s ' PAGE TWOEDITORIAL THE KINSTON FREE PRESS TTDSESDAY, yoYEifBiB, m, im Thursday 'EvhWNovemiHy v I S THE DAILY FREE PRESS (United Pnu Telegraphic Report) BL GALT BRAXTON, Editor and Manager Published Erery Day Except Sunday by the Kington Free freta Co., Inc., Kins ton, N. J. SaWcription Rt Parable In Advance: One Week $ .10 One Month , Three Months $1.00 Six Months , One Year $4.00 .35 2.00 Entered at the postofflc at Kinston, North Carolina, as MWOM-ClMl matter under act of Confess, Marcn J, Wi'J NEW YORK OFFICE 38 Park Row, Mr. Ralph R. Mulligan, in sole char? of Eastern Department. Files ea The Free Press can be seen. WESTERN OFFICE In charge of Mr. C. J. Anderson MsrauetU Building, Chicago, where files of The Free rresa caa be seen. Subscribers are requested to notify, by Telephone 75, The rree Press of any lrrefjulnty or delivery or inat tention whatsoever on the part of the carriers. After Six P. M. subscribers are requested to call West ern Union and report failure to get the paper. A copy will be sent promptly, if complaint is made before Nin P. M., without coat to subscriber. THURSDAY EVENING, NOV EM HER 30, 1916 Thanksgiving pay) In all things give thanks. Pigskin Day and many a fallow will find his colors trailing In the ut when the smoke of the day's buttles have cleared away. to enjoy the pleasures of the day. But with all we are grateful. It could have been much worse. RED CROSS SEALS ON SALE. The annual sale of Red Cross sals, the proceeds from which go to the fund for wajrlni? war on the dreaded scouratfc, tuberculosis, bugins th firt of December. The health authorities are calling upon the people of the Stato to lend their hearty cooperation to the work. It is the worthy aim of Dr. MeBniyer, who is in charge of the anti-tuberculosis work in the State, 'hat every ham let, town, small and lare city throughout the length and breadth of the Old North State have a part in this matter this year. The Free Press hopes that the .-vi-ral drug stores which handle stationery und kindred supplies, will put on sale the seals this year and that the attention of the people will be directed to the Importance of the work of eradicating the disease to which so many North Caro. linians succumb each year. Kinston should have a part In this good cause and help send the messago of deliver ance everywhere. Many letters of Kinston postmark should bear the insignia (if the helping hand. TURKEY DEALERS IN PANIC IN NEW YORK HIGHER DEMURRAGE RATE IS AUTHORIZED New York, Nov. most remarkable food situations ever 29,-One of the! Washington, Nov. 2t).-As an emer gency measure to relieve me ueis"" i. . i.1 l..f,.L.lntn f im m p rrfl noted n connection with the Thanks- rLmmissioI1 today au,horized railroad giving season developed here today as (() ( s.a;jsh and maintain until May rosult of the unprecedented food- i. ,Hi. a new progressive demur- On one hand there was a rage scale, nigner mun 0 ,...... flat rate of U a day. We regret to note in the news dispatches that our con temporary, I he drewiville Ketleclor, 18 !n financial ittaighU and we hope that its troubles may be speed !y rectified anil its publication continued. The "high cost of living" is laying very heavily upon the ncw.pap"rs now anil unless there is relief from the oppressive pric es that prevail for raw materials, which enter into the making of the paper, there will be more receivership needed. The papers of the country, large and small, are facing the absolute necessity of increasing their prices to their 'readers and advertising patrons. I hey cannot begin to ask their patrons to pay Increases commensurate with the rises that have been made in their supplies but t Is essential that the public pay part of the increased cost at least. ONLY POWERFUL ft MEDICINE WILL END 1! It matters not whetheryoa have had agonizing pains from. rheuma tism for 20 years or distressing twitchings for SO weeks, fthiarha is strong enough and mighty nd pow erful . enough to drive rheumatic poi sons ffom our body and abolish all misery of money back. J. 'E. Hood & Co. and all 'druggists sell Rheum on a no-cure-no-pay ba sis fr not Wore than CO cents a bot tle, and after you take a half tea spoonful once a day for two days you should know that at last you have ob&ined a remedy that will conquer rheumatism. For over five years throughout Am ericn Rheuma has been prescribed by broad-minded physicians and has re leased thousands from gony, pnin and despair. adv. As health is a li.