THE KINSTON FREE PRESS Tuesday Evening, October 31. 1916 4 TV WfrLi The XtyVOruComjmV; nortii' -ra the 5 of thslr tore J tH ' 6hm Thuraday, Nov. 2nd. . u ,v. vi.. fera "non" grower of Kbvstou tor u4 Manager cinity to bold a Chryaant noir Imir fc th winnin . . to become the proiwU"" ' Lenoir Drug -The dy: Me In Advance: be in, bunches of x,in) ,m- Month 35 the. dWlay premiumi.'tffc'Jc Montha 2 00 I eitfiJftMorted colors rt.,..,.,4.0Q ir-V , filar. Jt-ntne Jprtef are offered by: , Vr iW Ofc, h winnin4, ; ? Entorod at tlV2 0?K JKlnstwi. North Carolina, as acond-clnaa tnatterW X of Congreaa; March 3, 1879. I ' " 1 .. . " " 1 r Vionmunicaoons receiyea ana noi puonenea win not ie returned nniesi stamps to cover pottage accompany same. '' ' ' NEW YOR1T OFFICE 38 Park Row, Mr. Ralph R. Mulligan, In tola, charge of Eastern Department. File f The Free Press ean be aeen. S i WESTERN OFFICE In charge of Mr. C. J. Anderson. Marquette Building, Chicago, whore files of The Free Prow can be aeen. Subscribers are requested to notify, by Telephone 75, The Free Press of any irregularity of delivery or inat tention whatsoever on the part of the carriers. After Six P. M. subscribers are requested to call West ern Union and report failure to get the paper. A copy will be aent promptly, if complaint is made before Nine P, II., without cost to subscriber t : . TUESDAYEVENIXG, OCTOBER 31. 1916 ?01d Vtrginny" will be legally dry after twelve o'eloi-k ; tonight, nd here's a hope that her aridness will be very tnucb a reality, t ? If the "Old Dom(nlon"'liquor dealers'; customers jren erally have been aa jibera) in their patronage as have , the North Carolina dnsunwra (based on heavy railrond traffic in liquors), there should be little danger of vi!ut- ing the new law by having an over supply on November 1. ', It's a pity that w national campaign has descended fto the level of mud-slinging tactics in some instaiiec because of the fallacious statements of some of the He , publican campaigners which have luft the Democratic leaden no alternative but to stamp them as untruth. One week from today and the American people must decide whether they approve the maintenance of puuee and promotion of prosperity. All other issues fade intc insignificant nothingness. "Peace and Prosperity" is the slogan that should stir every red -blooded American uno rally him to the colors of Wood row Wilson. Former President Tsft, following the example of tht former Justice, digs into ancient history and undertake. to make mountain out of a mole-hill and decry Mr. Wil son's Mexican policy. If iMr. Taft would take the trou Lle to go ba'ck a little bit further and discuss for tho tdi fication of the American people HIS Mexican policy ii would be of interest to the average citizen to know just why he saw fit to unload the Mexican situation on Mr Wilson as he did. The American people will probably not be unmindful of the fact that the Mexican prohlerr was Inherited 'from Mr. Taft's administration. controversy which has come so close to causing Tl break between the United States and Germany on several occa. sions in the past will not have to be reopened. If it is found that the Gi-rman submarine wantonly vio lated international law and sunk without warning the Marina it will be well in thn investigation to consider the motive; to ascertain if there is a "niRtrer in de woodpile"; to sea what influence, if any, the Hyphenates have brought to bear; to determine if there is a conspir acy in German-American circles, allegedly anti-Wilson and pro-Hughes. The tactics of falsehood, slander, mis representation and mud-slinging, reported to by the op ponents of the Wilson administration in their despot ate e:oits to prevent the re-election ( President Wilssn, would justify the assumption that '.he gang would not stop at the sinking of a ship if by doing their politi-al ends could bo served. NUFORM AVERACCriGUHES ARMENIAN AND SYRIAN RKI.KF. A committee of pastors, mayor, and newspaper repre sentatives of Kinston met MondJ- afternoon and deter mined to r-spond to the call of lie President in observ ing a definite period for solicit irg contributions for the relief of the starving Armenian knd Syrian people. Be cause of other appointments it ias not practical to ob serve the tv