The Home Paper ftj TCI? The Weather , J "Today's News Today" lL-iU Fair Tonight tt: VOL. XVIII. No. 200 FIRST EDITION KINSTON, N. C, MONDAY, NOVKMIJKR 6. 1916 FOUR PAGES TODAY PRICE TWO CENTS FIVE CENTS ON TRAINS FCU RSTATES HOLDING' BALANCE P018, OEM MENACE IMPOUND 15 SET UPCOWKt FORECASTS PEACE NOT CONING $300 GIVEN SUNDA APPEARS; BOTH PARTIES EMCTi TO LONGER EXISTS !N:A AN-INBEPrNRFNTjBIG MAJORITY ID8 IN TWO YEARS; WAR BY PEOPLE OF CITi a w n a w a a iw sr- v a v a w a m - . ! I I I lAKKI lUUNIKi IN NAIIuNAL LLtll'PN FliONT OF.FORTRESSINATION BY GERIANS LENOIR DEMOCRATS . MAY LAST LONGER FOR ARMENIAN F DAILY II II M H t UNO New York, Illinois, Oaio and Indiana Bif Four Upon v j 0 4 , J 5 Verdun -Sector Cleared of! Whom Responsibility Rests A Rig Handicap for Wil- ? Imnorapt Units of ! son But Majestic Quartet Hold iMore Than 40 Per Cent. un n ! Enough Electoral Votes to Elect Republicans Contend j Missouri and Kentucky Debatable Ground-Both 11 G.INS FOR FRENCH ' Houses of Congress and Hundreds of State Officials to , ; . Be Elected How Will the Women Vole? Prohibition ; Issue in Number of States. M. Nov.'.l- 1 by ," says thr , "wire the n! moTji: y n.n.l i.: .id' j'i'i. . " Yi.-i. :hr I-i i' a News ! Republicans Strive Strenu ously In Onslow, Chim Duplin Outright MOT TURNING TO WILSON None of Belligerents Ex pects Cessation of Hostil ities Soon GERMANY IS DESIROUS Sunday's Fi;: hting Ger :;n Counters Successful : One' FF-u-e British (By R. J. Bender) New York, Nov. (5 Tomorrow the Ainepp-nr. :nov says who wil! be the next president of the Unitci ;-';:tes. dictates who will compose the Senate, and elvo- s th House of Representatives. Viewing the situation inda. with claims of a cocksure victory ov both parties, u a ; i peared that the people of !ow York, Illinois. Ohio . i . diana hold the balance of niwer. Ruth sides claim this ' Bijr Four" of stat-s. The!: tal in t'v electoral coliepff is 113. nearly !: per con I of ;: :; v:;to-: necessary to a choice. The str res-t IF can claim does not inch Co Missouri and Ie?iiin--y. ::)-.s-idc:-i'd by the Kejioblicans (WmtnWe. In the ih---forc. Wilson has a handicap of F16 oies to i;t; i. I !.-.-over Ilujrhes is conceded 70 voios in Maine, Nw : -shire. Vermont, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania pixl b- Democrats Claim B'm Majority. i. -i ' i a ji vv ii , 1 1 w . i ' f . i i k. :mu(- i i L . ( i : '. . t ' erce Inv; 'nsitions s Out of 2 M : t'- 10 ! Scores of G. O. P. Men Willi Teutons Believe Thev Have I Su port Disciple of Peace; Come Nearer to Victory Fi This Country Pollock S.--ikes Fast Blow Mon- . Nov. C. !'oi! l.H-l : S:. !" i.ijn- .f . . - a'n's t.i'. : ; i lit '': o . i ; i i lv ti:-rFr -redieted his veeledion with vot 'i ,ri :- CS l'l I'll- I1;.- i::..c:,r !-..! n : or-a -impoi-!-, :-u- new --itio'is bo- vv-ro .i.;iii:iil of U V. K!?o l.sii. The .-! i f dan !iur:h . by K ir; V.i::a i 'I I'. :i.-!v ii-ink at Gran. I i.i.. ..1. 1.1 t:- . I ' (T-v (MIOROi: CRKFI.) - - - ,!,:y .'! i; 'u l .,: '' , - '' ' -o'. !.: : !'cn c-;" ' ' - ! i ' ' ir-'mivrl-nx u: (lav Half Hundred Men and men Made House -House Canvass and F Liberal Response t tributions Yet Receive Than Enemies Ever Can. i Approximately three hundr !ars was realized as the respoi. the cort.