iKfe TFV A Tin ifef r-'! -r vv r . iff bme Paper 1 This VcaL'.V r Today's New Today II' 1 r-;T"rj' VOL. XVIIL-No. 128 SECOND EDITION KINSTON, N. C, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1916 FOUR PAGES TODAY price tTo'cenW . - f ULIlt 1 AUttO A FIB CTS PN TRAINS EVERY SOLDIER TO RALEIGH PREPARES BRITAIN DECLINES' FOUR INJURED, TWO MED MAN HELD A GREECE AtfOUT LOSE MAN IA CHOSE CHIHUAHUA MAKE FIGHT AT THE SEE AMBASSADOR OF JAILED AS KM 10 CROWD AT BAY FOURTH CABINET IN TO PLAY WITH FIRE, FROM4 VILLA'S ARMY TEACHERS AS'lLY VIENNA HERE SAFELY OF CUTTING AFFRAY AFTER SHOOTING THAT MANY MONTHS IS OPTH iilP tn ttv 77Tt v2 it mriiL? DEFEND Carranza Strips Border , . o:i naces oi uarnsuns ; ou uation Critical RRIEf IS DAYS, AWAY Big De Facto Force Hurry ing to Raise Siege May Arrive Too Late Assault Goes on Without Cessa tion (By the United Press) v ' ,L1 Paso, lexas, Nov. li. ine at- tack on Chihuahua by four thousand villi tna nndor thp nersonal command nf Villa is still in progress, United States agents here today declared They based their .statements upon the action of the Carranza authorities in sending "every' available soldier in Northern Mexico to Hie' "besieged city. From .Santa Buena Ventura the e-arrison of 150 Carranzistas is be- ing withdrawn, together with the ffflrrisons at Namiquipa, Casas Gran des and Guzman, numbering about 100 each. These are being rushed to Chihuahua over the Mexican North west Railway to Juarez, where they wilt !2- transferred to the Mexican Central. General Gonzales today announc ed that General Maycotte, with 3,500 do facto troops is making a forced march northward from Santa Rosa lia. It will take several days fo: him to arrive because every bridge south of Chihuahua has been burned. MRS. Ill IPOLLAND BOISSEVAIN PASSES OUT Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 20. Mrs. In:z Milholland Boissevain, widely known suffragist and welfare worker, died in a hospital here shortly 'be fore midnight last night after an ill ness of ten weeks. She was thirty years old. Mrs. Rcisscvain was stricken sud denly while addressing an audience in this city during the rfcent political campaign and fainted on the platform at the meeting. She was (removed to a hospital 'and her husband and par ents rushed from New York to join her here, virs. uoissevain s lllnf ss was diag nosed as aplastic anemia and blood transfusion was reacrted to in at tempts to improve her condition. BLACK VICTIM JOKE HAD A CLOSE SHAVE Zebulon, Nov. 27. There came near being an electrocution hare when James Smith, colored, was made the victim of some practical jokers. He was given in either hand an end of a piece of wire. The middle point of the wire was inserted into a socket for which the lamp globe had been removed" and the current switched on. When th3 resultant commotion was over Smith was found lying under an oil tank and it took the services joi a doctor to revive him. BORIf WHEN JEFFERSON WAS CtflEF EXiCUTIVE Waxahaihie, Texas, Nov. 27. Mrs. Najsis Burns,. born when Thomas Jefferson was president of the Unit ed States, will celebrate her 110th birth anniversary (tomorrow. Her three daughters, the eldest of whom Is 89, nd many of her 110 grand and great-grand 'children will Wat tlla celebration. Me. Burns disd 3b . yr ago.. . ; Born in Madison, county,, Tenn, No vember 26, 1806, the now Mrs. Burns, whose maiden name was Yarborough, nioved t0 Texas with her father'. fiy at the ago of ten. - CapitaI CUy Wa"tS ' Bc the rermanent Mceling- Place Three Others Want 1917 Convention of Tarheel Pedagogues (Special to The Free Press) Raleigh, Nov. 27. Jtaleiirh's ho