clays set aside by f resident Wilson in O "to iler, but Sunday, November o rd Monday the (Hh will be observed. A large commit tie of representative citi zens has b-en named by the M;Aor. This committee will probably make a house-to-houe canvass Sunday iiTtor- noon. at which time it is hoittl to have a liberal :es- ponse. The committee feels that wen the President and tin mation at hand, the situation of such importance a; to justify presidential and con J-essional action that ery citizen should respond as laitely as he finds it posvble to do for the relict ol a people, wno largely or , mwim&iWNm!FX-jrxvmvT; r-" their Christian faith, have :en persecuted, martyred, outraged and causL-d to suffij- inconceivable and unsp -ak-able horrors. The Free Prtfs hopes that there will be a liberal response, and that tjie people of Kinston will -.'e to it that they have a subjtanl ial part in sending r li-'f to the unfortunate people vho have survived the t.i .ble persecutions. W.B.Nuform,Corsets give Style, Comfort and perfectly fitting Gown. Long wearing, they assure the utmost in a corset at most Economical Price. $3.00 to $1.00. W.B.Reduso Corsets make large Lips disappear; bulky Vabt-lines more graceful ; awk ward bast-lines smaller and neater, and have the "old corset" comfort with the first fittiug. $5.00 and $3.00. WEING ARTEN BROS., Inc. fiV.v York, Chicago, San Francisco rancisco It RR-iT NATIONAL BASK flF Capital and Surplus $160,000 Kinston Free' Press Co. Inc. Offers Splendid Investment Opportunity ISSUE OF 7 PER GENT PREFERRED STOCK Interest payable Semi-annually The Kinston Free Press Company, in line with its announced policy to give to the people of this section a newspaper abreast of the times, and in order to enable it to do so, orTers $5,000 in $100 shares Preferred Stock, bearing 7 per cent, guaranteed, pay able October 1 and April 1; Stock dated October 1, 1916, and demandable by holder at par value at end of five years, or redeem able at option of company at end of either two, three or four years, at premium of 3, 2 or 1 per cent., respectively. The proceeds of this issue will be used to further equip and modernize the plant. Prospective investors should address the Company or T. V. Moseley, Secretary. mm FF PRESS GOMPJ N. J. ROUSE, President LOVIT HINES, Vice-President T. V. MOSELEY, Secretary-Treasurer. II. GALT BRAXTON, Manager. . DIRECTORS: N. J. Rous D. T. Edwards, Lovit Hines, II. E. Moseley, T. V. Moseley, D. F. Wooten, J. II. Omady, J. F. Taylor. C. Felix Harvey, WHAT OTHERS SAY LOOK FOR "NIGGER IN DE WOODPILE"! The report of the inkin(j without warning of the Hrii iah mule-ship on Which there wore Anurii'ans may, tipm thorough Investigation, prove to be Imt another of tin many reports which have reached this country since the assurance was given by Germany to ihs' United Stnte. that the under-sea warfare would lie conducted within the bounds of international law, ami which have pnncr to be without foundation upon careful investigation; o it may be thst tht re is foundation for the u pon 1:v 'the submarine controversy will have to be reopened. , Consul Frost at Queenslown has Invn niven in.,! ic tions by the iStute Department to make u thorough in ve titration and forward a complete report an soon ;n'fair chance. S.i possible. If his report Indicate that Germany has br ik- j, 0ked to the fair en faith and wantonly taken n?utral and non-romba: lit RICHMOND'S HEC'IPRU'ITY. Slate Journal: "Richioiid is now joining hands with Raleijfh in an etrnrt to jvcurn '.he location at the hilter place of oni of tha I'eihfai I-inti Hanks. At the hea-injj )n Tuesday in Raleijrhbefuie the Federal Farm Loan Board, Richmond was Represented by Messrs. Richard H. Smith, piesident of the Clearing House Association; Col: man Worfl'im. priiilent of the Chamber of (m merce; W. II. Adiuns, president of the Ii'oard of AVer men; Col. Julian 11. Hill, cashier National State and City Bank; W. T. IMmcy, business manager Chamber of Co!timerce;V . 