Oil '!! . . . . ' " X . li iniJb The Weather ' -4 "'; V'. , y Today "Ntwi Today ' VOL. XVIIXNo,429 SECOND EDITION tflNSTON, N. O, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3 1916 rtrtTTn n a nrta rrnn v PRICE TWO CENTS IVUft X VUXO FIVR TENTS ON TRAINS i GERMANY ASKS LESS WITH. PEACE; STI CANNOT SECORE IT ,God on the Side of German ic Forces, the Chancellor Believes AMES TORN A DEAF EAR To Statements That Berlin is Willing for' Cessation Hostilities if She Can Preserve Her National .Entity. . T 4By th United Press) Berlin, Nov. 30. Ger many is ready for a peace " whiefiT guarantees its exist- ;. ence and future progress, "vbut since, its enemies arc iiot "desirous of peace Ger many' Will confidently con- , ,tinue the . war, ' declared the Chancellor in the Reich stag today in introducing a bill for a nation! auxilary service or "mobilization of civilians." 4 S said;"thi war continues with idoslroctivoL forces. Thus oun roe ' mies desire It. Our lines are unbrok en and a great change in events Is expected in Roumanla. God has hcdpod us and will holp us further." He said willingness .to make peace -v should give moral right to confidence - in arf ultimate. 3erman victory. GETTlSS PICTURES OK lEREALFOTSJOS uyt (LondoaV Nov, lOfcy Mall)-- Filming the Canadian "Tommies' .on me ....untune, is a wgeroua out jnxr ' ; eti a; -occupation, according to the ' aiaa-w1k has- turned thtrtnVr rHs'ed ihe kuHfojr months" the benefit of all ki ye of Canada ' " " (Canada's official 'plcfura .malcer w ,.t,u iynaui, I wr Castle,, H as Jut 4j.n publicly anriou.iced.'LArin'ed Witt i!.- bla-k box anjAnhotoirraBhic lens i . he hasjfeeon under, re, hundredq .of i 4 times, ; Pjctureswhlch -have thirilled ! , Canadiart ind --i4inertcaan0vler kvAlr J : '.ences and. lille-f the Angle-Canadian ,;., 'fiewapapers 'have $ti most eascs 'been" -4 maae wiwaeatn jurictng' uear, "v w. BbiCOl ivuvrn A4218 was a preea ortcapher Wore war, Je is halkd by his 1W jmii- - nallsts as a hero. like veteran war correspondents, Castle practiced for Job of filmlngCanada' nj' the Sormne by photogrsphio'WOric during 'the little klmishes.befoithe'jjrresit worldrar.' He fafled fire, with, his Jens In (the " .Chln&e revolution the s Balkan-tarkish war, theSouth. Afrl- can .war and the Tureo-Itallan' ttrou- ble. ;Wheai' the 'King and Queen r , tived - for, - Jhe -Indian DftotavOwtla ' fo-Jlm- the eeiremdn.es. I But these "were mere" trifles, compar ted wltB the Canadians''on the omme, -v- csu, has :toKf Fleet Street -cl- r r . 'n w United Press- v 3, V.&o.iingtooi Nov. 3p.Dranatical ly contrasting thff misery of.' Eurooaf and tlio peace and prosperity yt 'fhi r ., ' . - ; , , Unitpd states and praising ,th fori eim,: iltcy of .thft TresldenV bishop '..O'Connell of BichmondV today plead ed el oquently,. for1 humanity af the eighlh annual Pan-Amerlcaa nasi ty St t'atJck's church. Cardinal Cib fcons' rre 1 I. " ,' : ' WLIXE. . , .."!am TTaJ 1 as l i f' i- 1 c ar - i . 'i t' e con .. r . a,.,.;;;a ev " . 1 I .;:ire 1513 anj i lie wa3 i i-.'i t' e ar- 1 c ! , RUSSIA WILL. HAVE SilUROUIilANIANS IF THEY ARE SAID Slavs Pounding Hard to Make Teutons Slacken Grip on Allies FURTHER GERMAN GAINS Town Taken and Mountain Road Opened Up Hand- tO-hand Fighting in the Neighborhood of Ypres is Reported (By the United Press) f-.London, Nov. 30-The Allies are depending upon Russia to extricate Roumania from the German pincers. The Ctar is pounding the German po sitions In Southern Carpathians. He is expected to force Von Mackcnsen to slacken the presure on the Rouman fafiS. . ...' .' Rrman Gains. ' Berlin, Nov. 