an ,.0, 7 ir Fair Toid; iVQL:XVia-No. 82 SECOND EDITION Jl - KINSTpN, NcJ BlONDAy,' OCTOBER 2, 191GV rOUE PAGES TODAY, ; rmcE ?wo cents tiSplI;?Sly RAIDfOVEIt ENGLAND NOTHING MUCH FOR '.'- Oft TOllXTEN! RETURN TO rKOSlAi S&ATOR CURKE ' OF IIOMORSASSiDTICG TOtWiNHppiRMANS SOLDim TO BO; OH, M'TilllEE-FO'fSTliS OF TRAFFIC ON TI AMANSAS DIES JAS ALLIES : IN rBATTEE result of Stroke rAgIno wrfPEto:;;iE RY MUC! IIS PP WE 0TIPT ZEP ,(iViij Fnt Hughes Qucs- JVristcr Cut 01 from Fleet I ;:tionI iwftiWouM?; jof Ten Sunday Night One N. YORK EI Jt m vim mmi ' &rkVn Ha?" X.' i nf T nrn-nef in WaM iB DEKOCnATS -f LIKE PUN P$oing After'VG.O.P. . &htfdatePresident In-j v - .. -vti.! 1 tenas rrove io inhuoji ! That it Is : Well Enough . lu." ' feyOBT. J.- BENDER, fUni'd Prens Staff Correspondent) r';r AbiJry"Parkt "N. J., Oct. 2.-nPres- .v'tdent. Wilson is determined1 to "smoko : out" uiaricst avails nugnes on wnasi the Democrats have now defined as thi real Issue of the campaign. When . tho ,raient starts west tomorrow to spoakHatj Omaha Thursday even- uig, ne twin .vuiuf w force Hughes, if possible, into a thor- nnoJi Hiiiifn nf what changes he ..; " would make In the foreign and busi- . nt-ss policies, of the United SUtes. Mr. Wilson will continue to use th taunting sarcasm, that he used in his ;'!addresa Saturday in challenging his opponent to divulge how far the "policy of peace" would ibe altered in the event of a Republican victory. There may' be no direct questions. no indulgences in personalities, but the ' questions and' challenges will be found in the President's speeches as in the last one, when he indicated that war would be a Republican meth od in the foreign policy. ' New confidence as apparent with . tie knpwledgs that the President is "going after" Hughes. ' 'n wo win attempt to snow tnat a cliangB of administration would en danger peace. , If mm. RELATIONS Washington, -October 1. Organiza- tipn of the Chinese-American Ex-1 change Company, a shipping corpora-1 tion which proposes to inaugurate a i general mercantile" trade between I PROMOTE AS China and American ports on tho pa- fflce. We didn't see a white person cific,' Gulf arid South Atlantic, was ntil we got to Jr.clon, whers we announced hero tonight.. It is headed passed through the Statp mobiliza by Dr., Clarence J. Owens, manag- tion camp. The soldiers there look ing director of tha Southern Com- M UP whenf we shouted greetings, mercial Congress, and is understood Scmo even smiled! It is assumed .to have the active backing of that r- fhat when t&e second train- came janization. v - I Establishment of regular sailing ia contemplated ibetween Norfolk. Char-1 - lestan, Wilmmgton, Savannah, IJack-1 sonvzllc, Mobile; and Galveston, on the east coast, and San Pedro, Los An-1 gelos, San Francisco 'and Portland, connection will be made with anothpr I ' fleet PWn to and rom .the Chinese ueaty ports. , a bond issue of SI .000.-1 000 will be issued won. ' I WHOLESALE KILLING CREEKS BY THE : I r ASIA I MlBBi Oct. 2. Rpnnrtjr that Hmkm . u.vvw about to declare war have led jn . . M,""" vi vjrreeKs i W...31 Minor fcy Turks., tie Greek - "J A WlAdK.MID J Ration there aaa been advised. ws ; F,RE W CARGO HOLD y. OFAMERTPAV f.rvrn W York, OcflXre which " t in the cargo of the Ameri- Ijne teamsoip'Phaadelphia on ; 'aursday, 800 4rmt T.m kn,oumg under a fclank- -i .ream when she reached here. No Casualties Reported i (By tha United Press) Lndon, Oct 2. A Zeppelin