1. Jackson, president Virginia Trust (v.; II. E. Litchfonl vice-pr. sidenl Oid Dominion Trust Co. :he last two nmed being former residents of Rab' g'n Their endorsement of Raleigh's claims was in recogni tion of RaleigJ's aiil in securing for Richmond one of the Federal Rescve Hanks and shows a commendable spirit of reciprocity. The action of Richmond is, as it should he, very hiyhly appreciated by Raleigh, as Petersburg is also an a))plicant. At the neuring on l uesiiav (. narlotie, iireen.tcro, ana Durham vere represented by strong delegations who pre sented tleir several claims with great force. These are the men that manage this bank. They deeply appreciate the splendid balances now being carried by their patrons. N. J. ROUSE, Presides O. F. WOOTEN. Caabiej T. W. DR. HENRY TULL, Vlee-Preai, J. J. BIZZELL, Asst Caaklag liijATH, Tellei W. L. Ktmxeiy Dr. Henry Tull i. H. Cansdr J. F. Taylor H. H. MC !HCTORi :1 ii. Iii S. i. Roua C. Felix Harry id Oettijiftr II S. Maey INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS C. OETTINGEFi, Manager Kinston Insurance & Realty Co. Telephone No 1 82 1 10 E. Gordon St - IV." . SUN OF PROSPERI Milnington Dispatch: "All the many countv fairs and the SRite fair,, too. that have been held, report ivcord- breakintr atli-tid.r'c prescribe' life without .due process of warning international law. The Free Press is confident that prompp n.i .iiuiiiialn mratxa i 1 1 1 I... tl-a.i I.,. ' i . . i . . .. , t .1. r It is to be hoped, however, that later reports will shqfv j whv thev that tho sinking of the Marina was not in violation f the rights of neutrals and non-comhuianU, ami that (he In some instances the attendance cam being doubled on certain days. This is only anoSier sign of prosperous time. The ountrv f dks havf money. They have sold their products at profitable prifes, fiinling not only a gond market, but plenty of eirdit, due to a fmiincial system that will give the farmer the people from the country have spending their .money and whoop- g things up in general. A; a result, the fairs have wn stro"g t an. I the way paved for bigger shows r..'xt when ih,' country folks will undoubtedly be tinan- ti ike the ti in again. There is no reason be. They have learned the lesson SEVERE PUNISHMENT Of Mrs. Oiappefl, of Five Yean' Standing, Relieved hy C&rdui. Mt. Airy, N. C Mrs. Sarah M. Char), pell of this t.nvn, says: "I suHcreJ 'oi live years wi'h!y troubles, also stomach troubles, and mv pniii' l;r.:c.:.; was more than .my one could ted. I Idea most every kind ol meJioittc, but none did nte any good. I read one day abot:! CirJui, the wo man's lon.c, nti i d ruled to fry it. had not but aV.ul six hot;:- ::nfil I was r.!n:;st curt-r!. It did tn more good than r!l the other n:cuiciacs 1 bad tried, put together. My friends bepnri ajkin" me why I looked so well, attd 1 tcld tt.ciTi f bout Cardui. Several arjj now takin;; it." Do you, I-d'.' reader, suffer front my of the ailmrnis due to womanly tamM.-, such as headache, backache, sid-::. sleeplessness. r.t:d that evcrlasliuijlv ' eeliij;? If so, let us tirce you to eive Cardui n trial. V. c f.'-l csniiueal i: v.i:i he!;i vr jus! as it k?A a million other iii tr.c past r.ali contnry.-- lie-in t.virtg Cardui to-dav. You won t regn t a. Ati druggists. Z. V. MOSELEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Back of Lenoir Drug Company Phones Office 178; Residence 113 Miss Sallie Foy Hazelton, R. N. (Registered Nurses? no v nonnnw B r t' PHONE 218 You will certainly find what you want at Copeiand Brothers On Easy Terms. Seventy five Horses and Mules to select your choice. Hackney and Thornhill Wagons that have no equal for Durability. Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes and Clothing, at Rock Bottom Prices. Cotton seed Wanted See os Before You Sell, R0THERS iii r r m m mm ef dive-sitW;,,!.,,, and if the present sound financial ys- Vd'CIV.. ! t.-ni eon';n.n.l ihev ei,n alwnvs ni, th.. m,nev " 'XL!1' !t ;.?! - " '" S MIKEI?:.;MESSENGER "T8eO!NABAKi Wf I'.- P6 HCTT YS'SAWf? itCrWiW ) f 7 T7I f", ' a KiPi I " ill' . ' C:i. thoO ih THE V7 ? ''' i" W' I ME NC'OUS VERSPiRATiON- , . , j .?T,CU (TxHlHK I'LL Fuc ON 71 J ' '. .& Wl Vi CLiAi , ' T7WvWWM f. . iVlW-s5vfSMCFR Ah UoSE TKTCCK FER AVVHUT r' SEEM To 1 ozCZ:c ' ""' ' ' " : ' V fit PlONGS IH TH' , ( - VllV "- ,Wh,cf7 reKrjc'h'u: WVE -WetE C-hE T.I' PpOLTt I HAVE LOST ,,m yjj'RE RCoFly A T WotLD BE JUST V ' - - VBQuHpU" .UOH! ) r-6,A KTA L T' '"IPftT CHECK f'fe UW MY LUCK P. ' BEAUTY To Th' Etr ) , (-J. S L:. ;! p J. 'hV '', FERINDECEWTj 1