FIRST EDITION KINSTON, N. C, TUEDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1916 FOUR PAGES TODAY "TRICE TWO Cirri J THURSDAY GOOD DAY !0. BREWRY, GR'I NEED FOR GETTING p IN ENTERING COUNCIL TAKES ON LOAN OF FIFTH OF I? ON TOBACCO T; SECRETARY MASONS, WILL TALK About a hundred bales of cotton had 'been sold here today , by 3 o' clock. Prices ranged from 153-4 to PRICES EXCELLENT DIES CAPITAL CITY ARIES IN CONTEST A I PLANT FOR KINSTON 16.071-2. Now York futures quotations were:! VOL. XVIH. No. 83 C0FJ 16.83 17.00 17.18 16.55 16.7a DP MILK: WILL BE THING OF PAST FOR I; 12 CENTS The price of milk in Kinstor. will advanea to 12 cents November 1, ac cording to announcements by one or two dairymen Tuesday. It is not un reasonable to expect that the increase will be general in the city. According to the dairymen, prices THINGS THIS January .16.72 (March .. .............16.91 May 17.10 Oct. .. .....,. 16.50 December .......16.70 KB lAts DF0CFCTLW I CAN LEAST ' ROUMANIANS WHO CROSSED DANO WITH STUBBORN RES WHICH MONITORS ASSIST IS IN PROGRESS Invaders Met With Little Opposition While Passing Over Stream River Warcraft Covered Landing At Least 20,000 Men In Offensive, Critics Believe The Russians Beat Back Germans Who, Reinforced, Make Desper ate Attempts to Take Slav Positions Serbs Progress Northeast of Fiorina British Repulse the Bulgar Counters In Balkans Little Action In Western Theater (E'y the R ?n' 0ct Bulgarian forces have attacked the Roumanian army that crossed the Danube and invaded SrJf '-Sunday and a violent battle is rag-iris: east of nntf I .eslof Bustchuk. An Amsterdam dispatch re ports that theRoumanians forced a crossing with little opposition and threw up strong entrenchments before tney Were attacked. Roumanian monitors on the Dan ube first silenced the Bulgarian shore batteries and the jaduir forces landed under cover of their fire. The wze or the army is Unknown; but military critics believe " must number at least twenty thousand men. Bad Cold, from Little Sneezes Grow. Many colds that hang on all win ter start with a sneeze, a sniffle,' a eors throat, a tight chest 'Yon know the symptom of colds, "and you know Prompt treatment will break them Op. r. Kmg', New mscovery, with its .Nothing antiseptic halsams, has 7- inj up colds and healing Prices were extraordinarily good on the local tobacco market Tuesday. One warehouseman reported that he Relieved the average at hk place would approximate 25 cents. All to bacconists declared the day was as good as any of the season so far us prices were concerned. At one house E. Lee sold two piles i)t the weed for $362.99. About 170,000 pounds was sold, it s estimated. fcf feedstuff's have increased as have everything else, they are making no jproflt in some ir, stances and lor.htg jmoney in others, anil working long (hours. There is no reason in work jng from 3 a. m. until late in tha eve ning and seeing profits gradually m -U away with the increases in pnetbaily every other line, thoy lcclare. 'Eli HAPPEN 1 SUlT FITS riiHu ijnt fttyu MEET ISTAN LEI United Press) coughs of young and old for 47 years, Dr. King's New Discovery loosens the phlegm, "clears the head, soothes the irritated membrane and makes breathing easier. At yonr Druggist, 50c . adv. Paris, ept 30. Sarah Bernhardt will sail for the United States today. Was Prominent Citizen of State III Long: Time Active In Public Affairs Fimeral Conducted by Grand Lodge Raleigh, Oct.. 2. John C. Prewry, grand secretary of ihe North Caroli na Grand Lodge ct Masons, died this aft t moon after 18 months illness with the end expected at aiy time for sev eral months nasi, lie was in Dreu,ysville, Va.. in 1800, and locat- oil in Kaleigli in 1S88 as otato man ager for I he Mutual Benefit Life In .u."Hnre Co. He has served a grand airj't'iary of ihc Irand Lodga of Ma sons since IS!)!. He was active in civic and politics affairs, and serve,! rspo.itcdiy ii-; p:e-.;,let of the Cham ber of Commerce and of Capital Club, Mr. Drewry was married twice, fir io Miss Emmie L. Mangum, and af ter her death to Mrs. Kittle Mebar.o Holt, who survives with one son, John. C. Pro-wry. Jr. daughter by the fi.-:;t marriage was Mrs. P. II. Hane Jr., who died a few months ago. The Cram! Lodge of Masons will !: it; charge of ?he funeral which will he hold from Christ Episcopal church, of which he was a vestryman, Wed nesday morning at 11:80 o'clock. mm GHEE a us EE M 001 Oil V Ell CROWD a- Winslow, to Have Bcsn the Speaker Before Board of Agriculture, Might As Well Have Been Republi can Campaigner A meeting of the County E'oard of Afrr;cu!tur that was to haco ' :on he'd in 'ha Courthouse Monday af tirnocn had to be called nflf because :f the si:r'ne:;s of the a' i enivmce. D. H. Win, lew, ajrent of ! In- U. S. Of- of Roads in charge O! to is sec tion of the Central Highway, was present for on addn v.'ilch, of cowtise, Cfuld n.'t be d.