41. . ' 4t r--". TT--0 TTC TT" TT1 TheVeather Jl hi Today's News Today" Tonight T4 ..- ., ...... VOL. XVIII. No. 106 ., SECttND EDITION KINSTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1916 FOUR PAGES TODAY Sffc&ffl&bis STATES, WO OF tt ' - r - X ate TUESDAY BUSY U FRIENDS OF WILSON GLAD "OVER LODGE'S COMMITTEE TO MAKE DEUTSCHLAND ARRIVES FOR HER SECOND CAROLINA, DROWNED FOR BOTH SIDES CITY-WIDE. CANVASS VISIT TO AMERICA WHILE NOTED RAIDER SUNK FOR SYRIAN RELIEF U-FIFTY-TllREE REACHES HOME SAFELY T ACCEPTANCE DENIAL M!E- 1111 iyu FIVE CITIZENS OF UNITED TKEPd WRTH CharTotte 'a&l Fayeltevitie Men Stougtit to have lieeil Lost Consul Frost Gets Affidavits of More Than Two Score SurVivorsHorseship Was Struck Amidshipfe, Keele1i'6veand Went Down' In 20 MinutesCrew and Hostlers In Boats Spent Marty Hours at Mercy of Heavy Seas Boilers Blew Up Captain Last to Leave Vessel; Delay Cost Him His Life One Boat Smashed Against Snip's Side Nov.: (By the United Press) Washington, Nov .1. With five Americans believed to have perished as the result of the sinking of the steamer Marina, no evidence has been had yet that the submarine commander gave them a chance for their lives. The situa tion is extremely grave. Germany has been ask ed to have the submarine commander report on the affair, While United States diplomatic and consular officials have been directed to cable all information available. If the present evidence is wibstaJWpied by Germany, it is agreed here that BejrS jfac.eje. necessity of4aking drastic ac tion to .expiate the offense. The United, States decfaral in jtheSussex note last April that a re fj$i(itovWqUld sult in the breakmg of diplom atic relations. The German embassy announced tc$apr tiat the submarine commander would be punished if guilty of a violation of Germany's edes to the United States. (By Robert J. Bender) Biihamton, N. Y., (Aboard President's Train), iv.-'l,-President Wilson is beiner informed of everv sten emu mvpp ut wie Marina case irom wasmngton. iverv dispatch .to the &tate Department from Consul jrost is forwarded imjaiediatcly to the, Presidqn.t. .' The President is particularly anxious to "get a report requested from the American charge "d'affaires at , Ber lin. The government's course largely vill be .influenced by this report. Officials are disposed to give Germany time for a full investigation. Men t jftercy of 'Gale and Cold. 1 London, .Nov. 1. The Marina waa attacked .Saturday morning while eh route to Glasgow; from . Baltljrnore. A torpedo- struck ifher amidships, tearing a great hole and lifting Jier gut of the water, survivors declare. The ship rolled over On her side as she .settled.. She remained afloat 20 minutes, until the boilers burst, "splitting her in two. , Captain Browjo was the last to leave the ship.. He jumped jusF'befqre the explosion, and was drowned- One df the Marina's boats rolled against the steamer's side in the heavy seas and was crushed. All the occu pants were jifrovyned. The other boats drifted 18 hours before the occupants were rescued. The survivors suf fered terribly from cold, great waves threatening to cap size the boats atTany moment. Two of Lost North Carolinians. London, Nov. 1. Five Americans are believed to have perished with the sinking of tha British steamer Marina, according to latest dispatches. These are Daniel Thom as of Wilmington, Del., Josh Brown of Roanoke, Va., J- 0. Baird. Jr., of Charlotte, N..Q., George Sedbury of Fayetteville, N. C.,.nd G. M. Houz of Norfolk, Va. United States