THF 1 ii il iL ft The Home Paper The Xi Today's Newt Today" .11 El .f VOL. XVIII. No. 111. SECOND EDITION - KINSTON, N. C, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1916 FOUR PAGES TODAY FIVE CENTS ON TRAINS lj r .X - ,' ,'''"' fl t I "1 t-l TIT Mm Cannot Get True Line Yet on Result of Presidential Election BIGGEST VOTE EVER POLLED IS BROUGHT OUT BYltat WEATHER IN EVERY PIT OF COUNTRY; FSR8T PRECINCT REPORT ; DAUGHTERS CONFEDESC'Y ! OPEN CONYENTN DALLAS EOTH CANDIDATES UP EARLY TO VOTE Massachusetts Box of 25 Registered Polls Gives Hutrhcs Majority New York, Illinois, Ohio and Indiana, I'pon Whose Silent Vote May Depend Everything, Running Up Tremendous Total of Ballots Wall Street Fore casts Nothing, for Betting There Is Even Wilson Fa vorite In Interior Places Both Organizations Openly Claim Everything and at Heart Are Extremely Anx iousWomen Puzzle Politicians shadow Lawn, Nov. 7. l'rosi ' lit Wilson arose lit ." uYlocIc, l)i( aKfasled, motored to Princeton mid voted, number ."(). New York, Nov. 7 Hughes' but ' i was No. !'! in h: jirninrt. lie s''t at 7 o'c Ih k. afcimed eal Weather and Well I llecf orate Polling Big Vote lei P.i'.ks. Tfx Nov. 7. Wh 1' :' 1 IV.i-hier ,.f (he Cstnf.' o l their jre;: : 1 c Ydetit-Geneiv. 0 !' vlieimer will ii . liusincss :r -rrow. OfVi 1 .! ;y. N , .:.ins: M". ; f i:u- , 1 . ( f :lu- . !. ! :.,m... ' . appoint. -.1 i !i.iu;:!i!i'--s : , :!! ! ! ' ' 1 '.1 ium ns S: ' 'i ! v li : ;irv on vuii'V'ji t" '':-; , Mm. Frank C. ivi'r the'f a.! .ii.-i will ::! . will ho chv:. I n h.-i-i ik' --":- or . !iv it is ;i ! i'i r. a v '-. '.' .'tiiil.-ri: i m HITS TFIE CASE OF KINSTON: MAYBE von arc li'IMt h r.' ni. iv. 7. " Vii'i s t.) have- a new uni-:i ' ! ! o ron 'i::T ; ),. ,nv . i i 1 'niMcil t.i' . : "O a !.(!, w:l. hen he l or..";1 ;t-ke. Ma' : . J ni i f (I ii::r:iv, M i.-'n., of ,i 1 !; h..;,-' ; . :. !.r-o. "In (!,- v--.-- :-! i '!i!y. "You (l.-'ohe-, l!ie: 1 any -inch . C '.'Til.- ! ;.:;,,v.-. i;it,:v ;:. v,:: : .. ' !:e vwvner. ILLIES DEVELOPING DEMOCRATIC MAJORITIES IN LENOIR IN NO MG OFFENSIVE DANGER OF BFING REDUCED IN TODE'S ON All THE FRONTS ELECTIONS - OTHER RETURNS-BIG VOTE in-1 iV (By PERRY ARNOLD) New York, Nov. 7. America is casting a record vote for President, if an unusually heavy early run of lr.!!; ing is any indication. United Press reports from all .sec tions show the vote up to noon was heavier than - vt lief ore in that period, in many instances aggroatirr :' of the total registration. Ideal weather aided in i-.ii. r ing out the balloters. ' In the "pivotal" states of New York, Illinois and Indi ana and Ohio the morning balloting showed a big 'v,.nt ' vote on whose word depends the election, speaking . t ry loudly. .--v. New. Ashford, Mass.. with a total voting po-?!:;!i:.n r: ?5, gained the proud distinction of being the i;vi tier a complete return. The polls closed there at ') a Hughes 1G .Wilson 7. not voting, 2. Big Crowd Greets Wilson at Princeton. (By R. J. BENDER.) j Princeton, N. J., Nov. 7. It required sixteen men. j three automobiles, four hours and 54 gallons of gasoline; to deliver President Wilson's single vote here. The' President with a bodyguard of secret service men am! e : retinue of newspapermen, reached the polls at J oV'o-k. A big crowd of cheering Princeton students greeted him. The -President and the entire official official fanu'y are, supremely confident. Returning to -Shadow Law p. the! President expects to while away the time this af; ":(-. ' with golf. Tonight he will receive returns hr n-ivaie, wire at Shadow Lawn, remaining up until the deci-i'-e .:' the American electorate is indicated. j Women Voting Lively. j Chicago, Nov. 7. Party managers are up in the ;.i'-! over the woman's vote in Illinois. In this first eie--tion equal suffrage, the women are expected to poll (mO.OImh votes. ; Never Was There An Election So Uncertain. New York, Nov. 7. The fif. d of ballots which sweep either Wilson or Hugh' . into the president-.'