m The Home Paper Today' News' Today" The Weather Rising Temperature VOL. XVIII. No; 199 SECOND EDITION KINSTON, N. C, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1916 SIX PAGES TODAY PRICE TWO CENTS-- FIVE CENTS ON TRAILS ,' , BASLY FREE PKESS IT'S ALL OVER NOW BUT THE VOTING AND Tlir; SIfOUTlNIi: AND IIUOHES WILL CLOSE GREATEST GAKPON IN FEW HOURS i '' Republican Nominee Especially Has Put In Strenuous Work Spends Day In New York and Will Appear in Monster Meeting Saturday Ni?ht President Makes Last Address; Wen't Think That People of United States Are Willing: lo Take Chances With New Admin- PEACE NOT CONING TOBACCO SOLO iiEIjCOLLECT MONEY FOR .AUSTRIA LOST TWENTY- FIVE THOUSAND IN TWO YEARS; MS8 FAR WORTH HGSE RELIEF FO SYRIANS MEN IN FOUR DAYS OF .FIGHTING SINCE : HAY: LAST LOiERJIIAN HITEF" M SUNDAY AFTERNOON NEW ITALIAN OFFENSIVE WAS STARTED y iir:tion After Four Years Such as They Have Had; Gains Back to Washington Next Week Conies the! Teutons Belk-ve They Have None of Belligerents Ex pects Cessation of Hostil ities Soon mm is desirous Tobacco sold on (Ins market tip to the present t'me this season hast totalled Sl!l pounds, ncccrdlng to a statement issued by E. Y. Speed, becntary of the Tobacco lluard of 'lVade, Friday. Unofficial estimates, made off haitd, place the tabic of the pari of the crop nturkr led ;:t from a third to two-Cflhsi more than ail the 1915 production. Committee Will Start From Christian Church to Make Canvass ,'LL ARE ASKED TO AID Calm Before the Storm of Balloting New York, Nov. 4. The business of preparing the Am erican voter for the exercise of his choice as to tho next President of the United States came to a chose today. Sat unlay night marks the official end of the campaign. Roth parties are supremely confident. Both wound ud with a flood of activity and oratory unsurpassed in politi cal history. Tonight will burn the last red fire before the celebration of the victory Tuesday. Hughes' Last Day a Full One. (By PERRY ARNOLD) New York, Nov. 4. Charles Evans Hughes finishes th;- most strenuous race for the presidency ever run tonight. He is to conclude with a series of meetings in downtown New York and a monster mass-meeting to be held in dison Souare Garden tonight. President Very Confident. Shadow Lawn, Nov. 4. President Wilcon will com plete his pergonal effort for re-election in ?n ?( ess from the- veranda of the Summer -Capital here toy. The President refuses to believe the electorate will ccv.-t t a eh&""e f- om an administration whose aconi'ilMim'.t' have been "cor struct ive. progressive and defrrite. and have resulted in peace and prosperity." The President will return to Washington next week. Come Neaur to Victory Than Enemies Ever Can.; Prepared for Long Defen-I , vm i I W. How:--.!, -v. !:'.. af ' trfd Pre?;, h:;s htained ::, ' ?'ivn in England. France an.! G:..-- : ...:iy iheir person;.! views on litis ' "Wi for puce. Their statement i : )ish the basis of the following ar- I'y ROY V,. r.OuARl) (Vaited Press St.'.ff Corresponds!) .w i '.i, Nov. 1. N'awhere, eilh i. Ku'uin 1, Kr. v.-e or Germany, - h. . ;!ie t"jfhte.