DAILY The t, J; hi) The Weather IT U1L "Today" NewtnWw" Local Ralna UL 114 LA. VOL. XVIII. No. 113 .. i . "... 'J k r MXORMiCK GLAIIIS PRESIDENT HAS WON REELECTION WITH GOOD MARGIN ELECT'R'L VOTES TOf ARE; 'ALL OVER,' HE ASSERTS ft Both Si3es Mint at Fraud Democrats Regain Good Lead in California Minnesota's Militia Still to Be Heard From, Statcs Chofc May Be Puzzle Until Monday Perkins Calls Hughes "The Man" With One Measley Vote to Sparte Divided Congress Probable, With G. 0. P. Bossing IWer House New Hampshire Claimed by Both !5ides; Certain to Be Contested Big Pacific State May Give Divided Electoral Vote. (By the United Sa Francisco, Nov. 9.-With just 220 pre cincts missing, Wilson is leading in California by 2,363. Victory Won, Says McCormick. New York, Nov. 9. At 11:10 Democratic Chairman McCormick made a statement that "it is all over. We won the election. We will come up clean with 28S electoral votes. Wilson carries New Hampshire by 93." j Hughes Leads in Minnesota. 1 St. Paul, Nov. 9. Hughes' lead in Minnesota now is 510, with 474 precincts missing. j Minnesota Result Doubtful for Days Yet. j St. Paul, Nov. 9. With 2,100 militiamen's votes ar riving on Sunday from the border,, the world will not know the result of the election until next week, in the event Hughes comes through with California. Six elect-', ion commissions, are now en route from the border with ballots. ; Parties Question Each Other's Honor. j , New York, Nov. 9. "We do not trust the Democrats any farther than they are reported as trusting us," re torted George W. Perkins today when asked to comment , on hints.of fraud by Democratic Finance Chairman Hen- ly Morgenthau. Perkins claims 267 electoral votes for j Hughes not including California. j Wilson Leads California by 3.533. m. - 2' San Francisco, Nov. 9. With 366 precincts to hear from, Wilson leads California by 3,533. California Vote May Be Split. San Francisco, Nov. 9. California is under peculiar election laws, and may cast a divided electoral vote. The law provider, that the highest thirteen electoral candi dates, t regard ies. of party, sit ir the electoral college. The highest possibly will vote split, inasmuch as Hughes' southern majorities are expected to be overwhelming. There was a split in the last election, Roosevelt getting eleven and Wilson two. Republican House; Democratic Senate. New York, Nov," 9. United Press reports indicate a .divided Congress, probably a Democratic Senate and a Republican House. .'' Hughes Wins in Big California County. San Bernadino, Nov. 9 Complete returns vin 170 out of 177 San Bernadino county precincts give Wilson 9,171 and Hughes 11,578. Hughes Ahead in New Mexico. Albuquerque, N. M .Nov. 9. With slightly more than half the returns received, Hughes is maintaining a scant lead of 258 in New Mexico. The missing precincts are all outlying,.and probably -will arrive late. Wilson Leaps Ahead in California. (By Perry Arnold) . New Tork, Nov. 9. Wilson registered sweeping gains m California as the -count progressed there this , morn ing. Inasihuch as Hughes apparently must win Californ ia to obtain an electoral majority, the situation is watched FIRST EDITION i Press) il' 11 IV Till liLtlVlUllUi- kl KINSTON, '0' I r,.w.. .1 CbsS Via OF SELECTION OF NAVY APPOINTED Washington, Kov. 8. Nine rank inr ( fficers of the navy, headed by Ad mir:il Mayo, commander .. of the At lantic fleet, were appointed by Sec ii'iary Daniels today as the board of selection authorized hy the last nav al hi! directing that c fficers in the gra.vs o f commando.