. JIarch 4, began rising today, while publicly, the 11' cans and Democrats both decia.-e entire confidence, privately are very much at sea In no previous elect has there been such lack of indication as to winch way the straw will hW The "siknt" vote is more silent than ever. ! Half a dozen "trends" of public sentiment have, crop-! ped out during the campaign. Both are claiming Dm-! benefit' of these. There was a most unusual eleventh h-.ur ; development in betting. Wall Street prides itself that n!Tj,r always picks the winner. Up to midnight the odd f-w-; fj ored Hughes, but todav the betting openea at anno-. . money. If the odds slightlv favor Hughes here, tho ci ation is reversed in Middle Western cities, where -U is reported to be the favorite. The. American people may expect the first com; e -returns from twTo or three small hamlets in Massa-. setts which are renowned for being the first mention in half a dozen elections. The New York State reu: will commence shortly after the polls close at Buffalo a o o'clock. Clear weather prevails in practically ad sc.- ( . . .....".,, ' f . : .f, i Activity General Severe Combat French Cont in ue Rid Wood of Teutons, iieavy Big dun Fighting. British Solidify . i. . 1 ' , X . .! '.- V, ev. tl it 1 7 (i ! : .(' U ' ' A 1. :"iIom, Niv. 7. t 'i i ri t i ii mil activ 'y n piai-l ii'ally all fronUs and so .'it.' f::dilinjr at s m ' pufttt.;, mui-ked !-. pa-it !M lmtir:. At must pi)int:i Iv Allies niv (Icvi'lopin ti si roup of a vt1. In th S'. Picrrn Vnnst ' Pk' : 'i t iilfrhi o-intiiait'il ini; i'H thi- (ii-rmiiiiJ vhi wito six-lied , :;;;-.v t!v t'wv rusliPK. hoii was li avy urlMlivyinjr "ii the i ait friml, imi no infuntry oiiitp- 'rlt'sh Improve I'usilioiiN. Reports From Duplin, Onslow and Greene Show That i fie Democracy Is Safe Heavy Vote Being Polled Throughout the Section Wilson and Hughes Running Close In Contcntnea Neck Sand Hill Votes Strong for Hospital Amendments Being Endorsed In Duplin Amendments Suffering In Some Precincts for Lack of information I, ulun, Nrv. 7. a !i of ll.ipaunu', ! ruirt, v. lu'-c Ilriwsh alimit. Kalh' l)r t.rril'n' lifhtiiii' irniMiHi I ;i.t Ci-iwal 1 1 a i r rop.irtB. f"UlD ADOUSH THE GLISS MILK P.OTTIF !I:i,-:Kl.-n-t'. rl.. Nov. 7. -The :h k::Hi i-f the Rlas milk bottle I'l.-aiisylvaniu haa been sounded. S-imut-l CI. I'ixc-n, the state 'rn: .i::!; 'i- of licalth, ?ays that "it : i !iav.- itivc way in the near fu !o :he ilestrtirtlble botLlo that in . I,.' used a flopoad time." is taken to mean that within ' -.v weeks the Health department : y Imad will rale that the frhns ': o'.'.l mNst a ruli.ij-:! have all the effect of e law. (; ,misxiriiT Dixon loe i'ke the d, "irer of infi-i-.ion '-.'.-h the prwviwi dilrlbillon ': ither'ii;' of :.i.:'lrs, no matter cleanly th da.ry or cruimery v be. !)ut ;ion W YMIQMI DEMOCRACY I IS SHORT A B!C SUM v.- Y' r; 7. Th Ui-nwra- . N':.'; a I ''-n.ti'it'ee l f -n?, s II ' !e!ic'l, a.vordinir n Henry i.I .rr.;r.-,ha:i. H- is o'lf'dent. the .nn' j'it will in! raUed, hnwev.v' re i'a: '. -i .f th ' res ult of the election. Voter- of ik K-itioa Are Endordrf .AdmiukiraiionJ-, or- 1 r.5 li,'! " : CAU.FD IN mm m--n r-; 1 No- : Ui, ! 1 f) e r, .T. . .M. X.. .-. . M. Har ir, Mr. 1). M. Parr;" Uons. IJc! i Settle Matter Free : Litri-i nar for Caswell j Training School ; r LANAQWAS.. FLYING : BRITISH SUBS. ARE AMERICAN FLAG ATlGETTING IN BLOWS TIME OF TORPEDOING I AT 5ERSAN FLFIT it. 1 0 U.J -e Jr. the COUNCIL CANNOT AGREE' SMt: f.