DAILY' CO PR The Home Paper J I Kj Fair Tonight VOL: XVIII No. 80 Second edition KINSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1016 FOUR PAGES TODAY NOT SINLfc tAdWtLL SAT IN GOVERNOR'S RUSSIA WOULD SEND!i!ERlCA A DIS5PJIB 'TOBACCO BACK I.WSMG OF NATION'S i BULGAR VICTORY ON CHAIR HAS SUCH SCENE BEEN WITNESSED.! ILLION POLES TO BABE NESTLING IN ITS OWN; NEARLY A i DESTINY NOW WIDE DANUBE LEFT NOT A THREE BLOCKS OF 'KING COTTON' WAGONS SO. AMERICAN LAN CRADLE OF UNIVERSE ' HALF . MILLION MM RBUZON, STATES 1 1 AIWQ mm When the Sales on Queen Street, Kinston's Cotton Ex change, and the Busiest Thoroughfare In All Eastern Carolina, Began Friday Morning Approximately 175 Bales of the Great Staple Were Assembled Along the Way About $17,500 Worth At One Time Was the Unusual arid Healthy Reality No one could Bay at 3 p. Friday, how many bales of cotton had been sold on the Kintdon Exchange during the day. Some esti mates put the number at from 100 to 45Q. The weighers were "swamped" Prices ranged from 16 to 16.40. New York futures quotations: . Open 2:10 January 1705 1701 March 1714 ,7',S May - V 17:j:1 July 17 28 October ,6-90 December ...17.01 16.8! 17.06 Czar's Government Con ducting Secret Negotia tions With Latin Repub licsWants to Depopulate Poland, Thought TaskerjPolk, Kinsman of a! President, Is a Political Act: Brilliant nV Erewks Approach; Pm.;den( TcH:3 0nnha lhc M idseason S?.e Bigger Sales Looked For Prices Probably Best of the Season "Did you ever see the like?" "We ought to have a pic ture of this scene," How many bales do you reckon are on the street now?" were but some of the expressions which emphasized the interest in what was probably Kin ston's premier cotton-selling day Friday, when at the opening of the sales, the planters' wagons and carts, dou ble file and sometimes three when the traffic officer was at the other end of the line stretched from a little south of Blount street to within speaking distance of Monu ment corner, on Kinston's busy thoroughfare,.Queen, three blocks of the staple, which is still, and always has been, "King" in Dixie. "pIC By actual count, the number of bales just before the sales began Friday morning, was 113; but Hie counting operation was like trying to figure out the exact number of chickens in a big brood. It is safe to say that thirty or forty more bales came while 'the reporler was making the thiee blocks, and the number at the opening of the market ...tljua raised toJbctwcen-lZl and180v close to-UWOO worth on the mar ket at one time. Not since KinstOn graced the map has such a scene been witnessed beforehand its picjiiresqueness produced a general smile and audible smile of the kind that is not forced. Photographer Coble was busy before the "excitement" had been in the air very long and the pictures that he took will make good illustrations for some Kinsfon publicity of the right sort. (tty the Un! tod Press) Washington. Uet. l. Kussia is no- gotiating with South American repub- j lies fur the colonization of one mil lion Polos in Latin-America, 50().0t)l to b 1 distributed between Venezuela. I Colombia, Ecuador. IVru ;;tid Hoi i - i via, the remainder to be located ii the Arge'ili'ie and Chile. This is leara.al by the I' aired Press from un-qiii'-'ionaMe aa'h.aaty. Si u-ral months a-j-o a Russian com mit n of, t'.v ! v members visited Washington en oato to South Amer ica. They obtaai.! letters of intro duction from John Barrett, director "f :)o Pan-A iiH i u a." Union, to South American otfirials. They avoid ed '!:. Sta't'C Ihoa: ' meat. I IK Russian Government is said to j have prepared to .