1 Saturday y-Evening. NovmhW 4? 1916 WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD EACH INSERTION MINIMUM 15 CENTS One cent word each Laser tion, unto order is arcompaa Ud with canh and laaertiau are to be K'en in conaecntiYa isauea of the paper. RATES Consecutive Insertions Caly Wbea Accompaalad By Cart 1 lmertioau . . . ...le a word t Insertions ...2c a word 5 Inserttolia.. ...... Se a word J Insertions. c a word 12 Insertions...... .6e a word 26 Insertions 12c a word Positively No Books Kept Where Theae Rates Apply "Page TKretr- - For Rent Six-room house Light and water. Apply oil North Her ilitjre street. Dly-ll-315t For Sale Good auto, cheap. Apply J. 1). Bizzell. D1y-10-3-3t l.ot.1 r Strayed IJIatk Mare Mule, 9 ye i; s ol, weight about 1125. Find- vr platiSe Notify Central Warehouse. )ly-ll-2-lt VOK RENT Two or three rooms .'ili'-i East Vernon avenue. Phone ,'! !-Y, Kinston. Lly-1 l-3-3t For Sale One-half horsepower Mo tor. Good condition. Not enough power is the reason. George W, Wells. !y-U-2-tf I ' ' i ' - " i " T ' ' For Kent Store No. 110 W. Gordon street. Possession November 1st. Apply to J, F. Taylor. Dly-10-31-tf For Sale Good cstiiblished tailcif-; and pressing club. Reason for sett ing, am engaged in other business. Fur information write Postoflice Box No. 426." , )ly-10-31-3t SOCIAL And PERSONAL Society Minting. The Ladies' Aid Sorl.-ly of First Baptist church will meet Monday af ternoon at 4 o'clock in the Sunday school auditorium. . . S In Honor of Miss Charlotte l'arrott. ..On Wednesday afternoon from 3 to (5 o'clock, Miss Katherine Wooten, ns.-isted by her cousin. Miss Ixis Pugh of Savanna, Ga., was hostess !o the Bridgt Club in a very pretty an 1 unique entertainment in honor of Miss Charlotte Parrott, whose en mcnt to Mr. Chester A. Walsh w;t recently announced, the wedding to lie solemnized in St. Mary's Episco pal' church, Wednesday morning, No vember 29th, at i o'clock. Upon entering the guests were greeted at the door by Miss Woo' en and her hous? guest. Mi-ts Lois Pugh, and directed to tables, where place cards had been laid for the club mem bers and several invite! jruests, to engage in Progressive Heart lice. The house throughout was attract ive in i tsdecorations of whtie, yel low and red dahlias. The parlor, in which they played, was suggested of a shower, and in the event of a sud den change in the weather. Miss Wi nten had prepared for all of her guests, as she thought, by having ,Ta parvse parasol opened ami suspended over the tables. After a pleasant and interesting ir:rrie, a salad course was served, still car ying out the color sch?me of whiie. yellow and red. 'nut here, as from a clear sky, a sudden shower earr.e, and Miss I'armlt. who failed to bo underneath a parasol, recived tie- whole downpour, which proved a '.iie'.y shower indeed for her, as it brought her many useful and beau tiful gifts. After ithis m.v:t generous shower a delicious ice course was served. ihs Culnins Tntt Does Not Affect The Heaa rWnne of its tonic an1 InTahvc effect. I.AXA. T.'Vl-: 3KOMO QflNiNKis l.tllti llinu ir.lmi,: . l)iei:ine and dues not cause nervousness iht ri.J.r'nc in head. Remember the lull n:tmt .ind 'ou.: lur the ailfuatur of K W. GKOK. ijc. 1 COULD SCARCELY WALK Hurlington, N. C. Pearson Remedy Company, Burlington, N. C. Dears Sirs: I suffered with weak run down sys tem for three years. For two years 1 was unable i:o go to and from my work and a part of the time I could hardly walk. I tried doctors from time to time and they all failed on my case. Then I began trying different things that were reoommended to me and t ricd several without relief. I was induced to try your Genuine Indian Blood Purifier and to my sur prise it cured me and made me foel like a new man. Hoping this may be the cause of others being cured by your wonderful remedy, I am. Very gratefully yours, A. J. TERRY, Corner Peele & Kivett Sis. Burlington, N. C. MORE RHEUMATISM THAN EYER BEFORE Clergymen, Lawyers, Brokers, Me chanics and Merchants Stricken. Our old fried Rheumatiz is having hio inning this year, and a few words of caution from one who knows all about it may not be amiss. Wear rubbers in damp weather; keep your feet dry; drink plenty of lemonade, and avoid strong alcohol ic drinks. If rheumatism gets you, or sciatica, anj you have sharp twinges, gnaw ing pain or swollen joints or mus cles, you can get rid of all agony in just a few days by taking one-half tcaspoonful of Rheuma once a day. All druggists know about Rheuma; it's harmless, yet powerful; cheap, yet sure, and a 50-cent bottle will last a long time. Ask J. E. Hood & Co., or any druggist. adv Whenever You Need a Qeoeral Tenia Take drove a The Old Standard Grove'a Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tenia because it contains the well known tonic properties c QUINDsS and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drivel out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System . SO con's. motherlqve aids son In trenches It Brings Relief to