- London lov.- 1. Captain Henry Mainland was the only American on Wrd the steamer Lanao, sunk by a German submarine on October 28. Mainland decfared the ship was un der Philippine registry, and flew the African ensiim when scuttled after le crrw had been removed. London. Nov. 7. Further re ports of 1'riti-ih submarines oper etins off 'be Danish coat are had. It i claimed they have scored hits on two German dread raashi of the Kaisr elaaa, the admiralty announces. Yesterday it was reported that a dread naught had been torpedoed. A " to Whether Five Years Expired in October of This Year or Doe3 Not End for Many Months From Now -m.-s!f buHdirr- ? r-!rb:rs of ' ft1 to fcc v thin?:" ehou! I prwsd vrror.?, show that tha The Caswell Traminjr School llht-i-.jr questraii was again before C3ty Ccrjneil Monday eight at the regular session for November. After Ions deliberation, no agreement having i : t.-.e it, or- ! th. fi ."! , r of charge -M not ex n July of : "-j-i were pjt -.e-' Prior to the j1, school ffr ths n' . ' ' i one or two ',. :'-r? sitp drew II--n 'ps municipality. . !t inl.-'ration, pro r m do "the right :-.' contention be '-. m '.hat the records -.Irr.e ati pulated was i Aidormcn Tann .-in. I I-.rt nay. ; !y, I-, was ajcrrwl to rail a j i n f f the full (.'ommiltro r.i-i wh'i I'lMlf-J the ahnol for .:ii'u:i. -he mr.mtKr of 'h? n Iniinis ati'.n which grantol the free lights ; ! !he present Council, to he hel-1 i N'overr.lier 1': and thresh the mat. r thuriUirhly. Whatever i rrt-( upon, it is expected, will c'-pted hy Council. i t. A warm autumn sun, refleetinK his eheering rays upon jirosperous people, ushered in "Election Day" in Kins Idi'. There was every indication of a strong vote about the booths at the Courthouse and the Eagle Wrefcoye, , whero the voters of Kinston township cast their ballots. At the courthouse a hundred and forty of a probable pol f four hundred to four-fifty had been cast before tetj 'hirty; while at the Eagle hoxlufahundred had voted be' ro;e ten o'clock. Nine hundred -iMid fifty votes is the ea i;mate of the number that will be cast at the two city ' before the day is gone. The number may be swelt to one thousand. The Democratic poll will probably ; e::;'h seven hundred and fifty to eight hundred, while the ('.'('iiihlican strength, it is estimated, will be about two hundred. ri early voting scratching was in evidence. Some vot er at the Courthouse box cast a ballot for the Republican National ticket and voted the straight ., Democratic state and county ticket ; while others, and more numerous were the latter, cast the straight" Republican ticket in stat " and county affairs, and voted for Woodrow, Iplaoji ,nd the national Democratic ticket. va..rf.i.4 -Mim Th" non-partisan issues, viz.: The four cdnatilu'tioiial imer.dments and the county hospital came in for their shaiv of interest. Friends of -trier hbspitalwpre. working ard, and the opposition to the.jdan was more in evidence ;.i the Courthouse box than at the Eagle, Some scratcfi ing was done ' on the amendefittticket,,, but there was early indication of an endorhlentf the proposed and j most necessary changes in tneStatrs constitution. t .000 VOTE BEING POMJil). . u At 2 p. m. four hundred andrty votes had been cast at !hf Eaiile Warehousr box, ard,by the poll. ntf th CourJU houw Nhowed three hundred. The vote at the Eagle will prob ably run above earlier estimates, and the Courthousf ill reach the mark. . . .r. ., ., Opposition to the county hospita, nd the amendments was more in evidence nt the Courthouse than at the Eagle and early afternoon estimates indicated that at the Court-; linune for the two non-partisan measures wjuld be. close If, in deed, a majority was not ajrainst. 