-st aid to beauty his story, told by Mildred Louise, eauty specialist, of Boston, Mass., s of unusual interest. ' .' can recommend no better health iver than tonollne," said Mildred Louise. "I was for many months a victim if stomach trouble and nervousness. ! had suffered terribly from pains hat followed eating. Headaches al io would adl to my worries. Poor di restion finally brought on nervous less. "Relief came, however, when I took he advice of several women who .aid, 'Take tonoline.' "Not long after I started the ton ilino (treatment, my patrons began o remind me of the improvement in ny condition. And because health is he quickest way to 4auty, the im provement was particularly notice able In my face. - "What tonollne really tjld for me I mnnoft say. I am so,-.grateful that I ungulsh, which may'-ibe .but the fruition of tho determi- im very willing to recommend tono- nation to turn the tables when next the opportunity is line publicly." . . i given. . ' i Tonolino is a purely vegetable pre paration which goes to the seat of common maladies stomach and kid ney trouble, catarrhal affections of the mucous membranes, liver ail ments and impurities of the blood and quickly restores proper action. Tonoline is being explained daily to mny people at E. B. Marston Drug from the European War." Man, ca- trams on December 8, 9, 10, 11 and j No,icAs tonoUne ,s a wonder. binet officers and other Important "mited returning until December; u shoud not be The Free Press would be ungrateful for a year abound ing in good things, If it failed on this good Thanksgiv ing Day to express its appreciation to its readers and friends for their patronage during the past year. In the The gougers,. who would take advantage of the times midst of the ta-ials'Bnd. vexations, which come in every 0 advanco prices en necessities of life beyond all reason activity of life and (because, perhaps It Is our "ox", wo will get tflpir lust deserts if the consumers In large roro- feel, lay more heavily on the poor scribe than on most portion come to Xo wise conclusion that they can leave any other mortal, we have much to be thankful for and off the least essential things and let the unscrupulous we do appreciate that the "tribulations" arc but InsiR- dealers suffer from loss on perishables. It must be kept nificant when put in the balanco with the blessings. n mind, however, that the retail merchant, at least many S of them, are not to blame for the inflation and the pub- Co-incidental with tho pronouncement of the words !ic should not bo too hasty to conclude that they should "man and wife" upon its keeper and his bride, tho lino- suffer. The Free Press does not advocate boycotts and type, that scapegoat on which so many of tho shortcom- it hopes that the movements toward that end in some of Ings of the trade are placed, refused to budge Wednes- the large cities of the country will not advance to the day and so Insistent was its desire to be relieved of its point of hurting tho merchants, who are endeavoring to t' ' I ' usual duties for tho day, that no effort of a combined forco supply their trade without asking cxhor"bltant prices and business and mechanical departments some with sug- who are not fixing charges without regard for the cost gestlons and others with only "sympathy" to offer, could but with tho eye single to what can be obtained because get the thing to move. Thanks to the loan of our morn- of unusual demand. ing contemporary's machine, we were enabled to 'bring out a delayed edition and tho timely arrival of a felloe Hero's to the winners of today's affrays on the grid- mechanic from a neighboring . city made it possible to iron of America. And may tho hurts of the vanquished tart the ."Number Eight" for Its task on Thanksgiving be rostricted to a few brulsas of body and ellgltt mental Day. That, task has not been porformed, however, with out having to call on a trlond .With a brazing machine, who had closed his place of ibuslness and gone to his home a prices, semi-panic among dealers in the Thanksgiving turkey market M a re-j suit of the public refusal to buy at he prices demanded, it was announced j ;iy J -se.ph HartK'an, Commissioner of Weights and Mea-ures. On the other j hand a call for a concerted public up-j rising against the high cost of living as issued here by Mayer Burns of Troy, president of the New York State Conference of Mayors, who ad-j vocated proclamations by tho gov-1 mors of all the states and mayors of . ill the cities of the country to be pun- J Ishod .broadcast and read in the .chools and churche, sating days for j series of Itoyeott.-; against high pi le-1 i d foods NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Tonoline Is Beauty Aid, Announces Specialist Mildred Louise Talk of Interest ot Women. Having qualfifcd as administrator of Ner.siy Moseley, deceased, late of L. noir county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims u.f.iiii-t the estate of said decased to thtm to the undersigned on hi Tore October L'0, 1!17, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their n em ery. All persona indebted to s;.id . state will please make immedi ate payment. This 2oth day of October, 1910. JOHN DOVE, A.im'nistratnr of N'orsey Moseley. SW-Oct 23, 11-1. 