-.i evidence of ap-' . , , i.iug or.d of .hj war. In no i!:.; ry is ihero any .nd'enl-isn thai vi.'l I:, to ;niated in the c ;-;.- . T!ii aie innumer- 'Mfflllh IS IN NEED CP NEWSSERVICE, SUM ,':;sl)in:cn, Nov. !.- Mar.y Am-ij-in citizens in n.'suei.i - ::m? . -.ths ago received tit? s".:oc . el Mayor in Statement to Pub lic Calls Attention to Mer it of Movement Christi ans Dying from Starvation Cadorna's Most Telling Attack Yet Assailants of Isonzo Line Charge Waist Deep in Water in Flooded Country. Iland-to-IIand Fighting Continues All Night Hun dred Thousand Men In BoLrise Forces France Trans-' fers KfJiciciit. American Aviation Corps to Sojqjne .Sec tor Vol;; r-tee rs V:cm Oversea Have Hard Service In Terrific F!;;hling Before Verdun Change Indicates Con fider.ee Paris Has In Men (By JOHN 11. 11 FARLEY) K ! wt'Htv-iiYf1 thousand Austnans were the first four days of. 'a'-Jtir.'e r I .e.;. 'l'h(jj- real the r.-.w that ; - h'i.ok;'rT. Wasiihi-um was j :t n.gro JrcbtH'on a'.ra';:s' ihej ;'t J Cave: mr.ent he' a :h ii pisBiiiK ihroujjli Kich- v a., en :ftv.e to Wa ;hi:u:-on. d of atttarmv of ;!0,000 men. '". Jf'.v ;.! .tela o 1. 1. l: :;4civAi it :wv ;..- y with a siniie. :'.nhc. tiiey di.',ie..d of ' . c:i a'l.r the Chlcai'a ..: h h 1:. .1 r.jm.'rai ed hi. hat the end is much T. .Me! for n. hubs rabiiil ti.HL i S :.'-( i! :'o cak'u!: ig ih: t tlv.' ba.v ' e ii. U' t ti.at x : nort:c i, ret u. n.njr to r a va;a.:on hare, relat- . . . ;!:e i;;'.i J 'air' n;; ,n: j .' nil ;l't I. ; n- At LVvim m Birmittshnm, Ala., Nov. '. y.'hv whiles and fifteen negroes u:e k'lied by a gas cj-plcalon at the Ecssie mines, 20 miles from h re, ttday. Two headless bedicj have been rctcverr-d. TiETH8ilS'lH!0 II SCARE WMM;z: SPORTS; NOT AT ALL Three thousand dollar.-! was not ;?;'t here Friday on the coming elect "r. m, as was rumored that a:ernoon. I' would hr.v? been bet, only A former Kinston man appeared here with ihe statement that ha hint a certified check for ?3,C0O I ) be placed at odds of 3 to 3 ap;i;. ..: V,T son money. Thj check he sr-.U, cane from a New York sou.to. A rtJi-.V;- cf men around tovn of sho t rr.e.v: . j rrnipes and issues, were pooling to set a fiiiiv .-f i'rv ( On' of it all, just three -p bet, but when three b-jpin:.-.-n-.' r, ?. j - ;nn!aints have been lodged .'.' wholesaler, a. tobacconist end a coi-lh:n: (By GTORGE ( REEL) The Wilson administration stands i:!vn before the p;ople. Kof. a scandal soils it. There have Ilea.-, no Ballinger cafces. no "near L'.-irimsn" letters, no Wall street :cs, no Teni'.essee Cca! a". I Iron '..'jf.pany mergers, no "whiu-.a.-ies," :ui iM'iff looby disgrace. 7: om first to last, Woodrow W il son has been the opsn, accept-. 1 a-al rr.--i3nsible head of roveriim'nt. Not in the heat of the campaign has charged that bosses have coii- ! '.rolled him, or that his decisions ! have been influenced by corrupt con i Hide ations. iXct only has it been an heno;' ad mir ist.