iimmmmmmmmmm mm , , -iihii iiiiu- , , ,.,ni , m, .., isr'r4 ' V- , . ' . . Page Three i" V 3,:A r v.: it Ljiomc Paper 1 HE M6wm her V bt l XVIII.-No.XQ5. SECOND EDITION- KESTON, N. G4 TUESPAY, OCTOBER it, 1916 FOUR PAGES TODA U1V INS L BUT THIRTEEN ITHOUT WARNING; SuWhctsibW CoMrandenf. AmericaThey'll Banished, Said In Gennan Circles at WasWnston-rftaiseir Stands Ready to DIjsaVow Ma rina and Kbwannjore Acts and Offer Full Reparation, Assert Consul ro$t Goes Landed at qastJtown ; Washington jlmmediatelyMarina Went Down In Ten Minutes In Heavy Seas . (By the ITnitwi Press) Washington, Oct. 31. If the British shins Marina and Rowanmore were sunk by ftion of Germany's pledges to f trie suDraanxie waare, me ' nvow the acts, offer reparation and punish the command ers. German officials here declared today. Thef are loath ; to believe any commander OnlyKThirteen unaccounted For. tendon. Oct. 31. Thirteen of the crew of the British steamer Marina, reported torpedoed without warning, including 'probably some Americans, are still missing, United States Consul Frost today telegraphed the Ameri- r :. i u . Cl ! 1 i l r . can JSmDassy. survivors aeciare tne Manna was rorpe daed4without warning in a heavy sea, and sank in ten Krnimftes. Consul: Frost added. v i-; ' ; Ffty-two ofthe Marina's crew among thlfee reported ( missing yesterday have been landed at Castletown, the i consul, telegraphed. Survivors report that 36 Americans were aboard when the y&el was siirik, It is believed Frost already is en route" co,Cast!etpwn to take the affidavits of American earvivors These will be forwarded to the State Depart--!nient immediately:; - p British government omcials and omcials oi the Don aldson-line, rth6 Owners, deny that the British Govern- merit had tKe' Marina under government charter, there :Jjr partaking of the claracter of 'an admiralty tessel sub h ject to attack without warning. .LansfnKnows Little. v,V tWington, Oct. 31. Pending further information Secretary;.- Lansing will not' discuss the sinlcing of the steamer Marina. Present reports are unconvincing, he declared, however. He said he is unable to state whether the ship was torpedoed or sunk by shell fire, whether she Was warned or .what the condition of the sea was at the . time of the, attack. ! The London embassy has been , di - rected to forward additional information immediately. . ' . ' -" ...III I iff LEADEiAREllIG NEW ARMY WITH 1? LYFOE! 1 PRAISllitl UP Has Accomplished More Along Lines Favored by Progressives Than They Could Have I)one Them selves, They Admit (By tha" United Press) 'New York, Oct 31. Eleven of 19 ttemberst oft the Progressive resolu tions committee Which "drafted Chicago convention platform, endorse . president Wilson -in . a .signed state- " "Without a candidate "ft, 'our own, unalterably favor ihe retention of President Wilson, under whose lead veahip more "progressive', principles .-have been 'enacted intovlavr th'anwe ; otieve would have been accomplish . d had the Progressive been in pow . says the "statewenU-:' if ., t TOlTftOF.ElATL . ( t JONES tUNfAnONj ?. ; 1 DEPOSITS VALUABLE v VAt Ieast, tnrei hundred iwres oi 6 Jones county plantation of Mr. Lovit Hines "of. this city U underlaid ,, feet thick with, marl of the finest qna,,tJr' fading ton annonnce- nKmt Tuesday byO. p. McCrary. JpJent faraJ delnonsfraiaon Jkgent . McCrary lhM carefnjiy inspected :-r P'nttion; few niiies 'eduth of j "k of "exploration" is ' ZJ? aie,lns Ptedt-an4 the de- 1S0N " WW known to be the case.! O.RIUB INOT ARE . .. . . & ; HSSEtlSSDBlIARIN'D SURVIVORS DECURfe Broke Gerittany