1 1 4 AIT Y: fhe Home Paper The Wtzlhct n iu4 Ktr' vv Jul ii ilmmtsfxr Fftir Tonight i VOL. XVIIL-No. 85 FIRST EDITION KINSTON, If. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, lOlu 10 JR PAGES TODAY Pkice two cenw T CZAR ORDERS TO BE SENSATIONS SHOULD SMITH HAVE TO TALK FOR I. C. C, INSISTENCE NOT TO'PRESIOLVT'S PARTYlPEACE CONFERENCE SNUti AM IIOIIELIKE GRAND RED SOX LOOK S THE BEST AS TIME FOR FINALS NEARS World Series ' Promises tp Be One of Most Interest , ing Ever Player ; I eUHE JIClllgfl Victor of Numerous Battles in Caucasus Has a More Important Task GET GEN. CARRANZA! BELIEVE OHIO AK'S W 5Y RllliS- AT CAMP STEWART; A PATRIOTIC PICTURE FAVOR I!!'! DELEGATES i NDIANA V ' ROUMWS DEFEATED Bulgars Destroy 15 Big Bat talions -Greatest Victory for Central Powers In the Near East In Several Weeks (By thi United Prss) London, Oct. 5. Grand Duke Nich- olas, former Commander-in-Chief t the Russian armies, has been recall- ed frcm the scene of his triumphs in the Caucasus to command the iRuss Rouaaanian drive into "Bulgaria, says a Stockholm dispatch. He will have supreme command in Dubrudja. Bulgars Claim Big Victory. Sofia, Oct. 5. The Bulgarians havs enveloped and destroyed fifteen Roumanian battalions; each of "fif teen hundred men." which crossed the Dafltfbe and invaded Bulgaria near Riahovo, it is said officially. The de feat was the greatest since the de struction of the Roumanian army at the fall of Turakan, when 23,000 were trapped and captured. Jflore Action In Caucasus. Fe'trograd, Oct. 5. Suddenly (re suming the offensive in the Caucasus in co-operation with the Black Sea fleet, the Russians are advancing on a wide front, it is said officially. A - furkish fortified posiVn in the re gion of 'Karaburnum has been, cap tured. West of Kalkittesivtlik the' Slavs. hav pirced the Turkish van gaard and inflicted a 'great loss. Stub born fighting continues on the Aus-tro-Crerman front in the region east cf -the Vladimir-Volynska Railway, as far South as the Dneister. The Dob rudja offensive continues in ihe re gion of BogOTodchud. Teutonic out posts have been defeated and num bers made prisoners. Bri Ish Win Battle. v Salonika, Oct. 5. A battle around the village of Jenikoj, on the 'Struma iront, has resulted in a complete vic tory for the 'British, it is aid offi cially. The whole village is now oc cupied by the British, who are con solidating their positions. The Bul gars suffered heavily. Not Much Doing in West London, Oct 5.Intermittent shell ing on the Sornme front is the only activity there, ibe weather is imped ing operations. . SEVEN SPRINGS KIDS BACKK TO SCHOOL; TO ft , , (Special to lTe iFree Press) 'Seven Springs, Oct 5. Seven Springs school opened Monday with ! very .encouraging p-ospects for the , cw'e.j ysir. T.'io tcichsrs are rhe '' "" '; :- (-h-.t'l'i hli'-oy and com3 . w- ' ? "r.ir.tt'o.Tto ra.-so th3 c-ffi-c.tr.r- o" i'-c school ilove anything it y lt:c:e' r.tt-iincd. They are: Wil liam .Jr.. Ketcham, principal, of Kin 6ton;;iriss Rosa W. Baily, assistant, in ih bigh school, Woodleaf, N. C; Mis Pemah ' Dees, sixth and sev- nth 'g-rades, Pikesville, N! C. ; Miss ..Maude Dawson, . fourth and fifth grades, Guilford College, . C; ' Miss Pearl Dawson,' first and second ' grades, Guilford College, N. . C; .-. iss Mabel Jones, music, .Eastern .'Tennessee, -T ' Mr . Ketcham is graduate of Wes : 3yan. 