-.ubsidi.e the colon- j ;'".ving their pa -aecs and sup-! V-y--" a small i to each, to! sl'ri. .-.J ue.iip Kirn-; IVrsons in j ii.' in a : totteh with )if -illation do- j clnre that Hii-sia wish '- '.n totally I i ;.";-:'!a:e I'-dand, which always has; '.11 a thorn in her side. She would ! .- p.'j.uiato the region with north! l; i- ans. She offers large trade in. duivutenu t South America to ob-1 Warrei County Orator Re-' vicw:f 1 Yo.qt?' of Human I Race -J: ml Declares Pomo-i cfatieH'artv Was Four Bqfore tne Calendar t lit't'I thai, a wind 4"0,. f I ' i 'aeeu '.vas .-,i '"! o bre-tlts were the !ar;r irni. eariivr'y high uath a ha? jov ami I. an a-: io t t.:i I I'.. : m: than : from Iv. ou'ea aa NV-'.b ii "i.roliiiu; a Sja-'loii 's a auniJifnrnf , ''L'aid , 'o-.vor virion ; i w.-cp than) with ti ' me in that. r : k .. i.e. Tl .i!:t ,-rc)'v i planter to market, i 1n :y, the bbtr omu.'it-'s cvm'--r j m ail direct 5is Th ur'Jay n'jrht , .e:iit.ts -kr.t-w that 'he we. -end :e, !i:'avy. r , e; s , said by r',r'Ti tehnre.'- . I')".; the h rh.'.t ;,!' the! World Looking to Amer-)i-:s to Lead the jy l!ii s to Live In These Gn'ai Times, Savs I'.v Kor.l UT J. !KNl:il. ' ! i.ItiMl Pti sn Ktafr Crirreii'tridcnO vvam J ; were hav, tiit'ci' bo! Sta': Ih - ! li :.'?' dcr l;l;o the .y, "'.'ra-iean; unclear! :.n. that the Repai af the j ;er ; ' j the i ea.i !a" mi t P! t R e wit- ortn !:een ,1 i ! prices at . .-1 a . thai! no ran! y iai:a , an.' hat; a ti' n ton, itl nt !' s.lav -:. -.1 '.be -;-e of !: :' liia copi'n 'in am -"ut. al," vver some ol' i.y Ta ker l'o':U 'of "phew of the !.rie ''i a 'peerli ' o .:. I H-,a-at the :;- iIiou.m; on V'r pas I ni thoite . i m'..-r. 0;i somo ! l$!UVl) ivrn sold, j ial sluaip in j b at ::a;t an d; - j !'. : !' a'ter.' on e:;.e:ia!!v j a iaav!-;r: a ad jlir'eme'lt ; ilarir'; r'p.a'h rf the time , ! miulye'ing. :nt to ra!es : mat-;e:,:.;-fed f,yr next week. i '.''lit Czar w will of the jrovo: nments. ual establish banks and ! O'LEARYASKS FIFTY VON TIRPiTZ W THOUSAND DAMAGES HAVE NO INFLUENCE iE FROM DEM. CH1M1 New Vork, Oct. 5. Vance 'C. Mc Coirmlfck, chairman of the Democrat ic National Committee, announced late today that he had been served with a summons in a' suit for $50,000 brought against him by Jeremiah A O'Leary, president of the "American Truth Society." Mr. McCormick said he had not been apprised, however, of the charges upon which the suit was based. 'Mr. O'Leary, in a statement issued soon afterward stated that his purpose in instituting the action was "to find out first, whether hyphenism, socalled,' is libellous; and, second, whether it is inconsistent with Ameri canism." "Mr. O'Leary said ho tresented a statement attributed to Mr. McCor mick criticising him for sending in "insulting messages" to Presdent Wilson, ' In that message, Mx. 'O' Iry criticised the President for "not enforcing i. American rights against 3reatJ E'ritwn,'. and informed Mr. Wilson that he would vote for the re election of -the President ": ' I tvamship i : ,. T"ae chief concern a'' Latin repid.lica is Raid t i lie fear af alien domination . pouucalty and ' nirni-i eia'iy, and they are thore f;"e acting with hesit.i!"