30. Campulang Rou mania is announced to have been captured by the Germans. The road across Toerseburg passVhas been op ened. Seventeen officers and twelve hundred prisoners were taken. Hand- to-hand fighting is reported from the West front at the Ypres bend. Fierce enemy attacks there have been repuls ed. English tosses This Month. London, Nc' C0-BngIand lost 18.G32 killed Jn the "war during No veMiber. The - wounded numbered i(05, while 6,920 are" missing. SAVE TROUBLE ALL tiMiTBYifittlNC OTPACKACENOW ' VCBy the UnUe5 .Press) "W!sshirigtont INoV., B0f)a your Chris trnias ailing( .early , and that ir.earis-i-do It ncVw . . v 1 ' ' v fearful of rushf business in the several iays eiore ijjristmas wnicn wfll, janjllthe stal ystem so that sum? mejj. wiu nssarny norxietayeu officials' today "came. 4o" bafc with "the atof 0 warning. -'!" f ' , v' tttflt, is absoltitely' orgent, said one, fthat mail- going -foreign i Voun- tptea get- awayat owe, if Christmas' dslivefies i are- hoped f.for'-JTh0 cen sorship 01 the,' belligerent countries' mpells -delay and ayerpeinries not at?-warv arc having trouble, witlr'aielr Vaft Jfe' ' 1''. ' h ;Ppstal ntpIoyeB; aia. looking' for ward ?,witn; dread 'to -the Christmas "parcei post "load, ! If , "those who ?us ally. Wait until" the last minute will onry- hurry 'up, 'nark y tha (package, Noji To' Be Opened Until Christmas, they.'wfll confor series, of joysV one fftth reclpie,nt andona each to -ever postal; employ, who- has 'to han dle' the' package. " ' " mmmm V1S0N SPP FULL DUT.flET HOLIDAY ;.' Washihlon Nti-? SO.-tftesident and Jars, yvneon are spending a mulet . . o.i.-f. ThanjfBgivmg. iney attended, a ser- kicf iu; uw -( rewji wiwf : suuren mis morslAg And1, took, aquto- yide this Tafternoon,- They will' havt this evep rng" With -families and relatives of bath.' At flight ney wlU atfend,vthft navy Relief BalL Jfrs; Wilson sent flowers 'to sick" friends. Miss Mar garet Wilson sang" at a' community celebration Thanksglvfng. C,n.aTAGECiUSES'! L'.E:scr? c?tiA:iY " :i jhtie, ' No' St), Jour hundred m;n were suspend at New JJan lum ler camp kera today becausoof the lox car' shorte. " Others are ex-" : ' 3 to'foifowsV. ;;"-;-. '-". SPECIAL" SERVICES IN CITY'S CHURCHES THANKSGIVING DAY Big Offerings Taken Early Morning Worship and Giv ing of Thanks in Chris tian Church Methodist Grateful Among the things thnt the congre- , Ration of Ouoen Street 'Methodist church had to be thankful for Thurs- day were these facts related by Pas tor II. A. Humble in his Thanksgiving sermon: Wednesday night the last cent or indebtedness on the handsome edifice was paid off; a debt of about $7,000 has been paid off during Mr. Humbic's pastorate of about three cars; 183 members have been tak en into the congregation in that time; around $2,000 has been contributed to missions this year.' The congrega tion in Queen Street church at 11 a. m. was about the number of the us ual Sunday morning congregation. A ccHection for the Methodist orphan atre at Raleigh brought the total from ihe church to that institution this year up to approximately $800. Sunrise Service at Christian Church. A number- availed themselves of tne opportunity to begin the Thanks giving Day aright by giving thanks and attended the sunrise service at the Gordon Street Christian church. Tastor Bernard P. Smith conducted ths meeting and those present join ed In giving testimony to the multi tude of thing for which they were pratcful. The spirit of the meeting wa partielarly good and there re sounded a tone of .sincerity tbrough vut the hour with which all present