Consul Frost at Queenstown has taken the affidavits of 42 American survivors, declaring the Mariria was attacked without, warning. Democrats and Republicans Held Big Meetings at Two Places INVASION OF PINK HILL Wilson Followers Said to Have Had Little Difficul ty in Capturing Town ship Wednesday Clevc P.oy With G. 0. P. President Speaks to 12,000 Shoemakers in New York State -Reiterates Appro val of the Adamson Law l' APPREHENSION OFfWO NlGROES IS IMPORTANT i bacco was stolen from some of the Victories or other warehouses. Upon investigation and according to the . evidence adduced at the trial the to- Conspiracy to Defraud Landlords and 'ai co was the PrPerty of John Mar Tim Men and Hahit of Stealing '. a neSro tenant on the of Tobacco "Nipped" Conviction Should Retard Others So Inclined Farmers and time men are always on the alert to prevent tenants from defrauding them and evading satis faction, of liens and the case of the two negroes, Ed. Phillips nd John Murray, who were convicted of eon spiring to escape a lien is of more than passing interest and importance. Tobacco men have more or less trouble with the1 "mysterious disap .Vlrs. Gillian ferry, and ne had en gaged Phillips to bring the tobacco t.i town and sell it in his, Philips', n !. in order that Murra mi;rh' c;c;:n satisfying liens held by Mrs. r. ):) and L. Harvey t ftcn Co. The Tobacco Board of Trade be came interested and employed Mr. N. J. Rouse of Rouse, Land & Rouse, to rrcsecute the case and the convic tion followed. Mr. T. H 1 he Democrat!.' county spellbind n Tuesday assailed 'he salient of Re; uhlicanism in Trent township, un .h's yettr doubtful territory. More than 200 men heard the oratory and partook of several barbecued pigs ) . l-rank Liles, under two flaps in .his campaicn, and now safely and -anely Democratic, led off with a .vrll-placod teat shot. The crew scor- .! a hundred per cent. Col. W. D. !::..ck. Register of Deeds Carl Prid- tr n and others spoke. Liles appeal e.l !i the radicals present to do as fi haii done reform and embrace a real pra.lical doctrine. 'I he Republicans had their first real me. ting on Tuesday, also, at Kenne dy'.; Mill. They had almost as many, Ro-s-iMy quite as many, in the audi- enc ai did (he Democ.'-ats. J. M. Mtuborne presided over the meeting. The various county nominees spoke. R. G. Maxwell, one of the best ora tors of the party in this section, dis cussed national issues, reviewing nearly everything there was lio be - i.d in an address that lasted long er than an hour and a half. Edward Bruce Mewborne, schoolboy son of Mr. J. M. Mewborne, read a paper wi;h which he won a debate recently, aklng the negative of the question as Id whd her Wilson should be re-elected. Young Mewborne is an unusually intelligent lad, and according to Democrats who heard him, would be a power as a boy stump speaker were he on the right side. "The boy's tal e::! is remarkable," was the flattering '."pHment one hearer paid him; "it's .iimr.ly misdiredred." T .10 Democratic host invaded and invented Pink Hill township Wednes day. The resistance is reported to have been scant. Col. H. E. Shaw, Solicitor of the local district, back from Sampson, tells of "shelling the woods" there and "separating the wheat from the chaff." The Colonel brought back a new lot of slang. The "dope" he gav- them, he says, was something like this: He sorted out the Popu lists frcm the radicals and discarded ;he latter, as incorrigible. He made no appeal to them whatever. But as for the Populists, he declared