1M DAILY The Vtitlt? the Home Paper Today's Nrtfi fo2S" 1G .'. p . ... i . Freezing ' 9 1 i.. Ji.''4 WHCB TWO: Nf 3r- , FIVE CENTS ON TRAINS VOL. XVIIL-No. 27 FlpST EDITION KINST0N, N. C, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1916 niininrititnriT nrllT MEMORIAL SERVICE FIFTY MILLIONS II VENlZElOSw STARTS 1MB AGAINST SOFIA dUuiiwtr Dtmi rente, ri OWmTRDVl EVERY NOBLE GOVERNMENT PATROL AND RIGHT TO CROSS BOUNDARY AT WASHINGTON BRITISH GOLD ROAD IMLEKOIR CO'Y & FAVOU FROM GOD HONOR FRANZ JOSEF ARRIVE Him WEEK EMBARRASS PIM? FREE nlPiJnfi nnhonrhiTir BINT IN LABGR MEM luorcni 1 1 WILL TARE ACTIO oi oif jBir Chamber of ttoriirce Will Carry donid Issue During the Winter SAY PEOPLE ARE READ? To Support Movement Every Mile of Principal Highways Would Be Overhauled Limited to Quarter Million Dollars Lenoir county will in all probabdl- ity spend a quarter million dollars on Fts main iroads in 1917 and 1918. At a special meeting of the directorate of the Chamber of Commerce Friday was decided to ask the Board of Commissioners 'to call a bond issue election for the third Tuesday in next February. There was no dissenting voice. VILLA BEGINS NEW ATEIIIIAIA CITY Trying to Exhaust Ammu nition of Defense by Spasmodic Dettfched At tacks Had Been Report ed Defeated (By the United Press) El Paso, Nov. 25.-9 concerted assault was begun upon Chihua hua City from three sides shortly after daylight by Villista bandits, according to reports reaching government agents here. Small raiding parties moved upon the Trevlno advanced trenches dur ing the night to draw the defend ers' fire, and exhausc General Trevino's limited supply of am munition. LIFE AGAIN SWM FOR SUPER- (By the United Press) New York, Nov. 25. No longer need tenants of William Waldorf Astor's super-fashionable Apthorpe apartments hold hands to their eyes as they roll up to their home in im ported limousines. Tho, so they tthought, hopelessly gross, materialistic sign, advertising the commercial matrimonial agency in the pr6perty at 385 West End ave J'Ue, is tQday removed. The sign which has just come down was put in place ysa'rs ago by the late Fritz "Cupid" Podzsus. The war took It down. Johann Ringlau, who was Podzste partner, has been cooking in the Kaiser's army for the last two years and when recently he failed to meet payments, foreclosure. n6w successfully concluded, was started. ENORMOUS CROW EXipECtEDU New Haven, ,Oonn., Nov. 21 The monster Yale howl, which seats more than 60,000 persons, is not expected to care for all those who are fighting to care for all those wh'o are fighting today to get the precious tickets for the annual Yale-Harvard da"!. Chihuahua City, , Nov. 24, via El ?iso Junction Another attack by Villa bandits opon this city from We east Was hegua at . in. today wa Rpufcped, a were the previ ous attack. .-; V& bandits, with 37 the attacking fdreea. machine gims again did deadly fa the ranks of th bandits. ATH jbings to Be thankful for This Tear, Says Governor In Proclamation "Seed Fell Upon Good Ground; Harvest Plenteous" 'A proefamaiHon by the Governor calling upon the peftple ot North Carolina to keep properly Thanksgiv I inff day, next Thursday, has ken is- sited from the executive office at Ra leigh. It follows: The s'eed fell upon good ground. The harvest is plenteous. In the marts of commerc?, in field and in factory industry has -been rewarded I witn a bountiful hand. A prosperity never known before has come to all conditions and classes of men. Our material achievement leads to social advancement, and a higher social or der. Altruism is militant for the uni versal Welfare. Our government is controlled by a noble purpose, and is responsive to the demands of the age. As never in any country, nor in any ,ag, has equity to all men been remembered in the highest place of authority. Opportunity has been vouchsafed greater than ever before and to the genius and energy of the American people the future unfolds in sublime revelation. "In wealth, in progress, in freedom and hope to the people, our Republic is the first of all nations. Shs has vindicated the rights of her citizens in every land, and has. maintained the law of civilization and humunKy up on the seas. "In diplomacy and in dealings with all nations, great and small, she has been firm, considerate and just; ths simple rule of right is the standard that she has sot and steadfastly maintained. Her demands have been conceded, and her nights have been respected when armed nations are ra vaged by war. "Above all, wo have peace. While the earth has bejn consumed by the conflagration of desolation, while chantly war still strike; with un abated fury and