were impressed. ' In St, Mary's ' Episcopal church a special Thanksgiving service was hela at the morning hour, at which; '-a col Uction of $114 for the Thompson or phanage at Charlotte was reported. The rector, 'Rev. Jno. H. Griffith con-' ducted the service, which was sug gestivo of theoccaslon. throughout. Several other "churches in fte'ttfyi1 The latter. ihhide the'JPirs't Baptist, The paslor Seyi W,, Marshall Craigk will preach a special sermon t the service, ; j LANSING ARGUES TO ALLIESiTIlAT: THIS NAT'N : DISAPPROVES k. iV.v : the United Press Washington, Nov.v 80.trrOffic'lals be Iieve the Antes will follow, the advice in tne representations , ; oi w Ambassadors , hew and ;' Secretary Lansing .by; permitting,, Austrian. a4i. bassador Tarnowski safe -passage here.. Secretary. Lansing's note's- Iq Great Britain,' and Trance point out that tailure to grant a- safe. conduct will make a very bad lmpeasloot, a the public mind in America, tV, ? . . -.. ' M . BlUXTONS AND JOKES s FOUND GUILTY ASSAULT ' A Jury'ih the City Courtfte" Wednesday ; found Joe, Thad ' and Heber Braxton, and Harry Jones Pitt county men, guilty of assaulting wit deadly;weapons Lenr, Taylori ITtank Hay, Amos Dawson and J?aul Wooten in South Kinstoa Sunday night., All four men were cut, Taylor sustain ing a; Serious wound on the throat The . jury hel that the,, defendant went too far were the self-defense plea which they entered justified The indictment of the four Injured men for affray was ordered, and their trial set for December 8. . Pending the disposition, of the case against diem-Judge 'Woolen Is withholding the sentences in the cases' of the otn ers. r The Braxtotis and Jon ax under ball of $300 each, ;- ' THANKSGIVING A PRAYER. (Written for the United Press) Though we be Blind, still may we see Thy Handiwork and know Its worth ; Though we be Dumb, still may we speak Thy Word in Thought and Deed; Though we be Deaf, still may we hear Thy Voice and do Thy Bidding; Though w,e be Halt- still may we walk Thy Way nor go astray ; And though we see and hear and speak and walk as men, Still may we know these things as but of earth; of only passing need; And if these gifts be ours through Thee, It needs must be. that we can wrong no man. Almighty God, grant this be our Thanksgiving. TARHEEL TEACHERS GATHER A THOUSAND STRONG AT RALEIGH Thirty-third Annual - Con vention of Assembly Op ened Wednesday Night Business Sessions Thurs day and Friday Raleigh, . N. C, Nov. 30. With nearly 1,000 teachers already here and others arriving on every train, the S'.ird annual session of the Teachers' Assembly convened this af ternoon unci held the first general ses sion tonight when President Riddick, of the A, and M. College, welcomed the visitors and H. B. Smith, of Now Bern, responded. i' r ' A brilliant , musical program and and able address by D.r, W. C. Bagley, of the ( University of Illinois, were Mher features. 'tonighW preceding a reception at the G.oyernors .Mansion in Wnor.-of, the'.ieaclers, with ihe of ficers of the assembly and &tatfl offio- CT8. 1 nd rpnraHAittaHvns nfhft rhftrt- . p f commeijee awj Roman's, lub m tite rceervfng line, ' .At ,'the business ir)eet'ng ,'f!kU " af ' -.-, i - it'.' Wuoon President R. H. Wwffht, ap- pointed"'" as, a committee to nommste officers: for the next yeaf S. JL'rla--soft,' New JBemi Mrs. . J. A, Robinson j Durham; , "Miss Blarken-,L p, ,' Char lotte, J. S. Hy, .C.istiin.a, and Jf. JU TeagueStatesville-,"-.. r' 'y ? ' -Separata"1 business sessioB ' of . de partments of the assembly .begin to morrow and continue through Friday. DtY X' A-'''McGeachy Charlotte de: livers the "Thanksgiving sermpn at Soon-Thursday, " ' t - t THINGS THAT ' '. By GErX V - ' ' r' ' . ' . -s ifT M IKE,' THERE; S ,s.f X.