JPledge to for Affidavits of Americans Will Forward Byidence to V German submarines An viola- the United States regarding uerman ijovernmeni win ais- was guilty of such a violation. VILLA JS SHORT 0 (By the United Press) El Paso, Oct. 81. Americans ar riving at the border hist night con firmed the Villa capture of Santa Ro salia. Villa is ow marching on Par ral and Jiminel, it is stated. The bandits, numbering 4,000, and mount ed on horses, mules and burros, are in large number, unarmed. CONTRACT LET FOR BIG NEW DRYDOCK Washington, Oct. 30 The contract for constructing the 1,000-foot dry dock at the Norfolk navy yard was awarded today to the George Leary J Construction Company of New York at a nrice" of $242,594. The limit of cost fixed by Congress was $j,owo, 000. .' Limestone and iron stone abound, and crop out at places in the" ditchbanks. State experts will' b called shortly, Agent MeCrary says, to view the place. The mart supply is nearly in exhaustible Petrified fragments of animal and vegetable -fafe M other ages abound. MeCrary brought away the tooth , .o ,;& -u monster, probably a shark,. Jsfhat jnustJhave ccmo from a monster 60 feet long. The marl w covered with ; shallow, black and very rich foani. ' Ditching through the marl, aithoogh' tedious and expensive, will drain the farm through a porous underlayer. wwch more efficaciously than at present, the demonstrator says. Marl if" ; being . D.Ad nrofit in" the State REPUBLICANS J ITES AFTER GRAY'S MILL RALLY Embrace the Faith Without Shame Liles Proves At fachment for , His New Love Like Backwoods Meet of Old Days Not on the schedule was a regular old-timey Democratic rally at Gray's Mill Monday night. A c-owd of be tween i.) and 100 enthusiastic men hoard addresses by Register of Deeds kCarl Pri.lgcn, J. Frank Lilei, Sheriff A. W. Taylor, Oeortr: Green. G rover "ox and others - who motored out from i hi- city. Eighty pounds of meat was consumed, although most of tho'-c present had had their suppers; no one goea( supperless in this era of unpreefdented prosperity. Interesting was an address by Mr Lilei. Le-tg than a week ago he noiiniod the RepuMican party; Monr, i':rr night he denounced it. He !?- "!'i:'od to the Repulilican.-! among his Mr rers that . Democracy is lust in pvv'cinlo; ho had felt ashamed to live amergst these COO'! people and cling to the flimsy iP.j-ion; of the dead party. The lawyer reaped good fru:t; up came an old-timer who an nounce! gleefully and like a man who had divested himself of a ff'iat big burd.-m, that he would vote the st.-,i'a:ht. Democratic ticket. There were oiiers present who accepted Wr-odrow Wilson. Kiom hack of ths tail pines be hin.) which next Tuesday the sun of Kiii'-.'hlic.'imsm over North Carolina set forever, a bright moon smil ed (1 iwn upon the gathering. The af fa!" was just like they hud twenty years ago. The old moon that had p.'on so many. dark deeds done in the nigl:! witnessed a good act in a' na.ii'hty wo?kl and saw men rejuven ated and made clean in an hour, st":!ing before other men when mak ing their ablutions and being accept ed by blood brothers after the brand had been erased. It was like a pic ture of reconstruction times, when men gathered in the gloom to prac l ice patriotism, but there were no while robes nor solomn oaths. The mira-le of vanishing the leprous scales in an instant vva.s profoundly impressing, though. Other night meetings will be held. Th y are to be extensively advertis ed in the neighborhoods in which they are staged. Tuesday morning the canvassers in full force went tp Tull's Mill, where a big