1 ( 17. lhc?Wtcdher r Ki NTe.TM.: . j Flr Tonight ! ' :6viu.---No;;8i v SECOND EDITION KINSTON, N. C, SATURDAY, SKl'TE'IBKU 30, 1916 SIX PAGES TODAY PRICE TWO CENTS WARSHIPS. DEMOCRATIC RECORD METHODICAL CCWJSTil RGABWAYSIJAS. SI. -S0IHU6ATE HUGHES HAS TALKED RECOUNTED INMOST HELPED AS MUCK AS M M EM NEAR BIHAI TROOPS INTERESTING STYLE AIL11 ARMIES RESULT OF APflPLEXY r h I" I' Liu I , . fcf. -1 . ... ...V rV' i ; -77i i IFJl NOW ENGLISH IN-f UlSTSPLACEtlN IN ACTION TIlEf NATIONAU RACE RIII fiARIAN WD MADEA RECORD 'J- V 11- ft m I f Defeated J)odgers 7 to 2 In 7; Game at Brooklyn Sat- nrday; Morning Mr ; 4- 4".. WUCffiRS ; GOT TEN HITS Rixev and Pfeffer Pitchers. - ' . - . Cold Weather , and LOm- nvnt.iVAlv Small ' Attend, .-",',..". ance. Phiiaaeipma JLea , . . i . j. Off at the Start By G HAMILTON,. (United Preas SUff Correspondent) Brooklyn, Sept 80. The Phil- , lies Jumped into first place in the ' gripping ' rsee for the National LeagM pennant when they beat the Brooklyn podger 7 to 2 in . the morning game of today s aou- Me-header. The Phillies made tea hits and three errors, Brook ' lyn five hits and one error. Brooklyn, Sept 80. About three thousand ahivering . ' fans snuggled deep in overcoats and hunted sunny spots onthe bleachers this morning, while thj Phillies and Dodgrs bat tled in the second game of the seriej for the National League leadership . Eppa Kitty and Jeff Pfeffer began the, argument where it was Pft oft yesterdaywhk i cloudburst broC up the game. . Philadelphia jumped to the lead in the first inning with two hits, scoriiig one run, and added another ran in the second, Brooklyn scored one in the third. ; WKrTPWOCARS The tender and. a baggage car of an Atlantic Coast Line train due here early Saturday fter . noon went off a trestle at a point three and a half miles from the city. Another baggage car was derailed hut stayed on the bridge. The only person hurt was a mail clerk' named McCoy, slightly in jured.'; : l. Htin was in charge of Bnjjr ; fW. A. Rawles and Conductor James Barr."" ENTIITO TELL ISSUES WM4 Press) I AaWBya'itjnV aoi-Preall "frv.'oaay win sound the caul w tlrt; young; men of the country T , "' ; oww t Shddow Lawn delivered be-' ! mm M OF THE mm CAMPAIGN'S :i.;j'Y4tejr ;. 0n't League of I .. . amoeratic Cluba the President will ; oeane ,wnat he; believes to be the real I issues the-'iampaign. -- I :;.'ljr If wjC 4''Jd.ilAfli anli jf -Federal secret eryice jep. "enwuves whirf . aa I lenuary fr Atlnt . iwi. I wrSZZ a.plctto-". was arrested here . niPM TT. . "cv-'refa ,'noranc8 tef :-"- " n . ouiaios ILSSISb. I JnM . . - - I m,mH x tnelr escaoe . -vx I "' ' ii i 1 1 I. i , V. , ' i jqw... . . f .' - I , - ia 01) TELL AMERICA V D-BTE OXCE MORE ' Sarah "Bernhardt United States today, ::ria:i"' Rout Column on the Struma J "FrontRain Hinders Op- erations In West Britis Improve Positions and Chase Germans (By united Press) l Salonika. Sept. 80. British war ships today shelled and dispersed Buifarlsn Column st of Nechori, c J the Struma front, it is officially said I French Advance. Paris, Sept 30. The French ad vanced north of Rancourt last night, I but rainstorms continued to hinder operations on the irest of the Somme front, it is officially said. ! British Hold Own. London, Sept. SO. The British im proved their positions at a recently aken redoubt north of Thiepval las! night, beating off German counters General Haig ireports. EIGHTEEN MONTHS FOR VIOLATOR MANN LAW Laurinburg, iSept. 