9 r nr. w ' fmT-mmi- s ' DAILY - PR -ThfeHimfti Taper PHI The Weather i Today Newt Today" VOL- XVIIL-No.l30 A FIRST EDITION KINSTON, N. C, FRIDAY, tECEMRER 1, 1916 0UR PAGES TODAY JfJgfflSrliiNS ' r ? VILLA MAY Bifflillif FACTOS TO jCAROLINA , DEFEATS RANKIN IS CHARGED RYAN WILL LOCATE ATHENS REFUSES G I V ilP ARMS -TO ALLIES ' , WITH INJUSTICE BY AT ASHEVILLE JUST m rmm ukwv with mmvu Innron OOTBAiL MR BE NEAR WASIIINCT'N CHIEFS OiEiS; PREPARES FOR FIGHTI'G SOUTH OF JUAIiip POST IN MT OLD DOMINION TEAM BIG AMERICANlny GATHERED EL PASO THANKSGIVING GAME WVL'M Fitting' Reported to Be In Progress Only Four Miles fther Side df Border Secret Service Men Ordered to FindStfThat Was Fate of Americans at Chihuahua City Said Not to Have Been Allowed to Leave With Oth er Foreigners Mexicans 'Fleeing' to United States Side in Belief the Tiger is Approaching Carranza Cavalry Hastening to Scene of Fighting Army Mobi lizing to Retake Northern Capital First Time in Many Years Chapel Hill Eleven Has Won Match 'Gross," Too, Not Just the GtNEMS DOWN AGGIES (V.y the United Press) Washinjrto:!, Nov. 1 William J. l'rvnn is movinc to Afshnvillo. N. I'.. Ordinary Kind Graham ; --reiv to be near Washington," he Does Nothing, Say (By the United Presa) El nPaso, Dec. 1. Firing began at daybreak four miles South of Juarez. Efforts to find the cause hw been unavailing. Carranza Cavalry was rushed to tlio scene. Natives, believing Villa is attacking, have fled to the American side of the International bridge. Secrett-Service men have been ordered to learn the fate of Americans and other foreigners known to have been inChihuhua City before it was captured by Villa Refugees today said the Americans were not allowed to escape with the rest. Carranza is massing an army at Juarez to -retake Chihuahua. ,. Pershing has twelve thousand regulars a hundred miles'South of the border and a hundred thousand mili tia and thirty 'thousand regulars are patrolling the border. Villa Slaughtered Many Chinese. (By Webb C. Miller) El Paso, Dec. 1. Tuesday, when Chihuahua City was captured Villa began the slaughtering of Chinese resi dent; four refugees here today told the United States authorities. More than fifty Chinese had been killed when they escaped, they said. One said he was the only member of apartyof 27 escaping. The others were the only sur vivors oi a second party of 3o. These reports of wanton slaughter' left -little 'hope for the six Americans known to hire been in the city. No information has been had regarding them. High officials today said, "we have little liopeun;less they fleditothe hills- A. &M. Played Better Came Than Expected Folger Hero of Game Mad Big Gains for Tarheel Machine CHAMPIONSHIP TANGLE r said Unlay. j o will maintain his local residence 1 in Nebraska. Ashcville is beautifully located, the limato is salubrous, and we havo ten h-ics mi a mountain top, calling thb ::.::iie 'Mount Calm,' he said. SOLD IEHS START A GIVING CAMPAIGN 1 TEXAS In Which They Would Be Recipients But Not Giv ersNovel But Nervy Idea Originates With the Troops EDWARD-WOOD VICTIM OWN -GON THANKSGIVING Hattiesburg, Miss., Nov. ::(). Ed ward Wood, 35, secretary oi i!ie Un ion Naval Stores Company of New Orleans, was killed near h re today when his shotgun was accidentally dis charged as he was board-:: a.'i au . c :a:)He. the load striking kini hi th V-nd. Mr. Wood was on a 'rrn'in-r ',, acompaiiied -by several local '.j :nr-s mi n. He was bo: n i i North 1 L.i-.