'Universitv. whiob a Mwt t Te 'a'i'"g American, colleges, and I other teachers are cradiiatM f v. i ; vnate Acrmal. an4. i,;.t,i.. -t :; t' ' - r : - :- ... ' f s t tne people of Seven Springs are 1 -.luBsacauy backing the achcbl, j "d the projected ; - tae echoolhoose and grounds.' with ' . "Citer curri1ivm '- - , . : rumisea tne motT "uccessful session erer had. : If Supreme Court of United States Upholds District Court Skeletons In Clos- . ets of Railroads. Will Be Dragged Out Washington, Oct 6. A parade of political ghosts unrivaled in the h:s torj of the country (may result if the ! Supreme court" upholds the decision I of the District court ordering 'Miltor. II, Smith of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad to answer Interstate Com merce Commission questions regard ing the road's political activities of the railroad. Federal experts today admitted that skeletons of the railroad family which , have lain undisturbed for years may I be brought into the light. Charge of political string-pulling by rail roads throughout the country, par ticularly in connection with the eight- hour legislation, also in the matter of campaign contributions, have been made during the present campaign. The Goebel case, .which disrupts Kentucky politics for years, may agam be brought into .the limelight, wth perhaps others to follow. TS IT n B I 5 (By the Ilrited Pro'rt) RUSS. GUNBOATS ON DANUBE Pettgrad, Oct. 4. Russian1 gb:.'joats have steamed down the Danube, bombarding the Bulga rian left flank near Rasovia. it is officially said. The gunboats art co-operating with Russo-Rouma-nian army ' now attacking Von Macksnzen south of the Con stan za Railway. ALLIES PROGRESSING. Paris. Oct. 5. The Allies in the Balkans have advanced in the direction of Monastir, occupying Buf and progressing at other points, it is said officially. FOUR DIE IN FIRE. . .St Louis, Oct. 5. Four are dead and many injured as the renult of a fire at the Christian L others College. ' TWO KILLED IN COLLISION. AKoona, Pa., Oct. 5. Two per sons were killed and 12 injured when a Pennsylvania Railroad fast passenger train crashed into a stock train near Lewiston to day. TWO DOLLAR .WHEAT Of JAN'Y PREDICTED BY GRAIN DEALERS (By the United Press) Minner-pclis, Oct. 5. -Millers pce dict $10 a barrel flour, with $2 a 'bushel for wheat to the farmers. Chicago Says By January, O'x Oct. 5. Two dollar wheat predicted by 'grain men. The rise to that price is expected before Jan uary, t 1 ' vm JPrlce on the local cotton exchange ; Thursday ranged from 15 7-3 to 16.40. i Receipts were estimated to have j l inn .4 O 'T1. i : New York futures quotations were: j 8 Close January . March . , May .'. .' Cricher . ..17.19 ..17.35 17J)7: :17-2j; 17 ir. 16.7S Preimei .17.15 17.08 rnvnntroM A V tr.f.'S DAUGHTER TO WEO;" ?sman j "-"""' S I ' , : and Mrs. John H. Small . announce f the engagement of their daughter,; Dr. John Stuart CauL U. 8. arffiy,)u m - k.. .jj:.. :n . oi juacyvuiei ne wtuuuig m trke f-iace eady in the winter ANYTHING, REPOTD Withdrayal Out of Question Pershing Will Stay Put Ur.til Foreign Liven and Property Below. Ecrcivr Are Safe (Ey the U. ?"!0 At! -.tic C.iy, Ort. 5. Th: will roopa bf no v.-'tiivh-;'.v,!l J frc"T' JtCO i" of Carran- sas initcnce o:i (us po.:t in tho liscus.:nn bef. o the American-Mex-iian ppuce tommission. Peiphir.g'j army is not to V with drawn until foreign life and property l n ir urcd -t .'fnty south of the . R'-o C inde. n MAN ASPHYXIATED 1 Pnpky MoanU Ort. 4.- Cecil H. H.mlet, 23. the local police were r. ' todav hy tho polk.e dcrartr,,r.. of Rl,hmond h33 bocn ,(ent:fil.d ai rtp n.n who was asphyxiated in a Richipr , 1lo1e, last ni(;ht. The est w!j,,vt, nt young miln : nm Hamlet, of Nashville, N. C, S and ti:e body will be sent to that place tomor.-ov.-. Haa.let was from Frank- I nn county, ami nas a large nunsnc: I of relatives and friends in Uiat sec I tion of the State. im !T?r F1AN UP T:cvknmn lc.T: Washington, Oct. 4. buffering a u!e!y from exposure, II. W. Ever ett, a farmer in the lower pars, of the county, was rescued tbi ; momma Titer having been forced to remain - i.u' 'trancnes oi a st,, r 'o n.' , ' of yesterday aJi-l al! of la0 m h A huge bear at tve foot of '.t f o ",r,s the cau-c for Evryt's '. 