Home Piper lllLlV ill 11 HID -Today' New Today VOL. XVIH.-No. 199 FIRST EDITION II I T . YY" ' I I IT f II j -,f I! II 4 II. -a. . KINSTON, N. G, SATURDAY, N0VEIBER 4, 1916 . n m 1 m i i u SIX PAGE TODAY FRiCB TWO CENTO - r , Fl VE CENTS ON .THAlNa. : ' IT'S ALL OffiNOfBOT THE VOTINUNl) THE SHOUTING? WILSOM AND HOfiliES WI tl CLOSE GREATEST GAMP'GN IN FEW HOURS Republican Nominee Especially Has Put In Strenuous Work Spends Day In New York and Will Appear In Menster Meeting Saturday Night President Makes Last Address; Won't TMnk 'That Peopled United States Are Willing to Take Chances ; With Niw Admin istration After Four Years Such as They Have Had Going Back to Washington Next Week Comes the Calm Before .the Storm of Balloting WiS Biq LEGAL FW- IN DISTRICT COURT New York. Nov. 4. The business of preparing the Am erican voter for the exercise of his. choice as to the next 1 i 4.U TTl4-.-l C-A i 1 4- j..... C"4. PTesuiem oj. umicu ouuts came 1.0 a ciwe ujuiry. oai urday nigh tmarks the official end of the campaign. Roth parties are supremely confident. Both wound up with a flood of activity and oratory unsurpassed in politi cal history. Tonight will burn the last red fire before the celebration of the victory Tuesday. Hushes' Last Day a Full One. (By PERRY ARNOLD) New York, Nov. 4. jgharles Evans. Hughes finishes the most strenuous race fo'r the presidency ever run tonight. He is to conclude with a series of meetings in downtown New York and a monster mass-meeting to be held in Ma dison Square Garden; tonight, s PriKiVfenf Verv Confident. Shadow Lawn, Nov. 4. President. Wilson will com plete his personal effort for re-election' . in an address from the veranda of the Summer Capital here today. The President refuses to believe the, electorate wtyl consent to a change from an administration whose-accomplishments have been ''constructive, progressive and definite, and have resulted in peace and prosperity." The President will return to Washington next week. VENEZUELA. IS IN NEED MINISTRATION UAS OF NEWS SERVICE, SURE M0TBIN& BE ASHAMED OF; CLFAN ALL THRO' Tho case of E. B. Freeman vs. L. Kinston Manufacturing Co. et al., tried in Federal Court at New Bern this week was one of tho "hardest fought legal battles in the history of Eastern Carolina a fight to a fin-i.-h," according to one person inter ested in the cause who kept up with lis progress Friday, seating that Freeman was taward.d $7,500, gave or.lv the ulti- jTnito result, while both sides are jclainiing a victory. The 1 Ml'wt flr fay of legal talent, included E.; F. f ) IleUe of F'izabeth Gty Wf't?" ). Tayr cf Norfolk, A. D. Ward pf New Bern and M. T. Dickinson i jof Goldsboro for th: plaintiff and G. ... rv. ........vw,. cu.M uA w - D. II. Guion of New Born for the de- iitrappiifl H NOT SCARE Kl SPORTSrNOT AT ALL III R08INSflN?i STIIX , A mi stT mniirp nnmr bUlLtWLUdf vJJIUW Ft GREAT CROWD IN, CITY "Iff 3 Three thousand dollars was not hft bore Fiiday on tho coming election, The newspaper reports , a3 Was i unvored- that a:ornoon. I: would bav: been bet, only A former Kinston man appeared here with the-statement, that he had a certified check for $3,000 to !? plpred at odds of 5 to 3 against Wil son money. Th'8 cheek, he said, came frorf a New Y.".k source. A ;-.:- Vr j f men around town of short mean-. were pooling to get a share of the be', but when three t;usin.s.mMi, a wh'di'saler, a tobacconist and a cot ion and fe-;li!i7.er dojvlor, pinned the !"'I ;w with the alleprd cheek down (a jot in on the fun he announce I. it p ren-rted, that, the time he was r'Vwed :o retain the eh:ck had ex j;i" .i. A telrram said t: have h .'set lo New York brought no reply. I Th? check was net exhibiha-' a ti; iKh lli visiter was to fhew it. Tho businessmen stood !C;!y la take the whole $;i,000, it i ; undcrstord. Washington, Nov. 4. Many Ara cricsn tiiizer.s - in Venezuela some months ago received the shock cf their lives. They read the news that the laic Booker T. Washington was leading a nejrro rebellion against the United Sta?.:s Government that he was even then passing through Rich mond, Va., en route to Washington, at