... v The Home Paper K PXLjr TP? TT DAILY- F 4 1 ' It v TodSV!Mi ,Kiu;. Warmer tps; . TPti fns :in 1 : f v. , ' VOBTOtt WW ill Ilessness: in Gonntry-Ne Statesman; Trained ns a Warrior Agd Emperor's Long Reig:W4UnpfcccdcntfklH6art Removed But Will Ite Bwied Wth Band.ott'r'eseryed.asHave Been lliogefMailyPredeieeswrsFranz Josef Will Be 13rd of the HoQse ofHarJsbufg to Occupy Niche in Royal Cryptr-BodyuWiU Lie; In State. Week In lf0f burff Augustiner ChurchAncient Customs at Buria) " tBy thr United Press) .London, Nov.' 22. The' eyes of, Che jtfofld today turned to Charles Francis Joseph, the new Emperor of Austria Hungary, Although Vienna so far" has withheld official confirmation of the death of the aged" Emperor Fram j0 self, his demise is confirmed in various sburces. The new riiler is twenty-nine years of age, and new is supnosecUy commanding the Austrian armies in the Carpathians. He is known to have a good military education, to be demo cratically inclined, but lacking in diplomatic training. He assumes the throne at a time when the strongest of men would have a great task in maintaining the integrity of the nation. Rungary is growing restless under the Hapsbiirc- yoke. The death of the strong figure of the aged mon arch, it is feared, may result in an increase of Prussian domination. A mere stripling, unversed in statecraft, succeed Franz Joser. Germany probably will find him pliant to Prussian wishes. The Vienna court is the most formal of all Europe. Many curious -medieval ceremonies will attend the prepa ration! of the brigy, the burial, and the interment, and the crowning of thenew ruler. According to custom, the heart was removed' today and placed in a separate recep tacle, later to oe puried with the body. Sixty-eight years ago, whenthe last previous Ham burg rider died, his heart was" placed in an urn n.nd pre served with 55 other urns, each containing the heart of a member of'the royal family. Franz Josef issued a royal decree against this ancient custom. ' The body will probably lie in state a wek in the Hof burg Augustiner church, .four hundred years old. Inter ment will be in the royal crypt, for four centuries the keeper Of the Hapsburg dead. Franz Josef will number the 133rd. Condition Not Generally Known. & London, Nov. 22. EmpeTor Fran cis Joseph died last night at nine o' clock at Schoenbrunn Castle, accord ing to a Reuter dispatch from Vi enna, by way of Amsterdam. The first intimation 'received here that Emperor Francis Joseph's health was again the subject of "olicitude was contained in a dispatch dated Nov. 12, emanating from a Vienna inews agency.JicHclL parted. tr .U the Emperor had been suffering for some days from a slight catarrhal af fection. Subsequent reports from va rious sources more or less conflict ing, represented that his condition was becoming worse, but "none of them indicated that his illness threat ened to reach a critical state, and from Vienna came assurances that he was still able to give audiences to one or more ministers dally. What gave some credence to the suspicion that his condition was much graver than the official bulletins in dicated was the report, which still lacks confirmation; that it had been I decided to associate the heir to the throne Archduke Charles Francis, in the government of the country and that he was to assume the position on December 2, on the sixty-eighth an niversary of the Emperor's ascension to the throne. So far as is known here Archduke Cnarles is still at the front in com mand of the army. Unprecedented Reign. The death of Francis Joseph is a remarkable climax to the long list of tragedies in. the Hapsburg family a list unparallellel in any, other reign kig house hi Europe. He die in the midst' of the world's greatest war, which he himself largelybrought about by bis determination to avenge the act of assassination of his heir, the Archduke "Francis Ferdinand, as