THIS '..v' .'"' '-.) -r a' DAILY The Home Pape' f. ' Cloud Tonight VOL. XVIII.-No. 93 SECOND EDITION KINGTON, N. C- T TUESDAY; OCTOBER 17, 1916 PRICE TWO CENTS'" 1 FIVE CENTS' ON TRAINS FOUR PAGES TODAY MAJORITY LEADER IITCIIIN SPEAKS TO DEMOCRATiS OF LENdlR COU COURTHOUSE HERE; A ROUSING ADDRESS OSBORNE BELIEVES GERMANS MMPT'G R0FIMNO1IAY GO TO TEDDY TAKES THAI SRIHONS VILL LEAD & THERE IS NO HUMAN TO DRIVE A WEDOE CHAIR ON EVIDENCE TO HAKE MOUNTAINS nFf.illl.lMTII. IIAI I V I TOO BAD TO EXIST INTO ENEMY FRONT OF CONDEMNED MAN HUGHES MOLEHILLS IN LENOIR COU The "big gun" of the Democratic t fired Tues- Claude day Afternoon wnen noa ir:..w fl,r leader of the majority party in the National House of Rep: relatives and, incidentally, Con gressman from this, the Second dis trict, spoke in the Courthouse in Kinston. Mr.. Kitchin's coming had been well advertised and admiring friends from Lenoir and adjoining counties were on hand to bid him welcome, and 'hear hk 'report" of the greaff stewardship of Democracy. Many Republicans were present, in cluding Mr. W. O. Dixon, candidate of his party in opposition to Mr. Kit chin. Mr. Dixon replied to a jocu lar remark tendering him a division of time, prior, to .the speaking, that he would prefer a division of votes. The Atlantic Coast Realty tympa ny's band furnished the music and led the procession to the Courthouse. County Chairman G. V. Cowper introduced Mr. James A. Powers, of the local bar, who in turn present ed Mr. Kitchin. Mr. Powers paid -w- in Mr. Kitchin's abil- glffWUlg Sy- " ityand service, referring to IAiA mmioritv Dlled UP for the Mr. Kitchin in' his campaign when op posed ,by Mr. Mitchell. Mr. JCitchin was received with loud applause. He prefaced his address with ' word of appreciation for the loyal support given him by Lenoir county. He recalled that when last he made a political address in Kins ton it was during the Simmons-Kitch-in campaign, and he expressed his pbasure at now being the speaker rf the united party, and that he could report that he and Senator Simmons were now working shoulder to shoul der for the cause. uMr. Kitchin drew an audible smile at the expense of Mr. Dixon and other Republicans present, when he said that if any of them were search ed a copy of the Butler pamphlet would be found. Mr. Dixon smilingly retorted that "he was mistaken." Mr. Kitchin took the Republican speakers to task for their criticism of the "extravagance" of the Democrat ic party. He gave figures to show how the Democratic party had in creased the (appropriations for ttbe old soldiers and for educational pur poses, and defied the Republicans to raise a voice 01 complaint against either expenditure. Mr. Kitchin paid glowing tribute to Dr. J. Y. Joyner, Superintendent of Public Instruction of North Caro lina, saying that no other superin tendent in any other State of the Uior had done as much for educa tion as had he. Only one State in the Union was now educating its chil dr:i ai cheaply as was North Caro lina d?ing under Dr. Joyner's admin istration. He said the United States Census showed that North Carolina has enrolled more boys and girls in Its public schools than any other. Referring to - (Republican criticism of State Treasurer Ben Lacy, he said the chief criticism was that ey had kept money in the State banks and had not required interest on balances. Mr. Kitchin' affirmed that no State had ever collected such mterest and further that the United States Treasurer never collected such Interest in spite f the fact that un- si a i wspuoiican control millions of r"iT the people's money had een on loan to the banks in Wall Sfcwt North Carolina had since January i, tffr hlMj mM T !