one isn't capable of breaking the peed limit, -but by constant nagging and seldom stopping it will eventual ly get there. We're going through Birmingham and New Orleans. Maybe in the latter place they will pull off a spe cial performance of the Mardi Gras That isn't likely, though. Not sincf we left Goldsboro -thrre-fourths of Goldaboro is on t:se three trains have the people seemed inclined to la vish any affection upon us. . Five days on a "soldier train" isn't good for one. When we get to El Paso all hands will be, grouchy. They , had better send t le regiment direct to the border in that frame of mind. The band doesn't cheer us up much. Tpo fcusy playing something besides music. Colonel Rodman is aboard thig 'train. Seems to us we'd get along better with him on another sec tion, howsomever. He'a likable, and all that, but with kis presence ths tram becomes what the boys are be ginning to jTm a "Sunday School limited." " , tye will sleep well, in all probabil ity; Ve have berths one- to two men' and their feet-and by Thurs day or Friday should learn how to aTeep in them.' We are being fed very well. We are all full of expectancy, inders, fl-flippancy and flimflam. - speak has not been deckled. Mr. Kitchin may make addresses both in this pilj and LaGtnge on tie tame date. ' v ' V . . New York Persons Jeal ous Woman Kills J. C. Gravier and "Wife" SISTER WILL TELL STORY Member of Man's Family Views Bodies and Says Gravier Was Not Mar riedMrs. Harry Belser the Slayer (By the United Presa) Philadelphia, Sept 22. Mrs. Frances Arman, sister of J. C. Gravier, this afternoon identified her brother's slayer as Mrs. Har ry Belaer of New York. The "other woman," is believed to be dying, is not Gravier's wife, ac cording, to Mrs. Arman. Grav ier's wife died two years ago. she said. Philadelphia, Sept. 27. Walking into a room on the ninth floor of the Hotel Walton this morning, a woman believed to be Mrs. J. C. Ledur of New York, shot and killed J. C. Gra vier, president of the Alhambra Ga rage Company of New York, critic ally wounded his wife, and turned her pistol upon herself and committed suicide. The tragedy is shrouded in mys tery. A sister ol the dead man lett New York for Philadelphia, declar ing she would "tsll tha whole story, shielding nobody, after she had seen the body." She declined to say whether Gravier was married.. Gra vier and the woman supposed to be his wife were registered ut the hotel as Mr. and Mrs. Gravier. Jealousy, born of spurned love, is believed to have been the motive. MAKE READY TO PUT IN LOT OF MACHINERY Work is in progress at the Caswell Cotton Mills preparatory to the in. spallation of ?45,000 worth of new machinery. Five thousand and four hundred spindles will be added, mak ing the plant of 16,500 spindles. Brick work will be completed this week. HEAVY INSURANCE ON BURNED MILL, STATED Fifty thousand dollars insurance was carried on the plant of the Cab inet Veneer Company, at Greenville, destroyed by fire Monday night, it is said. This covers at least two- thirds of the damage. The mill mim ed like tinder. A hundred men- were employed, drawing wages aggregat ing $1,000 a week. Mr. J. M. Howard of New Bern was here Tuesday night. Mrs, D. L. Jackson and Mrs. M. G. Vick have returned from a visit at Jacksonville. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Dunn. Miss Maud Dunn and Margaret Foscue and Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Foscue motor ed to Maysville Wednesday to tttend j the funeral of Mr. E. M. Foscue, brother of Mr. K. F. Foscue, who died t Stella, N. C, Tuesday. Mis a Pauline Bruton and Ethel Hill went to New Bern Wednesday morning to visit Mrs. H. H. Hod ges. Mrs. W. H. Wa'ers and daughter of Dover were guests of Mrs. C. C. Holland Wednesday morning. Mrs. C.'C. King has returned from a short visit to her son, Mr. Seth Kin. at Folkstone. New E'arn Sun-Journal, Tuesday: Mrs. W. D. Pollock of Kinston, who has been Tinting Dr. and Mrs. Ray Pollock on Middle street, left this morning, returning home. We Have With Us: Mr. S. H. Isler, Jr., arrived at the home of his parents at 7 p. m. Tues day. Th young gentleman , weighs 8 1-2 pounds and in 'Hooks