; ' , -r DAILY mm ThclVialhcr Cloudy Tonight VOL. XVIH.N0, 95 SECOND EDITION KINSTON, N. C THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1916 PRICE TWO CENTS FIVE CENTS ON TRAINS FOUR PAGES TODAY GREEKS THOUGHT UNITED, STATES FLEET WAS NEARING TO STAND BETWEEN ALLIES PMFAIR.Pi.MIRROII PENSACOIi IN GRIPjSETH BULLOCK; AND FRENCH : NEARER . JO DELIGHTED AT WAY-POSSIBILITIES AND OF WORST GALE IN JIM DAVIS TO RJEET PERONNE AS RESULT AND VIOLATION OF ATHENS' NEUTRALITY CROWDS GREETS HIPROGRESS SECTION THE CITY'S HISTORY COLONEL OUT WEST OF NIGHT ADVANCE M H t 7S A Th Disillusionment Was Crushing Blow to Hopes of Excited Populace--Alien Marines for No Foolishness Greek Soldiers Stand By and See Citizens Arrested But Drive Crowds Holding Demon strations Into Submission Constantino Appeals to Prominent Men to Refrain From Actions That Would Make Matters Worse People Had Reard that Ameri can Men-of-War Were Approaching Piraeus (By the Athens, Oct. 19. Greek troops are in complete con trol of the situation here. The Anti-Ally mobs rave been disposed of for the present, and the possibility of a seri ous clash between citizens and the French marines seems to have been averted Anti-Ally ue their efforts to organize is bv no means past. It is understood that King ferences with the French and ly appealed to the most prominent of his supporters not to stir up Athens crowds to acts . ft 1 The collanse 01 reports approaching Praeus to intervene disheartened the citi lens. Rumors that American warships would arrive in a few hours to prevent the violation of Greek neutrality by the Allies had greatly encouraged the populace. The Greek cabinet met today. It is reported that the members drafted a protest to the Allies against the ar rest of Greek members of the Reservist League by French marines last night. A crowd of Reservist Leaguers hiss ed a French patrol, who dispersed them at, the point of tie bayonet. Greek troops, witnessing the arrest, failed to interfere. TO OPEN COURT HALF WEEK LATE BECAUSE OF THE ELECTIONS Judge W. A. Devin In Superior Court Wednesday granted a request of thf Bar Association that the con vening of the November two-weeka1 civil term, scheduled "for the 6th, be delayed until Thursday, the 9th.. The elections will be on the 7th; t;he day before that will be devoted to cam paigning by a number of the lawyers and court officials, and they expect to be too much elated over the outcome of the balloting to feel much like working, on the day after. Four negroes convicted at the pres ent term and sentenced to terms rang ing f rom 12 to 24 months, asked to be allowed to serve in State's prison rather than on the Lenoir county roads. Such requests have been hon ored before. The business of the Oc tober short term was concluded Wed nesday aftfcrnoon, with three days left over, and Judge Devin went to his home in Oxford that night n, term is $till legally open; at will ex- pire by limitation Saturday ; nieht SOUTHERN CUTTING OUT MANY GRADE CROSSINGS (Special to The Free Press) Washington, D. C, October 18. Ninety-three grade- crossings of the Southern Railway's Washington-Atlanta line have been eliminated in connection with double track work t betwesn Orange, Va., and Central S. aft a"(1 freiKnt-carry!K'J 'facilities C. ,'" .will be great for craft of , the size. 'rty-eignt were supplanted" by! River lllats (f four 4 ?Ve fm overhead bridges,' 33 by underpasses, d'rauSnt' bui!t something, on the or while 22 .were removed by : changes ler of the type familiar 10 tle rlver9 in the route of public roads. tof sw'tion tut a lltt,e narrower In all" construction work the fixed Ja ,eam caase of the .h6! and policy of the Southern is to separate narrow cnannel in the Neuse- doMe important highway crossings wherev- detked wilh the ,ower de tIen' are r practicable,, - - proposed for the Kiagton-New Dam 'i ASSAULT WITH GUN: ; . . , GETS TWEYE MONTHS "CJnny Chamberlain, 'colored. - is nder sentence to 12 months on th Greene county roads for firing three hots arthe wife of Harper, colored. The womanWas ' slightly funded. A bunch of key. was In Charge of Capital Stand Undted PreM) leaders, however, contin demonstrations, and the crisi Constantine following con British ministers personal 01 violence. 