E DAILY The Home Paper, Today' Newa Today '. ' - - i. .. yoii xvin. No. ii3 M'CORMICK CLAIMS PRESIDENT HAS WON REELECTION WITH GOOD MARGIN ELECT'R'L VOTES TO SPARE; 'ALL OVER,' HE ASSERTS Both Sides Hint at Fraud Democrats Regain Good Lead in California Minnesota's Militia Still to Be Heard From, State's Choice May Be Puzzle Until Monday Perkins CaUs Hughes 'The Man" With One Measley Vote to Sparer-Divided Congress Probable, With G. O. P. Bossing Lower House New Hampshire Claimed by Both Sides; Certain State May Give Divided Electoral Vote. (By the St. Paul, Nov. 9. Hughes is leading in Minneso ta by 811, with 288 precincts still missing. San Francisco, Nov. 9. Wilson is leading Cali fornia by latest United Press tabulations by 5,055, with only 175 precincts missing. Concord, Nov. 9. New Hampshire is still uncer tain. Wheeling Nov. 9. The Democratic State Chair man concedes West Virginia to Hughes by 2,500. San Francisco, Nov. 9. With just 220' pre cincts missing, Wilson is leading in California by 2,363. Victory Won, Says McCormick. New York, Nov. 9. At 11:10 Democratic Chairman McCormick made a statement that "it is all over. We won the election. We will come up clean with 288 electoral votes. Wilson carries New Hampshire by 93." Hughes Leads in Minnesota. St. Paul, Nov. 9. Hughes' lead in Minnesota now is olO, with 474 precincts missing, Minnesota Result Doubtful St. Paul. Nov. 9. With riving on Sunday from the border,, the world will not know the result of the election until next week, in the event Jiugnes comes tnrougn witn L,aiitorma. six elect ion commissions are now en route from the border with ballots. . Parties Question Each Other's Honor. New York, Nov. 9. "We do not trust the Democrats any farther than they are reported as trusting us," re torted George W. Perkins today when asked, to comment on hints of fraud by Democratic Finance Chairman Hen ry Morgenthau. Perkins claims 267 electoral votes for Hughes not including California. .Wilson Leads California by 3,533. San Francisco, Nov. 9. With 366 precincts to hear from, Wilson leads California by 3,533. California Vote May Be Split. San Francisco, Nov. 9. California is under peculiar ktion laws, and may cast a divided electoral vote. The law provides that -the highest thirteen electoral candi dates, regardless of party, sit r the electoral college. The highest possibly will vote split, inasmuch as Hughes' southern majorities are expected to be overwhelming. There was a split in the last election, Roosevelt getting eleven and Wilson two. Republican House; Democratic Senate. . New York Nov., 9. United Press reports indicate a divided Congress, probably a Democratic Senate and a Republican House. . Hughes Wins in Big California County, i San Bernadino, Nov.' 9--CdmpIete returns in 170 out ( 'Of 177 San Bernadino county precincts give Wilson 9,171 and Hughes 11,57a Hughes Ahead in New Mexico. v fei Albuquerque, N. M .Nov. 9. With slightly more than SECOND . . "" lj to Be Contested Big" Pacific United Press) for Days Yet. 2,100 militiamen's votes ar - EDITION KINSTON, INVESTIGATION INTO FREIGHT CAR SHORTAGE Louisville, Ky., Nov. 8. Represen tatives of industrial plants, pu')lic service corporations and commercial organizations were the first witnesses to be hea:d in connection with the formal investigation begun hero to day by the Interstate Commerce Com mission into the methods of exchange, inter-change and return of freight cars by the railroads of the country. Commission.-r McChord is presiding. CIGARS, TOO, WILL GO CEILINGWARD, SAID St. Paul, Minn., Nov. !). ,Six cent cigar dcal.vs' association today pre vcry near future, the St. Paul retail cigar dealers association today pre dicted. ' half the returns received, Hughes is maintaining a scant lead of 258 in New Mexico. The missing precincts are all outlying, and probably Wilson Leaps Ahead in California. (By Perry Arnold) New York, Nov. 9. Wilson registered sweeping gains : in California as the count progressed there this morn i ing. Inasmuch as Hughes apparently must win Californ- ia to obtain an electoral majority, the situation is watched j.there with intense interest. Up to 11 o'clock Hughes ! was maintaining the lead in Minnesota by more than 800 i with 490 precincts missing. I California's jump came in a single hour, j Early this morning Wilson's margin was only 641 j when a mistake was discovered in Mendocino county and 83 precincts were reported, swelling the majority to 4,396. Four hundred southern precincts are missing. Hughes is maintaining a lead in New Mexico and gaining in West Virginia with 3,224 while New Hamp : shire is exceedingly doubtful. A few votes either way : may swing the state. A contest is inevitable. I Following rumors of fraud, the department of justice sent agents to Minnesota post haste. The Democratic National Committee ordered the district chairmen per sonally to see that all ballot 1 Rpnnblican headouarters take every precaution to prevent fraud. Both sides are