- ' " i r NOTiiiN", like Ar Vv i.PR'f . Hi: . George Martin. THANKSGIVING FOR WTON IS BY SPIRIT THANKS Community Has a Lot to Be Grateful For Prosper! ty's Cornucopia Has Ov erflowed in City This Fall Thore was an almost entire sus pension of business here for Thanks- !;!ving. I-'ow if any of the manufact uring plants were operated, nearly all stores were closed; nd the "se rious" holiday was Icept about as scrupulously as could be. Kinston had more than ever to be thankful for; the city has experienced the greatest cotton-tobacco season in. Us rNot so many hunters went to the woods as in fOTmer years, indicating the growing, tendency Jto' eliminate thlS phas pf the day's "observances." In the .churches An -collections were taken -for onphanagea and other causes.' ' Fraternal order lodges in the cltjf send splendid offerings for the Orphans '':ftii old 'folks? homes" f ,.te vwlous'' orders ;ln,ths State.,,; Hoy Scouts on. Wediprosday.'collecled, a if f y aum- to used by United CbatjP.1 He In jocai telief1 Work".'' .VT Jo',n.J NEW YORK.TO.'UCirr 7- ? i -v rM i;y. :. New'.Yorki Ud--Sd,--New "fork's great sky-scrapera'will be brilliant ly'Slumlnated 'Saturday-night wheil Resident-;WiIon; heads- autotjro bile- parade Uiroughf Hho 'dowfitown section of the city after he has accept ed' on behalf of, the, jNatkm pev electric riood-Hgnting system ion tne , 1 :. . -',4 -( " :l .".,:' : m.' .A . Slabe'of Liberty ' -r, NEVER HAPPEN BYRNES CONGRESS TO SPEND LOT TIME LOWER COST LIVING Resolutions That May Be, Introduced Include Com plete Embargo BITTER FIGHTS AflEd) Solons May Try Make Spec ulators Dispose of 10 Per Cent- Foodstuffs on Hand Every Month, Reported (By the United Press) Washington, Nov. 30. Evidenco Is accumulating that. Congress will spend much time seeking a high cost of living panacea. Resolutions planned include an em bargo on all foodstuffs, a law compelling- those storing for speculation to dispose of ten per cent' of their holdings every thlnty days at pre. vailing prices and Investigation of the ont question "toy the Federal Board of Trade Commission or a joint Congressional Committee. Bitter fights are foreseen . ...i NEGRESS OFTEN HAD TROTECT HERSELF KILLS MAN AT LAST Oscar Holllna, a 'Macon, Ca., nogro, waj shot and killed jiy tlzzie Thon ps&n alsft" colored,; Who 'gives Au- camp in' the Southern, part of Lenoir county late "Wednesday- high U The woman was arrested and the Coro- ser'ic jury reriderod a verdict .that Jtlbllina' J came to 'hbt,. death' at her hand. " This morning p.' Smal al so from Agvlstai was 'arrested On ft charge of aidinof and abetting- t)t the critne.f Small Ts charged with, giving the woman the bullets : with which shq. EFFORTS EMPEROR'S klfW Holtlns and with, advising her l161 TA W 7OTk!" 4-' tosftoot tit r.'.,,,' - Ktlfe tailor shop, and 'r V ; Thursday "imornlhitf .Wile, question' Jbafiy injuring" a mart fiy Ceorglato ags, V la .both eases,- the- Said, she acted la s)elf defchsel yost before she shot Hollma Wednesday night," "she aa, sorted, ; be threabe ned to IttU her' with art axe. '- When ybe Jdrew thi' ax's on her7. she ared at him to scare bip" When hi seized 'fhe weapon and three more, uilet" weiacjiargdl!,wa"( cldentally..'' One ofthent fdund'its way to Hollins'1 heart ,The ,woma i an intelligentrtooking ' mulatto; She -Jived with Holllhs at the iroad camp, where she cooked for a sang of men.'