8, 15, 22, 29 GRAND Theatre Tues. Dec. 5 DE-RUE BROTHERS MINSTRELS Don't Miss The Big STREET PARADE At 12 O'Clock Seats on Sale Saturday 25 - 50 - 75 - $1.00 Can You Afford Any but a Titan Kerosene Engine? At present average prices for kerosene and gasoline, Titan kerosene engines save their owners about 1.1c. per horse power per hour over gasoline engines. Figure in this way. On an 8-horse engine the saving is 8.8c. an hour, 88c. in a 10-hour day, $98 in 100 days of work. Say that is all your engine does in a year. It would cost you $88 more than you need;to pay, to run an 8-horse gasoline engine one year. That is more than a third or the price of the engine. Can you afford to throw .way: $88 a, year? Can you afford even to think of buying a gasoline engine, when you can get Titan that runs on kerosene? Come in and let's talk this over. We have some interesting figures to show you Prices ilit j: t:rr:c c::j. II. H. GRAINGER, . N. C. F!RST NATIONAL BANK OF KINSTO Capital and Surplus $160,000 .- ., The depositors of this bank now outnumber by more thaa one an4 one half times the papulation of Kinston under the census of 189ft The deposits of this bank now exceed by more Ulan ten'tlmes air the bank deposits of the entire county of Lenoir, Including Kington and LaGriinj;e, in the year 1890. The above attest the growth of Kinston and the business interest of this section, as also the confidence of the public In this Institutioa. N. J. ROUSE, President D. F. WOOTEN, Cashier, DR. HENRY TULL, Vice-Preat J. J. B1ZZELL, Asst. Cashier T. W. HEATH, Teller W. L. Kennedy Dr. Henry Tull J. II. Canady IB DIRECTORS: J. F. Taylor H. H. McCoy S. H. Isler, N. J. Rouse, C'FWx Harrey, David Oettinger, H. E. Moseley SOUTHERN COMMERCIAL CONGRESS, NORFOLK, VA.. DEC. 11 TO 14. The themo ot the Congre-a will be "Tho Changed OutlooV and the "Ini ternatlonal Rocon. tructlon Resulting ! fr""1 H points on Us line, for Southern Commercial Secretaries As sociation. For this occasion the Atlantic Coast Line win sell excursion tickets ' to Norfolk at $4.85 from Kinston an-J at correspondingly . reduced fares all ' personages of national and; interna tional fame will be present, and Pres ident Wilson is expected, rj, Every Southerner should, lend a hand, at least by h t presence. fu im bibing and profitii g by what he will learn, in helping tlie nation, through this importanrconj-ress, In its efforts to bufld commercial relations with the Western Hemisphere, and other matters if equal importance which will bo discussed. Co-ordinating organizations which will meet at the s ime time are: Wo man's Auxiliary of tho Congress; tho House of Southern Governors, Amer ican Commission on Agricultural Organization; Natianal Association of Commissioners ol Agriculture and 13. Sleeping car reservations and fur ther Information may be obtained" from D. J. Ward, ticket agent, Kin ston, N. C. adv. SUBSCRIBE TO THE FREE PRESS taken by any one not wishing to in crease his weight ton pounds or more. Although many reports are received ff.-cm those who have been benefitted by tonoline in severe cases of stom ach trouble and nervous dyspepsia, chronic constipation, etc. Me BOX FREE FREE TASSCO COUPON THE TASSCO CO. Boston, Mass. Send me by return mall a jOc box of four wonderful ob esity treati ,cnt ,1 enclose 10c in silver or sta ftps to help pay postage anl picking. Ill I ' '' 11 m v . ' ' r ' . . , , , ii .in mi Horses and Mules of The Very Best Quality, Reasonable Prices, On Easy Terms - DRY GOODS. NOTIONS: GLOTHiNG, HATS. SHOES. AND ALL GRADES OF GROCERIES. HACKNEY WAGONS. TKQRNHILL WAGONS. CARTS, BUGGIES AND HARNESS, A complete line of Farm Implements, one and two-horse Plows, Disc Harrows, Stalk Cutters and everything you need on a farm. See Us Before You Buy COPELAND BROTHERS MIKE'"1 MESSENGER KIKE'S PATIENCE WAJ NOT REWARDED WALT If MM 2 Af) OO I'VE Oust Gotta ArtoNYMoOS LETTEft FROM rnc unv uiuji WflNT To MEET ME'-SHC am1 TO wait T TH' MONUMENT AW i:3o AN' 7b Wear A iaocp FLOWER J TflKiN' HER TIME ABouT WW HER. APPEARANCE - I Bin HEt?e two Hou?S AH" c,HP CflM'T HELP 5EEIN' PI& 60WR.OVVER I'M WEflKtN" 'aYffMMT- ttTrKi. rynwi mwgi fxyjH. Pleaded To 5E6- How Pai?e YbU SPEflK To ME ?-IVE Goop MfND To YOU ARRESTEP . n -7zr-m i o 'w I J II B m riit i TlI I 1 I V f . I it 9 -T A S ) nn u "M..':'".,Nn LJ n r( oUnn 1 GoSHi IM: "V A I S U I nil j r i jiimii i riin i n r x ah i . i a x.i v - - w n t I I V I If KB t --vJ IWK I IU I MUSI I V 1 V lv eat OR PRINK FOR. n J T ? ) L. Crw hours -t ndnor ' sDuwert r 5" t tV ,u i WHAT PETBlNS HtK r f- lSft k MoNUl ' Stti.'e . jwi f 1 I s. I-1

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