apparently preparing for contests of the count in a num- ber of states. There may be Hughes Overturns Wilson Lead In North Dakota. Fargo, N. 1)., Nov. .9 Eleven hun dred and fifty-one precincts out of 1,859 last night indicated that Wil son's lead in North Dakota had been overturned and that Hughes was lead in? by less than 1,000. The South ern German districts wore coming string for Hughes. Loss of the State would reduce Wilson's lead in the electoral vote to 251. Minnesota for Wilson. St. Paul, Nov. 9. The last 340 pre cincts before 8 o'clock last night showed Hughes slightly gaining. He gained 150. Nearly two-thirds of ths State gave WUson a 6,914 lead. If that ratio were maintained Wil son was expected to finish 6,000 ahead. California DemocraUs, Appeared. San Francisco, Nov. 9. United Press tabulations of 3,627 precincts out of 5,870 last night indicated Wil son was leading by 9,744. Wilson SU1I Ahead at 9 O'clock. At 9:10 a. m, Thursday, the Wash, ington Bureau of the .United Press estimated Wilson's electoral votes at 251; Hughes' 243. with New Mexico, North Dakota, s West, Virginia, Cali fornia and Minnesota still In doubt Flagheaied in New Mexico by 258, Wilson led In North Dakota by 1448, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1916 MVAL OFFICERS DEAD FROM BOMB EXPLOSION Washington, Nov. 8. Naval Lieu tenants Luther Welsh and C. K. Brnnson were killed at Indian Head, Md., late today by the premature explosion of an aeroplane bomb while testing bombs designed fa use against war vessels. Witnesses saw their aeroplane break in two j'.nd fall into the Potomai riv er, but no trace of it had been late today. Lieutenant E'-onson was born bund n II- linois and appointed to the naval aer oplanauiic station at Pensacola, Fla., and recently was ordered to Indian Head to conduct the aeroplane part of the ordnance tests. Lieutenant Welsh was born in and appointed from Missouri. will arrive late. boxes were guarded announced that it would a clouded result lor weeks. with only 179 precincts to be heard from. Hughes had apparently car ried West Virginia, having a lead of 3,441 with 409 precincts to be heard from. Hughes led in Minnesota by 803 with 519 missing precincts. Wil son led in Califou-nia by 641, with 518 precincts still to be heard from. Hughe3 led In New Hampshire by 161. North Dakota For Wilson. New York, Nov. 9. Late returns make Wilson apparently assured of North Dakota. Hi is 847 ahead, with only 42 sparsely-populated pre cincts missing. Wilson's electoral total now is 256. He needs either Minnesota or California. Wilson ia leading in California by 641 votes. Hugh's is leading in Minnesota by 603, with 519 precincts missing. Hughes is leading in New Mexico by 258, in West Virginia by 2,370, and in New Hampshire by 161. A con test is certain in the latter. Hushes is leading in Oregon. Tight Race In California. San Francisco, Nov. 9. On the re turns from 518 precincts, mostly in Los Angeles, where Hughes is very strong, depends the result in Califor nia, and possibly in the nation. Wil son's lead i only 641, out f such an enormous total that political lead ers are convinced aa official will be necessary. . count j BOARD OF SELECTION OF NAVY APPOINTED Washington, Nov. 8. Nine rank ing officers of the navy, headed by Ad miral Mayo, commander of the At lantic ftest, were appointed by Sec retary Daniels today as the board of selection authorized by the last nav al bill directing that officers in the grados o fcommander .captain and rear admiral of the line of the navy hereafter be promoted by selection and not by sonority. BUENOS AIRES LINES UP VS. GOVERNMENT itWT Aim rinrriPC LIKE OUR CAP 1 1 AL IS i Ry Charles p. Stewart 1 (United Press staff Correspondent) I j Bueno3 Aires, Argentina;? Oct 20. ' (By Mail) A proposition is before the Argentine congress to change the Buenos Aires form of government. Hitherto the city has had commission government Hke Washington. The pnplc are tired, however, of having their affairs regulated for them by outsiders. They point out that this r,-.an: .tccmcnt has resulted In piling up one of th? largest municipal debts, considering, the community's size, in the world. It is also remarked that the attempt to economize, by the un r.ulho:ized wlthqlding of percentage of the citv emnloves wages, is re siding in a tiresome series of strikes .. . London, Nov. 8. 'The Peninsular by the scavengers, grave diggers and ... . , and Oriental liner Arabia received no other classes of city workers. w&rnim fmm the 8ubmarine which Ths situation is also more Irritat- gan her in the (Mediterranean on ing from a numerical standpoint Monday, according to a statement is than ths one in Washington, where a sued this martiing by the Admiralty, n.