1.1 x :;ioft. j .'clock this tnerrOn , Everet: j sn passinjr a short disinnc i-.;i(l a gun under his arm. r ;he shouts of the treed man, j be so en armed on tne scene, iiut ths bi ar made off. seen him comintr, and EPIDEMIC OF MEASLES JOHNSTON COUNT TOWN Smithjficld, Oct. 4. Prentyfive cases cf nu-Hsles and nv cases of diphtheria in town has caused the closing of the graded school for ten days and stri. I quarantine in the hope f stopping tho spread of the ) sease- COTTON AOCTATl-:. TO MEET AT WASHINGTON Cv I, re, Oct. I. The vecut:vo oommittes of the American Cotton Manufacturers' Association, in calleJ session hern ton, iD. C, of the assoc ard 23, 1?11 today, selected Wabing- 'or thf annua! onvcntimi ntion to be held May 22 TIME TABLK No. 1 FIRST-CLASS FREIGHT N" PASSENGER SERVICE. " Every Day Except Sunday . Southbound A. M. Northbound 333 r. m. . Ilines Junction E:03 ...... Pools f 6:20 ... Dawson ...s 6:27 .... Glenfield ..s 8:41 .. Suggs Siding..;, f 5:C0 1-7:00 s 6:47 -rtlJ 6 :30 Lv. . . .Snow IU11 . . . Ar. 6 :00 All trains governed by the NorfoIV Southern rules while using the track fom Kinston to Hir.es Junction nni to tha ordcr oT tV T tondent W3f. HAYES, ' Gcnl Supt, JEitston. N. C A JONES Freight & Passenger Agent, Snow ii:::, i:. c. Great Demonstrations Ev erywhere; Enthusiasm on Board the Train al'Y By Vast: .' :" the S'nitg of. tv( 'VcaiLoo:. Good. n:DER, f"rrenpondent.) " ' -oil's train (.'I. r. Cam- a d ,'rti.a-n Onvih.-. ! wi!1! ' ilsin. ii j is having a fine ".'.ally is geuing a t. lot of at ten;. on from the crowds who gather abut the Pvei'donCs private car. shar:tig equally v,i'h iho Proi- ihe plaudits cf the thronsp;. ir.g a simple gvn of black voile white, her c-vry ep'::; ! :"(' has ovei brci F u forth the rr.c ;r par however, she !-'V sr.- t her Pres :r"r r.d receive the . On one occasion by some one' in a look aitely tpi to ." and it took bar over from .the Vri-b- rative 'party w" f r"lhnsi."ri Vm r.Morded th" - y i on ! tain fee! I'r.rt'. will swine in-, 1e column with a ' fi- I" 3 r. it. At 2 o'clock be : ro scm . V The entue ' :.';ered to n b". 7 the di'naorn! j to the l. I bang! r'- ha at 1 : . -a'l I',' f a great bistort- i H make niin- . Auaitori- z: 1 1 'IS A ItnprtTed I'as&eoger Service of the East Carolina , Railway, - E-Tcctire October' 25, 912. Tra.n 1. Uotor Car. Leave Hook ertoo 7:10 a. m Maury 7:20; Farm rille-7:-40; ecrnecting v'h KorColk Sowthern train No. 17, Ralegh and traiii No. 12 to Washington. Leave Fountain 8.C3 a. in, Mac:!es5eld 3:C"1 Tine'or-s 8:30; arrive Tarbcro 9:IQ-, connecting with A. C.L, train No. 90 foVjNojfolk. . ' ' Train 4, Motor " Car. Leave Tar boro after arrival of A. C L train I3'froat Norfolk for ' Ftimville. ar rive Fanr.vi!!9 2."') m.,:c?r .. (rg wl:a !'. n f.r 11r"i"j ticr Attended Meeting at Kovno in August, Says Adterman Intervention t f Koumania Turned the Balance f By CAP!, W. ACKEIIMAN, j- a . i .... r rt . a '"'o ILipf-i, Oct. S. .Despite deni - ' ! lu'sla and Germany bavo j ,.'d a rcrsrpt'' fuce, I leamea ' -.aw, C't-rJ-ihiyeri, and The nit i'h conference did oc- . .-. ".o in .vgu Tha Rais- (aid to have renn present. ' .in -,'f ntion of Roumn- i. !:Vv '.. (jused an abrupt ';ir.j 0.7 of JK-Halioris. That ' . ... , r i .C '.;'t: , 'i. i"-o-ior.t there i lit- prT.