WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22; 1916 PAGE TWO-EDITORIAL THE KINSTON FREE PRESS 41 THE DAILY FREE PRESS 1 (United Preaa Telegraphic Report) H. GALT BRAXTON, Editor and Manager si . 4! Published Every Day Except Sunday by the Kinston Fret Press Co., Inc., -Kinston, N. C. - i HnWrlDtion Ratea Parable In Advance: line Week I .10 One Month .35 Thr- Month $1.00 Six Months 2.00 One Year $4.00 Entered at the poatoffice at Kinston, North Carolina, af "Wl-class matter under act of Congress. March 3, 1H7!) ' ..mnnnlcations revived and not published will not b returned unless stamps to cover postage accompany same WEW YORK OFFICE 33 Park Row, Mr. Ralph R Mulligan, in sole charge of Eastern Department. Fiie of The Free Press can be seen. WESTERN OFFICE In charge of Mr. C. J. Anderson Marquette Buildinf, Chicago, where files of The Fre Press car. be seen. Subscribers are requested to notify, by Telephone 7,1 The Free Press of any irregularity of delivery or i.nat tention whatsoever on the part of the carriers. HOW PREM'MS WERE AWARDED AT, All FAIR FOR 'SIXTEEN This is the third of the complete II ;t awu:di at the 'teo-nt fa: being given in !j '.his week. Hemp Made Candle.. Res' Fudg: li.vt, Outlaw, Kinstfln. installment ; of premium j r. The list if ! i.i The Free Press ; After Six P. M. subscribers are requested to call West era Union and report failure to get the paper. A cop; will be sent promptly, if complaint is made before Nut P. M., without coat to subscriber. WEDNESDAY EVEMNC, NOV IIMBKU 22, 191S Speaking of optimist. Mes.irs. Hugh'- and Willeo; lave the world beat fopt irking n. a f.-lorn hope. Hut then President Wilson doe n't .seem n lie v.-n much disturbed because of the !e.;iyed congratulation.. After the 1916 election "John lAirleyeorn" legally- hold, bout as much area as candidate Hughes. Twenty-lhrei states are now in the statutory siats-wlde prohibition col umns and large areas of many others Are dry territory through local option laws. EASTERN CAROLINA MOST HEALTHFUL. Jhe interesting issue of the University News Letter of this week" give some statistics from the morbidity survey conducted last spring by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company among its policy-holders in North Carolina, which are of mere or leas Interest and contrary to the prevailing opinion as to health conditions. The survey was made to cover all sections of the State. The general State morbidity rate was found to be 28.5 per thousand In the sixty-six thousand persons examined. Surprising n3 it Is, the mountain see-Ion showed the highost percentage, 37.-1, while the tidewiter section was lowest with 2t!.f, and the Piedmont ec:ion middling with 28.0. Another development of this survey contrary to ger.ora! opinion was in the examination ol nine thousand perrons ngaged in textile manufacture, principally cotton mi'!.--. The morbidity rate for these mill workers was 23.4, or five leas than the general average for the state-at-large. j Keat oraam, .We; Miss Lucy' Har vey, Nirrtton. llest mints, Otfp; Natalie Nunn, Kinston. I!ct sea foam, fir:-. ."0c; Miss Dai ,y Outlaw, Kinsti n. liest fondant, firnt ()(:; Miss Lucy ll.iivcy, Kinston. ! aiiey Work. Bo.,t pun-h vc I. first, $1; Mrs. -V r. Sm;:h. I'::ik MIL tt .- Til" ' ia ce Niraiea iror If you want plenty of 'stay there Strength and Endurance and Health, and muscles like mine,'! V .1'.- Miss Palsy The esteemed Sun-Journal of New Hern endorses lh idea put forth in tno news columns of The Free Proas few days ago for the establishment of a motor boat line betweon New Bern and TC'uston for the carrying o' freight. The plan might, as a matter of fact, prove to In the entering wedge for the deep water route for whlc. we have 'been striving. If sufficient tonnage was given to a motor line, unquestionably It would be a forceful argu ment for increasing the facilities. The splendid progress made In (.indicating malaria in Eastern Carolina during the past few years is no dr.ubt largely responsible for the fact that this section is r.