The 4Iome Papor ; ' -r: ' " '; f V' ' Valr Tonight VOL. XVJJI. o. J98 SECONOPPTON KINSTON, N. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1916 mSsOJf TRAIN'S FOUR PAGES TODAY LIKELY TO ;CAN-T VOTE G. 0. P. CADORNA BELIEVED T m ... I- nnnmimtrn if nr rivu TirKFT wniiAiun cn ncATu mnuimnw ktu an h-fnx vf UI UniL IIL'IILI tlUlT.IIlU UUIL'LUn IHAJI! W rtUUilimn uijiuhmiu I" IN SPRING BEFORE TRIESTE, MUCH-SOUGHT SEAPORT I, iffi h .I Kid . 'PR map 1 WINDS UP HIS FINAL RIVAL WAIGIRS GREECE ABOUTTO 1NFUCT A IIUfiHES BESTS AFTER H IN IIULU UI Lmil'UlU 111 ML UUL11L NEW YORK FRIRAV NIGHT; T. flJS ACTIVE EASTERN PART CITYi IVAR AT ANY MOMPNT TO POLLS ki New Yorkers tohe Number ecutive in Cooper Union Thursday Nrflrht-G. 0. Miles and Third of Nation's Voters Have Had Squint at Him "Why Don't He Name Me?" Screams Roose velt in Denunciation of Wilson Jkes Bryan and Ba ker Over Coais President on MayfloWer En Route to Summer WKite Jlouse ... (By ROBERT J. BENDER) New York, Nov. 3. Thrilled and inspired by New York's wild welcome, President Wilson sailed from here today on the presidential yacht Mayflower en route to Shadow Lawn. The city fought, screamed, bellowed, elbowed, roared, jammed and hip-hip-hoorayed its greeting. Last night two of the most enormous crowds that, ever fought and cursed a way into Madison Square Garden and Cooper Union were. on hand to hear the President on his first campaign visit here. The roar and buzz in the massive garden drowned out the President's words, while a bla tant band outside added to the din. Fourteen or fifteen thousand persons -packed . i 1 m A thousand lammanyues paraded on nttn avenue. The police estimate that there were 75,000 welcomers. Hughes Has Campaigned In Style. 31 (By PERRY ARNOLD) Hudson, N. Y., Nov. 3. When Charles E. Hughes reaches New York tonight his tour for votes will be com peted and he will have traveled 30,000 miles. It is esti mated that he has been seen by a third of the voters in the United States in the most comprehensive, nerve rackfog oral marathon for votes any presidential candi date has ever .undergone. With the exception of five days, the nominee has been continuously stumping since August 5. He has spoken in 32 States from as far north as Bansor, Maine, to as far south as Nashville, Tenn., and in the West to the Pacific slope. He has traveled in the first campaign special de luxe ever introduced in Ameri can politics. He completes the tour in perfect physical condition. i Terrible Teddy In Eruption . (By J. P. YODER) On board the Roosevelt Train, Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 3. Colonel Roosevelt promises an "entirely new speech with a kick in it" when he appears in Cooper Union, New York tonight. He will approach Americanism from a new angle. Roosevelt was particularly denunciatory in his criticism of President Wilson, Bryan and Secretary of War Baker last night in Cleveland. He assailed the President , "for speakihg of me always in the evasive third person'. Why doesn't he name me? Is he too tim id?'' he demanded in his falsetto. Active Day in New York Thursday. New York, Nov. 2. With two groat rallies here tonight President Wil-vi closed his campaign for re el.Y'.em except for a' speech he wil! dolivfr to New Jersey friends and neiyhiir3 at Shadow Lawn Saturday afternoon. Krcm the lime he arrived 'n t '.-:: city thh morning he was jrreoted by cheering crowds wherever he appeared. President Wil son, addressing a gathering of busi ness men from all parts of the coun try at a luncheon, declared tnat "ths men who constitute' what we have agreed to call 'Wall Street have a 'subile genius for promising seem ingly Immaterial changes' when call ed into consultation concerning the affairs of the country Vhich would eventually lead to the defeat of the main objects of the legislation pro posed.' " "f( VOU wonder." said iha Prei- kn;, "that I do not call them into consultation and yet I tell yoa scram thai tbev will Ki. "wit thsy come to co-operate, and ttey will not be welcome until then." In another of ths four addresses he "'ade, th Pi-esident said: We are living jn a Tery serious Period of -the world's history and therefore it seems "to. e Specially incumbent upon us. that w should s far as possible, eeareh every flues tion to the heart And when I think of earchlng the bnsinesa quesUon to the heart, it seems to me thpt