The Home Paper .Today' Newa Today") VOL. XVIII. No. 114 , m b I kl -r: MM mM 4 M ted ail . n wit i ... PRESIDENTS RE-ELECTION DEY'ND DOUBT NOW, SEEMS; HAS CALIFORNIA CLIMB AND SAFE MARGIN IN ELECTORAL COLLEGE Indications That Only a Miracle Could Change Result Lead In Pacific State Reduced, But Few Remaining Precincts Unaccounted For Could Not Give Opponent MsjprifcK" Contests to Be Discussed by G. 0. P. Lead ers Soon? WiU Concede Nothing Wilcox Cites Prece dentsMust Not Be Shadow Over Title of Man Who Sjts In White House, Gives as Patriotic Motive for Wanting to Sec the Thing Well Done I (By PERRY W. ARNOLD.) ew York, Nov. 10. America has chosen Woodrow Wilson and Thomas E. Marshall for four years v.vk-q on the face of available returns. There is only the barest possibility that recounts and possible court contests pre dicted by the unyjelding Republicans could change the situation. California's entire-vote was uncounted at 8 o'clock to day, Hut Wilson's lead was so commanding that it ap peared that no matter what the result was in the few re maining precincts he wrould have a clear plurality. There remained, however, the possibility of. a division in the State's electoral vote of thirteen. Counting California's entire vote for Wilson, his total in the electoral college, disregarding the still dni-Wjiil States, this morning appeared to bo 269. t'r-'e rnf-. ' ;n ' necessary. Three btates were still m doubt, jvtm New Mexico and New Hampshire, but their total w be insufficient to elect Hughes, unless the P vpubH?;n i ineee gained at least four of California's votes on ? -Moreover. Wilson was leadimr in New Mexico., move- half counted, by six thousand. Republican headquarters still refuses to eonce V.'il son's re-election. Chairman Willeox announced thai he would demand a recount in California, Mew Mexico, New Hampshire and North Dakota. Minnesota raav t:s con tested also. Willcox's contention is that the American people are entitled to know beyond a question as to the;" choice. They do not desire to have a man. in the White House whose title is in the least clouded, he said. Incomplete returns indicate Wilson will have a safo majority in the Senate, ar.d an exceedingly close House. There is a possibility that four or five representatives of minor parties will hold the balance of power. One rep resentative of each of the following parties apparently is elected: Progressive, Prohibition, Socialist, Independent. Protection and Socialist. California Safely Democratic. San Francisco, Nov. 10. Com plete returns, from all but 33 out of 5.866 precincts place Wilsnn leading by -5,298. The 'thirty-three precincts could not change the re sult. Hughes Apparently Has West Virginia. Wheeling, W. Va Nov. 10. With 131 precincts still missing this morning, Hughes was leading by more than 3,000. New Hampshire Still . i A PtaZ7l Concord. N - H Nov. 10. ThU SUte is still doubtfuL G. O. P. Concedes Nothing. A'ew". York, Nov. 10. Republic an headquarters Is conceding noth ing. A eonferenee Ui scheduled for this afternoon to discuss the re count demands. ' Reduction In Calif ornia. . si Francises Nov. 10. With. r 28 precincts missing. Wilson la leading by 3,893. The reduction THE was caused by a correct? jn hy the e'erk 'n Ifumbolt county. Revi sion v,;i! rot change the result it is stated. Wilcox Holds to Hope. New York, Nov. 10. Chairman V.'ilcox made a statement today that the "result depends upon a few ;-lone States, where the returns have been unofficial. A common ex perience is that an official count :Un -han?rs the .result." gorier Vote In Minnesota. st y0v. 10 The soldier vote ;W probably decide Minneso tVs choice. Hughes is leading by 1.000. with 111 precincts missing London Deeply Interested. (By EDWARD L. KEEN,) London. Nov. 10. London is doubtful. The cMy