reaps his b mud! vis harvest of death and woe, we have ecn spared to work out the high purpose of ixou. "Now, 'therefore, I, Locke Craig, Governor wf the Staite of North Car olina, in obedience to the custom es tablished by" our fathers, and in ac cord with the proclamation of the President!; of the United States, do proclaim Thursday, the 30th day of November, a day of thanksgiving. "And I do call upon the people of North Carolina to meet on that day in their places of worship and in de vout gratitude and humility remem ber our abundant dressings. "And ht us pray that the power of truth may be quickened and our con sciences awakened to know and to do the Will of our Father, that his King dom may come upon earth; that peace may be restored to all the world; that the Light and the Spirit of the Prince of Peace may come again to the peoples who drink thi cup of trembling in the horror of great darkness. "Let us not forget our neighbors, and the people of our State who may be humble and Jn need, nor the wid v.' and the orphan lh distress, nor DARING ATTEMPT BY GERMAN D'STROY'RS FOILED BY PATROL (By the United Press) London, Nov. 25; An attempt by a German destroyer flotilla on Thursday flight to approach the Downs-, was frustrated by patrol vessels, says the Admiralty. Six German destroyers were In the squadron. They were sighted by a patrol vessel, when' the enemy fired twelve rounds and steamed away. Agreed Upon In Protocol by American-Mexican Com missionersMust Be Rat ified By the Two Govern ments Atlantic City, Nov. 24. A protocol providing for the conditional with drawal of the American troops now in Chihuahua, Mexico, and for the j'-int military control of the border, hit with the supplemental stipula tion that United States troops shall be sent Into Mexico in pursuit of bandits at any time necessary, was signed here today by the members of i ho Mexican-American joint commls sin. If tha protocol is ratified by the two governments the commission will convene again on December 8 to re- me the discussion of other questions iffccting the two countries, esp;clal- y those related to the protection of if,' and property of Americans and .;her foreigners in Mexico. If rati fication by either government is with held, the work of the conference will be declarer! at an ond. After the protocol was signed, Sec retary Lane issued a statement de fir :ng to a certain extent the policy ' the United States government to ward Mexico. He stated that he be i ev;d General Carranza a strong mail and that he should be given a "full chance," adding that "Mexico will either do right without our help i r with it. This is her choice." TOMBSTONE FAILS ON HIM VICTIM DIES A. C. Avery, 32. son of A. W. Avery of Cove City, died in St. Luke's hospital, Nfw Bern, Friday night as 'h" result of injury sustained Some days ago when a tombstone fell out ' r a cart on him. Avery was taking :!io stone to the grave of an aunt. The funeral will be held at Cove Cty Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. I; v ill be conducted by Rev. R. E. 1 '..ma::. The Woodmen of the World, f whl .-h order Avery was a member, v ill hi !il a service at the same time. .VI Woodmen .in this pan of the y.i :i;o are invited to be present. iS.side.; his father Mr. Avery is s irvivod by four sisters and three b' others. BRITISH HOSPITAL IIP WITH LOT OF 'D (By the United Press) London, Nov. 25. The Even ing star's Athens correspondent today declared that the British horiial ship Braemer Castle, sunk yesterday, was torpedoed, while parrying four hundred Bri tish wounded. liiose uhn have been overtaken by disaster. May our sympathies be : o-adened and strengthened that we r,' y grow in the grace of Charity nid toward the realization of "the i therhood of men. ' On this day let our gifts be gen r: us in accordance with our good f ir'.ine. and let us beseech Almighty God to give us that due sense cf all his mercies that our hearts may be upfefgnedly thankful, and that r we show forth his praise not only with rar lips, btt't-in our lives, by giving jp ourselves to his service, and , by walkin-g before him in holiness and righteousness all our days. "Done in our City o Raleigh, on this the -twentieth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixteen, and in the one hundred and forty-first year of our American independence. "LOCKE CRAIG, Governor. "By the Governor: " "MAY F. JONES, "Private Secretary." (By the United Press) Washington, Nov. 25. The Presi dent, Mrs. Wilson, members of the United States Supreme Court, lead ers of Congress, and all ambassa dors and ministers of the nations al- lie 1 with the Cerutral Powers and neutral