-livcrcd to emp 'y chr.irs with any dejr: of r,:ili;i facticn. The chairs in the Court house are i;aita inconsiderate crea- end w-.i'd probably refuse to 'ar a gowl road-; address. They' r-: of kucIi c.-",s breeding and mi- j ':: to progre.. Mr. Winslow ex- j ;cclp a Federal appronriation for! hia link of the fc'ghway this month. The County Board of Education in regular ' WW ::r)lo-.i t'wn''i!ii. The Ho: n:x ;:f:er t M-ndny -read wv k insi;c,tinir -ion Monilay ordered a ! district' in Woodington d of County Commisaion ransacting routine bu.dnes sited the spefal contract in progress in the ct-unty. the construction, etc. The B.ja:d authorized the purchase of a second molar truck for the building 4rd maintenance of highways. ;The machine will cost about $3,000. VILLA HOLDS NO MALICE AGAINST GR1NG0ES NOW El Paso, Texas, Oct. 2. Villa told Ui9 Mexican mining men at San An dres, Chihuahua, after capturing that town from Carranaa troops Septem ber 24, that he had no enmity toward the Americans and asked them to no tify American friends to resume work at thsir mines in eastern Chihuahua, as he would give them all guarantees, two Mexican mining men who arrived last nkrht from San Andres reported. Villa, in an impaasioned. address to the townspeople, declared ha was lighting ''only the traitor Carrania," hcy said. Mothers of Prospective Con Hestants Warned That the List Is to Be Closed On "October 18 Big Fair Feature Promised The committee of the Mothers' Club i.i 'charge' of the Hotter Babies Con test, to b3 held at the Fair this month have: issued a call for prospective con testant.! to get a hustle on that is the mothers of prospective entrants, 1 h e'- statement roads: "Jhe time is driving neap moth or, for you to enter that fine speci met u! Labvacod in the Better Da ilies Contest to he crinUic'ed at Kin sto during Fair Week under the ausu;ees of tne Mothers uiuo 01 v ulo!!. Remember, the entries he ivin Oct'ibar 9, and those, who wish to '.h'vr babies should not delay in v: M:?. E. G. Barrett of Kin itwi for application blanks. After these are filled out and sent In to the committee, mothers will receive .xijiciinment cards, tellb'f? them ex act', v v;!ien !o baby to the Bot tr .' I'Mhks II- h at the Fair Grounds to be examined. "TIktc v.;;! bo no examination of ;,;!!:,; cn Tuesday morning of Fair te- k, as the forenoon will be taken up with the jnrade and opening exer cises.' but all Tuesday afternoon and On Thursday, their scores will be ervmpuUil by the scoring committee, Wednesday b. bios will be examined, and on Friday there will be a pro gram in the Health Exhibits Tent, consisting of music, a lecture and the ava;7!iiH of the prizes, besides some moving pictures kindly furnished by .' State Department of Health. ' All prizes and literature for this csnicHt have been courteously contri buted by the Woman's Home Com- (Wiioil. "Entries for this contest end Octo ber IS, .io mothers are urged to be uro'n.Kt if they wish to gst their ba bies in." AUTHORS SPLIT ON . THE QUESTION OF J0IJ1NS LABORITES n? the Onited Press) '"Jew York, Oct. 3. A struggle that n,:iy result in the disruption sometime th;a month of the Authors' .League of America, whose member rf-ip of 1300 includes practically all r.f the fair. .w s American men and wn r.rn of biters is on. A gnodly faction wants the League to be joined to the American Fed era t'on of Labor. The "antig," headed by Jrek London and a string of no t lidcs think this move would be "in "w oni'iaie, disadvantageous and dangerous." The matter will be settled by ref rremluip vote, with members of tho "anlis" threaU-ning to resign if the .tiiiiat'oti party triumphs. MISSIS L0WRY AND IAWRLNCE' CLEVER e: it ilt One of the happiest combinations in the lyceum today is found in he Lowry-Lawrence Company, which is "oon to appear as one of tlie num bers on the Kinston Community Ly ceum Course. , M;s,s Lowry is a Southern girl with till the chatm and fervor ' of the Southland; radiant with un, and kesps audience in a ripple of mirth with her comedy ; selections. She uometimcs give a cutting 'from Tue Cirl of the Golden Wesf'j at other fimes hsr readings are accom panied ty the harp. i Jliss Lawrence hails from the cold er dime, bat is no7;e the less genial because t f this fact. She rank high as a harpist, and this instrument, be- if g bo tare, should be greatly appre ciated. Thefe will be no better nor more pleasing number on tha lyceum v.uuisa iu.s keuion. - . Not to Increase Indebted ness, But to Retire Exist ing Obligations LADIES