is withholding judgment on n-ho won the American election, and is waiting anxiously for the final returns. London thought it knew Wednesday morn ing when Reuter's flashed an un qualified statement of Hughes' elec tion. But today Renter's flashed unqualifiedly that Wilson was re- BMLf SECOND EDITION elerf.d. So the Evening NVv:s, to be 1,11'iiUy fair, reproduced both neuter's flashes under t!ie bead, "Ret;-'s Says Both Elected." The Exchai-- Telegraph Co., getting t'nited l!re. -i reports, did not an nounce He lies' election. All L;c iand is !, ii -ted to an ur.lx-l'eva-blu desre !' eerr.R to be a s-urt of j;ent!i:i an's agreement nt to 'uhc ''ill1' ;n the domestic a.'"a!rs f the ",'r.i(e;! St.itet. When Mr. hutfhe.-i vas reported elected, how rvcr, Wilson drew some hot editor ial shois among the "spineless i'Jeaiis!s." Fountains Purified.' Washington, Nov. 10. "The peo ple of iiie progressive West hive purified th" fountains and Demo cracy has hoeh strengthened and 'popularized immeasurably by this victory," Secretary of the Treas ury McAdco declared today.. Wilson Still Ahead in I'acific State. San Francisco, Nov. 10. With 152 precincts missing, Wilson was lead ing in California early last night by 2,345. Hughes gained 2,000 votes ai ;he result of a faulty voting machine, giving Wilson a lead of only 345, with 131 precincts still missing, said a press report a few minutes later. However, at 8:13 the Los Angeles clork of elections corrected an error making Wilson's lead - in the State 2,345, with 151 preclncta 'missing. Boston Paper Claims W ilson's Re-election, v New York, Nov. 10. The Boston Traveler in a New York mail extra I l j -""" " 1 1 -.. . "yiTii' ' "i "" T' "i i T7 'iG . i JtjLi Mhv d 1 .... .. M LV.'-'Um jlWiV'jvir -? i, L-.. jy ' 131 JLI """- PRESIDENT WIUSON u ,-'-.-- I VICE-PRESIDENT MARSHALL " Lcil ... i.j;-.v:ctj 0 I 7 p. m. Thursday, chvmod ike re election of Wilson. Con:cst:i wei i probable in four or five states. Wilson Again Ahead In Minnesota. St. Paul, N '-. 10. A recount cor rection about the supper hour Thurs day put WHson in-riie lead in Minne sota by .'!")!, vi;h 2!)1 precincts un-c-hccktil. The militiamen's vote was expected to decide the issue in the stale. l)ai!y Nws (Independent) ex tras were claiming Wilson's re-election. West Virginia Democratic. Wheeling, Nov. 10. The Demo cratic State Chairman last night re pudiated a concession supposiid to have bucn made by him giving the State of West Virginia to Hughes, claiming the State by 1.500 for Wil son. New Hamp'hire Very Close. Concord, Xov. 10 An official count with only 2 precincts missing put Hughes in the lead in New Hamp shire by 131 votes last night. MRS. 0DENI1EIMER IS AGAIN HEAD U. D. C. ' Dallas Texas, Xov. 9. The United Daughters of the ConfederacyIn ea aion iere . today, re-elected ' Mrs . Frtnk G. Odenheimer' of Washing ton, D. ClT president-general, and other major officers and gave their pledge to raise $10,000 toward a mon ument to "be erected on the Jefferson Davis biri&place ; at Fairfield, Ky. kinston, no, mml&SV&rzmER io, im 1 . PRESIDENT GOES TO CHRISTENING! REFN CANDIDATE IS QUIET Long Branch, N. J., Xov. VPftt iiient Wilson left here at 7:45 o'clock on the naval yacht Mayflower for Rhine Cliff, N. Y., to take a train tomorrow morning for Williamstown, Mas.., where he goes to act as god father for Eleanor Acson Sayre, the youngest child of Mrs. Francis B. Sayre, the President's daughter. He will leave Williamstown Saturday af Urnoon for Washington, arriving there Sunday night. Hughes Visits Theater. New York, Nov. 9. Charles E. Hughes spent today much as he did yesterday, studying election returns. The nominee and his wife remained indoors all day, except for a two hour motor ride in the afternoon, but tonight went to a theater. JUDGE OF