The Home Paper -! .77, Cloudy. Tt TwUriN Today VOL. XVIII. No. 91 FIRST EDITION KINSTON, N.C, SATURDAY, OCTOBg R14, 1916 SIX PAGES TODAY - .'PRICK TWO -CENTS FIVE CENTS ON TRAINS PASS COUNTRY; DEFENSE STIFFENING UP Strong Counters Hurl Germans Back On Eastern Fron tier Constantino Stands lies In Face of Pressure ists Awaiting More of Agains Central Powers, Said Will Let' Teutons Con 'quer Roumania and Invade His Codntry Before Open ingmostilities, Believed kans (By the United London. Oct'. 14 The attempted German invasion Ked l ower f ass, ana nave driven oac ieuiun aui a cuu m'dnrahlfi distance from the border, according to Buch arest dispatches. General hav0 been checked everywnere along me souinern iran svlvania frontier. , On the eastern frontier the Germans were thrown hark hv fctroner counter attacks. Elsewhere the Rouman ian resistance is stiffening. The Balkan fighting is . British are on the outskirts despite the pressureb the Germans wiJl overrun Roumania , within a fortnight and invade Greoce. In that event he will join the Allies. Germans Take Town, Lose It. Paris, Oct. 14. The Germans reoccupied the village of Ablaincourt after a violent attack preceded by a screen screen of fire, south of the Somme last night. An offi cial statement says the French immediately counter at tacked, driving the Teutons out of their positions. Austrian Losses Heavy. Rome, Oct 14. Conservative estimates put the Aus trian losses at 'thirty thousand in the last two weeks of f.jrhting on the Parso Plateau. Mlied Casualties Great. Berlin, Octr 14. One million six hundred thousand of Anglo-French troops have been annihilated on the Somme front in' three months and a half, says a semi-official re port. . " ' ' ' . By MARGARET MASON, (Written for the United Press) Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, Sept. 12. (By Mail) The E'ay of Naples may brag of its necklace of diamonds, but n the harbor of Rio de Janeiro at right the bay is belted with diamonds and Sugar Loaf mountain even boasts cf a tiara. Elactric lights are real ly superfluous as first adds to "beauty here. Even the roseate splendor of .1 sun swooning in a crimson sea, the gold equlgcnce of a harvest moon or the gleam of amyriad tropic stars ' can enhance no further the already exquisite charm of this South Amer ican Dream ""'ty. ' With a lavish and partial hand na ture has poured all her splendors, at Rin's feet. Colorful mountains' of rock jut abruptly out of a sapphire sja whose waves kiss sands as white as alabaster. Verdantpalm fringed val'ejrs shimmer at the Vase of jun gle covered hills. Irrddescent hum ming birds and gorgeous butterflies feast at the hearts' of vivid tropic blooms and sassy little swallows and blue and green Brazil birds play tagj in the sunshine of Rio's' midwinter. ; Surely, Rio deserves he palm when when it comes to natural beauty and shD got it, oo, whent ,.';'. and got it, too, when Dom John VI. ft Portugal brought the first fcnpcr il palm from the Isle de 'France m 1808 and planted it ' where :1t now ; stands, rearing , its lofty royal 'head ; high above the (Botanical Garden . Thanks to Dom John, these are pal ay days with many palmy ways in Rio now. Massy rubber trees 'spread their glossy dark green leaves In- a reckless profusion '.. that would cause ny well regulated Brooklynite '' t swoon, with envy,- Br ides may. pick their own orange blossoms . and' ban anas row in the backyards.4 Marie Cahill wouldn't hare to take much of stroH here to ring "Under the Bam- I xo Tree," with a natural atage set I ung. Out in the Botanical Garden. however, you find the moat beautiful bamboo break of an, IX w person ally conducted through the. garden to languages r- : ' -.Aonio Gama is the ame at my versatile young Brazilian guide and fde from hit native Portuguese, he acquired his knowledge French, Uerrnan, Italian, Spanish and Eng Mfc - night school. This linguistic ;Tfl;MEfFFEeTIM'LY Firm In- Refusal to Join Al Brought by the Revolution An Excuse to Align Greece Harder Fighting In the Bal Press) ' , Roumanians have halted the of Roumania south of the Falkenhayen is reported to increasing in violence. The of Seros, King Constantine. Venizelos movement, contin- ability is not uncommon among the am'bi'tiioua young working men of E'razii. And they are always most politos and oblligring. Just imagine how delighted we North Americaru wculd be if our subway , guards and street car conductors could' even speak English as for their ever dc ing polite and obliging ;this is too Utopian a. dream. In the botanical garden Antonio was always turning over a new leaf and I was alternately presentel with cne redolent of lemon, camphor, tur pentine, and cinnamon. I emerged hcttlwards clutching a sprig of sen sitive plant in one hand a spray of Young Hyson in the other. Ilotelwards for me means to take