-aricn, but it has been d:c.nl , and dignified as well. For four ycs j we have had a President whoso day - haw not been given over to s'.r. n( tius insistence that the "other fellow" ; a Uar. Fer three months, while Hug!" ml RooseVilt have dipped into "bj '-u!t":s for mud, Mr. Wilson ha-i !' ! mtntioned their names or ind: I i i si.igle personality, holding fas' f:ha----tc ! :: ' u - :'.':. ():' th: "!he" '. ' i, the ak:i 's i a:' . : ia 't All: :d i.-ies that Germany is ooftr ax "on and defei. which belief is 'ly without justitieatioii. . . : msny v.nt, pl'.k., admittedly. v ants it badly. Germany wants new, not because she believes ei" dtfeai.:l. but because she .: it she ij nearer a military victo .. ..in she o:- any of the biOIi.vcrcnti iii ever come to. Th.- Briti.-h na- tiea afti' two years of muddling aid ; s.fmblitig now i: ; tlu war up to j 'A- vrbrew.--. Two r.;ct us bii-r'a; ail ! ' 'tn- fur an e.vdy peace. The iii:;: i . ' ' i Ja's :'t'!.rmination t light t.r..;' : .'. is ,ie . . f.f J : .-. 'a; ton1;." Mayor F. I. Sutton Saturday ...l" ta.l'n . jr .-;;.! neat: "As Mayer of the city, I wish t commend the cause of Armeni- i-Svrinn relief fo our citizens for their most earnest considera- "!n. It I a most worthy appeal. '" cse p'ou'e have been subjected sufferint; and misery beyond rfVcripfon and or dying bv the I'cisaedti. L"t us all da what ve can to relieve them. "I hope that every family will gifts ready when the com mittee calls Sunday afternoon. . .r-'Ily. "FRED I. SUTTON." n'ieU;.tlon Committee to ""t n Christian Church. eon:m:ttce appointed to can ' ' h" e':y for contributions for "!!'. ! f A -men inns and Syr'ans ' : rtrd. n Sir-ct Ch:I.V:a:i - o'-'oidi Sunday aftrr- ' ' r.ttgnmtmt.n cf terrl ;".f :vn::o is requested to be :'i thai time. : !- ::n-i r -live that all assist. -!:as Ship Will I A-,ia .M:nor. i. H-ial ,o Tiie Free Press) :, !ov. -I, - America's ''.': sf if ' i foi e '"! lands, Navy eol tbe sair.o lie e'overn- !ie :;i:; ye ;r v.,: .';..'.;ar, ., a ia b i 1 1 ; t t'.ir for :.-:. y:.i; j'l 'vi ii;:,., . ie.ivi' ':w . a ca:),.i- v snpp'e.'s . an ): irg--. to i jus. It niiier 1, id" food- v ran terms, the s; i i:., (iert.iany's (i.:t'rminatio.-i to n:ai-;i: :-n impenetrable defensive indcfinii 7A PV 0 rH- iv:e. r.-. :'ai:d.;y, at '2 oVI-ic!:, on Sur.ie ' . i A-U'"i...i" and at niht on An;erie:.a itij-h;.-." and 'new el.hiajc for Beirut, from which port relief will be ii'U'ed by Ame.ican Rsd Cross i Red i'l'oss ngcnt.5, aiih-d by Unit ''j '! consuls, and missionaries, ''he Ann .-ican Committee f.ir Ar .I'an and Syrian Relief has just ,. f-.L'ii.s.O'iO through the Slate De ' .o- t ) various distribution cen . !" ii'tited immediately by : . ; (s direct to the .;.. i:;v:vc-3 of the Armenl 'ii','' tatior. .'d the Syrian fam- Ceiu-ral C:; orna's r.ow !;v:c:m on Trieste. No oflPnsivp on the Ai!strt-!taH:!n front g'.nvc the outbreak of the war h?.s been marked by such iio"'.v fUrhtine;. In the battling iii the Cu'o mountains t't n lulten? and Austrians have net in luu.d-to-hand conllicl, coiitinuin, at some points tlvougho'.il a whole night. In the fighting southeast of . Go'-n:-'.. Julian infant '-y c -n-.