-v. REPORTED OiVILL! WRIGHT GIVES Al MS TO fflfl The a id.-.- ' e' a. aaaias . ever. i: va. new and rof: d,alv.ay was and Rvcttol,; it vl- ii wisooni. : "as a reni. It- haa d here in years, i jfot.iea iaV in a thing. The speaker'.: i ickim: i:i vocal vol; it.c tien, bn'. :t was ; ! el : choicest laneaufCe an.', -mimwm m ntm or mmm On Jtoard resident V, iUm'n Train, Oct. Hi.--The Pn -.td"' n rrltn-tiijirc to bis summer hotne, '.:.).y.' aa.I u -!!-j)V ased v.UU bift rii -et. Ni-biHabtV; wilcoiiie r-nt':ru':Ti.'!y impressed the l)nv oetntie k-ndfru and Mured the i'ia:i!4'at (o iivtv (ii't.i.uijiii. 'ihe lo:in.;ivtr4tii3iM at bin every ap pearance reached a ' climax hurt nijfbt v.tc thousiinds IjihhI the streets till a late hour, cheering him. A great crowd in the audi-Vtniir-i gave vent to" spontaneous u! hit ;; !.? at every mention of the fred&nP name. Leaders pre tMj (his lection of the country will 'Vninj; safely into In;'.'-" Om;t!a, Neb.. Oft.. 5.-P js,iJ nt n da-a'a".:''!.! the European tsar, ;ud American bwmi .i n thfco -pc.-cf.es nere touay. jte oeciaircu A.iiv:riea la as ready to fig'h'. as any K.i.ni i'i (he wofbl, but that iw vxaio isiuit be Army of 15,000 Was Cut to Pieces, Claim of Sofia j . War Ofiice mi ACTION IN WEST Heavy Dornbardment Pres-n.f-t's Infantry. Attacks Af U: Three "Weeks of Inac-ti'.-if r.uWars Fall Back AIt):i- Struma ' 1 ' . mat. Aftc-p the war, he and ttson n:m:t join a league af nt ;resorve tho peace of the drove home. Every'; 11 U ! ( (Py the United Prea.s) London, Oct. 6. -Orville W i he Ami rican inventor, has i" e-a iirht, ai ted PABElSofCOSIE Suffcstion for Blockade of British Port Fails to Find Favor No Resumption or Unrestricted Submar ining, Said i'.onts to the t.'iii'.ed Slates ait, aecoidinr an avia aine jiiiiv here. Kvery ! v.-;ti; ! ohrasei that" . other sentence was a delight. Tie ! eeir.sd no! inclined to patuie to n'- ' i.nv' his auditors to appl.au I, wait-a was wi-e: otherwise he might never) have gotten through . Mr. Polk showed how democracy ; Wii! the fir-t thing in govetment. H- , (i ';.clc to : e begir.nip.r of rrr:i-' kind,- described the crc tttf-e vho : took hiK wife by force of "arms" or j the vvight of hi ; club, who hegot a ; shota lie ided, bear-hide clothed pro- , then bad the love of home ; h a- leimant eoi-ieience by cat- mar., the first tiny j ia; ' !! having been sown, (By. the United Press) Berlin, Oct. 6. The government is unimpressed, it ia said, with the sug gestion of the Von Tirpitzites for a blockade of English harbors. The suggestion was made as a substitute for the "war zone" blockade. There will be no resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare, said a hipdi offi cial today. The Von Tirpitzitcr, are doomed to failure. No changes of the personnel of the government are imminent. Hollweig and Von Jagow are to -stay in office. A.'-u m ami fact ; aw be atdi h are aai.i .;' dollars. t-r. i: i assert to a-.o ihe pat la iaa ulued at (Py tiio T.'nired Press) mf; Oer-"ITi - f;":T:l c"a::.v; UHKT ' a.a ;.t'a -"-S1 hava ra-'da ed ! ',;:lon ;ag nnc! baggage. Perhaps never be-j in the history of ill u gam 9 has j Kealying been so brazen. Spe- j ulntion is going bn in utter defiance: tiie Rational Commission, and uh- the very noses of Garry Hor- a 11 ind Ran J:hn-.' ii. tirand usrvl are K?Hi ; f. if f,r tha ihrco Tb: 1 .UC cheered by il'y the United Press) , , 4ffia. Oct. 0.