VOL. XVIII. No. 106 FIRST EDITION KINSTON, N. C WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1916 FOUR PAGES TODAY FrENTSTiiAiNS FIVE CITIZENS OF UNlTHj 5TATES; TWO OF THEM FROM NORTH CAROLINA, DR0WNQ1 WHEN MARINA WAS ii'. 'v-'.- ..' ..A .:; ' ' ? Charlotte and Eayetteville Men Thought to Have Been Losfc-Consul Frost Gets Affidavits of More Than Two Score jSryiyprs-T-Horseship Was Struck Amidships, Keeled Over and Went Down In 20 Minutes Crew and Hostlers In Boats Spent, Many , Hours At Mercy of Heavy Seasr-Boilers Blew Up Captain Last to Leave Vessel; Delaya Cost Him His Life One Boat Smashed Against Ship's Side (By the United Press) Washington, Nov .1. With five Americans believed to have perished as the result of the sinking of the steamer Marina, no evidence has been had yet that the submarine commander gave tfiem a chance for their lives. The situa tion is extremely grave. Germany has been ask ed to have the submarine commander report on the affair," while United States diplomatic and consular officials have been directed to cable all information available. If the present evidence is substantiated by Germany, it is agreed here that Berlin faces the necessity of taking drastic ac tion to expiate the offense. The United States declared in the Sussex note last April that a re petition Would result in the breaking of diplom atic relations. The German embassy announced today that the submarine commander would be punished if guilty of a violation of Germany's pledges to the United States. (By Robert J. Bender) Binghampton, N. Y.. (Aboard Presidents' Train), Nov. 1; President Wilson is being informed of every step and detail of the Marina case from Washington. Every dispatch to the State Department from Consul Frost is forwarded immediately to the President. The President is particularly anxious to get a report requested from the American charge d'affaires at Ber lin.. The government's course largely wiH be influenced by thisrepOrt; Officials are disposed to give Germany time foraj full investigation. , Mn at kercy of Gale and Cold. London, Nov. 1. The Marina was' attacked Saturday morning, while en route to Glasgod from Baltimore. A torpedo 'Struck her amidships, tearing a great hole and lifting lier out. of the water, survivors declare. The ship rolled over on her side as she settled. She remained afloat 20 minutes, until the boilers burst, splitting her in two. ' ; Captain Brown was the last to leave the ship. He jumped gust 'before the explosion, and was drowned. One of the Marina's boats rolled against the steamer's side in the heavy seas and was crushed. All ;the occu pants were drowned. The other boats drifted 18 hours before the occupants were rescued. The survivors suf fered terribly" from cold, great waves threatening to cap sifcfi the boats at any moment. Two of Lost North Carolinians. London, Nov. 1. Five Americans are believed to hav perished with the sinking of the British steamer Marina according to latest dispatches. These are Daniel Thom as of WilmingtonrDeL, Josh Brown of Roanoke. Va., 4. C. Baird, Jr.; of Charlotte, N. C, George Sedbury of Fayetteville, N. C, and G. M. Houz of Norfolk. Va. ' United States Consul Frost at Queenstown has taken the affidavits of 42 American survivors, declaring thr Marinawas attacked without warning. -Trrrr.'' 'Li' ji 1 ij 1 C- ( - v m 1 t, iiii.ini A V 'lA-V r a RUTHLESSLY SUNK' ' '' ' I BUSY DAY FOR BOTH SIDES IN Hi r Hk . I COUNTY CAM Democrats and Republicans Held Big Meetings at Two Places Wilson Followers Said to Have Had Littte Difficul ty in Capturing Town ship Wednesday Clever Boy With G. 0. P. I he Democratic county spellbind ers Tuesday assailed l.he salient of lie; ublieanism in Trent township, un- '.il Ihij year doul '.ful territory. More than 200 men heard the oratory and oaitook of several barbecued pigs. J. Frank LHes, under two flags in his campaign, and now safely and aru?!y Democratic, led off with a well-placed test shot. The crew scor ed a hundred per cent. Col. W. D. fVieck, Register of Deeds Carl Prid hm; and others spoke. Liles appeal ed to the radicals present to do as he done reform and embrace a real n-n?tical doctrine. The Republicans had their first' real mc.tinf; on Tuesday, also, at Kenne !'