Thnrsday Evening, August 26,-1916 THE KINSTON FREE PRESS I IE DAILY FREE PRESS (United Frew Telegraphic Report) i . -H. CALT BRAXTON, Editor and MaMfer ' Published Every Day Except Sunday by the Kington Free , 1 - - Pttii Co., Inc., Kinston, N. C. ' ' SafMcripUon Batea Parable In Advance i One Week .10 One Month .85 Three Months ....... $1.00 Su Months 2.00 One Year 14.00 ' Entered at the poatoffice at Kinston, North Carolina, aa eeond-elaes matter under act of Congress, March 3, 1879. , Communications received and not published will not be returned unless stamps to cover postage accompany same. NEW" YORK OFFICB-38 Park Row, Mr. Ralph R. Mulligan, in sole charge of Eastern Department. Files ef The Free Press can be seen. WESTERN WlOEIn charge of Mr. C. J. Anderson. Marquette Building, Chicago, where files of The Free Press can be seen. ,. i i i i v Subscribers are requested to notify, by Telephone 75, , The Free Press of any' Irregularity of delivery or inat tention whatsoever on the part of the carriers. After Six P. M. subscribers are requested to call West ern Union and report failure to get the paper. A copy will be sent promptly, if complaint is made before Nine P. JL, without cost to subscriber. THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 26, 1916 The pre-elertion verdict of thinking people throughout the country is: "Woodrow Wilson's defeat would be a national and an international calamity." You can hardly censure a fox too severely who forgets that ha is tame and returns for the time being to the habits of his ancestors and feasts on choice fowls. The Kxhlbltkm of foxes in the poultry department is some what incongruous, and iis putting irresistible temptation in the way of an otherwise well-behaved animal. Fault finding and continual knocking, even if there is : sufficient ground to warrant such, doesn't find favor with the public. Mr. Hughes has done nothing, but And fault, and he has been growing in diefavor ever since he made his first utterance of vituperation. And the lack of foundation for his criticisms has added force to the popular antagonism. The "Big Sticker" is out in the wild and woolly West, telling the boys out there that Wilson, Baker and Dan iels are alt misfits and "indefensible excuses." But the Westerners who don't agree with the Colonel and who wiH tack, their opinions fey casting their votes for Wood- row Wilson will approach in volume and intensity an avalanche. , . It is to be regretted that seme miscreant Is plying his trade ts "bootlegger" at the Fair grounds. At least, from the number of drunks on the grounds Wednesday, there was evidence of a "sightless tiger" being in the vicinity. The Ftfee Press understands that Secretary Canady and the Fair officials had their sleuths bonding every energy to the apprehension of the supposed out law, and It is to be hoped that the "beast" will be run to earth and made to face the bar of justice. The limit of the law for each selling offense, that can ho proven, would be worthy meat for the scalawag. The Kinalcn Fair established a splendid precedent last year for good order, only on arrest being made during the entire Fair, and the officers and management of the Fair are determined that the reputation of the first year 'shall be maintained. So far, this year, splendid order has prevailed and aside from the three or four drunks, there is nothing to merit criticism at all. Th Fair man : agement is determined that those who are .responsible for the drunks shall understand, if they are detected in their nefarious trade, that they can't ply th;ir work at the Kinston Fair. It'a a place for decent, law-abiding folks, where women and children and all others may io assured a pleasant time, devoid of drunken and other distasteful spectacles. GOVERNOR CRAIG COMMUTES SENTENCE. 