'.. ; . t r The Home Paper ft- fMy'iNew Tod. VOL. XVIH.TNo. 91 FIRST EDITION KINSTON, N. C, FRIDiCV, OCTOBER 13, 1916 FOUR PAGES.'. RED SOX TR1UMPHANT.F0R FOURTH TIME GERMANS CALL OFF BIG GUNS; TO SAVE TO NIP IN THE BUD WILSON IS PLEASED wavy:: Loo:r;!i i .1 . SECRET ;7SUC:iAQL CE L BASE ALONG COAST: ; IN BATTLE FOR Tllf WORLD'S SUPREMACY WINS FROM THE VON CORRUPT PLANS OF WITH WAY INDIANA IN RASFML ARENA---DODGERS BESTED TIRPITZ THEM FROM CAPTURE POLITICAL CROOK FOLKS TREATED HIM 111 M - i rats DAILY II ... I I. II . ' ' ? I v:-T fa mm " I " I GERMAN CHANCE'LOR STANDING OF THE CLUBS: Boston Brooklyn FINAL SCORE: JJoston . Brooklyn 'HAMILTON. Snort Boston, Oct. 12. The Boston Red Sox are on the verge of winning their fourth world's championship, Rwviim TViHcrera are on the brink of a base- ball eclipse. One more smash such as Thursday s, and the Superbas go down for the count. One little shove is all that is necessary to complete the tragedy- who put bush in Flatbush." Thursday wnen wey wexe u cann ed by half dozen rollicking sluggers, the1 Bostons proved their metal in the field, kicked their heels loose from the Dodgers' clutch. Within one game of the highest niche of baseball fame, the box are Thursday looked beaten when they left the field from a contest which started with such a flourish and wound up -a nf onino- Rtpnm. Their fisrhtinsr spirit Willi WHS SUUI1U Ui towcjy".-, lacked the punch, and when the fence the camel's oacK was Driven. SHORE AND PFEFFER ON MOUND TODAY. Manager Robinson la staking his last chance m VMter, and has the veteran receiving star. Chief Meyers behind the bat. Mana ger Carrigan depend upon Shore to do the trick for the Red Sox; Cady is catching. -v Not a scratch of any kind but a measly inexpensive error by Brooklyn was made in the initial frame of what is most likely to be the last of the 1916 championship series. UOTH SCORED IN SECOND. Brooklyn scored in her half of the second inning, and Won quickly tied np the score when her turn came. Score at end of inning one to one. BOSTON FORGES AHEAD BY TWO RUNS. Brooklyn was at the mercy of Shore in the third, and went the one-two-three route. Boston again got busy with the stick, and when the third down was made had piled up a two-run lead, making two hits in the inning. Score now 3 to 1 in Boston's favor. In the fourth neither side "hurt'?, the scoreboard. No runs, no hits, no errors was the count for the inning. BOSTON ADDS ANOTHER IN FIFTH. Brooklyn auJed one hit, but no scores in the fifth while Bos ton took kindly to two of Pfcffer's slants and tallied one. Score at end of inning 4 to 1 with Boston having the advantage. In the sixth Boston got a hit, but neither side was able to score. Brooklyn did likewise in the seventh, but there was nothing doing in the run-getting line. - Brooklyn failed to overcome th e lead in either the eighth or ninth try and the Boston Red Sox are again crowned as world champions. The score in this, the deciding game, was 4 to 1; the hits were 7 and 3, and the, errors 2 and 3 for Boston and Brooklyn, respectively. CHARITIES AWAY BEHIND, IN FUNDS FOR WINTER The United Charities may have to start a farm or something of the sort, according to friends of the organiza tion. There is not nearly enough money in the treasury for the pres ent needs, and the cold weather has not begun. Capt. M. Vendeville of the Salvation Army, J,vho is secretary of the Charities, admits that the or ganization owes him about $G5 loan ed of his own funds. New E'arn even New Bern, gives more than $1,000 a year for organized charity work, he states. NOBBING INSPECTION SHOULD BE HAD, SAYS Persona having plumbing -installed should for their, own protection -and other good reasons, apply for a cer tificate from the municipal employe, Inspector Conway. Mr. Conway men tors no , dissatisfaction over ." work done, but states that with sanitary installations in many houses recently tha residents should take more inter wt in the' matter of inspection. v DISTRICT MEETING OF - -RED MEN AT WASHINGTON. Washington, Ost.l3-A : district meetmg of the L O. R. JI. held here f Wednesday Bight W11 . attended by jramor from Goldsboro, : Kinston, Bern and other places, - Won 4 1 Lost 1 4 R. 4 1 ret .800 200 II. . 