29. M. C. White, twenty-seven years old, charp- d with violating the white slave ac by carrying fifteen-year-old Ruth Pittman of iLaurinburg, into South 'Cnrollna for immoral purposes, get. a'ghtwn months in thetAitlanta Fed ral pen. Sentence was pronounced '.his evening by Judge Connor. , i . MILLION AND HALF IS NEEDED FOR CAMPAIGN Now York, Sept. 29, A fund of IL500.000 will be required to con duct the Democratic National cam paign, according to a statement made here tonight by Henry Morgenthau, creas-irer of the National Campaign Committee. He declare;; New York was expected to contribute about onc- hird of this amount, which exceeds by nbout $40,000 tie sum spent in I the J912 campaign. NEW YORK FERRY BOAT WORKERS LEAVE JOBS New York, Sept. 29. Ferry boats of the New York Central Railroad Company, plying between Manhattan and New Jersey, were tied up by strike of 150 employes on the boats. The latest labor difficulty in this city resulted from the men's demand for jhorter hoars and higher pay. Ths Strike has no connection, it was said, ' with the traction situation. m 0N m mm A mm.W nf inninc vats in Craven countv are axDected to bell'! ready for use within the next fe days, Nelson, 84, died at Beaufort. She was a well-known wo- man and a lifelong member of the Methodist church. The labor' situation is an interest !nfl on. With ai manv as a dozen or more carloads of blacks leaving North Carolina to supply clamorous demands in other parts of the coun try on one day this week, there is StiH need for their assistance in sev- East Carolina counties. Cotton Picke re 41y wanted in some sec- wons, ICE AND BRICK PL ANT & EARMYILLE ENTERPRISE iSnM to The Free Press thonaa - iul dollars of th 140.000 u- t . Si. - ' i , s' i 1 . l operate an kv ana vnct piant bot j,,. bm !- The nlant wHl be tets npai soon as practicable. A lone felt want will be sopplied by tht ice ' f. - ctory. i Hon. Cameron Morrison, Eloquent Campaigner, at His Best When Speaking to Lenoir Voters In Kin ston Saturday Hon. Cameron Morrison of Char lotte, generally regarded as one of -h? most eloquent speakers in the state, and by some S3 the bost, wis n ;,'ood form Saturday when about noon ho addressed tho voters of Len iir county in the Courthouse at Kin- ston . Mr. Morrison was introduced by Mr. N. J. Rous? and ha snoke fo- !"r,ost two hours, rectnintincr the i?h'evrm?nts first ef the Democratic 'arty in North Carolim. and thci in h? nation at largn. He was forced i tijeh tinnn the vi"h pl-st-.'s only dwelt at some length upon the re :;! of the Stat? Democracy in driv f '-'t ilUtcrr.cy and tnc De:se.'a? " tli1 country in enactins; a currency "i"-.ure which ha3 given to the p'.'o- rle of the United Stater, their great- prn?r.?r!tv r.nd rrti-"!ierl to t'i;"n e'va' r''rh. tn benefit from th' :i!!h of the country, a. riirht which v.