-e, and it was the first fwte to doo-a Democratic State. Etehin said he would not ho tt the good Republicans in his M'ence by detailing the misappro J"tton;of State fund, in North J-wolina tinder their control, but that - necessary; to nod some of the penitentiary. .7 ; , .A UttU fun 'wag injected at thia Jt When ; M. Etchi,, wferred the crowd out ocd tallow; i every 't except yolitic. n4 m m W0drow WiW Mr. JXM ! S for Mr. Kitchin 1 Wilsrat ' IT. i . ! Hkge. v , ep we ajoss ma ana iunsion . tiign scnoot toiored npror wit,h. th goodglee dubs, and an interesting aum- A Jke Ud-on Mr. ber by the city Grammar School, Dixon enlivened" things. Mr. Kit chin told of a speech he made in (Hookerton some , years ago. When he declared that every woman was a Democrat whether her husband was or not, Mr. Dixon said his was not, and later when Mr. Kitchin was din nir at the home of the Dixons, he referred to the matter, and Mrs. Dix on took her husband to task for say ing she was a Republican, In speaking of national issues he declared there was not an issue be tween the parties; in spite of Mr. Hughes' splendid character and great ability as a platform man, he had failed to find an issue which would enthuse his followers. He spoke of the vain attempt of Mr. Hughes to makj an issue of the tariff, the in junction, Federal trade commission, the Federal reserve act, etc. The Eight-Hour Law. The only issue that Mr. Hughes was sticking to was the eight-hour law, said he. Mr. Kitchin went into the history of the Adamson law, which averted a nation-wide catastro phe a general tie-up of the rail roads at some length, directing at tention to the fact that many Re publicans in the House .had voted for it and the Republican Senators had been afraid to assume the respon sibility of delaying the legislation,! and although all but two had voted against the law they had not raised a voice to delay the vote; and in spite of which Mr. Hughes was try ing to make an issue of the eight hour law,he had not yet condemned it. Mr. Kitchin touched on the tolls act, the preparedness legislation, the ship aubsidy bill and other matters upon which he had differed with Mr. Wilson, but said he had agreed with him on so mary more important mat ters that nr w he was supporting Mr. Wilson as earnestly as he could. Mr. Wilson Peace Apostle, Drawing a graphic picture contrast between this peace abiding country and the terrible conditions of Mexico and war-torn Europe, fee scribed to Mr. Wilson's great leadership the maintenance of peace in America and declared that d( vote for Wilson was a vote for peace on earth and good will to men. iJNo party has ever fulfilled its promises, as has the Democratic par ty- Mr. Kitchin closed by referring to 17-cent cotton under Democratic ad mrrustration as evidence of the ex plosion of another old-time "bugbear" of Republicanism. BULLETINS (By the United Press) STORM IN CARIBBEAN SEA. Mobile, Ala., Oct 17 Shipping of all kinds,, including a hundred fishing smacks, scurried back to Gulf port today following reports of a dangerous storm heading northward from the Caribbean Sea. There is fear for a num ber of tramp freighters bound for Europe. ' 1 FIGHTING IN NEW SECTOR. London, Oct 17 The British advanced north pf Ancre last night, entering trenches west of Serre, General Haig reports. . Since the beginning of the Son me offensive there bad been no fight ing on this front The fall of r Thiepval opened the way to the f .. advance, . "-. CHILDREN'S PROGRAM FOR FAIR SCHOOL DAY Supt of Schools Kater Curtis on Tuesday announced a tentative pro gram for the exercises to be bold at the Fair Grounds on next Wednesday School Day. The exercises will be commenced at 10 a. ml' A band se lection will star the program off. There will be song numbers by chil dren of th itv PrtmsrT- firfinnl. th -.-.. . . . . . . Sets Himself Up As Con sulting Engineer for Pri son Officials Certain His Method Will Prevail Some Day By GEORGE MARTIN, (United Press Staff Correspondent) (New York, Oct. 17. Out as "hon or system warden oi bin?: amg. Thomas Mott Osborne is Mtablisfoed in Jew York as "consulting engi neer" on prison reform to any penal institution in the world. His 'ser vices are free. "1 am still convinced there are no bad men in the world," he said to day. "I mn sure my method is right Some day it will be the only one used." 'You think Dr. Arthur Warren Waito, who confessed to murdering his wife's parents, is a pood man?" jie was asked. 