A1LY The Home Paper , Fair onlght' 1 Today's ,Nw Today V VOL. XVIIL-No. 131 FIRST EDITION KINSTON.N.O, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2t 1916 FOUR PAGES TQDiAY PRICE TWO CENTS ' ' FIVJB CENTS ON T1UD.S , Ei TRADE COMMISSION C01RESSIIEN FLOCK PROF. A. T. ALLEN GREEKS AND ALLIED TROOPS CUSH WHEN-- MEIICfl IN DESPERA ATE PLIGHT; JUAREZ MAY BE NEXT PLACE TO FALL TO VILLA IGES LEGISLATION TO WASHINGTON FOR HEADS PEDAGOGUES FORCES ARE POURED INTO NEIGHBORHOOD i ,: ...... . . IHALF EXPORTERS SESSION'S OPENING NEXT FISCAL YEAR ATHENS ENFORCE DISARMAMENT ORDER : i i i ...'.,.' m M ..j.1 i D CARRANZA LEADERS i NORTHERN PARI Bandit Chieftain Whose Life Wap Sought By Pershing's Expedition. Few Months, Am Likely to Attack Mexi can Twin of El Paso, Where Great American Army is Gathered Garrison Prepared to Get Out Carranzist as Scattered and Disorganized Horrible Fighting at Chihuahua But No' Slaughter of Foreigners Except Two Chinese, Said All Americans Reported to Have Left the City By (Webb C. Miller) El Paso, Dec- 2. The situation fo rthe Carranza gov ernment in Northern Mexico is "desperate" following the capture of Chihuahua City by Villa, Gen. Gonzales, the Carranza commander at Juarez, admitted today. With theii" disorganized forces scattered over the state of Chi huahua Carranza leaders are awaiting Villa's next move. It is reported they were preparing to evacuate the city of Juarez two dajs ago. Military officials believe Villa will move westward along the Mexican North-West railway to reorganize his own forces. il W ON ST Mil BASIS Are 180 Systems Connect ed With the Educa- tional Department in North Carolina, President T hi ICJlS ASSemDiy Raieigh, n. c, Nov. 30. in his an- nual address to the North Carolina WRIGHT WOULD HAVE m Teachers' Asembly tonight, President II. H. WrLght declared that in reality North Carolhfc has no' public school system, hut really 180 different iy-'l. tonis with the State Department of Education as the. nominal head, hav ing no authority over the greater part of the workers. Tft Legislature, he i insisted, must pass an enabling act and standardize the teaching and ' bring into unification and co-ordina- , tion the rural and city graded schools. He advocated the appointment by the Legislature of a special commission of capable educators to spend two f years investigating North Carolina ed ucational conditions and needs, re porting to the subsequent Legislature in order tha there may be rally in telligent legislation. Dr. T. H. Briggs, of Columbia Uni versity, deiiyertd an address on edu cational progress in North Carolina and factors for further development. Dr. W. P. Dykema, of the Universi ty of Wiscansta 4eliX.ere4 a), address on "M,usic for" Every Man," and clos ed the evening with the presentation in hapfx vift tf lfcfc.SMte Lpving Cup, offered by Professor Shirley, dean of music in Salem Academy & College, for the ,best musical compo sition each year by a North Carolin ian. The winner for the first year is Prof. Gustav Hagedorn, of Raleigh, his composition being "Dark Was the Night." "The Chrysalis of; Character" was the theme of the Thanksgiving mes sage to the North Carolina Teachers' Assembly today by Rev. A. A. Mc Geachy, D. D., of Charlotte, in deliver ing the annual sermon to the teach ers of the State. The text Was Luke 1K56 "What Manner of Child Shall, This Be?" - AUSTRIAN GOVERNOR OF SERM KILLED London, Dec. 1. Sixty-six person, iajorlty of them soldiers, " have keen killed in araifway -wreck at Herczechalen. The injured number ed 150, 0 of them beingr bart se riously. Lud wig Von ThaHoczy, a ml known member 6f th AHrian diplo waMe corps, and the governor of SeK bia were among those killed. ROT GUILTY, JURH VERDICT IN CASE 1 WATSON AT AUliUSTA (By the United Press) Augusta, Ga., Dec. 1. Thomas E. Watson was this afternoon found not guilty 'of sending obscene matter i through the mails. tt w,oa nrncoifprl nn tha charge, that his magazines, Watsons ana the Jetterson- lan, WniCn atiaCKea l,aWO- j lies Were Unfit matter f 01 the mails. j r . 'mrTiCf V lUhNfcl .ANDiKzvri IN -CHARGE fEDERU A. Washing: or, Do:. 