there re some very large reckonings which ave too often been left out of the unt. When you think of the; til t'mate foundations of business you ust know that you find them in the conditions of the national life, and the particular conditions upon 'f 8uaful vitl business de Pnls ere the conditions which touch daily Hf of tho common mass of P60 of the country." of 75,QQQ Fought to See Ex- arjd Madison Square Gajrden P. Man Has Traveled 30,000 the building. Twenty-three 1 1 " 1 tn i EXTORTED BIG SI r r El IS ARRESTPD I?) Cccrge Bush Impersonated Federal Officer and Broke In Upon Scandal Auda cious Action at Atlantic City .', York, Nov. 3. "Handsome" we. ire Bush waj arrested today on a charge of impersonating a Federal ui'liror and evtorting $18,000 from J. J. Klien. a Baltimore banker, on a f.-udul m claim that he could hush ui) Klien's visit to Atlantic City with a woman last summer. According to the Jolic, Bush, with another, brke iit-upon Klien and took him and the V0Bin to' Phil adelphia, but agreedto tysh up the matter on payment -of bribe. x Cotton sold here for around 18 3-8 Friday. Receipts were small, owing to the presence 'n town of a circus and the taking of a holiday fcy the tnost of the planters. New York futures quotations were: Open 2:00 January March 19-08 ' '19 02 May ....19.22 19.18 July 19.22 xl9.18 Dwem'ber s,.MJ 18.88 Maxwell Attraction Featur ed by Republicans Dem ocrats Had Band Good Talent Predominated With Democrats Democratic and Republics cam pu t;ii speakers held forth a short dis tance apert in Bast Klnston Thurs day nitrht. Both parties drew fair crowilc, but the Republicans admitted ly had the largest. Bob. Maxwell,' the Duj-lin county orator, was a draw- :".- card for the G. O. P. men. He a crowd on anv occasion, and Mrxwe!!, according to Democrats,) mu e than the event, a'tracted the I ;u lienca Thursday night. 1 Hon. N. J. Rouse, Col.. Henry .-i.naw, J- rank LUes and others sDoke !r the Democrats. They went into National, State and county issues and made the usual anneals for four vears of Wilson anil prostventv. Maxwell occupied nearly the whole 'irt;e of the Republican bill. He urg ed his G. O. P. hearers to stand fast ami let no man persuad 1 them away fr.i-n the Republican faith. Not all' of his auditors were Republicans; of coi': sc. A Democratic brass band f.U.'d to offset tho Duplin man as feature. BUSINESS GOOD IN ALL Washington, Nov. 2. The Federal "1 orve Board's monthly business srnjmary announced today gen ei:l conditions in all the twelve Fed ' Reserve districts of the country -"e satisfactory, with extraordinary activity in nearly all lines. Labor shortage was reported by nearly all the district agents, and most of them referred to ths increasing cost of liv i p f. VFRDICT FOR FREEMAN IN NOTE!) TIMBER CASE j.iry in Federal Court at New H - ' 1-ite Thursday rendered a ver lie f . iTr 'i'l fo- Freeman i'l the iif' d r ..r K. B. Freeman vs. Kinston M ' .'f.! !!:; Company and others. "c:: ! a d:y was spent b) dj'.ibera- tio: ! .iiien the jury tirst t.ok he m:mhers were evenly i oposin.'r jclving ih" plain- .iff an. F ' .iii i ' wlv. h . :.i:med .-J0,00 '. , a com-'!-. a $307,000 timber deal e 1'ad iieen instiMnten'ai in about. -What IVo't.'J You Have Dune? Tut Royalists and Revolution ists Epetfft! to Fight Big Battle INTERVENTION POSSIBLE Only Allied Forces Can Pre vent Clash That Would Precipitate Strulo Be tween Venizelos and the Covernment (By the United Press) '.union, Nov. A pitch. d battle ' .tweun Greek Royalists and Revolu- '.-.'lists is imminent unless the Allied t" ops intervene immediately. Four M'.tsand Royalists were within Mf miles of Katerine whoa Venizolos "V)! !ie:.-, drove out the Royalist :-! from the town. A. hep.s dispatches report that King C?rt:in!ine lms order :d these J Jiers to attack imme liately. Veniz ol.i.s' force that took Katerine is le !:ijsr reinforced fr.ri Sal.nikav. and well supp'ird with artillery. It U jeTi'ved ilia, o.iiid a battle be fought ui Ivateritie ii v. oiihl result in a gen - . i etigagiruni ami plunge Greece !n: civil war. a tier r ':pti '."1 M Bl LOCAL MEN UN IIP, BEPRTB Around $3,000 is reported to have been pooled here Friday to placed on Wilson in election bi'tling in New York or another large Northern center. Odds of to ."