VOL. XVIII. No. 87 FIRST EDITION KINSTON, N. C SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1916 SIX PAGES TODAY, NDAY TO BEIFIREP ITALIAN ARMY IN OCTOBER THE 25TH; FRANCE WON'T HEAR Fire Department and the School Children to Parti cipate In DrillsDay Be gins Cleanup Week in the Community itfondav will be Fire Prevention Dav in the State. It is act apart by the Governor i3 a proclamation. In mirance Commissioner James K Young in circulars, gives rules for the prevention of fires and calls upon the nublic to assist hia department in the reduction of life and property losses. Mayor Fired. I. Sutton Saturday an nounced that next week will be "'Clean Ud Week" in the city, during which all persons are requested to rid their all litter in which fires might originate, and stated (thait Mr.ndav would be observed in the rchoob and by the Fire Department There will be fire ilrills and exercises in the schools, and the firemen wiH make a test run which promises to be spectacular and geed advertisement for the occasion. CAROLINA AND CITY Tf IE NEAR EASTERN ; TO BE SCHOOL DAY ALLIED OFFENSIVE! AT THE LOCAL FAIR SWEET REVENGE NOW FIDDLERS' FROLIC WAS A FEAST OF Flf $Ho:e than a score of fiddlers, ban jcisU, dancers, etc., from the coun try round about Kinston, some of them from quite a distance, partici pated in an old-time "fiddlers' con vention'' in the Courthouse Friday i;'ht. Never was anything more en i ,n' k pul'.cd off here. Some of the contestants ware old in ycairs; but all were young in spirit. Laughter and volliclttrg backwoods music prevailed from 8 until 11 p. m. The expenses vire quite heavy, but notwithstanding, the receipts wera large enough to Vj3c a handsome little profit, which was- turned over by the management ' to t'io United Charities. Deputy Sheriff H. V. Allen was in supreme ccnjnd; Register of Deeds Carl Pridgen was the announcer; Col. H. E Shaw, Policeman J. W. Taylor and Mr. Wm. Hayes, superintendent of the Carolina R. R.. were the judges. Not content with the fiddling and ban jc'ng and dancing, the promoters had on hand 3 "scrub" band, which prov-. cd not to be a scrub band at all. Some 'cf the participants laughet' Etcadily throughout their little skits It was a sunshine occasion. Fiddlers' and dancers' smiles outshone the ar tificial illumination of mere punty lit tle electric ylamps. There was one drawback two fiddlers proved to he violinists and rendered "educated'' mu sic. They were "promptly" eliminated -r-after they had delighted the large audience with a number of very good selections. Announcer Pridgen was an imposing figure cn the rostrum; Colonel Shaw shed the stiff legal man ner of the public prosecutor and ad ded to the occasion with his evident pleasure at being present. The fiddlers were quite particular. One wanted organ accompaniment. There were sevaral teams compet ing. Two, ,Ht" for the first prize $10. Comprising one were Messrs. Joel Howard, J. I. Davis, B. F. Wil liams, Ivey Fordhatn and Tvey Davis; those sharing with them were Mes srs. W. D. Wiley, W. G. Howard, Rob ert Thornton and Lawrence Howard. Mr. Thornton won the first prize of $5 in the banjo contest. "Arkansaw Traveller' was the selection of high est class admitted. . , DEATH PENALTY FOR BANDITS IN MEXICO V the Un tcd Press) , Mexico City, Oct. 7. Carranza is aid to be preparing a decree estab lishing the death penalty .for bandit Ty throughout the republic AMERICAN KILLED IN " ' - AIR lAIft PROTEST s . (By the United Press) Pefrograd, Oct. 7. With one Am- Joins With British,' French pupils From