PACE TWO 1 THE KINSTON FREE PRESS Wednesday, October 23,' 1916 - " ' 1 o . 7, i THE DAILY FREE PRESS , (United Prw Tckfraphk Bcportj) " 1 . H. GALT BRAXTON, Editor and Manage Published Every Day Except Sunday by the Kimton Free . , rnn Co., inc., juntton, N. c. . MbaeripUon Bate Parable In Adrenee: One Week ,..f .10 One Month Three Montha .......$1.00 Six Months ' One Year 4.00 Entered at the postoffice at Kimton, North Carolina, as tocond-cla natter under act of Congress. March 3, 1879 The Free Press regrets that the advocates of the State are not united, and that there is division among us in the matter of securing the bank. Such division, if it is permitted to carry the representatives of the various ap plicants into a bitter fight will jeopardize the prospects of securing the bank for the State. Far better would It be for the matter to be decided among ourselves, an I thus put up a solid front when the final show-down before 35 h. hnrA i. ti.1 2.00 : Let there be no "dog in the manger tactics and their lesultant loss of the plum entirely. Communications received and not published will not ba returned unless stamps to cover postage accompany same "BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER!" And 'twa just as we predicted, a great big howlin;; success of an opener. Never did the All-Wise Ruler cf the Universe blesj an occasion with more fitting weather. Ideal expresses it, and nothing short of that mark dae.s. After more or less threatening Sunday and Monday, tht- clouds hiod themselves to other pails Tuesday, and O!.! Sol had not a single interference to mar his welcome ray upon a happy throng of prosperous folk gathered for thr Second Annual Exhibit of the Kinston Fair. It was hardly thought possible that la.u year's initial day would be eclipsed, in spite of the fact that it is not Kington's, ard the section's way of doing things to let well enough alone, but beginning with the marshals' par ade, which covered a stretch of two miles, with mon than two hundred mounted men, drawn from all parts of the fair section. Icadinz the wav. the beautiful float dis c . rv i. vi. !.,; . . r playing the resources of the district, portraying the edu cational aims and accomplishments, the numerous artistic ally bedecked machines and vehicles and exhibits, there is spelt everywhere "Bigger and Setter than ever." Twice as many or more horses are here to try fo- honors and money, and the exhibits and attractions are those that are to be expected at the largest of fairs. May the remaining days be equally as propitious, and may those who come to Kinston during this g!adsom week find that welcome and pleasant atmosphere which will ever bring to them fond memories of the occasion and the realization that the latch string always hangs conveniently for them to come this way. NEW YORK OFFICE 88 Park Row, Mr. Ralph R. .Mulligan, Sn sole charge of Eastern Department. Files of The Free Press can be seen. JTS WESTERN OFFICE In charge of Mr. C. J. Anderson Marquette Building, Chicago, where filet of The Free Press can be seen. , I, i i i WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 25. 1916 "New York is now betting even money on election race." If the tide continues to run Wihonward in the next week like H has in the past two or three, the gam bling element will be playing the odds on the President. and suggests that the Republicans insert a "want ad" fo. an issue. It would be a severe blow to the prestige of the want ad column ."or producing results, however, and it is hardly fair to subject them to such a hard teat. s There are atill some items incident to traveling and other expenses In connection with the re-election of Wood row Wilson and Thomas R. Marshall, which must be looked after by the rank and file of the Democrats. Have yon subscribed T 1 Alter a while the small nations which have yielded to ths : entreaties of the Allies to join them in their fight against , the Teutons, will awaken to the fact that they are sim ply being made the "goats" and usod as buffers to keep tha German "vice" and "steam roller" from their main troops THE STATE'S "FINEST." Tha State's and the Nation's "finest" were here in numbers Wednesday, It was "School Day" at the Kins- , ton fair an J the boys and girls from far and near caw to participate In the greatest exhibit of the State's I oyj and girls that has ever been given. Last year five thous andor thereabouts of the little tots and the big boys and girls, and the young men and women were in line, and brought to Kinston and the section the honor of hav ing had tha largest number of school children In line of ir.irch in the history of the Stae. Since that time other i counties have had large gatherings, but none have equal tctl the fine showing of this he second attempt of the