-,c-rt that Russia will desert the All!:s, m i rt rsrij" nni if f ffTQ mm mm mmi iill iJliSL?i SPEECH , UL III t f . Ta:-,ker Polk r" Warvrnton, a des- cu'lint cf President Pcik. ni'l nvV.e the Atlantic soanoara. ine nrsi lin r.n adJrosa to a D-rr.ocratic gathering presxion is not the beat here. Every i. ih: Oourihoi, at 8 o'clock Thurs-, Strang. Ta-e seemed to scowl, to are Jay night. Mr. Polk's labors in the'lit the intrusion, except the facea meser.t cimpairn have boon qu.te i f those going home and whose places tnr 'a and much apr-veci-ited by thn -'e e.r taking. A little while aft?r- siuto :cn.n-.iUe. He is a giflcJ ora- r of fi.o viunif school, and a ' t,ract:i ha? T.ie rsr audiences wherever he invited to hsaf the ' ?'cr; f.r-t r rs havo spprcpris n yrader. cmtns?!ion 0 fr a cot- Hookerton. ; " , Train S, Motor Car. Leave Farm ville 3:00 p. tn., arrive Tarboro 4:29 connecting with A. C. L. train No. 61 for Plymouth and points in Eaatera Carolina. Train 2, Meter dr. Leave Tar the mttcr ears, aor do we guarantee connectiuis. , Trairf 61, ?ia.-!. Lcsv Hooker ton 3:o0 j. a.., Mury 3:4', Farm ville t:12, fcTrive Tarbcrro, 7:00 mak ing connection wit'a A.G.L train 41 for points South. ' No bergage will be handled cnr tor cwf f -r-n-t bnr.d-bags. All 1-?-t- North Carolina Troops With Additions Froiu Other States Arrive at Texas Army's Quarters In Field Like It (Special to Iho ree rrass) j0ct - i.-oh, say, can you see?" That strain the 'band exultantly do- ' m-.u, the nag dps snwiy, ant nacus cf C'".ing and 'ed d-'tilj up a Texas stii-,ct. JCvery man jack of the thou tiur.Lh and thousands stands with ice top'ether and chin on an even )?et.) so to spp,,,.. civilians, 'it's a j great picture; a better picture than yen ever saw. There's something About it uVit makes a fellow feel that he doesn't miss the .folks back home so niuch. .Many states are re- presented here, and all branches of the regular establishment ; 7''s Second JNoith Carolina are ' ,vi:1' '-h'lr brethiren of the First and tr0'P8 'A and B, Amlbulance (. T"inny A and tne held hospital. -t. ling liko lort of a , iiielting pot. After a few short luelting pot. After a Wc all l,k alike, exce others in arms. opt that th" Soutlierneis are a little taller and a little slenderer, perhaps; certainly that is the case with those frcm along vird every, face seemed to smile, rh- wai5 illusion, a false impres i. The soldier in tho field g-eet-n nn.'imtr doeau'l go into ecsta- ' Tbr first battalion's train was 1 r -MiU. 3"loided cf the Colonel, staff, lttalion ttnff, four companies, hor ti,, w.igons, cp.o Alabama cat with (..- i t- : ono Tes.-s do-j, not ;n rn . , ci'lition. ns: l tne non-com riir:'' ' ! it.iff. The enlisted men l"i:l ::--i f-vling c? rxt knoving which vay ta t..,"ii. The enlisted man al " v a -, ' i-rics too much; he wasn't ,i'"-ctsd to know; the officers looked (A for tli:'.. Rather capable bunch, (!!! ofilcern. The dog and tho cat were tied up in close proximity to be out cf the way. The 37 men from one car who were looking after the dog and the 43 from another whose pro te,ie kitty was immediately bad to undo what had been done. Carlo lost ft rart of the vtry little hair th'tt he bH V"y -bcnrfittid 'by tl.s row, ,f anythir.-r, for she ?ccnu to have sha ken off a few cf her fleas. That's all right, though; they're to be had for le,- t n the a-ldnj hare. Fl P.v;o ii :.o nfar and yet so far. ' ' fv ' to 'o a let cf duty-bc.i-iiig here in the morning. There are r mn arm ij'arcn'ly ft f cv y ard rff. Th"y oro some mihs away, tl'nu-b. Ve wouldn't have such tnt'ir ! .m ;-i Norih Cafcrna, the "s " Vi'a'e- i piicd to '-vi't rrow h"e. They Fy i at lh:3 j.lare as snow -c. Ail ::litrs nearly - rn r c;'.;:"s. a Southern in- i icck iv'.i c:i."lV r ' '"ivatio'i We am all hands to have tbom Ihe Ta"':;:!s i'avo the bcs-. 