-as, he said, taken from them by the Rcp'iircan party and sold to Wall trert and "Big Eus:ness" in or- ihanjre for campaign fiinds to per- petuaic themselves in office. In telling the story of progress i:i rh3 State, Mr. Morrison laid empha- is upon the riddance of r.e;;ro domi- ation in politico, the passage of pro hibition lt.i..lation, the vision of a new and enlarged educational pro gram which had brought North C:r- 'ina from the lowly state at the bot- om of the Union to the nroud record i?hiev!nfr more progress than any StatD in the Union, to the crusaJf against disease, to the improved farming methods. to lewer freiirht r.tes, to better insurance rate.. all 'f which he ascribed to the statos- nanship of the Democratic party dur ing its sixteen years of uninterrupted rule. The tax rate for the State was, ho declared, tho lowest in the Union, and urged his hearers not to be mis led by statements of Republican speakers and confuse local taxes with that levied for maintenance of the affairs cf the State at largo. Mr. Morrison paid glowing tribute to President Wilson, ascribing to him a place 'among the rulers of the world nowers, past and present, second on ly to George Washington. He affirm ed that Mr. Wibon's success in bringing Germany to yield it3 inhu man submarine warfare was t!.? greatest single bit of diplomacy on record. Mr. Wilson, ho said, hari brought to the world a new concre tion of upholding the rights and dig nity cf a nation and that he had dem onstrated that h.3 would not throw fhis country ir.io war for revenge or in a spirit of vindictiveness, but that no r.:ht cf the pe..'s "v.y.iM le " rendered. Mr. Morrison's peroration picturing America under the gu... c ; and of Woodrow Wilson as emble matic of "Giory to Gcd in the Ili-'h-est. Peace on Earth and Good Will to Men'' was the signal for prolong ed applau 71 . The audience was rot as l ire an it might have been but those pros ent were attentive and frequently in terrupted tho sneaker with applause. NEW QUART'R BILL'M LOAN FOR ENGLAND, WALL STREET RFP'RT (E'y the United Press) New York, Sept. 30 J. P. Mor gan is booked to sail for London to day to float a new quarter billion dol lar British loan, according to reports in financial circles. Henry B. Davi- Va..m nnrtnA n a KA4kn in - j..w., England for leveral weeks, presnm- ably arrangir? the details of . the loanr-whieh is to be sectrred mainly 'by American securities. Thousands of Soldiers IM uiU Ilfgliways So That Ammu nition for Creat Cannon Co;Jd Bs Transported to the Front Village Underwent Most Terrific Siee In Wis tory of the World, Is Oplnica cf IJcnry WoaJ, Accred ited Representative cf Hi United Pre-:s, VIth the Anglo-French Armies' In ti.o West A Vivid Word Pic ture of a Great DaUb Drawn By a Master (OTr.--I! -nry V ivp wiili oto otl-.e: p:i'.-.-. . " ' '.'...' i '. C V .'!' Vk ;ho i' reach front, rrc.'jcn Cicvcii'.nient to They are the only two Ai qur.rter?. is th- f!:v l'-v VV.s.UY WOOD, (United I'rc,-. Staff Girros.ro -dent) With ihe Pr nch l.'.'-rd info a fuiienr. '.;;'!op sn.'hi'n read villi ;;:!.:( ering al.oic vuhurc-likf, a'-aii i'ii. fighting their w.v,-shtll-firn Those wt rf s.:n v ui t;' dire .f tie (.trrnit'y f. '.:. ! ad-. anco rrdh cf ihv S;;f;-ir.e. Tho cvc.it ual capiuro of ! day r.c-?'';-r. w ht n Prc-ch ward, a::d Er.Rlish cava! east cf Comb'es. They ilv:: ting otT (ho laal communications On (he sane mon.ia- I Btartinj; from Maricourt, the a::d E.iRPsh (u'lcnsi-, o v. z la succo;V' slop I'i the ad'. : : -; toward the at!,ii:;.ual i.i' I'.l rived within low than a mi: itst-lf was Hteii underjroicR i. Alihoufh cm! '- j :-; a ! Cermans had io forlifici every 1 machine Rir.m were installed. Jhat tho Aii.t-s v. t-r. foreod fo em ploy siege methods. They completely oudrciod tb.