4 ' ' .! .DAILY . nr i "The Home Paper f fJlM, m : H iff if ' Rain; Warmer' -Today1 News Today" VOL. Xyillr-No ; 125 SECOND EDITION KINSTON, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1916 FOUR PAGES TODAY t 4 t 1 PRICE TWO CENTS- - V,V.L:,,'V?,i.'. - -.-?f . . m ..v ... . FIDENCE OF THE PPC K SOUGHT BY RAIL COMPANIES Inyestigators Hear. Pleas 'for Less Suspicion, Bet ter Credit, Etc. WOULD LIKE SPREAD OUT And Become More Helpful to, the Country Santa Fe CAN InjunCtion Case Held Upliy telegram was: "I am sincerely Pending Conference of r.mrornmCnf ol Peoria (By the United Press) Kansas City, Nov. 23.-The Santa Fe injunction suit against the! Adameon eig'ht-hour law, set for hearing today before Judge John C. Pollock, was postponed indefinitely pending the result of a conference be tween railroad officials and govern ment representatives. Railroads Have Inning at Probe Hearing. Washington, Nov. 23. Pleas for 'mere adequate railroad facilities less suspicion of railroad manage ment and -ibetter credit conditions, were made by the railroads today be fore the ' Newliaada railroad investi gating committee . A. P. Thorn, counsel for the roads, 13 slated to bespeak a broader, more helpful at- titudo to rail Ones so that they may epread 'ou increase American busi- ness and better serve- the public. "IT IN SLOW IN STARTING Declaring that they would rather be in the Lenoir 'county jail than aUcrats stand solidly together and there .j,larg3 in Duplin county, several wit-lis every reason to doubt if that will nesses summoned to Kenansvllle to I appear against Samuel Stocks, a!-1 leged lyncher, before the grand jury, I returned Wednesday rather than to spend the night in the Duplin county seat town. They include Chief of Police Skinner and Deputy Sheriff H. V. Allen. They" left again on Thursday. The grand jury was start Its investigation in the after noon, A former grand jury return ed a bill "for Instructions," neither a true nor an untrue finding. Stoclirs was 'indicted following the lynching of Joseph Black, colored ,who was taken from the Lenoir coun ty jail last spring. He is from Greene county, which, local officials believe, furnished most of the lynch ers.' The case has attracted much at tention."' Kenansvllle, to which the place the case was transferred under a change of venue, is difficult to com municate with. Solicitor Henry E. Shaw, "active throughout tne several irivestigatlons of the lynching, is in charge f the State's case at Kenans vllle. f '' Sentiment in Duplin is saJH to be in 'Stocks' favor. A weak 'point for the prosecution, it is reported, is that a detective named Barnes, who work ed up the alleged evidence against Stocks, has not been located. BIDS ON AIRCRAFT . FOR NAVY OPENED (By the United Press) . . -m - WishingTon, Nov. 23. The War Department today opened bids for 148 military hydro-aeroplanes. Prices ..ranged. . from Jf 12,000 . to $29,500, wrth ipeeda ravging up to 90 miles an hour and climbing power, to 6,500 feet in ten fninutea. " COLDSBORO NEGRO ARRESTED. Dennia Rowe, colored, was arrested at a lumber mill here Thursday on a capias from Goldsboro. Rowe told Patroman Hamilton, who arrested him, that he was wanted for a bill of costs, a eae for. assault with a deadly weapon against him having beta disposed of. ' - HUGHES': ADMITS AT LAST VICTORY FOR WILSON: SENDS WIRE President Replies He's Ob ed and Sends Well Wishes Defeated Can didate Heid Out Until Uncertainty Cleared (By the United Press) Washington, Nov. 23. President Wilson's reply to Hughes' congratu- Uwidged to you for your ravage of congratuitwuus. aiiuw in; 10 assure you 01 Jny good wishes lor the year o come." Hughes Telegraphs Congratulations. Lakewood, N. J., Nov. 22. Chas E. Hughes, Republican candidate fo President in the recent eleuion, to night sent to President Wilson a tel egram congratulating him upon his I re-election? In hi3 telegram Mr. Hughes snid "E'ecauso of the closeness of the vote I have awaited the official conn in California, and now that it ; has been virtually completed, permit me to extend to you my congratulations upon your re-election. I desire also to express my best wishes fur a sue cessful administration." HOPEFUL DEMOCRATS WILL CONTROL HOUSE Washington, Nov. 22. Representa