nations, will' attend elaborate memorial serviea i nhonor of the late Emperor JVanz Josef Wednesday. Cardinal Gibbong will preside. STFAMER ! POWHATAN ON FIRE EN ROUTE TO NORFOLK (By the United Press) New York, Nov. 25. The steam er Powhatan, en route from Boston m Norfolk, caught fire off Block Island today, a wirolais message says. The vessel is said to carry passengers and freight. She is own ed by the Merchants and Miners Company. Coast guard cutters are rendering t&ssistance. It is reported hat the tiro was controlled at 9:15 this morning. BRIEFS IN THE NEWS NEIGHBORING TOWNS Greonvllle is to organize an As- social ed Charities. Rev. II. N. Blanchard of Green ville, F'antiPt, has boon instructed to repr-1 for examination for a chap laincy in the Army. Ho was given the appointment some time ago. One New Bern tobacco warehouse ondrd the sales -season Friday. The New Bern Chamber of Com 'Krco at an early mectiing will dis cuss the proposed boat line between Kinston and that city. WAS CHIEF EXECUTIVE (By the United Press) Waxahnchie, Texa, Nov. 25. Mrs. Natfis Burn;, bo-rn when Thomas Jefferson was president of the T'nil ed States, will eeirbrate her HOlh birth anniversary tomorrow. Her three daughters, the eldest of whom is 8!), and many nf her 110 grand and great-trrand Uiildren willhe at the celebration. Mr. Burns died iJO years ago. Born in Mad'son county, Tenn., No vember 20, lisOfi, tho now Mrs. Burns, whoso maiden name was Yarhorough, moved to Texas with her father's family at tho age of ten. DRAINAGE CONVENTION TO LUM3ERT0N NEXT Greensboro. N. C, Nov. 23 Lum- berton was chosen as the next place of meeting by tho North Carolina Drainage Association before the ad journment of the ninth annual con ference this afternoon. A mid-win-ct rmeeti ter meeting will be held in Raleigh. Officers were elected as follows: M. E. Sherwyn, Raleigh, president; os eph Hyde Pratt, Chapel Hill, secre-atry-treasurcr. Several vice-presi-denti were elected, among them be ing D. B. McNeill, Lumberton; II. M. Lynde, Raleigh; Denehan Camer on, Durham; F. R. Baker, Raleigh, and J. L. Becton, Wilmington. BULLETINS ACCIDENT ON ELEVATED. New York, Nov. 24. Ambu lances have been rushed to 129th street and Second avenue with report of an elevated train wreck. . '', FRENCH TAKE ANOTHER .1 POSITION. Athena, Nov. 23iThe French ' marines have assumed charge of the Peloponnesus railway sta tion. , . ' r : " (By the United Press) (New York, Nov. 25. Another stream of British fiofd, totaling fif ty million dollars, will begin to pour into fhs United 'States Monday to offset the new British loan being sought here. Four hundred and sev enty millions of gold have oomo to the United States In the last four months. OVERTON CONFESSES HE KILLED liWLER; SELF-DEFENSE, SAYS Huntsvil'le, Ala., Nov. 24. Proliate Judge William T. Lawler, whose death was fol'owed by tho suicides of a Huntsvllle attorney and a sheriff of Madison county who believed they were suspected in connection with h!r, death, was killed the night of Juno 14, by David 1). Overton, hi? political rival, Over.tcn testified hers today in big trial on a charge of hav ing murdered the jurist. The killing which occurred on the Whitesburg bridge was in self-def:nse, Overman (Vclared. Ho said he was attacked 1 v I.aivler wifh a knife when he re- !'s:d itxjoift' Lawler in a plan to de 'ay n l opor of 'th J Madison county !;ra.'i(! jury which then was in ses -irn. Ove'tin dec'.ared he drove Lawldr i the Whitesborg bridge in his bug- ,y at the hitter's suggestion, to uss political difficulties which they Hp.d to settle. !e informal Sheriff Robert Phil ips the tragedy the night it Oc curred, he said, and when he saw Phillips the next nay, the sheriff told him the body "had not been brought t,i town and thsit no one would find ii." f-herift' Phillips killed himself the we, k. nit v.? the discovery of Law b r's body, h aving word he could not '" ar tho suspicion he believed was I er' d (ig'ainst him. Three days be f. Shelby Pleasants, a Huntsville :: : : :iev, committed suicide. 1 PREPARE FOR SAILING OF CHRISTMAS SHIP (iiy the United Press) N w Yr rk, Nov. 25. Boxes, bales and bundles of supplies to form the cargo of rhe American Red Cross i riri. 