'iff -' or'lt hrc. Tcy nev er say, crmw over to the tent, but come ovtr to the bungalow, or our little home. Some other things that iv e have are the most anatically C. T. U. ofricers, sorriest cooks, best shoes, mort brasen-faccd noncoms., and big-est lot ot br?gs for privates" in the army. NATIONAL PRESIDENT (ADDRESSES W. C. T. U. Wi'-mingn, Ort. 4. The second day of tbj Si'.h f.r-.vl of Vomen's Ch-Istlan T.mrorance Union of .North Carolina, now hi ses sion here, was featured ton'ht by an address by Miss Anna A. ' Cor don, .national president.5 In spite of tr.e b..iry do-rnpeur f ra'n t'-; PITCHERS CENTER STAGE Interest Will Devolve Most ly Around Moundmen- Brooklynites Have Pow erful Attack, Bostonians Wonderful Defense - York, October 5. Tdumph- .,.,. : . . .. . . . . 1 s . ;. anx aiier tneir smasning orives .oown the stretch of the pennant races in the two major leagues,, the , Boston Red Sox And the Brooklyn Dodgers are resting today, taking r a final breath before the opening game of the world's' series (Saturday in Bos ton". i : -!!" Teadng their way through every obstacle, fighting off attack after at tack, holding up their heads when it seemed that victory could not be won, these teams have proved their nerve, their unflinching hearts. They go in to what promises to be one of the most interesting series ever piayea , between . clubs of the National and ' American leagues, After the tightest race since the never-forgotten finish in l'9fS, when the Cubs and Giants fought down to the last day. The Red iSox, world'sp champions . from last year when the pounder out four Victories in five games over the . .!1T wa' tntn' MuvHaa lav. ored to win. - IMtun for man, the team ' rcprfsen'-ng the "American League stands, out as . better organisation , than' its National League (rival. , -; This year will see no change from last in that 'interest will center in the pitching staffs of the two clubs. The Dodgers have powerful at tack. The Red Sox have a Wonderful defense, backed up by a pitching: staff . that has pulled the club to the top of the league every time when it seem ed they might falter. It is hard to maI.. Aw. n at a.?, am r 9 ilt. f WtJtlUM vi. staffs, for American pitching . has been conceded to be stronger. than the National brand fofseveraI years. Al so it Is held that 'American League . pitchers have to face heavier batting than their brothers in the' Tener cir- . .'' . cuit. In the past American Lesgue 'hurlers have borne fpjfrell under hea- -vy assaults frpm.'Jile oldef organira tion, and it Ream's reasonable to be lieve they will do so this year. , The E'rocklyn hurlers have di'e re markably well "-'''They have, had ircwerful pcoring machine to help them out, but, there' r-ve been times, as there are in the life of every base ball blub,, whoi-ft tht issue depended mum t.urKf ffotuwim-jaiul 1ifnr . rnu : to the occasion. , ' . It will tbe dp to Shore, Ruth, Leon erd, Foster and Mays to hold down rs Casey SWgel, Jake Daubert and " Sack Wheat, not -to apeak of. Chief y'syers and some of the smaller fry, v ho are not considered small fry by National Lertue hurlers in any tense , of the word. Against ' Marquard, Pfeffer, Chen ey, Coombs and Smith, the Red, Sox hitters, although their' batting-Averages are not jo imposing as thnse of their National League rivals, are ex pected to manufacture 'enough runs to win a, majority ? of the games. With an infield defense second to none the Red Sox Will, with the aid of their classy pitching staff, ' vhold Dodger scoring to a minimum.' , . ' tobacco sales aegut aifjndredeouj:::d Around a hundred 'Aivand p':ia3 of tob?-?'!-was ,8rH r.ee ThurJay, with the avers re price rml "y 3 high 3 any of iho v k. V.'sr ' - wen reprtel i n-' t f - : 11.- oco to 4i.P"0 - ;:, -"'t