-a'ina and was well known i'i na-. store circles of the South. : Richmond, Va.. Nov. DO. The Uni- v '::-ity of North Carolina eleven this af'ernoon defeated the University off Virginia team V to 0 for the first timo since K05, Folder dashing .r2 yards through the Virginia eleven for a touchdown and Captain Tandy kick ii'K goal. The game was won in the presence ;'f a crowd estimated at 14,000 and mposcd of the alumni and students an 1 tlie two universities, as well as ! :--cns promlnc'. in official r.nd social lit'-- through both North Carolina and V'iginia. Carolina was led in a snake i.-ace by its student band after thp -. me was thro,: -'i over the fie!:l and i: :-r in n: ar. h through the princi n i! streets of the city. j rem a ::'.)ljr ml notoati, tne T-nie left much to bo desired. Fol- ;' r'.s work was the outstanding fea- ;r . He was taken from the gamfl 1 :ring the latter part, of the final pr-iol ai a result of an injury and afisr he began showing effects of o.vrwcrk. Up to that time he had been the -principal ground-gainer for re vic'ors and had aid"d them ma- "ri.illy with his punting. CoJeman, t , , . t. i ,i l, ,o stweetfted mm, a:.-o puniuu wen ml ran riot through the Virginia ' Captain Tandy and Ramsay - ed excellently. Virginia displayed the poor form has manifested through the pre . season. i' & h. Defeats A. & M. iV-i.rh, N. .. Nov. ::o. Mixing :vi. J passes with ) U fashioned 'luc'iinjr, Washington nrl Lee to- d. rea'ed North Carolina A. & '!. L'l to 0. in the annua' Thanksgiv -r i;'on game here before a crowd ; -mated at 5.000. Simply Platter of Freezing Out Local,, Declare WILLIAM LONDON Would Leave Matter Up to rg piTJSBORO Kids, Accusation vs Golds-boro (.rrek COvermntnl 0sts French Officers From Public Olnces'and flakes Plans to Resist Landing of Troops at Port of Capital (Jravest Crisis Yet in Affairs of. Hellenic Nation Russians Conducting Vigorous Ofj fensive in Carpathians to Weaken Teuton Lines of Communication and Cause Consequent Slackening of Pressure on Roumanian Capital, But March to Bucha rest Continues Advices from Kaliljli Friday indicate thai Kinston msy "pos sibly" be allowed to participate in the Slate football finals, through Ihe intercession of local raen In that city temporarily. Should concessions be made which do not savor too much of a paVroiiizing spirit the locals will probably accept, it is understood. Claiming to be champion, of En st ern Carolina in the high school class,. (Special to The Free Press) Raleigh, Deo. 1. Cieu. . William I,..?-;! London. 71), died at hiir homo ;,i l'it!oro Thursday, following sev eral wixk (if declining health. He "'as a prominent Confederate veteran ami is aid ta have carried the last cider (or charge at Appomatox. He v.u commander of n veteran's bri gtide at the time of his death. Gen. London was a succesful busi nessman, a member of the Episcopal church and hn i extended family con n -r-tions. He is survived by his wife, f ur sons an.l a brother, Maj. H. A. ..ite :.- -ulations or no State regu'.a- j l otion ct J'tttsnoro. viS the l'cal High School football, am and the thorities Thur S. cT N. C. star, hut he, they as f, "refu.s.l pointblank to enterain haul la'.i their ease iti the altercation d the Co -ibnro highs 'ef'-re the si protest. An ;ii);.ral to President Graham, of ; lr:i v-e-sity, signed by 'Z2 alumni the institution, in which it was tte t tnat tne locals naa naa no warning that they were to play Goldsimro until formally instruct av.-hc.-itits sny, they protested, pre- j ' I to repair mere for the protested foi-mw to stse-e the match on "neu-! game, brought "no satisfaction." The This game, they say. si p-iblic. The Kir.ston and Golds- t :, Highs have plnvel two games .