the' lesult of an all3ged Serbian con spiracy, 'wTate on a fc3tate visit to EJMnta onJmve 28, 1914. : ' V' Frwncis Joseph was 86 years old tte time of Ms 'deatK He- was born Augnat 18,, 1830. He was only nineteen; yesr-f cf age when he s cenied the ' trfrone of Austria, upon the adbseatio-j of his uncle, Fe:dW Hand I, December 2, 1848; making: his KINSTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22r 1916 11 mm in thv't r lift; V Rulec Has No Ability as active reign extend over a po-ind ni fi8 yotrs, all but the first iwoiiiy of which he wa.3 also Apostle TTn;r of Hungary. It is doubtful lhat if in all history there has b:?n n:i ' LU'thanysated reign that war ! r. SMiNERS HOLD NEW BERN IN GUI? FlIV: TEMPLE INSTITFi Pi;:l!in Temph of Shrines, a ww :crrn-lp authorizotl in a dipper. : : r- f; iv months ago, is being ir; ?! e:i at New Bern with cahora'o em -nics. New Bern is . filled w'm'a !'o:-.-woarrs from thrcughiat X-i'-i!: Carolina end the VirginiaF A! 1-I one New Bern hotel ha ac'vi-i'l i! liinmcrs who are its reguia nat rons to stay away from the city or: Wi Jnesday and Thursday. Ki' : m jonS quite a ddeafion to h ,-''. riuicn, including Mssr3. Jahn E. '"amrron, J. T. -Dal, Will Mcwb-.T-n, O. D. Jobyon, Fred. I. Sutton snd r'.hfrs. New E'jrn is gaily dp."')-:;'?! tfn the occasion and the pUrrim? are formally in psssession of tho city. EDfliAGETaCROS IN-SOUTH FROM 0' V.'rwJiington, Nov. 21. Wi-'.o-pprP3d and sever damage to crops in ;h: We stand South was done by the ; ecord-'breaking coid wave cf Novem ber 10-17. The weather bu.-nu an nounced tixlay in a Special '?Jletin. Dr.mpre t cotton was slight, but l'.j:tk. faj-ms. suffered heavily. . MAMMOTH STEE flM FOR MARYLAND CITY Baltimore, Md., Nov. 21. Charles MV Schwab, of the Bethlehelnv Stl Company, who was a guest of the city at a testimonial dinner tonight, an nounced that plans call for an expendi ture of about $50,000,000 in plant and ecaipment here. From 15,000 to 20, 000 men ultimately will be employed. CHAli Cp'ERGE DECIDES Til RIPE FOR BETTER RplDS Will Try to Launch Move ment for Big Bond Issue In County RFSI ROOMS NOW CERTAIN Businessmen Will Finance Proposition May Have One Secretary for Cham ber and Kinston Fair As sociation "Gccd roada i; of eonsid. " was again the sub Table discussion at a of the Clamber of Comer.ce in t orate Tuesday night. The Cham '.': haa long had better roads for n m. Mate bond election in Lsnolr coun rrn I: ate bhnd election in Lenoir coun- :y after a meeting on r rutay nignt :t v.-hich the matter will be thresh- ;1 out thoroughly. The county may V aiketl to expend from a quarter to i half million dollars on the im provement of every main highway in '.ho cotui'v. -The -Chamber is also vrr viy interostci in tho proposed "-Tiii-ton-SwiinSboro highway, which b i every chance of becoming a real iiy, and rhj directtrs at this meeting '.. (, fiven tho contents of a letter r.-cr.i P.ichl-ands urging that the road i. .-.irrtcd through that hustling town, !.' h -fs Kcmothing c-f a tobaccfflar- '.! and has long wanted closer in- f.u;--io with Kinston. Sentiment r r ;he rocfl! bond issu? is said to be fnvorablc. Water transportation Was another ".v.ur taken up. Vg;! Walker, in- 'c ,--,ted in the new steamer service n Baltimore to New IX-rn, talk:d . r ' the matter of promoting a lo-al i-rr. oany with the directors. Mr. Wilder i.H a well-known New Bernian .ni,! ,t transportation expert. He ad ;is the organization of a com - - to build or buy and operate boats ,1,-i'm! to the upper Neuse naviga to c -nnnct Kinston with the '.if-:' Kr.o's terminus at New T'r. '-Tea jps given over to the ' vi-' 3 Transportation Commit- . '! consideration. " directors heard Miss Adna : : !--. L;noir county Home Dem 'iK'i Agent, 0'itline the plans " prn:)osed rest rooms for coun - v.orr'n in tho dowrtown district f '! . ::. and promised support. It .