- l over a wide areadnun-, ; i -(oi ! - i'r.o Vrtoibilla v-o- rt some rdaess, and. ad- "n-oil v.;!Kvt-deep in water, lidding their rifles high ov.erJ V'ir heads. It is estimated that a hnndre'd thousand Aus- rap t oojs -.re ; k-lending the isonxo line, now ynde'r.at' !: i'"ii!ii Cv ".e'-'! C;;dor;ia. ovci'Hl Austrian battalion" ' 'e been practically, annihilated. ' r.enean I r, G'-vid F . vollowi: in a (By : moi tli ' : v v n ' a . ' j. A.nierican avint ior ;.:y, has been t ' . erter of great c. i 'iviK'h 'rmios. Nov. 4 t. ' fighting at Verdun,:. the v:u! .vi ; i.tael:c;d to the F-ench ar lo . Sjnime front, now the a--.v !al :;t t iv'i v. American flyers par- urinated in the ii'inuiesiit-r pvecethner te 'recent '' v.---h victory at Verdijn, aiding General Nivelle ir. the ': d di)sh in which he recaptured the forts of Pouaumont and Vaux. Their t ansfer to the SoirmQ rt this time is vc.nsidered the li'ghest possible mark of Frances' confi dence in their ability. . .-.-ar.-.. .-..a 4BBEDS THOUGHT I GARCIA. AND COUPLE 1C0HSI1TES ARE FICUTED; ONE BOV 0 CJi fi mm at sea F.ondon, Nov. 4. It is feared th: t 300 perished in a collision cf the British steamers Conne niara and Retriever In the Irish Sea. Only one survivor has been re ported officially. XmmS THAT N2ER HAPPEN Copyright. ton and fertilizer dealer, pinrrd the fellow i-ith the al!eg:d c!u!; toiv to get in cn tho fun he announced, i is reported, that the. time he iv.v; j allowed to retain the ch:ck had ex-; P'red. A telegram said to have been sent to New York brought no repiy. The chsck was not exhibit;-' al- though the visiter wss offered $10 ! o cw it. The businessmen stood re-dy to take the whole $3,000, it is understood. NO HFEIOCPTIC PAILY Th fial grand, roiieirig, hair-rai:-"7, enaiusism-engende.-inc rally jof th Dnocratic camjAtn here waa noMt:ld Saturday, n It billed ail nw, ct -here was person with "Sffi to conduct it or to a- 'K !. The eight-hcur day law. .'. Th'.'t he has not fevered dijd .r;--.: c veiat-ons with Garmany. .. That he has not severed diplcr1 ''( relations with England. Hie eight-hour day averted 'ike thr.t wouid have entailed incai--.vlab'-- disaster Hone1;', neutrality the sadfa?' rcfjr al 'o "play favorites" has kep' h? United States at peace, main 'si' l in'cnational law, and sa-?d th' Eurone.n struggle from decern ing a wcrl l war. it 3 A.r.srlca -at this man stmds 'or 'lij America cf proe;r??s, peats, jus'ice rnd b. otiit:hood. a ote asi st him ii a vot.2 agai.-'st America. 1 tai beautiful .H:n .i ..f thr.t ,ini 'it , lrriir.-'. k .kuuld 2erv h!:r ii 'ine fjrm for a uS, t wh'Cil li.u. y c.'iin, asd start 'I ' ' .Tf th i :". rr.i ;vi : ,::.- devil will n n vacation! -h vt-dj -rccrid resur- he v,..; ra:? I mother revo- FCOTBAI.L GAME. Tlii reboilisn wiii be a Cns- i f ccinie opeA variety 'and ie- j' !'. in the foWiior jfood ait'.lo xieyill Th- Rileii-h rnd Kinston Hig-a Schccl f;sstball . elevens - playing I rnd all th? wicked exmortala being ; jera Saturday afternoon. Ths match jean into a fcurnirg lake. SLVIVk j th? classic of the season in East lard is wtil luacated and exceadingly n . o ;n ,1,,. Iw-'I informed on aiodern DoliticaJ -lsT.ii-iv nditka and weighed in at msTters, and hi? discourses attract ; td&3tically the same figures. ; much ..Attention.