.. Mill. They had almost afc many, ioc it!y quit e as many, in thfc audi nc? as did the Democrats. J. M. Mc vliwne presided over the meeting. 7 hi.- various county nominees spoke, v. G. Maxwell, one of the best ora oi of the party in this section, di3 urcd national issues, reviewing :;c:r ly everything there was lio be sn:d in an address that lasted lonjr r 'han an hour and a half. Edward Br-ice Mowborne, schoolboy son of r . J . M . Mewborne, read a paper .viih which he won a debate recently, 'akinjf the negative of the question as '.o whtl her Wilson should be re-elect-(1. Young Mewborne is an unusually iriclligent lad, and according to ''temocrats who heard him, would be i power as a boy stump speaker were he on the rig-lit side. "The boy's tai nt is remarkable," was the flattering "cmpliment ons hoarer paiefhim; "it's dir-ply misdirected." The Democratic host invaded and :nv.Ue:l Pink Hill township Wednes l:iy. The resistance is reported to rive heen scant. ('.I. II. E. Shaw, Solicitor of the oral district, back from Sampson, k'Ms of "shelling the woods" there an ! 'vepara ing the wheat from the j chad"." The Colonel brought back a n?w lot of slang. The "dope" hs sr.ivr- i hem, he says, w:-.s romething '!!;" llii.i: He sorted out the Popu i fr.m the radicals and discarded '.he latter, as incorrigible. He mads no appeal to them wha ever. But as Tor the Populists, he declared that :hry were Democrats at heart. "('.out? on back, boys. Don't be med. Hut if you won t come ' r.;;i, f'ir go .dncss' sake, fctay home in the 71 h and don't do any more hvm than is necessary." LENORB ULRICH Th MoroMo-Paramount Star TUESDAY PAIGN nil toSpjfeftissS-r- - ' .'. . ; , :: v SPORTING ELEMENT ENTERS INTO RAISING OF CAMPAIGN FUND Hon. N. J. Rouse, local member of the Wilson-Marshall Campaign Fund Committee in North Carolina, is in' receipt of a telegram from Secretary-Treasurer Hugh McRao calll ing attention to the fact '.hat North Carolina and Virgini.t are running neck and neck in the sums of con tributions for the re-election of Pres ident and Vice-President. The managers of th fund believe North Carolina's poriiing blood will prompt the people to donate liberally luring -the remaining few days of the (ampaagn. lney nope to nave tnis State lead the region in the total of roni ributions. GINNERS Ull USE NEW COHON GRADING SERVICE; CHARGED The following is a summary of the w , -k done by the cotton grader for tl-.b ilistrict at New Bern up to Octo-!-e:- 31: Oafen county: Qins reporting, 10; simplfs, 518. I.enwr 'county: Gifls, 6; samples, Onslow county: Gins, 5; samples, l.0u7. This report shoVs I hat Lenoir is imning a close race with Craven in ,ho number ot, bales graded, but that Onslow is :':2 bales ahead of both Craven and Lenoir. Local Demon-1 i rration Ag?;it O. F. McCrary makes the following appeal: "Mr. Farmer, spe your ginner and insist that he have your c,;tl on graded. It's his duly as well as his business to do so. Now while cotton is high is 'the time to know your grades. And do not rush your cotton on the market until you hava the grade, card w3 h you. See your ginner about it today, or see '.lie eoowty agent." -- .A CHAS. amiivy (hi ., THINGS THAT 5 ,. ! . ,v , , rr. 1,7, ,T W f . ' ' I'' I ) -.m'. ;r .. .itt, P. S. Ii. Harper, U. V. Job- ft ' . ' . - H. H . M,C:oy. Eddie S.ioud. 1. ' ' ' 7 ; : . - 1 . - . COMMITTEE TO HAKE1 CltV-VVIBE CANVASS FOR SYRIAN RELIEF Mayor Names Many to Scour Kinston for Con tributions to Fund Sunday and Monday Relief Days In Kinston Alone, and Lity hhouid Make a Good Showing To Help Destitute Christians Mayor F. I. Sutton, proclaiming Sundav and Monday. November 5 and c, Armenian-Syrian Relitif Days in city .Wcdtuv.Iav moMiinj? an- noue4H, a .fim31i,i,,; comprised iy neTib rs of v I' ioils chinches to can- v:js the city fir sub.-icriptioni on 'h fc two days. The Mayor was asked to name the relief days and anoint a committee at a meeting of ministers and newspapermen Mon day aUtrnoon. In resolutions adopt ed at the meeting it was explained that the .nr. -tonal relief days, set " -;:de by the President, had not been . . horv?d here boi'niise of the failure of literature upon which o base a n ogram to arriva. Tlie donations to , Joca fund wi)1 ,J)e forwarded to ve in charge of the national fund. A house-to-house canvass will bo n: le -on Sunday, whik the business ;l:!rict will be visited by the mem btr.; of the eommi tee Monday. TV cvremittee is numerous enough to Tisko the visiting of very business j-'.ace and home in the city possible. The members are: W. B. Ward, B. C. Grady, Mr. Clarence Wooten, Miss Willie May Hroadway and Miss Annie Spencer, ,).