'mas Relief ship for the bone :r of Syrians were arriving at Red ,'oss Bush terminal in Brooklyn to day the last day of their availabili ty. The rdief ship is to sail for lieiru't, Syria, about December 1. The shipment will bo chiefly cloth- Persons who intended to make p;,'fts but delayed too long still have opportunity. i)n account of the fight !".,.; on the Sernme immense stores of hospital supplies are needed. Mon ey donations made the Rod Cross for 'these supplies will be applied quite p 'amply. BOY, I'LKASE PAGE ADAM. London, Nov. 25. The Garden of Ed'.n is the same old garden. A To icato army surgeon reported that his surgical kit was stolen one night as he slept in the cradle of Original Sin. I LENORE millC K-ralwoycirsr-" ') '' 1 " I l Will Not d On Record As Opposed toi Short Day Throngh Legislation TEST DECISION UNCERTAIN May Be Several Weeks Af ter New dear's Before Supreme Court Renders dpinion Up to Highest Tribunal Now (By the United Press) E'altlpiore, Nov. 25. The American Federation Of Labor today refused to go on record against efforts to obtain i.he eight-hour law through legisla tion. The desire not to embarrass President Wilson because of his work in forcing the eight-hour law for railroaders Tlras the apparent cause of tfha, Convention's action. iBlACt VDCTlta JOKE HAD A .obui':n, Nov. 24. There came near being an electrocution hre when James Smith, colored, was mado the victim of softie practical jokers. He was given in eitheV hand an end of a piece of wir?. The middle point of the wire was inserted into a socket far which the lajnp gtobe had been removed and the cWertt switched on. When thi resultant commotion was ever Smith was fotand lying under an il tank and it todk the services of a doctor 'iw revive Mm. BE POT TO MM AFTER A BAD RUNAWAY QUEEN STREET A mule of a palir drawing a trilc'K had to 1)6 killed after the team, ro'ti- nirrg away, cwtidad with a telephone nolo a tNorth atid Queen streets Saturday morning about 8 o'clock. Tho animal had a broken, leg. One of threo hogsheads of tobacco on the t uck rolled off upon the mule. The mule was owned by Copeland Iros. and the tobacco by the Export Leaf Company. Tho tfftal damage to the outfit including the loss of the animal, valued at $300, was abouf $850. A milk wagon from the Tull dairy was smashed up to some extent when the runaway team ran into it. The runaway was exciting. I started at the Export Company's place in North Kinston when flying paper, is is- sttposed, blew around the mule'e hecves. There followed a wild dash dewn Que?n street. The colored driver jumped off when the o-eins parted. The mules, it is thought, were making for tho stables on North street in their panic. ' BIG RUSSIAN SHIP OF WAR IS SUNK BY INTERNAL EXPLOS'N London, Nov. 24. The Russian naval staff, says a Reuter dispatch from Petrograd, has issued the fol lowing statement: "At (i o'clock on October 20 fire broke out in the forward magazine of the Imperatritsa Maria. An internal explosion followed immediately and 'the fire spread rapidly and reached the petrol tanks. "Shortly otter 7 o'clock tho vessel sank. An fflcsr and two first class sub-ofneei-s and 149 sailors are miss ing, i. Sixty-four of the crew have since died from the effects of burns. m The position of the ship, f which lies in shallow water, gives hppe that if nay be refloated and completely repaired In a few months. The bridge is only one yard beyow water level." Greek Provisional 6ovefn- irieht Fdrmally Declares, Athens Refits Teuton Drive On Rouinani- an Capital Seems to Have Starts fti fialffiem Great Rattle In trie ans Before Long (By the United Pre , Athens, Nov. tt Tnt GrSel! pr8- viuioroal government, $efte&' l!y e'$ F emier Venizelos, has declared war Germana Advance On Bucharest .London,. Nov.. 25. The German drive on Bucharest , has Apparently started. The repartEee! qroewng of tho -Danube by Teutons at Simnitza tig in Dcbttidja" imti tliV ?&imlM of the Rdumanfan forte W'tistt Jttt valley, all leafl iftilitalry epert : to iciieve the forces are being drawn up for one of the greatest struggles f the Balkan campaign. ARjiftotDS EDGE IN (y the United Press) New York, Nov the Army and Navy imet tonvorrow jrt the Polo Grounds here it will b the twenty-fifth foot'jfcH cwtestf between the two ranciSes of Uncle karri's ler- ice schools. C-f the twenty contests already decided the Armj notdVthi edge by one victory, having captured ten' fitesi;s; tVe Njfvy nfffs; AiT'one has teen I' tie; "- '.' mmmmt m WEEKS' RECESS (Ryhe United Press) Atlantic CKy, Nov. 24. A re cess of two weeks is expected to be granted to the Mexican mem bers of the American Pe1u:J"Cii- sent the nW DOTder patrol plan t CaWWria. BIG P. YAt BILL TO BE first to eoa OP Washington, Ntalv. 241110 1918 naval appropriation bill probably. Will bo one of the first great supply bills ady for consideration irtthe House when Congress convenes next month, despite the fact that ft wlft" AVrf a total of nearly $4061r6bO16OrtC LENORE V. . 'The Msrotee-PB'-' tr- s If i:i..;::'rl;'i

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