audience was reported to bs awaiting them. Wednesday they will curt- the cimpaign into Pink Hill, The Republican salient there will be attacked with the heaviest artillery the Democrats have. Tuesday night Col. A. C. Davis will speak at La Grange. He is Wayne county's cham pion orator. TO OLD FRANZ JOSEF WREN BERLIN FAILS COME GLEAN By JOnN HEARLEY, (United Press Staff forrespondent) Rome, Oct. 31. Unofficial , advices received here point to the resumption shortly by Germany of the most ex tensive employment of aircraft yet. Ah appeal has been made to Emperor Franz Josef of Austria, following evasive answers from Germany gto p: 3U;station3 against unrestricted submarining by neutral agencies. LOUISIANA, MOOSER STUMPS FOR Oiicagor Oct. 30. John M. Park er of Lbaisianaj , Progressive party nominee for vice-president, will cim paign irr Jlichiganc for President"Wil son beginning iWednesday, November 1; ; With him will be. number of other Progressive leaders and the party will travel by irecial' train. WILSON tYERYC SECtlON :StiTi WILSON-RIARSHALL FUND; The Wil8tn-Mae8hafl Campaign Lenoir county kas done fairly Fund in North Cablma is in reality a ' Wel!' but not s msch as Jt. hould popular affair. vIt. is interesting to ! da; " city f Kif t'V l,Mdonated ! 123 and LaGr&ngo tT2, making a to note." says SecreUry-TrfeasUrer Hughjj flf 175 from theTounty. McRae, in a letter to The Free Press, ..Th'is fund not ml represents the "that practically eve'y section of the loyalty to tho admwislration from State has taken a creditable part" in raising it. ' The total Taised in the State so far is $l308.2S.f;'''Porsyth county still leads, and will probably continue to lead. The great part of its $11,09-1.-50 was subscribed by one citizen. -Jd : V-f-r i- LIC- KNOWS . ALL1 ABOUT ApIR WltHiSTIFF RESIpNCE iERMANYf DECLARES President Replies to Lodge Retreating Forces ii Dob Charge In Regard to Al- rudja Make Staid to ieged Postscript to Lusi-' Fight Rear Cuard Action lania Note Was Not Contemplated Lonar Branch, N .J.. Oct. SO. Pros-J iJerit Wilson tonig-ht characterized as "unt'iio" the statement made by Son- ! ator Henry Cabot Ijodge, of Massa chusetts, to the effect that the Presi dent had seriously considered adding. a woaKening ijostcript to nis ius- tania note. j . i The President telegraphed to Wai- j t: r Lippmann, of New York, editor of t!-o Xew Republic, replying to a mes sapo from Mr. Lippmann regarding Senator Lodges statement. the President's telegram follows: "In reply to your telegram let me say that the statement made by Sen ator Lodgre is untrue, ' No postscript or amendment of the Lusitania note was ever written or contemplated by m? except such changes that I myself inserted which strengthened and em phasized the protest. It was suggest ed nftor;thc note was ready for trans mission that an intimatioii ' bo con veyed to the German government that a proposal for arbitration would be aecsped and one member of the cabi net spoke to me about it, but it was .never discussed in cabinet meeting and no threat of any resignation was ever made for the very good reason that I rejected the suggestion after giving it such consideration as I thought every proposal deserved which touched so grave a matter. "It was inconsistent with the pur pose, of the note. The public is in possession of everything that war, said to the German government. (Signed) "WOODROW WILSON". HINGS THAT. A Copyright,; n t i?f - - -- - in "upcc'a'i I ALWAYS "vMADeO . L,L'T A POtuT NEVER Vf C"t 0 )f T ACCEPT CHRISTMAS Jc V hoo -5Afi! f (hv&ovs pur yy V: '- V CH IMMEDIATE JS -1, 1 1 S 1 ; skmmd Si j " ' V " : . , " , . : .?"" vi . : .' ' -. ' -. , ... .1 .