iiiii JT Home Paper 7k irec.'-' TkN Today Fair Tonight VOL.XVIII.No.9a , FIRST EDITION KINSTON, N, C MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, IM6 FOUR PAGES TODAY, PRICE TWO CIO NTS' ' ' f FIVE CENTS ON TRAINS , HER KINSTON ALL PVL l!Ji NORTH CAROLINA INCREASES FUuD Full GREENE FARRIER IS TO PULL OFF GREAT GIVEN GOOD START CAUSEOFDElCRACyiJOfPIOUTiOiIS, PIECES UNDER SMASHING TEUTON BLOWS NEAR VICTIM BRUTE v ... L FOR gltlllli 1QQ ROUIilMIMUS AlllEJi FtJR llELPs D CONDf APPEAL TO BABi DAuG TER OF rcifoc iq rnip ILUULIU 1VLLinU j , WINTER SOiW NEARING THIRTY THOOS'D MM llftl Having Lost One Seaport, Roumanians Will Probably, Have to Evacuate Important Lonstanza in ew Hours. Yon Mackensen Striking at Railway June Which Sup blies Defending Armies Bulgar Right Wing Crashes Through Allied Works for a Great; GainOffensive Is Successful AIong fMite Front Bulgars, Advance 6 Mjles in Few Hours' Time Near Seacoast (By the United Preu) . Berlin, Oct 23.-Constanza, Roumania's greatest sea port,' has fallen before Field Marshal, Von Mackenzen's armies, it is officially announced this afternoon. The cap ture was the greatest single achievement for the Central Powers since Roumania's entrance into th.e war, eight weeks ago., The victory is hailed by German mil tary men as more imnortant , that 11 the Allies i gains . since the Somme offensive began. Official dispatches from the Ger man and Bulgarian war offices indicate that the Russo- Roumanians naves unerea a disastrous rout. . , A Tie Wspirit of opt mism has been inspired in Germa ny, by tVon-Mackensen's nd Falkenhayne's victories over the Roumanians. This is expressed in remarkable sacri fice&to the old gold fund, A hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars worth of gold has been donated in the last five days. Farmers, servants and crown princes were among. the contributors. Nobility gave of their gold plate and jewelry. Germans Near Monastir. , London, Oct. .23.7-rGermany is reinforc ng the Bul bars southwest of Monastir, says a Serbian official state ment' .... .,. , .,. t;V' ,, Sofia, Oct. 23. The Bulgarian right wing has smash ed through the Roumanian defenses and arrived at with in sixties of the important Roumanian -seaport of Con stanza; says an official statement: The capture of the sea- portof 'Tuzlam,12 miles south of Constanza, was report ed .only Saturday afternoon. The six miles' advance indicates that the Roumanians suffered' a' severe defeat. The Roumanians are being rolled back on a 45-mile front in Bobrudja under tremendous pressure of superior German, ftttlganan and lwkish forces. V on Mackensen's vanguard is with h a few miles of the Constanza-Czernavoda railway. This line, carrying supplies to Russian troops in Roumania, with two import ant terminalsis the objective of the Germans' great ef fort. The Roumanian left, center ,is yield ng. Toprai Sari and Tuzla, main supporting positions in Roumania, and defending the strategically important Danube bridge at Cernayo(la, are repulsing enemy attacks. For the sec ond time since the start of the German campaign to crush Roumah 'Bucharest has appealed for help. French Take Hill 12. Paris, Oct. 23. Following a short bombardment, the French late last, night stormed and captured hill No. 28, northwest, of Sailly-Saillisel, it is said officially. No Infantry Action In West. London, Oct. 23. Considerable shelling is being done between Le3lrs and Guedecourt, Gen. Haig reports. No nfattt;ry' is in action on the Somme. Fetrograd Jtatemen Petrograd, Oct 23.--The Russo-Roumanians continue their retirement in Dobrudja under pressure, though of f eruig tybljornresistance, it . is saidofficialjy. u Negro Rushed to StaU Pri son Mob Spirit Heid Sway in County i Mi.- if FATHER RESCUED CHILD Little Aswell GirLIs Young er Still Than Lisping Ob ject of Similar Attack In Spring People Raging With Anger land with the best legal, talent there is. "Four tfnore secret clinics will be Tunning in New York-within a week. In less than a year there will be clin ics in Washington, Cleveland, Detroit, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Denver, St. Louis, Los. Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Portland, Seat tle, Spokane, and Dutte. They are everyone organized and ready to open the -minute I say the word. The Washington clinic will open within a few days. . , v BIRTH CONTROL HAS . COME TO STAY, MRS. SANGER IS CONFIDENT (Byi the United Press New York, OOU 21. "The poor, century 4ehind-the-times public offi cials of this country might Just as w ell forget their inoes-grown stat utes and accept birth control as an es tabljahed fact. My new national plinTroakes it as inevitable as night ' smtiju -v;-:" .V; .