-; of a half hundred ; hea ted miti and women of Kinftfi T . . T who in accord with the proclaman, Prepareil for Long Defen- f Pre-i(,pnt Wilson canvassed fro sive War O -. i-.v C.i.t." b,':i t!i, President Wilson canvassed fro hru-c to house throughout the citj SiiTV-fhy afternoon in the interest of the suffering Armenians and Syrian t. y W. president of the people. h h.tM! t f, ii the eampai-n PiMied P.-es. has obtained from' In special sermons Sunday morninf the various pastors of the city pre ser. ed the story of the terrible plight ef th? unfortunate people. Those ef h e'edoral college. At no time in the campaign ' bee" eveh unrestrained optimism on the part ' ticial'-. Win or loe the President returns to V for the Winter Satui day, after all ending the Cr' of his grand-daugb.ter, Baby Savre. at Wi"; Mass, tomorrow nigh;. Surroaiuh :1 by his . family, he will receive" the rotii "n-5 by ?)riv,-;e "F on returning to the Ca-.itol the President fiw fiibniarine problems arising from the FrnF-.r Ih'itish steamer Marina, with the loss of f:v- At;. and the sinking of the Arier:(an steamer l,a;v,.o. l'iP;hes Keeps Close. New York, Nov. C.-Chu--F- Evans Hitgh- cuietly in the Hotel Asttr-- vi-b his family tF political activity as n ce-feronee with (" Wilcox. id-West Via Dc Croat ' ' v' Twrv t:mi) mw- .t-:uy. ihe VMI'. W. Mil'i' i i " h . ! i V mt tit hi - J t f, ' t i ( ;u - Mi or Hirmingham. Ala., Nov. 4. H' "htjes and Is ("!' .1 negroes ie U'l'ed l.'.v a Kas i!.".s:nn Oie IJt'ssv mint'::. Hit ! lies .'fin: I,! re. today. Two lie;i:!les 'iie- !i:it ha ii rcco'-el l d. . -leral n .' :i ii an: ' 1-1 ill . i v : ' : :i li.i- Pr.OP'fuld or Ha'lo.s. CVca-o. N.-)v. T!i' md:-W-:t - ' Is a ': !i th'' i" e :: f ;il S 1- for- J'tv.H'-t-! f.! Sena!'' Seals : t ; v ' .: !!' a'd !li;ny. Dr!?AyI.ME?;T OF N. i S. WW ZESULON' '1 'ast ( ii : '.!:;. :;.;;! dinir ti G. V. "' -wper, Pi"'(::- i ;,Mty 1 lemneratic c: .' ' mix M: 'iwpir s::t!? that ; .- Repuldi.';.::s th:-re have in en put : : ;T ill !i nneas t-ITo.t, l that y t!i'.v-:.h.,i h.i ; bet a ea-r.a -tl " Itli the a-'i-lv.iitKV if --pie'ibie !e: - :n )'.:'-i.!e .lie i-osnty. Mr. teu vai in (lie t 1 ii n i y Sauidiy ai'..-r-lli't-itidican .-!Kike e v, ; e! '-al'y ev ry vital ptlnt In 0:w . en dr.y, h ',ay.-, an. I wo: U- f . b..:lt parti-.-s wei-o litatinj; up e, :: y.sidc, aece-ilrjr indiv-d-;r. i iauilinjr their champions. ' ' .: was carried en almost ; ,-. T'v majority in the 'a.U i ia ()alow was only ai.out '. i-'.' ' iijia'.hy and disaffwt n 'ic.-.t-.i.-- i 1 ths fisheries law and ' ' i . and the Republicans are ' ." :. ca ry it this t Ime. Mr. i' - - eiairr.s to lie reliably Inferrn- , t.-iv; , lhat the Oemoerats will i."'. 'eased majority in spite O O. P. zeal. H.' I'.-an .- penly e!-'m Pu 1 h-.: t '.! Ii . h-i P-s Intern r.!e, T- : ..-k la v.- !i.u i a i-i i!:i- ' m n-i atie p.'.rty 1'ite.lly I'.n ear ied me :- thi- ''.!'" : . No IH-ni iat : l:n. er i :i ee (!. t !' c- - :e! '. . i It r.t m i ". :'. bi lii ve-; 'he lly UOV W. iroWARl), '"T'V j iii-! rro .:..-.icnn. v.-ever i.n 1 ) verdict of the Mid-lie ' n. V. v. '-. "1 ' i .!' r-o:. e : :-. - ''; ' - v . . - '- : a will XV.':--. nr.. : at-Iy .1 to- " Pii..- ! St;;'- . if n - - I :r!, ., . : ,v... . , - ' . . 1 : ' ' r'. ir. , v by i ai-fi-i 111 : of , ' . ;; e:i - .- ii- ' : -- . .-. ,, ... .. -. ... ; .. . .:;! ;;;. . :irtlfs. : : ''-e wn--'.l. the ".-' - ;" n j '0;fc ' v . ;': ; ;i - t:' W: -.m li-nd:u trtcrs of bo h : m- :.