Wide Territo ahd Serbs in Vardar Sec- ry to Come for Occasion. OF PEACE; GETTING tor Roumanians Have Lost 50,000 Men In Two Weeks To Hold Exercises Pro cession Expected to Sur pass Last Year's I .ng (Dy the United Press) Paris, Oct. 7. The Italians have takon the offensive in the Balkan-! in o-operntion with the British, Fiench. wd Sorbs attacking east of VarJar. t is said officially; (eaty Roumanian Losses. Berlin, Oct. 7. The Roumanians have lost fifty thousand men in two vceks in Transylvania in defeat? by ' , ialkenhnyn. Budapest dispatches av entire regiments have been anni hilated. Russian Victory. Petrograd, Oct. 7. The Russians lave wen a victory in Dobrudja over Von Maclccnzen's German-Bulgar-1 .. '"urkish army, occupying the villages j f Karabaka and Bfcsaul and the '"-.,,,,1 evraediate heights, it is officially said. . w-M.lnrfiv Oi-tii'iier 2o. will be ; "Sehcol Day" at the coming Ten , Cuuniy Ka'r, it is announced. A ! tci:! p-oirram will ' presented by I the children. The little ones from I the .urruundiii;: country will be the I ,r,'i of the city and the Fair As ! .wiation for the day. An interost- Violenl'y Angry When Hol land Sounded Out Bel lIrents Recently ALL OTHERS GiWE 'EAR feature will be moving pictures o:i!i'.i tiv in.' Mll.l'. U Viumi w noj,:i!;:r in North Carolina now, the E,h', viorii'.i I'ct. tmtnt of the asso-c-iatii n announce. 1 1:.. appearand? ?f thousands of jt;i.. ones in a parade here last, year v., a featui e of h first fair that r.t be f.. . The t.ii, narcnU ma for vearS ta YOUTH HAS LEG BROKEN WHEN AUTO GOES DOWN BANK;. FOUR UNDER OR Lawrence .Howard of Deep Run ud his right le:r hrcken and several twx had ns : row escape? when an ulomobile, ;iven by W.ilt.-r V.-r.v-rd. went off the Dam road about a j'le from tha city sh'brtly after 12 Vlcck Saturday nomine. The ear vent down the steep embankment, ruing turtle . over the occwants, bo were the Howards, Dm. Wiley r.J Henry Cunninsthajn, all of the "iinty. The car was lii'Je injured ud- two of the party, after it had . 'pen rotten back upon the ro.ad. roceeded heme in it. Vdun? Inv - nce Howard wa.- l.-ouyht here for ' uedical attenfion. OlVrs of the; sustained trifling injuries. ; f.nd their teachers htd in a monster sicn that was viewed with move by Kin!-.Un:-:n:-. th-;n anythii; city's history. Tho Dutch Convinced. That :.': c h a L-ont; Way Oil. (ki'miiny .-.Has,. F;:.hh in Avpiii---Noutraii, C.onsid- cr Doulfhiiind Doomed MAY START WORK ON PASSENGER STATION AT AN EARLY TIME j&r'lroads Have Not Been COTTON Proposed Changes in the 1'ians Public to Have a Say in the Matter l!y CAKt V . ACLiERMAN, rl'nitcd 'r-wx CoiTeftpomlcrt) Tl-i !LTUi-0.-t. 7 The Hutch jrov--n). nt enlyOTvo month a;ro s-sund-! the nuropenn ;-l!!,-t rents nn the r, -'s for peac-. the United Press not. Jr.vtn y ieil!V't?ni iiice expre ir.i) ir.f. t en'v w:i- sueh FOR HISTORY-MAKING SERIES; By HAMILTON. (!':i!ed Press Staff t'orrooondent) l.',)'!:ja. Or!. 7. As the Nation v,-:v!ed with rvpoctatit car. the Braok vn Dedcers rnd Boston Bed Sox met he:-!: today ::i a collision whose rc- .;jii('in; smack will he heard from ihn. to Ciiifornm. lender weal .. t!'.r5. Wi'h 'ndications I i crowd ( f 40 O'H.) or more, of the American and Na- iirue nennants met for tha to her c .tin? tr winnr . .-. i a . - pt "it er Kr.ne in! t)' l"i ui It ' "t it vv,)s ;matum." and h,i mis, " ex- iT? wiil'ajjness to .fnal fr:''r.".sHnjs. a fu ry refu- di'sM-ibcd as ".ilmost . ' r-,v.::i d the n,'v sicrd tha! peace is ;'."it. u'de ' ctrult 'lie rvi jrnme of thfl world's ' n.