-' r.i ilrgaret 'Sanger, ahort and smiling, with a tihge of red in her hair and. .more than that . in feer eye, sat ln-.her little - two-by-four bed- roonj and aaid that here taday. With- j Camp Stewart, near 1 Paso, Oct W tfie last tforty-eight hours she has 18. The Free Press' correspondent estab lished . semi-secretly ; in" tW today had a most interesting 'inter cityK the first out and out inirth con- view; with a CarrisaJ survivor a troli clinic in the United States," the black trooper cf the type that pulled law,, a' Federal indictment, and num-; Booeevelt's outiit out of. the hole at trous arrests all Over1 the country to San Juan. Quiet, unobtrusive, well the contrary, notwithstanding. mannered, the colored soldiihr made a "The police are, hunting y clinic good impression upon a small party ly.,'.,ahriiwent on. ( "Tney can't of Southerners, among ; the number nd. t. If they ahould, they can't myself. He said: burt it. . It is an oral clinic and the "Over there" (across the torder) hw says othing about spreading "you , an see farther and' see less fcrti control information orally. It thaa anywhere else" Oie world, "ley ! try to interfere I am legally There are more rivers and less water, prepared to carry a hard and bitter and more cow? and less milk, than in fightjo the highest tribunal! in the anyplace I ever browsed in." MASSACRE SURVIVOR TELLS ABOUT MEXICO (Special to The Free Press) Will Hinos, 17, a Creene county negro, is in the penitentiary at Ra leigh Monday to save him from a vio lent death at the hands of infuriated Greene county men. Hines is accus ed of attempted assault upon a little white girl, the daughter of John As well, a planter of the Shine section. The child is a mere baby, less than five years of age. John Aswell res cued his daughter. It is reported that she screamed and that the father, hearing her cries, arrived ii time to prevent the actual crime. Hines es caped and secreted himself in woods; late Sunday white men crept through the undergrowth on their hands and knees and took him without difficulty. Once in the officers' hands they lost no time in getting him to Goldsboro, n Wayne county. Last spring Will Black, a young negro, committed an atrocious assault upon a 6-year-old white girl and was, spirited off, later paying the penalty in the electric chair at Raleigh. His father, Joseph Black, attracted attention by threats made to the father of the little vic tim. The Sheriff had forewarning if a lynching and hastened with the old negro to this city. That night Kinston had the sensation of its his tory when the Lenoir county jail was stormed and Joseph E'lack carried off by a mob and shot to death. Hines' crime occurred Sunday morn ing. Sunday night Sheriff Edwards of Wayne county, hearing that a mob was being formed to take the negro, -aced with him to Raleigh in an auto mobile. Greene county seethed late Sunday. Persons here from Snow Hill assert that Hines would have been quickly despatched had he fall en into the hands of the Greene coun ty farmers. Hines, according to information from the local police office, is a ne gro of small stature. After his ar rest he declared he was only thirteen years of age. The 'officials believe that he was shrewd enough to state that because he had heard somewhere that beinfr on the younger side of 14 makes a big difference to a defend ant! in a criminal assault case. Ques tioned, however, he admitted criminal intent in his treatment of the little girl. Quiet prevailed in Greene county Monday morning. There was no ex citement here following arrival of the news, although there was a lot of interest, of course. 10-County Fair to Be Open ed After We've Slept One More Time INTERESTING SPECTACLE Will Be. Parade Starting Off Fall's Event Thousands Upon Thousands Coming. Will Feed Them, All Right, But SIMMONS NOT TO BE IR; TROOPS GET LOCAL TICKETS II All The , State Chairman has can celled the engagement of Sena tor F M Simmons to speak in Lenoir county about the last of this month, County Democrat-, ie Chairman G , V Cowper an nounced Saturday afternoon. Mr. Simmons will be nsed almost rx clusively in th Tenth Congres sional district, where his power is needed,' from now until the elections.- ''- - - u- Ex-Congressman B. N. Hack eft of Wadesbora will apeak with the county Democratic can- didates here at the Inal rally in November.'"--: -' : Since; the North Carolina treopa in Texas will bo allowed Tuesday will be the big day of all days in the year in Kinston. The v!