he head of an army of 30,000 men. ! rar.ics, no Tennessee Coal and I on (By GEORGE CREEL) The Wilson administration stands i ckan hofcro the pjople. Not a scandal soMs it. There have i hecn no waainger coses, no Dear ! Harriman" letters, no Wall street Americans, after t first shock, recclkv: .1 the quality cf tho United States "news" received in Venezuela and dism'isscd the story with a smile. In the sam: manner they disposd of tho rcpci, a week after the Chicago conventions, that both had nominated a man named J. M. McGurk for President. Prestcn McGoodwin,. United States Minister to Venezuela, returning to his pos tafter a vacation here, relat- d .the incidents in discussing stifps necessary to bettento better the under necessary to better the understanding btwceti thb country and the Latin American nations. "Nrws facilities must be improv e4" he said. "News is the big thing th1 is going to bring1 this two conti nents together for proper political commercial relations." SOLft HERE SO fAR WORTH MORE '- A ; v . t est FIFTEEN CROP IN Tohacco gold on this market up the present time this season nas totalled 13,164,869 pounds, ccording to a statement Issued "J E. Y. Speed, secretary of the 'ohacco Board of Trade, Friday. Inofficial eaUmrtes, mado off "and, place the Talue of th part the crop marketed at from a I?' ,ln t0-" more than all 1915 production. ondants. U required two days to ::? tne evidence, one far th.1 argu- hieat and one for the court's charge i'.n 1 verdict. I he ca ; cwas tried on t wo phases, pr. ct wnich was as to whether or it, eefondanta agreed to pay the -h:niiff $25,000 in case a big sale cf timber was made at a rormced pi-., on account or shortage in tim- i- ei..esented by the defendants. consract had been made. The other i: : was that the plaintiff claimed could have sold the property unr the criminal terms, but for the tils'.;, ihere wan nrl the quuntily tim'u-r as reptes'2nt..l by ha tde Ui!on:lnm, and this being truo, he v. ' emiiV 1 to recover for whut he actually did. 'the jury f.iund that th. defendants represented there was :;i!),O()tl,0Oll feet cf timber and thu. th'. '.' di I not in fact own su:h quan tity, but fruther found that the plainr i:i could not have made a salo un der his agreement even if th.;re had bee a such quantity pnd tha' the re d.i. . 'I price was not due to such rfiort ..:;('. The jury n.-vei-theless gave the jd'Vntiff a verdict for ?7..rj00 for his sei'vices. Each side claims that it is entitled fs a ju.k-ment on fh vrrdict, the complication being as to whether the plaintiff can recover anything if tho rep'osei-.tation, though not true, did mil break up the sale. It was agreed '.r hold the matter open for 00 days, rrd wi'.hin that time the question as 'o ihe true effect of tho ve -diet will !; argu:d before Judge Henry G, Connor. BAD 11WILLE A COMMUNITY FAIR f i I ' 1 . WITH IW FEATURES Dfh of Mrs. XM. Hedges. ; Mrs. j. m. Hodges, wife of a prom UGrange physician and con Bected with feadina families of thin ty, died between 5 and 6 p. m. J? y at her home- She had been X" ? poor 'hea'tli t r. "odges arrive t-- - - ue naa nimseir been i dan.v, -uioa. flve sons and l ZhUn her la addition to Company mergers, no "whitewashes," no tariff lobby disgrace. From first to last, Woodrow Wil son has been the op;n, accepted and tf ponsible head of government. Not iv cn in the heat of the campaign has it been charged that bosses have con trolled him, or that his decisions have been influenced by corrupt considerations. Not only has it boon an honest ad-minist.