down- ed f orth of, London la t night was one of the new type of superdiiigi- bled the largest air monsters in the 1 wor d, Lord (French, commander of th home forces, today announced Te,J zoppolins crossed the east coast in hat, nighf s raid. Besides the one destroyed, another trkd to raid Lon don! fcut was driven off. There wore no asualties and no damage. airr nrri I I l jljr I fl ViiiJ u 1 1 m Tilrn Ujj yy I i t n.ii' it cuuucra uti m ueiier xlU- mor as They Progress Mississippi Enthusiastic. Columbus Wasn't Any . Happier (Special to The Free Press) On Board First Train Carrying Second North Carolina Infantry to Border, Sept. 29. (Delayed in Tran sit) Texas! What cmtotions does tho name stir tip in the hearts of Anieri cans! . (ixanu-nld Commonwealth. Motfier of Bailey and Colquitt, land cf the single star (there's one gink aboard here who has been told that because of its geographical location only a single star ever shines on Texas, all the rest being shoved over too far on thq map, and believes it) and breeding place of trouble. What we heard of .it at Jackson makes un take still mora stock in Sherman, who is reported to have saitl that if ho owned1 Texas and a ccrtairt oiher celebrated locality he would lease out Texasar.d live in . It'.? not nearly as to'od a place as Goldsboro, tny saM t!,s reader can imagine now blooming bad it is! The State '3 larger than Rhode Island. .Passing through 'Mississippi Friday was another very interesting experi- through thev arose and brushed them- selves, and that by the time the third whistled heHo they caught on to what waa happening. .'. El Paso will be discovered some time Saturday night or Sunday. Old Kit Columbus didn't relish his little And any mors" than will this gang a a sight of diy land. (Literally, dry land.) They have been walking on ono another's cars now since Tue1?- hday ' morning. . The surprising part of it all is this fact that is dawn ing opon U3 the longer we ride and the more abuse we subject on an other iOf tho better disposed we are. Wednesday, to jbitc a man in tho leg would have bicn dangerous business; now you can oven ask him for the I oan - of a seek without , any serious 1 disturbance resulting., -Arriving at TM t ...lit' j 11rl on1 i.' rt i t : ! jnven. mi xori uuaa, which u ")"- Lyhere near San Francisco from the yen?ral wea. mere we are to oe herded with a ht of regulars. guaVis- men- from all .States and South Caro lina militia. y Mailed. i The wire rate's too steepj even consideringf the import ance of the story. . SCARE ABOUT OVER. - Warsaw, Oct. 1. The infantile pa ralysis scare here is about over. Ac cording ta physicians, there is little cause for apprehension. f' NEARS THE II COiiMY ON HOPE "Ol!, Well Re-enlist-Likc - II 1 We Wiir Guard Troops Co About It Very Cheerfully?? However That's Best With the' North Carolina troops nok about ail on the border, Kins ton mothers and fathft-s, wives and the.- '.-c'atives of soldiers will bo in irtsted lii learnin;r how their rela tive? in uniform arc living. The sto ry below U from Webb Miller, a staff correspondent ., 'of the United Press, who is located at El Paso, where the North Carolina guardsmen are stationed: "It is not. a vacation thi3 job of being a National Guardsman down w the bonier. No matter what their occunation in civil life, tho civilian soldiers are new wr'::ng harder thjji they v.