-Not a single i Rou- ; manian soldier of the army of 15.000 who fwwil the Djnubs and wer a eircleJ end eat to pieces by tho Bul gar.Ji, now remains on Dudgar tan soil, ; i a;d offieiaUy. -T ' Hrititih Advance in Near East. ' fVionika. Oct. C Tho Bu'garlans are retroafin? before tho British on , 'he R'f-trma frort. according to Gen eral SJ-rrail. Artilicymg in West, Paris, 0:t. 6. A violent btmbard ncnt broke out on tho northeastern j oral -weeks of Inactivity, it i. ftV cutlly stiid. Tho shelling is evidently 1 p'ol ide to infan'y attacks. , uot.i:n Gain, Piftro id,. Oct. G.-The Kussian . hj'.'-.-ifft' po-4itnon3 south of. f,-- .--iovrthi-flst of Lemberg, " ' '7 ,,'vTepeated German-Turk- TO URGE WAT COUNTY NEW HAMPSHIRE M.IN ACCUSED WIFE MURDER Ml TO KINSTON BEFORE SIXTH OF NOVEMBER J ".whuiutj Koot. a. Page, ft e tjgbth district will not come to Kinst'on for a campaign address un til November 6. -the eve of rt ,!,. tion. County Democratic Chairman G. V. Cowper definitely announced Fri day. Congressman Claude JEtchln d the local leaders had hoped that STRICTLY FRESH EGG BLUFF IS EXPOSED St. Paul, Oct. 6. Buying rotten eggs at the dump for half cent a dozen, Isadore. Mensellsohn kept a few chickens for a comealong and ad vertised "strictly fresh egga. fortv- five cents a dozen." He was arrest ed, pleaded guilty and was fined. One deer, two doe and a rattler were killed by A. M. Williams, hunt ing near Vanceboro, in less than two hours' time. the "Power from the .West" could share honors with Mr, Kitchin here on October 10 or 17, bu( the State Committer had too much work in hand for Congressman Page and could n6t spare him sooner. He will nave to speak here rather early In the day in order to leave ; in the - afternoon (Hy fnc United Prea.O Mounlain View. N. II., Oct. lb Frederick Small, charged 'with the murder nt' his w-fe, is being held here for the ;; and jury. .ALLEGED TO BE OWNER of trunk of WHfSKYir:;:;; geny r:n instilkd Cod. 'i .seed of ' !.:.:': ; he graiM 1 ".v--lr.-.- '' v . ; a and his ' be king. wa i!c Bat tii-r about to SU-'ee- ' i ted. TIa ht his ragt'xd li;!l a better reaiia he gaa il ia d ih- T)i,' siebia.hed after ati'ithcr and 1 the ages to the i a 1 : .ali.'.a! ion o!" puwer al "i aa-sity . 'i'hcai he : ia a confi.rLiie a, and a.aaa si among th.-m t k:ug died and ano'her j iiri another, ami ao on. rie a time vh'?a a i ing ib-artd that his a anil ;he peoei . 1 ! s ; it inheritance hecalia" i sti'i.ti'in. alii : bv i'.t.tfah), Oct, bo county iai i lietentiaii. . a;;s of tha s a-it-on A -The as other - .. of t ing of tho -ination of i n a houvc j mrtbi ob- i American wlii'h wi ,':vw,'!s i;nd dhe enthus.isa .bown far i'x.-ned'.d anything he- haiitienc .1 i - bin in iuguratiri i P.- sident $ 1' ", in speech -at m iv.rr.CTCl U b, , u'm, )n-p...i. is fellowa: 'iT.'.i'-o are mvfi i$t&&&.tM ;v I'-e i-i:' f.-d hit frtp'siai i.'ii. a no yi i, my(? jHunwj'Dflunnry nun, I brlieve that $h pVtW&& 'r a. ha v. hich has faifciJLtf0Wl ,4i -: W hi tile shape of war is gof&gf . di 11 in America, at any rate, a " .a; ;aaaai(-a. It is going to oblige c-.f mnn to know that he lives in a r-ev age end that he has got to let nat according to th? trfditJon'! tae j.axt. but accaa'ding to the noc-e.