? on Hughes were taken by th' lecnl nun. it is understood. ()::e man is said ic bac put up .!:e0, v !;:! tho K" '.MiUr was ii s;'ir.:t ranging ;! w.m;'rd to DOCTG? TO ILL ' :.';.ihir;:-.:n. Nov. 2.-Sin!ilc:i 11 i to lay nf 11. IT. Buck, i"ivy : less o;"' ';'., 'r af Diairond Shuali t?b, cu' t':o hasty dispatch !v i:.'-. !vy r C-j.-'.-Aa": f rori tj... navy ; ! tonieht with a . '.i-'-.-y a 'd '. 'I'l-r-ierator. People Ha:: A AVf; To Know' .4ayton , News, Democratic Leaders Think They've Unearthed Hor net's Nest in Third Ward. Fair Warning to "th Boys" Issued If anybody in Kinston wants to change political horses in tho middle of the creek, that's his business. It was openly stated at the Courthouse ("rblay that Republicans were thicker than fleas in ono section of the Third ward. The statement was unofficially made, though, that should any Demo crat swap nags now for a spite rea son he will be made to remember it next spring. Kast Kinston's political pie is the biennial municipal election. The next one comes off next spring. Accord ing to one local Democratic leader, "tt's going to be a warm one. There . ' likely to be three, four or five mayoralty candidates out and nearly m.nny for the Recordership, from - it indications. There will, of rrso, be no Republican ticket. Those f. Vows in ono corner of the Fast Kin ' n mill section who are said to be '..;rglngf because of the Child La 1 ;"s passage or some other trif ' " thing will want to got in on the ". i in lt'17, bu! they won't. Vou bet l. y will be spotted in the polling 'i. vt Tuesday." CARTERET RAPICUS STICKERS BUT CAN'T Carteret county. Republicans are most pfrsistent and enterprising ' C.d. W. I). Pollock, one of the . 0 Senatorial nominees in' this ! '(!. knows of. The Colonel, just from a visit to the county, br- ' the Democrats will pull a : :nri;y of around U00 in tha coun- .-. ! 'Wever. Carteret sometimes is ..Mul. The G. O. P. there has il: in a lecord-breakifig campaign ! '.vorked harder tiian ever in the . -itys lu-.tary, bui was lame to ' , ' with from cri'ditable Democn.tic ; ':-.i!:is. ration, and -now is entirely t.-tcken as the re.-;ult of the .itri-nu-i.' oni'.iat. il has b.oii forced to go i against d'.niog the past two . o:!is. Colonel Pollock say.-i. The : :il senatorial nominee is putting in i lot of good efforts for the l)i mo '": ';c chu' iO. Thursday ttiglu he ; !:c :tt W'cst'.irook's M'heol in Jonei o. aty, an.i Friday went lo l'u! ,i Creei. e, for a big rally. mm EDUCATIONI SECRETARY RIDGECRFST Ashcville, Nov. 2. With Dr. T. J. Henderson of Knoxville, Tenn. pre siding, a well attended meeting of the itockhol.lcrs of the Southern Baptist Assembly was held at R'dgecrest. ;"Ofpects for the coming season discussed. Dr. P. W. Spilman elect ed durational secretary and Dr. Cal v :: R. U':.!lcr tendered the post of genera! -ecretary of the assembly. Plans wens made for the greatest season in the history of Ridgecrest for the coming summer. ,-; CLMS KE LOST FAT ROLL IN AUTOPBOE 4- man giving his name as Garland stated Friday morning that he had lost about ?."0 while riding in an automobile transfer. He was in clined to accuse the white chauffeur, who was known to the police and by thom believed innocent. The strang er finally admitted that he did not know by what means he lost the money, but as evidently convinced that, he lost it in the car. The po lice vtate that Garland was here, un der the name of Croom, several weeks ago. " Italians Gaining Considerable Ground In tfew flffthsive. Austrians Daned by Terrific Borbardraeit Rounded Up Without Trouble Allies Advance a Mite Jn $ne Sector Over Typical Mountain Ground Attacking at a Number of Points Duino, Probably the Key toATri cste, About to Re Shelled Another Part of Important Rail Line Is Occupied Most Powerful Blow of War On the Adriatic (By JOHN II. IIEARLEY) Rome, Nov. 3. Consecutive moves by Italian infan try against the Austrian lines south of Goritzjn one of the most powerful blows since Italy entered the war, are .following up successes southwest of Goritz. The s-Italians, have occupied a second section of the Goritz-VograKO railway in the battling on the" heights near Kempnlesej Further south the Italians have advanced a mile east of Coppechiam'lts. The Austrian defense was pulverized by an intense bombardment. The attacking infantry rounxj ul v.o numbers of dazed soldiers. The battle is extend- southward to the Adriatic, the Italians attacking northwest of Duino. an important railway center consid ered by some, the key to Trieste.