Boy Standing His Watch Deep in Mud Once upon a time, only a few months after this terrible world war had begun, Private Bailey, a soldier in the ranks hud stood for days in the trenches ''somewhere in France." The cold rains soaked him to the skin; the mud was deep. He had had no rest. Weary and aching with rheumatic pains, he recalled the faith his mothc had in Sloan's Liniment. Ucj asked for It in his next letter home. A large 'bottle was immedi ately sent him and a few applica tions killed the pain, once more he was able to stand the severe expos ure. He shared this wonderful muscle-soother with his comrades, and they all agreed it was the greatest "reinforcement" that had ever come to their rescue. At your druggist, 25c, 50c and ?1.00 a bottle. adv. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. SAN FEICE CIGARS FIVE CENTS STRAIGHT AND WORTH IT! Owing to the greatly increased cost of quality tobaccos, in fact ev erything pertaining to high grade ci gars, the makers of the San Felice cigar, The DeiseIWemmer Company, have advanced the selling price to the Jobbers and Dealers, and hence forth the cigar will positively be sold to the consumer at 5 cents straight instead of six for a quarter as previously. The SAN FELICE is national in its scope and character, having just ly attained this eminence through its unexcelled excellence. To maintain this unequaled standard of quality, the advance in question is absolutely unavoidable. The generous support of all men using quality cigars is earn estly desired. adv. For Sale Early Jersey and Char leston Wakefield Cabbage Plants. 11, II. Grainger, Phone 48, Kinston. Dly&SW-10-30 to 11-11 Effective Monday, September 11th, 1010. Southern Railway announces the present Winstpn-Salem-Beaufort-Morehead City Pullman sleeping car will be shortened to Winston-Salem at 8:1)0 p. m. same as at present, and arrive Goldsboro following morning, returning car will leave Goldsboro 10:33 p. m. arriving Winston-Salem following morning. Present Greensboro-Raleigh Pull man sleeping car line will continue to operate. For full details, reservations, etc., address, J. O. JONES, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. The Southern Ser?ee the South, advt tf. mni iMWiUaJIMKK I - ) S.-lVN. x,.' ".'.'-: T "J- vi y Beautiful Busi ajiij Shotildejrsi' re poi.lble If you UI wear a acrentiflfiallr eoaatcictat Bien Julia Braauure, . ., Tha dranrina weight of an oron fined boat m itrctchea the iippurtiuc utiMclea tbat Ute eentour of the aaure la a polled. vtimnt w Pt' the boat back where It ba 31IEIfi JL. : lor.. preent the full boat from J ZmD1UY. haTlnc th appearance of aab "r aj7,ol IT) bineaa, eliminate the danaeral. graceful llne to entltfartier body. i j-- They are the daintlent and most mrriceablr (arment Imagi nable rome luallinateriala and atrial : Croaa Bark, Honk , Krimt, Surpliw, Bnudrail. etc Boned with " Walnhn," tha' rusl leas buninr pcrmittiDC waahillg wiUaaatKiaoval. (In ve your dealer show yau Bien Jnlle Bnuaiereai, If ftot tork-. rd, we will gladly aend hiaa, pespaid, aamalea tja abow yoa. BKNJAMIH It JQHNES, S I Warren Sbcet, Jtewark. N. I. INSURANCE OF ALL KliM C. OETTINGER, Manager lUnston insurance Litfcaityua. Telephone No 182 imp io '!i'e 1 1 u jr. vaorapa t. o 'DKl '3DVJIV!) XOISSIM iluiq v t3fj4 nv "ilU Pi Hint wi U)pnpu p44lnbi -vtkt uaptg .'s6f J03 , UMO :99t ;0M3 '6S't "'J UMojL -OSSt rpll jbj jnoA suiAnq sjopq Xrpn; ji ajBjJijsaAUi-juiod jBifA b si siqx qjiM sajvJwo3 JEqi sdiajss noX oaiJ ubd Xjjunoa q) ui sjapfinq diqouioirtB oavi jo aud UBqi ajotu iom M3B9p I3AVXB(i B 3q J.OpinOAV 3l 'UpiHOO 91 1 '33IAJ3S dJBipsaiUir pUB BOJ nOA 9A3 UBr J3Bdp IjaMXCiv Xub joBop ano osnsooq japjb uiuunj ui sq XbavB ia jbd jnoX jduao pmxbi b sjb noX j ' -Xjojoei au tnoji paddius aq oj sued JO) pUlllfBAV inOqiA'a3UO IB JiEd ujom jo paBUiEp Xub 9ovooi ubj aq jBq os sijbu naMxe jo Addns n 8 XJJB3 oj jaBap IJ3MXBJM XJ3A3 uijmbaj Xq Xdui;s r- ,-a:MAJ3S pjOM.aqi oiui ?uiuf3ta B3J jnd sq ipAvxe at THE TIME, MONDAY AFTERNOON AT SSO, THE PLACE First of the Gus Sun Book ing Exchange 'Attractions. laaat LaaJ LmJ Guy Johnson. Known Throughout the South as the Popular Blackface "Jake" Presenting "ELSIE JOHNSON'S DOLLY DMPLE GIRLS" MANY OLD FAVORITES WILL APPEAR IN THIS AGGREGATION OF PLAYERS Guy Johnson The Peer of Blackface Comedians Louise Wright The Girl That Presents Song and Dance Grace Hutchinson The Little Girl That Made "The Broadway Blues" Famous Down Here Grace and Allice Sohn Artists That Know How Harry Meyyers AND George Weist Two Men and a Piano Harry Phillips The Popular Leading Man Elsie Johnson The Leading Lady, is Well Know. Absolutely New Plays 'ly Killarney Rose" In Motion Pictures SUNG BY SEXTETTE An Absolute Novelty This Show Only Play Here Three Days Monday, Tuesday and Wed Giving an Entire Change of Program Daily Matinee 3:30 5 and 15 . 4 V Evening 7:30 Balcony 15 Min Floor 25 VIUDQILIE 1SPL C0MED!,C0, PflE5ENliN6 A tel nCL::"E FElFC '"SE FDH THE (".SEES i Mm n$V -t.'Vtf f 4 SMlCUSHQIIMCTrES.