tola are dally making reservations for teachers Ivho will attend the 23rJ session of the North Carolina Touch ers Assemoiy nere itovtoiuit 10 December 1. ana one wees in advance of the first business meeting the guarantee oi an uraureceueumi ai . , . tendance was complete. At thig iicn the city mians to make its bid for the assembly'-; per manent favor, but invitation i from three of the State's larger cities to make the 1917 sitting of the teachers n another town, revives the fight of Raleigh against the State and hold ing the teachers yet another year will be the persuasive jo'b to b? undertak en by tne business organization?. 1 li e compliment is to tne bearers of ifjfct who comprise the most, popular convention oi me score ou more wno visit Raleigh annually. The 1910 assembly pr r-i - 6 the most variedly interesting pmiiram. Now organizations that brrh; into the larger federation another section cf teachers w schcal-vot -ke: .-, will be here far the first time. In the as sembly proper are the as.ocir.tions of grammar grade teachers and princi pals, of county superintendents, of :y superintendents, of music' teach ers, of nign school teacners ana prin- ripals, city high school teacher? and principals, of school '"rVwirds. and of the department of higher education. LIFE .AGAIN SWEET FOR SUPER-FASHION AB'.-ES New York, Nov. 27. No bnr need tenants of William Waldorf Astor's super-fashionanlr Apihorpe rtments hold hands to the:r eyes they roll up to their home in im rted limousines. The, so they (thought, ho;;ut dy oss. materia!: tic sign, adve- t :t:;r the commercial matrimonial i-.t-cvv the property at 385 West Ett ! rvo e, is today removed. The sign which has just come iUvn .-as pui in place yrars ago hv thn lata Fritz "Cupid" Podzsus. The war took it down. Johann Ringlau. who was Podzsus' partner, has been cooking in the Kaiser's army for the last two years and when recently he tailed to meet payments, f3r:cloHir- now successfully concluded. wes started. PREPARE FOR SAILING . 8F fcBMSTOAS SHIP (By the United Press) Now York, Nov. 27. Boxes, bales and bundles of supplies to form tb cargo of the American Red Cross Christmas Relief ship for the bene fit of Syrians were arriving at Re 1 Cross 'Bush terminal in Brooklyn to day the last day of their availabili ty." The relief ship is to sail for Beirut, Syria, about December 1. Tli: shipment will be chiefly cloth ing. Persons who intended to make gifts but delayed too long still have opportunity. On account of the figbt lr;r on the Scmme immense stores of hospital .-.applies are needed. Mon ey donations made the Red Crors af or these .supplies will be applied quite i promply. , SATURDAY FOOTBALL At New Haven, Yale 6, harvard 3. At New York, Army 15, Navy 7. At Chapel Hill, Virginia Fresh wen 19, Carolina Freshmen 7. ' t - . (By the United Press) London, Nov. 27. It is officially announced that the British Government has re fused a safe conduct for Count Tarnowski. rpcenrlv appointed Austrian - Hunga - rian ambassador to tne lnited States. The action is unexplain- i ed. . ! BLACK GAMBLERS PUT UP FIGHT TO ESCAPE ARREST BY DEPUTE! itched battle between officers at "The Adkin" the taking of I'c'.-o gambler : today resulted in laee prisoners and the wasting of a- tit 15 shots, with the injuring of t one. Col. H. K. Shaw, Solicitor Ihe local judicial district, looking YttTi f:vm his home on Liberty Hill, eve a game in progress in a hollow ' the bank of "The Adkin," the (Vim which maiks the extreme it . rn boundary cf h city. He tel OiTice. Depu . B. Kvans surprised 10 '.!i.im-:l the S';eHff" --. H. V. Allen and " -tit to the place an :.r. nn'i) and a WiOiian. tile mm .'ill t'tiied with a eame. The blacks .'