-atirn, but it has been decent and dignified as well. For four years we have had a President whoso days have not been given over to stren ( ous insistence that the "other fellow" war- a liar. " For Qirec months, while Hughes and Roosev It have dipped into the gutters for mud, Mr. Wilson has not mrntioned their names or indulged in a single personality, holding fast to principles and issues. Out of it all, just three specific complaints have been lodged against him: ', N 1. Tho eight-hour day law. 2. Thr.t he has not severed diplom atic relations wkh G;rmany. .1. That h3 has not severed diplom atic relations with England. The eight-hour day averted a strike that would have entailed incal culable disaster Honest neutrality the t:ddfast refusal to "play favorties" has kept the United States at peace, main-1 lained international law, and sawed tho European struggle frcm becom-. ing a world war. It is America that this man stands for-Mhe America cf progress, peace,' justice and brotherhood. wei) informed on modern political A vote against him u a vow atters aI,d j,i8 discours. attract aja'nst America. muCh attention. He wift preach twice on Sunday, at 3 o'clock, on "Rome in America," and. at night on TFMPTER USED TO BE THE HANDSOMEEST GUY GOING HANDED TO HIM SV.an isn'' the devilish chap that the popula.- fancy has him, according lo U. I). Piikard, a Seventh Day Ad vent ist evai.gelist drawing very big crowds al revival services in the church on Waters atftet at present. Mr. Pickard in a sermon Friday night declared that "nowhere in the Bible docs it say that the devil has ho: ns and hooves and a barber tail, w ih a pitchfork in his hand with which to pitch the wicked into a lak; of (ire." On the contrary, whether h" is now or not, there, was a time when Satan was "the most beautiful angel in heavn," he said. In fact, "it was the beauty" and vanity of Sa ;in that made him "rebel against heaven," he stated. "For 6,000 years he has can ied on a rebvlHon ; this earth, and now he is to go on a.vac.a tion." Mr. Pickard quoted. Fibiicaj. pa -sages accepted by ; him as pr.opif tha when the millennium comes the wic';ed will nma'in.'fn their- gray far a thousand years, and the,S dtir-jj County Farm Demonstration Agent O. F. M.Ciarv is back from Ormnnds- G o no county, where on Friday hr- attended a community fair. Mr. M:Crary ma le an address on the re lation of the parent to the boys and irirls club work, and judged a fancy ot of live stock exhibited. Other speakers were .1. t'aul friziseue, May or of Sno' Hill, J. E. Dobnam, Grerno county's Su))ti intendent of Schools, and Mayor FrhsjpjBe' father. who is fccrctary of the fair o'gan;-'.a- tio.i. The younger Mr. Frizzclle pike of conditions a decade ago and po. calling attention to tne tact. ha; the State's avnragcorn prod,uc- ticn nas increased irom to v:u ousn- !; an acre in that time. Mr. Heb- nr.ai reviewed the county's remarka ble progress in an educational way. Gr:ene claims to have made greater headway' in that line t'-an any coun ty of similar- importance in toe So-ji'.h. The exhibits were excellent .'.'A the way thiuugh. One earn e.ub "oengster in the community produced more than a hundred bi.snels of corn on an acre, a very gi.o.l record for thi year. A n:w feature for .-ueh an event in a country village was a parade, quite long and well gaten up. mamwQ mm, L AND IN TWO COUNTIES Twelve to fourteen thousand per sons saw the performance here Fri day afternoon of the John Robinson Circus, in Kinston for ths first time in several years. That was tho es timate of tho press man with the outfit; the seating capacity, nominal ly around 10,000, wa3 increased for tho occasion, but still some of ths circus-goers had to take to the ground. The crowd at night was a groat deal smaller. "We got them al in the day," said the circus folks. The show was very good. Robin son's is a m:dlum-si.ed circus, just now short a part of its menagerie lueause a big car on which cages jivere hauled got smashed and had to be sent in, and there was nothing on vhich the cagrs might bo loaded, j The customary grand entry opened the show. It was as spectacular as the averago. A double squad of horsemen pulled off a clever act, cut ji ig some intricate figures and rid- '""j ing with more dash than marks the offered "M" i jjnarv equestrian act in this day 't il time. A dozen w.dl-trained ani ri';?ls were very clever in a triple fki. Over in one ring a IJeau Brum iv I pachyderm got shaved and has iiid h ats blacked at th? same time. The ha; her was no slouch; he finish i I up th job nicely with water and : tiwi.ll. Three of the largest ani ;n -. '.; danced while another banged on i piano. A lot of intelligent seals S;.nv unstinted applauso, while a I- nkey act was very good and em I : '!! some novelti;s. Every tra jxr.e ptrfcrmer, contortionist, wire w. ker, etc., with the show earned his f" her hire. The famous Nelsons, vh have been in the business for 1. early a century, one generation af another, wei;.' a big attraction. Xiv famous Nelsons ihree charming young women danced through a peach of an act on the tight wi.e. The spirit of ragtime ran all hrrugh the p rformance. Men and, women danced; the animals danced; th'1 band seemed to be crazy on the :-;.