'I he Eagle vote was heavily in favor of both, il appeared, and will overcome any handicap at the Courthouse. At the latter place at 2 o'clock only few ballot forms covering the amendments were on hand and on the Kep-ihliran table none were In evidence. This nhortage oC bal lots will do more damage to the amendment cause than real opposition, and the workers at the polls would have easily turned the tide, if indeed, it proves to be adverse, to the fav orable column, had the ballots been available. Gnslsw Safely Democratic, j Report From Sand Hill. F. V. On-.Y-.v c e.ver long afti-inoon ;p, K'.-gi.-:tcr of D.'t'd-i of !, told Tha F.-ee I'-et-i W' telephon? Tuesday hat county was safe- be !y Iicmoeratic. I fir? years from Oc-obr, 19M, when the far3t "juice" waj received nt th school property. .. ' . A motion was introduced '- At the meeting to fjurdsh frea illumination for fitr fiara from tha tint Ui in rtitation was opened, bat ft W tot re3altd. Aldermen Ifappef, Dougla and Webb voting aye, and Mayor Eut- It was a certainly at m., he said, that the majority oth -r biiinesi was before ; i;-ty wax holding it. uwn and would includiiijr the t'raniinjr of a ;iwiiiilv. tu-n up a slight increase rK'j- -t one i-! k. of a-iphU pav- '!',! Hepubl.r:i.r.. had si-riven strenu n West Hriht sTeet between ti cany Onslow, t.iKin ada- He-itaee and Queen, a petition which tatre of mated local dien- was h : 1 up because of me flaw or glons. other h:rinr been p. rented for the paving- 1. fo-e .'.o-ice w.s sorved that no -other pe-i-ions would be accepted. I!eporM from Vanes township about Several oi'o' r pe'.it;.-r! were received 1 ,Y!ork indicaied that a heavy poll but no ae'i i x -i ; ! :k?n on them, was ma l', and it was estimated Council decide! to contest two suits that Wi!.-u-i .. loading by three to against the city -one for $.'00, insti- on-. tuted by K. TI. Waller, claiming dam ages for Injury to an automobile driv Three to One In Vance. n Ccnientnea Neck Townsbip fa Hand Hill township about 80 per ce?,'. ef ihe registered voter had cast their ballots at 3 o'clock. A good Democratic iead was being maintain ed. The hospital isauo was being fa vor; d. the informant statin that nat a single vote had been cast against ii. The amendment imue was not pettins; much attention for lack of inf .rmation on the part of tha aver at1 voUr. GreejTrne iBInc, j A hcaviervotft witl mak the Dem ocrats majority in Oreene county little, iarjrer, Mayo J. !aul FrisllK of Sodw Hill told Th ft Vxti' Tuerday afternoon. Hs expects the majority to be about 500, against 430 last election . . ' ? Good Vote Iii Dspla. ; . Lor.g diatanc reports from . Ken- en into a railroad track alleged to Dnnninr; flo have batn hieher than the street lev- "IU5 VlUiC. 'el, and the other by J. A. Taylor,! Early afternoon reports from Con- asking damage; for the loss of two tentnea Neck township indicated a' mules scalded In a ditch la Cast Kin' rather nip and tuck vote. It was es- ansviils at press tiro indicated that ston, into which hot water from man- Hmatsd that 85 to 90 per cent, of a good vote was being polled at that ufacturlng plants was allowed to es the voU had been polled and Wilson ' point. About 250 ballot lutd been cape. It was asrretd to pay Miss Tif- was leading Hughes by only six votes, 'east and the Domocratie strength was fnny West, f 1,000 for property, for Further township eporta wera on- the connecting up of Chestnut street obtainable because of remoteness from 'e' lufiendrtients ira stlmatd to h with North street t Toww Hill road. . telephones at press t'Hr . i . - - I - tei'ng'Vetl tnaintaVnad. ' Th rots oa most favorable. m m (it i 1' mi (ii.t mi 14. 5 Uk s- a- t; I'