. A 'lf-' ' ' '. VcaCVt When El. femall was turned ive to the police Thursday 'morning ho bad. Tevolver.-"' L. 'JIiJlJL,whlt,ar.re9t ed him, and brought, him hete. IE11 had nor search ed-the prison..? . $mbmwm -x- u y .BUSINESS IK ttS. Washington, Nov. JO-'Tha Thank8giving''ioccus fodayha' last Thorsdaj1 in ifovombet-i-ts a," liiumph old, fashioned -Aniferican sentiment and tradition over 'fbuslness.. f Merchants hi tnapy of the bl cy ies, foreseeing that the ' last Thurs day of the month', would make the, buying1 aeasffliT-Thanksgiving- ' id Christmas eve-' few days shorter than usual, sought tS have the Presi dent proclaim Ncember' 23, Thanhs, giving daylv Th. Jewelors JJoard of Tra3a dnNew York sent President Wilson a" communication askio it if or the earlier day. .4- . , V'J ferchants in other cities expressed themselves for the earlier day and sev- eral rhambers of .commerce ilopfe3. if ,er Thanksgiving rosolullons." ': r.'rim tradition triuirr-Vd. i WOUtD NOT LET OLD UNROYAL WIFE VIEW REMAINS Morganitic Love of Franz Not Allowed in the , Presence Corpse THE FUNERAL ELABORATE Rulers and Princes of Cen tral Powers Marched Be hind Body to Ancient Chapel Where it" Now Rests , , (By the United Press). London, Nov. 30. Emperor Fran , Josef today takes his place among the Hapsburg dead in the age-darkened chapel of the Capuchian- fathers in Vienna. Preparations for the. fun eral were completed wlth( all the, rs Hii "Show Jwid pomp f- Jfodiayal cus-... -v tome. ' In the" funerafproceaeion Were"",1 representatives of aft Austria' allies., ' Oio 'notable absentee wai tho-Em-,J po6r William, forced to' Wm te'J 5 V , Borlin owing to a severe 'cold, r " ' ' ' , German royalty 'was present, how c.qt, al-30 Czar Ferdinand of Bulgaria, , 4 . Crown Prince (lustav Adolph ot w ,V den and hundreds of other notables. 4' ' ' It was learned today thai vtsu ' ' Setoraat, the morganic wife of Frana r- Josef was not allowed to sea bia ' t body' after death. .The Emperor's - - will, left her a quarter, million 'dol t lars. w ' " I i WELL AS A GRKJ50NER . . . By Hamilton. ' ' " ,'fUnited Press Staff Correspondent) i New .York, Nov, 30. Fred Pollard,'- Ihe 'n?gno ' youth who chopped and hacked ta ttiecos every means' of de-. faijse that could be devised by Yale , ad Usrvard, and who-standa today . ' i 'one of 'the mfcst remarkable ioot- t' ; ' , InniomentswW Jhe Isn't humping 1 ", , a-way1, at his "aludiea ,. oVIiamintrins r u,7W7, i-ne iieiu lur "Brawn ,111 wuui. tne students ;.. youngster as a football player, in-the biggsr colleges, but. already 'ho has pulled a team, to chmpionqhtpv. classlflcnfion by , his own efforts, V -:' ) l , . "f- He chose Brown for his fame mere-" :thha '' diit ."several , oth? r unlvwi'.tlea, lifcluding, Dartmouth A - brother of Pollard's formafrly-'puyei football Parfmouth and Pollard's : inclinations wore first toward the JIaaover, N. H." &boe4,,.' '-!'"' ' -A'.'' "', NiAs V yindlqatlon it may be noted Q fit . brown, coaches knew nothing of Pollard's " football ablllty until . ho" j.a'jked 'permiss.ioii to try out one af trftd(n,'.:,'Ehoy "askEd him' If he ever played fo(ibalf and he informed them be had Joarned a few points about the game' in -"Chicago,' his bpme. He . was Riven a uniform, told to get busy, and . the res' is lrlstory. " i-, After- the Yale game Pollard was ac cflftlmed ; the;: most ' remarkable half back 'who' had opposed thaUlue t1 'i ' ill: " ; r (By tiJ c i ) 1 Amsterdam,' ' K)v. ri.C ; riowspapers aro , ing President , trallty" ia 'attc . .. marine warfare : h'i 'cour-n n't it :l n .' I

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