-, i (-,. -t,-1 1 that the business men, !.' !-"v Clamlier's aispic?s. will . - re project irom s'sn to nn- - h. O' - banker enth;nia.-t suggests )., ; "no? l?ss than $1,000!" It : 'ha! four rooms in ''ip 'buil'd- ':i e-ir of the Hunter in'MIng at ' -jn-.er' corner will b.1 taken for : , kitehon will be str-iong the ,j..v,,. .;,,. ..,:, Nothing will e done i -he i.v;tf-; by the Chttml" until -f-T M'-; Tuc-day night, when a (;" the Kinston Fair Associa- v. i! 'io h-ld at which the offices ' ...orcvy o the organizations May o- :,!'!:,e('. bininess whi-'h if it i - )!.--'!r-nv.l"-.l tho Chamher would ,refe- t i have rut of the way be fore taking further stops in the re-.t . r--,s n--i'!ei '"he F.-curing of the services of a, - HI Vesfrn concern mn'iing. a "es, of boosting chambers of n-.msree and boards o trade to build n i he loc.il Chamber's membership i financrs was .authorized. New r-.'s and chambers in other neigh ig cities have been given new life bv his means. Ti1 !HEL CETS YEAR LN VIRGINIA PENITENTIARY Richmond, Va., Nov' 21 One year in the penitentiary was the penalty wh::h a jury today gave W. F. Ham met, a young white man from Dur ham, rtsaTged with stealing an auto nvrAils here and trying to dispose of it in Raleigh where he wu arrested. Sfitentfe was suspended pending ar. gument on motion for a new trial. FITZGERALD IS TO DEMAND EMBARGO F FOOD SUPPLIES (By the United Press) Washington, Nov, 22. Pre-congressional develop ments forecast a bitter fight in the House over the question of establishment of a foodstuffs embargo. Re presentative Fitzgerald an nounced today that he will introduce an embargo reso lution following the conven- jhes mm ha BY SON WHEN HSEATE1 W 3 r i Arthur Koonce Declared He Would Take Helpmeet's Life Edgar Koonce Fir cd load Shot Into Par ent's Body Arthur Koonpo, a prominent man f lite Ccrn'ari section of Jones coun y, was shot -nnd badly wounded by V '.if'-yea. '-old son, Edgar, Monday rifiit. Tho victim has a good etiance i'c-r recovery. Sheriff Hargolt of J?r.e cc.inty, confirming tho shoot We&'.e 'day stated that the eldsr Ko' co was intoxicated and m'sl rent ed 'i : wife, threatening to kill h;r. A siio-tgun was the weapon used, the 1, ad taking effort in the lower part of Koonce's body. The family is well t :-iio and stand high in the communi ty. r.other shooting at Comfort re prntly was accidental. A 10-year-old rero boy was killed. A 11-year-old .;;!'. of W. C. Georgo, white, took a reV'.ver from a mantel to examine it ! the weap'.'if was dis'harged in lNi hn!i:k There w.i hot e.m hnllj-t n l li j revolver. It. struck tf.o victim n tho head. A coroner's jury cauii--atod young George. COTTON Abeiu a h'.i:: !r:d bales of cotton wore sold here Wednesday, with pom-r-ti'ior. at it ; keenest and the staple actually bringing from a quarter tu half more than it was worth in Nor .e' i . Prices ranired from 20:10 down ward. New York futures quotations we're: Op?n (.'lo'ie Jani:a'-y 20.73 '.'OAS ?.Ta-c 20.95 9.0.m May 21.17 20.88 July 21.1.? 20,! October I8.8.r) 1S.7? Dscember 20.C5 20.34 rrfi shh'm r:T.s merchandise. Unusually heavy r.hipmen's of mer chandise aro coming into tho city over th Kc .!k S'juthern Kali road now, Atwit W. J. Nicholson said Wednarday morn' -jm' though freight t.rafip in " nerai Is --.ewhat light er than twi week Perishables and holiday irools are being handled in big quantities, indicating that Kin ston will have the merriest Christ mas, barring a catastrophe, in its history. STOCKS Y.TTNTSSES LEAVE. ?he local wliee ses in the case of Sam Stocki, alleged lyncher, whose case.is famous in ;he 3:a!5, left Wed nesday morning for KenansviHe, where the grand jury in Superior Court is Investigating the case for the second time. Stocks is charged with i being a mmbor of a mob, thought to have teen ccrr.prised principally by Grftene county men, who lalt spring stormed the Lenoir county jail here, and removed Joe