- .ison, one resulting in a victory. the locals and One for the eleven - ' I he neighboring town. When in- t art: ! a few days ago to play a ! rd game in Goldaboro, the Kinston :-s 01 T e, m : !y or lr. Graham contained, It Is :!ared. an ndmlssion "that he rea el thai injustice had been done." -. it is said, secured a conference, Iiich 'resulted in complete failure." - Goldfboro superintendent, princi ! and font!;:, team nil being pre : aid all refusing flatly to play charge of the State arywhere, holding that the game ral ground, .ild have been the lo.-nVs first in the I'lirriiiiarics for the ft ate chan ii :.!,;; match nt 'Chapfl Hill, in 'hieh the Kinston eleven hoped to be Th-y cite rule 7 of the state regu- ;.;;,- . :-;;f for a consultation of !i ai- and co.: of :'e iatelv h the different managers; iiids frrfeited to them," Kinston's 'arranee the games '- '--vert having failel to show up for -.imp ordered, set for several days imnionship series Xovembci- 20. immed- The re .. . i clOSO- igo. I I ltREE COUPLES ARE MARRIED ONE TIME. Zi'mlon, Xo'l. "0 TTnere was a r'rle wedding here last night 'vhen Mi---s Aurelia Brantley and 15. W. Brantley, Miss Irene Pate and Mr Percy Davis and Miss 'Bessie itigiMs words. Ed.) to -'and Mr. Mark Wall were mar i d by (By A. T. NUT.) Ft. Bliss, El Paso, Tex., Nov. 25. I take my pen in hand (Look here, fellow, you'll have to use a type writer, or else illustrate your dope Suggfst pictures like would decorate a copy-book in an aborignal Indian child's strap, struck here and there over the tedious ell aibout the latest philanthropic,,!. M. Whitley, a justice of the pence. movement originating in the border I The couples will spend their h : y- Army. We have started a Christmas ' nnon in the Nort hand will be g me . i giving campaign. That is, we are not : several weeks. going to give much, but -we are heart ily responsive when it comes to re ceiving. All the old hens and chick ens, pastors and proprietors of cloth ing emporiums in the small towns up North are, according to the village papers, getting ready to ship lots of things here-for Christmas presents fcr the boys. Now a lot of we Tar heel gays arex going to 'be left out in the' cold if somebody ' don't do something, go we Have decided to do it How do you suppose we'll feel with the others ones running around with tEeir doll babies and candy and Santa Claus having Neglected us? Some of these lads -here won't get anything' at all Christmas. I'm sat isfied of that. So, you folks get to gether a little junk particularly"' for the outcasts. Don't make it Indis criminate. Eliminate those who have homes' and stand indwell in them. There ' wont ' t Vny 'jealousy wBen It come to the parceling out, be use the lucky nes"re Arise to' this and hav got the right spirit. It gets jjortyottibls loneaome ""'ken tl' blowing cold from up above Texas, and Chrirtihaj is the worst time in the year to pick to get the 'Mues. No need to tend eats her. Newton D. Baker "ind Gen. Funaton v a- With a season's rec ird fur superior that cf A. & M. the victory of ton and L.e ;.y no means r i-'pci up to expectations and the , e.f -he Virginian - did not stand a- prominently a; A. & M.'s pis v. It was forward na-.-es nnd two .:... kc i pants that ena!ii' 1 the Gen eral t i go' within s'rikiitg distance of ;. '. their touchdown , but dur ir : : majo: ity of tbt g-ini- they were hold aa hrv by the Careiitdans. Thanksgiving 0; Van- '..t'crius to that. And they ce: i ;''.) r.re not going to allow any of tho ''remerrfbered" to trot bout in lintn collars and cuffs and spotted nc.-kt Sometbody get up something o ig . 