1 a rm 1 mat an American neet was RECORDER'S COURT IS NOT IN THE HOLE YET The report of the Recorder's Court for the month Of September, made public Wednesday morning, shows a total of $877.10 in moneys collected by the court during the month. Of this sum, $395 went to the school fund; $154 was in Solicitor's fees to the Solicitor or attorneys acting for him, and $228.10 went to the city. A note for $100 was added to the above figures. COULD HAVE STEAMER SERVICE TO NEW BERN To Connect Kington With New Ship Line From North Good Business Could Be Built Up at Landings On Neuse, Thought Shallow Draught Freighters A boat line to operate on a regu lar schedule between this city and New Bern is an idea that may meet with favor from 'Chamber of Corn- merce members. The suggestion has (been advanced that when a new ser- vice to bo installed between Balti more, Norfolk, Washington and New Bern is inaugurated, local bus iness interests finance a line of shallow-draught steamers to connect Kinston with the route. The Baltimore-New Bern company is expected to .start operations early in the com year; it "Will put anyone, or two steel ships of a special design to be gin with. The vessels will be of a build adapted to the waters they are p!y. The machinery will be well I line. , A daily schedule could bo maintained. Passenger-carrying . f a- less limited, of course. Five or six men could man such a vessel. -Several, stops could he made between the eities, usually with profit . found on Chamberlain! person. One key fitted a door of the Quinn A Mil ler furniture store at Snow Hill. - New York State Folks Par- ticularly Cordial Injury to the Executive's Hand Drives Him to Shake With His Left By R. J. BENDER, (United Press Staff Correspondent) Goshen, Inu, Oct. 19. President Wilson is today whirling through In diana en route to Chicairo. where he is scheduled to make three speeches. !'he President greeted handshakers with his left hand. His rieht is ban- iagcil because of an injury inflicted y careless enthusiasm. A nail was driven into the President's palm. Dr. Grayson ordered it bandaged, fearing infection. Members of the party were greatly cheered by the recep 'ions accorded the President all through New York State. The cli max was 'at Syracuse, where fifteen hou- ind applauded him. Crowds Cheer Wilson In New York. Syracuse, Oct. 18. (On Board the Pres. dint's Special Train.) Presi ien!. Wilson was greeted by cheering .row. Is at ten New York cities and lowns during brief stops made this tt'tenioon and tonight?' as he passed .hrough the State on his way to Chi .atro to speak there tomorrow. The President refused to make ex tended speeches, but in each town he thanked the crowds briefly for eofn !.ijr to see him. j RAIN KEEPS TOBACCO AWAY FROM MARKET Little more than a hundred thous and pounds of tobacco was sold here Thursday. Very inclement weather kept the receipts down. One ware house reported only 10.000 pounds and me other less than 15,000 pounds. Prices 'ruled strong, and the day's av :rage probably equalled the season's best average. FREE WILL BAPTISTS TO HOLD CONFERENCE Minister and lay delegates from Bast Carolina gathered day for the annual con the Free Will Baptist throughout here Thur. ference of church in this part of the State. Ses sions will lie held in the church in East Kinston during tha coming sev eral day-. A number of leading men of the denomination are on the program. HIHGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN s ! KnoI tUAT. -v f WOO ARE LO-SHSlfi MOfV Or ME MRS. tifeHfWAO ) K fOR FiME DOLLARS ft rf &jl?l I DIFFERENCE TO -MO-) , t J L'?K C. I'd her Van tvij lm Vkn ,Tv,v4ogft JMsii j' ' ' " 'S . - TOWrf Next j Week's Event Far and Wide; Many Coming HARD-WORKED OFFICIALS Comprehensive Displays of Rest That the Region Boasts In All Lines Kin ston's Busiest Week Is Approaching 'Everybody come to the big fair," is the invitation being extended to every person, in Greene, Pitt, Wayne, Lenoir. Onslo'v Jones, Pender, far teret, Craven and Duplin counties by the local Fair Association. Adver tising matter has been broadcasted throughout the district, and thu .per sonal invitation has been extended to thousands. It would not ' surprise some persons if a total attendance ex ceeding 50,000 is registered during the four days. Assistant Secretary W. B. Douglass, who has been in .'harge of the advertising in the field, has been absent from the city most of the time for weeks. He appears to have lost a deal of flesh, and he p'ridefully states that he has been one of the hardest-worked men in the country. , Chief Marshal Harvey Mines is an ther hustling individual just now. On Tuesdav, the oneninir day. Mr. Mines will hold a rank in the commu nity comparable with the prominence of the king in Mardi Oas. He has racked his brain for new things for (he pageant he is io direct, and has hit upon a number. . Secretary Canady is jn touch with every detail of the preparation for the Wg event. Last year the mem bers of the association told him that the success of the fair was. due more to him than tiny other individual. It is now apparent enough that the same sort of a compliment will be in order a "week from now. 