Black, colored, and lynched" him. The case is in Duplin by a change of venue. BRITTANIC, FORMER WHITE STiR LINER, SIM IN MM SEA Fifty Men Are Lost When A' Great Steamship does Down Was In British Army Service as a Hospi tal Vessel (By the United Press) Louden, Nov. 22. The hospital .ship Britannic, formerly a White Star liner, one of the biggest ships afloat, has been sunk in the Aegean S:a. Fifty were lost, 28 injured and 11 hundred saved, the Admiralty today ant! iyj need. It is assumed that the Britannic, v.h ch transported Allied wounded from Salonika, was sunk directly on the route frcm this port. . CfTURE JONES COUNTY MURDERER IN TIDEWATER COUNTRY Nick (Collins, the Jones county r.Y.v.tcr who shot and killed Abram Coilins, a distant cousin, a few weeks u ,ri, Is expected, to fall into custody "i" a short time. Collins ia said to ;i--o tefen spotted in Tidewater Car olina. A quiet eearch for him has it 91 In progress ever since the r-T.c::ng and his escape. , M.r Collinses fell out ostensibly Ar a boundary between their farms, the Jones county authorities be ' i that tho slayer, suspected of r.vo.ishining, thcught Abram Col lin:; had informed against him and and that tint occasioned the erne. lloth were in moderate circumstances and .both were regarded as somewhat, c ."ni. ie, especially Nick Collins. The ". t'an bore tne best reputation in oral of the two. wmmm its III! WAY SECOND TIME, I IT London, Conn., Nov. 21.-The ('r .;n merchant submarine Dcutschif !, : i -T.h ft $2,000,000 cargo and of !i '.il mail for Emperor William . '.cml, made another start for Brem en this afternoon, her dash last Fri ll." y being frustrated when she sant :: convoying tug, necessitating a re l:i:n to pert for minor repairs. Tier skirptr, Paul' Koenig, instead of steal ifr out to sea under the cover uf d,iriuujs as last week, boldly sff.ved down tho arbyi" .in broad day iiihi and without "convov. urn ELECTOR IS UNDER GRAVE CHARGE Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 21. Y. M. Quinn. of Franklin county, wo was chosen at the general election Novem ber 7, as a Democratic elector from Alabama, was indicted today by the Franklin couuLy grand jury on a charge of etvfMr.zling about" $43,000 from a bank at Russell viile, Ala., in vr.lch ho was employed. Qulnn was sa! 1 to have made good all but about $14,000 of the alleged srortage. MONSTER MEN-OF-WAR ; FOR AMERMN NAVY Washington, Nov. 21. Naval de signers are planning battleships which have a length of 700 feeP 100 feet longer than ships . already provided for and ordinance experts are working on a 16-inch 50 calibre rifle for new battleships, which will ba'the most powerful naval guns in the worlJ, according to statements made ; today at ihe hearing , by the House Naval sub-committee on the new naval appropriation bill.. t FOUR PAGES TODAY BRITISH FEAR THE COLEAPSE OF WHOLE I Teutons Seem to Be Mak ing Rapid Progress In Offensive There LOT SUP LIES IT STAKE Great Quantities of Wheat May Have tto Be Aband oned Germanic Forces Attacking British in the West , tj.. u- TTi.:i..i n v London, Nov. 22. Active artillery fuing f.om the enemy is reported by Con.ral Haig from the Ancre front, vi'h"re the enemy na3 centered hH at tenticn upon tfio British right wing. North of Ancre the British chased a hr-stilo patrol, but thore was no oth er ection of importance. Gcrnians renetrate Works. P rlin, Nov. 22. Penetration of two German dotachments into Orij i h trenches and the destruction of deft "i: Ivo works and capture of a ni T-'jer of prisoners is announced of--Ic'ally. Knumantans Being Worsted. London. Nov. 22. Military ex ports todvif ''madeo attempt,yo dls ;rv.is3 a feeling of gravity over the Gv Ttiaou'w. whirlwind advance into Western TJoumania,' indicated in the caot'ire of Craiova. They are wond-n-'vp; whether thj Roumanians will ba ride to save their vast stores of w'.w.