1 UNDER WHICH FLAG?' Tat commutation oi tne sentence oi mggms aim jicr rltt, convicted of murder in Graham county and sentenced to the. alectric chair by Governor Locke Craig, should have the endorsement of the right-thinking people of North Carolina. In spite of the fact that these men were convicted of the crime, they have steadfastly main tained their innocence even in the very shadow of th3 electric chair, and reputable citizens who have interested ARE MONEYED GROUPS BEHIND CMS. HUGHES By GEORGE CREEL. themselves in behalf of the men are convinced of their . Jidate Hughes. innocence. There is doubt of their guilt, and it is a good rule that gives the defendant benefit of the doubt, and especially so when depriving him of that benefit takes his life. Life imprisonment is hard, liut it affords an opportunity to rectify in part, at least, an injustice, if later developments show that these men were not guilty. The Governor did right to save them from the electric chair. Under which flag?" might well be asked of the motley crew behind Can- THE RAILROAD LIBRARY. The establishment of a library by Mr. Marsden J. Perry, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Nor folk Southern Railroad, for the use and benefit of the employes is, as the news story carried about it in The Free Press Wednesday stated, not only an innovation in railroad circles, but is a plan that .should work not only to the interests of the employes but to the interest of the company. "Knowledge Is Power," and the availa bility of a comprehensive library will unquestionably br appreciated by many of the road's employes who will be able to acquire knowledge through its use. The library starts with 1300 volumes, embracing a wid: range and, in fact, practically every branch that would be found in any good library. Arts, Biography, Classi cal, Fiction, History, Literature, Poetry and Drama, Ref erence, Romance, Science, Theology and Philosophy, and Travel and Topography are all taken care of in the selec tion of the ibooks. WHAT OTHERS SAY "HERE'S TO RICHMOND." Raleigh News and Observer: "The people of Raleirr are deeply appreciative of the support which is being giv cn by Richmond to it in the fight that this city is making to secure the location of one of the Farm Loan banks. The spirit manifested by Richmond is altogether admir able. "The support given Raleigh by Richmond in the hear ing before the Federal Farm Loan B'jard yesterday va not perfunctory. It was not a support that had back of k merely the fact that Raleigh had supported Richmond in its winning fight to secure the location of one of the Federal Reserve banks. It was support of the enthusias tic kind which was given, the strong words of the visit or!! from Richmond Without doubt having an effect upo.. the Federal Farm Loan Board. "The banks of Richmond, the official life of Richmond the Richmond Chamber of Commerce, each had represen tatives in the delegation which came to aid Raleigh ir Its fight. And as members of the delegation spoke fo Raleigh they gave succinct reasons why this city shoulJ ibe the choice of the board. The arguments which wer presented were based upon the facts of the situation. "Raleigh is glad that Richmond has done so fine ; thing in its behalf, in the face of the fact that a Vir ginia city is also asking for the location of the bunk. Wit! the plea of Richmond added to the strong showing madi in behalf of North Carolina and Raleigh, it would seen that when the announcement of the selection of the dis tricts is made that Virginia and North Carolina will bt , in the same district, and that Raleigh will be mado the location of the bank for the district. But whether or not this is so Raleigh will never forget the splendid sup port given it by Richmond. Here's hoping that both will be gratified when the award is made." Roosevelt, 'Bacon, J. P. Morgan and all the Morgan millions, are now fighting President Wilson because he has not turned the government of the United States over to the British For eign office. They are enraged that he did not protest against the German occupation of Belgium, and that he lid not follow up the Lusitania disas ter by breaking off diplomatic rela tions with Berlin and then seizing all h2 German ships interned in our ports. They are for Hughes because ;hey have reason to believe that he will throw the strength of America to 'he Allies. The Gorman-American Alliance, as sisted by Jeremiah O'Leary, is fight ing President Wilson because he has io' tinned the government of the United Statej over to th.