'I think Waite is insane, excea sively abnormal. I studied Waite in the death house. He is unique. He is not even of a type, he is one in a generation." "But should he die in the electric chair?" he was asked. "I would not kill anybody. Waite should be locked up for life. But Waite's case stands alone. In all but these isolated instances the honor system is a complete success. Its enemies cannot hurt it. Whether I am in Sing Sing or in my grave, it will go right on 7 OPENING DAY OF F.MR A TOBACCO HOLIDAY The Tobacco Board of Trade makes next Tuesday opening day of the Fair a holiday. All warehouses will be closed for the occasion and as many (planters as can be commu nicated with are being notified of the fact. HIS OPPONENT SAYS KITCHIN'S a mm MAN THAN PHESSD'T Congressman Claude Kitchin never had a bigger compliment than was paid him here Wednes day. W. O. Dixon, the G. O. P. nominee for Mr. Kitchin's job, was hero to hear the famed Halifax man speak. Mr, Dixon is not entertaining any hope; he is a truthful Republican and asserts that he is not a politician. He knows and likes the Floor Lead er, he says. "I consider Mr. Kit chin the biggest Democratic Con gressman from North Carolina, and a bigger man than President Wilson,, the Hookerton "candi date" stated. FIFTH OF MILLION POUNDS OF TOBACCO About 200,000 pounds of tobacco was sold here Tuesday, according to warehouse estimates. The total may have surpassed those figures by a lit tle margin. Individual warehouse reports ranged from 25,000 to 70,000. Prices were a little stronger than last week. CAROLINA, YOITRE A SWEET; SWEET LAND Calumet, Mien., "Oct 16. The hea viest snowstorm of any autumn in the last ten yean preya'Ded in' this sec tion of the copper country today.' At noon two inches had fallen. . Lake Superior shipping was forced to seek shelter.' "--.; Hope to Divide Russian and Roumanian Armies and Crush New Ally HARD FIGHTING IN EAST Great Battles In Progress at Number of Points, Includ ing One On Roumanian Soil Dobrudja Situation Unchanged (By the United Press) ' Petrograd, Oct. 17. Tho Aus-tro-German offensive near tho Roumanian frontier and south of Boma Vatra has been checked, it is said officially. London, Oct. 17.r-What is believed to bo the beginning of Von Hinden- oergs widely heralded campaign to crush Roumania, was launched with the inauguration of a great new of fensive near the northwestern fron tier of Roumania. The Teutons are aiming to drive a wedge between the Russian and Roumanian armies. Strong Teutonic forces are attacking the Russian front in South Bukowi na. 'near the junction of the two arm ies. The German war office announced that the Russians were driven back at this point. The Roumanians are falling back upon their own frontier. Southwest of 'Kronstadt the Teutons are attacking in great force, witih heavy fighting on Roumanian soil. The situation in Dobrudja is unchang ed, ssy official statements from all capitals. FATHER DEAD. Dr. George Korncgay is in receipt ; of a telegram announcing the death at uevetand. Miss., of his father-m-. law, Mr. Matthews. Mrs. Kome-; America's Sense of Fair Play m Case of Albania While the people of the United States have been sending thirty mil lion dollars' worth of relief to Eu rope and Turkey, two hundred thous and women and children in Albania have died of starvation. while each woman and cnud in Belgium has had plenty to ea', wam en and thildren in Albania have gnawed at tho fa readies of dead hcrrer in the rtreets. s William Willard Howard of New York, who ha rtturned from his third trip to this hunger tone of Eu rope, predicts that lbe entire pooula tion of Albania will die of famine and pestilence unle33 helped. "He say that in Albania corn is fifty !ollarj a bwhel, flour eighty dollars a Tack, and macaroni five dollar? a pound. "The tragedy of Albania." tay Mr. Howard, "is that a nation 1j dy ing of hunger, while he people of the United States, laden with rift. for the rest of Europe and for Tur key, pass by on the other side. "Thirty millions of dollars have teen given by the people of the Unit ed States for relief work of various kinds In Belgium, Poland, Armenia, Syria and the warring countries of Europe, while two hundred thousand women and children in Southeastern Europe have starved to death un heeded and uncared for. Not one woman or child has died of hunger in Belgium; two hundred thousand fR AlfaanJg.' y ..