'Catchwords being employed : to arouse interest in the Fair are "More Exhibits," "Special Trains," "Grand Decorations," "Thrilling Free Acts," "Aeroplane," "Mimic Battle EVtween Aviator and Soldiers," "Carrying the Mail by Airship." "Better Babies," "World's Fines- tobacco," King Cot ton," "'Magnificent Parade," "Star Athletes," "Five Thousand School Chlld-ren in Chorus," "Finest Exhibit of Cattle, Horses, Swine, Sheep, Mules and Poultry East Carolina Ever Saw," "Elaborate Displays of the Arts and Crafts," etc. I Association Boosts Hurricane Reaches Velocity of 120 Miles Hour at Florida Port , , , j, i ' I'M PROFRTY DAMAGE HEAVY Mobile Escapes With One Death and Little Property Loss Messenger Boy Carried 80 Feet Through, a Window (By the United Press) Washington, Oct. 19. The Gulf storm now centers in Indian. Storm warnings arc being posted along the Great Lakes, says the Weather Bureau Pensacola, Fla., Oct 10. Whipped and torn by tho worst hurricane in its history, Pensacola today heard reports of numerous persons injured and the widespread unroofing of buildings. The storm sweeping in from the Gulf lashed the city furi ously and reached a velocity of 120 mtles an hour. It tore away the weather bureau tower, wrecked the" Louisville and Nashvillo grain eleva tor, tore oft a -railroad warehouse roof, ruined several thousand dollars' worth of goods inside and did othex damage. . , The wind performed many freaks, It picked up a messenger boy and hurled him eighty feet across a road and through a plate glass window. Public Works Commissioner Johnson had both legs fracture 1 ' The street car, telegraph and telephone services are paralyzed. . - Mobile More Fortunate. . . Mobile, Oct. 49. One negress dead and slight damage to shipping and property were the results of the itirTTcnne here. Loss was $50,000. POLLOCK TO SOUND . THE CALL IN ONSLOW Carrying an appeal to backsliders I to return to the grandest party," Col. W. .D. Pollock, the local Sute Senatorial nominee, Friday morning will mvado Unslow county to drive in a tew sledge-hammer oiows lor Democracy. He will speak at four places, and his message to all the tudiences will be the same. Colonel Pollock's schedule is: Belgrade, Friday noon, Swansboro, Friday night. Folkton, Saturday noon. Snead's Ferry, Saturday night. EARTHQUAKE SHOCKS IN SOUTHERN STATES Atlanta, Ga Oct. 18. Two earth tremors that shook buildings, knock ed down a number of chimneys and frightened thousands were felt throughout Georgia, Eastern Alaba ma, Tennessee and parts of Kentucky late this afternoon. No. material damage was done and no Injuries have been reported. Birmingham and Montgomery ap parently seemed to feel the move ment most severely. No point' east of Augusta, Ga., seemed to be affect ed. "-, : ' AND WHEAT IS GOING SKYWARD, YOU Mm (By tho United Press) - Edmonton, Alberta, Oct 19,C. S. Noble, pioneer farmer of the Clares- holm district, today had ' an official award from the Alberta Government of the world's record ' for raising wheat. His 1,000 acre field averaged 52'l1 bushels to the acre. ' This Is one bushel higher than the previous rec ord, held in Polouse eounty, Wash ington, in the United States. The p-ain, Noble says, will grada No. 1 luri. ' Seth, lie Used to Enforce Attention While Roose velt Spoke; Jim Once Lost An Ear In An Argument T. R. Delighted By J. P. YODER, (United Press Staff Correspondent) On Board the Roosevelt Train, St Louis, Oct 19. With the Kentucky mountain district and ita eventful day behind him, Colonel Roosevelt speeding across Missolri and Kansas to the scenes of his "short-grass" cange riding day. H is looking forward to meeting some old plains pals. Two men have wired Col. Roosevelt that they will meet him either at Phoenix or Albuquerque. One i Seth Bullock, who used to eit behind tho Colonel in political meetings with a Colt in each hand to keep the au dience attentive. The other is Jhn Davis, whose left ear "was bit off by a gentleman in an argument." ' Col. Roosevelt is glad to be in the West. RALEIGH CONCERN TO DO KINSTON PAYING City Council at a special meeting Wednesday night voted to award the contract for about 6,000 yards of sidewalk paving and some , culvert work to a Raleigh concern the low est bidder out of four. The price per kyrd for the paving is 87 cents, and the total contract calls for an expenditure of nearly $9,000. The West Construction Company, having improved many miles of abreets and sidewalks in the city during the past two years, failed to t land the new award by a considerable difference between its bid and the successful concern's offer Council passed reso lutions necessitated 'by the recent sale of the Public Improvement and Spe cial Assessment bonds and a loan of $100,000. 