- annual Ten-County Fair -will got into swing with the biggest'lndustrial and civic parade ever pulled off in East Carolina, at 10 a. m. Final details preliminary to the opening are being attended to. The officials of the -Fai Association were at work at an early hour Monday. Nothing of great im portance remained to be done, but there "can always be found something to do," and the workers were finding a lot of little things. The town is wearing the fanciest dress it ever owned. The decorations along -the business streets are about the most lavish Kinston ever saw. i Strings of small lights over Queen street add considerably to- the charm of the thoroughfare at night. "Ra leigh did nothing like this," Assist ant Secretary Douglass states, admir ng the bunting and electric display. He saw the State Fair in the Capi tal City. Fifty thousand people will come here this week from all parts of East Carolina, it is estimated. Spe-f dal trains will be operated from Tarboro, Greenville, Snow Hill and o'her places. Seveiral hundred tran sients having to do with the big event arrived Sunday and Monday. Accom modations are skimpy, of course. They have been for months and months. The hotels and restaurants have put forth their best efforts, however. Enough food to supply a big army is being held in the city's eating places. Sunday night the authorities turnei a blind eya upon restauranteurs viol ating the 9 o'clock closing law. It was sheer necessity. The police have their plans made. The force will increase threefold in number in the next few hours. Chief Skinner will keep one lid on with no let-up. Any automobile driver who breaks the speed limit is going to get pinched. The parade Tuesday morning will be more than two miles long, from in dications. There w,ill be several hun dred mounted men, probably as many decorated cars, about a hundred com mercial, industrial and educational floats, including some gems in that line, and A lot of other units to make up the greatest pageant Kinston ever saw. ,! Assembling it fn sections, it is hoped to get the long procession un der Way promptly at 10 o'clock. Thousands of Kinstonians will ob serve the day as a holiday. Dinners will be prepared by housewives in ad vance; many clerks have arranged to "get off" at least half the day; the banks will be closed; the cotton and tobacco markets, which the other day did a little matter of an eighth of a million dollars', business in seven hours, iwill'be insignificant institutions on this day; realizing it, the officials have announced suspension of both for Tuesday. About $300 Subscribed at the Union Meeting in the Gordon Street Christian Church Mr. Craigs Ad- The union meeting of the Kinston churches, held in the Gordon Street Christian church Sunday night in the interest of the United Charities, was largely attended, and an interest man ifested that was highly satisfactory n . ... - UVHUlVid VvUIIL J nn.l nlAAn.H a. 4 1 J I a S A. aim iMUAaiiig iv ine utrvciurs 01 umt important work. There were ine 'wiison-Marsnaii campaign fund contributions from North Caro lina have grown to nearly $30,000. Forsyth county is by far the largest contributor yet, having presented $11,694.60. Lenoir county has given 127. This county has not greatly ex erted itself so far; there is time to do better. The fund by counties now stands: . Alamance county $ Alexander, county Anson county seven Bladen county Buncombe county 1S.00 25.00 290.00 100.00 80.50 230.00 as a result of the emphasis of the - , , . ,,a . , A. , ' i Caldwell county 102.00 needs for the winter among the poor - . , . ,zBM . . . .. Catawba county 156.00 oi me city aoout nve nundred do lars ,i . r, '. .... - Chatham county 56. wa Kivrn ui vnsii iiiii jjieujces lor we , . . work. I , . . . . :n . - on nn J j-l :t: !. u:vi i j -l A. . i -r v nai ibics is iHKiiiy pieuaeu b ino Off 5jOO 15.00 outcome of the meeting, and asks The Free Press to thank the pastors of the various churches, to whom he gives credit: for the idea, and those who contributed. Following the song service, a faw welcoming remarks by Pastor Ber nard ;P; Smith of the church, and opening prayer by Rev. G. B. Han- rahan of Atkinson Memorial Presby terian church, Capt. Vendeville of the Salvation Army, who was recent ly named by the board of directors as superintendent of the Charities, out lined tha work and the needs. He was followed by Rev. W., Marshall Craig, the new pastor of the Baptist church, who delivered a most impres sive address, emphasizing the work of the United Charities, and paying tri bute