i . -I A 1 rv. 1 1 1 I 3 1 Wfcl: oeditorui; TnE KINSTOft f FRfeE PRESS MONDAY, fMfetoEfl, THE DAILY FREE PRESS :. it''"-'-.''' 1 v ' , (United FrtM Telegraphic Reporta) - ? E. CALT BRAXTON. Editor and Manager PuWUiaed Every Day Except Sunday by the Kins ton Free ' Preea Co., ln&, Kinnton, N. C. '". SnbocrlDtion Rate Parable In Advance: On Week .10 One Monti .35 Three Mentha S1.00 Six MonUu 2.D0 v. Ona Year 14.00 K&torod at the poitoflke at Kiniton, North Carolina, ai "CQOd-claaa matter under act of Congress, March 3, 1679. KttW YORK OFFICE 88 Park Row, Mr. Ralph R. Mulligan, in sole charge of Eastern Department. Filet f The Free Pren can be seen. ' WtSTERN dFFICE In chargre of Mr. C. J. Anderson Mftrqaette Building, Chicago, whre filet of The Fret Praae cam be eeen. Subscribers art requested to notify? by Telephone 75 The Free Press of any irregularity of delivery or inat tention whatsoever on the part of the carriers. After Six P. M. subscriber! are requested to call West ra Union and report failure to get the paper. A copj wUl be sent promptly, if complaint is made before Nin P. M., without cost to subscriber. MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 27, Do yotrr shopping early for Christmas and incidental do it for Thanksgiving before Thurmlay. Soma of the Mexicans may be ignorant, but that fellow Villa is certainly not behind the t'mea, Latest account tell of his automobile being shot from under him. We learn from a newspaper dispatch that J' hn D. Rock feltee was Sairoused from his sVp earlier than usBH because of a boiler explosion on his plantation ut Tarry town, 'New York. As none others are mentioned, wp an same that the (oss of an 'hour's slcp was the oniy can uaflfjr.'" ' . FINE 6RGANIZATION BOY SCOUTS. Little has been said in the public press about the trocv j of Boy Scouts organized 'in Klnston Several months ag i fcy Mr. Alfred Cheney, and the average citizen may no appreciate what splendid work rs being done among th boy through this agency. In plto of tho fact that then vre a number of (boys enrolled in the troop, (who have not ' heretofore established reputations for being particu larly good, the discipline and conduct of the scouts as i " .whole baa been most encouraging to those who have hu to do with its organization and direction. Scout Maste ; Cheney has developed an esprit de corps among the fel ? "fcwa 'of 4Jie troop Which is most gratifying, and It ha "already been demonstrated that the local organizatioi " ts going to keep step with the fraternity of the country at-large in developing a' manly, high-prlnclplod sot o boys of whom tho parents, friends and all others, wh haw occasion to come In contact wltJi them, can be proud. ' r?iwv: I"The Fresi Press is glad that public expressions have bfon largely withheld until this time, for In tho outs' . It would have Ibeen necessary to have commended the ' prospects rather than the achievement, as la now possi bie. ' Scout Master Cheney and the boys in the troop do aorve credit for the splendid progress Mint they have mud during the short time that they have been together ir their organlsubion, and The ,Freo Press Is glad to be spoak for them a word of encouragement from tho poo plo Of Kington in their good work. NOW FOR GOOD ROADS. The actlon'of the Chamber of Commerce in setting in motion definite plans forcaltinjc an election f a bond Issue sufficient to properly build an adequate system of highways in Lenoir county is most gratifying. An en abling act was pasttd by the Legislature sometime atlf, making it possible for a bond issue not exceeding $250, 000 for this purpose to be voted by the pevple. Spasmo dic attempts from time to time, .