Kin ttm Fair, through the work of Miss Hattie Parrott, as sise nt county superintendent. Hail, boi and girls, young men and young women! Our best wish is that you may be brought to realise more fully the opportunities that lie before you, and that those who see you today may appreciate the possibilities that He within you, and resolve to give you an even bet ter chance to develop and Improve those possibilities. Let us not be unmindful that God rules, and that His hand is manifest in the succeas of the splendid commun- Ity enterprise, which we are now enjoying. ti-:- FEDERAL LAND BANK. Tuesday' the Federal Farm Loan Board sat in Raleigh The Board of Commissioners of Jones County, acting as agent for Trenton Township, will receive at its office in Trenton, N. C, on Monday, November 6, l'JIC, sealed bids for the purchase of Coupon Bonds amounting to $15,000 in denominations of $300, bearing inter; st at five per cent ( ') per annum 'payable semi-annually, principal sum payaMa twenty (20) years from date, at the office of the Board of Commis.-ionirs of Junes County; said Board re-erves the right to reject any and nil bids. The ex fense of printing ionds to be borne by purchaser. Said bonds are au thorized by Chapter IS' of the laws or 1013, after election duly had and carried by a large majority. sam Hoard will also recc:ve sealei bids for $10,000 Coupon L'.mds of Heaver Creek Township, issued pur suant to Chapter 'Z1, Laws of 1913, Hearing interest, d . s: jnunatod and payable same as above specified bonds of Trenton Township. Certi fied check for $r00 must accompany bid. This October lfi, i'Jlu. J. B. POLLOCK. Register of Deeds ami Ex-Officio adv Clerk Dly-10-?0-15t A SAFE TEST. WHAT OTHERS SAY AN OVERWHELMING VICTORY. New York World: "It ought not to be merely a Wil son victory at the polls in November. It ought to be a Wilson landslide. That would be tne greatest political blessing that the American people could confer upon themselves. A Wilson landslide would completely destroy the in fluence of the hyphen in American politics, and once for all, put American citizenship above all foreign intrigue and alien sympathy. "To Europe it Would be a final proof of American soli darity which would carry its eff ?ct into all the diplomatic relations of the United States with the warring nations. "It would definitely establish prog.essism as a for ward policy of American government, beyond the powe: of Toryism and reaction to overcome. It would mark th? beginning of a new economic order in which human rights were no longer held subordinate to property rights, and the labor of living men held of less consequence than the accumulated products of the labor of dead men. "It was Jefferson who put the ship of State on the Democratic track in the nineteenth century, and made i.-aiuic o kuvci iiiut in, ox me people, ioy me people and for the people. Wilson is rendering the same kind of ser vice to American democracy in the twentieth century that Jefferson rendered in the nineteenth century. Regardless of any mistakes he makes, regardless of errors of judg- Mirni, n is restoring American democracy and giving For those who are in need of a ache, it is a good plan to try Doan's Kidney Pills. They are strongly re commended by Kinston people. T r II' 1 1 ... n rw- ij. d. mggins, oaKcr, jis s. iryon St., Kinston, says: "I have used Doan's Kidney Pills with vny gkod results and consider them a splen did kidney medicine. Another of my 'amily also suffered from weak Sid neys and dull pains across the back and loins. This one had headaches and dizzy spells and tha kidney se cretions were irregular in passage. Doan's Kidney Pills gave relief froi'i the troubles." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get I Uoan s Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Higgins had. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. adv. : jl- m. i. n ! I 1 Such tobacco enjoyment as you never thought could be is yours to command quick as you buy some Prince Albert and fire-up a pipe or a home-made cigarette ! Prince Albert gives you every tobacco sat isfaction your smoke appetite ever hankered for. That's because it's made by a patented process that curs our bite and parch! Prince Albert has always 30.K fw-'J been sold without coupons or premiums. s?B5i;,bj We prefer to give quality I this tidy red tin yon will null "Pro.' csh ftnted July .'II il JtMSUUl'NIN&C I crGM)me tobacco W6. e Albert the national joy smoke has a flavor as different as it is delightful. You never tasted the like of it! And that isn't strange, either. Buy Princa Albert every where tobacco it told in toppy red bagt, 5c; tidy red tint, 10c; handtome pound and half-pound tin humi dor and that corking fine pound cryttal- glatt hum dor with tponge-moisten jr top