-iiic t i t' ;bo present and the pmphe- UHf-w-sad -effieiallTr-Tliewi"; $f Va 1 7'i, lattiXiyw, hi Pohrudja eon ? i " ,lVe'''iiaiJji)ipdi'e( tnor? Bulgat-' ft erfrjiv?u;A.;r . , , r ynt'h"rle,Town- , , ' 'f v,L. awW, Oct. e.--Xhs iown of Nov--,';,' ejevbai ibeen captured by the'Brif iihstvero fighting on the Strum si-'fho British have progressed nortK op'jn I cies i, Kiatier tomorrow and the 11 out 1 cer' a '.ve ktays. We shili n!ni e t!la caittlty 1H!!: and mnnafftnnen f ihe future. ' ii what we bosalod a.'d bellcv- ai I believe --to be the ben I a Ka t-iniined ?(and 1 nn.le- (;i" said repuUfa Arl.h'.n- Pratt, pt-eshienl of ihe Asso- i eia'aon anal ward" n of th" 1'tah Sat j prison, f'harh at, the stal ion. a Hatch, colorod baggage man Norfolk Southern pas a nger well known to hundred of jaa-an?. was arrested Thursday af ternoon in connection with the seiz ure of a tmnk containing two quarts and oO pints of whiskV Hat.-h de clared that the trunk was the prop erty of a white man unknown to him, and that he had male cat a check for it at the owner's request. Tha check was in possession of a dray man when Chief .Skinner, noticing a leak, investigated. The allege,! .vh te owner could not be located and lUtch was taken into custody. A 1 preliminary hearing Was set fori Friday afternoon, Hatch being held in bail of $50. . ado paaj.d out. And there came a time w'.i- n a king ti c.l to; dictate t" the people the :ranr.rr in J which they should worship God ami 1 Ui.-re was a protest. That brought i down to the P.itrr'itis I winds of God's lave stilling j I who. befare them, FAIR WEATHER FOR THE OPENING 'GAME (By the United Press) Washington, Oct 6. Fair weather for West Carolina so that he can vote j is predicted for the opening game of in the election. ' the world's series tomorrow., ; the troubled vs at! n , 1 came to America, an ! on Plymouth Had; kr.dt. and thank, d th- God oft ..forms who rata Stan tJio.n sniety hither, a 'd commenced the task of building an empire. Independence and constitutional government, the government of them selves by a people 'determined upon exercising the ights to pursue hep pir.ess, earn a living from under -the laws of massterrS, and worship God or not worship Hira as. they saw fit, came to the now land. An ideal state of affairs, purchased with blood, re sulted. The symbol, a flag. with a field azure for truth, spangled with stars," white -for purity, and striped with redwhich recalls the holy blood which was shed that it mighSgwave on high, is a sacred banner worthy of the adoration with which Americans regarrit"i.;v ; ;a- -i f , i Then Mr. " Polk skeletonized the history of the Republic, its upa and downs to the present- time wlion it! f'.i'H (SNSTON TIED UP - IN THROES STRIKE American ichaa:thm of labor officials will ;ii.'!i.tui the ai-faon af tile local n a, a aer boyn. 1 he y are out en f.tril.e. A priiiciidc- in ic!vd. A Ino a few cents H (lav. The-. -,er ii-dercd back U) salary fr'i"i a peicenfafti 1mis;. The strikers v, al refrain ftnm violence, i'ka.etin" not he '-indulRt d i' ion. AH of them lc hoW t' o -are matching with some Katisl.o lien the way the manager and operator hustle .around with tiv tails, play eiiiiilIi0iVi ; MOTHER JONES; WOMEN PLOED IT WITH VIM geniu.s i 1 tbaavhi ic world, wo had ti-'ing thit jrc- a:iy :a V. .ai !. :: i.. t:ui i que "'ion, ;t jit ! of our own markets. fvtraor din'f.ry clrcumptance. the next