- German Foreign Office. They are enraged because he made Germany stop the .laughter of neutrals and non-comba-ants, and because h? has refused to break off diplomatic relations with London, as a result of mail seizures. They are for Hughes because they have reason to iielieve that he will ft row the strength of America to the Kaiser. Noither of these two jrreat groups is giving a thought to the United Str.tes. It is of Eurone that they ire thinking and working, and when ihey cast their votes it will be either for King or Kaiser. What can be thought of a ca:idi late willing to receive such support and able to 'retain it? Two groups "tating each other, and working for two absolutely different ends, and vet in the same political camp. If the United States were not at stake, it could almost bL- wished that Mr. Hughes would win in order that the -ountry might be edified by the dog light that would follow. ONLY POWERFUL MEDICINE WILL END REPUBLICANS WOULD ABOLISH RESERVE It matters not whether you have had agonizing pains from rheuma-!;-ni for 20 year:; or distressing l::n:r-i far 20 weeks, Rheuma is itr.." dough and mighty and pow - f.;! i n .ugh to drive iheumatic poi cr.s from your body and abolish all mi.- ' y r money back. J. K. Hood & Co. and all druggists sell Rr.i' im.t on a no-cure-no-pay ba ils for ).! mare than 50 cents a bot tle, .i'l after you take a half tea- ipoonful i nee a day for two days you should know that at l:ist you have obtained a renu'dy that will conquer rheumatism. For over five years throughout Am :;ica Rheuma has been prescribed by broad-minded physicians and has re leased thousands from agony, pain ind despair. adv. Gall Stones, Cancer and Ulcers of the Stomach and Intestines. Auto-Intoxication, Yellow Jaundice, Appen dicitis and other fatal ailments re sult from Stomach Trouble. Thous ands of Stomach Sufferers owe their complete recovery to Mayr's Won-dt-rful Remedy. Unlike any other for Stomach Ailments. For sale by J. E. Hood & Co., druggists, Kins ton, N. C. ad- Z. V. MOSELEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Back of Lenoir Drug Company Phones Office 478; Residence 113 NOTICE Owing to the high' cost of feed and labor we find that we are compelled to -raise our. prices of milk and cream. We have tried to hold to our usual prices but have been losing money for several months. The change will become effective November 1st, 1910, an(j at the following prices: Sweet Milk, 12c per quart end 3 l-2c per half pints; Cream 60c per quart; Skim milk 6c per quart G. W. TULL. CHICHESTER S PILLS Kii;,nu5Vd.7iB( , other. Buy rM, V " " '' a-ilw, f,- a rmn Known is iKM, Sart. A I way, ReiiaT.k SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE The Roa'.d cf Commissioners of Tones County, acting as agent for Trenton Township, will receive at its office in Trenton, N. C, on Monday, November '", 191 (i, seabd bids for tho puchase of Coupon Honds amounting to ?1",000 in denominations of $500, bca-in?r interest at five per cent (5) per annum payable semi-annually, ptincipal um payable twenty (20) years f-om date, at the office of the Roa-d of Commissioners of Jones County; said Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Tho ex pense of printing iondi to be borne v purchaser. Said bonds are au thorized by Chapter V22 of the laws if lt'13, after election duly had and earvied by a largo majority. He id Hoard will also receive sealed bid; for $10,000 Coupon E'onds of Beaver Creek Township, issued pur ;u..nt to Chapter Laws of 1013, bearing interest, denominated