that keep the tobacco in tuclt clever trim cdwayt I Men who think they can't smoke a pipe or roll a ciga rette can smoke and will smoke if they use Prince Albert. And smokers who have not yet given P. A. a try out certainly have a big surprise and a lot of enjoyment coming their way as soon as they invest in a supply. Prince Albert tobacco will tell its own story ! R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C J and fceard the claims of Raleigh, Greensboro, Charlotto government back into the hands of the people to promote and Durham set forth. All four North Carolina cities Want the eovettd prise. The territory circumscribed in the suggestions of three of the contenders includes North and Sooth Carolina and Virginia, while Charlotte added Georgia and Florida. ne ree tress, nice otntr loyai worm Carolinians, ts anxious that one of the farm loan banks be located in the State. We have already expressed a preference for Ra leigh. Wa did so because we felt that Raleigh waj and is tha logical place. It Is centrally located, easily accessi ble from every part of the State, end the proposed terri tory of the bank district. the welfare of all the people, not the welfare of a few of the people. "American democracy, if it is to go forward, cannot permit anybody to undo what has been done under Presi .Ian, W;i-.,v,t 1 . , .. . . ..bih. n us 5 iuttuereni(i. u cannot artoru to give any man the opportunity to do it. It can take no risks with Bourbonism. It can make no experiments with reaction. "The highest duty the American people owe to them selves, to their principles of government and to their ideals cf the Republic is to give to the President a popu lar majority that will be overwhelming. "Make it a Wilson landslide!" r ll INSTANT. INMIi S " v nan vuiur rvesiorer a i . til V" the hnlr to anv aViS 1U Scl'il eh.-.ilf.. No aftur- BTl : Sj fcUPXOss H:ir Remover M ; Wm m!r" I "i'i" " Uj ( limutlri I ? I in Hii.i'iil, " ,,,',,'- J I I A f"ri,1,!; ' o.intalnln-T Hi.othliiirl K 1 I BL1 " l urr hut t If. f M LPrcss Hair Tonic M msM i''1' liHrmle., I'i , vr-itlvo InjJ i Vt "ir:. win '.i..;,7 3 I M Express sham; op M Yf l.'v, s ii. rlin t hoallh t.i H.-alp 1 and,' unci B.'lltv l. H.itr BA Jyi tSUPIOSS BriiiaMire 11 Z. V. MOSELEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Back of Lenoir Drug Company Phones Office 478; Residence 113 1 F. A. WH1TAKER. M. D. Phone 56 T. S. WHITAKER. M. D. Phone 468 Physicians and Surgeons KINSTON, N. C. Phone 9. Offices Cor. W. Blount t Wall Su Kinston Free Press Co. Inc. tJUprcss BrihVtire 5 Onla Trr Hot lie. Dcsirivtivt Ltallct on Request Lenoir Drug Company Astiekmakesnquartoffin- , Affl est washing blue. It's all , Diue saves t he cost of use- WiX less bottles and loxe. LfJ ell j WI.I...H. .ii...,n a i... fJY Wr . ik m., rkiu.ipm. Subscribe to The F'fee Press. Dr. Albert D. Parrott PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Kinston, N. C. Office Back of Hood's Drug Store DR. DAN W. PARROTT DENTIST j Crown and Bridge Work A Specialty Office Over Cotton Mill Office Owing tothe continued ad vance of Feed stiff, we find that we are compelled to ad vance the prices cf milk. Beginning November 1 st. Sweet Milk will be 12c per .quart, 6c pint 3'2C Half pint; Cream 60c Quart. J. P. HARDEE MESSENGER AND JUST THEN THE PARROT SPOKE WALT WELL. FbLh3- ( - I CttMT fiMp VAT WOT I OUCjH f frt jS MIKEr i . . I' . F f peliver THfs PnRRoT mM'AA " - rr-i , ii vi vfuicn fitxjui ii ; ''""' , V JS ' . S . . . ; r-s v f gfe-i vyonper u ?N7fr " r Offers Splendid Investment Opportunity SSOE OF 7 PER CENT PREFERRED STOCK Interest payable Semi-annually The Kinston Free Press Company, in line with its announced policy to give to the people of this section a newspaper abreast of the times, and in order to enable it to do so, offers $5,000 in $100 shares Preferred Stock, bearing 7 per cent., guaranteed, pay able October 1 and April 1; Stock dated October 1, 1916, and demandable by holder at par value at end of five years, or redeem able at option of company at end of either two, three or four years, at premium of 3, 2 or 1 per cent., respectively. The proceeds of this issue will be used to further equip and modernize the plant. Prospective investors should address the Company or T. V. Moseley, Secretary. KINSTON FREE PRESS S0MNT, INC. N. J. ROUSE, President. LOVIT HINES, Vicc-rrcsident T. V. MOSELEY, Secretary-Treasurer. H. GALT BRAXTON, Manager. DIRECTORS: N. J. Rous D. T. Edwards, Lovit Hines, II. E. Moseley, T. V. Moseley, D. F. Wooten, J. II. Canady, J. F. Taylor. C. Felix Harvey, 456 rfggyftt.HT WtttoH regTo -cv- coifM y. ?VT M - - - n - -------- j a o o c 2r- a a a o o a O AW-TIC A pfECE OF CRAPE ON YEK PiOSt YER BRAINS - nCAD f 7 J v jt r r i

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