a trolley the heart of the town and r'de for twenty-five minutes and six miles of beautiful views to the Hotel Internacional ',up on the mountains of Santa Thsreza. The International isn't just a hotel. It's a half way house to heaven. Out of my bed rocm window is a scene fit for the gods. Mere humans aren't satisfied with it, however, for with bland dis regard for gravitation and danger, have airily swung a cable up to Bear Mountain and (from thjre another to the tiiptop of Sugar Loaf mountain, 1400 feet right out'of the sea to see. If you have' the nerve a car on this cable . swings you out over eternity to Sugar Loaf's 'Summit ' and from there you get a swett little view. For still insatiable ones a cog roa.i will give an' uplift 2300 feet to the top of Corcovade, which 1s' good Por tuguese for "Hunchback Here you have indeed reacted the .height of perfection in the view line. .The Bra zilian may agree that you cant im prove on nature but his frenzied at tempts to at least 'compets with it are Shown in the fantastic effects of the architecture her. 4 ? (Back o an Italian' comparison wher we started, yon may aay "See Naples and Pie," but I suggest "See Rio and Take a New Lease on life." ; GULFPOBT EXPOSITION. Mobile, Alv Oct 14v la the preeenre of Goreraor Bilbo and . other prominent . Misslssippiana, ground was today brokra at Golf port, for a minion dollar ceatea Bial exposiUoa. ' . BELIEVED MW WILL IE RECALLED Officials at Washington Be lieve Order Will Be .Tssu ed Shortly After Interna tional Commission Rend ers Repor Asbury Park, N. J., Oct 14. Con- ditions In Northern Mexico are im proving so that the governmont will soon relieve more militiamen now on the border, President Wilson today declared in a letter to Governor Whit man cf New York Ths need, how ever, still oxists for the troops. Soon as Commission Reports. It IsThouEht. Washington, Oot. 14. The militia will be recalled from the border as soon as the Mexican commission re norts, is a belief h'sre in official ,cir. cles. CHARLESTON LIKELY TO BECOME BIG COAL PORT Charleston, S. 'C. October 13 Ccn-t ruction cf the Southern Rail way's modrn export coal tipple hav : ... l y-,1 , i .... ing maae "unanesion avauabJe aa a :on pert, the first year of its opera tion has closed with a record which promises great expansion and pros perity for the city. Dm-mg the year when there was an bnormal scarcity of ships, 98 steam ships hav taken coal from the Sou thcn'.i Charleston pier for movement overseas, 7 taking cargo. 14 cargo ar.d bunker, and 77 bunker only. Of e cargo, 14 moved to Cuba 5 to iS. America, an dl to Spain. The export movement amounted to 3,123 tons while 0,048fi tons were unkered. There was a coaslwide 149,464 tons of coal dumped over the 46,255 tons, making a 'total of er. In addition 2,006 tens of iron ore and 2,114 tons of coke were ex-! ported. ACCUSE ROUMANIAN SOLDIERS HUMAN ACTION AT FOGARES Berlin, Oct 14. Drunken Rouma nian soldiers rounded i . the German population of Fogares, in Transylva nia, and drove them into the- river Alt, says an official report from Vi enna. Those who tried '.b reach land were driven back into the water. All German and Hungarian shops in Fo gares wero looted, it is said. tixT mm 'i-i . : .1 . hi k "ScS A. MOBLE ( OF iOKtSflrt NORFOLK PREPARES FOR ROAD TO CAPE FEAR PORT Will Onen Office at Wilming ton Soon for the Kins ton Line . SEARCHING FOR TERMINAL Company Gets Ready, for Compfetion of Promising New Route South From Here Will Be An Impor tant Road ' ' The Norfolk iSouthern Railroad is preparing tjoopen up a brancn oince at Wilminglfn, k is reponled i The Dispatch ofjhat city has the follow ing to say: f I ' . ' l ' e 'An effiee! -will h.7stauliahed fln Wilmington Si the first of the year by -Ihn NorfoTM 'Sou-thefn Railway, t-S handle the affjirs of the company In with the final extension of the : ail road which is now being built cm K;nstjn. through TJuplin coun ty, to this city, according to current rumors. It is also underistocd that hi Norfolk Southern is. already M oarch rf terminal property here. "Work is under way on the lino rom Kinston to s point in iDuplin county and report from the Kinston wtion have ti that tho company financing the proposition is closely af- filiated v!.h the Norfolk Southern and that the railroad will he extende to deep water at Wilmington. The linf from Dunlin county is to be built on the eaa' aid qf the Northeast riv er, which is nrf, section cf agricull ural country and is not served by a railroad at present. "Eonds were recently voted in one thr townships in Duplin county to aid in buldng (he line and it is under stood that similar movements will be launched in Ponder county at an early date - "The-e has existed a .line from Kin ston to Pink Hill, Duplin county for srme tim? and this is now foeinjr ex itended in a point near the Pender line. Passenger service is being fur nished to a point beyond Pink Hill. It is known that the Norfolk Southern has long bren desirous of extending a line from Kinston toward Deep wat er At Wilmjrtgton." NO IRISH CONSCRIPTION. London', Oct. 13. The Irish au thorities declare conscription in Ireland is unfeasible at present. The Irish wish to be on the same basis as the colonies. NEVER Cm TALKINC - ABOUr IS -!'' 