- .captain and r.ar admiral of the line of the navy hereafter be promoted by selection .iJ'j not by senority. INVESTIGATION INTO FREIGHT CAR SHORTAGE Li' iisville, Ky., Nov. 8. -Represen-:,.: ws of industrial plants, public sei-,.'e corporations and commercial rjrr.iisations were the first witnesses to ':" heaird in connection with the forir.al investigation befrun here to day !iy the Interstate Commerce Com mission into the methods of exchange, intu:--chanft3 and return of freight c.i's by the railroads of the country. Commissioner McChord U presiding. the e with intense interest. wa.- maintaining the lead in Minnesota by more than 800 with 490 precincts missing. California's jump came ina single hour. Early this morning Wilson's margin was only 641 v : n a mistake was discovered in Mendocino county and b ) ceincts were reported, swelling the majority to -i'-: : Four hundred southern precincts are missing. Hughes is maintaining a lead in New- Mexico and earning in West Virginiavith 3,224 while New Hamp shire is exceedingly doubtful. A few votes either way may swing the state. A contest is inevitable. Following rumors of fraud, the department of justice v.eni a trents to Minnesota post haste. The Democratic National Committee ordered the district chairmen per sonally to see that all ballot boxes were guarded. r-.'iniKKfrin Vn3Qrlninvtfrj rmttminppf that it, would take e'verv precaution to prevent fraud. Both sides are apparCntly preparing for contests of the count in a num- ber of states. There may be a clouded result for weeks. ilnfthta Overturns Wilson Lead In North Dakota. Fargo. N. D., Nov. .0 Eleven hun- r.ir d and fifty-cne precincts out 01 1.85!) last night indicated that Wil son's lead in North Dakota had been overturned and that Hughes was lead ing by less than 1.000. The South- n German districts were coming s'rong for Hughes. Loss of the State would reduce Wilson's lead in the electoral vots to 251. Minnesota for Wilson. St. Paul, Nov. 9. The last 310 pre cincts before 8 o'clock last night -hewed Hughes slightly gaining. He gained 150. Nearly two-thirds of the State gave Wilson a 6,914 lead. If that ratio were maintained Wil son was expected to finish 6,000 ahead. California Democrat is, Appeared. San Francisco, Nov. 9. United; Press tabulations ot 6,si precincis OUl 01 0,0u last nigni- iuurcim u- son was leading by 9,744. Wilson SUU Ahead at 9 O'clock. At 9:10 a. Thursday, the Wash- ington Bureau of the United Press Loa Angeles, where Hughes is very estimated Wilson's electoral votes at strong, depends the result in Califor 251; ItnghesV 243. with New Mexico, .&' and possibly in the nation. WH North Dakota, West Virginia, Cali-f eon's lead is only 641, out of such fornia and Minnesota still in doubt. , an enormous total that political lead Hughes led in New Mexico by 258, J ers are convinced aa official count Wilson led in North Dakota by 1,148, will hi necessary. ; N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1916 A IE li NAVAL OFFICERS DEAD FROM BOMB EXPLOSION Washington, Nov. 8. Naval Lieu tenants Luther Welsh and C. K. Hron on were killed at Indian Head, Md., late today by the premature explosion of an aeroplane bomb wli;':' testing bombs designed for use ,'!;"' ii'st war vessels. Witnesses saw their aeroplans break i:i two and fall into the Potomac riv er, but no trace of it had been found !at today. Lieutenant I:': onson waa born in I! li ois and appointed to the naval a:r ordnnaut :: station at Pensasola, Fin., and recently was ordered to Indian Head to conduct the aeroplane part of Cie i'1'lnance tests. Lieutenant Welsh was born in and appointed f e.m Missouri. CIGARS, TOO, WILL GO CEILINGWARD, SAID St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 9. Six cent c'jri" deakrs' association today pro ve -y near future, the St. Paul retail c';rar dealers association today pre dicted. Hi,h prices ,iif all' other com modities was assigned. Up to 11 o'clock Hvurhes V A i i J- V' V-liiV - v v w . . - . - . with only 17:i precincts to be heard from. Hugh.