HAVE NO TROUBLE Representatives of Library Association Secure In creased Appropriation Norfolk Southern Paving On the Bum City Council Monday night heard a l truest from a delegation from the hi -stan Public Library Association, comprised, by Mosdatnes J. A. Mc r?nielJ E. B. Lewis and Hopace west ana Miss Dora Miller xor an increase in the city's appropriation to tha library of from $12.50 to $25 per month. It is quite unnecessary to state that the increase was grant ed. The Street Commissioner was instructed to proceed with the open. in? up of Chestnut street from Tif fany avenue to North street, in ac- ordance with a fonmsr order of the Council. James W. Taylor was elect ed a patrolman in the police depart ment to succeed John McDmttretl, resigned. Council enacted an ordin ance extending the -Hire line between King and Cordon streets to take in additional territory west ct Queen, tha new limit on the -west between the two streets running 210 feet beyond Heritage. Dr. C. B. McNairy, sup erintendent of the Caswell Training School, was before the body in con nection with the lighting of th-t in stitution, which has been receiving fpee illumination from the municipal- y. There is a question as to wheth er the school is entitled .to free light after this fall or not, and no definite inclusion was reached at' the mest ng. By mutual agreement the ques tion was left open until next month, by, which time all tho records in the matte? will be leaked up. j Council heard John J. Ceotrge of ChorryvHlo, N. C, in a proposition to advance the city $200,000 at 5 per cent, to retire present indebtedness, he representincr Sidney Spitzer & Oo fond brokers of Toledo. Mr. Georgo's effor was accepted. He then made a bid for the entire issue of improve ment bonds of the city, tip to half a n;llion dollars, offering par and ex penses, lhia offer was mot accepted. Council desires to wait until the bonds are ready for delivery, which may be several months yet, before making a deal, he was informed. The Norfolk Southern Railroad fs o be bistru'led, by Council's order, hut its plank paving at crossings is not satislactory. A request for im mediate remedying of the trouble is to be made. The paving is all right, it seems, but the manner of laying it anything but pleasing to the ad ministration. The railroad officials realize that the work was not satis factory and are expected to make no protest. LAST OF FLORIDA BANK ROBBERS SURRENDERS Fort Myers, Fla., Oct. 2. Chase for the four bandits who robbed a bank at Homestead yFla., on Septem ber 15 of $6,000 ended today when the body of James Tucker, one of the rgbbcrs, was found in Lopez river, and Hugh Alderman, who police eay confessed his part of the crime, eur rendered. Tucker was drowned while trying to swim the river. Tucker'a death makes live result ing" from tha robbery. During their flight down the Florida east coast the bandits fought several pistol fights with pursuers, ' and three possemen ere killed. They escaped from that section, went to Key West and start ed up the west coast Leland Rice, aid to have been the leader of the can a, was saoi auu &uicu uj a rci- Would Stabilize Local Mar ket, Encourage Livestock Industry and Bring Lot of Money Into City, Say Advocates of Idea The directors of tho Chamber of Commerce at a meeting Tuesday night at 8 o'clock will take up tha matter of a packing plant for Kins- ton. "It is a well-known fact that the farmers of this section are producing more meat and more feedstuffs than ever before," said Secretary F. I. Sutton Tuesday. "It is equally woll known that pork and beof can it produced here for tone-third to ene- half of the cost that H ii grown in the west. We have a not very satis factory condition here every year. During a part of the yea meat ia shipped into Kinston and the con sumers pay high prices. During the winter the market is t time flat ted with the home-grown product Mid prices drop to a trifling level. The packing plant would stabilize th market, encourage the production of meat and bring a lot of money into the city from the outside. The sup porting country is splendid, and it is generally conceded that it ia going to be the Sou th's best livestock sec tion." ' The expense of establishing thr plant might reach a hundred thous and dollars, according to aome esti mates. That, however, la a small thing for a city of thU sise, especial ly in view , of the comparative spirit of the coromjinity and the tendency of the business interests to boost Kinstcn, it is pointed out. ONE MAN KILLS FOUR DURING ELECTION HOW Managua, Nicaragua, Oct. 2. In a fight which broke ut hero yesterday during the election of General JSmil; iamo Chamorro as president' of the re