- w the most healthful In the State. The work of imp-roving '.he health conditions, however, is yet in its incepTon. Much progress must be made. The results already dr ained, however, should encourage and stimulate a lx-;vr o-operation in the future than has bein accorded by the jfreat jnas. Af people to the Institution of health pp .. m ions in the past, lit that as it may, Eastern Carolin:'. Is impara:l'ly healthy. uuowiNf; irish Potatoes. 'ihe Agricultural Department of the Norfolk Southern Railroad has just issuul a most interesting bulletin -Itled, "Crowing Irish Potatoes In Eastern North C;..m-Ina-' in which tho advantages of this section a:e s;-t 'orth. The bulletin affirms that the natural advantage-, in Eastern Carolina as a potato region are unexcelled. The ioil, prices and railroad facilities compare most fuvoralily vith other potato regions in the United States. Enormous yields, gays the bulletin, can be produced on ho sandy loam soil of Eastern Carolina when proper nethods of cultivation are used. After careful investiga tion, Agricultural Agent Klzer of the Norfolk Southern ;ives some interesting examples of What really can bo lone. Those investigations show that the yields in Eastern North Carolina average from 80 to 12.r barrels to the acre, and that loaded on the cars they the fanner from 75c to $1 per barrel. In the season just passed '.he Carolina crop of over 3,000 cars of number one potatoes sold from $3 to $0.75 a barrel, representing an average profit to the grower of. $100 to $400 per acre. And In addition to the crop of Irish potatoes it is pns- I'est V ene!) nil.. o'.Vry waist, 1st, l.t'U; Mrs. II. P. I.)f:in, Kinston. Pest Fienr'i e:i. .---. lery w.ilst, 2d, :.(; Mr-.. F- C. ;-';n,;h. Pink Hill. lie. t tatting t first, $1.00; Mrs. II. P. Loft in, K'n.-i .-n. 1! -st even-.-' . -i ! tj-are, first, ?1; Mr.- . K. A. i '-v. Kinr-lrm. t.iti'ipane, Mrcond, 50c; iii'.-.m, Kinston. ietcl counterpane. 1st, I). W . Parrott, Kins- ';-: c Mr;. I). I.. I'e.-t erruj ?1.00; I'i". ton. Kir, I ,)(!(: ,'Oc; Mr.-. .1 II !! I fli. .! cei'Mterpanc, second S. Simncer. t kn:t counterpan?, first, $1.00; Lottie Canady, Kinston. ; Ciiinterpane, second, 50c; Mis; C. Loftin, Kinston. 1 French emliroitV V 1-abjT cap. Mrs. P. I.. ( uthrell. Golds- The Washington Dally News happily suggests that General Funston had hotter stick to military affairs un.I let religious matterr iilone. There is no doubt a'jout tho General being on thin ics when he endeavors to restrict slble, says the bulletin, to grow a crop of cr ti or s ya evangelistic work among tho troopers. The people of beans one th.' same land vvilhout additional fertilizer. this country are sticklers for religious freedom, and they will, hardly tolerate, any upaotting of the time-honored Nobody can dispute that the young woman who ruke traditions of the Nation even though they bo for "mill-' the aerial flight record from Chicago to New York i -. a tary purposes." high flyer. 