-.r- worked .!;,; Arid thry ire doin? it che-orfully. II:-re is a guard 'man's day, if he K!og. '. the cavalry or artillery. The infantry varies lif.L except the'.v no hove to care for. 'At ":'U the 'iiu rolls ou'. of v e.,: if he has t-nc to the ;hri'l!iirr of the bugle. A f i,er drrss- mg and v.v?hmg, he na-- inirty m:n- atts to f'.rd, water and curry his horfc :: I ';i.)!i . ' the cmnpany trcci.'. Policing isonly a pweeter narr.e for the done at Imnio by ih" .1. -.v;n;r. iock ih "A ' bugler bii'ws the popular r:f'':: on the .-: r breakf.-t. Then ill tidying vp of o'clock ctten'ion is ins and furfher po an hour. !he m call rm e policing r. tent:?. About 7 turned to the .-I"' lieitig rnsiies for ""y this tin-.' th -sun is btering and the :.. mpera; .: is idimll'n;:. The real wnvk of the flay begins. From 3 mil il noon th:? practie.'.l wm-k of making citisens .into soldiei s foes on cut on the naked sun-baked plains 'xick ef the hu'TO encampment. Th? I'ri'lii e covers every per: f ib!;- activ ity of a soldier. It is man's work Livery minute of it. "Sometimes 'he iwonrnrr drills are replaced by a aix-nsilo hike out into rir.-i-i't. .gain the. hordes have to bo watered and f"d !''- fore d. v - Tho "noon ! !--: :'' i:;;vids at ' o'clock. "From 1 to 3 o'clock, is fatigtuv or the r".st y-rriod. It is uiilir.e.l for ofTicc,'.'! and iicn-comm'stier-rd ofH eers school and to instruct tho non in some .if the fine P' in'.s in tin care -cf runs and equipment. At o'clock there is another drill v : i "It is the hortort'.parl ef i'. - day F resit from fnf'o;-y and ofHc- tl-ht i most galling -k On th" n:: "The afterno.a drill peric.l is res ponsible for th - song entitled 'Oh. we'll re-c.n!ist like hell, we will,' a favorite of the eWHan-soldiers in th;ir tents at nitrht. "About 4:50 tables' sounds and the horses mast, be cared for again. The evening rrsal comes at o:3f. A.- sr that the t 'retreat' inardk" ha lorrow exi- is another short drill j id an inspection, and oiithLng to do until to il be in his tent by U o'clock." RAILROAD SERVICE SUSPENDED PARAGUAY (By the United Press) Asuncion, Paraguay, Oct. 2. Tb Paraguayan railways have complete ly' suspended operations because of serious disorders resulting from a strike. Strikers-attacked the trains and burned bridges. NOT A GREAT DEE OF WEED ON MARKET Less than 100,000 pounds of tobae co was soil herp Monday. . Estimates from aU the warehouses at 1:45 p. m. totalled 96,000 pounds, and these es timates may hare been from 5,000 to 10,000 poundT high. Prices, how ever, were excellent Better than a 20-cent average-was reported. Crop 56 Per Cent;' Normal, . Says Cot. Report; - '11,600,037 Bales DESTRUCTION BY WEEVIL Cj-o: In Middle States of th? t Belt Far Short Turmoil I V'icn Annourceinerl W;i; Lbs For Acre In Bolt (By ho Unit W.uhwgfe-i, Oct. i.'f Cr..;.) Est.inute.:-, I !. condiiion cf the being 5 j:ur eent: .-The B-ii-ai t; d::y report col to:- 'Top norm-it, njcain.i and tiO.S in Sft'.r il." o.i A.i.TUSt : . .'p.1 e of .!''!". 1 iliiiic ti.18 .). "n urr (: er :.hni; J 3?tructi hi bv the lv' v.-cv;!. The cendition forces.-1..- a yield pj'j acre of l-f;(?.3 pounds, r.-u'i a total production o' 11,000,087 bales agair.j ll,131,ft;.-J in If! 5 two The condition c- nc.. aa'.-.t '-n :..: 'inn''-! ; . r Saurh Carolina :i Virginia is 8 last year; in I !, ag?.imt 7 -5 agalnrt fil. pounds in V; ; in No;-.h -C 'i. in Snnth C. 215. irior to S'pfe "rr acre na 21 -1 r?:v::st .'.'5 1'.") iuraif ( ton granct! nrsor to !'pfen:wr T v:u 4,(;C:l,000 hales againr.l 2,900, 'K)0 in 1915. Turmoil In New York. Nvw York, Oi.'