.:'.! :; retreat, on. cr two firing as "r r.-n. Mr. Jim Powers, Col. :,';t',v'-, law partner, joined the ofll s in th; chase. The white men nr. ).( bad the darkies corralled at pi in', but ai! except three man d t:i make the-'r get-away. Part iij ncrroes went Into a briar 'most impenetrable, and one, claim-.- to b shot, is believed to have re-- 'd bis injuries from briars. He r io- a doctor. The officers re bed information which may lead the arrest of five ethers from the )'!:. -' 1 men, who are John Leo Hat . Wil' Porter and John Ward. A '. was taken from Ward. The . p n had not been fired, and Ward :i"i;ii'd to have had no hand in shifting. "t 31 AX A THOUSANH TELEPHONES IN KINSTON !b a'-e now a thousand a - " n ii'Icuhones operate! :-,d tbb--f rom ''- ! c;s! exchange. The thou -iriu! . v,-a ! passed recently. Nine htm : ' 1 t'onty-six of the j.-henfi 'i'.'a the corporate limits. Jlan xy. c dsall of the pvcVinco says ' i t di-tance talking also is breaking ': re.--.-The number of tickets r out-of-town calls since the sum ha been astonishing. The cham n lor"-distance talker of the city i-nti! rc.'cnlly .was a colored junk l. aler, who called Harrisiiurg, Pa.. and own ; Northern places almost as y as some people do the f ..-tjuent y ;i- rr: ecsr v, vn the. street HERZOG WILL BE CHIEF SPUR TO GIANT OUTFIT By HAMILTON, (I'ni'ed I'ress Staff Correspondent) New York, Nov. 27. When John McGmv t at over the deal that sent. ' i. tasty M'ith wson to Cincinnati as - .r'asrfi- of the Rd. and brought t ' -r!ey IIrzog to New York to 1 1 y second base for the Giants he a: , "iplbshr 1 one of the brightest rr es of h's somewhat brilliant ca- R gardless of McGraw's manager is! ability, and regardle-s of how the t'iatits. stand up next y4r, there is r.e thing that will be just as evident as it was when the New Yorkers borer up theitr historical winning .'-o ik last fall. Charley H?rzog will pip there in fighting and drivinq: his .cam mates to greater efforts. Alnre than one closo student of baseball givbs Herzog more than half th.3 c:e3it for reviving tho Giants last fall. His Irresistible enthusiasm, his fighting mood on all occasions, and best of all, his ability to make these playing with him spurt at the same speed simply catapulated the Giants into that winning streak. it Pitt and Lenoir Coim ty Men in Near-Riot In South Kinston 1 ONE f AN SERIOUSLY HURT Kern. Taylor In Hospital With Throat Gashed Clear Across No Bail for Assailants of Local Party , One man !" in the hospital with : throat cut, three others are car . yttig injuries mere or less painful, .wo ere in jail and the authorities !i:ve they are on the track of two .hers wanted, as the result of a cut i ttg affray which assumed the pro portions of a smalt-sized riot in Si ush Kinston late Sunday night. ! cl'owing the fight Lem. Taylor and i'.fjl Wooten went to Memorial! oiital, the i.:nn.r m a serious con dition from a knife wound clear ue.oss his nock, and Wooten with a '.i-.'.'M l.rit'o wound on his face, and :s:i apparently serious abrasion on his bead, supposed to have been made ,-! h a pti-ci? of sea titling. Frank h'.-.y and Amos Dawson v.'.'re the otb.ers itij.tred. Dawson has a knife wound li inches long on his back. Ht'.v was slabbed in one side, the wound being about half an inch drop ui 1 three inches long, has a gash six or reven inches long On his briust and. his c'ain is split open. Woolen v:-'. knocked senseless, but it was f'-t'nd at. th hospital that his injur ie i were not serious etfough to hold m there. In jail ry Jane.: Sheriff" itrr.xton. are like! In;; the r. Thatl. Braxton and Har- bo'.h or Pitt county. The Hi s-.ys Joe and llr'ner rothers of Thad. Kraxton, t,v bo arrested in Pitt dur y. The inen will be lu'l i .lititr a change in Taylor's b :ii ss pi n.litr eandilifin. W. A. H'm one of tho f, : Pilt county m aniorio'hi'i'. V . 