that they were Democrats at heart. "Come on back, boys. Don't be ashamed. But if you won't come back, for goodness' sake, stay home on the Tl h and don't do any more harm than is necessary." (By the United Press) On Board President's Train, John son City, N. Y., Nov. 1. The Presi- lont reiterated approval of the eight- hour day in a short talk to 12,000 hoc workers here today. ll.e President's lieutenants are vi. it if ied at the acticn of Senator l.i.dge in accepting the ' President's ibi.ial of a postscript to the Lusitanin Mayor Names Many to Scour Kinston for Con tributions to Fund L0C1 OBSERVANCE ONLY Sunday and Monday Relief Days In Kinston Alone, and City Should Make Good Showing To Help Destitute Christians SPORTING ELEMENT ENTERS JNT01MW IJFCiMPAIGN FUND i Mayor F. i. Su'.ton, proclaiming f ; S.mdav and Motidav. November " and (., -'. rm?n;an-vnan lienor Davs in th city , Wednesday moniing an ' n.r.inced a eenimi'.i rf comprised by m'TYiiurs of various ehu.ehes to can- '..i .; the city lor subscriptions on ' h -o two ii:iv.i. i he iNiavor was . i.'i'k:cl to name the relief days an kousc, local memoor a;:po;nt n committee at a meeting of Campaign I i nm.sinnermen Mon- in North Cai ohna, ' ,!nv r .,..,,.., ,, resolutions udont- at the meeting it was explained it the rational relief days. set le bv the President, luul-not been I Hon. N. J of 'he Wilson-Marshall 1-Vid Commilte : y-Ti easuror Hugh McRae call-., ing attention to tTie fact .'that North ; , '.'arolina and Virginia are running ne.'K and nccK in tne sums or con- uiiu'.io;:s for the re-election of Pros- j , d.iu and Vice-President. ' , 'J'la: manager.-, of t lie ifund believe 'orth Carolina's spon ing blood will prompt t he? people to donate liberally dining the remaining few days of the campaign, ihey nope to nave tins State lead the region in the total of conl rib'ations. JUST CANNONADING IN THE WESTERN THEATER Paris, Oct. 31. Violent artillery- j ng occurred in the Douaurnont an.l i Vnux sectors last night. Otherwise 1 tliere was no aciion of imiMirtauee, it clliciaily sa;d. PASTOR RUSSELL DIES ON TRAIN IN THE WEST New York. Nov. 1 Pastor Russell, lie noted independent evangelist, died on a trnn en route from Los Angeles o New York yesterday of heart dis ease. ion of Labor was launched at a meat us of Federation men and postal em ioyej here today. R. E. Peaooly, t Federation organiser, from San Franci ,co, is one ofthe originators- of the move. ! ervt'd here because of the failure literature upon which ,o base a ' :-" rani to arrive. The donations to ' 'K local fund will be forwarded to ili '-e in charge of the national fund. A 1. iuse-to-house canvas.s will be '!i:::de on Sunday, while the business d'..hiet will be visited by I the mem- i.i s of the commrtce Monday. Th ii tnmittee is numerous enough to wuko the vi-dting of every business 'place anil home in the city -postuhla. j Tii-' mi'miier1; are: I W. )!. Ward. Ii. C. C.rady. Mrs. ('i.i'enie Wooten, Miss Willie May i Br.-.idway and Miss Annie Spencer, ' n K. Williams, W. O. Bodell, I. 1. Grini'h. G. V. Cowpcr, Mrs. W '!'. Hines, Mrs. L. M. LaRoque, . Dan W. Parrot t, M . Abdallah, Xi::. J. 1!. Cummings, Mrs. R. R. Par-ons, Mrs. L. A. Cobb, F. P. Oiulaw, Miss Hattie Daly, Mrs. C. !-ix Harv.y. Mrs. Dan Qliinerly, M . P. K. C-peland, Mrs. E. Y. .'-'p. e.l, Mrs. Fletcher U. L'izzell, Miss !:.::: nth 'Copeland, Mrs. Mary Case ; h mpsen, Mrs . II, T. 1'isht r. Mrs. K. IFidson, Miss May Harvey, M'.