1 Send, "say, mouth organs, pocket knives, qunrter fountain pens and ether such goods a la Captain Coj'k- i and-Fiji islanders. There is little news here except , that some of the lads are drawing j mere oay as the result of promotion:, j that we recently turned out the guard and the whole outit for a Republican ccreressman and that the work con tinues unabated. No one here expect : to get heme before Spring. We have been var.-itiatei again, with samething ' ne w. We have had everything ex-; cpt hog cholera serum and 3ieeprng pewders administered to us, and still we manage to stay well. The doc tors are in the experimental stags, so to "speak. ''Oar morals are very good, because about one trip to El P3S0 takes al Ithe life out of a man's purse snti out of him, too, if he dissipates. We get paid onJy once a month. Wine, woman -and song for a day, if desired, "with 10 dy "extra" fol lowing, and no money for 30 days. Oil er Games. (Vhe- re-ults of r, ir::- were: t N'a-hvillc: Sewatne, 1 Vlt. 0. K-iowille: Tenn., 0; Kentucky, s-..ie. n. At Charlotte: Davidson, r!3; Clem- , n, d. At Birmingham. Ala.: Univ. of i'-orgia 2; Univ. of Alabama, 0. At Atlanta: Georgia Tech., 33; Au- ,:trn, 7. At Roanoke, Va.: V. P. I., 23; V. M. I., 14. At Philadelphia; Penna., 23; Cor- a:!l. 3. At Washington: Georgetown, 41; C. orgs Washington. 7. At New York: Fordham, 14; Villa Nova, 7. At Baltimore: John's Hopkins, 0; Maryland State College, 54. At Lincoln, Neb.: Notre Dame, 20; Nebraska, 0. At LawTenee, Kas. Missouri, 13; Kansas," 0. At Lexington, Ky.: Transylvania, 13; University of Louisville, 0. At Littleburg: Unlvtrslty of Pitts burg, 31; Peon State, 0. At New York: Rutgers, 9; Washing ton and Jefferson, 12. At Providence, R. I.: Brown, 0; Colgate, 28, l-l-.1V e i ecm-vi.-' ivalkf 1 'i -!2 0 for" Mr. -ta'". v rcary 1 F .-v. : s.:m a l..i. ( ... ; f this -rule were aided," according to the ev.;, charging Secretary "eaoss injustice in this The record of the Km which among other ac 1 in its victorious :-,e.a-on the Raleigh High-', Slate pinr-'cxtion offered the Kinston ret''' that the matter be submit i the Galdr-'iofo high school stu- )-,dy was declined by the local .: who claim It is not a mat- for "children" to decide. Presi t Ctrdiam ha': been a-lvi.ed of this ino-her formal protest, ii is stat- hr?e yews, to the tune i. lmi "no to the present there has be n no .:'i:aver received" from him "c'-iirrrniiuv the pr':lc.,t." From ad vice; that Cfildsboro and ChapeMIill- nkin, according to F.i isha Ki-h: Kt-h.-ids will s.lay Saturday fo- m ivate secretary to Con- '1' Ka tet o charriouah'p the locals Kt'chin, and Reyr"M Al- i' 'w ih.-U thcty ha-e bi on eliniiaai - 1 of tho locals and a f-..-rner process outlined. hi-.- been formally i.iH lit . llaakin in duo tieit. they k 'iiaest was made to Soe- WVTi By th'E DVRNES 12a thu. r v ''J OH PLEASE 1 - , ROCK THE . -ZT itcAt! OH M1uT - j f' (1 (By the United Press) -. -. Athens, Doc. 1. The Government today called to the colors all reserve officers of the Athens army Corps. , Athens, Dec. 1. Kinp; Cor.sUmtine and the Greek-government 1ms advised Vice Admiral Dufournet that' they have defmitely decided not to surrender Greek arms as the Alilies demanded. Strong; Russian Offensive. - - Petroj?rad, Dec. 1. The Russians have started a vig "rous offensive on the entire Carpathian front. -The movement is the strongest possible, dispatches say- The offensive is plainly designed to relieve 'the pres .su re by German troops on Bucharest by attacking lines of communication. Derlin ?tntements for two days past i'Ml.icated-an offensive in this section by the Russians. Greek Crisis Grave. London. Dec. 1. -Flat refund of Greece to disarm in response to the Allied demands has broughtion b new crisis in the Gvvk situat:o i. The