public. Salvador Zelaya, a nephew ef former President Zelaya, attacked a group of conservatives, shooting and killing four of them. During the fight Zelaya himself was seriously wounded, while a number of other persons were also hurt. The police quickly intervened and quelled the disorder. SOUND PHYSIQUES IS HOBBY OF flSSOafYTN j(By the Undted Proas) Grand Rapids, Mich., Oct. 3.To stir up enthusiasm for an American Physician Rennaissance wh'.ch shall rult in the elimination of physical weaklings by making them strong, is one of the tasks to which the Play ground and Recreation Association of America, in Congress here, has con secrated itself. The Congress, today, tomorrow, Thursday and Saturday, will listen to speakers of note giving ideas on how to bring about an awakening of interest in physical well being and how to best organize playgrounds. CONVICTS PUT UP A REWARD FOR ESCAPES 03sining, N. Y., Oct. 2. Escape of two convicts from the "Honor gang" working outside Sing - Sing prison stirred the Mutual Welfare League, a convict organization, today to offer rewards of $100 each for their arrest The outside branch jf the league, in New York City, also notl fled Warden Thomas M. Osborne this afternoon that efforts would be made to capture the refugees, if they ap peared in the metropolis. dent of Chokoloskee Island on Sep tember 28, and the next day Rice's brother, Frank, wae ahot and dan gerously wounded when at attempted to board a schooner sear the island. Cowper Tells Onslsw Coun ty Voters J BigcrcRts : "Our Honor Preserved In Pristine Purity" Jack sonville Gathering Be comes Mass Meeting for . (Special to She fees Preai) Jacksonville, N. C, Oct Si- "Thank God! up to fhis hour when the Democratic President has calmly but firmly &!d his last word, A baa Seen heeded, , snd, every .forgA. pow er has decided thet something else would do rathert han go to war with this country while vWoodrow1 Wilson :s cmmander-inTkief? Ilssy ft was a parl'of .'one consistent and contino W ournose vtaca America first of the howor and deavructiqn fit war, it this can he done with honor, but with the sward as the last resort, if nothing tf SH :. ,Vl '-. Q. .V., Copper, .JDssnoatkv county. chairman of Lenoir county, in an d dress to a large Democratic gather ing here yesterday declared that Wil son ia on a par wjlh Washington, has followed 'the precedents 'cf the Uws, iWhetti Wrken &U, Thvrs far , and no .farther,"' ther&tfse imedei, , while all the forces of the 41)ie had been impotent to causs this prince of war totmange his policy of aubmar ine Warfars on iota, Mt Cawper.eatd. "I prefer .ope. juemhment like this tp, a, thousand, mere idle words of a candidate whs hones to eain the presidency "'.Hughes) vf fickinf the quiet qapa -of svoa who . stood, and still stands jn the.heat of the actual emergency." The crown ntg glory ftf this - 'administration, "the brightest stM'4n tfce galaxy of Democratic achiereessent, ia that in h ;trotfbjeome ' $m, when the whole, world is like sin .Aimed camp, the ne i)i p4ah iram. hundreds of battlefields mingle wjth the tears . f orphaned children jnd, widowed mothers, we have .been spared from the cruelty of war, and yet, oaf honor , has been preserved fa Hs pristine ptt rfy J, t kv The Lenoir vfaairaun talked mostly about -he adniQirtioa avad ite for- eign policy; Aod -the IfefeJcaf affair. The jitherng.waa resolved k into a mass weeting or jpeac jftd frefluent y the speaker was, halted by tit I'heers of the farmer following ,bf the Man of" Peace who hai brought the people- back to the doetrme of the Fatherhood f Cod end 'the brother hood of man." V ' K ' Mr. Cowper discussed the tariff, the constructive legislation of, the. administration," what ' Republican will not make the issues," and "what they do make the issues.1 He touched " lightly upon State matters, saying that it was his part in the campaign principally to talk of national affairs. He went over the achievements of the successors of Russell in the com monwealth, however, And showed how North Carotins is eradicating illiter acy, how the State has progressed to a brilliant etand in the matter of public health,. and koW every other State in the union has higher tax rite. The Republican campaign ar gument is a mass of M thingness, k raid. '."My heart aweSs with th pride that knows no feoands," he de clared in telling of f DentocracJ'i achievements in tJorth .Carolina. TWAS A GLOP.IOtTS HOLIDAY . when ns mt k day c:r. Cape Giradeau, 'Ho, Oct S. J " J. Neal, station agent, worked t ty years without-a ri-ition m V when he took one it v M I? a dy. He took it fcii '.wet t hour visit with a Lv couldn't stand ii! r .

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