('"-..'? r ? II. J PAGE-TW O EDITORIAL - THE KINSTON FREE' PRESS Saturday1 1fag;:'NovemWrlsjlft- THE DAILY FREE PRESS -,,. 1...... - . : ;" (United Prtt Telegraphic Report) . . H. GALT BRAXTON, Editor and Manager Published Every Day Except Sunday by the Kinston Free ' t " Preaa Co., lac., Kiniton, N. C. SatMeriptioa Rates Parable In Adrance: , Une J?k ... $.10 One Month .35 Three Month $1.00 Si Months 2.00 One Year 14.00 Entered at the postofflee at Kinston, North Carolina, at -oM-cIms matter under act of Congress. March 3, 1879. votmnnnicationa received and not published will not be returned unlets stamps to cover postage accompany same. HEW YORK OFFICE 38 Park Row. Mr. Ralph R. Mulligan, in aole charge of Eastern Department Files e7 The Free Press can be seen. ficult to understand how an attractive girl can smile it over her opponents, when they are men, tout it will be in teresting when two of the fair sex run against each other, then there may be some hair pulling. WESTERN OFFICE In charge of Mr. C. J. Andornon. Marqaette Building, Chicago, where files of The Free Press cac be seen. Subscribers are requested to notify, by Telephone 75, The Free Press of any irregularity of delivery or inat tention whatsoever on the part of the carriers. After Six P. M. subscribers are requested to call West ern Union and report failure to et the paper. A copy will be sent promptly, if complaint is made before Nine P. without cost to subscriber. SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 18, 1916 But for the obliteration of Oyster Bay we could hope that the. Colonel would find the atmosphere of the South Sea glands so congenial as to tike up his ipprmanont bode thereabouts. "Birds of a featlier flock together." Colonel Rocso velt I planning a trip to the South Sea Islands whorv he will hobnob with the Vto' irfdncidoirtally store up reserve supply of etrenuosity. A contemporary reminds us that the war has been for gotten in the excitement of the presidential election. Un fortunately, however, the period of forgetfulness is of short duration and we must begin again to play up the advance ot the forces under 3enerlil llalg on the West and the probable obliteration of Roumania on the East together with the side lights. The press agent of the Dcutschland seems to have been asleep on the job this time for the famous undersea merchantman was about to make its get-away to its home port before a dozen or more speculative announcements had been made In the press of the country and its pur pose would have probably been accomplished had it not been for the untimely dnterfereence of its own tug. With the advent of women in the halls of Congrcn, campaigns "will be transformed- from the oldf order of things to th parlors and ball room floors. It Is not dlf- REDUCING ACREAGE RESPONSIBLE. Cotton has passed the twenty cent mark on the Kinston market, a realization that 'the fondest Imagination did not anticipate six months ago. The Free Press, like all loyal Southerners, rejoices that the great staple of this section Is coming Into its own and that the farmers, v.ho have for so long failed to Obtain prices commensurate with their labors, are getting such encouraging returns now. There Is one phae of the matter, however, which we have frequently called attention to and which we deem ad visable to continue to keep fresh .in the minds of our far mer readers. The price obtaining for cotton now is large ly the result of a short crop . Had the farmers Ignored the lessons of 1914 and failed to cut down the cotton acreage in 1916 twenty cents would have never bjen realized In spite of the fact that high prices are vcr.y much In style just now. The farmers of the South must not overlook the lessons of the past. The Free Pres hopes that they will not become obscessed with the i lea again that they must turn their entire attention to the planting of cotton. A fair division should be given to food crops and the wise farmer will not lose his head be cause of the splendid prices prevailing this year. He will continue next season to practice diversification, whi-h has proved such a blessing this year. Continued reduced cotton acreago will mean continued good prices for the staple and bumper crops will continue to spell law prices. THE "OPEN DOOR." A dark cloud luderd It is which has no silver lining. There is one encouraging note, one 'bright spot In the re ports coming from the scenes of the terrible carnage