1. Di'-:e ;-ncy Atulcreeon at Boston, it Ac toni-elu at the l)f.pa-tm - r.t j f Ju.'tk-e, has been I'a-ced in charge ." tl"' Feiiil givernmar'.' i ' ee?'.'fe.it::n in order to co-or li!::i c, he inquiries in pi cferess i Br : v, i.'.w Yrtk, Brooklyn, Chicag- and i ct.isr principal marktfs. All special agents of tho depart . .i ::. throughout ihe coy n try V.r.vi : en instructed hy th'j Attc. ;k y-Geti-c 'ai to ooperalp with Fadoral at- e-oys in investigating food cost in creases. REPORTED ATRNEV GENERAL ILL QUIT THE CABINE' (By the United P-mssl Washington, Dec. 2. All high of ficial comment is witheld regarding imports that Attorney-General Greg I o y vill resign. Close friends of the cabinet officer declared they wduld "not be surprised. " Mr. Gregory is new at hi? home in Texas. It is re ported that Grogory yil return to piivate practice, but of rumors his resignation have been denied. NO CONVICTION OF DUPLIN NIGHT RIDERS Warsaw, N. C, Nov. 30. In Du plin Superior Court at Kenansville parties charged with conspiracy for "night riding" In Duplin were found not. guilty, the State falling to make out a case, and Judge Devin ordered a verdict of not guiKy. Some defend ants pleaded guilty to violation of the stock law statute and were fined $50 and cost with prayer for judgment i continued. . . "- i f SOlr! ! Would Let Them Combine to Compete With Com petition by Foreigners BUSINESS IS SUFFERING: s Result of Restrictions, Report Says Other Na tions Have Marked Ad vantage Over Commerce of America (By Ihe United Pro-;) WVnington, Dec. 2. Legislation "rmi'l.;jr Ame: ican exporters to ' :n'in.' to obtain export trade Is ur '.' :ly recommended by the Federal "rvd Commission in an exhaustive ' -:ort on the Foreig Trade situation, world-wide investigation is showed. Reasons given are, first, "other na i ns' m i:k-d advantage because of v.ivi organizations," second, fear :1 u !e.'-al Restrictions will prevent ttTifan-! i)"fl.!!nfr onual'y ;ffcc1 i organizations for over-sea busi i Ar.nican foreign tvadc is suf a" p. consequence of these con ditions. WITH CONGFLSI RECORD Washington, Doc. 1. Speaker ("irk siid today that if Congress wanted to clean the legislative slato j m l go home next March fourth he ve mld gladly join in a movement to . . i ' ir.nate i:eles;; oratory liy cutting '.r gallery spac? ar.il abolishing l ie Congressional Record, and to in : ' odi'ce voting machines. "!t i-'it difficult to see that the gal !. : - ami the Record cause an awful - cf time and money," the Speak- d" -hired. "Anytime the gallerie3 fall ,'he orators on the floor are ; .-in-'; and wasting time. And evil- y knr-ws there are any number i ')! rf.smnn who talk for th" Ke- reat deal more than is nec- i" -sa: y. FOOT) UP IN COLD CELL, TO BRING SUIT "rinse) for C. R. Fields, white, a T no1'- a unty man, stat's that suit. '!! iie ioeught against one or more .' 'en'l.i'il ' rot ynt dete' mined, for '" -rcent incarceration of Fields in t'v city jail as a place nrfittsd for aV' .ntian of prisoners. Field's com airted f r intoxication, svfferod se-"- aely f:.arn cold, it is charged. There ' '- v.o s!-:!'Wt"y means of heating the .alia. The "jail" is the most unique : Nr-rth Carolina, probably. It is , ei st. -i' vied ef wood, is full of cracks, a id the 1,-st, if not. tho only, bed in h place U the floor. Fields told '.; p dice tli.it he had rathe- be chain- 1 ta atake on the neighboring ?-'.mh.iu.-e Iot m. Whether the city or i a--rl. r of the police force will be a imrd in the complaint has not been .:, - ii 1. mmm with robbing THE STEPHENSON STORE A clerk ?sleepin?r in the J. M. S'ephenson's outfitting establish raeat near Monument corner, awoke a ." a. m. Saturday to find Henry C een, of 303 North street, a negro farmerly employed in the place, ran 'aokin'r the desk in the office. Green, Vaidiy frightened, complied with an order to turn on a light and faced a volver. A policeman called for him r.