-''jeri. The clowns were good as a tmral rule; they were a little be hind the times with a 1915 stunt re calling Ford's peace ship and one or tv-.i other nations, however. Rcbinson's show is clean. The m rfi.'-mers and the attendants seem mere human. No one of them notic "d during one performance seemed to have a grouch against thrj audi ence, Among the canvassmen are a lot of unmistakable Southern ne groes. The management of Robin son's has some good ideas. Th ' menagerie with this show is AUSTRIA LOST . r-.r AM THOUSAND k FOUR DAySjOF. FIGHTING; Sill ITALIAN OFFENSIVE iflM Cadania's Mq4 Telling Attack YAfa-Awylwitft OIspi Line Charge iWaist Deep in Water in Flboded1 Country. Hand-to-Haid Fighting Continues, All NihiV-Hun? drod Thousand Men In Defense Forces Ftane 'ran fers Efficient American Aviation, Cprp. to. Soiump gee-.. torVolunt)ers From Oversea Have Hard Service In; Terrific Figljting Before VerdunChange Indicate. Confidence Paris Has In Men (By JOHN H. HEARftEY) . Rome, Nov. j4. Twenty-flve thousand Aistriany w(jre: killed, wounded and captured in trie- first four dayof" General Cadbrmi's new sweep1 on Trieste. No orTerisivei on the Austro-ftalian front since tR'e outbreak of the vtiiiF has been markdd by such fierce fighting. In trie battlfttg in (ho Carso mountains the Italians and Austrians have mot in hand-to-Jhand' conflict, cbrttinuing at some-' points throughout a whole" night. ' In the fighting southeast of' Goritz, Italian infantry charged1 over a wide area' inun dated by the Vertoibiila riveV at some' places-' and-' ad vanced waist-deep in water, holding their rifTes high oyer i heir heads. I'th's estimated that a hundred thousand Mis i ! itsn troops are defending the Tsonzo line, now1 under-' at tack fi-om Gendi-al Cadorna. Several Austrian battalions have been practically annihilated. American Fiver to Sommc. !; f (By HENRY WOOD) Grand Headquarters of tho French Armies- Nov. '4. Following manir months of hard fighting at Veixlun-,' the American aviation squadron attached 'to--' the 'French5 ar-1 my, has been tji-ansferred to the Somme front, hoHv the center of greatest aerial activity. American fivers' Pair-1 ticipated in th reconnaissances preceding the; rrent': French victory-at Verdun, aiding General Nlvelle in- the hold dash in which he recaptured the forts o Dfcueurnbnt"' and Vaux. Their 'transfer to the Sortime at tflisf timu'ite' considered the ' highest possible mark of Frances! confih dence in their ability. ' ,fl t L . iHj'i fl''1 Copyright. big enough. There are larger clr-"ii-.es-, out with smaller collections of inimals. ine- all of that tima the devil will, dug. languish in loneliness gn a vacation, which should leave fully rested and in fine form for a. econd.fesur rectjen, at which tim? he wif) raisft merry cain, and start anotjjci" revo lution. This rebellion will tie fiasj co of the comic opera variety and re-, suit in the former good little dvj," ar. 1 all th; wicked' exmortals being cast into a burning lake. Mr. Pick ard is well educated and exceedingly The reehmatfon of fl.OOO or Wiora acres m the vicinity of Bayboro, Pam lico 'county, by the Southern Diain-nge- & Constryetion Co. of this city, now In progresJ'-vill turti over a big is rt- 'ofa townSnip to C(Mnizatron. It s understood SSay a big lumhepvnm- any-Wiil sfttHe'inumt)eirJof families w-tBs re:HMiirH' aana. increaee 01 he aretgi-iKarf '(bifl4d.t'has oMijed he. IbeM ktoiaioto fcaiv tWv addti kkftfit tlredgek MfetMtotUPdii. E'ot.ftt'wft-J j Bd Ia nai'ftreajf) aH isant ma- MW.-i)all 'wia e aug.. " i.i j pd!itaw!