ELECTION DROWNED OFF COAST Manteo, Nov. 9. While fishing st flea today a boat containing A. L. Midgett, me of "the judge, of elec tion, and three athers, -was 'capstied nea Nag's Head coast' guard station. Sty heroic efforts the crew of the sta tion sayedAree, but Midgett wai drowned. His 'jody has ot "yef been recovered. V' : ', RESULT STILL IS IN DOUBT IN THE TENTH The As'neville correspondent of tha Raleigh News and Observer has this in Friday's paper: "The race for Congress In the 10th district has narrowed down until each side is claiming it by majorities rang ing around '0 voles. "According to lgures apparently re liable, Weaver has the election by 13 votes, but HrlU's managers are now claiming they will offset this by mis-ta'- ts they claim they know of in va rious counties. "Graham county, back from the railroad and with its lone telephone wire nut of commission, holds the key to the situation." OWN PRIVATE CAR, TOO, THE COUNTY DONT PAY BILLS Sheriff A. W. Taylor'3 automobile yji3aoi?uJf-.nSiJiil..tne m'ddle of Queen street at a point several blocks North of the business district late Thursday night, fey young men who had ."borrowed" the car for a ride, after the machine had apparently been driven into "a tree or some "other obstacle in the middle of the street, where It should not nave been.. This part of the affair Is respectfully n re ferred to '4p city pflkials for inyestl- 4 i The Weather . i f Cloudy Tonight COlllWWQltt UP IN TINE STYLE OVER THE ELECTION Every pody With An r Auto or Horn or Good Lungs, Invited to Participate fv COUNTRY FOLKS COMING LaGrange Will, Send pig Delegation Here ; ; ; Fri day Night Celebration Will Be Like Old Times and Some More So Tar is being assembled for bon firw and word: is being passed along over the Countryside by a host . rf Paul Reveres , that,,, the Democra-ts have risen and re-elected Woodrow Wilson. It will beVbout 8 o'fcloc; or maybe a little later when the .kfck-ing-up is started. The police wU keep order, possibly; but a settled fact it is 'that the'hosts of Woodrow rooters sre going to keep disorder - ... . .. , perfectly legitimate, sober, howing, gasoline-consuming, lung exercis ing disorder. , .. , Everybody in this part of North Carolina knows what has happened. Fven 's'now Hill is said to have ;the h.lw8l'LvaGrange Friday notified Kinston that it was coming up ; in force. , "One thousand" automobiles will be here, according to estimates made by the local Democratic lead ers, that being phrase that It Ha hard to get away from- just at .thiti time. The women are asked to, cpme out and help ceJebrato.-They cafl sde in autos and 3hout, itoo; the.victoty, ahem! quoting a certain august, Sig nified, more or less pompous function ary, "is as much their' as ours; yes, sir, every woman and - child and in fant in arms has cause to e grati fied over this glorious result." Wil son wil Ury to keep the Germans from shooting their husbands,, and brothers and sugar kids end ; Villa from swiping the blanketst and ra tions of the boys on the border. Hist, don't breathe it to D. T. Ed wards. Rumor ha; it . that there's going to be a tarbarrel blue moun tains tall on Vernon Heights when it gets good and dark. "Also, weT got to have a brass band. Not a piece of I .'bind, but i-jreai, great big band." , Noise must be made j music la not Es sential. So, everybody -who owns' a ' f ; cornet or a drum or anything of the sort is urged 'to f etco ' it out. La Grange may cend its band. ; There is n't a cannon to be had, so there wilf be no Presidential salute. K Megaphones, horns and the like will be- plentiful. ration. The steering rod and a lamp were broken. ';.'Vl-S iS . . ' ; Th owner oi the car- took th whole thing good-naturedly. Friday mom 'r.2 he avowed that be did not .kfiqw'tha herriUe'culprita,' . m