and payable same as above specified honds of Trenton Township. Certi fied check for $o00 must accompany bid. This October 1C, ltl(. J. B. POLLOCK, Register of Deeds and Ex-Officio adv Clerk l)ly-10-20-15t e ) tnuaa' lit I 2 a lk I k r - a -m liTilliKl 'Z. rm W - ? i sissi a i .r k Keneroua tiut tue i-t Una eit-4'pttonui loulb irttsie, tend fc. In stamps lil.'i vour at-mer s imiiiu kj mauuuu. s-tii. 9, 1 iiucsjoiutuiuKt cw urn, n. 1. n INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS C. OETTINGER, Manager Kinston insurance & Realty Co. Telephone No 182 1 10JL Gordon St. MM Memphis, Tenn., OcS, 23. William G. McAdoo, Secretary of the Treas ury, in an address here tonight ex tirrssed the opinion that, if tho Re- ouhlican party is returned to jiowor in November, the Federal Reserve banking system will be abolished and n its stead a central bank will be established "to re-establish through that central bank the control by Wall Street of the credits of the country." SUBSCRIBE TO THE FREE PRESS WANT DEMOCRAT FROM MRS. WILSON'S DISTRICT Richmond, Oct. 2G. Democratic party managers have concentrated their efforts to supplant the present Republican congressmen from tho home distiict of Mrs. Wilson with a Democrat. It is the only Republican district in the State. They are behind the candidacy of State Senator L. Lee Trinkle, from Mrs. W lsor's home town of Wythe ville, to defeat Republican C. Bas 1. me Slump, candidate .for re-election. Ameng those who have cam paigned for Trinkle is Governor Stu art, who was himself beaten by Slemp six years ago. F. A. WUITAKER. M. D. Phone 56 F. S. WH1TAKER. M. D. Phone 468 Physicians and Surgeons KINSTON, . N. C. . . Phone 9. 0((i Co.. W. Blount & Wall Si. Dr. Albert D. Parrott PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Kinston, N. C. Office Rack of Hood's Drug Store DR. DAN W. PARROTT I DENTIST I Crown and Bridge Work A Specialty I Office Over Cotton Mill Office Owing tothe continued ad vance of Feed fttff, we find that we are compelled to ad vance the ptices cf milk. Beginning November 1 st. Sweet Milk w ill be 12c per .quart, 6c pint 3V2C Half pint; Cream 60c Quart. J. P. HARDEE liinsfon Free Press Co. Inc. Offers Splendid Investment Opportunity ISSUE OF 7 PER CENT PREFERRED STOCK Interest payable Semi-annually The Kinston Free Press Company, in line with its announced policy to give to the people of this section a newspaper abreast of the times, and in order to enable it to do so, offers S5,000 in $100 shares Preferred Stock, bearing 7 per cent., guaranteed, pay able October 1 and April 1; Stock dated October 1, 191G, and demandable by holder at par value at end of five years, or redeem able at option of company at end of either two, three or four years, at premium of 3, 2 or 1 per cent., respectively. The proceeds of this issue will be used to further equip and modernize the plant. Prospective investors should address the Company or T. V. Moseley, Secretary. KINSTON FREE PRESS GDMPANY, INC. N. J. ROUSE, President LOVIT IIINES, Vice-President T. V. MOSELEY, Secretary-Treasurer H. GALT BRAXTON, Manager. DIRECTORS: N. J. Rous P. T. Edwards, Lovit Hines, H. E. Moseley, T. X. Moseley, D. F. Wooten, J. II. Canady, J- F. Taylor. C. Felix Harvey, MIKE THE MESSENGER !T INST RAVE BEEN A VERY INTERESTING STORY WALT - k ( - v & Th' Guy pat WROTE PlO STfcRY ' GEE1 - IT COttyltiLY HflHt ME FERSlT ME self; lg'WHT- NCTotfjt. f fprthoW tce corp. N.y. l3 MESSENGER- ' 6TUNT Yo So T)ME IT 1 ( &rre me. goat - 1 wsht ) ft ! b SoMEPl.T EXClTfN' VYUP A 'Oft 7 HAPPEN TO ME UrfE IT VO&b IN Die stoky: Clffln n MIT T J IbS'T 6TOP . . .-r S , - -: Y Cpt r,,c i i fee V ( DlS MESSENGER- L X a i i I'll v. . i a - :'' r x l i i -mi-mi n i-n i t j 1 1 r " ) THE Uc YER t.FE V ''A 1 " " ; Pm Lax ' ) A Kip ) ' , ' x" Jk ' A "EiN(5 J n I O I ' X l Jill X I "X. rrvl x r i v- i . .-r. z : i . . 0?yht- NCTotl fprtho 9rce cwtft N.y. J

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