tive,. Old-field of Arkansas, who is a member of the Democratic Congres Ah,'.' sional Committee, and of die House Committee on Waye and Moan's, pre- dieted today that the Democrats will ... At control the next House. I have followed elosely the politi cal battle waged for seats in the House In the close States," said Mr. Olilfield, "and the Republicans have but one more seat than the Demo- be true of the Republicans. Any Blight defection in the Republican ranks would yield th? control to us iiv! if this very likely contingency Iocs not arise we shall get control -jf u result of the voto of the indc- P-i-idcr-t tnenrbers." , .4ILR 1 1 i i c, IN A mi flTV Mi i Open Revolt Against Ger man Deportation Orders. Men Shipped Over Line Must Work or Serve Sen tences (By the United Press) Amsterdam, Nov. 23. Two months' imprisonment is the punishment meted out by the German authorities to Belgian deportees who refuse to :!o the work their captors demand, Recording to the newspaper Echo De Beige. The population of the Belgian city of Lessines has openly revolted at Ac deportation orders and attacked the railway station, smashing win dows. The German commandment threatened to punish the whole com munity. ALASKAN RAJES WILL BE SUBJECT REARING (By the Unitey Press) Washington, Nor. 23. The second of three hearings the Interstate com merce commission Is holding In its in vestigation of intra and inter-Alaskan,- rail, rall-and-water freight an J passenger rates is being held today at Juceau. The third and last will b at Seattle December i. -,.,. KINSTON LIKELY TO HAVE AN APARTMENT HOUSE FEW MONTHS Businessmen Favor Plan for Big Building to Care for Maybe Score Small Families Would Be Mod ernly Equipped Kinston's first apartment house 'Li.lt for the purpose is about to be-L-ar.'.e a reality. W. B. Douglass siuiod Thursday that he would un K' lake the promotion of a company !'o:- (he purpose, and that the pros pers were decalediy bright, what vi: i the Interest of substantial busi-;h- snien in the proposition and the h -tage of dwelling houses. He an no .need that he would get busy in a day or two. U is proposed to erect a building .obtaining not less than 60 or 7o rooms, and to cost not less than trty iktusand dollars, to have every mod cr:: convenience and be four or fivs i !ies high, fircproofed and equipped 'vith modern fire escapes, and of at tractive appearance. One man, Mr. Douglass said, has evinced his inter--:t to the extent of proffering a .-onvenh.-nt site and offering to take i Tvfit. block of stock. Kinston is f. cviir a living-hf:i.M s'lOrtage.wh'ch 's ' iiiidly becoming serious. Rentals! vi' highc than in Wilmington and .ilr'.t uk high as in the big towns ':; .late. Mr. Douglass believes the :-.-;! rti -n- houso will be erected with -! :hc I '.xt- few months. CROSS OF GLORY FOR COOKS IS NEW PLAN (By the United Press) Washington. Nov. 23. -Delia has i.-no in!o her ov."n and Mirandy and V ah. For loyalty "below-stairs" is he recognized and "cook" is to be evarded. A movement is under way here to van! medals or testimonials of : hful service to all domestic ser--iits of proven worth. The move .. is sponsored by Washington ' ! wf.mon. as a step in solving tha .,!.)' problem, and combating the , ; -iii'ly "ephemeral, and mercurial ! ;!. :i'fi.,!ics of domestic help." " :j Ige, or cross of hone r, will i vr'lued by "cook" for its in- i :: , .i 1 Lie. but will !m treasured .. :. "m-ighty good rcc'mand.ishun", scr: of ca.le-blaiK-h", as il were, 'a'thfu! servants Will thereby not r under the stigma of their hif'lfs co-worke-rs, and will never ;M;t for a good "place." The long :'tT.ri.i mistress will, ii is hoped, wake '.: a new emancinution under !, ne-.v regime. WILL PROCEED WITH PURCHASE CLUB SITE The Governing Ebard of the Cas w,.ll Country Club at a meeting on W. 