-ince the enabling act was passed, have be?n ma le by the romm si'ners, wV,o have fought shy of calling the election. There has born a feeling that tho people of the c.ui 'v would vote down the bonds. The Free Press believes that it i cudent t every in telligent man in the county that th.' peer.t plan of road building will ncvor materialize irin ;i desirable system. Certainly not in the lif.- of the pre .vit generation. An adequate system, absolutely essential for the proper d ekprnent of every sctmn of this splendid county, can not be built unless a bond issue providing the money 'hercfor Is ipased. The Fit" P'-ess has confidence in the 'ntelligence of the people in this county to see that situ ation and when given an opportunity The Free Presit be ieves that the voters rvf I.onoir county will manifest their ntelligence and progressiveness by voting for good roads. Unquestionably every vi;t- that is cast against the bo'id ssue will be but placing an obstacle in the way of the nan, who so casts his vr.te as well as his neighbor. The 'alue of good roads In the upbuilding of any section of he country is no longer in the theoretical stage. Conv;nc ng evidenco lii abundance has been given, and wherever he greatest development of rural communities has taken ilace thnre w lecting produ fll be founil the beat system of roads c n- er and consumer, farmer and market. Ml 'ST MAINTAIN SUFFICIENT FORCE. Thern is little doubt that the withdrawal of General Pershing's expedition from Mexican soil will be con trued by the ignorant followers of Villa and other ban llts as a victory for their cause and outlawry will again e frampant in the states adjacent to this country. The rovislon of the protocol signed by the United States and Mexican conferees at Atlantic City last week, giving the Jnlted States troops privilege of following "hot trails" ifter raiding bandits across the border, int any time s a safety-valve, which should enable the army to give iroper protection to everything on this side of the bordar. rhe Free Press believes that it expresses the sentiment f the people of this country in hoping that the War'De artment will' maintain a sufficient force on the hou.nd ry line to give adequate protection to every iri'iri. wom in and child, who acknowledges allegiance to the "Staij ind Stripes" and who rightfully, therefor1, lciks for pio ection. Little sympathy have we had for those adven urlnts, who persist in courting danger across the bord:r n spite of the many warnings and evidences of unfripnd iness of tho outlaws. .But those people who have acquir ed property interests across the bordor and who did so vefore the condition becamo as chaotic as It has been for ho past four or five yoars are entitled to consideration, it is natural that they should want protection for their PAY SCHOOL WITH FIREWOOptTWO OLOADS FOR ATERM - m Seashells are a medium of ex change eVen yet in acme parts of the African West CoastcounfcV and in Islands of the South Seas, out Pender county children at a school near Wa thu have.n even Klder currency. They pay their tuition with firewood. Two loads a term, valued at 50 cents a load, eea them safely through the scholastic year. The insitutgnthe Carolina Indus trial school, Maintained by voluntary rr.tributfWie frBm the North, is turning out a lot of progressive An Awful Sufferer Burlington, N. C October 16, 1910. Pearson Remedy Company, Burlington, N. C. Dear Sirs: This is to certify that I have been taking Indian Blood Purifier for a short while with the most satisfactory results. I woild gladly recommend it to any one suffering as I have with indigestion, constipation and nervous prostration. For the last three years I have be-n an awful sufferer. Now I feel well and strong, work hard every day, ea anything with no bad results. In fact, my condi tion was so awful that it sems almost like One being raised from '.he dead. I feel that I could not say too much in praise of this great blood and COST HUGHES GREAT SUM TO