- .. . HA5 CONTRIBUTED TO , DONATIONS I UP Indivjdnal citizens! it shows th splendid team work hleh'has boon done by the members if the commit tees throughout the state who have volunteered to devote Uheir best of forts to the national Wrvico," says Mr. MacRae. L ROUM ANIAPS t OFFER TO VON IfACffiNSEN Until Artillery Cn Be Ferried Over Dariubc M (By the United Presi Berlin, Oct. SI. Von Madwis sen s I pursuing forces in Dobruujp are clashing with the Russo-Roumnians for tho first time since the 'nemy retreated Srom the ConstanzaJCorna veda railroad. The Roumanian have r firmed their lines and are insist ing along a line 55 miles north f the railway, saw dispatches. Sharp fighting began Sund$ bit m yet, has not assumed the prejor tions of a general engagement. It is believed liere that the enemy at tempting a stubborn rear guarrf ac tion to cover the withdrawal of artil lery across the Danube. BOTH DEUTSCHUND AND BREMEN LOST, BELIEVED Geneva, Switzerland, Oct. 30. (Via Paris). The National Zeitung, of Basel, prints tho following con cerning the German submarines Bre men find De,utschland: "P'otk the Bremen and the Deutsch fand have been lost either captured r.r sunk. The Bremen never reached the United States nor returned. The Ik'utschland during her second trip across tho Atlantic in September un der the.name Weser also disappear ed. (Submarine U-&3 was sbtit in search of the vessels, but found no Lace of thena. The loss of the two commercial submarines has not yet been officially admitted.1 NEVER HAPPEI -DA) my mm. mm Sunday and Monday to Be Observed r .City-VJi? Canvass All xsked to Contribute r War Ha3 Brought Famine to Peo ples of These Countries A hundred representative citiaena are to be named a committee to can- vass the city next Sunday and Mon day for subscriptions for Armenian Syrian relief. Mayor Sutton has, tha appointment in charge, pastors of the various churches of the city sug gesting members of tho committee. On Sunday members of the commit too will visit nearly evt'ry homo in Kinston, while on Monday the busi ness district will be canvassed. The committee will probably be announc ed Wednesday. Tim plan outlined above was adopt -1 od at a meeting of ministers, newspa per men and Mayor Sutton Into Mon. (i: y in Ihe Pythian Castle. The con ferees passed a set of resolutions c.il!i;:g the attention of the local pub li'! to the needs of the Christians lin ger Moslem iu!e, and incorporating the President's proclamation provid ing relief diiys. The relief d:iys set apart by the President were October tfl and 2i. but. the resolutions state, th y could not be properly observed hc:c for luck of literature, etc. Ac cordingly, tho Mayor is asked to pro cla'm Novemiber T and (i as joint ro l ef days locally. Unsolicited donations may be left a' the banks, any of which will re 'riw them. It may be that some -ens may be overlooked by the canvassers wha woi'M like to sub sc, .ie to the fund. 3hc ministers will preach special sornsns on Sunday morning. ttfjo: :ts from missionary and offir Ciul purees indk'nt? that of all' the war i(ferprs tho Christians of' A 1,1 Minortiave fareil worst. The Turk ish trais have been charged with ruthless .daughter of thousands of Armenians, while that :ac and the Syrians bivj crpefiente.l all the. hor rors of ab'eet desliiution, it ij r'. The Syriats look forward hopefully to the sucsc.s of the Entente Allies in the world ynr, when government of tho countryly thd .French will bring practical lilfeity to the people. Ar menia, with'ietory for the Allies, will become, a Russian province, pos sibly, at anyiate, will be redeemed to civilization PRICES ON TOBACCO MARKET AS GOOD ,1S ANY OF THE SEASON More than 225,000 pounds of to bacco was sold h("-e Tuesday. The breass were the birjre t in several days. Warehousemen report the best prices of the season Tuesday. The a.'