-s Ann.e Jordan, Mrs. L. I hacker S'leneer, Mrs. K. V. Webb, Miss AnnL- Steplips-jn, Mrs. L. P. Tapp, Miss Ada Suggs, Mrs. C. W. Sand er.;, Miss Myivle Whitaker, Y. T. Ormond, J. W. Goodson, D. N. Dixon, ('. M. Jordan, N. B. Moore, D:a Quinerly, J. T. Whitfield, II. E. I nirr, li. P. Elliott, II. P. Fort, Ii. P. Woolen, W. i)- Hood, J. C. Monster Merchantman Submersible Docks at New Lon don After Three-Weeks' Trip Through Stormy Seas Million-Dollar Cargo of Dyestuffs and Medicines In Cood Condition Koenig and Crew Glad to Get Anoth er Glimpse of Land of Peace May Have Mail for Von Bernstorff Fighting Submarine Which Ravaged Shipping Off New England Reports at German Tort, Berlin States (By the United Press) New London, Con., Nov. l.Safe from the Atlantic's perils, after buffeting rough October gales, the German commerce submarine Deutschland docked here early to day after her second American voyage. Twenty-one days nit from Bremen the ship hummed through the outer llar !.: shortly after midnight. The crew of 125 are happy and healthv. The valuable cargo of medicines and" dyes is intact. " f mWWtJmW-&"-" . The trip was uneventful, according to Captain Koenig, with the exception of bad weather. ' We are glad to see America again," he said. Thef car lo is said to be worth a million dollars. It is believed the Deutschland carries diplomatic mail for Ambassador Von I?ernstorff. V Fifty-three Is Home. Amsterdam, Nov. 1. German submarine ,U-53, which r-'.vaged shipping on the New England coast, has return :! to Germany safely, say Berlin dispatches. COPS GET TWO TRUNKS OF LIQUOR FROM TRAIN A hundred and ninety-four half pi::!.; 01 wmsKy in ivvo uuiihs wwiu seized by tha police ai: the Norfolk, Southern station here Tuesday night. 'Hi;' owner was not found. Police- Men George K. Rouse and John Tay-o- discovered the whiskey on a train vhil; returning from a point cast of ie:e. The trunks are held at the h-lice station. The contents are all rf one brand and u rather cheap qunl y. One iif the trunks is a substan i.,1 drummer's case. PRESENT RATES ON N. C. LOGS HELD 0. K. THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN Cpyns!ii, CAESARIAN METHOD IS LIKELY BE SUCCESSFUL Parahce of niles from their floor terested in the case feel that t is im- occasioiially, and th detection of the portant and wilt be of assistance in ttempied fraud f these two ie- checking the tendency of some un- f'oes is of Interest to' the tobacco scrupulous tenants in .their efforts to fraternity as well as the farmers and evade payment of their obligations time mien.; . , ; to their landlords and merchants. The caesarean operation was per formed at Parrott Memorial Hospital by Or. Ira M. Hardy, whose patient he mother is, and Dr. A. D. Parrott shortly before noon Wednesday. Both mother and child are doing well. It was the second operation of the sort performed at the hospital. The cae sarean section operation is very rare, Martin, president of the j and is said to have been invariably fatal until modern antiseptics were perfected to the present point. One of the Caesars was' brought into (ne world by this method, tradition, which seems to be generally accepted, has it. Tobacco Board of Trade, and all in- Ia statement to The Free Press, X. P. T. Z,m-L fv MR. PICKARD TO PREACH. AUantie Warehouse, whose vigilance Wednesday night Evangelist D. U. responsible for the detection of Kckard will preach upon "Snap PK said that his aBspteione were Shots of Passing Events," at the 'owed firat because the pile of to- Seventh Day Adventist church. WANTS TO UNIONIZE POSTAL EMPLOYEES St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 1. A move- employes with the American Federa- - 111 li(B'&) LISP1) W'a-ibinnrton, Nov. 1. The Intor- it : Commeree ( -onimissioii today ic! 1 to be reasonable carload rates on Up, i from North Carolina origins on ih Norfolk Southern Railway to Norfolk. BRITISH TAKE TOWN IN MACEDOAIAN FRAY (By the United Press) Paris, Nov, l.