- 2.-r-C'-Uo: ji'nip.'l from C) to 80 pt,i:)ts on th;; K:c-;.is ex- ehanrcc .o Jay-following publicotion of- the government re-psit i showing. t.iie great damage to the Middle States crop. Peeembor sold for 1(1 3-4c. The osohange was in a uirmol! as r,r:e. f seared to new hi i-:--,l teveij. l. r- . u U a ti ..u . . .si' ,.i . a f f 11 FIT OF RFnfV rl. llcsi -.1 TTn ??- volver and. Into R-dit F--fcJ. pallet Eye Endan -RitrM gered Ed. Ka-ssil, .an entrineer, about "0 ;ears of age, hof. himself in tha rl; hi r-ide cf h's head In tin: house of Th'dH-1 m-a I'i."!-. 110 W. Shine street. Sun day morning, and laid for seme time a iihvsician was securej. When Dr. A. L. Hyatt arrived at the placo rbeut r.con, he found Ilaweil with a d an .reron s-loaki ng wound, apparent ly r-.ade with revolver buliet of medium calibre, in the vicinity of the tempH The bullet lodged in tha ca vity behind the right rye. .HasseU was hurried to tho Parrott hospital, find there is a possibility that he will live. He may-lose -his right eye in th event that ho recovers. He was censcious Monday morning. Tha ho'usa in which the attempt to jsuicido occurred is. in the segregated section. No woman is. thought to have been involved, however, '' H. sell and two other man are said to have gone into ; the house. . Hnssoil had fccen drinking too heavily, according to a ph-ysieian, arid was possibly impelled by despondency in duced by. intoxication to grab up tho revolver,, said to fiavs been the prop erty of ion of the other men, and .shoot fcimself. t -gg :: - ' The police believe the suicide the ory and na arrest-has Jbecn made. " ' .The averas-e man cares little about the truth when it hurts the, otherl fellow. . ' . : . ',' - . ltey Wreck Near City Sat ur day "'Afternoon Resulted In i Sltsht Injury -to G:ie Pcrscn Box Cars Ti i'i again normal on the At (ioast Lir.? Pvr.'hoad into this .' r Saturday iiffernoon's wreck r: .i i-.-stlo thre,3 miles out, vrhen ihv tv : am! mail coach of No. 73, a ft- -t J rain went down a 10-foot C. A. McCoy,, . the ma:' .' -k, was tha u.iy peTaun l-rt, e : with BSinw- injiHcs. Th"' UiiJ. p. r.4 npiido down in tha cut, ::'; .: mail car b.'idyd en its side.. Kri-4. 'VV', A. -lUwls wita drivin m-i b;-.,dA n b:n!-!oo1;jng gitaMtion v.-ith J'idmlrablc co5!nri t and goo; juigracnt. He nnd a veteran condue- i:r, .)'. S, fi.'.r,-, wi::-.' in ennrgo ol ;:!' train. T!.;s c.-u50 cf the wreck is fitill un tete: mined, so far as the b'cal office of the Ai C h. is -iiiformtd. An in vcatigation us to be made by the rail- rgera wera ' haulod from and fsoir.t where tho-wreck oecur- 'ox ears. A wrecking - train t from Reeky J.Iount to clear .:, tv.'ii uu uanagoa cars the si .ops there for repair; ill: e i0 it' i,;y, in' U'w i of h 'HC t ( ) 1 c i the !, 'i' .re Snr.n t.-J nomts in J"few , i' id ly '.e'.lu L )e d from IT, 1-4 to Kil-Sc Cut li'ticna we; Open 2: -10 . . Ui,15 . .lfi.51' . .IvSi' .155'. I' ie.7i 1(5.01 17.0 lfi.1t T'.'V VfDIll'1 At'i'EAl .I.E..... for r;;!s .11. V:;.:d:.viHe, haul tf tho :::i- n .rmy post and sapcrinten : r ih;; Un:1?d Charitsies, has is 1 (in sppeal fur funds fir the h oi those oi ".-saiKatiotis. Cloth alss) is rsck ! Capt. Vendevill? i. "The''!; r.;v. !-.ivojsl cases where latter would come 'in bandy. A!- ill: 'i;e.l oomKsdion, tne atojk .has tl'e Captain. "I gu?s no I:wacr but Mie situation is jtropitious," declared that the Salvationist. "There's n- wardrobe -frem somu I'm not 'in Ihv hahcird-uh- to not at IV .',y e' t s:in-e, and ty busines S. ask these f.