-; : "Is it fair (s it human that the innocent women and children of Al bania,' who- never did anyone any harm, should be trampled under foot and left to perish, at a time when all other are fed? ' ' "Is this American fair playT "I have appealed for help in high places. I have- begged a erast cf bread of those v. have given mil lions to rY.a, Toland, Ans-'; Being Tried In New York For Murder of Political Enemy Montimagno Is Brought from the Death House fo Testify (By the United Press) New York, Oct. 17. Out of Sing Sing's death house to give evidence that may bring another there, weas el-eyed little Gaeteno Montimagno today testified against Michael A. Ro- frano, charged with murder. Rofra no, a broken 'boss of little Italy and former deputy street cleaning commissioner of New York City, is on trial for killing Mike Gaimarl, i political enemy. Montimagno says Rofrano gav him $300 and a dirk to stab Oaima: to ieatn. Montimagnon will give more testimony before he goes back through the little green door of the death house. OVERMAN DECLARES THE COUNTRY'S SAFE Durham, Oct. 16. -Based upon re ports from the Western and Middle Atlantic States that have been sent him by distinguished Congressmen, and political observers, Senator Lee S. Overman, in an address before 850 ait Trinity College tonight, predicted the re-election of Woodrow Wilson. The tide has turned within ten days, according to the North Carolina Sen- ator, and a notable communication was divulged from Senator Walsh of Montana, in which he told of the drift "Wilsonward" in the far Western States. The Trinity WilsonJBickett Club organized tonight with 450 charter members. 'trnv nn.,4 j.-ii v t arrived a few hours nrsvlouslv. Mr. Matthews was 55 years of age. and Syria. 1 have begged in vain. "The Albanians are as much enti tled to ympathy and help as others. They hsvc not taken part In the war. They fed and fheltewd the refugees from Servia. even with he last meas ure of corn jtYu be fsmine-rmitten villages possessed. They have not done any wrong; yet armlej have fwept over their country, taking what could be found to take, leaving to the f tarving women and children only tJhe carcams of dead horses in the strectH. "I ark only American fair play for the famlhird children cf Albania. I ask of alt fsir-minded men and-women in the United States: Why should the Albanian! three hundred thous and of whem are Christian be left to starve, while we press forward, in generous rivalry, to feed the others? The Albanians are more numerous then the Armenians; yet we feed the Armenians andjlet the Albanians ctarve. "Having appealed to deaf ears in high plsces, I now appeal to the plain peoplel-to fair-minded men and women who would not let even a dog starve to death, no matter what his breed. 1 1 want to go back to Albania with a shipload of food. I have ar ranged tor a ship a new American ship, Just launched and fitted for sea. The ship Is ready, and waiting . "A number of distinguished gentle, men in New York mostly clergymen and editors af newspapers wai co operate in an appeal for a relief car go for the ship. The treasurer se lected to receive contributions ia the Rev. 'Frederick Lynch, D. D.,'edHor of The Christian Work and secretary of the Carnegie Church Peace Union. Contributions in any amount from th e price of a loaf of bread upward r te sent to the Balkan "He"., f I T3 n.'lh avenue, New Yoi'c Colonel to Rip Things Wide Open In Five States Nu - . ..j . .... . . .;. - merous Chances to Earn Publicity Tackles Ken tucky Hard (By the United Press) New York, Oct 17. Republicanism today drew out for play its left bow erTheodore Roosevelt. The Colon el left this morning for a big west ern trip. H speaks in five States- Kentucky. Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Illinois. .Roosevelt's greatest effort will be in Kentucky, where he is scheduled to make thirteen stops before swoop ing down upon Louisville, the first real offensive point of the tour. Of fensive is meant both ways. The Colonel said he intends to make that way for the Democrats. He re turns October 28. SAYS ALLIES NEVER WILL BREAK GERMAN DEFENSE IN " SOUHE (By the United Press) Berlin, Oct. 17. The "tragedy of the Somme seems near a climax" said some official today in reporting the frightful French and British los ses in the recent attempt to pierce the German lines north of the Somme. It is becoming more and more prob able that the French, and English will bleed to death on an unshaka ble German