on the. European battle field. The missionary societies in form us that never before ' In the history of the world has the "open door" for the teaching of God's word to the masses of Europe been in evidence as it is today. Not only are the soldiers in the trenches, awaiting the com mands of their officers to charge the deadly guns of their opposing farces, eager and ready to hear the message, but the great capitals of Europe which have long been no toriously reprobate and Godless are turning their atten tlon to higher and better things. Preachers, j. who before the outbreak of the terrible war occupied choice pulpits and served prosperous congregations, are now sharing the hardships of the army life, grasping tho opportunities to tell the story of salvation to men, many of whom never paused before to consider that ther? was a God, who is a jealous God and who requires of them a service. Missionary experts predict that the outcome of the war, regardless of which shall win, will mean th:3 opening of tho door of opportunity for Protestant Christianity as it has never been dreamed of before. Unquestionably there are signs which support such eoncluslons.- WIU RAISE MONEY FOR THE GERMAN RED CROSS St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 18. St. Paul was decorated to represent its ap pearance fjfty yc,ars ago tcday when several thousand Austro-Ifungarians and Germans from the Northwest be gan arriving for an annual reunion and Volkfest. Beginning tomorrow, funds vwill fie collaftted for four days for the German Red Cross. Tomor row will be St. Paul day. Northwest, American and German days alao are AN EASY WAY TO REDUCE FLESH BOSTON WOMAN RECOMMENDING IT TO HER FRIENDS Popular Boston Lady Says Tonolint Has Proven a Godsend to Her It is always interesting to lliten to the statements of our friends, and especially whon you know they are sincere and honest in what they say. Added interest is created In a state ment coming from one who has snent a lifetime in Button, where she is well known socially. Such a person is Annie Stewart, VO' resides in Boston, and is pos , -'seised of the respect and confidence of .her associates, and is willing for anyone to call on her to verify tho following ifgned testimonial. "I have suffered with stomach trou ble for the past seven years. It took tthe form of indigestion and dyspep sia. I had dizzy spells and headaches and after I ate a little food it would ferment' and cause gas to form in my stomach. I had pains all over my body, and was chronically con9tlpat ed. My liver was torpid, and I felt generally miserable. I had do.tored and had been in the hospital, but re- BRACE UP! celved no permanent relief. I was so Do yQU feel M before yow 7 nrvous and restless that at night I u ywT back and ftiff? Do you could scarcely skep. The gas pres.- j luffer urnary di90pders? Don.t de, , ing under my ncart caused paipita- . v. , . . . , Pir profit by Kinston experiences, tion, and when I arose in the mor- ' Ing I was just as tired as when I re- Kiton pl mmend 1W tired. About two weeks ago I '..egan , Kidney Pills. Here's a Kinston res- to take Tonoline, and I can truthfully ident's statement: state that dt has done wonders in nur ( James Wedt, mechanic. 408 Queen , case. I am feeling like a new worn- street, Kinstoa, says: "My kidneys j an and tan cat any kind of food. I gave me a great deal of trouble. I t sleep the night through and have no had severe pains in my back and more aches or p tlns; in fact, it has across my loins and was so sore and j cured me, and I am recommending it utiff that I could scarcely bend. I Drink Hot Water and Take Tassco. 1 1 Haven't you often wished for ja, medicine,) reduce your shl Some- J thing that does not require dieting t.r calisthenics? Well, r right here you have it in 5-grain tassco tablets, which yeu may secure at'E. E'. Mars ton Drrisr Co. Thev are nle&santHO take, perfectly harmless and cause no I restrictions of habit or eating, and iedai-e the flesh, little by little, until! you are down to ih- number of j pounds you wish i wolgh. Too; much flesh is undesirable, as most j quite, stout people will readily ad mit, and It detracts from oni' good appeanafiee; makes one clumsy and short of preath. There isn't any reasotv why anyone should be too stout, when there's this much-tried, perfectly satisfactory remedy at K. B. Marston 'Drug Co. Tassco tablets (don't forget the name) are recommended 'by physi cians and