'i.c- dy night decided to go ahead A-i h the purchase of 10 acres of tho property at Gray's Mill on which pro moter? of tho club have an option, :r:l to begin actual construction of 'v building, the preliminaries for . i-'ch have been iu progress some :v.s. The plans tor the building :' -( not been given out MUST HAVE LARGER TIPS ACCOUTT WAR (By the United Pres St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 23. The ten cent tip in St. Paul was officially ta bc.owl, by resolutions of the Hotel Bciimen of St. Paul today. At the intermission between the ' kewater glide and the suitcase shuffle, at the annual bellmen's ball, resolutions weia passed urging that tips be rais ed to 15 cents en account of the war. During - the ball, the orchestra direct or was under orders to ring no bells with the music, and no Water pitch ers weraaEowed ta sight. ?What the usaof taking the joy out of lire," E. J. Eyan, president of the club, aald. ri.r VIENNA TO MAKE NO UREAT AFFAIR OVER ITS BRIEF NOR JOY Death of Franz Joacf Will Not Be Cause of Usual Big Demonstration and Assumption Will Be Very Quiet (By the United Press) -i den, Nov. 2'!r-Vienna will noi i. i.n'rior sorrow nor her weleonto he formal observance at the fun of the deceased Emporor of the nptiori of the throne fiy his rrft' o- jr, Karl Francis Joseph. Vienna ! ;i::tches today indicated a depar ' ire from the rigidly formal, ricblv "'.'iT-sonl.il customs which iiitehrto have marked the passing of a mon- : ' :h. Tno pall of wr will be-cloud ?vi-n the pall of sorrow. Vienna lit tally i.-, wrapped in a shoud, draiied '. i id-.u-k. Franz Josef's body will lie state in the imperial palace. President Wilson O.Wes Sympathy. Washington, Nr.-. 22. President WiHcn today sent th: following mes .:',;; of condolence to Emperor Karl F:v:;:: Joseph of A u-n ria-IIungary, ..( rcL"ipt of v.'oiJ of the death of '!: 'a;o Kmperor Francis Josef. "1 beg of Your Majesty and tho Irr.; -n ! and Royal Family to accept '-he. .-''i;-fTost sympathy of Mrs. Wil son and myself In the great losa which yf.i have sustained in the drain if your illustrious uncle, for wh n. I entertained sentiments of niL.h ertrcm and regard. I also ex .( r.d to your Majesty the condolence if government and people of tha I." -ited States and convey to you my belt wishes fur your personal well '.ping and prosperity." The President addressed the new ruler as "Ilia Majesty Karl "Franz Jm-.oph, Hn'jiercr of Austria, King of Hohenna and Apostolic King of Hrmgary." mib ON IN OTHER TOWNS km COUNTIES OF EASTERN CmiMh A Grr-- n "ill'' supposed "drunk" fir ed a i evolve r b-jllvt into a restaurant iV.to while iii-.o-s wore at the tables. No one ; i. !;':!. Tho man with the )ii?al xvas in an automobile and sprd to safety. The modern dance is more danger oli.; to s i,'i:y than the open saloon, declared Rev. J. D. Waters, a Chris tian (Di.-ciples) minister, in a sermon Aydcn. A hundred laborers are at work echstruflPine a hox and veneering plant at Aydcn. Charle- if. t: per was seriously in jured in a lumber mill at ReeLsboro when he f01 or n some way was thrown again-t a saw. A thigh was laid op:n and other injuries in filled. George Andrews was killed when a big drive wheel in a James City lumber plant bursted from centrifugal force, lie was knoclcei through tjie building 'y a flying piece. lie was badly mangled. EHEVFD ROBBERS EXPRESS WAOON GOT BIG SWAG IN MONEY (By the United Press) Chattanoogs. Nov. 23. Two m ?li who held up Fred. Corn lel wn, s Southern Express driver, are reported to have obtained as high as forty thousand dollars. t CornlclsoB -reported .tho - robbery n hni he staggered through , the Express company ofTki here to- -day. lie Is hfld for further la restlgatlon. The money was be ing shipped to Southern banks. IROOMANI ANS,. ST1LLIBRITANNIC CASE RETREATING B' HANK' ADVANCE Fall Back to New Positions. No Fighting: in West Aviators Active -- War- ships Worst Teuton droplanes Hy- (By the United Press) Itiuhares, Nov. 23. -"We retir ed from Craiova, says an offi cial Roumanian report. The re tirement continues from points in Jlul Valley to old positions,, it is n!so announced. In 1he AH Valley Roumanian troops lire maintaining Ihelr positions. 