4.A Clogged System Must Be Cleared. You will1 find Dr. King's New Life Pills a gentle yet effective laxative for removing impurltios from the system. cumulated waste poisons the blood; dizziness, biliousness and pimply, muddy complexion are the distressing effects. A doso of Dr. ; King's New Life Pills tonight will assure you a free, fgll bowel move- , mont in tho morning. At your Drug- ' gist, 25c. ' , .., ' ; I adv. THANKSGIVING FOOTBALL GAME U. of N. C. va. U. o V. AT RICHMOND For tho above occasion the Atlantic Coast Line will sell excursion tickets for those scheduled .to reach Rich for all trains on November 2!th and Mr. E. 1,1. Lrfnvij, National Auditor of tho Woodmen of the World, Is back from a visit to camps at Greens boro, Ikvky Mount, Hendursonville and WinstonjSaler:!, made in company with Nationa Conmander Fraser of Omaha. mond up to 2:10 p. m., November lOth, at $3.50, fr;:i Kln-ton, limited returnlttg until I': 'comber 2nd. For schedules, i leoptng car accom modations and iu"7 further informa tion desired, apply to ,t P. J. WA1.D. Ticket Agent, adv. Kinston, N. C. Rheumatism Fullows Exposure. In the ruin all day is generally fol lowed by painful '.wingos of rheuma- Tho g.enl fuel saving Cole Hot Blast Heaters and Ranges will be shown at II. E. Maseley Hardware Company's Friday anil Saturday. (adv.) tism or neuralgia. Sloan's Liniment will givo you quick relief and prevent tho twinges frcm becoming torture, .fi.oi); Mrs.1!). L It quickly penetrates without rubbing boro. 1 i..:ih ( mliroide: ed l.aby cap, sre i. .".'I;-; Mr;. J. Stevenson. Kir.sion. i;e;l !;H'e oatjy cap, iirst, $1.00; Mrs. W. J. Middl.-tjn. Hallsville. ( : oi-het baby c:u, second, 5t.V; M.s. Alien Pa' rick, Grifton. .R.-st 'altinjr baby cap, first. $l.ini; Mis. Roy Hardy. LaGrange. ; Tatting baby cap, first, $1.00; Mrs. J iloy Hardy, LaGrange. j Tutting b..i.y can, second, 50c; Mrs. I Rest, i mb' eiderod corset cover. 1st. $1.00; Mrs. J, Stevenson, Kinston. Embr :ilered cirset cover, second 50c; Mrs. ,1. (J. Jlood, Kinston. Pes! L'-enrh embroidered night dres-. firt. $1.00; Mrs. O. C. Jone. LaGrange. Fieneli endiroidered night drcs second. 5(c: Mrs. P. W. Parrott . Kinston. Pest madeira embreidere.l night diess. Hrst. $1.00; Mrs. Susan Aid J. M. Parrntl, Kinston. ridge. Kinston. !e-t embroide.od short dress. 1st Cuthrell. Gold A Hillierto Untold Secret of His Great Victory Over Jack Johnson and Frank Moran. Ordinary Nuxated Iron Will Often Jncrcese Strength and Endurance t.f tlie Delicate Nervous Flks 200 Per Cent, in Two Weeks' Time. v y FaTAL NOTE Dr. E. Sauer. a will kiMwn physician, who i.-as stud ied ullelv in both th.s country ana Eur"pc h-s been specially employed o i:':t;,c a thciuugh investigation in to the real secret of the great slrcs.eth, power and endurance of Jc U'illard, and the marvelous val ue ..f i mxated ur.-n as a strength buil.ier. . . NeW YORK Upon being inter vlev..ii " his apartiiunt in the ii -!, Mr. Wll.i "I said: "Yes, I iia-.e -' vh-mist with me to study the v.;l e dilferent foi.ds and products :., t!i:'i:- power to produce great .vrth and enduram". both of which ;:-e .- i r.ffessary in the prize ring. ():; h. recommendation I have often !:': m nuxated iron and I have jiarti- '.i 'y advocated the free use of iron I v .ill those who wh h to obtain great. pi:y;.c.i! anl mental power. Without I- i am sun- t h :. t I would never have ..ecu able to whip Jack Johnson so inmnlettlv and easily as I did, and ft X ivvuu m t. x fit JESS WILLARD AT HOME lie training for my boat with Frank Among all the prominent figures ol the prize ring, probably none Is so de voted to family lile as Jess Willard. Alter each engagement the ehamplon hurrtes to his wile and children and remains at their side until public de-' r,iand forces him to leave for new encounters. Everything Is done to bring up the "little Willards" with strong healthy bodies Mr. Willard accounts for his own success by saying:- " fw, tf,at ef- 'hs? my blood is the secret of my great an. I regularly took nuxated iron xv.X I iitn certain that it was a most .moortant factor in my winning so .