front, just as the Russi ans were in Galicia. ' LANSING WILL NOT BE ON STUMP IN CAMPAIGN (By the United Press) Washington, Oct. J7, Secretary of State Lansing today came out against injecting foreign, issues into domes tic politics, in announcing that h will not take the stump during the campaign. WANT HOUSEWIVES TO EXHIBIT BREAD, ETC. Pantry and Dairy Department of the Fair Calls for Large Display of Flour Products Comprehensive Premium List Overs Wide Varie ty of Articles The Pantry and Dairy Department of the Kinston Fair Association ask that bread, biscuit, and other things in that line be given particular at tention by prospective exhibitors at next week's event. It is hoped to have an especially fine display of such things. Directors of the de partment are Mesdames iR. W. Woot en, H. F. Brown. J. H. Mewborn, E. V. Webb, and Miss May Oettm ger. Mrs. Drown is chairman. The full premium list of the department follows: Best display of fruit, preserves and vegetables in glass jars by canning clubs, first, $5; second $2. Best display of fruits, preserves and vegetables in glass Jars by Indi viduals, first, $5; second $2. (Best single glass Jar of fruk by individual, SI. Best single glass jar of preserves by Individual, $1. Beet display of Jellies by Individ oals, first, S3; second $1 Best display of pickles by Canning dot, first $2; second L : Best display of pickles by individ uals, first, S2; second SI. ; , - (Best loaf of bread, SI. . Diet dozen rolls, SI. - Best dozen risen biscuit; SI.-, I! est" dozen beaten biscuit; $1. ' Cast bunch of cheese straws, Si. Cist fruit cake, IX. .V ' -'("' Test chocolate cake, $1. ' - " t : i ea!.-, 1 ya ?j 1'" ' To Be Staged at LaGrange About First of November -Victor Bryant Not to Speak Here Friday Night, Announced Democratic County Chairman G. V. Oowper announced Tuesday that Hon. Victor Bryant's " engagement1 to speak here Friday night has ' been ' cancelled, as1 have other dates of; thi Durham man in East Carolina. : Mr. Cowper stated that Senator F. M. Simmons would lead a county rally to be held at LaGrange about November 1. the' exact date to be announced as soon as determlned.'Th entire county Democracy wilt bef urg ed to give Senator Sirmnbris' iwroas ing welcome. . y COTTON One bate of long-stsple cotton sold here Tmsday far ing " The market ranged' fromH7 to 17.55. . About 12a bales had been sold hereby 2:45 '.''' ' New York futures quotattona were as follows: " . . "'. f Open ; " 220 Tanuary . . ..AIM March .. .174 May 18.05 July ., ...;'..?& October .... .17,70 December, w,...17.7S "1820 170 8.14 iO SETTLEMENT FOX- if;- tetriik?-''. HELIEF OFPOLAliD By ROBT.tJ BENDER i fUnltod Press Staff Correspondent) , Shadow Lawn.V'Oct 17ecausa : ! important dlfferenoea ' tbat ' ttl oxist between the Allied and Central Powers, under . which Supplies . way sent to starving Poland,' Preai- Unt Wilson today announced that he had "not yet been successful in eon-- . ciuuins; a sctuemvnh 1 OBEY'S' THE WORD; NO DISREGARDING T St. Louis, ' Oct Id. 'Elimination f the word "obey" in the marriage ervice was recommended in a minor . ity report of the joint commission on -common prayer . submitted ' to ' the ' House of Deputies of tlje Protestant ' Episcopal general convention here to day. ..,,., The Bouse of Deputies referred - back to the commission all proposed changes in the marriage ceremony, in the catechism and in the institution r clergymen, and, these questions cannot come before the general con- . ention again for three years. shoes given by Mark Oummlnga. i Best dozen doughnuts, $1. Best dozen ginger cakes, SI. . test dozen sugar cakes, $1. , f . Best display of dried fruit, $2. .Best display of strained honey, SI. Best display of honey in the comb iBest quart of molasses, SI. Best quart cider vinegar, SI. . ' f Bestham,1!!.' i (Best link of sausage, $1. 'Best piece of bacon, tl. ' - Etest Tom Thumb, SI. ... - Best five pounds hud, SX. if t Best appHe pie, SI. , J I Best peach pie, 1. " Best lemon pie, il. - Ml Best pound of batter (quality), 1, . Best bottle of catsup, 50c . ! (Best bottle of grape juice, 0e. - Cottle strawberry add. 50c.' Dest bottle blackberry add, 60c Home-Bfade Can'Vs. . Fuds 50c, EOc, i. '..;ta Z S-jj-ar uT-'y t r.-.t C. :nut Cm "7 '.A -X .t;;