-s had apparently car ried, West Virginia, having a load of 3. -til with 40'J precincts to be heard frrm. Hughes led in Minnesota by f?03 with 519 missing precinct.,. Wil son led in California by !41. with 518 precincts still to be heard from. Hughes led in New Hampshire by 161. North Dakota For Wilson. . NeV York, Nov. 0. Late returns make Wilson apparently assured of North Dakota. He is 847 ahead, with only 42 sparsely-populated pre cincts mis-sine. Wilson's electoral total now is 25fi. He needs either Minnesota or California. Wilson is i Iqadintr in California by 641 rotes. Hughes Is leading in Minnesota by 603, with 519 precincts missing. Hushes is leading in New Mexico by 258, in West Virginia by 2,370, and i in New Hampshire by 161. A con- tegt ,g ce:tain in the latter. Huffhes is leading in Oregon. ., Tight Race la California. San francisco, Nov. 9. On the re turns from 518 precincts, mos'tly in V--'. .5v 'j BiCKEirS LOVE TO 1L THE DEMOCR'TIC I3STS OE CAROLINA Warren Claims State Dem ocratic By a Full 50,000 Majority T1F.WATER IS STUBBORN Carteret Goes Over to Ene mv, While Tyrrell's Ma- jority Is Small 'Great rictory,' Declares Senator Overman (By W. J. MARTIN.) ;;h, Nov. 8. Damocra'tic ale Kl -.t' Chairman Warren, with addi- :,::: 1 returns in hand, advances his Pom -cratic majority in North Caro lina to 50,000, with a victory in the Ter.'h district through the election of WiMvcr to Congress, gtvfing the State .'. ,:id Democratic delegation in Con- ; on ceagaln. H plaints the Tin.'.; by 500, with the next lowest in majority 2,000 in the Eighth .,:! th? majorities In other districts ::i:iving from 4,000 to 8,000. j C'J.aied Democratic majority re turns today to Democratic headtpjar- tors include: Richmond 950, McDow- ' c'i 75, New Hanover 187, Dare, Dem ocratic county officers; Tyrrell, Demo ern'.ic by a 'small majority. Returns !s:,v Republican majorities in Wil kes, 1,990; Davidson, by a small ma jority; Cabarrus, 250; Catawba, 193; Carteret, by a small majority. Party- loaders are greatly encour aged oveir the national' -offttoc 'claim ing Wilson's election confidently. Senator Overman today wired State Chairman Warren as to the Stat campaign: "You have won a great victory. I heartily congratulate you." Mr. Bickett, the next Governor, call ed at Democratic headquarter from Louisburg this morning and Said: "Give my love to all the Democratic hosts of the State." Bulletins DANIELS SAYS WILSON IS ELECTED. - ' '; ''' Raleigh, Joeephu Vf iels telegraphed his Hewspajfeir here at 2 p. m. haf WihMttha' 256 ure electoral votes, wltk W In dewbt It looks like ti 4ts 4 Minnesota, which would elect him. SECRETARY BAKER WILL RESIGN. " " T- Cleveland, Itov. 8-SecreUry War Bakef will resign afte th f election, whatever may bc"hs result. This s definitely known. PROHIBITION GOVERNOR IN FLORIDA. ' Jacksonville, Fla, Nov. 8. Sydney J. Catts. running on an Independent ticket and prohibl- . tion platform was elected Gover- , nor apparently by tea thoDsand. , FOUR PAGES TODAY fScenSStoains P bill FROM BALLOTING LENOIR PRECINCTS The returns from Tuesday's elec tions in Lenoir county are being can vassed. Indications al-e that it will be Sate Thursday before the election officers are through with the work. A majority of 1,230 for Sheriff A. W. Tavlor over Sutton is claimed. isier ot Dceds Priden's maJrity over George Sutton is believed to be 1,166. Tlio Dfmocratic commission- ' ership candidates polled an average majority of. ahout 1,000. Assembly Nominee Henry Brotheirs beat his opponent by more than a thousand. BULLETINS (By the United Press) AMERICANS SAFE. El PaOv