- town with their heavy artillery, which gradually cls:-vd in v,;h ever ajvaao of (he infantry lines. Pram the vit wpoi-it of he cnvrviVA cr .".ti(y of artillery ,:-:': xod a.ta'ny.f. it, and also from lh. ;ner.:.H!Tt:h!(. nitraljcr or .h.-:'s ratnci! into i!. Combles can easily Imi ; t .f la :i!K i;rK!er?r.!ii tl most terrific siege in the hi;.t(iiy r,f t' ; v :rd. It was only on reaching the most advanced ariill'-y !'::?.'. l.-.'foro Combles that one rouU ;-", 1 r.iai:natical!y the ite'liodira! pro gress which had rendered ii.v .tiiies ne,v lactics cf ad-.anri;'!: by heavy artillery absolute!;' in; isitibJc, though the V.nu .! ih-ry lines before Comblcs consisted of comparatively light batteries. Those had beer, rushed foi ward r'friiig f;;e n'eht oicr ;.-t;;r-;i rev:!, rrcd impasf alh by shell liolc.i t ) eveiytiiipc !.; Tcoi Hoidiors. CRICK ROAD CONSTRL't i V,:) X, ilf.E V But while troops were tojtghig j:ins over h.i ground, a vc."i' ab'o array nf soldicru had hur'. a torluois roadway rcvoral f'-cl low (he surface of the gro'inc!, pr.ving it v lib briri.s !' i-. ! "rhy houses, wrecked by artillery fire. Over this, v.l-rn io arrival pirjy the next liiorr.irg-, munit;."n .-ais&cns, screened from the enemy's observation by tho dc, (! . ; rcadv.r.y, d- au n bv foe.-, six and eight hcrses wrrp dufi in" a' .; ;,; every niOMont v. i(h an m-ri -:' r.nriber of rhells noce' to fi.ed (ha-e advanr d i'.re; of ::rl!l- Iery which could ho rfjcl ; J i:; I'a-!: rf h"s? r.dvrrc ! !.' son-?. wo thou ai'ds more s h-;t had Vo- a on !'ie pre di raprb'p :f ii' talli'iig Iri.gp l: irrr.il iai's fcr heavier ?" li rv guns now further cdvnncetl duri aulorrobiie-frd a;(illf"-y 1!:: s. v, steadily co:r truct r.r; ra'i '.:) ' gigantic ll:"t rot m !y it, !:.;( i,: specially enst: ftod rti'wayc. ing the rr.orf fornard. trans;.3rthh!e, antomohiic-frd pieces alrcidy rushed GOOD P.OADd AID IN THE VICTORY. If CombVs fell before n methodical, heavy aitii'cry advscco and ercircieir.ent it fell equally before the m"thod:caI const rerticn of roadways, frcm the dirt and kriek-heddod wagon roadi (o the full gauged. rcck-bal!asted steel railways. This mcihod marks the AU lied sdvance on the entire thirty-mile Somme front. Peaching S'aurer.ss. vhich i;; but a mile and a -quarter from Com blcs, we had a vivid iraprffssict ef the actual stale of affairs in Comblcs, which was then undergoing the same bombardment tiiat preceded the capture of Macrepas. Maurcpas, instead of being simply leTelsd to theground by Allied artillery like other Scmme villages during the first weeks of the offensive, had been literally driven into tlfe ground by terrific shell-poundings The village had . almost disappeared from the surface' of the earth, leaving only the naked site pock-raarked by shells like the Surrounding country. v An officer explained that this was the result of the Allies r.ew ar ' . tillery methods, whereby shells are driven as deep as possible Int . the ground lefore exploding for the purpose of outing the Ger-; ' mans, wb now dig In from 50 to 70 feet r (Continued on rage 2) . ' .