-.'is'! y. " Continuing, Dr. Sauer said, 'Mr." Wilhrd's case is only one of hundreds which I could cite from my own personal ixpcricneo which proves conclusively the astonishing power of uxatol iron to restore strength and as a const .u. nee you become weak, vitality even in most complicated pale and sickly looking just like a li.eiilc conditions. plant trv::r- to grow in a soil defi- Nat long ago a man came to me eient of i nn. If y.;u are not strong ent medicine1 nor secret remedy, bat was nearlv halt' a century old, or well vi u ii to y. c.self to make . v 5 n - . , ;-skcd me give him a prelim- the folio . ...;- test: Sc. how long you one wh,eh 13 wel1 known to drujt, ;-;: examination fcr !ifo insurance, can work or bow far you can walk and whose iron constituent is info. w astonished to !ind him with the without been :ii;g tied. Next take )y prescribed by eminent phjfskius I d ires. urc of a o:v of 20 and as tvo five-grain of ordinary , i - ::dl of vigor, vim and vitality as a mtxatcd iron Uir.e times per day af- everywhere. Unlike the oldef inor- v-)eT:g man; in fact, a young man he ter meals for two we.-ks. Then test ranic iron products, it is easily assim- . ....;i .... . ... .u . . . i . c i;.y ii.jn. i ii.-.;.uunii unc. vour mkiiliii u-;.uit .u u sue lor your- ;i,.i .l : 4.,v -i NOTE Nuxated Iron recommend ed above by Dr. Sauer is not a pat- '. h ' : ie s.u, war; taking iron self how much you have gained. I i iimi titled mm mn re- nave seen iiozens ot net cons run-down mem macic, nor upsei xae 6totnacn; At ..'.i ne was in nan people who were aif.'g all the white, nn mni,.rv it w cuxateil :: c-wed 1 f health! at 4'i careworn and nearly all double thei v ,-t r.ii -, r,,;,-neU nf vifnlttv enu.eiy ffco be in h ttnev of vjuth. hand'-c.' tlnt.s over, iron is the great est of all strength builders. If people ".ot'lii on; v throw away patent medi and sootnes tho sore and aching joints. For sore, stiff, exhausted, muscles that ache and throb from overwork, Sloan's Liniment affords quick relief. Bruises, sprains, ntrains and other minor injuries to1 children are quickly soothed bv j Slcan's Liniment. Get a bottle today at your Druggists, 25c. adv. (Continued on Page I?) S Dr. (korge E. Kornefrav j SPECIALIST In OisPnsiN of Women Jfc Children Office Honrn: 10 to 11 Cilice 212 Eatit Caswell Street PHONE 118 JfcA f? i ee our yB sh oes S- - X I A I LAMPS will make even Arithmetic a little easier. Built of solid brass and nickel plated, they last n life time. Steadier than gas more restful than electricity -cheaper than either. Use AlaaJi'i Security Oil the moat econom ical kerosene oil for best results. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) BALTIMORE. MD Wanhinpton, D C Charlotte. N. C. Nurlulk. Va Chnrlwiton.W. V. Kicluiionu, Va 'or vvomp.rx AH the New Styles and Colors for this Fall Are shown Here. Remember Our Motto "Quality First." Ycurs t Please. Agent Tor Clapp, Banalster, an! Flosbcln Shoes 1 pn, J- . " ' - - ' . j Lret rfl of all symptoms remedy, in nearly all forms of indi- n-MJ Wltn trie DUOy- n.T-'i-i"1 u.- ,imi vui wuwn.a gc.-LJuii, a;t wen a iur iicrvuus, run- As 'l have said a '? t- !l ,tf' '".n days',,-time conditit,nj. m- mamlfa(.tl,re simply ny taxing iron in tne proper , . form. And this alter they had in have such great confidence in Nux- se-me ca;-es ban doctoring for months atefj Iron that they offer to forfeit -'tS simple con- Vheold Vrms of reduced 00.00 to any charitable institution v-'iced that the lives of thousands af iron' iron acetate or tincture of iron if they cannot take any man or wo- P'-Trons might be saved, who now die ly !mcte'lt?' Yu man undefUO who Iacks'Iron and in- every year from pneumonia, grippe, must take i. on in a form that can be . consumption, kidney, liver and