2- ...? -V'J'J "'! .-. A LABORER HIMSELF Miner Roosevelt Carries tJnion Cards With Him to Wilkes Barre nughes Takes a ' Fling at the Tariff ' , . , Hj J. P. YODER. (United Press Staff Correspondent) Now York Oct. 14. Col. Roosevelt left New York today for a second quick thrust before he starts his big cfftrisivs In the interests of the .Re publican party. He speaks tonight at Wilkea Barre, Paa, to a gathering of miners. .lis returns -Sunday, leaving for his west ern swing Tuesday. He will attack the Adatnson eight-hour law, . al though an advocate of r!ght-hour leg- Lislation, )He will not speak as an ex- President far a presidential . candi date, but only to his "fellow mem bers" of the mine workers' union. ' He wSH tako .his .membership card along, also a card -showing him to be , an. honorary mamber of the Railway brotherhoods in good standing. On the present .trip the Colonel ad mittedly wjll attempt .'to itarn (he title of the labor vote. He is expect ed to prcba deeply into the past rec ords cf Wil?on and Hughes, and wilj attsmpt to show the latter to be the firmer friend of the laboring man Hughes in Combative Mood. On Uard the Hucrhes Train. In : Swing Across the Nebraska Prairies, Uet. la. Jtandiuai.e Hughes today .struck vige'eusly at the Democratic lauu anu ciica- a solemn warning) against .evil days after the war, If the policy of "tariff for revenue on ly" "s continued. He is in fine ficht- .'g;Vwm. - i , COTTON CONSUMPTION im RHAarrn prfiTWsnrn 111 lUUll 111 CLrlEiliDtn ' j Washington, Oct. 14 Cotton con mo coaojT sumod an September mk'3, s-rair.jt 498.738 in Sentemher. 1015, says a Department of Com- merco report Really Transfer. B. S. Creech and wife to E. M. Best and wife, 'i-r acres of. land, $100. b .','-. pi; Scene ironvRc in Hoodat'tbe' Grand Theatre Next S:-lr.' IVyiEPARTMEWKOTCEASEiTIIE'; SEARCH FOR GERiN 11-53 AGAIN IN ACTION OFF D.r S.: CMj By the United Washington, v Oct 14.Reports indicate that the scare hby United States destroyers for a secret' naval base on the Atlantic coast is likely to be a prolonged one. :v No trace of such a base the coast is to be thoroughly' combed; it is stated at th Navy Department before the search is called oli. U-53 Reported Sighted, - - Boston, Oct K German to have been sighted off the ing an unidentified Dutch steamer. V Radiograms. from in' bound steamers apparently corroborate this. ; ' Bovic Sighted One. t , , s '. . New York, Oct 14. A westbound submarine . was sighted yesterday by the White Star liner Bovic, accord ing to- statements by omcers. NEGROES IEING XARRIEB NORTH TO VOTE, 1 IS ALLEGATION WORRYING DEMOCRATIC i cnrnc it itoiiriif niiN;iimcOTiciT! (Dy the Un'tcd Press) ' . ' . Washington, Oct 14. Department of Justice is inves-, tigHing reports that negroes. are being brought by the thousands from the South to Northern States to partici pate in the November elections. .Widespread election frauds in different sections of the country are allegqd, Negro colonization is worrying Democratic leaders; NDESTH OF COL F. B. ARANDELL AT RALEIGH Jtaleigh, Oct. ll-Col. F. B Aren- dell, one of the State's best-knowri men'-and a resident of this cRy. died ' here ccterday following a stroke of,., He was horn In i6 in ...... .. i : Wake couiityt.. He was a newspaper nun of wide experience and at one t mc was with tho News and Observer here. He had been a manager of the Statu prison. He was famous as a pom cai wntcr. ine lunerai was held 'today. Church Business Meeting, An important business session will be held m the iFirst Baptist church Sunday morning immedjately. after the close of the regular service. BASE' VETrlSf 'if' Press) has yet been, discovered, b submarine U-53 is reported Massachusetts coast pursu jjFT' I. Sutton deceived"' the fekgram Friday , tvenipjfi ' 'Three invitation for T. C, ' oonvsnticn JW7. tJCinstoh wins. f "DELEGATES FROM KINSTON " 6 WViich '-heana"Ahait' at " Gastonia, wher,e thf nnual State' meeting has 1. R ,n Pess.nne -xvortn nrotina United Daughters, tff, the Confederacy Friday afternoon voted to hold their net conventioa Tiere. 'dther cempetHors were unan- nounced. , -i f - Thcte are probably several thou- sand mcmorrs oi .xn u u. s. in North Carolina. They embrace much'; of the. ."best in; the Commonwealth's wc manhood. The local membership ia quite large. Mra, Felix Harvey of this city was among .those who took leading parts at ths Gastonia asssem-x blage x i . V