7 3 E Writer United Press) aeieruuucu ------ - " Gardner lifted his homer over WOULDN'T THIS TAKE ALL THE PEP. OUT OF A PERSEVERING REP.? "We are not here to say what we would have done, but merely, to rip thunder cut of the administration." Four Republican "speakers" who visited a point in the county Thurs day to "make addresses" mitfht have said something like that, or vthcy might not have. There is no telling what they might have said. They did not say anything. There wasn't any audience. True, the keeper of the store in the vicinity of which the spellbinding was to be pulled off was on hand, but he didn't have the time to turn loose everything and listen. He sold the orators two bottles of sody pop. Names are not mentioned. The au thority for this is not of the best Two Democratic politicians- tell the story; and no politician's word is to be valued any too highly in this sea son. The quartet of "rads." might set to and assert that they were only out looking at the crops, and there would be no positive evidence to off set their declarations. ' BAGGED BRACE OF DEER. Messrs. John Whitfield, R. L. Blow, Eugene Wood and Gwwge Suggs are back from a gunning ex pedition in the. Crostan section, re porting bagging two deer. Mr. Blow killed one of the deer and a negro who was with them the other, al though the official statement says "the party" leaving the darky oot of the roster. , r ;": Game .. 5 .. 5 Will Be No Clash With Am erica If He Can Help It, Said HAS , STRONG OPPOSITION Industrial Interests Would Resume Ruthless Subma rming England Must for Peace, Say the Cap talists 'u'jsseiuor.1, Uennany, Oct. 14. industrial leauors favor' a ruthlps submarine warfare, regnrdk's of tho nteicsts of the Unit-d States. Chan -ellor Von Bethmar.n-Holweig faco- he opposition of tho industrial inter 'st 3 o-;h in tho Rhino and Westfal- an provinces. Both are hotbeds of Von Tirpitaism. They are hoping to vm Von H.und?n!jerk to their side. rt uowover, incv are anvinns in mnin. ain peace with the United States. I"he millionaires of Germany are una limoim that there will lie no peace mtil England asks for hancHIor Holds High Cards. Amsterdam, Oct. 14. Chancellor Von Itcthmann-Holweijr has emerged ;om the submarine, controversy ma- erially strengthened by a victory vor advocates of unrestricted un I'lwater warfare, according to the Munich press. We will continue our policy with he support of the Kaiser and Von iindenburg.'he said. I9W THE DEMOCRATIC LINES RAN THURSDAY Raleigh, Oct. 13. Democratic cam ign speakers held forth in the State st night and yesterday as follows: Vt High Point, Governor Craig; at umbcrton, Congressman Godwin, .en- aging in joint deuatc witn nis op- cnont, McCaskill; at Jacksonville, J. '. Bailey; at Tarboro, Nominee for ovcrncr Bickett; at Laurinburg, ongire.'sman rager A numoer cit ther orators enlivened tha day at arious places, from whom there was report. MRS. THRASH REELECTED. Gastonia, Oct.13. Mrs. Jacksie laniels Thrash of Tarboro was re- ected President of the State Daugh- rs of the American Revolution at he annual convention here yesterday afternoon, 'XGS JEM: Have Lost 500 Since Begin ning of the Allied Offensive ITALIANS MAKE BIG GAIN Cadorna and Armies In the Near East Exerting Pres sure on Austro-Germans to Save Roumania Fail ing, Says Berlin By HENRY WOOD. (United Press Staff Correspondent) With the French Armies on the Cranio, Oct. 13. The Germans have withdrawn their heavy guns from one tj five miles behind the Somme front Al ien aviators have discovered m veeent nicrhts. The withdrawal was to save the pieces from capture. In recint infantry da.-h? into the Ger- .mn l'nej, many heavy gnus wero apturfd before they could be with drawn. The Germans now have 2100 guns .:n thirty mules ct the bomme iront, igi'n?t 2,500 us;d in the V.nlun of fensive. Twelve hundred and fifty sre opposing tho French advance: 850 are opposing the British. More than roO guns have been cap'.ured frora he G'ii'vipns since the Allies' offen ive started. Italian Gain Admitted. Vienna. Oct. 13. Tho Italians have iraincd six miles south cf Goritz in a iolent offensive on the Carso, says an official statement, but left 2 700 risoners in Austrian hands. Berlin Statement Optimistic. Barlin, Oct. 13. The new Italian rive on the Isonzo launched for the purpose of relieving Austrian pres sure on Roumania, has utterly failed in its purpose, says a Visnna dis patch. The Austrians blocked the repeated attacks with the summoning a single reprimert from other fronts. E'ritish and Serbian attacks in Ma cedonia, intended to divert the Bul garian offensive in Roumania, like wise have failed. Falkenhayn's drive through Transylvania for the inva sion of Roumania is expected to deal a crushing blow to that country. British Gain. London, Oct. 14. The British ad- vanced on a front extending from Guedecourt to Lesbouofs, "a mite and a half." in severe fighting north of! the Scmme, last night, On Haig re- ports, uains were also made nortn- KEVER iMPFFi-M sv'3-r.i 1 r-zii t-f --J I - r (Tfy the United Press) Washington, Oct. 14. Charges of widespread election frauds in a scare of American -ciUea, mostly dn Ohio. Michigan and Indiana, are under in vestigation by the Department of Jus tice. The department hopes to dis pose of the cases before the coming elections to prevent any planned cor ruptions. KIDNAPPED BOY'S BODY IS FOUND IN A SACK East St. Louis, Oct. 14.