. !'e.'e ir. nearly all te.houses was 2- c.nts or bette" It is reported that tho sales at one place' averaged around a (uarter. This i v n t eon firmeil. Certain it :i thAiirh, that planters were gratified ovc-r ) day's business, and a fine air of aptimism prevailed on tho market. Larsror breaks .are looked tl- Wed ncsday. -1 "About r00 bales of cotton wer Viid to have been sold here Tuesday b 3 o'clock. Prices ranged . from ; 7 i-4 to 18.40. V., . v.'' I TJew lork futures quotations won : Open . CloV January ....... .... .55 19.10 March ' .. . . . ... . i .. - y .13.61 May , ...... . . . .t,i . .18.70 193 19.37 July .!. u7. . ....13.71 . 19.35 RELIEF mm AND SYRIANS orld ovf a OhtinOI SFAiJ: Will Spc?k in Buffalo and ' - -Then UsBXo, . i1 s lilt ilHUMtlUlM.' .. IMAGERS NEED - MONEY CaVt ; Stand to Republi-. ; cans In Newspaper " Ad k7tfcrtisin Campaign--Fi- 4"Sf ", nal Address by Executive ; ' , Saturday Likely ' . -v ' . ' ; tJy K. J. BENDER, Lruit?d Presa SUflf Correspondent)-,' ; f-t ' 1 ' ' ') ' , ,S Io-r TtwnoK N JOcL' 2I.T ' tlriv, homo the"" jnnal.bloWs irC his" ' -i? em', 'or, re-election,1 Prc'sldcn jji , ' Jj Wilton. Will Ssavo tonight for Vtwo ( Jj day?' iii'Kow Yorit ; State. Trm a " ' . 4l fol't'cal stm'pOwt'lthe speechos- at " " 'jj BuWo tomorrow iiigrht ni in New".'( Yck" C'ty; Thursday, pronis.to be, li "' f ImHicH importance. ' - 1,,w- ':'f'l - the President's' liutenartlE profen "A, 4 rf jqorsinoss at what they termv"un- , ' prfeedonted' sums of. monoy'r dispen v - lido i to Wilson.' n-Democrats - "t" c!a ta tho lietiubVicnnj have t'hrice as " ' r fvcli money at their disposal as has t'.i 7 U m. The -lack -of funds makes iV , provide for the Pemocats' to re-j . i.!y to the Rpobllcan' nowspapor -ii- if ?&:. vc.ti..np,. managers declare. r, Tri President will return to Shad- & i 1 iwn Thursday nightu following av Yo-k addressV, le wlU make -' ;j b.- i ' speech at Shadow tawrj Sat- "f'f-', , Prv,ably. ; , , fv-' , SI t N IliM U i Hrffl ! LiiUU Ul KPLAl'ff m (By the United Press) , i'Ji Oilumbus, Ind., Oct. 31 iOandidata. Publics is on his second swing into Indiana. Ho is due to make four spt vhe3 today, winding ip at Ev- nniv.lle t anight. lie will, cottribute five ;neeches tomorrow. The itepub Sicns are anxious to elect tw, ena ivirs in Indiana Jbeaide- a .C Qv- P. Pi i .i dent. ( . " BULLETINS. (I9y the Untod Proes) T i nrs Sl'FF. TBAtX ' ' I !IC. AliOPXI). ' - , .... ,f'....t. (.'hicnjto, Oct. 31. After a ' t w'lirlwuid tampaign in Illinois, tre Iluf.hes women's special is - e;;:!'ctcd here this afternoon. ! O UNO BRITAIN DEAR. I or! n. Oct. 31. BritMn kill cd, wounded and misninjf since (ipl-iber 1 number 108,00,' ssjrs ;! the ofiicial asuay list. .A 4TtkV ol thes were lulled. . FHBIFSS, CHAIN FOff- BStEBalG OF SWINE Thu "endless chain' "will 1 tluccJ, m Lenoir conpty. f th s -propagation f pedi ; -All. restored pifrs own b(ys, 'many' of . whom wi. procifjingr them last sprir n lftans from the'Farwe chart Banklhw"wTll l raresta- thef numbsrv m. Kpesroiaori f the bay' t furmsh elher I -td repay ihq lui' ithus spread re2;r; ,he county iipf:. er yrf r' S.'.'.'"' P , 4 I 1? ill: U ii ! i: I' I! I. 9i ' is 1 ' i . ... v.-

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