'Varis, Nov. 2:!. Lieut. Guy Nem r downed hu 22nd German battle- plant Inst nijtbt. All was calm along the entire front today, it is said offi cially. Water and Airerf.fr Clnsh. London, Nov. 23. A succeasful air raid against German hydroplanes by naval forces is announced, by tho ad miralty. , Koumania Silent. London, Nov. 23. There is omin ou t silence at Bucharest respecting the faiie of the armies which Berlin '.aims to hfivOjbeen encircled south f th? Danube, causing considerable .iner-sinoss hero. There has been no reports from Bucharest since Sunday. LARGELY BY THIS iitifler Training Adding 150,000 Yonra to Nation's Life, Discovered by Army Doc'iors Some of the Hoys Woi'ld Lose Thelr's, Though By WEBB MILLER 'i'uit d Press Staff Correspondent) HI Paso, Tex., Nov. 23. -About 1 "0 000 years is being added to the )'; -regate life of tho population of he United States by the Mexican si nation." Instead of spreading cirh and disablement the campaign "i f.frslco and the mobilization of the ;:'.: : nr.l guard are adding from a v.v months to years to the life of ; ' r.v civilian soldier, army physicians .'ochre. Statisticians have figured h'. the average added to the lifo of - irh guardsman will be nearly a year, .tier four to six months of train - liho an athlete, working in the i: n air, sleeping in u tont and eat w simple food a hundred thousand I "!ffni?men win ffo. oacK 10 civu uin .i ih a new lease on life. Major Jam s F. Edwards of the wilk-al on:-ps .of the Pennsylvania Militia has been making a close study f the general effects of tho inten sive, training upon these men from office, factory and farm. In civil !:f. he is director of Public Health of the city of Pittsburg. "Nearly oye-ry man on the border wil' h ! rTtpAted immeasurably by the '.'ainirig be is undergoing," said Ma jor Edwards. In most cases the In sf ruction in personal hygiene and right living will influence the militia men for years. "Even now the tftffereeO in the health of our men can bo noticed. Several months of daily exercise in 'he open air and sleeping in a tent cannot but benefit. It is worth a doz en vacations holled into one. "But most important is the effect of the army diet. Most civiliaifis eat too much. AnI Intemperance is eat ing is m'ie dang?rr't- ban any oth er form of intemperance. .For four mouths our men have been eating the simple palatable army ration. They don't eat too much and the food value of what they get Is com puted scientifically. This regime with plenty of exercise cannot fall to add something to the lives of our citizen soldiers. j. - ' ' t E'jt there is no pleasing everybody. To the man undergoing this training It sometimes loses the vacation physical training tinge and becomes just hard labor. p ' "Huh," said one guardsman drill ing in the sun when told he was ad ding one .year to his life, "Iziat so, well, IU give three off Qie other end of my life to jo bom now," . ' ' -" " ' 11 E PROBED fiV THE STATE DEPARTMENT Sinking of British Hospital Ship May Have Serious Effect Qn Relations of U. S. and Berlin Govern ment (By the United Press) Washington, Nov. ' 23. Ptstruc ti:n of tho great British hospital vos te, Britannic, today seriously threat ened to enter into the tangle possi ble from the submarine complications between tho United States and Ger many. The reported presence 4of American surgeons aboard the ves sel rendered the case one for serious reflection' of possible serious action to be tnken in connection, with oth- ra vhlch may show transgression of German pledges and" International fules. On the other hand, the case may be taken merely as an indication of the way the German war wind is blow ing, in tho event there were no Am ericans aboard Under the rules of tho Genoa convention, hospital ships are Immunized from attack. Subse quent changcshavo not affected this stains of ship3 engaged on errands o;' mercy, hence If American "sur geons were aboard they are entitled lo the safety of the law. The case has been added 'to the list of sub- miirino cases now being probed. LONDON DIES III OIU Sip TIME; MIDDLE -. AGED Santa Rosa, Cal., Nov. 22. Jack London, the author, died at his Glenn Kle:i, Cal., ranch near here at 7:4-5 tonight, a victim of uremic poison ing. London was taken ill last night and was found unconscious early to day by a servant, who went to his i o":n to awaken him. London is survived by a daughter wb.o Is a student at the University of Ca'ifornia, his mother, who lives in Oakland, and his wife, Charmlon L - don. AMrs. London was with her h.l -qlin n 1 whon tlrtnth qma London would have been 41 years old 'on January 12. Mr. and Mrs.