-The headless body of Alphonso Ma gadan, three-year-wld son of A. I). Magadan, "King of Litth Ar menia," was found in n' sack near Magadan's home today. The boy was kidnapped ten dnys ago. VICTOR BRYANT COMING Victor Bryant, a former State Sen- The pair Association calls atten ator from Durham, will make a Hem- ! t;.m to t,.3 fact that five admission ocratic address here on next Friday t-?5tts for the fall's big event are night, the 20th, Democratic County ;,ow all saic at all drug stores in the iChairman Cowper announced Thurs- t.:ty. xh prices are liberal. Card day evening. J boards for adults retail service -at r a wholesale price sell for only 1.50. west of Guedecourt. English Use Armored Cars. London, Oct. 13 Pushing thi'ir pa- j 'els eastward from the captured towns of Prosenik and Topolova, the British are rfconnoitcring in armor ed cars. The Bulgars are opposing! thtm with considerable force. iStiff kncea, aching limbs, lame back make life a burden. If you suffer from rheumatism, gout, lumbago, neuralgia, get a bottle of Sloan's Lin :;nent, the universal remedy for pain. Ea.iy to apply; it penetrates without rubbing and soothes the tender flesh. Cleaner and more effective than mus- sy ointments or poultices. For sprains, sore muscles or wrenched lig aments resulting from strenuous ex ercise, Sloan's Liniment gives quick relief. Keep it on hand for emer gencies. At your druggist, 25c. adv. , ci .- V . 1 :Hmi jr .n . t r"X'vvr w vv v Rough Riding in Buffalo BiU-101 Ranph Wild Wc:t r: Saturday (By the United Press) Harrisburg, Oct. 14. The Presi dent swung homeward through Re publican Pennsylvania today, well pleased with his Indiana reception. Indiana is still believed to be an un certain quantity. The President em phasized two points there, thai he is igainst such issue as "sectionalism" i land his gratification over the aceom- 'piisnmems oi congress, sucn as nei ' rural credits and Federal Reserv I acts FIVE FAIR TICKETS SEINE SOLD FOR A DOLLAR AND A HALF Chil!rcu und'T 12 get the five admis iens m cue piece of five-ply fori 7 cents. Miiny a person attended the fah last year as many as half a doset, '.'r,ie;. Racing fans, especially, wort tVctvient: s of the grounds. Some the3e fivcd money by taking advprx 'r.j'e of the association's buy-in-bull proposition. The fj-admissian ticke' is expected tc" bo even more popular vesk aft;!- next. FrolaViy 175 bales of cotton hajt been s..!J hero Friday by 3 p. m ic ranged from 16 3-4 to 17. ;cw York futures quotations were; Open 2:4t January 17.35 17.64 Marrh 17.48 17.Cr May 17.62 17.71 July 17.68 Octcbc':- 17.18 17.52 December 17.40 17.00 Officers Believed to ' Ilavii Been Tipped Off As to Location 1 . DESTROYERS DASIM0 SZA Will Scour, -Whole Shore line Daniels Says No Reason to Believe a Base Exists, But All ; Reports Investigated , ; : (By th United Pnn) f Newport, Oct' 14.-The radio station received a report from an unknown steamer today that h had sighted the submarine U-53 of Nantucket Shoals at 7 o'clock ' this morning. i 1 v, ' Washington, Oct 14. A tuspicion hat a belligerent government might e maintaining: a - naval, base -on the Ulantic coast of the United-bites to-lay-caused the sodden dasai of des royers from Newport. it is admitted y Secretary Daniels.' -'They will cour the coast -as far north as East )ort, Maine, near tho Canadian bor !or, in search of possible secret eub narino bases and wirolcss stations. "We have no reaon( to pellee any . elligerent is maintaining a, base, on? ur shores,'.' said Mr. Daniels, "How- .vcr, wa will investigate all report., -"he deparU-nent-has- received m num er of such reports. - .,.,' i The order for th" sudden--trip to ea.. howover, wa3T made by -Admiral ifayo oq his own JnHiatdve. ' It is be ieved that Newport naval ' officers vcre "tipped" off as to the. location f such a base. Agents-of the us ice Department and the cbaafguard orvice are co-operating in the search.