refusal cameon the last day set by Dufournot in demanding the surrender of arms and munitions by December 15. "Athens dispatches today said Dufournet, anticipating refusal has beenpreparing-to land Allied troops t Piraeus, the Athens port. Greece apparently is f!repav;iig resistance. She has oust ed the French officers in charge of the telegraph and post offices. ; -.' . Utilgar Advance Continues. " ; Sofia, Dec. 1 The Bulgarian advance on -the 3pad to Bucharest from Giurgiii ct nMnues, it is officially said. The Roumanians have been defeated with heavy losses in , i-ayonet fighting. Von Mackensen Continues B larch. v' Tierlin- Dec. 1. Von M-cnsen's army is continuing :!s progress Northward iv.rr. tho Danube towards Buch aest, and is now approaching the course of the Argesul river. Rioting at Athens. London, Dec. 1. Slight outbreaks of rioting in the greets of Athens is reported. The firing of several shots, v.ith apparently no casualties, is reported -in dispatches. Ouiet was restored- Admivrd Fournet is expected to land s'Tong detachments of Allies from the Allied transports there. Russians Attack Constantly. Vienna, Dec. 1. Great :r-?:-: -.?: of Russians are attack ing constantly to relieved l-'ie harrassed Roumanians, it is said officially. The Roumanians are struggling bit terly. The encodes' gains h: ; ;:vs the war office. Ihitish Successes in Africa. London, Dec. 1. Entr c points Houtli of Arnipntie - ' A large German iorre i i been raptured, and redu-vd treating, Commandei'-in-i -hU. f can forces today reported. !'trograd Claims Gains Petrograd, Dec. 1. Th pathians Southward of K i cess, it is stated official I v. T the whole range of heiglii- -v; beci German lines at several : officially reported. :e-man East Africa has . my detachments are re-t-'mutz of the South Afri- WANT TO MAKE PAVING FULLY WORTH M0N ANt fflYtN NO Heeo to the lAOi'i wuev "Sof Ttt THt VlUAC idiot fee A Moi-k of sidewalk paving in North vest. Kinston is beitifr taken up hecan.se it did not l:ok quite good e:io;ij;h to the enffaieers. "The con tt actors are doing- everything they can" to help the new paving in the city com. up to the standard desired hy the engineer J. The block in que.-tii.n was put down under canva in a hard, rain; the water leaked thi- uirh and dripped pff helves and wa3 in "lightly "faulty condition thro:jrh no bad workmanship." Other blocks are to be treated over. City officials are understood to have made no protest. GOLDSBORO HIGnS AND . ', DONALDSON PLAY TIE FaystUville, Nov. 301 Donaldoo Military School and Goldsboro high school fought t a ,12 ta 12 tie Tiere today after Goldsboro had scored tlx point In the first peri94 - v.!'--ian o Tens''. "o in the Car :;'a is proceeding with suc i !; a Russian? have occupied 'ounuir.o; the city. SKELETON IN CLOSET OF OUR PROSPERITY "There i-t a skeleton in the cloaet of our pro peri'y; we cannot help seeing it whr.-n the door is ajar," read Rev. M-i TI. Griffiih, rector of St. Mary'a Episcopal t-hurch, from a chunph pub lication at tho Thanksgiving service n his church. "Our total profija mads i-jt of the war are conservatively reckoned to be 2-4,4000,000,000; our total war charity amounts 0 $34, 000,000. America has given 12,0 0, 300 for t'aa relief of Belgium, England and France have sent to this -country $238,000,000 to buy food and' clothes fcr Belgium; out of this charity jf.nd, contributed Ty'thes irar-ctridten na tions, America has made a profit of over 547,000,000. -Out of Belgium' necessity, therefore, We - lav4 riade. In profit, four times what Vo have eonfribut! "to r.cr TieJ. The less sakt ahotit that kind of rro-;erl:y t'..ol .-. . - , r.