-.t. supplies before retiring. Tern notary local ,collapse of the whole Wrljachn. province campaign is fear ed. " - SLAV Fit OF GIRL TO DIE FOR HIS CRIME Durham, Nov. 22jiJCa,arles Wa'k fr, a young white mau, was today sentenced to the electric chair. Wal ker murdered Florence Stitpin o Le noir. He wus taken to the State pen-llc-itiary because of high feeling. Jealousy Is said to have beti the rnntlve for tha murder. f'1 , si it FANNIE WAR fpl The Cheat," a Patunoant Piclura A.rreA h Jnfe L. Lasky a the beet i thing hi .company iifta yctiiona. 7 . , . - , t mm f-f yflm VM l-X ' i dtftY'"-: f' tp v s A" tlTTl v.: . r fi 1 1 ' i if 'v' I Soon -io make her seconJ," ; Paramount. Siar. , f . .. . - ' ':: riva cents tw trains 4; warn BELIEF OF S. Supremeu Court Soon. , to Pass Oir GonstiJutiohalUy of Adamsori Law ; KMSAS CITY TEST CASE Will Soon Be Concluded gd Matter Sent On to Wash ington, Opinidflf fcf. Coun sel On, Bcth.SideSroy emment In a- Hufrjf' . v iiiii ROAD llAILiUAU (By the Unite Prtsef, ' Kansas City, Nov. 22. Judge Hook holds the Adammn Jaw. ant conalifiutlonttl and, favalkti, He 3 refused to dfsmiss' the applies. (tim of ho KfrsMurC OkTahoma and CToW ttaiifd oV aV'lAjuKc? 1 tion ngdinsf tntim(A'iafy(ki! law. The government attorneys aW expf W ipfctf' iW t the- SBpTMna Coirrrt' fMmedfaie 1 y f (ft liRal teat : f thw t'f constitutionality, ! - v , . "My decision was' inertly '.' to rush the caMr't the Supreme f. Court. I have gfren tnVgoverft . ment until 3 o'clock' W perfect' f iMipeif fo itfirf higher court dadge flciiotf aaM. , Knnsas City, NorV. 22-Taat "the & test case to determine the '-aonstfttt ticnality of" the Adamson 'eigfit-hour ar will be' on its way"' lo." tie 'Jffiii prtme Court bjf nlgliY waV the fietief torTay of attorneys ' V iBraiTeg. Judge1 Walltas'C. Ho'rfk' T M'tff whether h'tfoWsWers fh lw rtfestt tutional or invalid. . v Fa.'ih' m president. " i- 5 ' Ealtrmere. Nov. 22.--OrffaniiM wllrinaWt on compulsorj wrbitratlon-befofs-sftrfktngf legbhrttdA Hie lead-, nr3 believe the President is "with them.""" ' ' " l' -i Supreme Coart (tf Da All It Can. ' AVashington, Nov. 22.-531 human ly pesstbtlhe Supreme Court; ; n(fl'll paas on the constitutionality, of 'the Adwiin elght-hoiir law before Jan- . uary 1. .Everything wilt be jione to expedite the test in Kansas foty, due ... for ita tfiret (bearing in a few hours. Government Counters. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 21. -Legal skirmishing in the fight "of the 'Tail roads of rhe United States against the Adamson 8-hour law waa brought to a sudden issue today by a motion filed by the government in the Unit' cd States district court here, which it la expected will result in a tfacision v on the constitutionality of the law by the Supreme Court 'befartT jifn uary 1, wh:n the law is td go into effecf' ' ' rf. ;:r;. "Prolonged",' unnede-'ssflT' and scat tererT lffigalionw'shouTduTC poaaAle "ie avoided, ofh'eWise injury mayTesutt to'1 the ?ilblic "and tKe ailroaoa ftd thir eplofeiOTeAnrtht says in ks moticfl as a reason for' its action.' V A. F. of h. and1 Brotherhood Gelrfag Toktherf'1' hMr. ? Baltimore, j(lrX&.ffi-Ztg$hs to effect n'ffSltetfon"fceirw,e,en1he Amerfein Mdefa'tionr-' of1 fca fid the four hie9 r'a'flwa3l'':oifn'erhd!o'a8 received VSM? irnifusr rtoSay wnejf iti feiiritf(xnfMi3k hU enrh'ugiSstictiiiir sl-' spjoejleSf ty tfie fouf rbpresentatlves of" Pnef differ ent brotherhoods and President Gom ncrs.4 favorin such action. ? .': Leaders; of ths twd organKatfcJns tonight -wre preparing to -iniugufiSte a joint fight for befieTr' worV nS? cd ditions, ' particularly V for afiway workers of all classes, and aganfst all compulsory arbitration pleasures. USUAL COOD P&ICS . - ON TOBACCO MARKtT -Vv.' ? . ; vv Niety-fiYe fe'oX'aiSd pound of to- Wednesday, t'c c&rdinif to HTehoXis estimate at The Weed averageil wVf qualify, while'prices were about as g3 any time this season. 4