-al at 2 o'elecl .i-ie-? on the this nfter- ar.y UPM Sll? OFF CAROLINA COAST noon Nevi :ha;. dar-'- in baseball history have, two n--V,in teams met in a baseball ptr- mci wild scrambles for .tied. Poth vi'Ve .lo th" y Rat put no one sb-a .s-ful (By the United Press) Norfolk, Oct. 7 The Cuban steam- ( r Paioma, from New York to Cuba, ' 5 a. hart two miles north cf Hadies'l , slcrid. North Carolina. i V t.h but va Le e I, idol the tile i.Ioi OT evbably to ,iri'(l was the . f:.i- Boston. Mays, the un- ite' I' : Jkes City's Pavinff. JHajor John M . Burke, forty years vitb l.'jffalo 'Bill, and now a sort of idvancc man for the famous tody, -.-as a very interesting visit to Kins- ton Saturday. The major himselt i famous. He has traveled in practl- a'Jv every country, has been inter- iewed by more newspapers ltd: than -nany a political party boss, and is apt to say a bad word or two in tho . . 1 (V... iresence or most anyone aim uu.n loff his hat in apology in a manne- hat simply delights. He has sears an his face from the War Between he State, declares he is a Southern gentleman and looks the part, and onfides as a secret that he is entitled o be called "Major" because he hales from Maryland, and everyone there who is not a major is in jail. -Nev-' York wrald blush with pride to have Kinston's streets, was a flatterincr compliment to the city. He never saw ibut one small place as well pav-ed-a little Mcntanajjown that spent $3,000,0f)0 on streets at one time. r Hold nisjjway Meetinj;. It is planned to hct a meeting of Lenoir, Jones and Onslow county oeople sometime in November to dis cuss thi preposedKinston-Swansbo- ro iughway, which has the backing of tJhe local Chamber- of Commerce. ,Ma I the h:s 1 coed Nvi.,.. ! . !io":'a,i' 'v: 1 .;?T';P- ceil '. with t'l' "-' 1 The .- i it I frames. Th Vrifpiard. . tk Giants .i.'Jyn fan -,e iifujner. mound cboi fh and Carl t wirier, also wc-c possible. pim'fTMT .SfU ,1,.. qov in ' -"i-"-'" 1 la.- ';vevj-i i 1 ,..-, , :ti ; "i iUKu-s "e.U rr en -ii of cpinii.n i i -Hi'.'.- . !r of the otber-,. 'idol: -'y af.f '': y is aK.i.: :"!. .- h i .1 r I l ie:; of .--.'."v ie':evo the A",;':' ; ve have o.et ;, i" T''V iins f.tith e. :;vs tnao'i tb" ;:,ad ipcn- i T" la th- iih . ira:n:e nt'mv fa:! iv,' s her liri'-vn yei-in-e iii'cd Wi.di hoed .? proiriii.'..- Ill .' .' 1! I-. cde.. ievi -:v rf the '.r.':"'r. T'-.e- !'e itn an I ns'-r '. '' : .vy are cewded with j ' th- time, rt f.vd'ijr' the that (Icrmany has ( ' b u: -- . -erve-'. Germany believes ; There ia a chance that work on the union pa35onfrr station in the south' i astern part of tho city will h com menced in a short timo now, it is u."cl from a most authoritative source. A blue-print was submitted by the Atlantic Coast Line to the Norfolk ' niiirn on June 15. Tho latter ompany asked for some changes, it Known, and tho two have not been atilo to fret lofrotner upon Uie pro vised alterations. "It will not be i air oerore me plana are ready to s submitted to the people through. he Corpo'-ation 'Commission in the 'waal way," it is said. Ths Norfolk Southern is to clear the property purchased of building ufparatory to construction. MarcTts to Meet. 1 here will be a regular communi-a!