-hen the station a few doorS below the 3tore was -notified. The manage ment of the store informed the police that a number f expensive garments rr.iht be missing and that a syste matic 'robbery of the place had prob ably been tn progress. Doors were found open on a recent night after the closing hour. Green had a key. 17 Senators Winding-up Terms Capitol Given a Cleaning Will Miss Ran kin Be 'Lady' From Mon tana ? (By the United Press) Vv'.i hington, Doc. 2. iFive 'ill 'ncmbnrs of Congee-;?, hun w,ih !) uir wake, s of camp follower! in their invaded Washington today sivgly and by groups to take up th' Im.dness of the nation at noon Mon day. I Iowntown hotels wero fdled to ca- ' i.ity with tho law-makers, their helper; and the usual gallery attracted liy tiho glamours of an opening ses " (T (V;r .r: esi. featured 'by a por iia'ly delivered message feom the i:"'-;ideiit. i The Capitol is newly washed and rivate 1 t! receive tho memb:rs. W-1-.'i'iigton, used to being a news centre for legislative and political n v;. brightened up at the prospect C a 1 lively, if short session between : -n ."liy, and March 4, when will sound the swan sonjr of the sixty " , rib Congress. While many eider Kprewntatives a.nd Senators in the confidence of :Vir rfficc had est 'iblished .perma- ' jti1 n t homes here, and were able to go at cr.co tn their domiciles, others,! dependant on hotels for aceomoda-, C-n, scrambled Idth the ordinary public rooms, and the attendant Uwee-a-day. , .-ie-.ca tin.' close cf the memcralile " - sion last Summer, climaxed by the iv. ie go of the Adamson eight-hour ' lev, tihe Capital's legislative bulld- r had teen inhrJ'oited .principally ' a mice end e'e ks. busy- here while t'-e members bock home rebuilt polit ical office buildings, the chief activity had been the swishing of painters' brushes. In the Capitol, the Su- Supremo Sourt was the only active agent except ihe Capitof guides. Seventeen Senators are attending their las! ''ion. W. F. Kirby, named to (ill the unexpired term of !h? lata S.-na'ca Clarke of A-kamas, w.3 esprrti"' t 1 he about the only now novice in the Senate until March 5. F.ulogo s ( f Senator Clarke, who died 'uring th -''as;, were exacted t be apirt iff the Senate business to morrow or next day. Miss Jcanette Rankin, Represent iive-:!eet frrm Montana to succeed Ren. Tom t't cat, was the subject of much discussion. She is not here, as he- form will nu begin until next "sslrtn but members could not wait. They d such of them as will c.atio back the proopsct of getting along for two years with the first weman ever elected to Congress 1 TI1IHGS THAT By GENE LUNCH WA60H DOWM rr a THE STREET- I WANT ) gST you TO SEND ME TftREE TTER fURKiNS OF THE VERY ) - , . . . ( l&Oi FINEST BUTTER; A L50 -1 K?xrz -"TTTl ! . V5 TWO CASES or THE C V ' V " v h i liltt! - 'ii j'--f - I I " - , .-. :.-,. - I " " ' " T Salisbury Man Elected Pres ident Teachers' Assembly Address by Governor Brumbaugh, Penn. Edu cator Raleigh, IW. 1. The North Caro :na Teachers Assembly closed to night wiih a splendid address by Governor Martin G. Brumbaugh, of Inivoylvmiiii. Theire were to have -'ten greetings by Govornor-elect Dk-kett and also an address by Gov ernor Crai'f as features of a "Gov-re-:ior's Night" prcgrammo, but Mr. '5'ekett found it impossible to fill the ; tgagnm.nt and Governor Craig was lic'.ained out of thi? city, and sent a letter of rfgrets and greetings that was read Instead. Governor Brumbaugh was introduc ed by Lio'.itenant-Governor-elect CJirdner, who paid high tribute to the teachers' profession and to the dls- neeuished speaker, who won his spurs ei Pennsylvania as a teacher. Tho As-suiraly voted this afternoon to materially change the proposed V!1 for State certification of all first rr in toachei s and then decided to ! ive a special committee of five to al'i an entirely new bill. in a general business session to day, the Teachers' Assembly advanc . 1 Prof. A .T. Allen, cf Salisbury, from vice-president to president and e' acted Feof. N. W. Walker, of Chap 1 Hill, vice-president. (E. A. Sams, the State Depsrtment of Educa i n, was re-elected secretary-treasurer and D. F. Giles, of Raleigh, and, .". D. Everett, of WaynesviJle, were e'l.ctcd to the State executive com- mittee. BULLETINS CIVILIAN SERVICE BILL PASSED- Amsterdam, Dec, 1. Reichstag today passed tj second readlng tho bill for compulsory civilian icrvfee, say advices. Only slight alterations! were made from (he original 'vill, KitU M AM A NS DESTROY STORKS. London, Dec. 1. The Rou manians are destroying vast quantities of grain and oil, says a Reuirrs dispatch. I viihaut. making any breaks. One question a i yet. undecided is whether she will be called the "Lady from ?v! on tan a," and Ilep. Stout, whom she succeeds faced incidontally the haxd e?t assignment of all alibing him self for defeat by a woman. NEVER HAPPEN BYRNES V . ' I-' . ''.. I .