decade at any rati' mt it will be a matter of ow eo vha'thc!" it. continues or but for the next decade ut wi; have got to serve tho i'hat alters every conrmer- altfrs eve; y politic,".! s every qtieataoti of seems that tha ultimate of perf- (Continued on Page T. ) (iy the IJr.i:.! Pres) .": L- New York, Oct. C Mather .Jones' instructions ,Ho "p'.ay holt,'' "showed r.et reeulUr' today in .the appearance in 5 police court, of threo men and six women, arrested last night after one of' th. fiercest, melees tho traa t:on slr'ke has yet developed. '.Women, many'with babie;" ia arms, BiU't,t,i a street car and g'ra?hai all :'i- viuJaws. The twli-'c u- d th:ir doma iitic h'.'t. Uq.nient. Tho men who iri u upon going on to do tho old :niar;s '01 the old way ure gOint: to o ut the 'nil enJ of the prKession . 'i ha ..i'.v irg ot" our d-.-stiny ha; al beia.ir-i ; a3 wide -an the horizon. And tho thing that we have to be car' Cul abo'it is thai, we da this thwig in a new way. "Oliss it ij in these dys for an Am. -rican to be alive, and to be young mtist be v?ry heaven, because all tho b"Mtiny into w'hoj-j great .-fruirions Atra.rij-a hu.s promised to had the world is now open to ha achieved un der her leadership if she will sets and take the way. ".aometAnetj we deceive ourselves by thinking that the commerce of re cent ycr.rs has chiefly consisted in exports siimiilatrd by the war, It wjll bo worth-your, while to look into the figures.' Our exports have been abaut in this proportion: An increase in ' exports ' during thre years , of sopie two thoiifand millkms express ed in dollars and art increasa in tho national wealth' tif forty-one thousand miKions twenty times the increase of cur exports,. Can an aereiase in our exports of two thousai.d millions pr dtico o stupendous an tffe-it,', as to uiuiw'ply iU,-!f . twcr.t f.mos irj pur if 'thpS'ttam-d .and northeast of Ha'u ItMti Tl'iayo, in the direcftoii of' ( Aft aj.;ipini.m nign way, n. .is jwuu.,jom-i iiifi IE E YEARS' WAIL Ml REPORTS Ey JOHN IIEARLEY,' " (United Pres$ Staff Correspondent) Eome, Oct. 1, The Allies have in- ' fermed Holland that any move to ward puaco wotiM ie construed - as aro-German, "The. first hint that Hoi- land h probing for peace sentiment" w,!I be tvsii'itcJ. Tlie Allies are re coneilffri to thros years more otf war,v aeosrd.-r.g to roports in authoritative , circles. SOU THE DISHES FOR PERFECT. SAMTATIOM New York, Oct. 6. -To insure per- a feet sanitation .. of the dishes from which food is eaten, they should be ; washed and rinsed in boiiinfif watef Jtccordirg to a health bulletifi just :ued by Dr Samuel G. Pixon. ''There are numerous communica !!o diseases' caused by germs which ara present : in .the mouths .of those nfilii'lod, says Dr. Pixon. Persons tn varicus stages ' of tuberculosis, diphtheria, blooJ' poisoning, etc., may transfer disease germs from " their mouth-s to-eating utensils. Unless these are steritixed byuse of boiling wator, they are a source of danger to whoever may use them subsequently. national wealth? .The fact is that the world hits poured ita wealth upon us oy reason of the-fact that we are at hist 'Waking up to the fact that tho world has need of the weal'Jl that We possess and that, therefore, tha real tasincs of legis!atija is to ee leae' these .'force? f.r.J to s.-e t. i thai impe.linu-nU rc;v or il ' not bs ph.ciJ ia i v r