rivals his ' handsome father"' , V... Practically Every Garrison In Old Greece Has De serted King DECLARATION EXPECTED Rumored Cabinet Is About to Resign Naval Officers Quit Venizelos Seems to Have Everything His Own Way V (Ey the Un'tcd Press).' London, Sept. 27. A wireless message from Kome today re ported that the Greek cabinet had decided to resign, that the King issued a proclamation im mediately following their action, is reported though unconfirmed. The situation is accepted as fur ther indication of an early de claration of war. London, Sept. 27. Wholesale de fections from the Greek army are reported in Athens dispatches hint ing that a declaration of war may be expected at any time. Practically J every garrison in old Greece has join-, I ed the revolutionary movement, said one -dispatch. The soldiers are leaving for Salon ka. 1 Many naval officers have left, -r-mor-s say the cabinet will resign fol !cwi'ig a long; conference on the sR uat'on created by Venizelos' abrupt departure for Crete. CAMP CtENN MAY BE TURNED OVER" III A LOT ARM! RECmHTS (Special ti) The Free Press) Camp Glenn, Sept. 27. The Third North Carolina infantry left on three trains today for El Paso, .-coing vi; Now 15t::i, Washington ami Raleigh for tho fust lap Qf the long trip. Only (wo companies of i.r.u'Jieers and a hospital detail are lofi here. It is icported that a regular army training camp may be established hare. MORRISON PUTS ON AIR OF REVIVALIST AND WINS APPLAUSE Talented Campaigner Com ing Here Saturday an Earnest, Honest-to-Cood- ness Snellbinder WTio Loves His Party Cameron Morrison, Democratic ranAuinic for elcctor-at-large, of Charlotte, will address a mass meet imr dn the Courthouse here Saturday morning. Mr. Morrison is scheduled to make a speech at Greenville on Fririav. and come to Kinston on the eyemrTg of that day. Cam? Morrison has been most act ive in the campaign in this part of the iState. He is regarded as one of the biggest men the party has in the field. in North Carolina, and is one of the moat interesting speakers engag ed in the campaign. A press report says ofNMr. Mormons address in Washington Monday night: "Toward the conclusion of , the address he un consciously took , en the personality of 7 revivalist, and his plea for the support of Woodrow Wilson and the Democratic party caused a "hurst of cheering and hand-clapping that last ed for several minutes. . Troopers of Both Nations Stage Fight In a Greas er Barroom CAWLRYM'N AGGRESSORS Went Across Border to Start Something One Killed and One Wounded On Each Side. Funston Reports (By the, United Press) Wa:,h:ngton, Sept. 27. Maxican Ambassador ArredonJa is speeding to Mexico City taking fiwt hand in formation tc Carranza regarding the progress of the peace commission and sentiment in tis country regarding 'he withdrawal of the troops. Drunken Mow, El Valle Fight. Washington, Sept. 27. General Funston's version of a fight between ' Cananzista soldiers and American , troopers at El Valle, Friday, blames j the troopers. Several cavalrymen of j Peiohir.-g's force "ran the guard" of I their camp, entered Mexico and en- ! paired in a saloon row. One Car-ran- ; 7,i;ta officer and one American were ';:;!":!, one 'Carranzista soldier and .me American wounded. The inei-!:-n! icgardcd as a "dtunki'n row.", !'cr.-.i!i!'.g .r?.portc;l. IICEllToiESEUNDER MOTORS' CLUB IS A The Mothers' Club is engineering .i lyce-um course for the city thrs vintcr. r: ml 'announcement was mado WCtinc-sday thy. the first attraction i-:il be staged on Octsbsr 20. So '-on tickets will bo sold for ? n miiiiu nnil SI for school ch'l m '!.' Tha proceeds will be used fo 'lygrcurd punposes. Tho Lowry-Lawrencc Entertam- vs a:-e Miss Grace Lowry. rather fa in.us a. reader, and Miss Fran Lawrence, harpist. Their program 'a.v btcn arrange.) by Louis O. Kin: wr of Chicasfc. The series of liv: attractions to be had during the sea run are under the direction of the Piedmont Lyceum Association of "bailout. SMALL SALES LOCA! TfipjrnuiAnT n PRICES STAY MM It is estimated tha.. abcut I'J.'i.OOO , pounds of tobacco was sold here on Wednesday, sales b-:ing smaller than cn Tuesday. Breaks during the