-.ic:i of St, John's Lod-re No. 4, A. v. and A. M.. Monday evening at 7:'i0 o'clock. ''incd'for Assault, Etc Thsd. Tynd ill, convicted of 'an as--e.uit with u i evclver upon Josh Sim rtT.o, colored, wd carrying a weap on, wm fired ?50 nnd $25 in the rea i "'ivf rases, the costs imposad. and peace liond of $200 exacted, in Re- .Vr'.s Court Friday afternoon. Charlie Hatch, colored bajrirageman r.t the Norfolk Southern station, was 'iscb.avjrcd , in a case in which he - rb-u-.?ed with bn'n.f? the ewnar of 27 quarts of whisky sciEed by tho VK.Vve neir the station. WHY SUFFER SO? Between 100 and 150 bales of cot ton were sold here Saturday. Prices raiurod frcm K1.13 to 1G.C0. New York futures quotations were: Open Close Orion C lose January lfi.95 17.22 March 17.12 17.10 May 17.29 17.52 July 1754 17.f.o October .. lii.ftt) ir,,00 December 17.10 17.27 BMBRICKDIESFOR POLICEMAN'S MURDER New York, Oct. 27. Despite an eleventh-hour plea to roprieve from fifty prominent businessmen, Thomas Snmbrit'k was tc.hiy electrocuted al Sing Siittf for the r'uuter (f a po'.ice-man. NO JOCK FfiOM THIS COUNTRY OVER THE: rni imiiiT inrintT nt lit . ill iiki m a ! r i - - i . t t r , . If Russia Wants to Deport 4 Poles to South '.America, United States Won't Pro test .No Harm From Such Business ' (EV the United Pros) Washington. Oct. . 7.-RussiaV fi- ' frantic colonization scheme In South , America Is unlikely to be opposed by tho United States as an infraction of ; the Monroe doctrine, .. if. land grants are not made to the Russian (Jorern- v meiu, ray State Department officials, Tho wholesale removal o Poles fron ,. their native land o Poland is not to no expected before, the end of tjie war. Mvh of Poland is now occtt pied by Germans. Russia does i not want to deport potential soldiers at prcont, it Is believed. ' ., In rejrard to the Monroe Doctrine, it is pointed out by officials that sev eral hundred thousand Gorman now in South America ; and the United , ; questioned 1 4S The Wa?h- to he propriety of their residence. Many speak only German, and Ger man schools are permitted. , KINSTON HIGHS HAD SOFT .SNAP WASHJNSTON The local Hlsh School foetbll clo ven had a walkovor at Wa-hirrrton i F.iday aftcriKon, defeating the Washington Jligha by the rcare of. 1:1 'n 0. It was tha first game of the States wero nevea? eas n far both 'teams. ;n)rtons ;-!ay here .later in the month re is K-H e In !n" III State ",Tl in, the 1'! -.1 fae i iv.'ii -if in ?e,(.-r ,",,000 a (! i points ui!. YU 'Fepefid. ).t. :. --h Ml Si:-t a : r in bi i e -1 (hvi; ' i:ef ill 'Th? all in-' 18- V f,iV! 1. !ir about l.v!y, i c'r- '. I : the lffnntrl tlv Red SOX in M i, s when with the Oiantr. assert Marqna-d is as ever. f Play. and Ani"'':c:n! League r.-rst have net. in wo'dd t. every year since 1903 rention cf i'-'Ot. is for four out of seven national comnv-sion has , B " the wtm cm .I, r.ll mi-'ti'V it amn'ie Xation, 1 sion apiei the Kerne nri'i;!'" Wooib'iuv Vv'ilSij; this af:e-:noon. Get. ':. !', ''..! !e:,.1 He add'' the Independ.'JU Lnatic V'hy suffer fram a bad back, froT I sharp, shoottn'r tvinpes, bcaf'nehes, : liz-ii'.c.-.s. and distressinjr urinary ills? ; 'Cinstan people reommend Doan's ' ! .'.'ncy Pills. Cos Id you ask for ! stronger proof of merit ? ' G. A. Wilkins. Caswell Hotel, Kin---fon, says' "I had terrible pains in my ' ick nnd hijis nnd suffered from th-.-uniJitic twinges in my shoulder. 1 had headaches and dizzy spells and the ki-.lney secretions were scanty, 'sr.-l contained sediment. I used h Kidney Pills, procured a' Duon's (Standard Drug Store, and th'. v curud rr.e of al.'. si;ms of kidney treble'' rh-e C0h at all de.'