1 he r.-'.n ii,;. inter told il.c bad had mo;i- s. a brother-in-law of 'ot t, accompanied the l to ibis city in an bon thn trouble start- for the police. He -boril'f that the party than two $niIo.is of bis companions seem .vine, and t at ed io bo ai ;-.t intoxicated, liar "is iiimself b.id his coat ripped almost in two. Sheriff Taylor, policemen nod ibysicians hu-'ied to the place on IJouth street, where the affray occur red. Tayi )!, Wooten and Hay are Kinsfcn man, v.hile Dawson is a res ident of bo" as county. Tho story they told th" Sh riff was that they -aw the l i t men on the street, and :hrt as thi-y j:i'-'sel them "one word" was passrd by someone on one side or the ;jthr. 'The out ting, they said, star, ted In "tin- twinkling cf an eye," and was nn almost as quickly. The Hrextons tin. I Jones fled after the oof ting. Tv- weie arrented in South Kinston, v. b !e Jonas and Thad Brax ton are believed to have walked to Aydnn. near which place they. live. None cf the men cut is believed to have been armed. Harris told the Sheriff that, thn Braxton s and Jones had been quarreling among them s:lves in a houo in the neighbor hood before tho attack on the local men., Jones aid Jce Braxton are believed to have been responsible for ths injuries of Taylor and Wooten. COTTON Around 75 bales of cotton had been sold here by 3 o'clock Monday, buy ers estimated. The high price was 20 cents. New York futures quoattions were Open Close January .20.99 March 2U4 May 21.30 July ........21.45 20.81 20.95 '"21.14 21.18 (By the United Press) Philadelphia, Nov. 22 The po lice are trying (o Identify a man who. crazed by n stab wound In !'?? hack, shod four persons last night, and held a crowd of a thousand people at bay and es caped several hundred shot fired at him before he was captured. VERMONT DEMOCRATS DID THEIR LITTLE PART FOR PRESIDENT N.w Yarsh, X:!hna York, Nov. 25. Wilbur -W hva.. nvv of tho Democratic al Ci maii ! tee, made public he- tonip-hl the official statement ( f caimpaign con: t :butions and dis bursements which w'lV be filed in Al bany tomorrow in compliance with th: law of New York Stare. Mr arsh anr-o'.u'ce 1 that there is still a deficit cf more than ?:!00,000. The statement, lararely a duplicate of the one filed in Washington, gives ' total amount contributed to the . : . fr'-vratic fund as $1,584,548, of aveh $4fi5,5f)S waa received in -.atounts of less than $100. In the "mber of cor.tributora, Texas led ifli $lt,'i22, with an average of $4 a- person. Every town in Vermont v a'h ever 500 population sent a con ihu:! n, the total from that Stat: i ';! '"ronroMmately $14,000. Re- -riiisr to Vermont's showing, ..Mr Mi ' trsh :ld : ''If the same rate had -ii maintained throughout the -ainnv a campaign fund oi more a n sii.wio.oou could have been -a bad by stibscrpiticn." DICTUM OF THE POLICE 'Superfluous arnv-is" don't look ! to J. Fel'x Skinner, chief of ioa. lie is di-i-onraging "plnch ." To an unin i'e ; mod person this rr. i u!:poi icetna n-like, but Chief tiip r'; ideti is exactly in line with :-y ailojited eng ago by many department; bo-ads in the big "Tell 'em not to do these give them a chance," is his 1 he n urn be- of arrests made lb.- ;. rioiph in this little city looks :. I: would indicate that, the po are on their jobs; hut it does li-ace.