-ttte'wayf tyiQ-- Hhtf&nti Rbt swamp section of Pitt county, where sevaa mitrs ot caital have been TfJ .rOJIK. ' II BAD TO COME f'r Special t TS Free Prtps) it 4,-7-Amenca s ar CHostms . shi to , foreigp .. lands, which this yeaj. Will be the Navy col lier Caar, of Lec Uijr.of the-samel the husband. Mrs. Hodges was a popular, gracious and religious wo-. "American Rights." mm. and her death Is regretted by . , . hundreds in the section. A large Banks Closed TiKsaday. y number of relativ-s and iriends ga'th-1 Tuesday being election day 'and a dwtituta Syrians, and. Armenians. It wHl leave Naw York December 1, carrjpng acapaty cargot of food stuff and new clothing foi " Beirut, Syria; from which port relief will be distributed by American IW. 'Iross and Red "Cross agents, aided by Unit ed States consuls and missionaries. .The American, Committee for Ar menian and Syrian Relief hi'' just I is to be distributed immediately by committee's agents direct to the most needy survivors of the Armeni an de'fVorta'ions and the Syrian fam ine months. This money will pur chase, grain, blankets and clothing, giving the sufferers within the Turk ish Empire a" foretaste of the Christ mas cheer which' the United States navy boat will bring. As a necessary preliminary to the sending of the Christmas Ship ar rangements are being made for col lections in the phurcjiijs of tha entire covm.try Thanksgiving, fray, the re celpta'j tf which will be used in com pleting 'itftef cargoV',The ship will car ryrrff)O.0Q0 pounds" of rice. 200,000 pounds?!? limaeins, wO.000 pounds of cras4- wh5atrJ2;0 ,000 pounds pf whole "wheat, '5u0,000 pounds of su gar, l.OOjo cases, o'coh'donsed milk for tjjildren," 10,000 naTrfls of flour, 50, gallons of petroleum and 25,000 gallons of cotton seed oil. IIilitarr-regulations forbid the carrying jf tny except new clothing. Hundred's, of cas;s of warm under wear and sweaters and light shoes ft men, women and children, stock ings fori women and children, cotton and woolen socks for men. blankets and blanket shawls, gray cotton and woolen cloth, in ths piece, unbleached muslin, and 'cotton thread, needles and pins will form a part of the car go.. jContributors. to the. oarg Jaad churches which are rabing money are ending their gifts to W. A. Staub, the Red Cross rerentaUve In im mediate' charge' ' of the ? Christinas :-sf;----5 YES HAROLD '(ooV r'RiE-HO IS The. Btsl )$r-C SOLDIERS GOT RELIEF FROM SORENESS fred t LaGranee for the- funeral Sat- legal Twldlya, the 'banks of I3e city et $208,000 through the Sut De-( Ship, at the Bush Terminal, rook-J wdsy afternoon. V - ' ' i will be closed. ' . - ; y . ,( " " . ' ,"w. lur '..'.'' ' : Lv. Boys on the Border Relieved Tl.Tir Pains and Aches With Sloan's Liniment Once upon a time Norman Jones, serving in the National Guard at El Paso, returned to camp after a stren uous 15-mile hike foot-sore and leg weary. He had not been long in act ive service and his shoulders, back and limbs felt the after-effects of marching. ' Remembering Sloan's Liniment, Jones applied H to the sore spots and went to bed. He writes: "I arose the next morning feeling finej in fact, I had entirely forgotten'about the hike and went out for a four hour drill in the sun as spry aa ever." :. Private Jones passed ''the experi ence along, and many a boy on the border relieved the agony of sprains, strains, bruises, insect bitos, cramped muscles, rheumatic twinges, etc., by the uso of Sloan's Liniment. ' Easily applied without rubbing. Al all druggists, 25c, 50c and $1.00. atlr ' : A CLOGGED- SYSTEM MUST BE CLEARED. , You' will find' Dr.s King's Ne Life Pills a gentle yfct effective lax$, stive for moving impurities from the ' system. Accumulated waste poisons he blood; dizziness, biliousness anil . pimply, muddy complexion are the distressing effects. A dose of Tk u K.ng's New Life Pills tonight will ' assure you a free, full bowel move! ; ment in ths morning. At your Drtig3 . gist, 25c. adr. v . . .. Biltmor Wheat Hearts. " All Grocers, Real economy and- comfort i'l kitch3n means a Coles Down Draft 4V . , "j..",!. if Range. f :3 E.t.i "31 mi Mb l",lM, Li ti ,;.:.' : ' ) t.