.lers. Don't f,h '.ply asl: for a kidney remedy jre-t Doan's Kidney Pills the sumo that cured Mr. Wilkins. .Voster-M.lburn Co., Tr-ops., Hi-ffiln. N. S. adv. THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN full eha-.e;e of th eganes. It collects from the .rate and divides players, clubs and the .mmissicn. The Commis- j ts the official sc-: era for and decides the prices of The schedule of games id under its supervision, fer.m the frst four games is Cmrrilto, ; divided three ways: j Sixty per cent, to the players, 10 ! per cent, to the Commission and 30 ! per cent, to the club owners to Ibe i split evenly between the clubs. The j f.0 per cent. wlch goes to the play i ers is cut 60 per cent, to the win ning team and 40 per cent, to the los I in"- team. After the first four games all of the money received with the exception of the Commission's ten per cent, goes to the club owners for a fifty-fifty split. The players shar in only the first four games P ices for this year's games are $5 Trenton and Maysville business men f seats fl in the grandstand, re understood to be as heartily in favor of the proposition as those of Swansboro and the city. Rome, C::. ?. A.Zurich dispatch t today asserted that the Kaiser had encan killed In florm.n llv anoealed ta President Y ;1- over Efjcharest, the Roumanian stot- son to end the war, but that the Pres- crnxnenf has appealed ,;' to neutrals" ident had refused to intervene at this of the Xew York victories gainst the killing of non-combatant. tinW; , V ' ; 't: -? - - . '.:;.v 2 pavilion and l genera! admi.-rion. When the New York Giants won a world's championship in. 1005 from the Philadelphia Athletics the fhila delphians weri hut out in all , four games they lost. The single game hey won from the Giants was also' a shutout. Mathewson pitcnea inres . r S M jo ST N f . C(?AIS ABOUT I THIS HAT, BUT J I wOotOMt V a . ABLE TO .POKE B . sore. mams eye v e$ rfC . -- Y- t J. -k jfh?: -t'-.: yh:': '(' s .I rV , , V ;:, W' ' A '"iv, x i? ,TMi Mary Pickf ord, Famoat PIyrParamount St5 SOUTHERN RAILWAY Train No. 'il Levies Coldcboio 5:45 a. for KaTt-fgh, Durham, Greensboro. Handles free chair car from Raleigh to Atlanta, making con nection for New Orleans, Texas, Cal ifornia and all western points; alsi Connects at Greensboro with throngi trains for all northern and eastern points. Train No. 139 Leaves Goldshorc 2:00 n. m. for Raleigh, Durliasi and Makes connections at Greensboro foi all points north and ea?t, and at Ashe villa with Carolina Special for Cin dncatl, Chicago and all westerr points. Sf & ' s , Train No. Ill Leaves Goldsbon 10:35 p. nu for Raleigh, Durham imi Greensboro Banu9 Pullman Sleep through train for Atlanta and Ne Orleans, also makes connection fo ishevills ChaHanooga, St. Louis Memphis, Wfrmlngham aad ell west 1TB points. ' . Greensboro, making connection fot Washington, Baltiraore, Philadelphia, N'ew York and points South and West. J. O. JONES, Traveling Passenget Agent, Raleigh, N. 0. f WHEN EVERY MOVE HURTS. Lame e'very morning, itchy ani stiff all day; worse when it's damp or chilly? Sunpect your kidneys and try the remedy your neighbors use. . Emmet Haskins.' carpenter, 403 East street, Kinston, says: "My kid icys were out of older and I had dull -jains across my bock And loins. Ia ho morning I was sore and lamo and ould hardly bend to pick up my tools. Che kidney secretions' ' -were scanty, iighly colored and contained ' sedi nent I got Doan's Pills from the J. E. Hood & Co Drug Store, and hey coon relieved me of the fcac'x iche and all other symptoms of Lil aey trouble,'. Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't e:n ily ask for a kidney reme'y r t lean's Kidney Pills the sa- i i Mr. . Haskins had.. Footer-! Co., Props., ,5ufTa'o N. Y, r .

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