-iiional population of about 100,000,- . All the 427 passengers, including 000 dictates arbitrarily to a city of Rbou 350,000, while in Argentina a total population of approximately 7, 000,000 makes local regulations for a 'apital with a population exceeding 1,500,000. The new plan, if adopt ed, will abolish the existing commis sion in favor of a municipal council, to bj elected by the citizens. SHOPGIRLS CONDUCT A SHOP-EARLY CAMPAIGN St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 8. Uniform ed shop girls lined down town streets today and handed each passerby a printed appeal to shop early. It was a shop-girls campaign to close loop department stores e.t 6:30 p. m. Sat urdays. The campaign will be con tinu2d during November. SOME VICTIMS OF CHILD PLAGUE BEAR NO SIGNS New York, Nov. 8. The infantile paralysis epidemic which swept New York city during the Summer marked many, but not all of its victims, far life. The home cases show higher percentage of serious after effect than those of the hospitals. t " , Accorduig to a health bulletin' just issued, 66 per cent of 2,053 discharg ed, from' cltyf hospitals showed, evi dence of paralysis, 18 per cent, show ed that paralysis had entirely .'dis appeared and the remainder, 16 per rent., had not shown effects of para 's at any time W ; - . - OUR PAGES TODAY SSliS' JVL CANV'SING RETURNS FROM BALLOTING IN LENOIR PRECINCTS The returns from Tuesday's alec s': tions in Lenoir county are being can vassed. Indications are that it will 1)0 'nte Thurslay before the election officers are through with the work. A majority of 1,230 for Sheriff A. w Tay)or over ,SuttQn ,g cWmed Register of Deeds Pridgen's majority over George Sutton is believed to be . u- er J00" coission- ership candidates polled an average ' m3iority f about L000- Assembly Nominee Henry Brothers beat his opponent by more than a thousand. BULLETINS (By the United Press) AMERICANS SAFE. El Paso, Nov. 94 The ten Americans at Parral whose safety has been feared for are reported safe. ROUMANIANS RETAKE HARSOVA. Bucharest, Nov. 9. The Rou manians have recaptured Harsova, it is officially stated. BRITISH LINER IS TORPEDOED; ONE U. S. CITIZEN ABOARD 169 women and children and all the crew with ths exception of two engi neers who were killed by the explos ion were saved by vessels which went to ths rescue. American Aboard. Cambridge, Mass., Nov. , 8. Paul R. Daaner, of this city, an American citizen, was a passenger w board the British steamer AraDia, (reported sunk November 6 in the Mediterran ean by a submarine without warning. Ilia parents, had had no word from him today. HEARST PAPERS AND NEWSSERVICE BANNEP Ottawa, Ont, Nov. 8. The Hearst papers have been placed under the ban in Canada. These publications have been prohibited from circulation rom Saturday next. The heavy pen alUes of the war measurea act will apply to any one having them in pos session after that date, facilities are also denied the Inter national News Service. LARGER SALES ON THE WEED MARKET THURSDTf 1 It Is estimated that 122,000 pounds of tobacco was sold, oa the Klnston market Thuwday." 'Prices were prac tically unchanged, averaging better than 22 cents, . . V : V , HOSPITAL CUB CARRIER; ADVOG'TES SAY IT'S ftEilf Majority In County for In stitution Reported 255 Exclusive jr)f Rnk , Hp PrecinctQuestion p$ stitutionality v The county hospital voted on at the flections Tuesday was aot lost, cording to claims by friends of tSe proposition Thursday morning.' The1 prevailing opinion Wednesday -ing was that it had faBed to carry.' vote of 86(1 far the hospital nd' 60 against It, not including Pik H1U precinct, the return from which -could not changs th issue, i rspqit- , ed now. . , . There la belief in o circle. th4 the election will netr MA, owingt; the fact that "apjtfftjf ths) Hff istersd vote mst iwtfcottee the- . penditure of moneys aove 'necessa ry' expenses" under the constituttev lends of the hospital say the etee- x tlon is valid, however, because the hospital is a "necessity.'' MEISTERSINC: THE BAPTIST CPP. Ths Melstersingers Quartet will give their program in the First Bap tist church here Thursday ndght a 8 o'clock under the auspices of the Mothers' Club, who aire conducting a lyceum course for a playground bene- 1 fit. Air four singers are soloists; three are pianists. A set of organ chimes is carried. They Tender folk songs, old plantatio "classie" an occasional selection trotn gtaad i opera, ihe quartet ha number 01 ciever "stunts"' vftfcku gjy. lift wkf. variety to the program. Ao IndiaiM paper had ty of them; flhejp rollicking, Informal' crowd JttttC men, and. the individual, 'M(tnf -wf ' humorous and very enrtaliing. 'Tit organ chimes were wonderfully reU played. The four, are unquestionablj' the most talented group heres fa? years."' .; "' "" If About 150 bales of cotton wet stot4 here, JTurdj pness tenting" r$. New Ye0. ,utorea quotations were's January .....9 March .. .49.4S May .. .....JlWa July .. ...........C? December .. ....... ..1943 io.:i jti!, ': tit. , A football game' that war to tatf" be a played by the local and Wt ington High Scheel 'fvott&Tl elevens ' here Saturday baa' been calTed 7. , The Washington te. J toJli , not COTTO 11 ill I 1 1