-...' 1 -. -,. .is-.'.y,,' ""i While Venizclos Revolutionists aye Fighting on Side En tente Powers Indications Are Royal Government Will Be at War Against Allies in Few Hours Important ... Engagemeiits Between Foreigne Soldiers and Greek Reservists Reported Dufournet Gives Constantine an" Additional Day to Consider Determined to Resist Forcible Seizure Arms, Believed Heighth of the Cri sis at Hand (liy the United Press) ; London, Dec. 2. An armistice has been affected be tween the allied troops and the Greek resryists at Athens, A Renter dispatch from the Greek capital says the King has agreed upon the delivery of six mountain batteriea, to the Allies in return, it is said the Allies agree-to withdraw troops from the city pendingreference of the agreepet to the Allied Government's armistice apparntly obviates an immediate crisis. POLICE" 'TAKE CHILD" it ER Couple Had Slept in Leaves and on Platform Carrie May Onl'wby Now lias a Cood Home and a Tempo rary Gssd Snmisrlian Foster Fath er All Dolled Up, Joo. Carrl. May 0:T!e;,'iy, ID, n.etty nnd attractive and very we'd -m ume red, Is . btintr kept at the heme ef Chief of Police Skineor, who re.! uses to let ha chill be returned n hai ir other, Yi s. Olivia O'r'eeeJjy, a iomoies- m'd- ije-aged warr.'ir. of 'Ve rliy. ?Ioto"- eyaie ouat man , a. u r uam.ivon took tho child from the mother and '.ar.:;! bar to Ma police cilice, where ; seeno that tnovod tho oiRsers pre-.-tcit fallQwed tho arrival .of the wo rinn -jur. bchin-.I Hamilton and tho htld. Tho girl consenl'sd to the sep aticn but wept, bitterly over it; the woman left the 'station crying. According to the ipolice, Mrs. Og- !a iby is penniloas and practically friendless. She is shabbily dressed and owing to her ill-nourished eon- litien has no onergy to seek work 'ho officers believe. The little girl 1 Chief Skinner that the couple ejured food S3 best t'n.y could and dept under any shells.- that present- ,i e none at all. On recent bitter 'old nights they slofit on a railroad ilatform; under the projecting bank of N.use river cu the rehore in South- vest KinsLcn, In a bed of leaves and awdu.-il from a lumber mill, with no covering, and in ofhe exposed plac n. Frequently they went, hungry. Sometime-? sympathizing colored nersons gave them lodging and foad. Mrs. Oglcsby made the girl beg, Carole- May told the police. Chief Skinner turned the little one ivef to a oicrhic." with instructions to 'fit her out." Carrie May Oghiby vas a perfect little doll of a girl when .he returned to the officers, who pet ted her and made a "big fuss" over her. She is Intelligent, demure and would make a nifty moving picture iXin rNC frfeericiS. heroine; Carrie May hftA hM real life experience such as the child movie ; etors never have,; though, Sh'$ Joift ed the rollicking, numerically srrong l id community in the Skinner home r.a.d is as happy ns one can be when e :, dojui't know here one's mama la. i-":innc'r says that Carrie May will no back to Mrs. OgkiSby when she is j- opared to care ifor ibver m wheii a .irt orders him to- give her up. DRINKS LYE, SUCCUMBS Washington, Nov. 30. Sergeant I Valtor H.PenIy, U. S. A., died t , Walter fteed Hospital this morning m ., rosult of drinking. Hquld' IsoM, ft iaa ;uu mm lft beneath a batih tub .1 s , ... ,. : : ..S in mo imapnai, reoiy, n wa swo, was roitirne from thy. PltUpi end takt-a to tha hospital, toK-obaajrvv-tion us to his mental condition, apt; was supposed to be kept vndr. ajj voillancs at all tinies, te cqoer Taji informed. HERBERT STANIWMG. as the dentist m 1 ii r V.v. ' FR.irc ixcrr Chiei' uir:ctcr-r PalksPcr-.r.c :r .Is. . '. 0,iil f; "fry ' Pal I as -ParUHTjCw vt Jrtcturei g The Gerttiftman frorh jnduMttrj 4. I!" Ill I . tfi, - '

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