- t "' I Ui:iu'd Pre 3 ..:illv aci'i;d ;nv at army bead'iuartrrs. :i :-0T:e.,p :ep.i;; V.'j ! ) .ear ("onb'c. J ri-:d idoi-;. dr. h: '"8 .' li.'lw;: 't I'ti: a , ;r (i.e fa ! of Ccrr o.;'r i.ti!-;oj'.r.l opt. n-'l'Wfs ! r'-' ,va; ti (v or a : :: ; h.) - .?:; ire r v.-ort-rouds in '.v rillc d .i;'os lifetime a certain 'y oi Tro; ; lry patrol, advancicr ncrlhe-, aircis, thra.'t:nfc- r.O-'ithw. 'IV ' J, .;( I!;.!-:;-, c::t i ih: re.. !:,:- V , ;h- r-c:rh r :nr, ;;r!i of-mpk'Vjy oiu'iro'i ! Ja with (he Oiinnn ;-.r;r,y reproached (oinhlet froiv jtiiKd'on 'i !'i frc;n v-lrch t i'.-.vt, ami i . , i.tx- ::i o UKorvo:; R;; (h-ce !,(.;?': i V'st jei-eai iiv'i'"ii. l.ca ve ;:r a":J a ;'.;;.! t;-r cf Com'tile., tho iovU v final homliaidiiicit and a:;.-:an)t. o c::t,' o ....;:! .a. a ; i -j t.-j. toe !r.ry t:, v. i.e.-e nr. otl or v. ay. fed by g3l'i!ngr, can -c;!ng rai d-i-rs. ir.elhnjnca'ly tra'.iHf.iruiinj 'X cl . s ral ;in ro: d , irto h'vhv-y er.nh'Je ccn'-fry.', !: i.iir -;-; tip b:"i ier -v :;:( fad :uii)'!'iir:?ol th? iig'-.'tr !4 t!;i' n" t-Itt. Parther behind these fx i.till a tl..'d army of wr.il.rrien, ii ieli wrro hringing up art'Hory fo .'ilirliq, cyn be fVanspartod oe.ly on The-'e he;1 pieces are p'ant- Was Known Throughou United States Had Been Vice-Presidential Nomi nee Connected With Nu n;erous Institutions (Snee:al ti The Free Press) Durham. Sept. :0. James II o'jMignte, one of the State's fore -lr-t c tiffins and widely known in nation. d'H at a country place "w hi re 1'ihl.iy .'.ftornjon. lie was 7 vcars of age and a Virginian by vrth a native of Norfolk, Apoplexy !". thi can.e of death. Mr. So-.i'hgato h:ul attended to his min'-s-. iiT.ih.: Pt'.lay at usual. H: Vniise was a shock to his friends ii-.-! vpnn him and talk 3d with i!'i"i"(r tv morning. '.": a rrem-ncnt ngure in m .... tha enuntry over. He ' rt e:-.'.!r::t of th ; Nat'onal A v." ' : T.:zr? font 3 in 111T ' ' -: rr.-.-'dait of tho State i'c Association, and only ' ' ! afo n'a;l sn addre r-mrmdcJ widespread atten- ,v"" .' was a man of imposing as well loved as any man in He was of a model charac- .1 r d Oi CllK' ion and a v? 7 "e l I5-en Candidate for Vice-Pres't. Tn P'''l h ' v.-.;i canli'late fcr Vic--. -: . ,.r .,, ,T-,'cd States on the ''V'' n tV! f. He w?s pre.v' - nf ihr Board of Trustees of VMiy Collrge, of the North Carol':. t '-'-ty, of 'the ' . D'U'-hn'ri" Arriordtural .Society. lie - V-.r-i- n Kr.io-ht of Pjth ' 7. artJ was connected with ' rasiv .:-;io-.", :.l'!i""'.!e"pl and f-.-atarna' v.-an'5:;:tii:i)?. For many years hr " a :oiv ,l in T::rity Method r' '"'f:i hero, 'n ;-r. hi! to (ha Plate Prrji' -rr'rfi'on h?re tho past summer Mr 'n-hgVe n-onhesit'd a readj-jstinr '"c :?3 iifto? tho coming of peac '11 v Saturday is Ivina- ir c- a !'ii'l ",'g at Trinity CV '. i.'p.'-.'T.l s?-.-vic2S are being he!-' lha cr-:!e:. Tho funeral will. 1" I from Trinity Methodist church i';iy aftsniiOn. -"a. T. P. Sotithgato, survivor Snifhgrtte. COTTON 't h esilfnaled .that 130 or I".r ''M of cotton had been sold here n. m. SiU'-.lay. Prices ranjjed ' .- 1- 1-4 to 15.45. ',- Yi,r! f.'