-., It 'r'e! 1 i-'n b-. . I ' ' f-u"i i. ' , . ' i s-.-. -a: i' 'i i;nd Rnpuh'b- , is we;-e r' iim- ' he u i'r - . .- v .i ; -. j :- ' ' Si!- ' ' :" '''r' i'i . c : v . binir in -ight tf 'ay. ' ; .! o-t -'a! . ; .v. j , , , . . ;r ;, . -. ... :. ;. .!.!: - . ea-i " ' cherkimr top-.Mher ef ::: : ' at p-.-.-si-::' ::"d v.. til ?.''! ' ' of ty 'i -lit- ' " ' " eil our r. l:.:ior.s on b :h .jjdes showed the m t: i !..r- i-: th !.-': - J. n li:r ,; , ' n ...r, v. M. tle.iriT.ands to !:? in lllin-':, I vl: e i. a maj .; -iv'."--: ". '-. j , We-. ;..;).. ' - - f.- .'1 r; . : ur.I'T str: "'" Oh') n-J Wison-in a nt'tit r'- iMfmiic-' ' i of :'"!. ! . - 7'-- ' ,. ;r ":.' . i :.- . ; '- lninch 'f ?!es rer-i e-entir;: SI , e - ;;iei- .- ne ' - f '- ,.;:.-,- . .-r .,,,,) ,,'' . ...... a . ( 1 .: - '. i "i.-ii! v.-.t-:. ' ' .: tirl;-'ti ':hr '" - . - .. ; e., :.-p:. : ii - Pi -; !;::' Women Have Politicians (iiH'-ini;. ' s is .vtrk t ' ailtt.-n:. Mi Kate ' ' -w York, Xov. (!. Fut;r niii'l -n ' ov.v:- i tii i.-;.. wa; : ,.- I. : t " ''V.ra.':i vote tomorrow. ;' ' ' h;dy in the v : v , , ,v'n,.. .. ;;. . '- y .'a, :; : W And, hnth sides say very frankly '"'-i' the net f y- -. .-. tr. -r . . ., ;,,.;;. a t" .." milej V. '.:(:! 'it lie j .- - that it's difficult to say wh:.t t h y :':,,es e.--:i . .1 1 .'or. p of V s -? (' -.' p?r a-ser'.s that the Uemo- loaj ) -ity i l,rn.'-'- will :n . i "very Mt.Cerially." All local - ;:).'?; it ko 1'vyen,! a hou- :. P ir. sy see''.;l :"ft-iied T'"- !' t '-itnie rtifiii '.'ti has -i on a ii'ir"' " "H1 in the e ".inty; lea. :crs in England, Prance and Ger ni!!v their personal views on the ..a .u's tor p. ace. ineir statements v,)-3 navc g0M t0 Armenia and Syria r.; the basis of the following ar- to investigate first-handed the condi :c e: . ti?n that prevail there aa the result of the depredations of the brutal, bhrd-thirsty Turks, have reported (United Press Staff Correspondent) I ,,.-,. ro pen can depict nor wordss a w Y rk. Nov. 4. Nowhere, eith- 't'i story adequately. The can- n Enjrland, France or Germany. va-er Sunday afternoon found ths s .'. . e the sliu-htest evidence of ap- a."' wal,in and winin to ,end helping hand to the sufferers. :.. vhiiur end of the war. In no r. , . , , . , ! tve hundred was the goal sert by ;-.-::i-.y is there .my indication that . h. oentra, 00mmjttfe and it rs hop i!,. .-iitifrtrle will h? terminated in the pj that encugh additional will be got a : t wo years. There are innumer- ton frwn a canvass of the business tVtt indications that the end is much section Monday and from those "who '. htr off. ,w;;-e nway frcm home or otherwise , .1 N'o-thcliff is uraring lhat the unprepared Sunday. Mr. Charles M. l-i t -h make no calculations based Jot-don was elected treasurer of the on i t'tu-e within five years. The idea furd, and he will be pleased to ha-va -.- ;urteut in Germany that the French e.y contributlcns that njay be aent to are t.eii'iy exhausted; this Is ur-.war- him or the banks will act as receiv . at;hle - ptimism. On the other .'mi? r gents. The Free Press wilf b !:an !, the idea Is1 current in the Allisd j p.-1 to transmit any money that may . '.ltrie ; that Germany is near ex-' be sent to It. The time Is short and !i;rt- ii'ii and defeat, which belief is , th campaign is not to be low? drawn equally w ithout justification. j out . The money will go forward to Ctrniany wants peacv, admittedly, New York for Its transmission to the r.::d wants it badly. Germany wants .' afflicted people within the week. !!.! now, not li.