-a-ariiy indicate that they are ." their jo'os in the right way all the '.mo. In recent years the local po '.c' force has improved rapidly. It i now a splendid outfit for a place like . Kinston. The men are Invari ably intelligent, willing, neatly uni formed and caurtoouK. Skinner bc l'.(vs the 'respectable outfit" should become "educators." Desk Sergeant F icno, who used to be a newspaper ma n v.iiubl go him one further and nave a course on municipal govern rneiL taught in the pubbc schools, have the cops make friends with the kids on thn streets and teach them what, little they can about tho btt ti'ass of aviation in preparation for the Great Ultimate. "Some rural visitors regard the p .'ice as friends especially employed to collar and cuff and lock them up," is one officer's bo liaf. "We a-re going to get that idea tut of theit heads." Every publica tion., of consequence dealing with mo dern police methods comes to tjje lo cal station, and many good things from them are being stored up to be put into practice. SEVEN LOST LIVES 1 IN BURNING HOP Cap May, Nov. 2G. Lewis Wil Hon, his wife, muther-in-la'V. and four children were burr.od to death In a firs that destroyed the WlUoa home In West Cape May early today. The family was asleep wnnt the .afire broke out. and neighbors found it Im possible to save any of them; It la believed tho fire originated in a defec- tlve flue. PON T PINCH, TICKLE m COAX 'EM, 1 NEW (Continued from Page Two) Rome, Nov. 27. Athens dispatches declare the resignation of the Greek cabinet la imminent. Crook dispatches have several 'imcs indicated impending dissolution of tho L&mbros cabinet, formed Oc tober 10. A rujjort was had on Sat urday that tho Minister of Justice had resigned. This is the fourth ministry formed in Greece in four months. CARRANZISTAS KIT YILL.'S AUTOMOBILE Chihuahua City, Nov. 25. Via . onrierto tvlattn ,JNov. 2(. franctsco Villa's r.iitomobilo, which was being sed by him to direct his campaign gainst tho Carranza troops, was truck by shod lire today and was bar.doned near Fresno, southwest of ihe city. Tho shell holes and bullet marks vt re plainly seen on the sides iof the isr automobilo when it was found on he bntilefiold after Villa abandoned t and rode away on horseback. m LUMBER PLANT Wilmington, Nov. 2(1. Fire of un- letermined o-igin desttfyed the plant 0" tho Waccamaw Lumber Company. at Bolton, twenty miles outh of Wil mington, entailing an estimated loss f $200,000, insured, early this morn (By the Unitid Press) TRAGIC DEATH THEATRICAL MAN. New York, Joseph Brooks tho noted theatrical man, either jumped or fell from the eighth story of an apartment here to day nrd was Inktimfly killed. . C. V. INVITE PRESIDENT. Washington, Nov. 22. Presi dent Wilson- w.-js today invited nttond the animal encampment of the United Confederate Veter ans in Washington in May. It will be the first time the encamp ment has been held north of the Mason and Dixon line. ERMANS TAKE A TOWN. Berlin, Nov. 22. Alexander has been captured from the Roumani ans In Wallnchla, says an official German statement. The German advance down both sides of the All rlvrrvalley threw the enemy behind the Popologue sector. SOLDIERS' HEALTH GOOD. It having been reported that a Kinston soldier on the border, a member of the headquarters compa ny of the Second North Carolina in fantry, was seriously ill and had been transferred from El Paso to Hot Springs, Ark., The Free Press wrote Its soldier correspondent at Ft. Bliss for a statement as to the man's con dition. It follows: " , is about to die from ovefrcating. His hot springs will come later, when he ".'ill be kept constantly on