half week have totalled less than half a million pounds, mostly due to the j necessity tor planters rcmanm nnn to care for the cotton crop and at tend to other matters. Prices Wednesday were very good. The better grades were "looking up seme" and the day's average was be tween 18 and 20 cents, prtbably. Alout 75 bales of cotton had been old here Wednesday by 3 o'clock. Prices were 14 3-4 to 15 1-4. New York futures quotations were: Open 2:40 J&nuary 16.12 jlarch 16.28 May .. .v 16-45 October .. , 15.75 December 16.02 16.14 1G.30 16.48 15.78 16.07 Snow Hill Chautauqua. j . Snow Hill will have a chautauqua j on the three days beginning Friday,; October 0 London. Sort. 27 The most successful blow struck hy the Anglo-French since the battle of the Marne has . brought the capture of Peronne and Bapaume apprecia My nearer. It is possible. Enelish military critics de clare, that both towns, th? immediate objectives of the ereat offensive, will fall within a fortnight. ' , The apparent ease with which the German resistance collapsed at Thiepval yesterday, following; the capture of Combles. surnnsed military observers here. It led them to predict quick Allied victories in the drives on Peronne and Bapaume. Thj? final dash against Combles developed some of the mosrssvage fighting of the whole war. The Germans, caught in the southwestern angle of the village, stuck to their machine guns bravely and died at their posts. ' The British r.nd French, charging from opposite di rections, met near the heart of the town shortly after dawn and exchanged greetings amid the din of battle. The British fought their way through a wood, in the northwestern outskirts, beating down the stubborn. re sistance, -but once through, entered Combles without strong opposition. The French, annroaching from the southeast, had to fight then- wav through several rows of trenches, fortified redoubts Combles is filled two days' rie'htina;. l WH Thev to the Allied noose. The three and four thousand men during the two days, Gen eral Hais; reports. ' r jg ""WJMw "irr"" S 1 ."4rf, Cu-ton Holm?s, LAND S VLS UX MOKK. ;KK. Under arc 7 viriue of the pow of ';aie contained in that certain moit gage deed executed t) lb.' L'ank . Pink Hill by J. ('. Craft and wif Etta Craft , on April 5T,rd, 191'1. which appears of record in Lcno r county in Book 47, at page- 4:.0, de fault having been made in t:: pay ment of the indebtedness secured 1 said mortgage, the undensi;;ned wi" on the 14th day of October, 1916, a about 12 o'clock M.. at the court house door in Kinston. N. C, offe for sale to the highest biddcir for ca-' tlie following described tract of lan which is that conveyed by said morJ ' gage, and is situated in Lenoir court Uy,.N. C, adjoining the Tumr I lands, the Jones land3 and the land of others, and is more particularly d; scribed as follows: ; Beginning at a stake at the hea" r I of the lead ditch in the south proni ,(tt " ""-' ff'f - L if Vi ' P 111 K-kv "1 Ml I' M ; J ' J I III Vc'H . , i , w y ' es s , L If I WA -Wiia 'j.-V ..V'.A, ..7? I H J ' (, ?tr1v!'" - " s . Is I 1 and uiigerground caverns. 1 1 1 .1 U. Lit iTtriii:is wuumifu at -wis. wei-e unable to escape, owing British captured between "..-oatett Traveler Who Will Conduct Weekly r J:urncffs for Paramount. . 1 r Panther Swamp on the west side ' the cart path, a cornet of lot No. in the division of the lands of S. -:. Howard's estate and runs nosth :ird wtih the line of Lot Nd. 1 to a ap'.e or rum in ue north prong of Panthur Branch in W. A. Jones' : ae, thence with tha run, Jones lino estward to George Turner's line, 'ience with his line down the run of aid branch to B. S. Pickett's corner n said run. thence with Pickett' -:;ne southward to his corner on tha eaJ ditch in the south" prong of Panther Branch, thence up said ditch vith R. M. Brj-anj line to the be ginning, containing 38 acres, more or less. The said land being part of Lot No. 2 in the division of S. S. How ard's e!ate. . " ': : - This 9th day of September, 1916. ? ; BANK OF PINK HILL! By G. S. WTLLARD, Cashier. ' Ply-Sept.' 14, 21, ; Oci 12. 'Vk X i I a. '4 .-vai; m i 1 -vr

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