7, ... FIRST NUMBER OF THE LYCEUM COURSE FRIDAY One of the best attractions of the winter is promised Kinston's music lovers in the entertainment to be presented in the First Baptist church Friday evening under the auspices of the Mothers' Club. The Misses Low ry and Lawrence,. coming as the first number of a lyceum course being promoted by the club for a play ground benefit, are among the best known "of lyceum artists in the East. They are touring this season under the management of a Charlotte bu reau. They are versatile entertain ers and skilled in instrumental end vocal music. One of the duo is an adept in use of the harp, and rend ers a delightful repertoire on that Instrument NORFOLK HEARS THE U-FIFTY-THREE HAS BEEN SUNK AT SEA (By the United Press) Norfolk, Oct 19. A German submarine, probably the U-53, hag been flunk off Nantucket, ac cording to a signal from a Brit t ish cruiser to the British steamer North Pacific, in port here. C0H0N EXCHANGE . SUSPENDS TUESDAY . The cotton exchange will observe Tuesday, opening day of the fair, as a holiday, it was announced Thurs day afternoon Consolidate Positions Re cently Won; Repulse German Counters . HEAVY RAINS IN SOKE British Inactive -n Serjss Take VillageGreat Bat tle t In East Continues; Germ'ns Use Gas Against Russians (By the United Press) " Paris, Oct. 19.-The French closed , in on Peronne last night, progressing between Lamaizonette and Blanches n heavy fighting south of the Som me. lUesptte German counters, xne newly-won , Sailly-Salliscjl positions 4 re now entirely in the hands of ki French, , , They were , consolidated Juring the night, . ' Serbs Gain, - , , Tho iRerhs have canturad tha vil- age of Brod, aputheast of iMonastir from the Bulgar in a brilliant com-' bat, it is said officlaHy, - Rains Hard In West. London, Oct 19. -Jrtesry iraini Im- , Kled operations en the Somme, front . oday, Greneral Haig report. Big Teuton-Rusa. Battle Rage. '' Petrograd, Oct .lO-r-The five days',' . battle , in Volhynia' continued Jody -ith no sign ef interruption. The , , Gtirmans are using aga$ and large -quantities of ammunition against the Russian Jineg.; The war office an nounced the repulse el attack on1 KiielinP east ef Svinisuchv wheore the. Ighting ia especially herce. .: , GREEKS RECALL THE WORDS OF CLAY AHX WEBSTER TO AMERICA Athens, Ock l7 -Via London,, pet. 18 After, the demonstration here a.it night against the Entente Allies, uring' which a procession of several thousand persons inarched to the Am- rican legation and protested against the landing of French marines, a del gation of six persons called at the American legation - today and pre- ented resolutions asking the sympa thy and protection , oil, the United States' against the ' encroachments of the Entente Allies. The . spokesman said in English, in presenting the re solution: . "Henry Olay'a speech in 'regard Greece's struggle for liberty, as well as one by Daniel ' Webster,' said the truggle would "h(tv been toad meaningless if the liberties of Greece , had been subsequently lost." The American. 'Minister, Garrett Droppens, promised to, forward the petition to Washington. ILLINOIS SUFFRAGISTS si IN ANNUAL CONVENTION . Springfield,' III., Oct. 19 To expe dite the establishment of full suN" frage for the already partially-enfranchised women of Illinois, . dole gates representing more than two hundred . affiliated : organizations net in the chambers of the State Capitol : ' here today attending the forty-eighth annual convention of the ' Illinoia Equal Suffrage AasociatUon. ' PANTS flNE;HUNp?ED f h YEARS OLD THURSDAY i Stand up tralghV - men; swing ; your legs about first one. then f the : other,' look at 'em, 'and then glorify the memory( oT the man who invent ed trousers, pantaloons or just plain . It happened juirtj 100 'year ago. to day, A chap whoso name is long since dust, gre-r tired ' of breeches with their encumbering snugness and evolved the f - er of t! i pr" ent style cl t