-cause she believes ' h- if .1. Teat d. bat because she th--'. she i nearer a military victo ry than she or any of the belligerents will evet- come to. Th? British na ti -. -ft-.- two years of muddling and si .';' 'lita r now is int.) the war up to it-t yi'-rows. Two factors blight all ".tope t i- an early peace. The first is I '. . : del rmination t.- fitrht until .,!..- ean dictate term.4, the second, (1 'many' determination to maintain ; mil -iietrabio defensive :rd. finitely. h. - v . M-n er WORKERS OF THE WORLD m CITIZENS FIGHT i!pt ! " 'ii i '-ma' ton t.;i . ei y ' .. : 1 :!ry hue s'.ipp'ii .! 'his in- j " ': m;c ' n t;'::i-,iiy. "Mo ' local j ! f uW. .p . i:i vot" for Wi!s-n i T-j lay than hae vot .--I for any' t l.ea't live Killed and Two Score -- .'.; i ::!'. la'e f , r Pre- -'t in 1 Wounded at Everett, Wash., When j 1 . - the (" d.'.-hu . -. "In f .;. ir.ity we bel'ev p'-a.-'v. ally I . -v G. O. P. member will -finer: P"e d.h'nt. T: f' carried sW, I.e- j j . ir p eeit.H a;ra;,:: r.'rya", '.vhile j Everett. Wash., Nov. 5. At least it'.. i , precinct. went Dcmio '.i';.' i i'- porsotis we r killed and forty INFORMATI'N ELECTION RESULTS EARLY AS POSSIBLE Si'ip Pear'ng Objectionable Prion Men Arrived Town Would Not Tolerate Them Democratic County Chairman G. V. Cow per urges that the pre c'net election officials forward l.'f ro-ulla of Tuesday's elections early as possible to him in this ily. Mr. Cow per wishes to im poe.sK the necessity for this upon (lie pollhclders. There is more interest than ever before in the outcome of an election in this ccantj. and the public will be on i :!( in get the news. The chair-r-..:;t r. lis that (he pollholdera n uke plans to telephone the accounts or forward them by cou rier as as they are completed. will do. inasmuch as the womeif v"A lie move independent than men. "Tt.ry will not follow h:; -hands. t' othtM's or sweethear! s," . the Republican national committc woman's branch today. "They'll 1 -independent, but we believe the m.. .prity will be for Hugh-s. They ht;'.e more hope for their cause in the elec tion of Hughes." On the other hand, the Democratic woman'.? section said: ''W feel that the larger pcrtion of 'he women's vote will go to Wilson. We contend that questions effecting men c- cequally as vital to women. And. we belirve that women will not let the suffrage question enter into consideration. If they do, they, wfl! t nave a bstter chanc; with Wilson than with Hughes." Illinois will poll the largest worn- n s vote, as there are about 800,000 women eligible to halot thsre. The States in the suffraSe column are Wyomi-g. Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Washi7,3ion California, Ccy.n, Ari- Kansns Jliifiiis, Montana end Nevada. Strugs X -w a V : i C..!iP Oak-ta. N ' lz;- ri. 5 - I' ' ' er p?h c ' tir.rt a p " ' : new has d. J'J ' ;v'.' t hoo.e 'T"iat . :"..! !:t ' wo state: , 1 n.i' . th- will lv n v .m! i leh" for two can ii !! ;;.,i '.lfch 'rairs I:':-' P !t r ic-a-: - - .;!! plans f r leuis'a'ior . i on the make-up of the Expect Elect men. '.. N -v. . From coa-t t . , ;?5 -:als predict g -.?:t t'-i's tomorrow. with - - ,n have b en achi-v- iv. ry'.; history. They . ' merr.he s of X-.