Nov. 9, The ten Americans at Parral whose safety has been feared for are reported safe. ROUMANIANS RETAKE HARSOVA. Bucharest, Nov. 9. The Rou manians have recaptured Harsova, it is officially stated. BRITISH LINER IS TORPEDOED; ONE U. S. CITIZEN ABOARD London, Nov. 8. The Peninsular and Oriental liner Arabia received no warrtirrjr from the submarine which sank her 'in th8'"'tMedit?rranean on Monday, according to a statement is sued this moirniaf?. by the Admiralty. All the 427 passengers, including 1G0 women and children and all the crew with th? exception of two engi neers who were killed by the explos ion were saved by vessels which went to th? rv.'iie. " ' American Aboard. ;' -Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 8.Paul R. Danner, of this city, an American ciMfcen, was a passenger on board the British stamer Arabia, - reported sunk November (5 in the Mediterran ean by A submarine without warningv His parents had had no word from him today. - rf ' i' I 'v4?Tt NEWS SMCE BANNED j Ottawa, Ont, Nor. The Hearst papers have feeen placed under; the bah in Canada. These publications hav bwn prohibited from circulation ftrom Saturday next.; The heavy prt afcies of the war measures -act will apply to any one having them in possession- after that date. ! iFacilities are also denied the Inter national News Service. IARGBJ.SAIES ONJHE n WEED HABKET THDRSbTT It is estimated that 122,000 pounds of tobacco was sold on the Kinston market Thursday. . Prices wore prac tically unchanged, averaging better than 22 cents, . ' . ''W HOSPITAL CLAIMED mm ADVDG'TfS SAY IT'S NECESSiW Majority In County for In stitute Reported Exclusive of Pink HiJI Precinct Question Con stitutionality , v The county hospital voted on t tho elections Tuesday was not lost, ac cording to claims by frinds.of tfce. proposition Thursday morning. Th prevailing opinion Wednesday ven ing ai that it nan fatted to carry'.. A vote of 856 far the hospital and 601 against it, not including Pink ' Hiir precinct, the return from 'which' could nftt Chants the issue, la roport- cd ,lfiW-. . ' A, . V1 ThMeia biilKf in some circles Uijjt the election will sot hold,, owing; to the fact that "a majority of, the ireg ister:d vote must authorize the ex penditure of moneys above ,neoasa ry' rxpenses" under the conatitutiOu. F.rtends 4jf,.4ta- hospital say,the elec tlon is valid, however, because iha hccp'.tal a "necessity." , i - , . ' MEISTEKSSG5RS AT HE BAPTIST CHURCH Tb: Melaterslngers Quartei wilt erive their program in the ViMt Bap tist chcrch here Thursday night: "at 8 o'clock under tho auspices of ,th Mother' Club, who a;re conducting a lyceum course for a playground bene fit. All four singers are aoloiats; three are pianists. A set of organ chimes is carried. They.,Tendftf, fpJfc sours, old plantation-"cftssiea!!l ' - an occasional Selection, from, n-.gfrs opera. The-quartet has,anuSalcr, ..Of.' clever 'tunts'Vwb4ch.stivjJiIiKiJs4 -? variety to the prof ramw.; Atf: -Indiana''' .' paper had to say at thewiiffraey..waf a t s a rcilliaklng, informal Hopowdiof gwmti men, and the 'individaal noting hmnorous and vtsry entertaining Tbf organ chimes 1,r- wondejfuByvWiifH played.1 Tho four 'a re- um;ubtknalUl tb3 - most talented group lra -'fo lu.l "About 350 bales of cotton ereHol4 hare Thursday, prices ranging; from New York futures quotations tt-efeg "j-'-j.. . . . .'Ojd' JKsCt January .. . .13.33- March . , ... .-.13.43- May ,,.,,.I3.69 July !V'r. .... -r....M.G3' 19.60 GAME POSTPONEO. A footalTjgame that was jto have been played hy the local and Wash ington High School football elevens here Saturday has fceen called off. Tho Washington team o' 1 1 r ! coated f . 7 i tut

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