are guaranteed to be per fectly harmless. Refuse substitutes, if you can not come to our store, we will mail tassco to you. adv. THANKSGIVING FOOTBALL GAME L'. of N, C. vs. V. of V. AT RICHMOND For the above occasion the Atlantic Coast I.i.iu will soli excursion tickets for all trains on November 2!Hhand for tluse scheduled Ho reach Rich mond up to 2:10 p. m., November 30: h. a: $':.r0, from Kinston, limited r-'turiiini: until December 2nd. For chelules, oleeplnr car accom modations and any further informa tion di-ired, apply to P. J. WARD, Ticket Agent, aJv. Kinston, N. C. Operates Passenger Trin from North Carolina into Terminal Sta tion, Norfolk, without Transfer. xi, B. The following schedule fig ures published as information only and are not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE KINSTON East Bount Ili21 p. m. "Nignt Express," Pull man Sleeping Cars New Bern to Norfolk. Connects for all points North and West. Parlor Car Ser vice between New Bern and Ner foik. 4: It; p. m. Daily for Beaufort and Oriental. West Bound 7:50 a. m. Daily, for Beaufort, New Bern and Norfolk. ").:10 a. m. Daily for Goldsboro. 10:25 a. m. Daily for Goldsboro. 7::I9 p. m. Daily for Goldsboro. For further information or reserva tion of Pullman sleeping car space, oepply to W. J. Nicholson, Agent, Kia ston, N. C. E D. KYLE, Traffic Managei, Norfolk, Va. H. S. LEARD, !agagagagagg0BgBgE&HHHH is s SH O Er S or vvorrv&rv All the New Styles and Colors for this Fall Are shown Here. Remember Our Motto "Quality First." , Yours tft Please, I Agent For Clapp, Bannister, and Flosneim Shoes INSOIW E OF ALL C. OETTINGER, Manager KINDS Kinston Insurance & Realty Co. Telephone No 1 82 HOE. GardfSt. S Fe.3fr Toi;r i n r ' Roadster ?820 to all of my friends, as it has been a Godsend to me." E. B. Marston Drug Company sell and guarantee Tonoline. There are numerous symptoms of this trouble that tonoline can relieve. In fact, any of the followivg may de mtn affections of the stomach: Indi gestion, dyspepsia, belching of wlnj, haij breath, sick throbbing headache poor circulation, night sweats, that tired feeling, costiveness, coated tongue or a poor complexion- Caution: As Tonoline is recoro- ' mended as a fle,ih builder those not pounds or more should not take U wishing to increase their vight 15 continuously. adv. also had headaches and dizzy snclls. The kidney secretions wore scanty fit.d painful in passage and contain ed sediment. I used three boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills and was cured cf all symptoms of kidney and blad det trouble." Price, 60c, at all dealers. Dortlt simply ask for a kidney remedy get " j Doan's Kidney Pills th same that I cured Mr. West. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. adv : ( M0S-) Model 75 E S 1 M7 2 Horsepower Speedy and Easy Riding I! i! There's little comfort' in r .ct low priced cars. You can't uss their speeds. They t H'Pv j3tie ya tliCy 1 roughly they don't hold the road. The $635 Overland is dhTerent. It is not ony the speediest of low priced car.s But you can use the full speed cf its power ful motor when you need it. It has long 42 -inch, easy riding, shock ab sorbing cantilever rear springs. In addition the 75 B Overland is a longer car 104 inch wheelbase. And it has 4-inch tires. Its smoothness and ease of riding at any speed would do justice to a much larger and heavier car. Come in and let us demonstrate. That's the best kind of proof. JOH T. WHITFIELD, DEALER, Phones 470 and 465L, KJNSTON, tf. C. The Vil!ys-Ovcrland Company, Toledo, Ohio "M.d.ln U.S.A." Iff We SeBflatihe Top off tBue EVOairBxeft "The new broom sweeps clean." We have been in business but- y'" a short time, but the number of our customers has grown stead-?, ily, and we have yet to hear of one patron, dissatisfied with the. price he got or the treatment he received. We do our best toj please them and believe we are suceeding. Come and t ry us yourself HOOKER & RUCKER Horses and Mules of The Very Best Quality, - Reasonable Prices, On Easy Terms DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. -CLOTHINB, HUTS; SHOES. ""' AND ALL BRADES OF GROCERIES. HACKNEY WAGONS, THORNHILL WAGONS, CARTS. BUGGIES AND HARNESS, A complete line of Farm Implements, one and two-horse r'lows, Disc Harrows, Stalk Cutters and everything you need on a farm. - See Us Before You Buy Mew; Brick .Warehoiisg: III I! GOPEIiAND BR0TKS Kinstorir-" : : : : : : : N. Carolina. ill