- He will preach 7v " VES , HAS.OUD too H W ' 1WL. 'IV. j tLK vSAW IN I ICC II f tKIENO t 1tt 5tSt . -.. ...... tUx vSAW IN , ' ' L -t ml i ire 11 t r?A$uZ 2 Mil I IV 4- El raw, Nov. 4. Col. Rosario Garcia, Villiata leader, and two of his followers were executed at daybreak at Juarez. Before fac ing the firing squad Garcia In a long speech, declared he was not a VHIista, but a Constitutional int, and asked that care be taken of his family. One of the bandits shot with him was only 17 years old. ORMONDSVILLE HAD A COMMUNITY FAIR WITH NEW FEATURES HOY SHOT A KM OFF. H;uce Tucker, 14-yenr-c!d son of J. 1. Tucker, a well-known Pitt coun ty man, i3 minus a forearm as the e.ult of the accidental dischargs of . shotfrun. The arm was taken off it the elbow. mw'.hs. This money wiil pur If ' eraifi, blankets and clothing. sufferers within the Turk- j ".,: a foretaste of the Christ-1 !.. , which the United States ivy b ml will bring. A ; n ru e"-; iry preliminary to the 1 nf ilir, ftirijtmnu Sliin ar- , . . , , County Farm Demonstration Agent , j O. F. McCrary is back from Ormonds- . : me cnurcn,, , Lne , v!e .omty whwe on Friday thanksgiving Day, the re- he nttended a community fair. Mr. ; f wh'ch wi'l be used in com- McCrary made an address on the re- : - -hs c-iroro. I'he rhip will car- ration of the parent to the boys and " rnrt pounds of rice, 200,000 gi.-'s club work, and judged a fancy :.) , f lima beans. 400,000 pounds lot of live stock exhibited. Other- f i bi d wheat, 2.100.000 pounds spetkers were J. Paul Frizzelle, May-" of wb: ! wheat, 500,000 pounds of au- or Snow Hil, J. ' E. ' Debnam, 1 Offt caes of condensed milk for Greene county's Superintendent of. Mrn. 10.000 barrels of flour. 50,- S-' aml FriUC. father, , -AA who u reerst-ary of 'the fair organiza- 'n 'nns 0f petroleum and 25,000 . . ' tion. The youngerv Mr. Fmzelle " " : of cotton seed oU- .poke of conditions a decade ago and M;: : -y regulations forbid the m)Wi ealli1:g .ottentton r tw the faftt '" of any except new clothing. that the State's ayei-aT3 earn, prodne- H'jj-dreds of ctiR's of warm under- tio-i has irc-ca'scd 'from 13 to 20 bush-f -err and sweaters and light shoes els an acre in that time. Mr. Deb- re-, women and children, stock- r?-r. reviewed the county's remark. , fo- wm'n and children, cotton . ; sf in an educational way,- ' .-ri.-, 5-cks for men. blanket1" ' : -. : c'airr.s to have made greater : v'anVet shawls, gray cotton and :?.c:--ay in that line tSsrl ny couifi- -l e'o'h in -r r.leee. unbleached t" of simil-r inrpcrtance' ; in t"v i j , thread, n?edles rh. Ths cxMMts ve excelktv.; v.-::' f- m a f.r.rt of the car- a'i the wry thfoujrh One corn etub CoBtriutor to th" cargo anJ y.-scaptcr in,fl community proU'jL-ed : ' a-z ;.-.td -,3. chu-ches which aro raising money are (jsnrrn 4lkn c,ii'.mdred bushels of eom ssnd'r ? their rift to W. A. Staub, en an acre, a very good record fo.- thi - . he Ed Cross rcrleitne n im'yar. - : ;-s-'-.i:: ' t mediate charge' of the ;.auriatn' r'ftafWSnW'eyentV ' Ship, at the Bush Terminal, rook '' laa'eoraittyWage wsf a ;partdi " . lyn, New York. , , J V : i5uite bnS and g nVn up...,. ' . i