the spttng from the heat, I Imagine. Whoever said h? was sick, though, went o the !ast degree of prevarication. If this lad croaks it's going to be from indi gestion or less of breath 'because there won't be any room in htm for breath at all. W are all well. We hope to be horns Christmas 1917." PAVING WILL ALL BE FINISHED FEW DAYS The paving on which the city has expended between $400,000 and $450, 000 will bo completed during the nejrt week or ten days, probably. There will have been .finished about 130 blocks, or between 10 and 11 miles of asphalted roadway, and something more thaa a score " of miles of paved s3dcwralkt Von EalUnhayn's Aviators Tell Him of Suffering of Refugee LONDON IS STI3LL BQPEFUl That Wallachian Armies May Escape From rap German Coinrriander H$s Laid for Them-Not a Big Capture Reported (By the United Press) London. Nov. 27. News from Ger man sources cauaed reriowa! at hope hero today that Roumaiila TWay ttftrl cate herself from the ptfiaftovn posi lien in which her WallacTilart 'fffrce have bsen placetl by Gtmoral Y0" Falkcnhayn's exceedlnarly brillian etrategical campaign. The fniXM b&-.-ds for such hope 48 the PttW lack tft all of'fhe Germitti official eperEi 4tt t.ny claims of laff c'aptttrei 0r oners or materials. If itha RouWfll an army 1st thtrt a'ciusatty trappto- B the encircling movemefitf aiduind 0 sova, It is regarded aV cettalhf- iitai raian reports would hirve. chroiK idea thQ nig capiures Dy now. Vod Falkenhayi) Mofle?.' j , By gARL W. ACKER"MJN", (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Headquarters of Central Votr FaTi kynhayiii train syhraniaii Alps Hw.r g7.-"OUr task is to teatrorthr RoU? manian jtmty, nd thtt wa r doing cs best we can." So. spoke General Von FalkenhajTj tody. 0is v brow$ were wffinkred hut his eyes sparkling as ho submitted to questions cm ming 1 hi3 victorious r6gf6Mf agai'ns, Roumanda. " ; rf'Our ftyer," he continued "report ilournattiah roads flocked wltSpo rtltni'(wagonSj fleeing f&hi JittW Wallachla toward the Alt' flvH Thfe is !the terrible art of the war, That soldiers should sttffer 1- Wat, hiit that women and little children should, lie put to such misery, thaF is torribk. But it was Rou-manla'l choice. Roumania played with fire tol hug. Now she is getting burned." Bucharest Admits Retlremchi , Bucharest, Nov. 27. ttetSretifent from thteeAH, and also from Topolos lightly eastward, wf the Roumanian miles is offlelally reported: ' Nature Aids Defehsc. Petrograd, Nov. 27. The retirlnsr Roumanian army in Western Wal- :chia is taking advantage of all nai. :al obstacles to resist Von Falken- hayn, it is said officially. Havirsg crossed the Danube ne-afr Sinimtia. he Teutons have placed observation jo.its on the river Vede, occupying po sitions between Valent and Ruse- . .tiStt- I':".' wade. Not Much Fighling In West. Berlin, "Nov. 27. A French at ari pt to foree an entrance in th soulhtm part of the St. Plerte-Taadt wood, without artillery preparation, was repulsed by Gorman machine gun fire, it is said officially; iftmor fighting only is In progress alonf tSe Somme. East of St. Mlhieli, French raid ajrainsf a German 1 post failed. . f i. I ill., I ' m i mm . " r LINES BEING (By the United Presi) Washington, Nov." 27. fhe 'fof erhment and railroad4 attornya idtiy marshdled material ior whsjl ii eel tin ed to he the greatest , mdurVial contest 14 ' leceni i-ears, th4 tei the Adaipaon eight-hour liw. At to'rney Oeriferal Gregory is il perian al cliatrge Tajr tSe BoVermnlht. Vie brotherhood officials from afte A fe'ie linei will ktep close tab "on lh4 rb ceedinff j. : DH FOR FIGHT BEffll THE SUPREME P?