BE DEFEATED (By the United Prese) Washington, Nov. 27. The Re publican campaign in the interest of Charles Evens Hughet "cost $2,441 000, according to an official statement filed with the Clork of the Route, Collections were nearly three thoug. and dollars in excess of this sum. youngsters to bat,Ue or their dues in nerve remedy. My prayer is that 'his selfish old world. The superin tendent,' Mr,W, vS. Key, came to he school from B.ston, but his policy s to settle his graJuates in tho coun 'ry around the school. He is not a New Englander; h was an English ii a n, hut now he ts a "North Caroli nian and proud tfftV Occasionally, hough, some Bostonian comes down ind carries off a "charming little i r I " or a "brijrht young fellow," and i rwmber of them are making g?d l business way jn thi'iNforth. The Northern friends of the institution k:ep it supplied with everything but 'uel. Tht neighborhood farmers are rhid to furni-h ihat. There are liont lit) pupils at the Watha school, and ah:ut the same number at a similar institution in Onslow county. At the Pender coun- y institution there is a littb farm, about It! acres of which is cultivated ,n vegeiaiiles, sind on the miniature ilatitation there are a large number of bloJ-dod cattle and hows. Another nche:- i.i coming there from the Hub of EnlipfhtolTment. The curri ulum is very high. you may live long and p.osper. Respectfully. A. G. BOONE, 107 Stagg Street, Burlington, N. C. For sale by: E. B. Marston Drug Co., Kinston, N. C. ; r, . E. Forest, Kinston, K. F. I). 2, N. t;.. Exum & Co., Snow Hill, N. C; Hoseatros., Pikeville, N. C; Howell & Langston, Goldsboro, N. C; Mr. J., J. Wain wright, Farmville, N. C; Whelen I.-i:g Company, Farmville, N. C; Hoikerton Drug Co., Hookerton, N. C . adv. Subscribe to THE FKElE PRESS Special Skirt Values Handsomely made, all Wool Poplins and worth $7.50 Yours for $4.98 One Hundred Ladies Suits These have Fur Trimmings, Nice Linings and are pleasing Colors $10.00 to $21.50 New Silk Shirtwaists, $1.95 to $3.45 No advance in staple Cotton Goods best grade Dress Gingham Outings and Percalse 10c. MM! EARLY JIM HELP ANOTHER GOOD CAUSE li.'., shopping time for Chiistma:; ill ready. A lot of people are pur huing now. And in remt'mbe: ing 'o shop early it would be well to pre pare to "mail early." Packages mailed to relatives or friends c:in bo entered at the postoffica days be fore Christmas, marked "Not to do opened until Christmas." If the pub- life accumulations. Bo that as It may, the United States jc Wj ma;i ,.riy the clever outfit Oovornment must maintain a sullicient gu&rd on the bor- at the postoffice can spend Christmas ler to adequately protect the border states unbil Mr. just as other human beings at home Carranza or some other recognized authority in Mexico with thei.- wives and babies. an give evidence of ability to cope with the outlaws which infest the northern states. Cltilens of Little Rock, Arkansas, are organizing a cs iperative buying bureau to fight the high cost of living, ft Will not take much encouragement to make the orgnn zntlon nation-wide. LAND SALE BY MORTGAGE. Undor and by virtue of the powers comber 20th, 191fi. at about 12 o' clock M., at t ho c urthouso door in contained In that certain mortgage Kinr.tur., N. ('., o for fa.