-London recently re turned from a sojourn of several mont'bs iu the Hawaiian Islands, and have been living on their Glpn Elon ra'.ch, ono of the most elaborately e Mippf d in Northern California. ALLIES WEI Hp 'INNOCENT MAIL1 Washington, Nov. 23. The Allies' delays iu forwarding "innocent" ma'l after seizure will be attacked in the forthcoming reply to England's mall seizures note. Around 75 bales of cotton were sold here Thursday, at prices ranging frcm 20.02 1-2 downward. New York futures quotations, were: Open. Close. Jan 0.20 20.00 Mar 20.38 20.22 May 20.60 2(1.42 July 20.38 Oct, 18.63 18.23 Dec 20.05 19.80 "-. 1 FAIR WEED SALES HERE ! ON A CLOUDY DAY Rain helped keep down the sales on the tobacco market Thursday. It Is estimated that between 75,000 and 100,000 pounds was sold. Prices ruled '"up f to the season's best," which is to say that they were un changed from Wednesday's, ., a mmm TIME W$ 8IIRINE TEMPLE IS SET UP- 5f&f" ' .. " " : ;'"- '-;;' tJ' ' , . v i '-frir, ' : - ' ii ;-'v -;.."'.('., Sudan's Institution tten4 ed by Big Throngfof Fez Weareirs - FromrNurnber of States Kinston Rep resented ' ' ;': i " ' "Wednesday was 'certainly a great old day. It was the biggest day New Bern ever had. The town was put on the map," declared; Mayor iFjed;. Sutton Thursday, reviewing , the events contingent" upon vh'e"lnstalfii tion of Sudan Templet North CaroB-j na's second Shrt'ner Outfit.' There were wearers of the fas present from mcny Virginia, North and South Ca rolina and Georgia towns, as well as national' functionaries . and visitors from other regtbns, One hundred and nine candidates were initiated on ' Wednesday nigkC These "" included Dr. B.' W. Spilinan, the noted Bap. tlst Sunday school workir1,' and 'Nslth. Richardson,1 mayor of ' Dove'f inein. bers of the local Masonic iodg. ifl'n sten was largely VepresenfdJv,'Most of the local' delegation retnrrted tn automobiles Wednesday, night. i-; g Olher temples in;thls recion are Oasis of CharUtte, daddy of ;thoo In tho territory, nd one of the strong est in tlie country1 Khedive of Nor folk, Omar of Columbia and Vaarab of Atlanta. Kirstoh Shr-jreerp belipnV to Oasis ahd Khedtve tempTles. ""It' ls ' optional with ttajpo as to : whether they will transfer' to the new Wnpte or not. It is incumbent ' upon - all Shriners of dies in which "temples aro located to belong to their home ample, but, the surtoundtog mAVtf is not affected hj this regulation . There were huuareoe -ef, fex-wear- ers present at the institution, Includ ing a number of celebrities.- JBhririer bhnds were on hand from,' Charlotte and IjWilfc toother ' with 'ddan'a diVnt corps ' and other ' muslc-tniakers. J; Ev Cimeron of Kimftoiu who' "'is high in Shrinedom and 'may be1 next "MStffate of Oasis" Temple, "was amonff- the "big dog" 'ori 'Mhartd. "Daddy" Walter S, Uddell, who did 'he instituting, was . lohisedj .i he 'ounded the cult in NorU Carolina. Potentato of the new. temple-Is A. B. Andrews of Raleigh. Kinston hwi no official in the temple. J. T. Deal of . Norfolk and;Kins on, Putontate of Khedive'1 Temple, headed the Virginia city's delegation. a hundred strohgi"' The Norfolk "Vir ginian-Pilot printed Mr. Deal's pic ture on the front page Wednesday Kill THREE BEAkS - mm. m Asheville, Nov. "22 Killing; three I ears with the aid of a .23 caliber ids and a 'possum dog is an- tabusU- i! feat, but that is what-Lawrence ind Ira ' Cogburn, two brothers ,.:of Cruso, Haywood county, accomplish od a few' nights ago. ' The" brothers ocatod a black bear and"tw6?1ialf- grown cubs. The big bear got away with a smdl tbullet In heand tha brothers killed the two cuhjs. They Ucked the1,; bid bear and 4rov her up a tree whre she was killed. , Portland. Ore., Nov 234A foTty- ight hours of labor a week law for. women wil be placed before the Ore gon State Legislature whenf It, meets ; the second Monday ia January, by the Consumers' League of Porfland. ' This act provides that women 'may not work' for wares mora than 48 hours f weafcx - It 'does 'not, however, limit their lsbor(ttr eight Jhours a dayfj The ideavls 'thai women ' may work more thin eight "hours five days t a week,' so they'lmay have half-hol iday' on SahirdiyiK"""' ' f t ' j.k: sioRRteEY. vixD. "' Clinton .NoviTD.Waraea. K. Mor- rsey,"welT ifiown tt over East Ca rolina, died here totfNyht at nine o' clock following a stroke of apoplesy from which he pever ralsl, JlKORTfiwES hi m J