heart abso;l"J ,,ed assimilated tike crease their strength -200- per cnt rouble, etc. The real and true causa nuxated iron it you wish it to do you or over in four weeks' time provided which started their disease was noth- arly good, other use it may prove . . serlonnwritnip tmiihi. ing more or less than a weakened worse than useless. Z. 7 senouorganic troubM... condition brought on by lack of iron Many an athlete or; prize fighter has Tne5r also offer to refund your mD0e in the blood. lion is absolutely nec- won the day simply because he knew if it does not at least double your essary to rn' vour blood to change the secret of great strength and en- . i j . . j . foo,l into living 'tissue. Without it. durance and fill-d his blood with iron sirenh and endaranc ,n ten no matter how miicn or what you eat, befj. - he went into 'jne affray, while time. It 13 dispensed in this city by your food merely passes through you many anothe- h:.s gone to inglorious j. g Hood & Co and all eoci without doing you any good. You defeat simply for the lack of iron. ,' '. don't get the strength out of it and E. Sauer, M. U. druggists. ad?. I COULD SCARCELY WALK Burlington, N. C. Pearson Company Rurlingtun. N. C. Dears Sirs. I suffered with weak run down sys wm for three years. For two years I was unable o go to and from my work and a part of the time I could hardly walk. I tried doctors from time to time and they all failed on my case. Then 1 began trying different things that were recommended to me and tried several without relief. I was induced to try your Genuine Indian Blood Purifier and to my sur prise it cured me and made me feel like a new man. Hoping this may be the cause of others being cured by your wonderful remedy, I am. Very gratefully yours, A. J. TERRY, Corner Peele & Kivett Sts. Burlington, N. C. For sale by: E. B. Marston Drug lo.. Kinston, N. C; W. E. Forest, Kinston, K. F. D. 2, N. C. Exum & Co., Snow Hill, N. C; Hosea liros., Pikeville, N. C; Howell & Langston, Goldsboro, N. C; Mr. J. J. Wain- wright, Farmville, N. C; Whelen Drug Company, Farmville, N. C; Hookerton Drug Co., Hookerton, N. C adv. Changing Seasons Bring Colds. "Stuffed-up hed," clogged-up nose, tight chest, sore throat are sure signs of cold, and Dr. KIng-s New Discovery is sure relief. A dose of this combination of antiseptic balsams soothes the irritated membrane, clears the head, loosens the phlegm, you breathe easier and rali8 your co'd Is broken up. Treat a cold persist ently; half-way measures leave a lin gering cough. Take Dr. King's New Discovery until your cold is gone. For 47 yjars the favorite remedy for INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS C. OETTINGER. Manager 4n$$cHi insurance & Realty Co. Telephone No 1 82 1 10 E. Gordon St. Subscribe to tho FREE PRESS. Can Yeu Afford Any but a Titan Kerosene Engine? At present average prices for kerosene and gasoline, Ti'an kerosene engines save their owners about 1.1c per horse power per hour over gasoline engines. Figure in this way. On an 8 horse engine the saving is 8.8c. an hour, 88c. In a 10-hour day, $88 in 100 days of work. Say that is all your engine does in a year. It wculd cost yon $88 more than yon need to pay, to run an 8-horse gasoline engine one year. That is more than a third ofthe price of the engine. . Can you afford to throw -way $88 a yeailiCan .jou-afford even to think of buying a gasoline engine, when; yon can get a Titan that runs on kerosene? Come in and let's talk this over. We have some Interesting figures to show you. Prices right and terms esy. - .:. ' U. fl. GRAINGER. KINSTON. N. C. young and old. At your Druggist, 60c ' ?dv rBIMIJaryiejuejug, . ; , ; . ... i

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