- sale to tho Hoed made to the undersigned, th? highest bidder for cash the following First National Bank. Kinston, N. C, described tract of 'and. which is that by R. A. Wooten and wife, fcmma mention?.! in raid :nortgago deed, and Wooten, on March 2nd, 1014, which is moro particular' y described s fol- mortgage appears of record in Lon- lews. nlr county in Book 47, ut pagj 249, Lvginuing ut a tako on the west default having been made in tho lgo of the Kins! m and Snow Mi;1- payment of th? ind'.edncss socur- ro;ul near a leaai t house on J. 11. d by snid mortago, the undersign- Meu'jotti's ; id runs N. 4'' K d, First National Bank will on Do- wlih Mrs. L. 1.. I'arrott ancl V f K W. O. Moseloy's lino 1710 feot to a stake, thenca N. 21 degrees and 38 minutes W. 189 1-2 feet to a stake, thenco N. M degrees and 52 minutes W. 151.") f.et to a stake, theneo N. 40 1-4 W. ll!;::5 1-2 feet to a stake, thence S. 7!) Kinstonlans mailing gifts to sol-' ilier relatives at El Paso should send them nol less than a week .before the 23rd. Ten days or two weeks would be better to insure their delivery be fore .Christmas. There ate 50,000 men at El I'ao; the amount of mall ir.ilng to them will be tremendous; there will probably be some conges tion. Subscribe io THE FREE PRESS 17(1 and 72 1-00 acres, more or less and being the lands conveyed to R. W. 72,'J feet to a stake in the east A. Wooten by Hines Bros. Lumber edge of said road, thenco with said Company, except about 30 acres here-' .or.d its various courses S. 2 1-4 E. tofore sold to Mrs. R. A. Wooten by' :lli8 feet S. 3.8 1-2 E. 7tii) feet S. R. A. Wooten. 32 1-4 E. 1293 feet S. 30 1-2 E. 1557 This November 17th, 191(5. ; teet .s. 2, k. 800 feet S. 23 1-2 E. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, 913 feet to the beginning, containing By 1). F. Wooten, Cashier. IMPORTANT Read This THE FREE TURKEY Will fly from the roof of our building Wednesday At 11:30 A. M. instead of 9 A. M. zs previously advertised. The hour has been changed in order to give EVERYBODY zn opportunity to get THE FREE TURKEY hi The Thanksgiving Turkey Trot J. M Lasts only three more days at TEPHEN "THE LADIES' STORE" SON'S THANKSGIVING THOUGHTS of Table .and Dress SHOULD COMMAND YOUfl IMMEDIATE ATTENTION THERE IS SDMEFH1N6 MORE TO PREPARE FOR THAN AP PETITE IN AR-ANEWS THE CUSTOMARY DINNER WITH ITS TURKEY AND CRANBERRY SAUCE. PLUM PUOOING AID DRESSING. A HANDSOME NEW DRESS WITH WHICH TO GRACE THE OCCASION SHOULD BE DULY CONSID ER AND; FOR THE AFTERNOON .(Nil OR RIDE A NEW COAT AND HAT IS NECESSARY. NOW THAT WE HAVE SO RMfiF! .LEIWF F0B WHICHI0.8E THANKFUL. LET OS nLL THE PASSING MOMENT WITH GRATITUDE. AND OBSERVE IT IN ANEW GARB OF THE LATEST FASHION, BOUGHT FROM THE LEADING STORE. MAKE A $20.00 CASH PURCHASE At this Store, Monday, Tuesday , or Wednesday and we will present to you FREE A Nice Thanksgiving Turkey Don't Fail to be Here Wednesday 1 1:30 A. M. A Big Fat Turkey Will Fly From Our Rdbf. The -. Person Who Captures Him May Hava Him ; FREE FREEJ I 1 ERFjSCTJQN?! 1 ' I A Close Shave I ' S fi Vhcn ths weather turns suddenly bad," " 1 j If f C ( V cca cr a urTiace slupgish after ' I ti-S n 't3 surrirr-cr sleep chills will get. I K fVV 3'OU Sure, Unless ;. I Vl I J"i- '-'-r vi Unless you've been forehanded and . R n V t tr..-.::;::::!?Ssij::::.: M A tcught a Perfection Heater. It's th I I I V :: : : :: ;'5iMK tj )') O c"' cheapest form of comfort in- I I K l ft ' T JTV f Eurar.cc. Means comfort . when the I . yd I " t vi'.W" furnace fails, or wherever extra heat is I fi VVX?' VI I :' f siA"V iVA nei?ded. Thaws out the bedroom, the I Q ifll Srti - bathroom, the breakfast room. , fc I gnaJF J NJ5r imfP Handsome, durable, quick and clean. I - i Jm, it"jBi' btt'JP Inexpensive to buy and to use. As I -m, Il'i e3!iy to carry 08 8 work-basket. Used I VsTfV i 1 J if V m more than 2'Cino,00 homeB- i.!&y AHL JT fit r1 Seo it rt your department store, furniture or 1,1 f ft S hardware dcEkr's. Jijjiil ijt f jCtt j Jf f 8 -laciL'r' 5ecurity Oil for best results Ipijiji&j f 71 PvV(?Ft 4 1 I 'J STANDARD OIL COMPANY " B 'W S ff SISt f tJW i 1 Ws-hington.D.C. Charlotte, N. C I H 8 ? I ITO f (i a. Norfolk. Va. Charleston, W. Va. in T 11 I BZfffiw Richmond. Va. Charlaaton. a OOB ' 1 mi r ' n iiwai , , -&Lj SSMSWSMSMflflSSMSflBBBMfliBMfllMBMIiiiM, ; ... - 1 ' " ' - it-.

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