to the Salvation Army. Mr. (Oraig said that he endorsed the char ity work because it was "New Testa ment" in its plan, and he urged more close adherence to the Christly teach ings and plans . Mr. Craig's re marks were very happy in their spir it of fellowship and good will. Capt. Vendeville asked that the people of Kinston give him their support and prayers and suggested that when mendicants and beggars l applied for assistance that they be referred to him and after due inves- titration theiir needs would be cared for commensuraely. I Mr. Wooten spoke of the lack of sympathy heretofore manifested and declared lthii he often fejt '"lone some." Rev. E. N. Harrison of the Caswell Street Methodist church pro nouncod the benediction. Columbus county Oaven county .. 79.0U 425.00 36.00 75.00 62.00 23.00 300.00 19.00 10.00 235.00 . Lea county LENOIR COUNTY: . v. Kinston ..",...... La Crange .,. j ; McDowell county Macon county, .'. . v v Madison county1?....... Martin county .'. . . . Mecklrnburr county . . Montgomery county .. ' 20.06 Moore county .. 52.60 Nssh county .. 291.00 New Hanover county 3,709.75 Orange county , , li9.50 Pasquotank county 1 50.0Q Pender county 15.00 Polk county .". ........... 64.00 Randolph county ....... 1 368.00 Richmond county V 176.50 Robeson county .' 578.60 Rockingham county . . . ... . 60.00 Rowan ; county .' 361.00 Rutherford county : . 00,90 Sampson county ........... -u 116-04 Scotland county ..- v TIM Cumberland county 719.00 Stanly .county ............. ,: ; 7.6q Davidson county 166.00 1 Surry county .....175.00 Davie' county 60.00' Duplin county 137.00 Durham county 825.00 Edgecombe county Jtplj60 Forsyth county 11,694.50 Franklin county 68X0 Gastbn county , 224.50 Graham , county 25.00 Granville county 65.00 Guilford county 1,295.50 Halifax county 141.60 Harnett unty 42.50 Haywood county 101.75 Hoke county 120.00 Iredell county 520.00 Johnson county .. ,. , 188.00 Swain county 10.00 Transylvania' county ..... . ' 2d.0O Union county : . ; 274JMI ....: 4 l Vance county .... . . . Wake county ....... Warden bounty Wayne, county Wilkes county Wilson county , .... , . Yadkin county . ', .' . , . . 1 Miscellaneous,' Temitted through ' Charlotte Observei1 1,100.00 From North' Carolinians reiid-'v"', ing outside SUte 5540 11 , Total ' . 4 .-i .,' 3 , ;29,24.0O 86.00 1,3624,0, 163.50 " 20.00 HERE IS GOOD NEWS Fl THE PRIDt 0F THE FAMILY; BULLY There will be no school Tuesday. . There will be no school Wednesday. There will be no school Thursday afternoon. .., There will be no school Friday af ternoon. v There, now, that's plain enough for anybody. Also hear this: "With so much consideration shown the chil- . dren, no excuse from parents ; will he considered valid." That means that , on Thursday and Friday the schools Ozuna, will be in operation until 1 p. m. By jsjMNkagi NEARLY SCiE OliiE iWlMfii fa ALAMA CHAC , PIT ,y (By . the tfnitod Press) , 'Birmingham, Oct. 28. Jif teen op twenty ;ljves , were ( probably v lost .,fa an ekplosion in ths marvJ minee peaj; here. Twelve bodies have been JT covred. Five men are unaccounteu for. Government mine rescu men are 'directing the rescue work, which was feverish all night. Crowds aur round the shaft El Paso, Oct. 23. General commanding the de facto, expedition "letting out" at that hour, every kid, sent to Crush Villa, Was killed in can get his dinner and ske-daddle in Saturday's clash with bandits, his plenty of time to get to the - Fair command cut to pieces and Colonel Grounds for the afternoon bill. Supt, Martin Salinas, who succeeded to the K. R Curtis thinks I that is doing command, seriously wounded, accord- fine by the youngsters, and accord- 1 1 ! i" m 'i 1 ' . - - ing to a United Press agent's infer-' ing to. an, announcement , Monday tend, the short sessions that , aw held mation. morning, he expects every one to at- during the week. ,' , - MUSI WORK OR STARTS. :J Lrrtin, ..Oct : 21 Able-bodied men la districts occupied by the' German whd prefer to loaf of ? ask public assistance rather than work must be. made to support !j themselves, says ths Berlin press. Cleveland, Oct. 23. -Probably the toll of Lake Erie's Black Friday storm reached 48. The Toledo steam er Matthews arrived today with the bodies of three persons wearing life belts from the steamer Merida. Twen ty were lost on the steamer Colgate. (o rote on I the 7th, Chairman Cowper ii preparing to forward .a big bunch of county tickets to EI pa At? .. " , ; - - - - zj" -'T"" Equestrienne in Robinson's Ten Big Shows, Here U wen 'im

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