-.. G. Prohibition U - v, a states tomorrow M -,-.tana, Idaho, South a. Michigan and Ar- f KCTION .RETUIIXS AT T5!E COrf?TIH)USE TUKSfWV XK r -oposition Is wheth-sh3-U male p-chlbi-ii ec3nstitut:on. It i by statute. I Full reti i ns f pom the election.-; in 'op, Stale and Courtty will be received in ; lie Courthouse Tue.-dp.y niht. A pi iv i'i - ire will be run into the building, and : r as the bulletins taken bj' a comw : ; o rator they will be announced. The organizations of both pa . are -sharing in the affair, and the gen -r' pub lic is invited to be present. Laui : e:p c-. ially, will be welcome. Those in cbavre wish it to be well understood that the occa sion will be jointly conducted by Democrats rnd Republicans. r."- ii- Stat: and local tickets. Th '.in.e th 't-e will be sc i'-e ; of nu n on 'h .Th.--- side to vote fi.r Wilsoji." V-. f'"wper h.a- had ciiftrmtitio .' the rh.f-e of faith (if A'h.rt Mill- -, n"-i' v yenrs a Pe'iiii.'ican and .!..!!(- ' ft wo po ,tnias!.'r hips under Preside:; ; ftrm that party, one at LaGrange. Mr. Mtlle- is a prominent, !l-to-lo citizen of the county, "quiet and clean." The Ice' Chairman spoke to a crowded h '.;- :;t K h itn's school in Onslow v S.-.' : -i.y night. He made an a i ir .! other point in Onslow Satttr.l sy .rnoon. The particularly v ill put in his in East Kin at arial nominee ah at Sparrow's i Monday night Kellum's m"-si:i.' "satisfy'ng." Col. W. P. P.': last word ;i' a mt ston. The .v ' ..' frcm 'he city " .' store in thai at 7:30. Tuesday mornirg at daybreak Democratic .-' -' - will gather in all the precincts t "get the vote out." These volunteers in each place will be directed by men selected for leal and iritelligej.c;. ended to lay in a tight at the EveT .';; ';! wharf botw en J50 members r " he Itidu-trial Workers of Wor'-l. came here from Seattle on the ."-.( Vero-a and a posse of h.adeil bv Sheriff Don I; i . Sheriff Meltae is among the .-i ici. ly wounded. The num'.er of casualties aboard the Verona is not known. After the shoe ing 'a which about 1,000 shots wet: exchanged, the Verona turned around and started back to Seattle. Many nu a were seen to fall on the deck of the steamer and others, panic strick.n. t'ampi-1 ovcrboa-;!. Some were 'akin from the water, but oth ers d:-aripearr I and it i. believed they were drowned. Th? trei; Me between the Industrial Workers of the World and the author ity at Everett has been on for sev eral months and was the outgrowth of a strike of shingle weavers here. After several minor outbreaks of vio lence during the tstrike. Sheriff Mc Rae orgarized th? citizens' commit tee and expelled all members of the Industrial. Workers of the World from Everett. 3to have been lost IN DISASTER AT SE4 London, Nov. 4. It is feared that 300 perished in a collision of the British steamers Conne mara and Retriever in the Irish Sea. Only one survivor has been re ported officially. El Paso, Nov. 4. CoL Rosario Garcia, A'jllista leader, and tw of his followers were executed at daybreak at Juarez. Before fac ing the firing squad Garda 1st a long speech declared he was not a VUlista, but a Constitutional ist, and asked that care be taken of his family. ! , One of the bandiU shot with aim was only 1? years old, ri ' i : j, 5' i m a W lb .41 4 Li lit K.I 4h. tips, it i i 1 DM 1 ,ul r.!ii Ci!l; fie lit : "in "'It Li lift ' "

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