-It is believed Cadorna preparing to strike the, death blow. , Teutons Still Pursuing Roumanian. Berlin, Nov. 3. Southwest of -Predeal and southeast of ihe Red Tower Pass, the Teutons have advanced, pur- ;.! the enemy, capturing more thin 350 Roumanians, u is said officiallv. On Archduke Carl's front south of Transylvania. Roumanian attacks have been repulsed v.-fih fire and bayonet. No events of importance have : nspircd in the Balkans. f i i MONTH AND HALF OUT IN SMALL CAR CAMPING OUT r, rvt: H. Underhill, a Plainfield, J., man, his wife and throe little -liorhilb, out from New York since :;Mimler 10. are t-urintr this part 'lie country in a little automolvlc i.l campirijr out at nitrht. They are i.iy'nK the trip immensely. Lash?d i,i tKo tfmrinjr car in suit cases or i..!y slowed away in 'he car are .i: ,-,U cpinjr cquipmi'tit and, ;.. Tl.ry lv.vo i-neountered fine wea- . f. ih.' nv.-! of the time. Rain, iiir-e. drives thcrn to a hotel. The arc jiicturu of health. m.snafac'urer.? of ihe auto an 1 . ; .--hou'd know ihat 51 r. Ur:dcr- ". h:-i not hail a tire (..T has -pent a cent for repairs. Jie is a sry jilanter and s:'l(!.'.man si ml h:is nrr'iaHcal ability, evidently. i t..- - fin -t : s are f ;viiient 'he w.i'ry ''. 'u' no'., many -i' p.r.r jr;."i--. ce'iio this :;:vJioii. M -. Umlerhi!! and his happy fami ly were here 1 : i ' " Thui.ulay. He d.' I : 'miration for the Kast (':iro . c jjr. v and f i shot o'lt of !':"" u con plimetiti'd Kinston. They all j l'rt. "When thi'se people Irani to C'l'sfivi' three will fine lime. 'n this M'c'ioii," l." slated. "Why. ; nd ny 'daee we '.i on what the.-a r,ei waste." Simple buhness of mmc cops the job Vou can't take orders for any c.-mniod:iy on the streets of the city of Kinito'i, it seems. And if the au thorities get next to any violation of the 'ocal law to that effect, especial ly if in their opinion there seems to he a better than usual reason against it, you'll get in bad. That's what the Mayor to!J two men Friday morn ing who said they represented an out-of-town publication. One of the men apparently was indignant. The official and his callers discussed the matter to the point that courtesy was overdone and the atmosphere steam ed. If he decided to test the law, one of them told Mr. Suttort, he mijfrt do ao, dding the proviM if he and his companion determined to do busi ness. Whereupon, as the visitors walked oat, the Mayor called up the police and told them to get next to the pair. CITY EXPECTED TO filVE LIBEELY TO Kinston will probably;-rai3G sever al hundred dollars Sunday and Mon day, local Armenian-Syrian Relief Days proclaimed by the Mayor, whea a umaiitteo of about a hundred rep r entatlve citizens canvas the t awn. The cause is a worthy one. The city, through failure to receive in structions an to how to proceed, fail ed to observe tho Nationwide days (; apart by the President for the succoring cf these Asiatic Christians. K , -,:on wa.i never left behind on s -'i an undev'aking, however, and cc..: fucting a little campaign on its o.v.i account will do the right thing littl.' botur. m STREAK SEEMS TO RUN IN THIS FAMILY i'aii.l.i.iy, -V. .. Nov. 2. When Jrrry Fjrluw was sentenced today to t n yens in the United States peni-l.ntia-ry at Atlartta, United States circuit Judge Pritchard told him he shi aid consider himself fortunate. Fallow plead guilty to two counts for I ontoring and robbing the postoffice at .Spencer, N. C. A conspiracy I charge was not pressed. ! Fallow's broth'-r, Luke, has just j been sentenced to fifteen months in the AtUnta penitentiary lor soiling stamps stolen from the Spencer post office. Another brother, Robert, is under an eight-year sentence at Win ston-Salem, for robbing a mercantile establishment. ACCUSED OF ROBBERY- W -. - t . t i- ON SOUTHERN TRAIN Harris Davis, white and of res pectable appearwics, claiming to be from' Richmond, Va, was arrested here Friday morning as he left i , Norfolk Southern train. ( A trainman stated that Davis was suspected of the theft f bout $30 from pas-e senger on a Southern Railway train beyond ' Coldsboro. Kinston,. the po lice say, 'was his destination. The charge lodged, agaln6t Yhhn iwas ra- grancy. He gave bail in the sum of f25. ! !lR i a. v i t IS HI rjiii i 111 fell Pi l!E;liliI, Mil Hi, t 's 1 1 '(I !, 1 ! I , I it