.ture. ;uoint5on3 were: Open Close rr; Ki.n 1C.13 ' ' Ki.31 10.30 i May 1G.49 lC.hi j ' : ' ' 15.72 13.fi? j 1 . ) -r 1C.04 1C.CS I 'm ENOUGH FOR i p y.mi FOR N. G Ya --hin rt-'n. St?.. 29 National - i 1! civa'ry troops and field artil y ' a trics are to be allotted S2 each, to be maintained by th: 'J,ral ;r;vornmrnt, on their return "am th? M?xcan border to home sta :.'."3. FAFMYIILE TO HAVE A COMMUNITY FAIR Farmvii'.e, N. C, Sept. 30 A com munity fair will bo held here on Oc tober 5 that may r?salt in (ho or jan:za!on for a sectional fair on a considerable seals. - Co-operation of the business aad, agricultural i?tcr ests.as practisally assumed .tlis'snc cess of the ccaningre nt; P.ti ' hd Greene county merjchlntg, fc.aK.uJaiS rurers and farrnetsj sri to jnaks nse of th's f. The tobaeea marft v-'..' the 23th and tha V v. a b'g leaf ware" .:' invited ! ort ' 'I in Covered 20,000 Mflesin'the Tour Ending: Saturday1 Morning:" - - IS GREATLY FATlGUmf G. O. P. Candidate All Rum pled Up But Not a Bit I v ,s Enthusiastic Rests before Firal Long Car paign Hike (Vy the United Press) Hornell, N. Y Sept"30.-rtHnghes Inished his twentieth thousand mils s a presidential campaigner hose .lu s lume of New YorlcTnls said to establish record for can dates. It is estimated that Hughes Idrossed a million and a half vot. . s sinca he started on his tour on ugust 5. No wonder the candidate how3 fatigue in every line of .his ice. His eyes arc ringed "with dark" rclia, his voice is almost ;crackod' -.dor the strain. ""The only thing atili :i impaired is his own n0rasi Winding up with a ,big meeting t 'cffalo" tbmgnt, he returns to JSTw "ork tomorrow. ' Then" he will 'rest efore the final tour, 'which will keep' ho candidate on the road untiPOcto- her 26. 7ENBEYIILE ELECTED ' , v SUPT. OF CHARITIES . .... (, --f ' 'A Capt. M. Vendevills of the jjSaiv-4, on Army was Friday m'ght leed itperintcndent of the United Chari-. '03, to succeed Mr. H. C. V. Pee ks, who tendered his resignation ttV h3 governing board Thursday night - 'EAJOKEfBREMS1 iraNTfllMu (By thrUiltod Pr'f ; ' New York, Sept. .30v WhileV labor , aders are casting about to find soms-, icans to restre confidence la th, riking carmon, the general synipa- hetic strike gradually dwindled i trength. Six thousand lirewers, constituting alf of the workers who left" their ork in sympathy, have returned to heir jobs.. fE PRESERVER WITlif6; fiME OF pEMENllAY : MIAN SUBSEA TRXtEfif Portland, Me., Sept. 29. A -ftlifs; reserver marked "Bremen," ths.'-j- lame of the German- suhmsrins eighter which has oeen generally '? tpected to arrive at some Atlantic,:. . "ast port for the past week or Wore, r ; a 3 picked up on the ocean side-of . . "lape Elizabeth today. The tuaa ' Bremen" was stencilled in black Jet- . its two inches high on both sides" of , he buoy. Tha preserver seemed to be ew , nd apparently had not been In the .v A-ater a great length of time. It was -stained with oiL An officer sf th coast guard cutter service who ex imined the buoy said that if the pre' ? server had been thrown overboard fcy some one who thought to play a prsc- . tical joke, he had done Terr good . ." , . : . . " ' mo goyl::::?jc yNDi)AU2:;i::; (t!y the United Tre belaware, O'.Sevt.' El Frank B. "Willis ana v . tor were iajureJ t i i h2i si-cilcnt t-d:-. l:':lt-' r-s is '

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