-hn B. Williams, W. 0. Bodell, J. ,J. GiifTilh, G. V. owper, Mrs. V. T. Hines, Mr3. L. M. LaRoque, VI . Dan W. Parrott, M. Abdallah, "! J. B. Cumrnings, Mrs. R. R. r...- . ns, Mrs. L. A. Otbb, F. P. 0 n law, Miss Hattie Daly, Mrs. C. ! -i x IIarv.v, Mrs. Dan Quinerl'y, Mr -. R. E. Ccpeland, 'Mrs. E. Y. r-'p. '.l, Mrs. Fletcher B. E'.zzeil, Miss 1 ! heth 'Copeland, Mrs. Mary Case 11 Toson, Mrs. H. T. Fisher, Mrs. . . K . Hudson, Miss May Harvey, Mi ss Annie Jordan, Mrs. L. Thneker k 'er. Mrs. E. V. Webb, .Miss A !!!.. Stephison, Mrs. L. P. Tapp, i V s Ada Suggs, vMrs. C. W. Sand ! Miss Mynlo -Whitaker, Y. T. ond, J. W. Ooodaon, D. N. I Hiton, C. M. Jordan, N. B. Moore, i :i:n wuineny, J. i . wniiiiem, ii. v i T ' 1171 '.C.I 1 IT TJ, Spence, L. P. Elliott, H. P. Fort, r "i Miss MvmIo -Whitaker, Y. T. . wfc7 1 i . .T W C.ood.,o. n. N. S ,A: r - 'J J V-J. . , P. Woolen, VV. I). Hood, J. C. jP - V 7 r L' .V ' ' VA ivm HAPPEN N -W'V?:V? - : DED11IA1 AIBOVB M HER SECOND SIT TO AMERICA U-FIFTY-THREE REACHES HOME SAFELY Monster Merchantman Submersible Docks at New Lon don After Three-Weeks' Trip Through Stormy Seas Million-Doliar Caro ot Dyestuffs and Medicines In Good Condition Kocnig and Crew Glad to Get Anoth er Glimpsv of Land of Peace May Have Mail for Von Bernstorff Fishting Submarine Which Ravaged ok:. : rv xr lv.i..j .,..4 1 Berlin States (By the United New London. Con., Nov. perils, after buffet in $r rouch .. , 1 ' T" i 1 day after her second American voyage. Twenty-one days' o'tt from Bremen the ship hummed through the outer har lor shortly after midnight. The crew of lare happy and hoiilthy. The valuable cargo of mediciiltestand dyes is intact. : "; ; H:t- '. ; The trip was uneventful, according to CaptainKoenig, with the exception of bad weather. ''We are glad to see America again," he said. 'The car go is said to be worth a million dollars. It is believed the Deutschland carries diplomatic mail for Ambassador Von Bernstorff. . v U-Fifty-threc Is Home. Amsterdam, Nov. 1. German submarine U-53, which ravaged shipping on the New England coast, has return el to Germany safely, say Berlin dispatches. T. Edwn rds. C. W. Sanders, 11. C. I' iv.ards. '( Andrews, E. (I. Bariett, il. Gait I'.axtoM, K. I.. Crisp, A. .7. Cher.-.on, R. Dunn, F. C. Dunn, F.lsworth Freeman, V,'., G. Grady. I. T. Hasskh), N. It. Hill, W. T. If!!, Lovit Hines. Paul Hod ge", W. D. . LaRoque, W. G. Mor-r-s, II. E. Moseley, T. V. Moseley, J. P. Nunn, Snow Nunn, J. F. Par- oif, Drew Pollock, J. M. Quinn, Kchcrt Rocae, Henry Scot)., Matt. 'lighter, Elbert Spear, K. R. Tun- sta!!, L. Tu-ner, G. Ward, J. F. Tay 1 .-. Misses Anna Pridgen, Addie Sr.'.iih, Eleanor Patrick. Mary Jeffrys, M:s. J. G. Campcn, L. R. George, W. M. T5onn, Miss Serf ia IIoHoo, ' Mr. Mik.-- Lee, Mr. .1. H. Se.Ht, ; M M . G. Vick. Mrs. Ilertie Brown, Mr. .1. F. Mill.ihunt, Mirs Mary Wat- j son. Mr. J. I.'. Leonard. Mr. Goorfre Patrick, Mr. Theo Stii'ihaok, Mr. J. P.i!y f'ronm, Mr. J. K. Honner, Mr. ! P:- Cd'.ins, Mr. W. M. Herbert, ' Mr.-. K. M. llinir. ."-Jr. Pia.l V - j ! 'v. Mr. V. 15. louslas8, Mr. W. ' i. Mi.-s Sii.'ie C:ik:i!v I 1 . . - - J . J.J. WHILE NOTED RAIDER Press) r l.Safe from the Atlantic's Oetober gales, the German 1 ,',,V..J I, .A.lnt. . 157 F LIQUOR FROM TRAIN A hundred and ninety-four hall rsi:ii.5 cf whisky , in two tmnlts wese oCc4 by th. police a); th? Norfolk r"c',a -la-'.n station her .Tuesday' aiflkt Th i owner was notrfotrnd". PollcfM men George K. Rouse nd John Tay lor dUcovwed the whiskey on a Jtrain v,hi! : rrturninjr from a point east of here. The trunks are held at th0 :el.'te station. The oorrtents are. aU '!' (rio brand and a rather cheap qual- iiJ'- One of the trunks is a substan- iJrummcr's case. ' '. 1 Vhiiifrten, Oct. 30. The contract fsfMtrtwclin -the l.WO-foot dry- dccK at the .Norfolk navy yam was awarded Siy to the Gdocr.a Leary Co;-rs;rnctt)n Company of New York at a prlca.of $242,594. The-limit, of cost fixed by Conurress wai ?3,500.- 000.