-The (British have stormed and captured the tTMactfdn- ian town of JEUrakli 'Anma, seven miles southwest of Demirhiaaar, af ter violent fighting east of the Stru ma river. Throe hundred prWdnors wtio tiiken, it is officially aaid. In toi rnittent fighting is occurring in the !);.irun rogion and on the jVardar front. WEDNESDAY GOOD DAY .TOBACCO MARKET More than a ojuarter of a million pounds of tobacco was sold here Wednesday. Estimates at 2 p. in. placed the total at 283,000. The prices were excellent, aver ages at the different warehouses ran.irin;.: from 22 to 25 cents. P. S. Ii. Harper, O. D. U'NSlKC SAYS IARIKA II. McCov, Kddie Slroud, I). ' i r.i;, C. V. Sanders, II. C. Andrews, E. G. Barrett, 1.'. axton, R. L. Crisp, A. ' -in, S. R. Dunn. F. C. I Hi. v i son, II. T. Kdwf Kdwards II. flail J. Chi'.' Dunn. KUworth Freeman, W. Crady, I. T. Ilaskins, N. Ii. V. T. Iliil. I."vit Hines. Paul tre-, V. D. LaRo'iue, V. (1. A ND POLITICS UNMIXED c. Hill, ' H id-. Mor- ii. 1 II. K. M.seley, T. V. Mnseley, f. P. Nona, l-inov.' Nunn, J. F. I'ar dtt. Drew Pollock, J. M. Quinn, linrt Rouse. Hcn-y Scot1 . .Matt. '' vi;;hter, Kli ert Spear, K. It. Tun :ill, L. Turner, (,'. Ward, J. I'. Tay- Misses Anna Pridgen, Addie irmth, Eleunoi- Patrick, Mary ,Je-ffrys, J. G. Campen, L. K. Georgo, M. IJuun, Miss Scot ia Hobtroo?, Mikf Lee, Mr. J. H. Scott, M . G . Vick, Mr. Bertie Brown; Mr. J. F. Dillahunt, Miss Mary Wat son, Mr. .1. V. Leonard, Mr. George Patrick. Mr. Theo Siainback, Mr. J. Rav Crf-om, Mr. J. E. Uonner, Mr. Paul Collins, Mr. W. 5f. Herbert, 327 Mrs. K. M. Harris, Mr. Bland Wor ley. Mr. W. B. Douglass, Mr. W, O. Woolen, M;.;s Susie Canady Wr.shingion, Nov. 1. Secretary Lansing today vigorously denied that the political campaign will affect the ii iia.rtment's ae'ion in the Marina rr.- N, and rlso denied that the admin i i r 1 1 i on has allured its submarine policy. GINNERS FAIL USE NEW COnON-GRADING SERVICE, CHARGED mm Approximately 175 bales of cotton were sold here Wednesday, at prices ranging from 17 3-4 to 18.40. New York futures quotations were: Open 2:40 January 19.25 18.77 March .. .............19.32 18.92 May ..............19.42 19.05 July .. ...............19.45 '19.03 December , ......19.20 - 18.76 - ' - Tlio following is a summary of the work done by the. cotton grader for this district, at Jt'ew Bern up to Octo ber 31: Craven county: Gins reporting, 10; sampijs, 518. Lenoir county: Gins, 6; samples, Onslow county: Gins, 5; samples, 1,007. This report shows l.hat Leiorr is running a close race with Craven in '.he number of bales graded, hut that Onslow is 22 -bales ahead of both Craven and Lenoir. 'Local Demon stration Agent 6. F. McCrarjjr makes the following appeal: "iff. Farmer, see your ginner and insist that he have your cotf.on graded." It's his duty as well as his business to do so. Now while cotton Is high Is 4ie time to know your grades. . 'And 'do not rush your cotton 'on the 'marltet until yon have the grade card Vjh you. See your ginner about it today, or see the county agentV . S'i i i f i IV' 1- .1

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