-ir:-.ts ol tf fret busy." til t toil M in III twlmhm Mill II MP tloiomission Ilea ra . Cora . Isint - - at ; Rcsurapticn of ScssJor.s Now ;ifc Athn ifetjlCOCOCO In terested, Said .. (By the United Press) Atlantic-: City, Oct, 2. A . protest against thji treatment of American mining interests in Mexico warnuwle bffore the ;SIexican-Amrican peace commission at the resumption of to day's sessions- here aft,er a week's adjournment f rora New London. ' Representatives of a hundred mil- on dollars in investments ia Mexico protested. Suffered AacU of Apo plexy Friday Prcsiden Fro Ter.jpore of Senate Since" Democrats Gained Control There T ittle R'ock, Ark., Oct., 1. Senator Jutrc-i P. C'-.rk of Arkansas, presi dent pro tempore of the United States Ponnte, d'e-J at his homo hero 1 o'clock this afternoon. Senator Olsske suffered a stroke of anoplexy Fridriy and never regained conscious nes. JNews or n;s deatn enmo as shock, as it was not generally known, ipH! today that his condition was se- enater C-l'irke K Kich., Aujr sratcd in tho was born in Yazoo C is, 1333. lie was cheols of hi-i native Mt :.!. e si'd la J878 -graduated from the law department, of the, University of Y-irjrhiia. Ha, ,jjsgani tho practice of kw in sHaleHS. ; Ark,, '-In WP; ho orvad severs! terms in the Arkansas ti'gisUitu-rjfc and later was elected at torney --general o" the State and Oov. rmr. i In lfi03 he was elected Unit ed ctat? -nator and re-elected last ve.?r fcr -his third term. His p-espnt crm as I'nite! States Senator would have errpircd March 4, 1921. Washini'tos, 1'). C, Oct, 1, Sena tor Clarke had ' -been president pn lem-noro-of the Senate since the Dem ;cnvtic party gained control in 1015 He was chc.ien ky tho party caucus to sucuecd tho late Senator Fryo of M, Mr r;i 1 was j Select d to the !n tho HMy-'wrth Cengres ! -f'iN dirinn,ny onjiosi)n based v- V- vn-atiotinl revolt against the -s nl .t -atinn ship pu'ehrse bill in Plllin . PYTSIIAN? IQ-MEATCLAYTON rtf Kmsba Knights Mo . Upstate Town to Yml Orp!?ans Dined .Vfth L?ttle Ones A ITap n-v Day Forty mimbers of Kins ton Lodg? No. C, Knights of Pythias, -'Sunday motorfid to Clayton, where the State 'orphanage 'of the order is located. Tho Knights ma'do the trip, over good 'readt! for nearly the entire distance, in tight or tor cars, leaving here be .tareon 7 and- 8- a. in.,' and arriving at CJaytoit about 11. The return was .nade hue in the afternoon, arriving in Kins-ton about 7. - Tho Kinstonians took with them big quantities of barbecued pigs, ice cream and cake, etc. They dined in the' h sims with the about 40 young sters who are the ordor's charges there. The dinner was a surprising ly happy affair, with about one -foster parent ta every kiddie at the boards. Dr. C. Ii. McNairy asked the bles-ing. Major W. T. IIollo wcll of Goldsboro, Grand Keeper of Records and Seals, was picked up on the way and was a greatly pleased guest. ' -..' After the dinner the actos were all filled with children and a tour of the town was mads for an hour.; Thors wa? plenty of room and no child had to be left out. . This was one of the most enjoyable' features of the pil of love. Tho PythiaA homo was 7 provided for at a grand lodge meeting at Hsn dersonville in 1908. It opened with only five or six children. The town of Clayton gave the orphanage the ground and a substantial cash dona tion. About $30,000 or $35,000 is in vested in the institution. It has ia farm containing ISO acres, on which .good crops have bean produced thi3 year. - Sir. C. W. Pender is the superintendent. His wife 'lives-- at the homo with hiraanl they are well Ironclads Comc.lTp ; Canals Seventy 'Miles JFroin Sea to Shell StrQuentin r ENCIRCLING : 'C0?OTS T Anglo-French-- ..Gradually Tightening ; Lines - About Big Objective Point of This Year's ' Offensive, It Is Stated - ' . ' V By HENRY WOOD, " '. - (United Presa Staff Correnpondent) ' ' t jr,(i. j ,'i; - , With the frewdt, -Armies f-efprt Peronne, , Oct. 2,-r-Naval- forces have joined the Alllpa here in the great , land battle along the Somme. "Iron- ' clad monitors utilizing France's mag-- nLfleortt network Uf eanals-itliinghe Somme -are; participating 'daily. i he omtardment . of S k1 .ntlnp uwtatjr,.: miles from the sea, - f.vt St. Quentiii 'dominates JVsronne . from the Kast. ' " . ' - r ,.; , The key ' position is" being steadily enci rcled by the French in the "same manr.&r asr as Oombles.5 C',:'J " -' ' ' Britiflh ContjnueGaina 'y '-" - Tendon, Oct, - 2. General ' Halgr . jontinues ,.hia .mahiiir; 4wct s igainst Bapaume last night, it- is f- s rlcinlly said, hcatinjg eft 4i Geinap counters ' against ncJy-wdn pC3itioiM ; nst of Raucour'rahd L'Abbave. The Britlslj esublisfioti their 'lines5 'in thla , region and ' 'efeared' - strrVotmdins luildi-ie:" Of "the enemy - VUied'I'xogresK I NeanEaaC I Salonika, 4et.t 2. The villages of . JUrayakoibala and Laraahoi?er, R in . he Struma regian have een-kftptwr- dtly the.Jiritish, it is.iwidofflciaJly, The Evitish ', are consolidating: their . , ' , . ,(l)'.V . w - - " ..... ; s - . " .'i'fcL ". , POLICE ;0URT(1IJITE - ,ETC Recorder f C.-'Wootei had llv- y littla session' .-of sthe-' Police iCoutt Monday Tmrning,( t -i'.-'r f" WiUiam t Walker,'.Dob Dawon id hn Gil I, . negroes arrested Jbf Chief Skinner and Policeman Geopgq JRom a gambling rraid Sunday, were fln- $5 and costs 'each'. . Marion Tarker. for drsorderltness and breaking1 a sanitary"" otdfnante, ws fined $5 'and "costs;' d J- 'Lonnio White,? tirUk;wva; ftaed 45 and -costs. JohnmVShrpard'was jjRniWn .1!t guilty of jumpjng a 'boardbiH, Elount,Ar.thur rpladfruilti tp. peed'mg charge and waa gned 5 and costs, , ' . , Maude Allen, charged' with 'retail ing, who was to have bcetf tried, wiH instead be 'given 'a hearing hy- jury on Wednesday. , ' Washington. Oct 2. It is believ ed in official circles here thai the Ifri ish note on mail seizures will reach the State Department this week, i loved by the children. The instita- tion1 has a big future, it is ibelieved. " Kinsston Lodge No. 66 has been very liberal in appropriations ; for the home. It furnished room In tho dormitory; on one occasion it presented a. milk cow, and '.annually it has made large cash donations. The "pilgrimage , of love will profbably' become an annual- affair. - Klnston has no orphan at the home. - Representative men comprise the membership . of the local lodge. ' Among those who went on the trip were Mayor1 Sutton, SherifT Taylor, Mr. h. ii Mewborne, Mr T. V. Mosehy Dr. McNairy, a very versa tile person who added much to the -success of the occasion and made the only speech of the occasion, limiting that .to about ten minutes duration, and others. ; - A sacred concert civen' hy the c1 i- drcn in the chapvl darirj V e no. a was nwv-h erj --. .!.

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